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Bollywood comes to Hall MeadHall Mead had a taste of India on 17th June when pupils in Year 8received the Bollywood experience. The whole day was taken upwith a carousel of activities that introduced pupils to aspects of theBollywood culture of India. Pupils were in form groups movingfrom workshop to workshop, taking part in activities such asBhangra and Bollywood dancing, Bollywood percussion music,Henna patterns, clothing and costume, as well as watching aBollywood film premiere. Hannah Goodwin in 8DS said, “I didenjoy the Bollywood Day as it was a great to see other cultures inthe school. The best part of the day for me was the Hennaworkshop. I loved designing my own Henna and it was great tosee everyone else’s styles. I also enjoyed the Bollywood dancing –it was great fun to see my classmates dance! Overall, I reallyappreciated the work that was put into the day and I believe Ibenefitted from the experience, as now I understand a bit moreabout the history of Indian culture”. Bollywood is the name givento the Mumbai-based Hindi-language film industry in India. Whencombined with other Indian film industries (Tamil, Telugu, Bengali,Malayalam, Kannada), it is considered to be the largest in theworld in terms of number of films produced, and maybe also thenumber of tickets sold. The term Bollywood was created by mixingBombay (the city now called Mumbai) and Hollywood (the famouscentre of the United States film industry). The point of the day wasto have fun but also to educate pupils about other cultures,although Hall Mead already has a number of students of Indianheritage. We aim to celebrate all cultures at the school, whether itis celebrating the Saints’ days for the home nations, Chinese NewYear or the diversity of cultures performing at the World Cup.

This is just one of the many things we do at Hall Mead, both inand out of lessons, to widen pupils’ outlook, help them to thinkglobally and to see the benefits of living in a diverse country. Lookout also for the Hall Mead Community Cookbook coming soonwhich is full of delicious recipes from shepherd’s pie to traditionalIcelandic fish cakes.

For more pictures of the Year 8 Bollywood Day visit the schoolwebsite at

Mr J. HalesHead of Every Child Matters Faculty

HallmeadiaSUMMER 2010

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Welcome to this year’s final edition of ‘Hallmeadia’. We have had a number ofchallenges to deal with this year what with Swine Flu, snow closures, theinfamous ash cloud and of course England’s untimely departure from theWorld Cup! However, the students’ successes have continued to multiplythanks to their hard work, the support of our parents and the dedication ofstaff and governors. I would like to thank you all for the valuable contributionyou have made to Hall Mead School this year. As ever, we say goodbye tosome valued colleagues at the end of the year and we wish them well in theirnew careers or retirement. Full details will be in the end of term newsletter. I hope you enjoy reading about yet more of the students’ achievements andthat you you have an enjoyable and refreshing summer holiday.

Simon LondonHeadteacher

2010 is the 50th Anniversary of the opening of Hall Mead School

On Saturday 10th July, the School opened its doors to welcome back pupils,parents and staff both past and present. Events included a performance

by the Community Choir, Bollywood dancing, 50 yards of cake, a performanceby Mr. Whiteman’s band and many other activities. We hope that you were

able to join us and that you will look out for the pictures in the first‘Hallmeadia’ of next term.

Havering Science &Technology ChallengeOn the 9th of June 12 year 9 pupils went to theHavering 6th Form College to represent Hall Mead atthe annual Havering Science and Technology challengeday. Two of our pupils paired with two from a differentHavering School. They participated in three challengesduring the day which included bridge building, roboticsand designing a self righting buoy.

One of our pupils, Cameron Gillmore, won a challengeoutright with two pupils from Francis Bardsley and twoof our other pupils Jodie Briton and Owen Mundayalong with two pupils from Chafford School won thewhole event and will be going to the London Finals inthe Autumn.

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Jack Petchey AwardsSeptember ~ Matthew Mullen ~ Innovative fundraising

October ~ Georgie Lines-Burley ~ Conscientious work to improve grades

November ~ Martyn Brown ~ Providing support in extra curricular Latin classes

January ~ Amy Marren ~ Outstanding sporting achievement

February ~ Josephine Endean ~ Showing care and compassion towards others

March ~ Alfie Mandle ~ Long term charity fundraising

April ~ Samuel Wilkinson ~ Personal development and achievement

May ~ Emma Newman ~ Attending school and achieving well despite injury

June ~ Holly Conroy ~ Hard work and extraordinary support to others

LATIN ~ The Journey’s End by Martyn BrownAfter four years of learning Latin at Hall Mead School, the journey has come to an end. It hasbeen an enjoyable experience. As a new Language Club when I started in September 2006, I wasone of the first pupils and was there to trial a now successful learning experience. Learning Latinhas been different to a normal French or German lesson. The use of computers on InteractiveSoftware has allowed me to work at my own pace and learn at my own speed. From this, I havebeen able to create my own presentations and have now been able to teach my own lessons.This work resulted in me being presented with a Jack Petchey Award in November 2009. Byteaching one language, I have been able to teach myself at the same time as teaching others.Many people have found this an enjoyable way to learn. I hope to continue learning Latin afterleaving Hall Mead and all pupils are welcome to join us to learn in September.

Latin has been an amazing experience which will help me for many years to come.


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BERLIN15th - 22nd June 2010 saw the annualexchange visit to Berlin with 21 year7’s spending a week discovering Berlinand immersing themselves in Germanculture. The trip involved spending 4 nights living with German families,which for our year 7’s was bothchallenging and rewarding in equalmeasure. Our hosts at the PaulsenGymnasium helped to plan a wonderfulprogramme for our students, evenincluding a “public viewing” in theschool hall of Germany fighting it out inthe early stages of the World Cup! Thestudents got a taste for German historyand were given a true insight into life inBerlin. I’m sure many of them hope toreturn on later programmes as theymove up the school.

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PARISFrom 9th - 13th June 16 year 9’s and4 year 10’s undertook a trip to Pariswith the languages department. Aswell as taking in many of the famousParisian sights, we also visited ourpartner school, Lycée Honoré deBalzac for a day of interactive workwith the French students. The trip wasa rewarding and fun experience for alland the students taking part werenothing short of exceptional in theirbehaviour and enthusiasm.

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Our Year 7 pupils recently participatedin a National Competition called‘Endanger Rangers’. The workcompleted on endangered animalswas part of our Science Weekactivities and also preparation for ourannual Year 7 Science Trip toColchester Zoo. Entrants wererequired to design a posterhighlighting the plight of anendangered species together withaction that could be taken to protectthe species from extinction. Within theschool the standard of entry was veryhigh and the quality of our finalists’work was impressive.

The worthy winners of the schoolcompetition were Taisaiya Higgins,Thomas Mead and Jack Prior.

The Science Department

Year 7 ‘Endanger Ranger’ Science Competition

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Jason Bradbury’s visit to Hall Mead SchoolAs part of Hall Mead’s contribution to World Book Day,children’s science fiction writer and presenter of Channel

Five’s ‘The GadgetShow’, Jason Bradbury,visited the School andspoke to pupils. Year 7student William Lewiswon the prize for the best written report of the day.

His article is printed below and he chose Jason’s book ‘Atomic Swarm’as his prize.

Jason Bradbury’s visit was very interesting. When we arrived in the hall he had his robots on the stage and he told us their names.The one with really big spikes was called Punk and he was in the book called Atomic Swarm, written by Jason. ‘Atomic Swarm’ isthe second book written by Jason, his first is called Dot Robot and he is currently writing a third book which will be set in Japan.

Jason’s books are for both boys and girls who love technology. One of Punk’s roles in ‘Atomic Swarm’ was to save a girl and herdad from a great white shark who is trying to get into a cave they are hiding in. Punk is not sure what to do so he lets one of theother robots go into action first. Jason Bradbury is the sort of man who loves technology. He has tested gadgets all over the worldand is a presenter the Gadget Show. He has also tried out the newest video games, such as Call of Duty 6 and Modern Warfare 2.

He told us about his own inventions too, including a hover board. Towards the end of his visit he chose two year 8 pupils to helphim with a robot race. The two robots raced up the aisle in the middle of the seats. Each robot went up and back through the hall,one at a time. The crowd really enjoyed it. After his talk Jason stayed behind and signed 80 copies of his first book ‘Dot Robot’ forthe pupils. I bought a copy of the book and I am looking forward to reading it very soon! He took some great photographs whichhe posted onto his Twitter site, for everybody to see.

William Lewis 7WP

YEAR 10 WORK EXPERIENCEDuring Year 10 work experience in March, four pupils from Hall Mead were giventhe opportunity to work at the University of East London (UEL) to create a web-sitefor the Havering portal of Clickstart. Clickstart is a forum for ideas and support forpost 14 students and adults with additional needs in the community.

Jack Brien, James Chivers, Daniel Parrott and James Riley visited the campus twiceto liaise with staff, receive their brief and use the facilities for research and to recordvoice overs. Back at Hall Mead they continued with the website design, adding textand graphics, receiving guidance along the way from Martin McManus (AdvisoryTeacher KS4/Post 16, Learning Support for Havering) and Hall Mead staff Mrs.Busby and Mr. Milne.

The site is now up and running and can be visited at Haveringwas so pleased with the input of the pupils, they have been asked to present thewebsite at a seminar to other London Boroughs at the Government Office ofLondon, Millbank on 16 th July. They are to talk about how they created the websiteso the programme can be rolled out to other North and South London regions to aidtheir transition support programmes. We are very proud of you lads!

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YEAR 11 ~ 2010This year’s Year 11 Leavers’ Ball took place at Stockbrook Manor

and passed an enjoyable evening together wtime at Hall Mead. As ever, the

as their outfits and we wwith their GCS

summer atheir futu

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0 ~ THE PROMr on Wednesday 30th June. Students and staff donned their finery

with dining, dancing and chatting about their eir behaviour was as immaculate wish them every success SE results this as well as ure plans.

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MOCK TRIAL – Written by Jack Tawse (9DS) & Miss Banning

Following on from the last update we gave you in Hallmeadia, it was not the end for the Year 9 teamin the National Mock Trial competition. Despite losing out to Campion in the local heats, we receiveda phone call two weeks later to say that as the highest scoring runners up in the whole of the SouthEast, we were through to the South East Regional Heats at Hendon Magistrates Court in May.

Again we were to face our rivals Campion and 7 otherschools. Our defense team went first against CampionSchool. The competition had begun! We had prepared ournew case well (a harassment incident over Facebook) and as a result, our witnesseshandled their questions confidently and our lawyers threw back challenges to theopposing side. We were later told by the Judges that we were “articulate, precise”and worked well as a team. We left the first case feeling really confident that we hadscored 1-0. Next up was our Prosecution team against Enfield School for Girls. Wewere to perform the case of possession of a knife from our earlier heat, so we feltreally well prepared. However, this school were up for a fight! We performed well,

despite being thrown by a few of their questions; but when the Magistrate pulled us up on a timing issue in front of theother school, we feared that it might be those valuable points that may have cost us the title of Regional winners. Theresults were tense and it was announced that Enfield School, our tough competitors in Round 2 were the overall winners.We were really disappointed but there was a bit of good news. We came second overall out of eight schools and we had

beaten Campion by 20 points. Now who hadthe last laugh!!! As a further piece of successfor the team, Holly Conroy, one of the defenselawyers; was recently presented the JackPetchey award for her efforts in supporting theteam in the competition. She is now spendingher prize money on wigs and props for theLaw department; so that they can get evenmore into role in GCSE Law and the Mock Trialcompetition next year.

HANDS OF FRIENDSHIP: CELEBRATING DIVERSITYHall Mead is a diverse community of pupils, teachers and staff representingmany cultures and national traditions from many countries, although the largestgroup are English. We have started explicitly recognising this rich diversity at the school and we plan to extend this to reach our pupils’ parents in the nextacademic year by requesting that they lend artefacts representing their originsto the school for display. Our main aim is to appreciate, value and explore thedifferences and similarities between people and places. These efforts inpromoting Community Cohesion help children understand their own culture and beliefs as well as sharing their experiences and values. As you are aware, it broadens their views and enhances their ability to tolerate difference, relate topeople of different gender, ethnicity and culture. As a result, they learn to adapt better to the inevitably changingsociety round them and it helps them to profit from this additional source of human wealth. They become morewholesome and richer in their approach to life and their take up from life. Let ’s celebrate this amazing rainbow ofhumanity, made up of many different colours and lights with enthusiasm and excitement. We will all end up better-informed, more fulfilled and better-off.

Mrs Sefre Chair of Community Cohesion

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As I write this there are only three weeks left until we head off for Kenya. Following our visit to the area at Easter we came homedetermined to help the community that we visited. Conditions there are harsh for the children and their families.

Although I’ve been with teams on 5 previous occasions to work withchildren in need I have never witnessed poverty so extreme as that we sawat Solio. “If there is anything you can do, anything at all, please do it. We feel abandoned and you are the only people to come and offer help” You can imagine the impact this had on us when we met the schoolcommittee and they said this to us. I can’t describe to you the impact our‘Easter visit had on us. Each day I think about what we saw – 17,000 peopleabandoned on land in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a borehole –no homes, no food, no employment nearby;a community whodesperately want afuture for their children.Children are being

educated in tents, donated by UNICEF. These are hot, muddy and tattered, withno desks or equipment. When it rains the floors are muddy puddles. The mudcontains a parasite which buries itself into skin. Sprinkling water on the mudmakes the parasite inactive. Water is fetched from a borehole, a long walk away.

The children's andteachers’ toilets areholes in the ground.

The children have barefeet, no toilet paper andno water to wash their hands. Some children have no uniform or anyunderwear. Food is scarce. Work is too far away to reach. Young girls walkfor 3 hours to fetch large bundles of wood to cook with. I often stop andthink what a privilege it is to be in a position where we are able to supportothers and make a difference in their lives.

Mr London has put his full support behind this project and the whole schooland local community have taken it to their hearts. We aimed to raise£12,000 so that we could build two classrooms. I’m delighted to say wehave reached £10,400 and I’m

hopeful we’ll raise the rest. The more we raise the more we can do to help.This term has been filled with all sorts of fund-raising activities – cakesales, sponsored walks, bag-packing. . . If you would like to support thecommunity at Solio and help us to build a school fit for children pleasevisit

This site will give you details of how you can help by donating equipmentthat we’d like to take (sports, music, crafts, games, children’s readingbooks. . .) or funds for the classrooms.

Make a difference; together we can.Julie Moore

Kenya 2010: Building classrooms for Solio School

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SPORTS NEWSYear 10 Netball ~ report from Miss GidleyTo complete the story of our year for this squad there is only oneword I can use to describe their play in the Finals against Coopers’Coborn…AWESOME!!!

We crushed the opponents 20-9, I’ve included some comments fromthe ex-pupils who have given of their time and expertise to help thesegirls become as talented competent, and skilful as they truly are:-

“Tell them well done from all of us. They deserved it. Glad to havehelped” ~ Amy Griffiths ~ ex pupil

“Congratulations all round. Tell them all well done, and a big welldone to you, for all your hard work” ~ Gemma Noble ~ ex pupil

“Fantastic ~ Well done all, really pleased for you. Top coaching!!!” ~ Claire Harrington ~ ex pupil

Myself, and the girls say thanks again to all these girls and ladies (aged17-46!) for all their help. We are all very proud of the entire squad.


I would like to thank all my ex-Hall Meaders and Veterans whohave given up their time to help our team this season.


More Netball News!!!CONGRATULATIONS To …. Alice Dunn Yr 10, aged 15, who has alreadybeen selected to play for Essex U19 Academy and been forwarded ontoRegional Trials for The South East of England U19 Academy. We wishAlice every success in her forthcoming trials. We must also mention thatMica Trangmar Year 9 has been selected to play for Essex U19 Academyat the age of 14.

Moli Geng and Lauren Bryan have been selected to play for U19 EssexDevelopment Squad as well.

Netball at Hall Mead is truly magnificent thanks to dedication, hardwork and superb skills by our pupils.

Miss Gidley

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SPORTS NEWSBadminton ~ and thesuccess continues!!!More news from Miss GidleyOn 11 th June Hall Mead hosted the finals of theBorough Badminton League Finals,Girls Section.

Our U16 team was represented by Year 10 girls whoplayed magnificently and took the fixture to the finalmatch, a crucial doubles which … unfortunately welost 12-15 to Coopers’ Coborn U16 team. However,the girls are to be congratulated on achieving theirsecond overall place in Havering.


Our U14 team continues to be unstoppable. In theirusual skilful, merciless, thorough style our starsdismissed Coopers’ Coborn U14 team ~ 5-0(78points-28 points).


U14 Havering Tournament ChampionsU14 Havering League ChampionsU14 All England – East London ChampionsU14 All England – South of England RunnersAll England Semi Finals

Congratulationsto all the girls

Bring on thenew season !!!

Netball ~ Year 9 ChampionsFollowing on from the spring edition of Hallmeadia, theYear 9 netball team attended the borough final atSacred Heart on 31st March. Unlike previous yearswhere we have faced Coopers in the final (winning inYear 7 and coming runners up by one goal in year 8!)we were up against the Chafford School. The teamwere nervous but confident entering the final. Therewas a significant psychological advantage for our girls,as Coopers’ seem to strike fear in them! We startedvery well, and moving with accuracy and control. Theteam grew in confidence as each minute passed, theyhad a genuine belief in themselves which proved to beuntouchable for the Chafford team. The shooters wereoutstanding!

Particular mention must go to Rebecca Hemmingswho had a “wardrobe malfunction” as she was aboutto take her shot … but Rebecca, being as committedto the sport and the team as she is, was not phasedby this and went on to score the difficult shot! A fewblushes later, and with our excellent defence we wenton to win 18-3.

Huge congratulations to the whole team who have putin a tremendous amount of effort over the past threeyears. I look forward to an even more successful 2011with this truly outstanding squad. Well done!

Miss Bailey


I would like to congratulate Rebecca Hemmingswho passed the first stage of the Countyselections process and Mica Trangmar who hasbeen selected fro the County DevelopmentSquad, keep it up girls!

Miss Bailey

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SPORTS NEWSLondon Youth Games ~ BadmintonYet another success for Hall MeadIn June the Havering Badminton team consisting of 10 girls from various schools in Havering, took part in the LondonYouth Games Badminton Competition and this team have now reached the finals (Last 8 of the competition which willtake place in July. The Havering team topped the qualifying group beating Merton (who finished third last year) 4-1 andRichmond 5-0. Southwark withdrew (obviously frightened!!). We pass on our congratulations to two team membersfrom Hall Mead and one ex-pupil, namely Coco Zhang, Katie Nicholls and Kiu Sum.

Well Done Girls ~ Miss Gidley

Sports Relief2010 Sport Relief proved to be a “big event” for Hall MeadSchool. Despite the Year 10 students being out of school ontheir work experience ~ we still managed to raise a creditablesum of money for Sport Relief. What was inspiring was the“whole school” event, prompted and inspired by schoolassemblies taken by Miss Tucker. Staff and pupils in schoollunchtimes and weekends started to use their initiatives onways to raise money. Sport Relief week was very tiring butso rewarding and great fun. The enthusiasm of the childrenand staff help me to ‘keep on going’. Each and every pennywent towards Sport Relief to help those less fortunate thanourselves, a fantastic event, thank you. (See below how themonies were raised)

Well Done everyone who took part in the Sports Relief Campaign!

Miss Tucker

Badge Money £ 25.05Cake sales £ 71.50Rowing~Hall Mead to St Pauls & back ~ 44 miles £ 18.92Swimming~Hall Mead to Southend Pier & back ~ 57mls £153.50Jiving £ 9.23Shots raffle £ 35.00Staff v School Badminton £ 19.26Boys v girls basket ball £ 18.80Boys v girls netball £ 9.10Boys v girls football £ 9.10Staff v pupil netball £ 14.957TP Flick the penny £ 30.148CK Runners £ 39.80Yr 7 Street Dance £ 13.00Yr 8 Upminster Runners £ 250.00Talbot Assembly £ 44.60Non Uniform £ 724.49Loose change at tills £ 20.15Staff Donations £ 22.00


Havering SchoolsTennis Tournament

On the 8th June four girls playing U13 doubles,unfortunately tried hard but found the opposition toostrong. They were:

Samantha Wallis, Charlotte Wallis, Amber Denny andHolly Burton.

Our best success was Paige Beaumont who took equalthird in the U15 singles.

On 15th June the playing roles were reversed.Paige Beaumont and Eliza Barry teamed up and tookthird place in the U15.

Our U13’s played magnificently in the singlescompetition. Our most successful player was:

• Charlotte who goes onto the Semi’s

• Scarlett ~ Played 5 won 2

• Amber ~ Played 4 won 2

• Samantha ~ Played 4 lost 4

It is a real pleasure to see such competent andencouraging tennis being played once again at HallMead. Well done to all the girls and I look forward tobeing able to build on their commitment, enthusiasmand success.

Miss Gidley


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Hall Mead Sports Day ~ was held on the 23rd June 2010The final results were:

Relay Cup1st Dickens 62 PointsJoint 2nd Chapman 56 PointsJoint 2nd Waltham 56 Points4th Talbot 50 Points

New school records were set in four events:

Year 7/8 Girls Discus Athena Sohrabizadeh Waltham 20.48mYear 8 Boys Discus Alex Law Chapman 33.1mYear 8 Boys 75m Hurdles Alex Law Chapman 11.31sYear 10 Boys 400 Metres Luke Dunbar Talbot 56.32s

For a full set of results please visit the Hall Mead School website.

Hall Mead Sports Trophy1st Dickens 643 Points2nd Waltham 605 Points3rd Chapman 573 Points4th Talbot 549 Points

Congratulations and our bestwishes must go to Mr Dorsett who leaves us after 35 years

of dedicated service.

His final Hall Mead Sports Day as a Senior House Tutor

ended with the fitting tribute of a double trophy win!!!

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