  • 1. Mike Willbanks Blog: Twitter : mwillbanks IRC : lubs Talk: Handling Database Deployment ZendCon Unconference 2009

2. What We'll Cover (and not cover)

  • The [Somewhat] Prerequisites

3. Why Use Database Change Management 4. Why To Not Use Database Abstraction Layer Migrations

  • Even You Doctrine!

DBDeploy and LiquiBase

  • How It Works (under the hood)

5. Basic Syntax 6. Recommended Structure 7. The [Somewhat] Prerequisites

  • You should be using an issue tracking system.

8. You should be using source code management. 9. You already know how you are deploying your code. 10. Why Database Change Management

  • Do you version your code?Same reasons apply to database deltas (or change sets).

11. Deltas typically are a part of a code change. 12. Ensures the correlation between code revisions. 13. Allows the automation of changes. 14. Ensure you are keeping environments consistent. 15. Allows for reverting back to previous versions (some voodoo magic may be required). 16. The Traditional Way - #fail

  • Developer writes code and applies database change locally.

17. Developer forgets to note change on bug tracking ticket or notify anyone of the change or DBA misses the change, etc. 18. Code deployment and database deployment happens. 19. System is broken... #fail 20. Developer attempts to figure out what happened, oops factor. 21. A Better Way

  • Developer writes code and writes a database delta.

22. Developer tests changes locally. 23. Code and Database Delta is committed against a ticket (or at least together). 24. Pre-Deployment Database Changes are Applied. 25. Code Deployment is pushed out. 26. Post-Deployment Database Changes are Applied. 27. System === happiness. 28. Some ProcessTheory Simplified

  • Database Pre-Deployment
  • Apply database changes compatible with current code, in preparation for new code.

29. Essentially, do not break what is already out there. Code Deployment

  • No more detail needed.

Database Post-Deployment

  • Clean up database that was compatible with old code and /or migrate to fulfill new requirements.

30. Database Abstraction Migrations

  • Many do not support pre and post migrations.

31. If you change your abstraction layer, you must change your migration logic. 32. Example Case:

  • Code Deployment
  • Database Migrations Run on 1 stMachine

33. What about the n+1 machines?! #fail 34. DBDeploy :

  • Java based solution - #port anyone?

35. Utilizes SQL delta files. 36. Handles undo within the delta file.

  • If using Ant Issue #29 :)

Utilizes different table names to handle different deployments. 37. Queries the database for what has not been applied and generates a SQL file to apply towards the database. 38. DBDeploy : Getting Started

  • Install Java 1.5+

39. Download DBDeploy (Obvious) 40. Download your Java Connector 41. We will be using the command line version (rather than ant for this talk)

  • It is kind of a blackbox :)

42. DBDeploy : Initial Setup

  • Under scripts, install the SQL file for your database
  • Ensure you run this twice with 2 different database names.I suggest creating a pre and post changelog table.

Put the Java Connector somewhere that you can reference it. 43. DBDeploy : The Command Line

  • java -cp [path/to/driver]:dbdeploy-cli-3.0M2.jar com.dbdeploy.CommandLineTarget
  • Relevant Parameters:
  • -D | --driver Database Driver

44. -d | --dbms Database Type 45. -s | --scriptdirectory 46. -o | --outputfile Output File 47. -u | --url DB URL 48. -U | --userid DB Username 49. -P | --password DB Password 50. -t | --changeLogTableName 51. DBDeploy : Writing a Script

  • Files run in the format of:
  • 001, 002, 003... with .sql on the end.

52. You can add a comment on the file name:

  • 001_created_test_table.sql

Put in your delta, then for handling an undo, put in a comment in the format of:

  • CREATE TABLE `xyz` (id INTEGER); --//@UNDO DROP TABLE `xyz`;

Save this file to a directory of the type of script:

  • You did do pre and post changelog right?

53. DBDeploy : An Example

  • java -cp mysql-connector-java-5.1.10-bin.jar:dbdeploy-cli-3.0M2.jar com.dbdeploy.CommandLineTarget -Dcom.mysql.jdbc.Driver -dmysql -sexample/ -u"jdbc:mysql://localhost/uncon2009_db" -Uuncon2009 -P***** -tchangelog_pre --outputfile deploy.sql
  • This will create the deploy.sql file to apply to your database.

54. Let's watch this command, understand the output and look at the script. 55. DBDeploy : The Output dbdeploy 3.0M2 Reading change scripts from directory /home/mwillbanks/presentations/zendcon-uncon-2009-db-deployments/bin/dbdeploy/example... Changes currently applied to database: (none) Scripts available: 1, 2 To be applied: 1, 2 56. DBDeploy : Questions?

  • Any questions on DBDeploy, how it works and anything I may have missed before we go on?

57. LiquiBase :

  • Java based solution - #port anyone?

58. Utilizes XML Files for Changesets 59. Handles undo within the changeset. 60. Utilizes a single table with a primary key on the id, author and filename. 61. Queries the database for what has not been applied and applies the different SQL. 62. Very well documented unlike DBDeploy. 63. LiquiBase : Getting Started

  • Install Java 1.5+

64. Download LiquiBase (Obvious) 65. Download your Java Connector 66. We will be using the command line version

  • This command line version is full featured.

67. LiquiBase : Initial Setup

  • Put the Java Connector somewhere that you can reference it (usually in the lib folder)

68. That's pretty much all you need initially, besides extracting the tar ball :) 69. LiquiBase : The Command Line

  • ./liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --changeLogFile=../sql/pre-deployment.xml --username=uncon2009 --password=****** --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/uncon2009_db
  • Relevant Commands:
  • migrate applies change sets for migration

70. rollback to a tag 71. rollbackToDate rollback to a date 72. generateChangeLog useful to create the initial version of the change log. 73. changeLogSync mark all changes as ran. 74. markNextChangeSetRan mark next change as ran. 75. LiquiBase : Generating a Script

  • Files run in XML files
  • You can include them from a file or keep all changes in a single file.

Run the command: 76. ./liquibase --driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver --changeLogFile=sql/pre.xml --username=uncon2009 --password=****** --url="jdbc:mysql://localhost/uncon2009_db generateChangeLog 77. This saves the file to the area specified. 78. LiquiBase : Writing a Change Log

  • All change logs must define the XML schema:

79. Each change log starts with changeLog: 80. LiquiBase : The Internals

  • LiquiBase creates tables called:
  • DATABASECHANGELOG this handles all of the changes, each change has a primary key on id, author and filename.
  • This table also creates an MD5 of each change set, so do not change a changeset unless it has an error and will not run :)

DATABASECHANGELOCK locks to ensure you are not executing the same change sets. 81. LiquiBase : Examples of Migration

  • Running through the pre deployment file.

82. Running through the post deployment file. 83. LiquiBase : Pre-Deployment File 84. LiquiBase : Post-Deployment File 85. Conclusion

  • Use something to manage your database deployments.
  • There are tools, even more than mentioned here.

Ensure you can handle pre and post deployments.

  • They are important!

Read the manuals of each system

  • There is a bunch of items I didn't cover.

Slides will be posted with examples sometime today.

  • Both on my blog and I'll update the information to reference the presentation.

86. Mike Willbanks Blog: Twitter : mwillbanks IRC : lubs Talk: Questions?
