Page 1: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2


School Grade Level FiveTeacher Learning Areas ENGLISH

Teaching Dates and Time June 5-9,2017 Quarter First/Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayI. OBJECTIVESA. Content Standards The learner...

Demonstrate understanding of the various forms and conventions of print, non-print and digital materials

Demonstrate understanding of various non-verbal elements in orally communicating information

Demonstrate understanding of various linguistics nodes to comprehend various texts

B. Performance Standards The learner...

Evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts.

Orally communicates information, opinions and ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety of literary activities

C. Learning Competencies/ObjectivesWrite the LC code for each

1.Note significant details of the selection listened to.2.Observe politeness at all times.3.Show kindness to everyone.4.Use appropriate facial expressions in delivering some lines of the characters of the selection listened to. EN5LC-Ia-2.1/ EN5OL-Ia-2.6.1 / Page 63 of 164

1.Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on given context clues, synonyms and antonyms.2.Appreciate experiences in life.3.Write meaningful sentences using compound words.EN5V-Ia-12and 13/ Page 63 of 164

1.Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures- aspects of verbs.2.Infer the meaning of unfamiliar compound words based on word parts.3.Appreciate the beauty of the environmentEN5G-Ia-3.3/ Page 63 of 164

1.Plan a two to three- paragraph composition using an outline/other graphic organizers2.Observe politeness at all times.3.Show respect to othersEN5WC- Ia- Page 63 of 164

1.Describe different forms and conventions of film and moving pictures (lights, blocking, direction, characterization, acting, dialog, setting or set up)2. Observe politeness at all timesEN5A-Ia-5.1/ Page 63 of 164

II. CONTENT Noting significant details of the selection listened toUse appropriate facial expressions

Inferring Meaning of Unfamiliar Compound Words Based on Context Clues, Synonyms and Antonyms.

Aspects of VerbsInferring Meaning of Compound Words Based on Word Parts

Planning a Two to Three Paragraph Composition Using an Outline/Other Graphic Organizers

Forms and Conventions of Films and Moving Pictures

III. LEARNING RESOURCESA. References1. Teacher’s Guide pages2. Learner’s Material pages3. Textbook pages EN5LC- Ia- 2.1

The Sly Fox -Developing Reading Power 5 p. 43-45

4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

Page 2: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2


B. Other Learning Resources selections, pictures, laptop short paragraphactivity sheetspictures

laptop, pictures, metacards Pictures, laptop, graphic organizers, outline

video, laptop, projector

IV. PROCEDURESA. Reviewing previous lesson

or presenting the new lesson

Review /Checking of assignment ReviewCompound words/synonyms/antonyms

ReviewAspects of Verbs


B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

A.Setting the StageShow pictures of fox and wolfAsk: Are these animals the same?

What can you say about the fox? How about the wolf?

If you are going to choose between the two, who will you want to be? Why?

A.Setting the StageHave you experienced riding a bus?Did you experience witnessing a commotion on your community?What did you feel?

A.Setting the StageThe teacher will show pictures of

trees, flowers, birds, riversAsk: Do you take care of our environment? What activity do you usually do to take care of our environment?

A.Setting the Stage

Who is in the picture?What makes him so popular around the world?What characteristic of a Filipino does he signify?As a Filipino, how do you show respect to others? To God?(Graphic organizer will be used to elicit answers

A.Setting the StageAsk:Are you fond of watching films?What kind of film do you like?What things do you notice when the film is already playing?

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson

B.Explaining the Students What to DoSay: Today, we are going to read a story and learn to use appropriate facial expressions in delivering the lines of the characters. You will be learning to answer questions based on the noted significant details of the selection you listened to.Set the standards in listening to a story.

B.Explaining the Students What to DoSay: We are going to read a short paragraph about Mark’s experiences on his way home. In here, you are going to learn some compound words. And later on, we are going to infer meanings of unfamiliar compound words based on given context clues, synonyms and antonyms.

Compound words are words that are combined together to form new words and new meanings.

Context clues are the parts of sentence or paragraph that comes before or after the unfamiliar words.

Synonyms are words with similar meanings while antonyms are those words with opposite meanings.

A.Setting the StageThe teacher will show pictures of

trees, flowers, birds, riversAsk: Do you take care of our environment? What activity do you usually do to take care of our environment?

B.Explaining the Students What to DoYesterday, you have learned about the aspects of verbs and you were able to compose clear and coherent sentences using verbs in different aspects.

Today, we are going to write paragraphs based on outline/ other graphic organizers.

B.Explaining the Students What to DoSay: Today, we are going to watch a video. But before we proceed, let us take notes and analyze the different forms and conventions of the film.

D. Discussing new concepts and C.Modeling for Students C.Modeling for the Students B.Modeling for Students C.Modeling for Students C. Modeling for

Page 3: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2

practicing new skills #1 Let the pupils arrange the jumbled letters to identify the word used in the story being

defined.a.growing thickly ------- h s y

u bb.soft hair of certain animals

------ u f rc.projecting part of the face

including the mouth and nose--- z l e z m u

d.having a full rounded shape ------ u m l p pe.tricky or wise----- y s l

Have the pupils listen to the story “The Sly Fox”. While reading, the

teacher emphasizes appropriate facial expressions for the lines of the characters

of the story. Instruct the pupils to observe how the

appropriate facial expressions are used in delivering the lines of the story. Then, pupils will be answering the questions.

The class will read the paragraph.

Mark slung his backpack over his shoulder and ran. The bus company

had just introduced a new bus route. Over the cliffs in the distance, Mark could see the sea sparkling. With a smile, he paid for his ticket and sat

down. On the drivers lap there was a newspaper with a bold headline reading ‘Burglar Caught’. At the back of the bus,

a commotion started up with two teenage boys arguing. Over the bridge, the bus traveled on until it pulled up at Mark’s stop. Below the deep water in

the canal, fish swam in the murky depths. Turning down a side alley, Mark reached his front door and took out his key. From the back lawn the dog was

barking a welcome, and Mark was very glad to be home at last.

Read and analyze the following words

Apostdate post(after) + date= after the dat supernatural super(more than) + natural= more than the natural - ex- president ex( former)+ president= former president nonsense non(without) + sense= without sense multitask multi(many) + task= many task

Bcolorless color+ less(without)= without colorcheerful cheer+ ful (full of)= full of cheerbreakable break + able (having the quality= having the quality to break adulthood adult+ hood(state/condition of being)= state of being adultIn what part of the words in set A do the syllables added? (at the beginning)-Syllables added at the beginning of a word are called prefixes.

In what part of the words in set B do the syllables added? (at the last part)-Syllables added at the last part of the word are called suffixes.Say: Prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of words.

Analyze the following graphic organizer. Answer the questions that follow.Based on the Semantic web, who is a respectful person and a God-loving person?How do Filipinos show respect to others?How do Filipinos show love to God?

StudentsRead and analyze the following terms:a. Setting - can be used for a number of purposesIt might be used for:• Realism - (Time and place of setting is made known)• Atmosphere - (Reinforce desired mood)E.g. Horror movies• Symbolism - (Can be conveyed through setting)E.g. a storm can represent inner turmoil

b. Characterization – a narrative might use• Sympathetic characters- With whom the audience strongly identifies with. They may share qualities and values.• Unsympathetic Characters- Audience dislikes. May increase

sympathy to main character.c. Performance - This will also affect the way an audience responds. Elements of performance include facial expressions, body language and delivery of lines.

d. Props, Sets and Locations - can influence our interpretation of character as contribute to the atmosphere of the film.

e. Camera Work/blocking - Frequent use of close-ups can encourage the audience to identify with a character.


Page 4: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2

Wide shots can emphasize the beauty of a scene or give a sense of emptiness.Different angles can make characters appear powerful and threatening or weak and frightened.

f. Lighting - Soft and harsh lighting can manipulate a viewer's attitude towards a setting or a character.The way light is used can make objects, people and environments look beautiful or ugly, soft or harsh, artificial or real. Light may be used expressively or realistically.• Backlighting. A romantic heroine is often backlit to create a halo effect on her hair.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Afterwards, the teacher will call each row to deliver the lines of the characters of the story listened to with appropriate facial expressions. Then, the teacher will call some of pupils individually in front of the class to deliver the lines with appropriate facial expressions. “Don’t move! I’m going to eat you this minute.” “I have to use my wits instead of my legs” “I could have been a good dinner for you last year. I was then very fat and plump. But I had three babies then. Now I’m slim and not delicious”.How did facial expressions affect in saying these lines of the characters of the story you listened to? (Facial expressions

Read the following words:A B Cbackpack front door mother-in-lawnewspaper back lawn editor-in-chief

How many words were combined to form new word and new meaning?What do you call the words with two or more words that are combined together to form a new word and new meaning?How do compound words in column A written? In column B? in column C?

Say: Infer the meaning of the underlined compound words in the following sentences.a. The sky was overcast, rain was expected because it was cloudy afternoon.-. What word in the sentence hint the meaning of the unfamiliar word? (cloudy)`

Study the following sentences. AThe president continues motivate pupils to take care of care of the environment B The teachers continue toto motivate people to take care of the environment. CThey will continuewith the group his father to inspire people of all founded since 2002.ages. DThey will continue to inspire people of allages.Look at the sentences in tree A and B. When are you going to add –s or –es in your verb?Look at the sentence in tree C. What will be added to a regular verb when the action was done already? How about in irregular verb?Look at tree D. What modal will be added to the base form of the verb to express

Say: Now, let us plan a two-paragraph composition using the details of the semantic web.

A Filipino is a respectful person. He calls older brother “kuya” and older sister “ate”. He kisses the hands of his parents and grandparents. He is always using “po” and “opo”. He shows de respect to parents, elders and people in authority.

A Filipino is also a God-loving person. He believes in one God. He patterns his life the way God wants it. He loves his neighbors. And most of all, he prays not only for himself.

Page 5: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2

make the story more realistic and emotional)

Answer the comprehension questions based on the story heard.1.Who were the characters of the story?2.Where did the story happen?3.What did the fox do to be not eaten for dinner by the wolf?4.Why did the wolf not eat the fox?5.What was at the bottom of the well that looked delicious and good?

This is an example of context clue.

- Encircle the synonym of the underlined compound word.b. I have read the foreword of the book “Mother’s Wit”.( conclusion, introduction, content)Foreword and conclusion are synonyms, they have the same meaning.Box the word that has opposite meaning of the underlined compound word.c. His statement was an example of falsehood. ( truth, lies, rumor)Falsehood and truth are antonyms, they have opposite meaning.


F. Developing mastery(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

D.Guided PracticeRefer to LM, Try and


D.Guided PracticeThe class will be divided into 4 for a group activity.Gr. 1- Infer meaning of compound words through context cluesGr. 2- Infer meaning of compound words through synonymsGr.3- Infer meaning of compound words through antonyms

C.Guided PracticeThe class will be divided into 5

and play a game called “E-Raffle” .Each group will be receiving metacards to write their answer. As the raffle goes, there are verbs to be flashed with corresponding tense of verb. Each group will compose clear and coherent sentences using the verb in the tense asked. 2 minutes will be used to answer each item.1st word: play tense: future2nd word: cook tense: past3rd word: run tense: future4th word: use tense: present5th word: see tense: past

D.Guided PracticeUsing the details of the

semantic web, plan a two-paragraph composition.

D.Guided PracticeWith the aid of the teacher, the class will view the video “Stellar Moves: The Story of Pluto”. The students will take note of the different forms and conventions of the film.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

E.Independent PracticeRefer to LM, Do and


E.Independent PracticeFor Exercise 1 refer to LM, Do and LearnFor Exercise 2 refer to LM, Learn Some More

D.Independent PracticeExercise 1

The following sentences are written in past tense. Rewrite them in present and future tense on the lines below.

a. The rain fell on the green valley.Present tense:___________________________Future tense:________________________

b. Jane borrowed Richard’s eraser.Present

Independent PracticeThe outline contains a

personality of a Filipino. Write a two- paragraphcomposition using the following details.

The Filipinos are humane and concern to his fellowmen.A.Cares for himself and to his fellowmenB.Thoughtful, loving, understanding, helpful, friendly and charitableC.Ready to give a helping hand when neededD.Ready to share laughter to cheer up

Do and LearnChoose a scene from the short film. Describe only one from the listed

forms and conventions of film.

Page 6: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2

tense:_________________________Future tense:______________________________

c. The shark swam through the ocean.Present tense:____________________Future tense:______________________________

Compose sentences using the given sets of words. Refer to the word enclosed in the parentheses to know the tense of the verb to be used in each item.Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present)

Carlito swims at the beach.

a.Angel, read, pocketbook, (future)___________________________________b.Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year (past)___________________________________c.Farmers, plant, rice, ( present)___________________________________

those who are lonely

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

F.Closure/AssessmentNoting details of a

story means pointing out the characters around which the story revolves, the place and when it happened and the series of actions that make the story itself.

Use of appropriate facial expressions in delivering the lines of the characters in the story helps in making the story more realistic, creative and emotional. The listeners feel more excited to know what will happen next and they become more imaginative.

F.Closure/ AssessmentCompound words come from

two or more words that are combined together to form a new word and a new meaning.

Context clues hint the parts of a sentence or paragraph that come before or after the unfamiliar word.Synonyms are words with similar meanings.Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

E.Closure/ AssessmentVerbs are action words.There are three aspects of verbs.If the action is being done in the present time, the verb is in present tense.If the action is done already in the past time, the verb is in past tense.If the action is to be done in future time , the verb is in future tense.

F.Closure/ Assessment

The clustering graphic organizer shows and separates the developed ideas from other ideas.The use of graphic organizers and outlines provides the organization of ideas easy to understand and makes learning more enjoyable.

F.Closure/ AssessmentThere are different

forms and conventions of the film. These are setting, characterization, plot, performance, costuming, props, set and location, camera work, lighting, sound and editing

I. Evaluating learning IV.EvaluationListen to the story to be read by the teacher. Then answer the questions that follow.

Aurea is in a hurry preparing to go to school. She

IV.EvaluationInfer the meaning of the

compound word in each sentence. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1.My mother and I cross at the overpass.

EvaluationCompose sentences using the

given sets of words. Refer to the word enclosed in the parentheses to know the tense of the verb to be used in each item.Ex: Carlito, swim, beach, (present)

Evaluation EvaluationAnswer the following questions based on the short film “Stellar `

Moves: The Story of Pluto”.

Page 7: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2

didn’t wake up early because she watched her favorite late night show. She opened her purse and said, “My allowance is not enough for the remaining three days before my next allowance” she felt so worried. It is because she is fond of buying bracelets and necklaces.

Questions:1. Who is the main character of the story?2. Draw the appropriate facial expression related to this line of Aurea “My allowance is not enough for the remaining three days before my next allowance”.

The underlined compound word is synonymous to ____________.a.footbridge b. hall way c. road

2.The keywords must be in uppercase because it is easier to emphasize if they are written in capital letters. What words in the sentence hint the meaning of the word uppercase? letters b. keywords c. emphasize

3.Manny Pacquiao experienced being knocked-out in his fights. ___________ has opposite meaning with the word knocked-out.a.cheated b. defeated c. revived

Carlito swims at the beach.

a.Angel, read, pocketbook, (future)_______________________________________b.Pila, celebrate, Pailah Festival, last year (past)_____________________________________c.Farmers, plant, rice, ( present)_______________________________________

1.What is the film all about?2.What fictional characters are used in the short film?3.Who are the main characters of the short film?4.How did the story begin?5.What does Stellar wants Pluto to do after watching the TV show?6.What did Pluto think of himself when Stellar asked him to join in the contest?7.What did the friends do to make them ready for the contest?8.Who among the characters had shown being impolite?9.What did Pluto do to show love for his friend Stellar?10.How did the story end?

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

V.AssignmentMake a comic strip of the story “The Sly Fox”

V. AssignmentUsing your own understanding of the words, define the following words and compound words. Use the compound words in meaningful sentences.1.boxing_________________________ringboxing ring- _____________________________Sentence:_________________________

2.finger-_______________________print-__________________________finger print__________________________Sentence:_________________________


V. REMARKSVI. REFLECTIONA. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

Page 8: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Page 9: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2


School Grade Level FiveTeacher Learning Areas Mathematics

Teaching Dates and Time June 5-9,2017 Quarter First/Week 1

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayVII. OBJECTIVES

D. Content Standards1.understanding of whole numbers up to 10 000 000.

2. demonstrates understanding of divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions

E. Performance Standards1. is able to recognize and represent whole numbers up to 10 000 000 in various forms and contexts.

2. is able to apply divisibility, order of operations, factors and multiples, and the four fundamental operations involving fractions in mathematical problems and real-life situations.

F. Learning Competencies/ObjectivesWrite the LC code for each

: Visualize numbers up to 10 000 000 with emphasis on numbers 100 001 –10 000 000/M5NS-Ia-1.5/Page 53 of 109

Read and write numbers up to 10 000 000 in symbols and in wordsM5NS-Ia-9.5/ Page 53 of 109

Round Numbers to the Nearest Hundred Thousands and MillionsM5NS-Ia-15.3/ Page 53 of 109

VIII. CONTENT Visualizing Numbers up to 10 000 000 with emphasis on numbers100 001 – 10 000 000

Reading and Writing Numbers up to 10 000 000 in Symbols and in Words

Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred Thousands and Millions

IX. LEARNING RESOURCESC. References K-12 Grade 5 Curriculum,M5NS-Ia-9.5, Grade 4 TG and LM K-12 Grade 5 Curriculum,M5NS-Ia-

9.5, Grade 4 TG and LM: K-12 Grade 5 Curriculum M5NS-Ia-15.3, Grade 4 TG and LM

5. Teacher’s Guide pages6. Learner’s Material pages DLP Gr. 3 Module 1, Gr. 4

Module 1• BEAM LG Gr. 4 Module 1-Whole Numbers• Lesson Guide in Elem.Math Gr. 4 p. 1• MISOSA Gr. 4 Module –Numbers through Billions

DLP Gr. 3 Module 3, Gr. 4Module 3 BEAM LG Gr. 4 Module 1-Whole Numbers, Gr. 5Module 1 Lesson Guide in Elem.Math Gr. 4 p. 7, Gr. 5 p. 1

DLP Gr. 3 Module 6, Gr. 5Module 4 BEAM LG Gr. 4 Module –Rounding Off Numbers Lesson Guide in Elem.Math Gr. 4 p. 13 MISOSA Gr. 4 Module –Rounding Numbers

7. Textbook pages

8. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal

D. Other Learning Resources Flash Cards, show me board Flash Cards, show me board show-me-boards, picture, number lines

X. PROCEDURESK. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson1. Drill 1.Drill 1. Drill 1. Drill

Guessing Game

Page 10: Guro Ako - Teacher Talks · Web viewa.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid. F5WG-Ia-e-2

Have a drill on visualizing numbers

100 001 – 10 000 000. Pupils can

be asked to use cut-out of number

disc to show numbers 100 001 – 10

000 000.

Example. Using your cut-outs of

number discs, show these


a. 190 456 b. 3 345 890

c. 15 890 300


Conduct a review on associating

numbers with sets having 100 001

– 10 000 000 objects.

Visualizing numbers


Conduct a drill on reading numbers

using flash cards

156 678 23 456 35

17 567 911 15 456 12


Have a review on writing numbers

in figures or symbols. Dictate these

numbers and ask the pupils to

write them on their “show-me-


34 567 156 678 1 456 78913 123 200

All the pupils will solve the given problem as fast as they can. The first pupil who will give the correct answer wins.a. My ones digit is 2. My tens digit is twice the ones digit. My hundreds digit is four times the ones digit and my thousands digit is the sum of the ones digit and my tens digit. What number am I?b. I am a 5 digit number. My thousands digit is 9. My ten thousands digit is 4. My hundreds digit is 5. The other digits are zero. Who am I?

2. ReviewConduct a review on rounding whole numbers to the nearest hundred thousands and millions. Give these exercises to the pupils. Ask them to write their answer on their show-me-boards.a. If we skip count by 100 000220 000 is nearer to _____________ than _________380 456 is nearer to _____________ than _________b. If we skip count by 1 000 0003 567 230 is nearer to ___________ than __________4 456 789 is nearer to ___________ than __________

L. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

3.MotivationHave you ever joined a tree-planting activity in your school? Or did you ever plant tree seedlings in your backyard. Why do you think it is important to plant trees?


Distribute a set of cards with

numbers written in symbols and

another set of cards with their

equivalent in words. Tell the pupils

to find their match. The first pair to

match wins. Post the number pairs

on the board.

Example: 128 345 = One hundred

twenty-eight thousand three

hundred forty- five

3. Motivation

Show a picture of a big crowd of people such as prayer rally/basketball

game. Ask pupils to describe what they see in the picture.

Ask: Can you tell the exact number of people in the rally or watching the


Say: Sometimes there is no need for us to give the exact number. Instead we

just approximate/ estimate how many people or things there are.”

Ask: Why is it important to estimate?

M. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson


The Boy Scouts from different schools in Laguna joined a Tree Planting

activity. There were123 121 trees planted in all. Do you know how big 123

121 is?


The total production of rice from

2011 – 2015 of a certain region is

twenty-three million one hundred

eighty thousand nine hundred five

metric tons.

1.PresentationThe election count in the Philippines is almost over. Mr.Rodrigo Duterte one of the presidential candidates is leading the election. He got a vote of 15 249 345 and Mr. Mar Roxas his opponent got 8 933 789 votes. By how many votes did Mr.Duterte have than Mr.Roxas?

Ask: How will you solve the problem

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Is it correct to write the number as

23 180 950? Why?

What is the correct way of writing

this number?

How many digits does the number

have? Can you read? Ask

the pupils the importance of

farmers in our country. Lead them

to the idea that farmers work

harmoniously as a team to have a

better harvest.

N. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

2.Performing the activitiesGroup WorkGroup the pupils into 5 teams. Distribute cutouts of number discs to the teams. Let the pupils use cutout of number discs to visualize 123 121.Guide Questions:How many 100 000s discs did you use?How many 10 000s discs?How many 1000s discs?How many 100s discs?How many 10s discs?How many 1s discs?

2.Performing the activitiesDivide the class into four groups. Assign each group a task. Read and write the numbers in words from:Group 1 – 13 345 400 – 13 345 403Group 2 – 15 320 506 – 15 320 509Group 3 – 10 234 709 – 10 324 802Group 4 – 6 456 790 - 6 456 793

2.Performing the activitiesGuide the pupils to find the answer by estimation.Say:Let us use a number line. Label it from 8 000 000 to 16 000 000. Find 8 933 789

Ask: To what number is it closer? 8 000 000 or 9 000 000?

Since it is closer to 9 000 000 round it up.Ask: Find 15 249 345. Where is it located?

To what number is it closer? 15 000 000 or 16 000 000?

Since it is closer to 15 000 000 round it down.Provide more examples of rounding numbers using the number line.Guide pupils to see the pattern when to round up and when to round down.( Prepare activity sheets for rounding numbers.)

a.Pupils are grouped into four. Each group will be given an activity sheet to answer.Activity: Round as indicated.

Hundred Thousands

Millions3 567 6786 547 7897 902 2312 402 2343 390 456b.The first group to finish with its correct answer wins.Let every group post its work. Let the group check their answers.

O. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

3.Processing the activities

3.Processing the activitiesAfter all the groups have presented their answers, look back at the given example.Ask: How many 100 000 do we have? 1One 100 000s disc equals to how many? ( 100 000)How many 10 000 discs do we have? ( 2 )Two 10 000s discs equal how many? ( 20 000 )How many 1000s? (3)

3.Processing the activitiesAsk: How were you able to do your task? Call some pupils to read some numbers they have written.Call some pupils to write numbers in words on the board or on their “show- me- boards”Ask: How many digits do numbers from 13 345 400 – 13 345 403

3.Processing the activitiesSay: Let us look at your work.Ask:• What is the rounding place if a number to be rounded to the nearest hundred thousand? Millions?• What digit should be at the right of the digit in the rounding place in order to round down?• What digit should be at the right of the digit in the rounding place in order to round up?

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Three 1000s discs equal 3000.How many 100s? ( 1)One 100s disc equals 100How many 10s? ( 2)Two 10s discs equal 20How many 1s disc?One 1s disc equals to 1Say : “ 123 121 means 1 hundred thousands, 2 ten thousands, 3 thousands, 1 hundreds, 2 tens and 1 ones.

Ask: Which group/s was/ were able to give all correct answers?Which group/s missed an answer? Which group/s was/were not able to give any correct answer?Provide immediate feedback / remedial measures to those with incorrect answers.

Ask: How did you find the activity? Did you work cooperatively with your group?Was using number discs helpful to you in visualizing numbers 100 000 to 10 000 000?

have?In numbers 15 320 506 – 15 320 509 which digit is in the millions place.How did you write the numbers in symbols?How did you separate the millions and thousands from that of the digits of hundreds, tens and ones?How did you write the numbers in words?Do you still need to write zero when writing in words? Why?

P. Developing mastery(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)

4.Reinforcing the Concept and Skill

a.Discuss the presentation on top

of page ___ LM Math Grade 5.

Then give the following activity.

Using your number discs, show

these numbers.

1.13 450 123 2. 14 445 223

3. 567 789 4. 678 900 5.

567 908

b.Have the pupils do the items

under Get Moving, page 1 of LM

math Grade 5. Check the pupils’

answers and provide corrective

measures if needed.

To further reinforce the skill, ask

the pupils to answer items under

Keep Moving, page 2 of LM Math

Grade 5

.Reinforcing the Concept and Skill

A.Discuss the presentation under

Explore and Discover on page ____

of LM Math Grade 5.

B.Let the pupils work on the

exercises under Get Moving, page

___ of LM math Grade 5. For more

practice, give the exercises under

Keep Moving on page ____ of LM

Math Grade 5.

4.Reinforcing the Concept and Skill

Discuss the presentation under Explore and

Discover of page ___ LM Math Grade 5. Then

give these exercises.

A.Encircle the number that could be round of

to 5 000 000.

4 890 560 5 346 678

4 783 456 3 567 156

5 034 456 4 212 345

B.Let them answer the exercises under Get Moving on page ____ of LM Math Grade 5. For extra practice, give the exercises under Keep moving on page ____ LM Math Grade 5.

Q. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

6.Applying to New and Other


a.Use number discs to show these


1.There are 678 000 people at the


2.About 14 000 000 people voted

in favour of Leni Robredo.

c.Have the pupils do the items

under Apply Your Skills on page

___ LM Math Grade 5

6.Applying to New and Other


a.Read and answer

•A regional library has a total of

125 560 books and magazine. Write

the number of books and

magazines in words.

•There are one million, three

6.Applying to New and Other Situations

Solve each problem.

1.In fishponds of Aling Lulu, there were 1 567 890 tilapia fingerlings in the

first pond, 567 890 in the second pond and 5 678 909 in the third pond.

About how many fingerlings are there in all?

2.Mang Oyong harvested 234 678 kilograms of calamansi. About how many kilograms of calamansi were harvested?

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b.Draw number discs to show

these numbers.

1.The Foundation donated 987 456

assorted canned goods to the

earthquake victims.

hundred fifty thousand, four

hundred ten voters in the

municipality of Marandan.

Write the numbers of registered

voters in symbol.

b.Let them answer the exercises

under Apply your Skills page ___ of

LM Grade 5.

R. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

5.Summarizing the Lesson To visualize numbers from 100,001 to 10 000 000 we use number discs such as 10 000 000s, 1 000 000s, 100 000s, 10 000s, 1 000s, 100s, 10s and 1s.

.Summarizing the LessonGuide the pupils to give the generalization by asking, “How do we read numbers up to 10 000 000?” “How do we write numbers?” To read numbers, read the digits in the first period at the left, say the period where the digits are. Then say only the digits in the units period.To write numbers up to 10 000 000, the digits are separated by comma or space in groups of 3 called periods starting from the right

5.Summarizing the Lesson

Ask: How do we round numbers?

To round numbers:

•Look at the place at the left of the number to be rounded.

•Check the digit to its right. If it is less than 5, round it down. If it is 5 and

above, round it up.

•Change all the digits to the right of the digit to be rounded to 0.

S. Evaluating learning C.AssessmentDraw number discs to show these numbers.1.345 6782.The farmers harvested a total of 567 234 kilograms of rambutan in one harvest season.3.There were 3 478 290 people who joined the Save the Planet Earth movement.4.About 12 390 234 baby clothes are produced by a factory in 5 years.

C.AssessmentMatch the numbers in symbols with the corresponding numbers in words.1.35 567 0002.9 781 5603.456 8904.3 000 0005.34 789 089a.Thirty – four million seven hundred eighty-nine thousand eighty- nineb.Three millionc.Thirty- five million five hundred sixty-seven thousandd.Nine million seven hundred eighty- one thousand five hundred sixtye.Four hundred fifty-six thousand eight hundred ninety

AssessmentRound the following to the nearest:a. Hundred thousands1.2 345 456 __________________2.4 234 567 __________________3.6 561 345 __________________4.5 987 456 __________________5.8 234 567 __________________

b.Rounding off to the nearest Millions6.9 123 451 __________________7.3 451 678 __________________8.7 987 567 __________________9.3 567 678 __________________10.7 789 12__________________

T. Additional activities for application A.Home Activity Enrichment D.Home Activity Home Activity

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or remediation RemediationDraw number discs to show these numbers.1.456 789 2. 3 456 678 3. 34 123 127 4. 67 890 780 5. 789 561.

Write the numbers for the following:1.7 ten millions, 5 millions, 6 hundred thousands, ten thousands, 4 thousands, 3 hundreds, 2 tens and 5 ones.2.3 millions, 4 hundred thousands, 3 ten thousands, 5 thousands, 2 hundreds, 6 tens, 4 ones.3.8 ten millions, 1millions, 3 hundred thousands, 4 ten thousands, 6 thousands, 2 hundreds, 5 tens and 3 ones.4.9 hundred thousands, 8 ten thousands, 4 thousands, 2 hundreds, 9 tens and 6 ones5.7 ten thousands, 9 thousands, 3 hundreds, 5 tens and 2 ones.

Write the following numbers in symbols.1.Two hundred six thousand seven hundred ten2.Four million eight hundred thousand3.Thirty- four thousand seven hundred three4.Twelve million seventy5.Ten million five hundred

Provide the pupils with these exercises.How many numbers can be rounded to 1 000 000?Write these numbers below.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EnrichmentWrite the place value to which each

number is rounded.1.1 200 000 ___________________2.3 000 000 ___________________3.5 560 000 ___________________4.7 000 000 ___________________5.6 678 000 ___________________

XI. REMARKSXII. REFLECTIONH. No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation

I. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80%

J. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

K. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

L. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

M. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?

N. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

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(Pang-araw-araw naTala sa Pagtuturo)

Paaralan Baitang/Antas VGuro Asignatura FILIPINO

Petsa/Oras Hunyo 5-9,2017 Markahan Una/Linggo 1

Lunes Martes Miyerkules Huwebes BiyernesI. LAYUNIN Matukoy ang pangngalan.

A. Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring pakikinig at pag-unawa sa napakinggan

B. Pamantayan sa Pagaganap Nakapagbibigay ng sariling pamagat para sa napakinggang kuwento at pagsasagawa ng roundtable na pag-uusap tungkol sa isyu o paksang napakinggan

C. Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto (Isulat ang code ng bawat kasanayan)

a.Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa napakinggang kwento .b.Naiuugnay ang sariling karanasan sa napakinggang tekstoc.Naibibigay ang mga uri ng pangngalanF5PN-Ia-4/Pahina 67 ng 143

a.Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa napakinggang kwentob.Nabibigyang kahulugan ang patalastas

F5EP-Ia-15/ Pahina 67 ng 143

a.Nasasagot ang mga tanong sa binasang kwento.b.Naipapahayag ang sariling opinion o reaksyon sa isang napakinggang balita, isyu o usapan.c.Nakasusulat ng isang maikling balitaF5PU-Ia-2.B/ Pahina 67 ng 143

a.Nagagamit ng wasto ang mga pangngalan sa pagtalakay tungkol sa sarili, sa mga tao,, sa mga hayop, lugar, bagay at pangyayari sa paligid.F5WG-Ia-e-2/ Pahina 67 ng 143

Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng salitang pamilyar at di- pamilyar sa pamamagitan ng paggamit sa pangungusapF5PT-Ia-b-1.14

II. NILALAMAN Mga Uri ng Pangngalan : Pagbibigay ng Kahulugan sa Patalastas

Pagsulat ng Isang Maikling Balita

Wastong Paggamit ng mga Pangngalan sa Pagtalakay tungkol sa Sarili, sa mga Tao, sa mga Hayop, Lugar, Bagay at Pangyayari sa Paligid.

Pagbibigay ng Kahulugan sa mga Salitang Pamilyar at Di- pamilyar sa Pamamagitan ng Paggamit sa Pangungusap


1. Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro Tg/Week 1 Tg/Week 1 Tg/Week 1 Tg/Week 1

2. Mga pahina sa Kagamitang Pang-Mag-aaral

LM/Week 1 LM/Week 1 LM/Week 1 LM/Week 1

3. Mga pahina sa Teksbuk Pag-unlad sa Wika at Pagbasa 5 p.25Hiyas sa Wika 5 p.38

Pag-unlad sa Wika at Pagbasa 5 p.Hiyas sa Wika 5 p.38

Pag-unlad sa Wika at Pagbasa 5 p.32Hiyas sa Wika 5 p. 43 at 48

Ugnayan Wika at Pagbasa 5 p.93 Yaman at Dunong p.5

4. Karagdagang Kagamitan mula sa portal ng Learning Resource

B. Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo Kwento, tsart, larawan Metacards. patalastas,tsart Balita,tsart,metacard Tsart,metacards,maikling balita Talaan ng mga salita, diksyonaryo

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III. PAMAMARAANA. Balik-aral sa nakaraang aralin at/o

pagsisimula ng bagong aralin1.Balik-aralIpaayos sa mga bata ang mga salita upang makabuo ng isang kaisipan ukol sa nakalipas na aralin.2.PagsasanayGabayan ang mga bata na bumuo ng maikling_______ na ginamitan ng iba’t-ibang pangngalan.

a.tula -Pangkat 1b.awit - Pangkat 2c.yell - Pangkat 3

1.Balik-aralItanong: Anu-ano ang ibat-ibang uri ng pangngalan?2.PagsasanaySabihin: Ilagay ang mga salita sa tamang hanay kung ito ay pangngalang pantangi o pambalana.(Nakasulat sa meta cards)

1.Balik-aralMula sa takdang aralin ng mga bata pumili ng isa at ipresent ito sa unahan. Hayaan ang mga batang piliin o mgbigay ng mga pangngalan na makikita ditto.Ipatukoy kung anong uri ng pangngalan ang mga ito.2.PagsasanaySabihin: Basahin at pag-aralan ang pagbabalitaan ng magkaibigan.Pansinin ang mga salitang may salungguhit

Hannah, may balita ka na ba? Takdang aralin natin iyon ngayon diba?

May ginupit ako. Halika basahin mo. Pag-aralan natin ang pagkakabuo ng balita.

1.Balik-aralAnu-ano ang mga dapat gawin kapag susulat ng isang maikling balita?

2.PagsasanaySabihin: Ilagay sa angkop na hanay ang mga pangngalan na nakasulat sa metacard kung ito ba ay ngalan ng tao,bagay,hayop,pook o pangyayari.

1.Balik-aralAno ang nakalipas na aralin?

2.PagsasanaySabihin: Basahin ang mga sumusunod na pangungusap at ibigay ang kahulugan ng may salungguhit na salita.

B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin A.Pagganyak Ipabasa sa mga bata ang patalastas at ipasagot ang mga tanong ukol sa binasa.

A. PagganyakItanong: Sino sa inyo ang

makapagbibigay ng halimbawang isang patalastas?

A.PagganyakItanong: Sino sa inyo ang nanood ng balita kagabi?

A.PagganyakItanong: Sino sa inyo ang nais tumayo sa unahan upang magsabi ng ilang bagay tungkol sa inyong sarili,sa mga hayop na alaga ninyo,sa mga lugar na napuntahan na o mga pangyayari sa inyo?

A.PagganyakIpabuo sa mga bata ang mga salitang magkakahiwalay upang makabuo ng isang pangungusap. Ipabigay ang kahulugan ng may salungguhit na salita

C. Pag-uugnay ng mga halimbawa sa bagong aralin

B.PaglalahadAnong okasyon meron sa ating barangay ngayong Hunyo?

Ngayon ay iparirinig ko sa inyo ang isang kwento tungkol sa “Pista sa Aming Bayan”.

PaglalahadSabihin: Basahin ang patalastas at sagutin ang mga tanong ukol dito.


Sabihin: Makinig sa isang maikling balita na aking babasahin.

B.PaglalahadSabihin: Ngayon ay tatalakayin natin ang wastong paggamit ng pangngalan sa pagtalakay sa ngalan ng tao, hayop, bagay, lugar at pangyayari.

B.PaglalahadSabihin: Ngayon ay pag-aaralan natin ang pagbibigay ng kahulugan sa mga pamilyar at di-pamilyar na salita sa pamamagitan ng paggamit sa pangungusap.

D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan

C.PagtalakayIpasagot ang mga tanong ukol sa

PagtalakayTalakayin ang patalastas

C.Pagtalakay C.PagtalakaySabihin: Basahin ang mga sumusunod

C.PagtalakayPag-usapan kung ano ang paraan

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#1 napakinggang kwento. na ipinakita sa pamamagitan ng pagsagot sa mga tanong.

Ipasagot sa mga bata ang mga tanong ukol sa balitang kanilang narinig.

na pangungusapTalakayin ang mga

pangngalan na ginamit sa bawatpangungusap

1.Si Dr. Ramos ay nagpapakadalubhasa sa Amerika.2.Masipag tumahol ang aming aso.3.An bayanihan ay isang magandang kaugaliang Pilipino.4.Maalat ang tubig sa dagat.5.Nanganganib na pumutok ang bulkang Mayon.

upang malaman ang kahulugan ng isang pamilyar at di-pamilyar na salita.

E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #2

F. Paglinang sa Kabihasan(Tungo sa Formative Assessment)

D.Pagpapayamang GawainPansinin ang mga pangngalang ginamit sa kwento.Sabihin kung anong uri ang mga pangngalan na ginamit.

Pagpapayamang GawainSabihin: Pag-usapan ninyo

ng katabi mo kung anu-anong shampoo na ang inyong nagamit.

D.Pagpapayamang Gawain

Itanong: Ilang talata meron ang balita?Tungkol saan ang bawat talata?

D.Pagpapayamang GawainPangkatang Gawain:

Ang bawat grupo ay magkakaroon ng talakayan gamit ang ibat-ibang pangngalan.Pangakt I- taoPangkat 2- bagayPangkat 3- hayopPangkat 4- lugarPangkat 5- pangyayari

D.Pagpapayamang GawainTukuyin ang kahulugan ng mga salitang may salungguhit sa pangungusap. Isulat ang nawawalang letra ng salitang kahulugan nito.(cj p.5)

G. Paglalaapat ng aralin sa pang-araw-araw na buhay


Salungguhitan ang mga pantanging ngalan at ikahon ang mga pambalana.

PaglalapatNasa loob ng kahon ang

mga pangngalan. Piliin ang angkop na pangngalang bubuo sa bawat pangungusap.


Gawin ang Gawain sa Isulat mo.

PaglalapatPunan ang patlang ng wastong pangngalan upang mabuo ang bawat pangungusap.

PaglalapatIpagawa sa mga bata ang Gawain sa Sulatin Mo. (KM)p.

H. Paglalahat ng Arallin E.PaglalahatTandaan may dalawang uri ang pangngalan,ito ay ang pangngalang pantangi at pangngalang pambalana.

PaglalahatAno ang uri ng

pangngalan kung ito ay tumutukoy sa tanging ngalan ng tao, bagay, pook, at pangyayari? Kung ito ay tumutukoy sa karaniwang ngalan ng tao, bagay hayop at lugar?

E.PaglalahatItanong: Anu-ano ang mga dapat tandaan sa pagsulat ng balita?

PaglalahatNagagamit natin ang pangngalan upang matalakay ang mga bagay ukol sa ating sarili, tao, bagay, hayop, lugar at pangyayari.

E.PaglalahatMalalaman natin ang kahulugan ng isang salita sa pamamagitan ng paggamit nito sa pangungusap.

I. Pagtataya ng Aralin IV.Pagtataya

Ibigay ang pambalanang ngalan ng mga sumusunod na pantanging ngalan.1.Acer

IV.PagtatayaIbigay ang kahulugan ng patalastas


Sumulat ng isang maikling balita gamitan ng mga pangngalang pantangi at pambalana.

IV.PagtatayaSumulat ng isang maikling talata gamit ang iba’t-ibang pangngalan.Pumili ng paksa sa mga sumusunod:

a. Paboritong artista

IV.PagtatayaIbigay ang kahulugan ng mga sumusunod na salita sa pamamagitan ng paggamit nito sa pangungusap1.Nasabi2.Tugon

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2.Laguna Doctor’s Hospital3.Sun Star4.Dr. Renato G. Cruz5.Pilot

b. Alagang hayopc. Prutasd. Lugar na napuntahan nae. Isang pangyayari sa iyong buhay


J. Karagdagang gawain para sa takdang-aralin at remediation

V.Takdang Aralin

Sabihin kung ang mga sumusunod na pangngalan ay pantangi o pambalana

V.Takdang-AralinSumulat ng iyong sariling patalastas tungkol sa isang sakit. Gumamit ng mga pangngalang pantangi at pambalana.

V.Takdang Aralin

Gumupit ng isang maikling balita idikit ito sa inyong kuwaderno at sa ilalim nito ay ibigay ang inyong opinion o reaksyon.

V.Takdang AralinSumulat ng isang talata na tumatalakay sa iyong sarili.

V.Takdang AralinMagbigay ng 5 halimbawa ng di-pamilyar na salita ibigay ang kahulugan nito sa pamamagitan ng paggamit nito sa pangungusap. Isulat sa kwaderno.

IV. Mga TalaV. Pagninilay

A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakakuha ng 80% sa pagtataya

B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na nangangailangan ng iba pang gawain para sa remediation

C. Nakatulong ba ang remedial? Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin

D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral na magpapatuloy sa remediation

E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang pagtuturo nakatulong ng lubos? Paano ito nakatulong?

F. Anong suliranin ang aking naranasan na solusyunan sa tulong ng aking punungguro at superbisor?

G. Anong kagamitang panturo ang aking nadibuho na nais kong ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko guro?

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