
Increase your reading speed in 20 minutes ‘Paper format’

Hanadi Khadawardi 22/02/2014

Presentation Notes

What goes into your mind when you have to read a massive amount of information

What would you be able to do if you could read a little bit faster

More free time Achieve a lot More confident Much more control of what is happening More information Understand the text more quickly. Much more relaxed

We will… Measure your reading speed Increase your reading speed Improve your reading efficiency and effectiveness Enable you to manage information more

effectively Learn new reading strategies and acquire some

techniques to practice Slash time spent reading

Presentation Notes

Activity 1 OPEN the book at random; CHOOSE one line and PUT a little mark by one line When you hear the beep, READ from that mark and

keep going until you hear another beep DON'T try to speed read. Just read normally so we can

find your present reading level; When you hear the second beep, STOP right away and

MARK the end of the line where you stopped.

Okay, now for some MATH: COUNT the number of words in ten lines and write that down; now DIVIDE that number by 10. That is the average number of words per

line. Write it down;

now COUNT the number of lines you read and write it on a piece of paper. Write it down;

MULTIPLY that number by the number of words per line, and you have roughly how many words you read. Write down the number you get;

you read for three minutes. DIVIDE the total numbers of words you read by 3 and you have your words-per-minute;

WRITE it down.

Assessing your findings 150 wpm

250 wpm

400 wpm 600 wpm

1000 wpm

=Insufficient/slow =Average general reader =Good reader =Above average =Excellent/ World Championship

What factors make us slow readers? word-by-word reading, excessive fixation

Vocalization, moving your lips while reading

Subvocalization: Talking to yourself in your head as you read silently

Inefficient eye movements

Regression, needless or unconscious rereading,

lack of practice in reading—especially large amounts

fear of losing comprehension

poor evaluation of which aspects are important and which are unimportant

the effort to remember everything rather than to remember selectively

Distractors: Watching TV, eating, interruptions, etc.

Lack of reading practice

interest • Daydreaming • Lack of interest • Daydreaming • Worrying about other problems • Worrying about other problems

What strategies do we need to speed our reading?

1- Know what you look for Ask yourself…..

Why am I reading this in the first place?

What do I already know?

What do I need to find out?


Presentation Notes

2- Avoid Vocalization & Sub vocalization


Practice until the pencil remains still;

Suck a sweet to stop yourself ‘talking’;

3- Reduce Fixation time

Using a pacer

you may also find that you can increase the number of words read by holding the text a little further from your eyes

Chunking/Clustring; Read 3-5 words at a time; break sentences into logical thought groups.


4- Reduce skip back Don’t skip back Be confident Believe that you won’t lose much Place a paper above you have read.


5- Listen to music


Gentle but not so gentle that it puts you to sleep; No words; The volume should be fairly low and unobtrusive

Ex. Mozart Chopin Vivaldi Beethoven Bach Schubert Ludovico Einaudi

5- Practice The best way to improve your reading speed is to read more often;

Observe the times when you read fast and when you read slow;

Try reading for 15 minutes a day every day for 30 days;

time yourself;

Set it slightly faster each time.

Presentation Notes

Summary of Strategies

1. Know what you look for; 2. Stop vocalization & Sub vocalization; 3. Make fewer fixations per line,

Chunking/Clustring, and concentrate on key words;

4. Reduce skip back; 5. Listen to music 6. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!

Welcome you in my next training course “How to read an online book in 20 minutes”

Hanadi Khadawardi

[email protected]
