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Version V1, 21.11.2018, Office

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1. handbook ............................................................................................. 4

2. First steps....................................................................................................................... 4

2.1. Checklist for first-time users of ...................................................... 4

2.2. Further information on the service ........................................................................... 4

3. Searching the catalogue (metadata catalogue) .............................................................. 5

3.1. Nice to know............................................................................................................ 5

3.2. Search dimensions .................................................................................................. 5

3.3. Searches in different languages .............................................................................. 5

3.4. Boolean operators ................................................................................................... 5

3.5. Wildcards ................................................................................................................ 5

3.6. List of hits and filters ................................................................................................ 6

3.7. Service types ........................................................................................................... 6

4. Download service ........................................................................................................... 8

4.1. Nice to know............................................................................................................ 8

4.2. Access .................................................................................................................... 8

4.3. Functionalities ......................................................................................................... 8

4.3.1. Selected data excerpt ....................................................................................... 9

4.3.2. Selected time span ........................................................................................... 9

4.3.3. Search window ................................................................................................10

4.4. Download ...............................................................................................................10

4.5. Creating and sharing lists .......................................................................................11

4.6. Additional instructions on the download service .....................................................12

5. Web services .................................................................................................................13

5.1. Nice to know...........................................................................................................13

5.2. (First-time) registration on the HSR portal for ...............................13

5.2.1. Inactive user accounts .....................................................................................14

5.3. Access to HSR geoservices ...................................................................................14

5.3.1. Set up connection (ArcGIS Desktop) ...............................................................15

5.3.2. Set up connection (ArcGIS Pro) ......................................................................16

5.3.3. Set-up connection (QGIS) ...............................................................................17

5.4. Incorporating data ..................................................................................................17

5.4.1. Incorporating data with ArcGIS Desktop ..........................................................17

5.4.2. Incorporating data with ArcGIS Pro .................................................................19

5.4.3. Incorporating data with QGIS (Beta) ................................................................20

5.5. Connecting to the ArcGIS server ............................................................................22

5.6. Creating and sharing maps ....................................................................................22

6. Support .........................................................................................................................25

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6.1. Nice to know...........................................................................................................25

6.2. Scope of the support ..............................................................................................25

7. Terms of use of ...................................................................................26

8. Contact ..........................................................................................................................29

release notes

21.11.2018 version 1.0 final

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1. handbook, the national portal for geodata in teaching and research, facilitates direct

access to federal and cantonal geodata for students and staff of Swiss universities. Access

authorisation for the data is contingent upon your own university’s participation and an AAI

login account.

This handbook describes the search and both types of access – browser-based download

access and access via web service with the user software ArcGIS for Desktop. Detailed

information is provided on website, in the FAQs and in the access-specific aids (HSR Portal

Handbook for, Walkthrough Downloadservice).

2. First steps

2.1. Checklist for first-time users of

Please check whether you fulfil the following preliminary work criteria and conditions prior to

using the download or web services:

o Your university is an associate participant in

o You have a valid university account (SWITCHaai, attribute edupersonaffiliation with

status member, staff or student)

o You use a current browser (recommended: Chrome)

o You know the Terms of use

o You know where to find the FAQs and Support contact form

Additionally, for using the web service (HSR portal for

o For first-time users, a routine in the background grants the necessary rights to be able

to access the data. This may take 30 minutes.

o You have a GIS program (ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS)

o Overview document on the functionalities in ArcGIS (ArcMap)

2.2. Further information on the service

First steps (overview of catalogue and services)


Data access (incl. tutorial videos download service)

Overview of web services functionalities (pdf)

Web services handbook (pdf)

Contact source suppliers

Contact form

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3. Searching the catalogue (metadata catalogue)

3.1. Nice to know

Multilingual searches (search terms in D, F, E)

Direct access to the two services from the list of hits

Different service types, depending on application case

The search function in the metadata catalogue is publicly accessible. The

search terms can be entered via the search field. The search terms can include titles of

datasets, keywords or topics.

3.2. Search dimensions

All geodata in can be searched for in the three search dimensions “content”,

“zone” and “time”. The three search dimensions can be combined to optimise the search hits.

3.3. Searches in different languages

By default, the search language is set according to the page’s selected language. By default,

search requests are also checked for possible synonyms in other languages via an indexed

list in the background. If a German term is entered, for instance, the corresponding term is

also searched for in English and French and vice-versa (more on multilingual searches under

technical details).

The search language can be set manually next to the search field to search in another


3.4. Boolean operators

Searches can be narrowed down using what are known as Boolean operators. These must

be written in capital letters. Without operators, the search terms are automatically combined

with AND.

AND: all the search terms combined with AND must appear in the hits. AND enables

the number of hits to be narrowed down.

OR: at least one of the search terms combined with OR must appear in the hits. OR

enables the number of hits to be expanded.

3.5. Wildcards

“”: If you would like search for a phrase (word group or character sequence), put it in

quotation marks.

*: * and can be used as a wildcard for searches: * is a wildcard for no to several characters

(included in searches by default)

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#: the hashtag overrides the wildcard (*) automatically included – e.g. #road searches only

for road and not roads, road traffic, etc.

3.6. List of hits and filters

The list of hits includes all the hits found for the search term. The hits contain references to

the source suppliers, the terms of use, the coordination system, a brief abstract, etc. The

metadata is displayed in the language in which it was supplied by the source supplier or

service (usually German or English).

Various filter functions (e.g. service type, data format, time span, etc.) can be used to narrow

down the number of hits.

Figure 1: Filters in

3.7. Service types

The following data access types are available:

- DownloadService

Access to dataset via browser, selection and download of data excerpts; no GIS

software required

- ImageService [web services]

Grid data published as an ESRI web service (e.g. swissimage, national maps, pixel

maps); ArcGIS Desktop / ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS online required

- FeatureService [web services]

Vector data published as an ESRI web service (e.g. swissTLM3D), contains

attributes, facilitates alterations and analyses; GIS software required (ArcGIS, QGIS)

- MapService [web services]

Vector data published as an ESRI web service (e.g. swissTLM3D), without attributes,

pure visualisation; GIS software required (ArcGIS, QGIS)

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- WMS [Webservices]

OGC-compliant WebMapService for the visualisation of grid and vector data; GIS

software required (e.g. ArcGIS, QGIS)

- csv collection [web services]

Data tables for download (e.g. GEOSTAT); no GIS software required

The respective dataset in the highlighted service can then be accessed directly from the list

of hits (download service and web services).

Figure 2: Detailed view with call-to-action buttons (ArcGIS access / browser access) for access to the two services.

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4. Download service

4.1. Nice to know

Access via browser, no data analysis possible in browser (only visualisation and


Size of the possible data excerpt depends on layer (remove unnecessary layers from

the selection!)

Searches within the download service possible (search field at top edge)

Depending on the dataset, different time spans/publication years available

Data excerpts and download list can be shared with other users

Data access via the download service is browser-based. The geodata sets available can be

displayed directly in the browser and (depending on the dataset) narrowed down to individual

layers, a particular resolution or a particular time span. The excerpt selected can be

downloaded for further processing in your own GIS program.

4.2. Access

Figure 3: Detailed view of a dataset in the metadata catalogue. “Download service” is indicated as the service type; the dataset can be accessed via the “browser access” button.

Once the desired dataset has been found, you can connect to the browser via the “browser

access” button. After clicking on the link in the search catalogue, the login window will

appear. Here, the user needs to accept the terms of use with a tick and then log in via the

SWITCHaai authentication window with their user name and password. The selected dataset

will then be displayed in the browser.

4.3. Functionalities

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The download browser offers the user a series of functionalities.

4.3.1. Selected data excerpt

The data excerpt can either be selected and positioned using the green extent box or the

exact coordinates can be entered under “Select extent”.

Figure 4: Defining the extent either via the green selection box or in the extent layer by entering the perimeters.

The possible excerpt size for download is restricted due to technical requirements. The

selected area and the maximum possible area for download for the individual datasets is

indicated under Extent > Select Extent.

It is possible to include the adjacent area around the defined extent automatically for the

download (see Chap. 4.4.).

4.3.2. Selected time span

If several time spans are available for a dataset, the time span (year of issue) can be

selected individually for every selected dataset via the “Time Controls” window.

Please note that only the corresponding data available (publication year) will be displayed for

a selected time span. This can result in large areas in the display remaining empty

(especially for aerial photographs and maps).

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Figure 5: Time controls table in the download service

4.3.3. Search window

Using the search field in the upper section of the image, you can search for specific places,

coordinates and datasets. Coordinates can be entered in the reference frames LV03, LV95

and WGS84 (e.g. “8.03, 46.00”).

4.4. Download

All the datasets available for download are listed under Layers > Select Datasets. The

datasets can be activated and deactivated again at will by placing a tick.

After the excerpt/extent for the layer has been determined as desired (see 4.3.1. Selecting

data excerpt), the dataset/layer can be added by clicking on the scissor symbol on the

download list.

You have the option of selecting only the extent marked in green or extracting the adjacent

area of the same excerpt size automatically.

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Figure 6: Clipping the defined extent (individually or multiple).

Every dataset can be added to the download list individually or all the selected datasets can

be added at once with the command “Get all”. The data excerpts deposited in the download

list can now be requested using the “Request file” command. The data will then be available

for download. The data’s output format can be selected in the detailed view.

Figure 7: Detailed view of the selected dataset in the download list. The reference system and data format can be stipulated before downloading via projection and output format.

4.5. Creating and sharing lists

Clipping the green selection area and

pasting it in the download list

Clipping the green selection area plus

adjacent area (9x selected extent) and

pasting it in the download list.

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The download service offers the option of saving and sharing the extents and download lists

you have created.

The saved extents and lists can be shared with researchers and students. This is contingent

upon the email address being the official email address of the university member, this person

having a SWITCHaai account and the university being a member of

The recipient is informed of the extents/lists shared when he or she next logs on to the

download platform. No message is sent to the email address.

4.6. Additional instructions on the download service

Detailed instructions on using the download services under First steps and Walkthrough

download service.

Figure 8: Sharing extent lists or download lists via email

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5. Web services

5.1. Nice to know

Log-in routine to allocate rights during first-time log-in (duration: max. 30 min.), set

up portal access (ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Pro)

Visualising, analysing, combining and processing data directly in the personal GIS


Reference scale 1:100,000; the data is not visible with smaller scales (-> “Zoom to

make visible”)

The latest time span for the data (updated every six months, depending on


Compiling your own maps and sharing in groups possible (Collaborative work)

Overview document on the functionalities in ArcGIS (ArcMap)

Access is reset after 12 months of inactivity

5.2. (First-time) registration on the HSR portal for

In order to receive access authorisation for the HSR portal for geodata4edu (basis for the web services), an authorised user must register under With “Using Your AAI Login Account”, the user can

register with his or her university account. This registration grants the user access

authorisation to the HSR geoservices, but not yet to the data. This is activated by the system

after a maximum time interval of 30 minutes.

A page where the user can select his or her own university then appears. In order to select

the university (active icon), the terms of use must be confirmed first.

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The user is redirected to the log-in window of his or her institution. The user then needs to

enter his or her user account and password here. He or she is then directed to the HSR


Figure 9: Title page of the HSR portal for geodata4edu

5.2.1. Inactive user accounts

If user accounts remain inactive for more than a year, they are deleted by the system

administrator, provided that the user account does not display any content (geodata,

services, files, etc...). For accounts with content that are not used for over a year, the user

will be asked whether the user account can be deleted.

Users with deleted user accounts can re-register at any time.

5.3. Access to HSR geoservices

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In order to receive access to the data on the HSR portal for geodata4edu with ArcGIS for

Desktop or ArcGIS Pro, the application must be connected to HSR services.

5.3.1. Set up connection (ArcGIS Desktop)

By default, the ArcGIS Online Portal is connected to ArcGIS for Desktop. This standard

setting must be altered so a user can be connected to the HSR portal for geodata4edu. This

change is made in the ArcGIS administrator.

The ArcGIS administrator is accessed under Windows Start or in the ArcGIS program folder.

The important thing is to close all ArcGIS applications beforehand; otherwise, the settings

cannot be saved. Then select the “Advanced” button in the ArcGIS administrator

and choose “Manage Portal Connection”.

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The URL address for the HSR portal can then be added with the “Add” button.

Click on OK and the HSR portal for geodata4edu URL address will be added to the portal

connections. Select the address to activate the “Connect” button. Click on

“Connect” and then save the configuration with “Save”.

The connection to the portal can then be created via “Sign in” and data loaded onto ArcGIS


5.3.2. Set up connection (ArcGIS Pro)

The HSR portal for geodata4edu connection is made directly in ArcGIS Pro. To do so, the

portal administrator must be selected in the settings (Project – > Portals) and the URL added under “Add Portal”. The portal then needs to be

defined as an active portal (right-click-> Set as active portal).

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5.3.3. Set-up connection (QGIS)

No Set-up in QGIS necessary (see 5.4.3).

5.4. Incorporating data

Datasets offered via web services can be incorporated directly in the preferred GIS program.

As most services use a reference scale of 1:100,000, a scale of 1:100,000 or larger needs to

be selected to view the data in GIS.

5.4.1. Incorporating data with ArcGIS Desktop

The HSR portal web services can be accessed under “Add Data” via “Add Data from ArcGIS

Portal…” A dialogue field will then appear to select the desired geodata (own groups ->

source supplier; or via the search bar).

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Figure 10: Add Data in ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap)

Alternatively, what is known as a “pitem file”, which opens the dataset directly in ArcMap, can

be downloaded from the desired dataset in the metadata catalogue on via

the button “ArcGIS access”.

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5.4.2. Incorporating data with ArcGIS Pro

The data from the HSR portal can be found in ArcGIS Pro via the tab “Map” -> “Add data”.

Then select “Portal” -> “Groups” and the source supplier in the dialogue field that appears.

Alternatively, additional datasets can be searched for in the search bar.

Figure 12: Incorporating data from the HSR portal in ArcGIS Pro.

Figure 11: Detailed view in the metadata catalogue with the button “ArcGIS access” and the downloaded pitem file

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5.4.3. Incorporating data with QGIS (Beta)

Warning: The QGIS access is still under development, access is not yet available for all data

(currently only Feature Services / vector data)

In order to access the data on the HSR portal for geodata4edu with QGIS, a Basic Auth

connection to the HSR web services must be established. To do this, the desired service

must be selected in the search and the link "QGIS access"


Figure 13: Detailansicht im Metadatenkatalog mit Button "QGIS access“

A login window will be opened where the username/password of the users university account

has to be entered. The user name must be entered with the domain name of the institution,

e.g. for the HSR "hsr\mustermax", for the ETHZ "ethz\mustermax" or for the ZHAW


The following institutions are currently available: eawag, empa, epfl, ethz, hsr, psi, unibe,

unifr, unil, uzh, zhaw.

Figure 14: Login window „QGIS access”

Afterwards you have to agree to the terms of use.

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In the following browser window the URL can be copied in the address bar.

Note: In order to access the service view, the "QGIS access" button in the catalogue must be

activated again (if this access is used for the first time).

Figure 15: Copy the URL of the selected service

In QGIS, paste the copied URL via the "ArcGISFeatureServer" connection under "New


Double-click on the layer to establish the connection and enter the username/password


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5.5. Connecting to the ArcGIS server

For certain functionalities (e.g. data export via Replica) in ArcGIS, a connection to the

portal’s ArcGIS server is required.

Open the menu “Add ArcGIS Server” in the ArcCatalog (or in the catalogue window in

ArcMap), then select use “Use GIS services”.

In ArcGIS Pro, the “Connections” -> “New ArcGIS Server” window must be selected in the

tab “Insert”.

The server URLs to be used:

5.6. Creating and sharing maps

Web services enable groups and maps to be created and shared via

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IMPORTANT: heed the terms of use (see Chap. 7)!

5.6.1. Creating a group

The prerequisite for creating and sharing is a defined group that has been created

beforehand. Users either already have the necessary rights (granted by a lecturer/course

trainer, for instance) or they create a group themselves to be able to save and share maps

on the portal.

A group is created on the HSR portal via the browser (“Groups” -> “Create a Group”).

5.6.2. Creating and sharing a map in ArcMap

Publish map via tab “File” -> “Approve as…” -> “Service…”. The map must have a title,

description and tags, and be assigned to a group where the users have publication rights.

Figure 16: Sharing a map in ArcMap.

5.6.3. Creating and sharing a map in ArcMap Pro

In ArcGIS, the map can be shared via the tab “Share” -> “Web Map”. The map must have a

title, description and tags, and be assigned to a group where the users have publication


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Figure 17: Sharing a map as a web map in ArcGIS Pro

5.6.4. Creating and sharing a map in ArcMap Online

A new map can then be created via “Map” and data from web services loaded with “Add…” -

> “Search for Layers”. Alternatively, additional data from the web or data you have compiled

yourself can also be used. The map is saved via “Save”.

Figure 18: A example map approved via’s web services

In order to share (e.g. in the previously created group), the map must be shared under “My

Content” and approved for the corresponding group. Furthermore, the map must have a title,

description and tags.

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6. Support

6.1. Nice to know

Support is available to all users.

Contact via contact form

Response time to queries: max. one working day (service times Mon.– Fri., 10:00 -


Content-related support on, no support on application issues or

search requests outside

Fault reports under Notifications and via Twitter

6.2. Scope of the support’s support service can either be reached via the contact form on the website

or directly at [email protected]. The service times are Mon.-Fri. between 10:00

and 16:00. offers end users from the participating institutions support on technical

problems and questions on searching and accessing the datasets. We would be glad to help

with the use and operation up to and with the provision of data via the services for further

processing in GIS programs.

More in-depth questions regarding analysis options within the GIS systems and search

questions regarding unavailable datasets from other providers as Swiss federal and cantonal

offices cannot currently be processed and should be addressed to the specialists from your

own institution.

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7. Terms of use of

Status: 12 September 2018

Use of data from


The geodata provided may be used only for teaching and research purposes within one’s

own institution, being is an associate member of Use of the geodata or

parts thereof for purposes other than those specified herein (especially commercial

purposes) requires separate contractual arrangements.

Transfer to third parties

Geodata or geodetic products may not be transferred to third parties, including other

universities. When transferring data within one’s own university, it is necessary to ensure that

all users are familiar with these terms of use. In the case of research projects conducted in

collaboration with third parties, the associated participants must first obtain appropriate

written authorisation from the licence supplier of the geodata in question.


Storage of the geodata provided on unprotected, anonymous servers and on unattended

data carriers is forbidden. The original data must be deleted immediately after completing the

training or research project or when one’s institution terminates the contract with

Conditions of reproduction

Results based on the data provided may be reproduced without further clarifications as

follows provided they are purely for teaching or research purposes:

Digital reproduction: Extracts with a maximum size of 2 million pixels as static images or PDF

files in original scale with a maximum format of DIN A3, printouts from websites for personal

use only.

Analog reproduction: Scale 1:1, enlarged or reduced, monochrome or polychrome, maximum

format of DIN A3 and maximum number of 500 copies.

Publications are permitted without further permission in research papers and scientific works

(seminar papers, diploma theses, master’s theses, dissertations, teaching material, etc.) with

a maximum number of 500 copies.

Reproductions which exceed the aforementioned specifications require the permission of the

licence supplier. The precise terms of use must be taken from the metadata of the individual


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Special written authorisation is required from and the licence supplier in the

following case:

Integration of into web applications

Citing sources and authorisation

A clear and visible source note of the geodata used must be stated on all reproductions

(analog and digital) in accordance with the data owners’ terms of use. The precise terms of

use must be taken from the metadata of the individual datasets.


Users are fully liable for any harm they cause in the event of non-compliance with the licence

supplier’s terms of use due to incorrect dealing, unauthorised transfer or unauthorised use of


The license supplier and cannot guarantee the correctness, up-to-dateness,

completeness or accuracy of the data.

Data protection

Users are fully responsible for the fact that the data is processed only within the framework of

the data protection provisions. reserves the right to store personal data (access time, datasets, etc.) for the

purpose of evaluation and anonymised statistics as well as for traceability in the event of

misuse. Personal data will not be transferred to third parties or used for marketing purposes

except in cases permitted by law or on request from the contact person at

one’s own institution.

Other provisions

The terms of use are based on the data use agreements between the associated participants

and the licence supplier. The precise terms of use must be taken from the metadata of the

individual datasets. In all other respects the terms of the Federal Act on Geoinformation (SR

510.62) and the Photogrammetric Survey Ordinance of 21 May 2008 (SR 510.626), as

amended, apply, along with any other licence suppliers’ additional terms.

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Storage, release and use of user content in the HSR portal for

The following special terms of use apply to the storage, release and use of user content via

the HSR portal for

Content is subject to the applicable terms of use of

The owners of groups and shared content agree to the terms of use (particularly articles 1(a)

to 1(d) and 1(f) to 1(h)) for their content. Content released by other end users is likewise

subject to the above terms of use (articles 1(a) to 1(d) and 1(f) to 1(h)). More extensive

authorisations – e.g. forwarding or reproduction – must be clarified directly with the owner.

The persons responsible for reserve the right to remove elements and

groups which have no reference to geographical information.

Compliance with copyright provisions

Copyrighted materials may not be published unless express permission has been granted in

writing to do so. This includes but is not restricted to maps, layers, services, text, photos,

images and screen recordings.

Participation at one’s own responsibility

Owners of content and groups are responsible for all data which they have released under

their user names. Shared content is therefore used at one’s own risk (particularly compliance

with the terms of use, sustained availability of content).

Forms of behaviour and measures taken in the event of infringement

The usual, respectful forms of behaviour apply. Obscene, racist or discriminatory terms and

formulations are prohibited when describing groups and content and will be deleted by the

persons responsible for without warning.

The persons responsible for reserve the right to advise end users of

incorrect behaviour. In the event of repeated infringement the office may

report the incorrect behaviour to the relevant contact person of the relevant university and

after a deadline of 48 hours exclude the end user in question from access to

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8. Contact office

ETH Zurich

ETH Library


Rämistrasse 101

8092 Zurich

[email protected]
