  • 8/2/2019 H20 Dissection Technique of Toth for Opening Nsx Cleavage Planes



    Water dissection technique of Toth for opening neurosurgicalcleavage planes

    Laszlo Nagy, MDa, Keisuke Ishii, MD, PhDc, Ayse Karatas, MDc, Hu Shen, MDc,Janos Vajda, MD, PhDa, Mika Niemel7, MD, PhDc, Juha J77skel7inen, MD, PhDc,

    Juha Hernesniemi, MD, PhDc,T, Szabolcs Toth, MD, DMScb

    aDepartment of Neurosurgery, National Institute of Neurosurgery, and

    bDepartment of Neurosurgery, MAV Hospital, Budapest, Hungary

    cDepartment of Neurosurgery, Helsinki University Central Hospital, 00260 Helsinki, Finland

    Received 10 May 2005; accepted 18 August 2005

    Abstract Background: The low-pressure water dissection technique of Toth, first reported in 1987, is amethod to cautiously open neurosurgical cleavage planes such as the sylvian fissure or the

    interhemispheric space, and the interfaces between extraparenchymal masses and the adjacent brain.

    The aim of this technical report is to present our long-term experience with this simple and elegant

    asset of microneurosurgery and to promote its widespread use.

    Method: Water is injected under microscopic control by a handheld syringe with a blunt needle or

    by an irrigating balloon applying repeated injections of physiological saline into the cleavage plane

    to open it.

    Findings and Conclusion: The water dissection technique of Toth has been extensively used in

    Budapest and Helsinki in thousands of microsurgical cases, in removal of meningiomas and to open

    sylvian and interhemispheric fissure. In our experience, there have been no noticeable complications,

    and we recommend this technique for widespread use. It is a very inexpensive, simple, and effective

    method not requiring any expensive or complicated devices.

    D 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Water dissection technique; Subarachnoid space; Cleavage plane; Meningioma; Sylvian fissure dissection;


    1. Introduction

    One of the least known and most elegant techniques in

    microneurosurgery is the use of WDT. Water dissection

    technique, using the separating effect of injected low gentle

    pressure physiological saline, was introduced by Toth et al

    [18] in early 1980s and published in 1987 (Fig. 1). It is a

    simple method to cautiously open natural preformed

    cleavage planes such as the sylvian fissure or the inter-

    hemispheric space, and the interfaces between the cortex

    and extraparenchymal lesions such as meningiomas, aneur-

    ysms, and AVMs. The aim of the present technical report is

    to present our long-term experience with the low-pressure

    water dissection technique as an adjunct to everyday

    microneurosurgical practice. An early comparison of micro-

    surgery with and without WDT was done by Toth et al [18],

    but no randomized trial has been conducted comparing

    the pros and cons of the technique.

    In the original article by Toth, the method was calledbwater jet dissection technique.Q However, in later publica-

    tions on a method called bwater jet resection technique,Q

    using high pressure, the tissue incision in experimental

    conditions appeared [5,7,10,11,17], and it has also been

    introduced into the clinical field, for example, cornea [3],

    liver [6,19], and kidney [1,15] surgery. Frankly, these two

    are completely different methods indeed. Toth water

    dissection is a gentle microsurgical method, but the water

    jet resection works more like a bdestructive knife.Q

    0090-3019/$ see front matterD 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Abbreviations: AVMs, arteriovenous malformations; WDT, Water

    dissection technique; MCA, middle cerebral artery.

    T Corresponding author. Tel.: +358 504270220; fax: +358 9 471 87560.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Hernesniemi).

    Surgical Neurology 65 (2006) 38 41

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    2. Neurosurgical cleavage planes

    A microneurosurgeon faces many cleavage planes to

    be gently opened, thus avoiding damage to the brain

    tissue by compression. These cleavage planes include (a)

    natural but adherent spaces such as the sylvian fissure in

    front of middle cerebral artery aneurysms and insular

    tumors, the interhemispheric space above falcine or thirdventricle tumors and distal anterior cerebral artery

    aneurysms, the space between the tonsils and medulla

    behind posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysms, and

    the way into the fourth ventricle; and (b) interfaces

    formed between brain tissue and solid extraparenchymal

    masses, and so on. Meningiomas and large/giant aneur-

    ysms, which grow in eloquent cortical or deep areas, may

    push these areas to unexpected directions or bury them

    into the cleavage plane. After widening the cleavage

    planes with WDT, the microsurgical methods to separate

    cleavage planes include classic sharp opening of arachnoidal

    adhesions and dissection of vessels and nerves with

    intermittent use of bipolar or jeweller forceps, suction,

    microscissors, and surgical pads to make the way. In our

    current practice, we avoid the use of retractors as much as

    possible [8].

    We provide the water jet by a 20- to 50-mL syringe

    with a blunt steel needle or a plastic flexible needle

    (Fig. 2A), but an irrigating balloon is also feasible. The

    irrigation pressure is hand-controlled according to the

    microscopical view of the ongoing dissection, and conse-

    quently it requires learning the feasible applications

    (Fig. 2B). This technique does not need special equipment,

    and it is easily adapted to everyday microsurgical practice.

    We do not find constant pressure irrigation provided by apump or a pressurized cuff on a saline bag practical

    because the jet pressure cannot be adopted according to the

    anatomical findings.

    3. Cleavage planes of meningiomas, giant aneurysms,

    and AVMs

    Meningiomas usually rather compress than infiltrate the

    adjacent cortex or cranial nerves (Fig. 3A and B). The

    tumor-cortex interface is crossed by varying numbers of

    small feeding arteries and veins to be interrupted, non-

    feeding arteries, sometimes embedded in meningioma

    tissue, and veins to be preserved. Benign meningiomas

    may partially disrupt the arachnoidal and pial layers,

    which combined with softened, gliotic, and edematous

    cortex, make the true arachnoidal cleavage plane hard to

    maintain [16]. Genuine infiltration of the brain, seen at

    least in grade III tumors [9], also makes the surgical

    cleavage uncertain. High-quality magnetic resonance im-

    aging and computed tomography may give valuable data

    on the cleavage plane, infiltration of the cortex, vascular

    supply, and encasement vessels [2,4,13,14,16]. In large/

    giant aneurysms that may be filled with thrombus,

    previously incompletely coiled or otherwise indicating

    reconstruction of its neck, it may be necessary to dissect

    the sac loose from the adjoining brain tissue and arteriesbefore resection of the sac and clipping the neck or

    reconstruction of the parent vessel. In AVMs, enlarged and

    convoluted vessels and the nidus need to be carefully

    separated from adjacent, possibly eloquent areas using

    their gliotic cleavage (see Video 1).

    4. Opening the sylvian fissure

    We usually approach nearly all middle cerebral artery

    aneurysms directly by opening the fissure laterally,

    beginning with jeweller forceps and then continuing with

    Fig. 2. A: Simple syringe. B: Intraoperative picture demonstrates the

    separation effect of low-pressure WDT under microscope.

    Fig. 1. Principle of WDT.

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    water dissection [12]. Even in acute subaracnoid hemor-

    rhage, in most cases enough space can be obtained by

    patiently removing cerebrospinal fluid after the fissure is

    first open. If the brain is very edematic and swollen andthe fissure very tight, cerebrospinal fluid can be first

    removed by opening the frontobasal cisterns, or more

    effectively, the lamina terminalis, or both. Gentle injection

    of fluid into the sylvian fissure helps tremendously in its

    opening. Once enough room is achieved, the lateral

    dissection is carried deeper into the fissure, and 1 of the

    distal MCA branches is followed to the aneurysm. Many

    times, the sylvian fissure is opened straight over the

    aneurysm. Usually, at this stage of dissection the need for

    lobe retraction is minimal and is achieved with small

    cotton patties (see Video 2).

    5. Discussion

    In 1987, Toth et al [18] published their original article on

    3-year clinical experience on WDT, injection of body-

    temperature physiological saline by a handheld syringe with

    blunt needle or by an irrigating balloon, in the microsurgical

    dissection of intracranial meningiomas. The technique has

    proven to be a safe and a practical adjunct in careful

    separation of tumor tissue from the adjacent cortex, vessels,

    and cranial nerves. Since 1984, 3 senior authors (SzT, JV,

    and JH) have extensively used WDT in thousands of

    microsurgical cases, mainly meningiomas, aneurysms, and

    AVMs. Water dissection is aimed to improve (a) cautiousopening of the cleavage plane, (b) avoidance of damage to

    the adjacent, possibly eloquent cortex, (c) preservation of

    nonfeeding cortical arteries and veins, and (d) avoidance of

    the use of retractors.

    In most extraparenchymal lesions, cleavage planes are

    under pressure by the mass effect. Water dissection

    technique should not be used alone against this pressure,

    and it is recommended to apply after extensive debulking of

    the lesion. The proper management of the cleavage planes

    using low-pressure water is then combined with the

    routine microsurgical separation of structures, like pulling

    arachnoid edges adhered to the lesion along the pial vessels

    in the typical triangle fashion.

    Limitations of the WDT may arise from firm adhesions

    in cleavage spaces or tumor infiltration of the surroundingand softened brain tissue. Potential hazards of the technique

    include (a) infusion of saline into brain tissue by using too

    high or inappropriately directed pressure; (b) increased

    pressure in the cleavage space because of insufficient

    outflow of the fluidthe surgeon should provide and

    secure sufficient outflow while maintaining adequate

    separating pressure; (c) abrupt loss of control of irrigation

    pressure because of air in the syringe; and (d) creating a

    false cleavage plain. It is very important to avoid infusion

    into brain tissue, for example, with meningiomas hiding and

    compressing eloquent cortical areas or breaking the pia-

    arachnoid layer (malignant meningiomas). All of the

    previously mentioned mainly theoretical complications

    may be avoided by using careful caution, and in fact, in

    our experience, there have not been any such complications.

    We recommend the water dissection technique as an asset of

    microsurgery for neurosurgeons already in training.

    6. Conclusions

    Hand-controlled WDT, using the separating property of

    the fluid, is a safe, very inexpensive, and effective aid (a) in

    the microsurgical removal of solid extraparenchymal space-

    occupying lesions and (b) opening of cleavage planes

    created by the nature such as the sylvian fissure or theinterhemispheric space. We recommend WDT for wide-

    spread use in microneurosurgery. After experience with

    thousands of patients, a randomized study seems as

    unnecessary as comparing 2 different microinstruments.

    Most small microsurgical steps and tricks have taken their

    stable places without such studies.


    The authors thank Drs Jussi Antinheimo, Lorand Eross,

    Zerind Szabo, Late Zoltan Toth, and Avula Chakravarthi

    Fig. 3. Convexity meningioma and its delicate separation from eloquent cortex with WDT at the beginning (A) and lost stage (B) of surgery (cf Video 1).

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    for their technical support, and Mr Balazs Papp for his

    artistic work.

    Appendix A

    Supplementary data associated with this article (Videos

    1 and 2) can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/



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    The low-pressure water jet is used with considerable

    success by the authors for the opening of cerebral fissures

    and dissection of arachnoid and pial planes. The use of the

    technique in freeing meningiomas and aneurisms is well

    presented. The dissection pressure is quite low, coming from

    a fine blunt needle and connected to a handheld syringe in

    the surgeons hand, giving the surgeon complete control of

    the pressure. Although the procedure was reported in theUnited States with an article by Pick in J Neurosurg in

    1998, it never reached a significant level of usage.

    Leonard I. Malis, MDF

    F No affiliation is needed. Dr Malis died in early September 2005.

    L. Nagy et al. / Surgical Neurology 65 (2006) 38 41 41
