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Group Members Farkhanda Nazir

Hina Naz

Raiha Farooq Rafia kanwal

Sobia Manzoor

Syeda Nudrat Sameen

Tumkinut Rizvi

Umama Arshad

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Disclosure Based on a book by the same name

 Author: Stephen R. Covey 

Published 1989

Many ideas taken from the web

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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but

a habit.” 


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Overview of 7 Habits

Key channels




Character Destiny 

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1 habit Be Proactive

Self Awareness

Social Mirror

Between stimulus

and Response

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Taking initiative does not mean being aggressive or pushy.

"Taking the initiative "mean tapping inner creativity, tacklinga persistent problem, capitalizing on opportunities, or

creating ways to improve current work environment. Taking initiatives means recognizing your responsibilities to

make things happens.

“solution selling: 

Proactive people are who they given solutions to particularproblems not problem themselves.

Taking Initiative

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Taking Initiative cont….. 

Use “R” and “I” (resourcefulness and initiative) 

Take initiative in life by realizing that your decisionsare the primary factor for effectiveness in your life.Take responsibility for your choices and theconsequences.

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Ways to take initiatives

Thinking outside the box

Doing your homework

Taking actions

Making improvement

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Listening to our language Our language is a real indicator of the degree to which we

see ourselves as proactive.

Reactive language

“I have to do it” circumstances and other people are forcingto do, they are not to free to make their own actions.

Proactive language

“let’s see at our alternatives”, “I will choose an appropriateresponse” 

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Be Proactive

Proactive people take

responsibility for their work.

Proactive people use themargin of freedom to

make choices that bestapply their values.

Be Reactive

Reactive people don’t take

responsibility for their work.

Reactive people allowoutside influences

(moods, feelings orcircumstances).

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Reactive VS Proactive languageProactive language 

 Just do it Go for it

I make my decisionquickly.

I just know what is theright decision.

Reactive language

 You will have all theinformation you needbefore your meeting

Lets think about how you are going to do this

I weight up the pros andcons.

I research and take timeto make the right


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  Circle of Concern and Circle of 


This technique is good for separating out lower from

higher priorities, and gaining ownership for action.

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 Circle of Concern 

A Circle of Concern encompasses the wide range of 

concerns we have, such as our health, our children,

problems at work, the amount of government

borrowing, or the threat of war.

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 Circle of Influence 

A Circle of Influence encompasses those

concerns that we can do something about theyare concerns that we have some control over.

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 Circle of concern and circle of 


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Proactive Vs ReactiveBe’S (proactive): 

use words..

I can be a better role model… I can be more organized / creative…

I can be more affectionate / indulgent…

I will be more diligent…

I can seek out personnel and be able to


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  Proactive Vs Reactive Have’s (Reactive): 

Use words…. 

I’ll be happy when I have a full


If only I had a boss who wasn’t...

If I had respect from…

If I could just have management

days… If the environment was more


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Proactive Vs Reactive 

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Problems We Face Fall in one

of Three areas

Direct Control Indirect Control

No Control

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Expanding the circle of influence

Proactive Behavior Reactive Behavior

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Your chance to be choose!

  Each day everyone is given 100 chances to choose

 whether to be proactive or reactive

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 Making and keeping Commitments

By making and keeping promises to ourselves and

others, little by little, our honor becomes greater thenour mood.

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The other end of the stick

 We are free to choose our actions, we are not free to

choose the consequences of those actions.

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Whether you are proactive or reactive

in workplace?  The ability to be proactive provides a clear

advantage in the workplace and most managers

expect staff members to demonstrate a proactivementality 

However there are times when it’s appropriate tobe reactive 

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Self reflect and look at yourself 

Examine critically how you might perform tasksmore efficiently 

Try to prevent problems from ever arising

Develop a mindset that looks to solve problemsinstead of dwelling on them

Get and stay ahead of less-urgent, day-to-day tasks.

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Know which tasks are priorities and which can wait

Eliminate altogether any task that is truly unnecessary 

Evaluate your procedures and processes as you usethem

Try to anticipate needs Try to anticipate things you will need to know

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Remember Don't get so caught up in planning that you

fail to act. Remember being proactivemeans anticipating and preparing for allpossible outcomes, not controlling yourfuture.

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