
    Direct: 055- 9200507

    Office of the PABX : 055-9200519-26/200

    Chief Executive Officer

    FAX :055-9200122

    GEPCO Ltd., 565-A Model Town G.T. Road, Gujranwala.

    No. CEO/FD/GEPC0/ CPC Cr")'\ Dated: -2012

    The Re(:,:istrar, National Electric Power Regulatory Authority, Of r)iiildina. 2nd Floor. Shahr-e-Jarnhuriyat Sector G-5/2, Islamabad.

    Th SUBJECT:- Petition of GEPCO for Determination of Consumer-End Tariff

    alonqwith Annual Revenue Requirement FY 2012-13 Pursuant to Amendment in the NEPRA Act 1997.

    Enclosed please find herewith the Tariff Petition for the

    FY 2012-13 alongwith annual revenue requirement of FY 2012-13 in respect of

    Gujranvicla Electric Power Company Limited (GEPCO) Gujranwala.

    It is requested that the same may please be admitted- for Tariff

    Determination of the FY 2012-13 along with annual revenue requirement

    FY 2012-13.

    DA: 1. Petition Summary along with standard petition templates &

    other documents. 2. Certified copy of resolution of Directors of the Company 3. Affidavit

    (Mehboob Alam) Chief Executive Officer,

  • 4171/41i,;14 Rars(2,) NeffrA-t-_, ,

    :..1 _ 13 `D100 l iiith6.15111:DUMCEM1111E

    -},E ....,..) oF -,1,,,...— ReIN BRANCH TRUST PLAZA — — - (:u.RANhALA I

    IWI ( OF KA/MA Ail'{ KC No. 0054010000

    CHEQUE NO 75888980

    DATE 0 6-07-20/;'-


    Rupu— era-lie-7; S,;(1k4us.______A, Rs. _--- •

    /4/ ae-7:7---ic f(JiVe-r cn BEARER

    FEEL EM 3 1*

    Cr:186980 11 0a 3000 Ei es0t) SianD

    C"..1.771)C L.4


    r(ilr,R1111) %Chief Reaitive Officiar-

    m",GEPCO.Ltd. Gujranwafa. ranwala. •



  • GUJRANWALA ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY LIMITED Petition for Fixation of Consumer End Tariff

    For the FY 2012-13 along with Annual Revenue Requirement FY 2012-13

    Before The Honorable National Electric Power Regulatory Authority



    NAME AND ADDRESS Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited 565-A Model Town, Ottiranwala

    Distribution License No. 0-1/DL/200")


    a) Eneineer Mehboob Alan, CEO

    b) NIL Muhammad Asad, Finance Director.

    c) Mr. Ahsan Nascent Bhutta Operation Director

    Emtinecr Zaki-Vd-Deen Chief Engineer (Planning).

    et Engineer Munir Ahmed Mian Customer Services Director.

    Seed I lashmat All Kazmi. Director I IR&A


    Petitioner being a Power Distribution Company, is a bona fide Power

    Distribution licensee. In order to perform its obligatory duties prescribed

    h\ the Authority (NEPRA) as per NI•RA Perlbrmance Standards

    (Distribution) Rules .2005, the petitioner needs adequate fundim2. "Fliere

    are three main sources of funding available with petitioner (i) internal

    efficiency improvements. (ii) borrowings and (iii) adequate revenue

    through tariff While the petitioner is already a highly motivated utility

    timards continuous internal efficiency improvements: yet such

    improvement measure requires commensurate linaneial resources either

    through horr(mings or adequate win. As per general prune of

  • 1

    banking, industry. international or local. the financial viability of

    borrowing organization is always taken as fundamental for lending

    decisions. In short. internal financial viability of a utility is the basic to

    embark upon and explore other resources of funds; which can only he

    ensured through adequate consumer end tariff.

    GEPCO, in its status as power distribution licensee, hereby files the tariff petition as per requirements of the NFPRA regulations.



    • tinder thc' 1997 NEPRA Act, NFPRA is responsible for determining tariffs and

    other i terms and conditions fur the supply of electricity by the generations,

    transmission and distribution companies and to recommend these to the Federal

    Goyernnient. subject: to the need to comply with guidelines, not inconsistent

    with the provision of the NEPRA Act. laid down by the Federal Government.

    NI PRA . is also responsible for determining the process and procedures for

    reviewing tariffs and recommending tariff adjustments.

    • This petition is being filed in pursuant to the section 31 (4) of the Regulation of

    Generation. Transmission and Distribution of Flectrie Power Act. 1997.



    The prOjected receipt of energy FY 2012-13 !Or G1111C0 is estimated as under:-

    • Mliwh

    I lnits received FY 2010-11 7.315

    NEPRA determined receipt of units 7,548

    hilts. received FY 2011-11 6,059

  • Ile 12,10 Wth in receipt of units remained -ye 4.86% from last FY 201.0-11 and —ye

    7.80%. This negative growth was not due to the extraordinary increase in demand

    but was due to the reduced generation capacity utilization.

    Accordingly, keeping in view the current situation, the receipt of units is expected

    to remain equivalent to the actual receipt FY 2011-12.

    The transmission and distribution losses are expected to remain at 1 1% as per the

    octuai achie\elliiilts ftoin lust two years. Therefore illy projected sale of --ts has

    been projected as under:-


    Receipt of units 6,960

    Less: Units losses 0? 11 °A) 766

    Sale of t Inits 6,194


    :;used on expected receipt of units, and actual cost of generation. capacity charges

    and use of system charges For the year 2011-12, the power purchase cost FY

    2012-13 has been assumed as under:-

    tars Rs. In Million Rs/kWh v Generation energy 5.0,550 . 7.27

    v charges 17,350 2.49

    ;vstem charges _ 1.700 0.24

    69,600 . 10.00



    Use of



    Lcin \N, ise projected distribution margin is as under:-

    Operation and Nlaintenance Expenses:

    The operating and maintenance expenses have, been projected on the following


  • I. Salary, wages and employees cost has been increased on the following basis:-

    i. 10% increase in basic pay from July 2012 in the light of Federal Government

    13udget FY 2012-13.

    ii. 7% increase in salary with effect from December 2012 on account of annual

    increment as per pay scales

    di.. Pension Cost 20% increase from July 2012 in the light of Federal

    Government Budget FY 2012-13.

    v. Tsie∎■ rOcrilitinents gill require additional cost of Rs. 12.0 million per month.

    2. Travelling expenses has been assumed on the basis of rates of daily allowance

    • • increased bv' Federal Government effective from July 2010.

    3. Repair and maintenance expenses have been increased by 11% in order to

    (lover the in'Oationary impact which was around 15% during FY 2011-12 and is

    expected to remain as such.

    4. Vehicle running expenses have been increased by 10% because of increasinL

    trend in the international oi,l prices.

    5. Miscellaneous expenses, have been increased by 11% as per previous trends

    and inflation rate.'


    Projected 0 & M for FY 2012-13

    NEPRA Determination FY 2011-12

    Un-Audited FY 2011-12

    Audited FY 2010-11

    Head of Accounts . • FY 2012-13

    inobec )



    .11.11. •


    11,11 '.

    Rs. Mln Rs Mtn) Inc/(Dec ) Rs. Mln

    %age *

    IncJ(Dec.) Rs. MIn

    Salaries, wages and employee cost

    Traveling Allowance


    4.650 3,563 (3.07) 3 980* . 35.07 4.106








    500 •








    (40 88)









    Repair and Maintenance

    Vehicle Running

    Other Expenses

    Total 25.1 •3 ± 6,055 4,780. 22.64 5,236 20.52 5,512

    C011111:11't.• \ \ ill ) 200')- 1 0 A llt.l itC11 1:1!, 1.11"CS.



  • * No provision on revaluation of long term benefits have been included which is being done

    on the basis of actuarial valuation to be completed by August 2012. Further the figures will be

    adjusted in case NEPRA accepts GEPCO request as given under.

    Note on the I .ong Term Retirement Benefits

    The Authority in its Determination of Tara FY 2011-12 for GEPCO, directed CEPCO to

    create a separate fund bel'ore WI June 2012. The creation of fund would ensure that the

    Petitioner records its liability more prudently as the funds would be transferred to a separate

    legal entity.

    In this regard. Followings are our submissions:-

    I. Creation of separate fund is compulsory for contributed long term benefits. Please refer to

    para 43 of lAS - 19 which deals fur Post-employment benefits: defined contribution plans.

    The entity may create Cully or partly financed fund for defined benefit plans or may not create any fund. Please refer to pain 48 of 1AS - 19 Post-employMent benefits: defined benefits plans.

    3. In accordance with the terms of employment of all the regular employees, the system of "defined long term benefits- exists in GEPCO. therefore creation of separate fund is not necessary for Ci[PCO.

    4. The base of Authority's direction is to create the liability more prudently. The creation of fund will not provide any assurance as explained in para 49 of lAS — 19 which is reproduced for ready reference:-

    Defined benefit plans may be unfunded, or they may be wh011y or partly funded by, contributions by an entity, and sometimes its employees, into an entity, or fund, that is

    legally separate from the reportino, entity and from which the employee benefits are paid.

    The payment of funded benefits when they fall due depends not only on the financial

    position and the investment performance of the fund but also on an entity's, ability (and willingness) to make good any shortfall in the fund's assets. Therefore, the

    entity is, in substance, underwriting the actuarial and investment risks associated

    \Oh the plan. Consequently, the expense recognized for a defined benefit plan is not necessarily the amount of the contribution due for the period."

    .I .he creation of fund \\ ill also necessarily add risk on return on investment and any shortfall in the total fund and the actuarial valuation has to be underwritten by GITCO. This would

    then he made up the part of the petition to he recovered from the consumers. 6. As an example. the additional provision in the expenses FY 2010-11 was amountini2, to Rs.

    903 ntiilio,t due to re\ ision in the pay scales by the Federal ( iovernment whereas NI'PRA is not recognizing. In the absence of tiny tariff support. DISCOs will not he able to make up such heavy Rinds investments. NI:PRA had not even recognized the actual payments amountit2 to Rs. -$35 million FY 2010-11.

    7. The objective of providing the annual provision for Post-employment benefits: defined benefits plan. on the basis on actuarial valuation. is to create reserve in the Balance Sheet so that the shareholders would draw dividends net of the provision.


  • Conclusion:

    Keeping in view the tight cash floW positions of DISCOs wherein the payables to the CPPA \vill be around Rs. 30 billion as on June 30. 2012 against payable to CPPA Rs. 11 billion as on

    June 30, 2011. the Authority is requested to kindly review its earlier decision. Further in order

    to avoid complex situation, the actual payments to pensioners during the financial year may please be allowed to keep DISCOS financially viable.


    During the year, GEPCO has planned the addition in the fixed assets by Rs. 5,568 millions (as

    explained in , the investment section), therefore, the depreciation charge for the year 2(112-13

    \vill be Rs. 1,117 million as against determined depreciation of Rs. 971 million FY 2011-1 7.

    The arnorti7lition of the , deterred credits' has been estimated at Rs. 450 million. The net

    depreciation. 'charge would be Rs. 667 million.

    Return On Regulatory Asset Base (RORB)

    ROR1.3 has been based on following calculations:-

    Desc'riPt ion


    Rupees in Million

    FY 2012-13 Projected

    FY 2011-12 Determined

    Gross Fixed Assets in Operation - Opening Bal 30,479 27,707 Addition in Fixed Assets 2,418 2,772 Gross Fixed Assets in Operation - Closing Bat 32,897 30,479 Less: Accumulated Depreciation 10,471 9.354 Net Fixed _ . Add: Capital


    Assets in Operation 22.426 21.125

    1,93 I Work In Progress - Closing 13',11 5.081

    in Fixed Assets ' 27.507 23,056 Less: Deferred

    RegulatorS: _

    /,\ verage

    Rate ()I'lturn

    Return ontRate

    Credit 12.092 10,842 Assets Base 'i

    .., 15.415 17214 _

    Regulatory Assets Base




    11.668 _ _ _ _


    1.554 1.313

    Other hICOMC

    The other income has been estimated at Rs. '1,600 million against determined other income of Rs. 1,505 million FY 2011-12.




  • Particulars




    6 S l O- 0%\ n Source

    6 S I 6- Loans

    Capital contributions/grants


    Rs. In Million








    Based on ab,,Nc_ the projected Distribution Mare,in (DM) FY 2012-13 would be as under:-

    Rtmces in Million

    Description FY 2012-13 Projected

    FY 2011-12 Un-Audited

    FY 2011-12 Determined

    FY 2010-11


    ----- - ----- Operation and Maintenance


    6.055 5,236 4,780 5,512

    Depreciation 1.117 971 971 886

    RORU 1,554 (5,206) 1,313 (1,086)

    Gross DM 8,726 1,001 , 7,064 5,312

    1.e:i.-; other income k 1.600) i ; za)-,;) (1,505) (1,638)

    Net DM 7,126 (561) 5,558 3,674


    During the year FY 2012-13, investment plan has been chalked out as follow:-




    O%\n sources

    koreign currency loans

    Capitol contributions/grants


    Rs. In Million


    2 .850



  • Rationale of the Investment

    Distribution of Power program

    Major investment is planned for the construction of offices/residential buildings, water tanks,

    boundary walls of various grid stations and other civil works. The total amounts for said works arc

    estimated for Rs. 75 million.

    The ktintlinine dllocation under l)OP amountinit io Rs. 1T "S million is Cor

    distribution of power systems updating and extensions, tools & plant, etc.

    ••••• VvorlstS

    1 :.11er11\ LOSS Redlle ti011 ( E l .k )

    With the:growth in demand on account of new consumers and additional usage of electricity by the

    existini! ',x.:olisumers. the distribution system requires periodic up-gradation in order to avoid

    distribution system failure.

    Aceordingh regular investment is made in the system Augmentation/Extension and up iiradation

    of . IIT/ET line system in order to keep the down the ever increasing distribution losses being

    emer;jini, all the .times due to continuous increase in the demand.

    oth STG Own sources

    The I-12IKV tmnsmissiOn lines and grid station construction are being upgraded. The details of the

    ongoing and netv projects are as Contras:



    11 5

  • Rationale of the Project

    2 in Narowal and 2 in Pasrur

    New capacitors installation at 12 grid stations.

    Two transmission lines — Sukheki to Pindi 13hattian .1P Bhattian

    Awan Shari f. Lines were approved in 6 11 STG PC-1 To change the existing conductor to Greeley due to overloading of the existing conductor.


    KV capacitors New transmission


    Re-conductoring of lines New projects Addition of power tr.10.j1Innets

    New line hays


    Orli nes New transmission line

    Out of GITC0 share AD13 projects

    Out ot- GrPCO share K VC:.111 FOIL:CIS



    On-going projects Addition of I ne bays

    Addition of


    Rs. Mil










    .4 new power transformers were purchased under ADB-Tranche 1 and the spare transformers shah be added in the cxisting overloaded grids. Only civil work and related infrastructure cost has been estimated. 6 number line bays are to be constructed to connect the Sahowala -Pasrur new Tiline and to connect new grid station at Godhpur under ADB Tranche

    To change the existing conductor to Greeley due to overloading of the existing conductor.

    Civil work for the new double circuit transmission line Narowal-Pasrur due to Hubco Power Plant at Narowal.

    Fstimated cost to he incurred by GEPCO on AD13 Tranche II loan as the projects are financed on the basis of 80% loan, 20% GliPCO own resources. _

    5() -do-

    oth ST( I .Oans

    In accordance with the approved PC-1. the GoP has borrowed funds from ADI3 and Fxini Bank

    Korea. The t ioP has further relent these loans to CdiPCO. Copies relent loans have been attached

    hcre\\ i t h roy fC'ddy re i.erCIICC. I he 1-0110%\ io i/, projects have been awarded on turn-key basis:-.;

    1' 11i

  • Project Description


    Contractor Total Cost

    Rs. Mn ADB-Tranche II

    Turn key -- new AIS Daska. Godhpur and double circuit

    Sahowala-Godhpur transmission line. Siemens 650

    Turn key — one new GIS grid station and one new AIS grid

    station at Cittiranwala A1313 Consortium 578

    Conversion of two 66KV grid stations to 132KV AIS grid stations and related transmission lines

    Siemens 634

    127 KM transmission lines ICC 988 •xim Bank Korea

    Six new AIS and one new GIS grid stations on turn key basis Consortium of

    Daewoo al id 1-1) ilud di 3.307

    Total 6.157 Expenditure FY 2012-13 , 2.850

    Deposit kVorks/Capital Contributions:

    Various works will be carried out against the funds received from public as deposit works.

    capital contributions and grants received from government through their MNA's/M PA's under

    various development schemes, mounting to Rs. 1.250 million.


    A brief History of the transaction has been given as under:-

    • GoP sovereign guarantee based T17C amounting to Rs. 136.45 has been arranged through Power llolding (Pvt) Limited (PI II,).

    • As per working of PEPCO, GEPCO share conies to Rs. 3,666 million. • The Loan was disbursed on February 22. 2012. • 'hie rate of profit on new loan is 3 month I:1130R f 2% with a discount of 1% if

    additional security on DISCOs receivable is provided to the banks.

    he BOD (11:.PCO has already approved the financing of Rs. 3.666 million from PI II. and assignment of GITCO receivables provided that GEPCO legal advisor issues a clean opinion on the documents.

    Ranks demanded joint liability of all the DISCOs which was not legally possible due to the conditions of Distribution License awarded by NEPRA.

    • The matter is still under process with Banks. • PHI. demanded the mark-up for the quarter February 22, 2012 to May "'I, 2012

    amounting to Rs,, 12-1 million which could not be processed because non-execution of financing agreement and also PI II. has not disbursed any loan to GEPCO nor CITA has issued an% confirmation that GI-TCO payable towards CITA has been reduced due to direct disbursement of loan by PI Ii, to CITA.



  • • As per the working paper. MoWP has to issue policy to NEPRA to allow the servicing of the debt in the tariffs of the DISCOs.

    • The Financial cost associated with this loan will be Rs. 475 million per year (Profit

    rates assumed at 13%)

    The AuthorUy is requested to approve the debt servicing cost to be passed to the consumer.

    Otherwise the cost may please be made part of the tariff as a tariff differential subsidy item

    because the debt service cost is high enough to make, already financially depressed DISCOs to

    further insolvency.

    1312 1012 YVAR A D.1 t ISTM

    The ever increasing cost of generation, the delayed determination of tariff, monthly fuel price

    adjustment litigation and complexities, un-ability of the GoP to pass on the determined tariff to

    the consumers. non-implementation of the quarterly adjustment mechanism as given in the

    tariff determination FY 2011-12. are all the factors increasing the circular debt day by day

    resulting in reducing the generation and increasing the load shedding. The net impact will be

    the further increased tariff FY 201")-13.

    The item \‘.i:,e finaneial implications have been tabulated as under:-

    DL‘scription Amount Rs. Mn

    Difference of reference & actual Capacity 8.: klOS charges 2.604 FPA. for life line consumers 484 FPA far T&D lost units 1,431 Consumer mix 4,125 Inconit, tax paid during FY 2011-12 68 1)(le h, revision of invoice for Capacity & liOS charges by CPPA FY 2010-11 ' 101 Total . . 8,813

    The impact of orders of Lahore Iligh Court for not charging FPA to domestic consumers having con.iiimption 51-350 Kwh has not been accounted for because this order is valid till final the decision on the petitions. :?/

    C (3


    Based on the above submission. the revenue requirement FY 2012-13 has been calculated as


    Description Projected

    FY 2012-13


    FY 2011-12

    Power purchase price Rs. Mln. 69,600 71.378

    Distribution Margin Rs. MM. 7,126 5,559

    Debt service cost — new TI:Cs Rs. Mln. 475 -

    Year _

    Prior Adjustment Rs. Min. 8.813 2.948

    I otal Rs. Min. 86,014 79.885

    Sale of units MKwh 6,194 6,755 II

    Average tariff Rs./Kwh 13.8867 11.8260


    la) Following adjustments may kindly be allowed:-

    I , TarilT FY 2012-13 be determined.

    u., !Approve the Distribution Margin FY 2012-13 iii. Investment be allowed for Rs. 5,568 million.

    Distribution Margin amounting to Rs. 7,126 million be allowed. v. Prior year adjustment amounting to Rs. 8.813 million be allowed vi. Debt service cost — new 'ITC amounting to Rs. 475 million be allowed

    Line losses be allowed R11%.

    (h) Alter having all eliects in the tariff the required average sales rate / tariff as

    worked out Rs.I 3.8867/KWh may please be allowed as per "proposed schedule

    of consumer end electricity tariff.

    An further inlUrmation or updating existing information may be allowed.

    SUMMARY 9F p.,,yiDENcE

    In support of the petition in fiand following schedules are submitted for

    consideration of the Authority:

    I. NI ..1'RK\ standard petition forms containing the data.

    • Copies of relent loans

    Workibu for prior year adjustment.


  • Certified True Copy



    565-A, Model Town, G.T. Road, Gujranwala — Phoile 055-9200519-26, Fax 055-9200530

    Board Resolution

    Resolution of the Board of Directors of Gujranwala Electric Power Company Limited on June 25th , 2012.

    At the albresaid meeting, it was resolved that:

    "Resolved unanimously that the petition for determination of consumer end tariff of the Gujranwala Electric Power Company (the "Company") for the financial year 2012-13 alongwith annual revenue requirement FY 2012-13 be filed with National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA).

    Further Resolved that Mr. Mehboob Alain, Chief Executive Officer along-with other management officers indicated in the summary of the petition be and are hereby: authorized to sign individually or jointly the necessary documents, pay the necessary filing fees, appear before the Authority as needed, and do all acts necessary for completion and processing of the applications".

    Date: 04 July, 2012 COMPANY SECRETARY GEPCO LTD . GO-am/vale

    ny Secretary)

    2 0


    1, Mchboob Alam s/o Khurshid Alam, Chief Executive Officer Gujranwala

    Electric Power Company Limited holding CNIC No. 35202-0608972-I

    being duly appointed Attorney of Gujranwala Electric Power Company

    Limited [(GEPC0), 565-A Model Town, Gujranwala, Pakistan, hereby

    solemnly affirm and declare that the contents of this Tariff Petition for

    financial year 2012-13 alongwith annual revenue requirement FY 2012-13 ,

    dated 7 ,2012, including all supporting documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing has been


    Verified on this 6/4 day of jai , 2012.


    (Mchboob Alani.)

    P 21






    -I_ Company Statistics

    ' 2 Profit & Loss Statement

    3 Profit & Loss Statement ( Month wise )

    4 Balance Sheet

    5 Cash Flow Statement

    6 Power Purchase (FY 2012-13)

    7 Line Losses StatemIent

    8 DISCO load factors '

    9 Average Rate per Unit Purchased and Sold

    10 i, DEMAND (Actual ctual and Calculated) and Number of Customers

    11 Sold Energy Evaluation and Setting up Sold Energy Average

    12 , Load Growth Evaluation and Setting up Load Average

    13 Asset Register

    14 Aging of Accounts Receivables

    15 j i

    Sales Growth with Distribution losses

    16 Operating Cost

    '17 j Distribution Margin Comparison

    18 Financial Charges

    19 , RORB Calculation

    20 Revenue RegUirement

    21' Investment,

    22 Interest on DeVelopment Loans

    2 ' Development Loan

    24 BONDS '

    25 Domestic Consumers Analysis

    26 Provision for Tax

    27 Existing & Proposed Tariff Statement

    28 Revenue & Subsidy Statement

    29 ' Proposed Revenue & Subsidy Statement


  • FORM -1

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Company Statistics

    Period Period 2011-12 2012-13

    Peak demand (MW) .1,994 2,090

    Number of Consumers Mln 2,635,000 2,730,000

    Area Gujranwala Civil Divison

    Circles 4 4

    Divisions No. 23 23

    Sub Divisions No. , 114 114

    Length of Feeders KM 20,809 22,000

    Avo.-3cja Length of Feeders KM 31.39 31.33 Mayirum Length of Feeder KM ! 171 171

    Minimum Length of Feeder KM 0.5 0.5 Target for new connections No. 95;000 95,000

    Length of STG i.e. HV lines

    i) 132 kv KM

    ii) 66 kv KM

    Length of 11 KV line KM

    Number of STG i.e. HV transformers

    i) 132 kv


    ii) 66 kv


    Number of burned down HV transformers


    Number of LV transformers

    No Number of burned down LV transformers No

    2,058 2,089

    487 462

    20,809 22,000








    500 Strength (No.) Only Salary Cost (Rs. Mln)

    Period Period Period Period 2011-12

    (Act./Prov.) 2012-13

    (Projected) 2011-12 (Act./prov ) 2012-13


    Number of Employees A Qualified Professionals

    Engineers 277 277 293 320

    Others 73 73 • 85 100

    B StLff

    Technical .11,060 • 11,060 ' 2,667 3,000 Cicrical / Non Technical 2,930 2,930 ' 934 1,230

    Total 14,340 • 14,340 , 1 3,980 . 4,650.


  • FORM - 2

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Profit & Loss Statement

    Period Period Period

    Determined Act/Prov FY 2012-13

    FY 2011-12 FY 2011-12 Projected

    [MkWh] 7,548 6,959 6,960

    [MkVVh] 793 775 766

    [%age] 10.50% 11.14% 1 1.01%

    [MkWh] 6,755 6,184 6,194

    [Mln Rs] 79,885 43,341 8 6,01 4 [Mln Rs] 15,582

    [Mln Rs] 9,567

    [MIn Rs] 79,885 68,490 86,014 [Mln Rs] - - -

    [Mln Rs] 426 450 [Mln Rs] 1,505 1,136 1,150

    [Mln Rs] 81,390 70,052 87,614

    [Mal Rs] 71,378 69,050 6 9,60 0 [Mln Rs] 4,780 5,236 6,055 [Min Rs] 971 971 1, 1 1 7

    [Mln Rs] 475 [Mln Rs] 2,948 8,8 1 3 [Mln Rs] 80,077 75,257 86,060

    [Min Rs] 1,313 (5,206) 1,554 [Mln Rs] 135 - [Mln Rs] 1,313 (5,341) 1,554 [Min Rs] - [Mln Rs] 1,313 (5,341) 1,554 [Nun Rs]

    [Mln Rs] 1,313 (5,341) 1,554

    Power Balances

    Units Received

    Units Lost

    Units Lost

    Units Sold


    Sales Revenue


    Fuel Price Adjustment

    Total Sales Revenue

    I:'I ental & Service Income

    Amortization of Def Credits

    Other Income

    total Revenue

    Operating Cost

    Power Purchase Cost

    O&M Expenses

    I Depreciation


    • Prior Year Adjustment I

    Total Operating Cost

    : E IBIT

    Financial Charges ,

    BEST . ,




    Profitfor the period .


    P 2 5

  • FORM

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. 2011

    Month 3 1st 071 Actual

    Month 4 Actual

    Month 5 Actual

    Month 6 Acual

    2nd art Act., I

    Month 7 Month 8 Astral

    Month 9 Acout

    3rd Oct Ac rat

    Month 10 Actual

    Month 11 Actual

    Month 12 Projected

    4th Oct AcLicror

    Total ActualiWojected

    756 2,421 656 514 470 1 539 366 405 433 ' .204 494 575 625 1.695 6,959

    52 339 62 1 12 75 26 24 60 '10 74 100 77 251 775

    693% 1399% 939% 0 25% 255% 457% 709% 601% 1378% 913% 15.04% 17.40% 12.33% 1464% 11.14%

    704 2,082 594 512 458 1.564 340 381 374 ' 094 420 475 548 1.443 6,184

    5 158 15,028 4 114 2 270 3 331 10,736 2 354 2.567 2 540 7,461 2.642 3.378 3.857 10,116 43 341

    1.525 4,344 1.131 1 013 635 2,949 489 581 1.118 2,187 1.776 2 009 2317 6,102 15,562

    1 154 4605 1.225 576 372 2,173 553 200 595 1.347 766 675 1,441 9.557

    7,894 23,976 6.490 4,859 4.509 15,858 3.395 3,348 4,253 16,996 5,384 6,062 6,214 17,660 68,490

    - - - - -

    35 105 35 36 35 107 35 35 34 104 37 35 37 110 426

    109 331 126 117 120 353 65 78 78 242 50 75 75 200 1,136

    8,037 24,412 6,652 5,012 4,664 16,328 3,516 3,461 4,365 11,342 5,471 6,173 6,326 17,970 70,052

    6 132 20,435 6,067 4 717 4 783 15.587 4 729 4,450 5.700 14,879 6 151 6.201 5,798 18,150 69,050

    420 1.371 375 401 384 1,161 403 445 492 1,340 392 385 587 1,354 5,236

    246 246 69 78 79 226 78 78 80 236 79 76 173 263 971


    6,798 22,052 6,532 5.196 5,246 16,974 5,210 4.971 6.272 16,455 6,622 6.664 6.491 19,777 75,257

    1,240 2,360 120 (184) (582) (646) (1,694) (1,512) (1,907) (5,113) (1,151) (491) (165) (1,807) (5,206)

    12 14 9 9 19 36 8 8 25 41 8 8 8 24 135

    1.228 2,326 II 1 (193) (600) (682) (1.702) (1.520) (1.932) (5,154) 11,1591 (499) (173) (1,831) (5,341)

    T1,228 2,326 111 (193) (600) (682) (1.702) (1,520)


    (1,932) (5,154) (1,159) (499) (173) (1,831) (5,341)

    1,228 2,326 111 (193) (600) (682) (1,702) (1,520) 11,932) (8,154) (1,159) (499) (173) (1,831) (5,341)

    Profit & Loss Statement (FY 2011.12) Month 1 Month 2

    Power Balances

    1.,i- :s Peceue0 im.A.51 788 876

    LI, :s Lcs: iiiiiive9 137 149

    LP- :s 6001 /Nage; 17 43% 1'02%

    0- :s Strl (1.5c.-.1 55: 727


    Saes Rei.ient..e im, A,: 464'- 5.223

    5._s ly Is" ",! 1 242 1 517

    F,9 Price Ad,us1rnen4 /•A F s l 1 292 2 159

    Total Sales Revenue 11.14, PM 7,178 8.904

    ker- ta: 8 Service Inco•ne ltdie et) - •

    :•,-,4in zalittn c' De! CreC is ISW. Pal 35 35

    0• -e• litc.c,e i1.1on Pal 121 102

    Total Revenue (me c .1 7,333 9.041

    Operating Cost

    113wer Pur",9se COS: mil et! 6 722 7.580

    051.16,certses pan Pal 414 537

    Dectevation [urn Raj

    A,-nor4icaLon Ilan IN

    PhOr Perk., Adjustment itail Rs;

    Total Operating Cost pan Pal 7,137 8,117

    EBIT NW Pr; 197 924

    Financial Charges pain Pal 11 1:

    EBT pen As) 186 911

    Tan pan Pal . -

    EAT pAn ru) 186 913

    WPPF hum Rs)

    Profit for the period hen et4 186 913

  • Gujranwala Electric Profit & Loss Statement

    - - __ _ __

    Power Balances

    ----'1.81FfPeseived - - _ Un•s Lost .

    Unis Las:

    Power Company Ltd.

    (FY 2012-13) - Month 1

    ----Projected Proteed


    - Month 2



    _ 8/6-



    Month 3





    1st Ort's





    Month 4




    9 39%

    Month 5

    Projected _

    - - 5'4


    Month 6





    2nd Ort's Month 7 Month 8


    - 405



    Month _9





    3rd Ort's.


    -1;0-4- -110

    i.' 13%

    Month 10


    _ _

    - 494

    _ 74


    Month 11






    Month 12





    10 86%

    4th Ort's


    1' 264936 14 30%



    6,97166160% -



    - 75







    - -


    i 83



    U-fits Sod /WW1 65! 727 724 Z082 594 512 455 1 564 340 381 374 I 094 420 475 559 1.454 6,194

    Revenue -

    Sales Reveni.e (Ses Irtsl 5.043 10 095 9.773. 28,909 8,253 7 114 6356 21,722 4.718 5.288 5,188 15,195 5 822 6.597 7,758 20,188 86,014

    - Subsidy pin Rs) .- -

    Fuel Price Aaustreent pan asj ••• - .

    Total Sales Revenue . 11.4n es) 9,040 10,096 - 9,773 28,509 8,253 7,114 6,356 21,722 4,718 5,288 5,188 15,195 5,832 6,597 7,758 20,188 86,014

    Rsr,tai 3 Service Income (Una.] . - - . . . - . - - - -

    Amortization of Def Credits II.4n RsI 35 35 35 105 35 35 35 105 40 40 -- 40 120 40. 40 40 120 450

    07-e, Income [Mme.) 98 96 98 294 98 98 98 294 94 94 94 282 94 94 92 280 1,150

    Total Revenue INS, nal 9,173 10,229 9,906 29,308 8,386 7,247 6,489 22,121 4,852 5,422 5,322 15,597 5,966 6,731 7,890 20,588 87,614

    Operating Cost

    Paver Purbnase Cost II.An Rs] 6.723 7 583 6.132 20,435 6087 4 717 4.783 15,587 4,729 4.450 5,700 14.879 5 151 6.201 6.348 18.699 69,600

    OSM Etrpenses 11.11/1 /IN 505 505 505 1,514 505 505 505 1,514 505 505 505 1.514 505 505 505 1.514 6,055

    Deveoaton pun IN 93 93 93 279 93 93 93 279 93 93 93 279 S3 93 93 279 1,117

    Debt Serve Cool !FM PsI 50 55 54 160 46 39 35 120 26 29 29 84 32 36 43 111 475

    P■∎ o, Year Aotustment ilAin N 926 1 034 1001 2.962 846 729 651 2.226 403 542 532 1.557 599 676 795 2.068 8,813

    Total Operating Cost [Nu. 60 8,297 9,263 7,785 .25,349 7,576 6,083 6,066 19,725 5,836 5,618 6,858 18,313 7,378 7,511 7,783 22,672 86,060

    EBIT Win Rs] 877 960 2,122 3,959 810 1,164 422 2,396 (984) (196) (1,536) (2,716) (1,412) (780) 107 (2,085) 1,554

    Fihanc,al Charges (sun ittrt

    EST 114,8 ag 877 963 2.122 3.959 810 1 164 422 2,395 (984) (196) (1,526) (.1,716) (1,4121 (780) 107 (2.085) 1,554

    Tar Pun IN

    EAT in IN 877 960 2,122 3,959 810 1.164 422 2,396 (984) (196) (1,536) (2,716) (1,412) (780) 107 (2,085) 1,554 V..PPF [Min 611

    Profit for the period [Min IN 877 960 2,122 3,959 810 1,164 422 2,396 (984) (196) (1,536) (2,716) (1,412) (780) 107 (2,085) 1,554

    • artua! figures are available tnese should be replaced by the actual figures

  • FORM - 4

    Balance Sheet fin million Rupees]

    Act /Prov. FY 2011-12 :

    Projected FY 2012-13 '

    Intangible Fixed Assets - - Net Fixed assets in operation 21,176 22,425 Total Fixed Assets 21,176 I 22,425

    Capital Work in Progress 1,931 5,081 Long Term Lccas to Employees 137 (37 Deferred Cost & Long Term Deposits - -

    Current Assets Stores & Spares 1,800 1,800 Trade Debts 16,047 8,000 Advances, Prepayments, Other Receivables 4,500 4,500 Tariff Subsidy (Receivable from GoP) 68 - Receivable from Associated Companies 200 300 Short term investments/advances 1,725 1,900 Casa & Bank Balances • 800 800

    Total Current Assets 25,1'40 17,300 Total Assets 48,384 44,943

    Subscribed Equity - 0.01 0.01 Deposit for Shares 3,019 3,019 Unappropriated Profit (11,363) (995) Total Equity (8,344)1 2,024

    Long Term Liability Security Deposits 2,400 2,520 Employee Retirement Benefits 6,500 6,500 TFCs & SUKUK - Deferred Credits 10,842 12,092 Total Long Term Loan 1,633 . 4,483

    Total Long Term Liability 21,3751 25,595

    Current Liability Current Maturity on Long Term Loans 98 98 Subsidy Received in Advance from GoP - - Provision for Taxation - - Payable to NTDC 28,755 10,727 Creditors. Accrued and Other Liabilities 6,500 • 6,500

    Total Current Liability ' 35,3531 17,325

    Tots Liabilities and Commitments 56,728 I 42,920

    Tota Liabilities and Equity 48,384 44,944

    0 0

    \MAL submitting Quarterly Petitions • this form should be submitted with actual ce sheet of previous quarters and projected balance sheet of next quarter.

    The valance Sheet should be substantiated with notes to the accounts.

  • FORM - 5

    Cash Flow Statement fin million Rupees]


    Act./Prov. FY 2011-12

    Projected FY 2012-13

    Average Monthly Demand I (MDI) [MW] Units Purchased [GWh] Distribution Losses [GWh] Distribution Losses % Units Sold to Customers [GWh] Energy Receivables (end of year)

    1,530 6,959

    775 11%


    1,662 6,959

    775 11%


    Average Tariff Required [Rs/unit] Average Tariff Existing [Rs/unit)

    , 1 Tariff Difference . [Rs/unit]

    Revenue from Sales Collection from Required ro]

    - -

    inflows from Operations !Collection from Current Sales Prior Year Recovery - Total Inflows from Operations

    Outflow from Operations Payment to CPPA Distribution Operation Cost

    0 0

    Total Outflow from Operations

    Surplus/Deficit from Operations





    Inflows from Other Sources Capital Contributions Consumer Security Deposits Other Incomes GOP Subsidy Long Term Loan / Redeemable Capital Total Inflows from Other Sources

    Outflow Others Financial Charges Repayment of Long Term Loans Investment Program Working Capital/other Changes

    0 0



    Total Outflow Others

    Total Inflows (Operations + Others)



    Total Outflows (Operations + Others) 0 - Surplus/Deficit Others - _ Opening Balance Surplus/Deficit for Fiscal Year Deficit from Financing/Loans

    0 0

    0 0

    Closing Balance 0 0


  • FORM - 6

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Power Purchase (FY 2011-12)

    Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Total

    Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Act./Proj

    Demand & Energy 6,959

    Units Received iM10.41-ii 788 876 756 656 514 470 366 405 433 494 575 625

    MDI (SW 1,840 1,721 1.805 1.607 1.296 1.280 1,186 1,363 1,355 1,343 1,698 1,862 1,530

    Energy Purchase Price [Rs/ Win) 6.39 6.63 5 54 6.84 6.19 7.15 9 19 7.08 9.55 9.67 8.05 6.69 7.19

    Capacity Purchase Price (Rs/ kW/ mj 1.90 1.82 2.33 2.19 2.74 2.76 3.46 3.61 3.33 2.54 2.48 2.33 2.49

    0.25 Transmission Charge IRV kW/ MI 0.23 0.20 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.29

    0.27 0.23 0.25 0.26

    Power Purchase Cost

    Energy Charge [Min Psj 5.041 5,813 4,188 4,487 3,181 3,357 3.361 2,869 4,1E0 4,779 4,630 4,184 50,030

    Capacity Charge [Mtn Rs] 1,497 1,595 1,763 1,439 1.406 1,297 1,265 1,463 1,444 1,256 1,425 1,454 17,307

    Transmission Charge [Min Ps] 184 172 181 161 130 128 102 117 116 115 146 160 1,713

    Adjustment [Min Rs]

    Total Operating Cost [Min PSI 6,723 7,580 6,132 6,087 4,717 4,783 4,729 4,450 5,700 6,151 6,201 5,798 69,050

    FORM - 6 ( A)

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd.

    Power Purchase (FY 2012-13 Projected)

    Demand & Energy

    Month 1 Projected

    Month 2 Projected

    Month 3 Projected

    Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected

    Month 10 Month 11 Projected Projected

    Month 12 Projected

    Total Projected

    Units Received [MOAN 788 876 756 656 514 470 366 405 433 494 575 625 6,959

    MDI [MW] 2,145 2,007 2,104 1,874 1,511 1,492 1,186 1,363 1,355 1,343 1,698 1,711 1,649

    Energy Purchase Price [Rs/ km] 6.44 6.70 6.55 6.99 6.31 7.59 8.96 7.64 7.76 9.67 8.05 7.53 7.26

    Capacity Purchase Price [Rs/ kW/ rAl 1.68 1.97 1.92 2.02 2.28 2.99 2.38 2.98 2 25 2.54 2.48 2.40 2.49

    Transmission Charge [Rs/ kW/ Mj 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.32 0.25 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.24

    Power Purchase Cost Energy Charge [Min Rs) 5,041 5.813 4,188 4,487 3,181 3.357 3,361 2,869 4,140 4,779 4,630 4,704 50,550

    Capacity Charge [Min RsI 1,497 1,595 1,763 1,439 1,406 1,297 1,266 1,463 1,444 1,256 1,425 1,497 17,350 Transmission Charge [Mln Rs] ._ -184 172-- 181 161 130 128 102 117 116 115 146 147 -1,700

    Adjustment - [Mtn Rs)

    Total Operating Cost [Mln Ps) 6,723 7,580 6,132 6,087 4,717 4,783 4,729 4,450 5,711 6,151 6,201 6,348 69,600

    ' Where actual figures are available , these should be replaced by the actual figures. ••

    In case of actual figures. adjustment should show monthly fuel adjustment separately and under the month to which it relates.

  • Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 M anth 7 Month 8 Month 9 Total

    1st m


    th o

    f th

    e a




    of th

    e a


    FORM - 6 (13 )

    EPP Adjustment EPP • 1st month of the Ort

    Reference. Actual _ . Disallowed

    3.525 5 044-


    2.782 4,548

    3 096 394

    . Fuel Price Adjustment Allowed

    EPP - 2nd month of the CM Reference. - 2.993 2.599 2.904 Amual 5813 3.233 2.912 Disallowed Fuel Price Adjustment Allowed

    EPP • 3rd month of the Ott Reference • 2 917 3.035 3.262 Actual -1.261 3.392 4.183 Disavowed Fuel Price Adjustment Allowed

    True( Losses for Le quarter 1050% 1050% 10 50% 1050% 10.50% 1050% 1050% 1050% 10.50%

    1st month of the Ort Units Received ifatl$M) 759 656 365 Units to be sold (NAM) 651 594 340 Units without life line and Agnadtural (MMA10 633 576 295 Adjustment already given (ken Rs) Adjustment that should have been %nth allowed casts only (Min Rs) mpam of disallowed casts (Min Rs) Remaining adjustment for the quarter only allowed (Min Rs)

    Remaining adjustment for the quarter with allowed & disallowed (Min Rs)

    2nd month of the Ort units Received (Mk%9) Mars to be sold IM14111) Units wthout Life line (hrlrAh) Adjustment already given (81In Rs) . - Adosenent that should have been with allowed costs only (Min Rs) imoac: of disai/owed costs (hiln Rs/ Remaining adjustment for the quarter only allowed (Min Rs) Remaining adjustment for the quarter with allowed 8 disallowed (Min Rs)

    676 514 405 727 512 381 712 492 339

    9.403 12 .986


    8,395 11.958

    9,214 11,936


    1,811 1,585 1.504

    1.795 1,620 1,543

  • 3rd month of the art -nits Receive., iM• nhi 755 470 434 1.660

    ,;rats to be Soto 704 4 50 374 1 535

    Jilts .thou: L.'e lire (MANN 690 43C 332 1.452

    AC;ustrnen: already given (Mn R si

    4.:cistmeN ma: shc.,;d cave been with allowed costs only Win Rs)

    In-o4❑ df disavowed cysts (Min Rs1 Remaining adjustment for the quarter (Min Rs)

    Remaining adjustment for the quarter with allowed 8 disallowed (Mtn Rs) Total Adjustment on account of EPP allowed only (Mln Rs) Total Adjustment on account of EPP allowed and disallowed (Min Rs)

    CPP ADJUSTMENT Pe) for the 1s1 month of the Oil 1 70 2.00 3 40

    MI month of the Crt Actual CPA per k'..e.h De4I COA per loAh 1 70 340 510

    Adjustment Required for the Month (Min Rs)

    P.ef for Me 2n3 1,10:1:5 Cl me On 2 00 230 300 730 2na month Of the On Actual CPP per kNh Delta COP per kith 30 373 533 Adjustment Required for the Month (Min Rs)

    Ref. for the 3rd month of the crt 1 90 300 220 710 3rd month of tht-Ort Actual CPA pet 101.11 Detta CPA per 1.W1 300 220 520 Adjustment Required for the Month (Mln Rs)

    Total Adjustment on account of CPP (Min Rs)

    UoSC ADJUSTMENT Pet for trio 1st mOrth of the On 020 0 20

    1st month of the OR Actual UoSC per kVA., Delta UoSc per kVit Adjustment Required for the Month (Mln Rs)

  • 0 20 0 20

    0 24 0 24

    Ref. for the 2nd month of the Ort 2nd month of the On Actual UoSC per k lAil Delta UoSc per kW, Adjustment Required for the Month (Mth Rs)

    Ref. for the 3rd month of the cal 3rd month of the Oct Actual UoSC per kWh Delta UoSc or kV.ti . Adjustment Required for the Month (Mln Rs)

    Total Adjustment on account of UoSC (Mtn Rs)

    Total Adjustment for the quarter allowed costs only (Min Rs) Total Adjustment for the quarter allowed ft Disallowed costs only (Min Rs)

    Impact of Ewa or Less Purchases

    Ref Unit Purchased ( MkWh ist month of the On 2nd month of the On 3rd month of me On

    Actual Unit Purchased I MkYno IP month of the On 2nd month or the On aro month of me On

    Difference ( MkWh Ut month of the On 2rd month of the On 3rd month of the On

    PPP Pet ( Per litAto

    Ref PPP t per kWh ) itt month of the err month of to Crt 3ro montn of ire On

    Impact of extra Purchases ( Rs. Millions )

  • FORM - 7

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Line Losses (FY2011-12)

    Month 1 Month 2 Actual

    Pourer Balances

    Month 3 Actual

    Month 4 Actual

    Month 5 Actual

    Month 6 Actual

    Month 7 Actual

    Month 8 Actual

    Month 9 Ptojectc.i

    Month 10 Projected

    Month 11 Projected

    Month 12 Projected

    Total Projected

    7% 876 757 657 514 470 306 405 4u3 494 575 675 6,959

    Units Sole' 651 727 704 594 512 458 340 381 374 420 475 548 6,184

    Units Lost 137 149 52 62 1 12 26 24 60 74 100 77 775

    Units Lost eaae! 17 43% 17 02% 6.90% 9 39% 0.25% 2.55% 7.09% 6.01% 1 3 78% 15.04% 17.40% 12.33% 11.14%

    Technical Losses C.,age" 15.02% 15.19% 7.50% 7.90% 0.63% 1.18% 5.80% 4.86% 11.95% 12.65% 13.75% 10.09% 10.55%

    i-dr7tinistiiative Losses 0 91% -0 77% -2.60% -0 61% -1 68% 0 18% -0.02% 0.24% 0.94% 0 99% 1.94% 0.43% 0.59%

    Dist7ioution Losses ['cage" 15.633/4 14 42% 4 90% 7 29% -1 05% 1.35% 5.79% 5.11% '2.88% 13.64% 15.700/0 10.53% 9.44%

    Technical Losses at Different Levels

    Transmission Losses 132 kV lit;agie; 1.50% 2.60% 2.00% 2.10% 1.30% 1.20% 1.30% 0.90% 0.90% 1.40% 1.70% 1.80% 1.70%

    11 kV Losses r•:agel 4 60% 4.60% 3.32% 1 96% 0.28% 0.36% 1 56% 1.37% 3.50% 3 67% 3.94% 3 94% 3.75%

    LT Losses r.agej 8 92% 8.00% 2 18% 3.84% -0 95% -0.39% 2.95% 2.59% 7.55% 7.59% 8.12% 4.36% 5.10%

    Total Technical Losses i%age) 15.02% 15.19% 7.50% 7.90% 0.63% 1.18% 5.80% 4.86% 11.95% 12.65% 13.75% 10.09% 10.55%

    FORM - 7 (A)

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd.

    Line Losses * (FY 2012-13) Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Total Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Pro .sated Projected Projected Projected Projected

    Power Balances

    Units Received it.w.1-1 788 . 876 756 . 656 514 470 _ 366 405 433 494 575 625 6,959

    Units Sold it.tkv.rit 651 -- 727 704 594 512 458 340 381 - 374 420 475 559 6,194

    Units Lost it.tio,vni 137. 149 52 62 1 12 26 24 60 74 100 66 764

    Units Lost (-`age) 17.43% 17.02% 6.90% 9.39% 0.25% 2.55% 7.09% 6.01% 13.78% 15.04% 17.40% 12.33% 11%

    Technical Losses l%agel 15.02% . -15.19% 7.50% 7.90% 0.63% 1.18% 5.80% 4.86% 11.95% 12.65% 13.75% 10.09% 10.55%

    Administrative Losses i%agel 0.91% -0.77% -2.60% -0.61% -1.68% 0.18% -0.02% 0.24% 0.94% 0.99% 1.94% 0.43% 0.59%

    Technical Losses at Different Levels Transmission Losses 132 kV l•Aagel 1 50% 2.60% 2 00% 2.10% 1.30% 1.20% 1.30% 0.90% .. _ 0.90% - 1.40%._._ 1.70% 1.80% 1.70%'

    - 11 kV Losses l%agel 4.60% 4.60% 3.32% 1.96% 0.28% 0.36% 1.56% 1.37% 3.50% 3.67% 3.94% 3.94% 3.75% _LT Losses 1%age) 8.92% .8.00% 2.18% 3.84% -0.95% -0.39% _ 2.95% 2.59% 7.55% _ 7.59% 8.12% 4.36% 5.10% Total Technical Losses ttAagej 15.02% - 15.19% 7.50% 7.90% 0.63% 1.18% 5.80% 4.86% 11.95% 12.65% 13.75% 10.09% 10.55%

    Where. actual figures are available , these should be replaced by the actual figures.

  • FORM - 8

    Operational and Technical Information

    DISCO load factors on yearly basis 56%

    NTDC/DISCO Delivery Points metering accuracy Within BSS

    DISCO metering accuracy

    For all customers (residential, commercial, industrial, etc.) 99.67%

    Esiimated High Voltege I roriernission lines losses (132 kV)

    2 .,,,n,.40


  • FROM - 9

    Average Rate per Unit Purchased and Sold

    - Weighted Average Cost per Unit Sold to Customers

    FY 2011.12

    10 01 Use of 13Lajuns ((9606)

    10 02 65195110)7 AV01.111 03 32

    10 03 E51enale0 1.1..)91)9513.051)115)16...., )•11)5 1.530

    10 04 Malawi UI 1.'31,155 (1110.11 5"1.111 I7

    10 05 E5119511.1 We :9 System C11.00es A 111 92 • 10 03 4 10 041 1,713 009.77G

    10(6 Lky_PL.DILsa!,

    942 81

    10 08 E•airnaleal 7AD 1 530

    10 09 71910199 ( • lainiths (F96.111/591 12

    10 10 E41.591.1 Ca); .5)ty Cllanle 5 (10 0/ 10 118 A 10 001 17.306.077 255

    10 11 oleroyc1).ilfze

    10 12 6669.1.1.1vvi.9ii Crianj• 7 1598

    10 13 6•16136•: Ern ),(y151669,1)), rea Inar 5 /50 571 .190

    " IL; I., 50 030 734 793

    10 15 Esl0nal61 Food) Porellase Fuse = (111 05 • 10.10 • 10.141 66050,929,500

    10 61 Avvraue (a1,e per 1)11056 11.1s0d= (10 13: 10.131 9.92

    10 17 Es100010.1 E,09 gy Sold 6.183614,771

    10 18 A0e1029 1E0)9 1545101■15_110 10.17) 11.17

    10 19 Distribul on Margin 1560,352.204)

    10 20 Otstribt.heo Margin per Unitenlil = 110 19 In 17) (0 09)

    10 21 Total Cost per Unit Sold to Costumers = (10.20 • 10 18) 11.08

    2)) Es15011 •0 Revenue Rom Enc.() / Sold (10 15 • 10 191 66690,577,797

    10 23 Pr90 PC mU n diusteinent I0ncO VCmd Co515)

    24 Require.1 Estimated R:venue (rem Energy Sold (10 22 • 10 23) 68.490,577.297

    (1 0761

    VAIlli•Nlaill■1110141 .),..111011V GCTI111■11% (111..1111111.9.111.,101 slams:11).a vatn .395)6015 51 iltemoos 91591,)1., 41111 11in915i))0 141,11c, 01 /lett 11114111/


    41 HIV CC,. 570610 s54516111)115)1A910 05; 11011,4 CCIJW

    FORM 9 I A ) Ta612 11 • CPPA Charges. Use of System, Capacity

    1101 /4.r ul System 011309.4 (411001

    02 1.5616

    03 1

    and Energy

    F )(en Use 31 1..01011, eau

    11) 1 1715.5.16

    3 4

    Fisno Use el System Cl‘anies

    [Rs) 5 5 3 , 4

    19.6y 11061.1

    : 6

    04040.0 Use al System VanaMe Use of Rale Syslen1Chanjes

    iRs/10811) (Rs( 7 8=6A7

    Use of System Ciunues

    I R6) 9

    04 - 119 560 i00 15 104,235040 788.4507005 184.2 3 5 04 0 OS A.; 11 /21 403 100 15 172.396 510 576.171015 172.390,510 06 11.6 11 804 709 100 15 180 741 508 755.949 428 1130,74 1,506 07 0.11. 507,404 100 15 160 051 511 855,910,11S 160.981.511 08 256 399 100 15 129834.380 513,577.703 129.814,360

    arl 11 280 156 100 19 125 200.628 409 703 255 175 310.629 IC 1.11112 185 741 85 91 101 567 009 366705,519 167.009

    / '1(1 17 ,362 078 735 51 II/ 087 667 :405.155.905 117,067.663 17 516 13 354 9112 8; 9t 118.404 700 433.370695 116.404.700 13 50512 113 376 81 91 115,409 432 434 378.550 113.409 • 32

    0.1., 12 69181;0 0591 145 858'513 575.152 57.5 145 8 5 8.51 3 .1,112 562 414 111 91 100 000 000 625 047,749 160.000.000

    1 356 677 1,713,009.776 6 998.571.490 1.713,009,776 1,530 Am 0.5 09911318.4109101 • 560 A).(7101 9x111618811) 0.2462

    y 4111,1.11..101 1 839 6100 00

    C.:111.1119y 6,111.559 1 ,,,,, 93 591,0 01 JO 1391. 01 IIiy,0911 14.118 049 LI181108 I" wail 14.111' 311.0114 071.1591 Chanps Rain 0.9 INN, 0811 limn to.a. 60511 lure kWh

    II Iv 94 ..... 0 /911 11651 11091 I I 1111681, I 191,644111 I 14,1.1/91i 1 I (79.00/91, I 11 20 11 12 13 • 9•11.12 145 9 /A 15•1110 16 • 12 / 6 17.13 I 0 1121 .1..111 4,11 .11,6 098 5041,112 Ill/ 0 122.715 (QS 011 I90 • 0 39 8 520 5

    1,9)) i I 505 313 0.18 55117 6117 881 7,510 409 439 020 152 063 8051/ 7),3462 SIG 4 1117 500 261 6 131 710 233 024 733 154 8 11 la

    11 C4 1■11 II 130 9/5 1551 4 407 777 870 6 067 239 3416 025 219 084 0 7800 631) 5111 451 3 1711 459 /9/ 4,716,570 608 025 2 14 019' 9 184 3

    1120 737 321 '51 3 351 019 970 4 742 545 557 02/ 218 115 101521 it 2 / 1111, ■11.11 301 3 301 352 2/5 4 728 870 me 070 340 ,919 17 030 8 11 71 I I I, I; 0)3 496 1390 2 809 112 1/9 4 449 5/6 436 030 10 11820

    1(4 45 i 570 5 /00 351 733 027 3 01 7 (>80 323

    10 13 1530

    ;I la 716 .145 A.10 4 779 73/ 2/4 9 150.891 354 0:3 254 9(11 12 441 / 4.11 015 099 4 6311 19,1 7,1, 6 201 047 337 025 245 a 05 1076111 41)4 (510 0110 4 184 900 00■1 5 798 000 lo110 O 2n 231 669 .:701

    1 6) , ,306 332,651 50,040.460 913 69,050,361,361 0 25 2 4871 7 1995' 9 9231 91:61

  • FROM • 9

    10 01

    10 02

    10 03

    10 04

    10 05

    Average Rate

    • Weighted Average

    Use 01 System Charges 1117._Q.C1

    per Unit Purchased and Sold

    Cost per Unit Sold to Customers

    FY 2011.13

    85 91



    ES/01010U Average Rale

    6511,00 e0 Maxilnum 0906051110609101 (1101/

    Number of Morellos (Fiscal Year)

    EV1019190 Use of System Charges = (10 02 .10 03 10 1341 1_700 009 776

    1000 faied7Capacay Chant?.

    10 07 (51101919d A00/05e Rate

    lo 08 E550191e0MOI

    10 09 Maribor of MenIfis ((11,1511 10.11)


    1 619


    10 10 Estimator( Capacity Charge • (100) x 10 08 x 10 001 17,349,954,271

    10 11 EgergyCNrge

    10 17 Es1.0611e1 Are6619 E.0099 00.006 7 2044

    10 13 Es100:01agi Poi cease Int Foca? Yea, 5 958 571 491 :

    10 14 1:51.011161incr97 '100:.p15 (T0 12 x 16, 50.550 167 158

    IP 15 Eshmated Power Purchase Pm° = 110.05 • 10 10 • 10.14) 69600.439,381

    10 16 Average Rateper 1/0 lsi1Purth.ed = 0 15 / 10 13) 10.00 l

    1017 Esirmaled Energy Sold 6,194.314.771

    10 18 Average Energy per UnilSollI e.(0,15 / 10.17) 11.24

    10 19 Chslre181tron 91410.8 7.125,995,581

    to au DIstramtion'111argm per UniSold e 110.19 / 10.17) ' 1.15

    10 21 total Cost per Unit Sold to Customers e (10 20 •■ 10.18) 12.39

    1027 Estimated Revenue Iroin Energy Sold (10.151:10.19) 76,726,434.962

    10 23 Prior Period AdjusternenWUneovered Costs) -• Debt Servicing New Loan 32600000o

    10 24 Required Esirmaled Revenue from Energy Sold 110.22 • 10.231 85.014434,961

    13 8800

    1/11=1, 506061550 00.05•11= P016005 0=51090 /6661,119. diktat anlu,llnc I provittus110211 1151 pteryied


    1191tie5 ul tie4t tpidety .

    tit Ilte toms 51,0119111e 501151.1rilialeil 9.9i Illy 9,101,11C154.

    FORM • 9 1 )

    Table 11 • CPPA Charges. Use of System, Capacity and Energy

    1101 Use pi System Chames 17170C)

    I 040.101e

    ' fined Use II Fp•ed Uxe 01 Use or SyStent 1.60=114e Use ell Use of

    ' Demand Sy5tetil Rale Syslent Charaes Enemy Rate SySlet9 Charges Syslerii Cnaroes II 02 PV1,11111 0C:11 (6W) ' ' 1105/16/11 [1951 gW1-1) IR31Wri ?Psi Rs) 11 01 1 2 3 4 5 e 3 . 4 6 7 8 • 6 7

    J.4.1 2 , 2144.523 6591 184 235 940 758 450.005 9

    184,235.940 11 04 11 05 A11.117 2006,734 85 91 171 395 510 875,171,636 172,398 510 11 06 Sep 17 : 2.103 047 85 91 180,721.506 755 949,428 180741.500 11 07 0,112 ' 1673.839 85 91 160,981 511 6539113,115 100,981.51 1 11 08 1111e12 ' 1.511 2133 85 01 129 834.360 513,577,703 179,834.300 1109 1492 303 85 91 126.210625 409,703.280 126 210 028 II ID all 1) _6156/41 a591 101 567.009 365705319 101,8437.000 i t II 1 eh 11 1 1 307 078 85 91 117 067.661 405.155 995 11 7.007.607 II 12 Ma. 11 1354,961 85 61 116 404 709 433 370 565 116 404,700 11 P3 Apt li I. . , 1343,376 6591 115 409 43: 494.376.530 115,409.432 It II 11.14, I) 1692095 85 51 145 asa 513 5756 52.175 145 858 5 1 3 11 15 3011 13 . .. , 1,711 093 85 91 147,000.000 675047 749 147.000.000 11 16 • 19.788 264 65 91 1,700,009,776 6,958 571 490 1,700.0 09.7 7 6 II 17 050 lit t,m01111111.19111 1,649 Am pet rrsonti IIAWN01 580 AIM ,•1 111/,.11 11s591,1 0.2443

    11 111 Ldpayey and Enerny 2 144 522 04

    CM...eft Cdpently entney Sten ul all Use 01Sysletti Odle pet Litytoy 10 , C11.911•• Clidnde Chem, Hale let 1115, 10.0. Kee /et 6+911 pe t 1,91711 II 19

    11{0 Mt Nil 00.1 19,1 I 145A1/511 I I Hyle.Y.7. / 1 14,4540, I 14 ,..6511 1

    II 12 13 e 9•11417 14.9 1 6 15.11/1 16 • 12 / 6 17 A 53 7 6 11 21 i 49: 390 488 5 041 117 79/ 6 772 /15 025 073 190 11 _ _ . 2 0 II 22 ' A110 1? ' 1 1 595 313 048 5 512 097 881 1 580 409 419 020 1 62 063 el 651 / 1121 See i: 1 76040: 516 4 1117 508 201 6 13? 710 :83 074 23) 554 1113 11 24 1,1 17 1,436 9/5 98/ 4 407 27/ 970 6 087 235 .618 025 2 19 Dal g 2500

    ' t 401 5/6 411 3 181 459 797 4 710 870 608 025 2/4 019 9 1441 16.. 17 ,1 1.291.321.554 3 351,010 3/0 4.701 545 552 027 216 7I5 10 1021 11 21 J.III 11 ! 1 765 671 301 3 561 192 278 4728 870 581 028 346 910 12 9309 11 28 1 1 493 450 590 21109,112 1/9 4.449 VC 436 029 361 70n 10 9520 1129 1 1 441 461 570 4 139 515 452 5 700 Jai 722 0 21 3 35 1:1 15311 11 30 ' A11,19 ' 1 266 248 648 4 779:37 2/4 6 150 595 354 023 254 907 12 44 I I I 31 Addy i1 1,425 038 090 4 010 190 775 8 2111 047 381 025 2 40 805 111 1810 ' JIIIN 11 t 451000 000 4 701020 000 8 347 520 Duo 0 24 2 40 7 53

    I . 1• Aril 6.9. 1966 0 17,341,882,657

    57614 50,541,114.933 69,599.851,361 024 749)1 7 2644 10 0112

    r 2 7

  • [MW; Nu000 of Customers]


    Demand Actual/Forecasted and U of Customers






    FORM - 10

    DEMAND (Actual and Calculated) and Number of Customers

    A. Actuals for Demands and Number of Customers B. Forecasted Demands and Number of Customers using re resion analysis

    Demand Actual

    Demand Calculated

    Number of

    Fiscal /Forecast /Forecast Customers Year [,000 kW ] change [,000 kW] change [ ,000 ] change

    12.01 2000-01 755 765 1,714 12.02 2001-02 812 7.5% 797 4.2% 1,785 4.2% 12.03 2002-03 883 8.7% 908 13.9% 1,868 4.6% 12.04 2003-04 960 8.7% 985 8.5% 1,960 4.9% 12.05 2004-05 1,043 8.6% 1,063 7.9% 1,979 1.0% 12.06 2005-06 1,129 8.3% 1,154 8.6% 2,07o 4.9% 12.0/ 2006-07 1,245 10.3% 1,230 6.6% 2,176 4.8% 12.08 2007-08 1,378 10.6% 1,398 13.6% 2,281 4.8% 12.09 2008-09 1,342 -2.6% 1,357 -2.9% 2,359 3.4% 12.10 2009-10 1,531 14.1% 1,488 9.6% 2,454 4.0% 12.11 2010-11 1,669 9.0% 1,571 5.6% 2,610 6.4% 12.12 2011-12 1,810 8.4% 1,654 5.3% 2,695 3.3% 12.13 2012-13 1,824 0.8% 1,737 5.0% 2,780 3.2% 12.14 2013-14 1,918 5.2% 1,820 4.8% 2,865 3.1% 12.15 2014-15 2,012 4.9% 1,903 4.6% 2,950 3.0% 12 16 2015-16 2,106 4.7% 1,986 4.4% 3,035 2.9%



  • SSS

    gigiF,Z=FEI„ig'i t7. ?:"it ai, ,..i,iz? - 75•=—...t.=.1i.3 "g igggiggg gIg g'si gg g,ags§ t' FiAAW.PAZL-"-, -


    1 ....... „



    ph 14




    y E





    o C



    rs b

    y u




    -::§Vir,10§§§§§gIggliit:Tir;;;,_ • A MW.IMFE.g0,7EAE.t."L,ii--"

  • Table/Graph 13 • Load Growth Evluation and Setting up Load Average

    1311.10 oaveN







    DISCO Evaluallon of Load Growth by using 12 month moving average

    Z, g

    Load 4,,rtane 0. laal 12 motes

    h5haie 14044 l0. 55441 mcal '5 Ill

    FORM - 12


    LoA moven

    5.10015 [1,1t5.13 menage

    Jul 03 1,134 370

    Aug 03 1.177 722

    Sep 03 1.200 031

    Oct 03 1,017633

    Nov-03 561.54,4

    Dec 03 099 100

    Jan 04 571.111

    Feb 04 904,444

    Ma,04 943.333

    Ap604 1.124,444

    1.141 04 1.163.333

    Jill, 04 1,212622 JO 04 1.134.678 1 042 508

    Aug 04 1,177 022 1.042.508

    Sep 04 1.200.933 1,042.508

    Oct 04 1,017 533 1 042.305

    Duo 04 561.544 1.042.508 Dec-04 999 100 1.042.505

    Mu 05 071,111 6042 503

    Feb 05 904 444 1 042 500 Mat 05 943.313 1.042 308

    35 91415 1,124.444 1,042 508

    514) 05 1,163 331 1,042 551!

    .sea 1,216223 1 042 505 1.042.503

    Aug 05 1,2 .0.005 1 051 655

    Sep 05 1.236556 1,051737

    051 05 1,047,778 1,064.709 Nov 35 812.222 1,067 309

    700 05 148,859 1 059032

    Jan 06 916667 1.074615

    Fell 05 953,333 1001,111

    Mu 06 1,032,222 1 055,185

    Apr 06 1.222,222 1,097 593 May 06 1612,222 1 105.741 J,. 04 1.510.000 1 150 548 Jul 06 1,343.090 1,128,796

    /t119 00 1,114,060 1.137.017

    Sep 06 1.306.619 1,142 356

    Oct 36 1.214,321 1.145 217

    Nov 06 1.145.809 1 172 959

    Dec 06 1016.650 1.194,122 Jan 07 112.763 1205602 Feb 07 742,402 1 206.109 Me 07 1.195,694 1206 531 Apt 07 1.2116148 1 217671

    131.19 07 1,473,949 1,226,071 11. 07 1 399 969 1217 829 JO 07 1.735 603 1 245.306

    Ang 07 1,539.6755 1 275 515 Sep 07 1,172 724 1.294 303 Oct 07 447,546 1,312 341 510, 07 1 (132,950 1.320 944

    61 .7 204 1 115,705 J.5. 08 1.10'.45 1 320 756

    I et 58 1 240.173 1 330.872 1.1.,, 08 375192 1690 333

    40 08 1.772 750 1.371 9721 1.142 01 1.35 0 295 1,361030 ..100 05 1 611 075 1 355 059

    Jul 05 1.752.659 1 377 651 Aug 06 600.395 1,381 573 5.55 01 1,410046 1,385 610

    Oct DC 1.638 919 1,376112 040,08 1.245455 1.380 726 Dec Cl 985,56 1.364 271 Jalk 09 1,075602 1,379 971 e vt. 09 1,027,736 1,371 801 1.6n 09 1.276,615 1 354 090 1.374,241

    A411 09 1 367 597 1 249203 16.490,830 lay 09 1,440 123 1 360 601 0111,01 1,5,10 253 365 500 .101 (9 7,2147 1357 352

    46.19 09 3,9316 1 356 473

    5611 09 108 747 1 356 158

    Ocl 09 5'5 501 1 371.156

    Nu, U9 2 5 050 1 1513 46/ Dee 09 1 170 9:0

    .105 10 • 5:75 1 302 014

    / eb 10 ,2 (70 1 474 96: 616 10 ! 14 014 1 455 341

    Asa 10 17 I 476 863

    61,49 10 1 SIO 597 10 753'000 1 535 557

    Jul 10 54 U00 1 351 144

    0010 10 6/9000 1 555 537

    Svp 10 055 , 000 1565 307

    OLI 10 512 000 1 511 949

    1401 117 340 000 1 915 240

    055 10 250 000 1 583 600

    610 11 0911000 I SAS 054

    581. 11 260 000 1 354 045

    721500 1 541 0:3

    4,4 II

    1.1.1) 11

    722 000

    0.90 000

    '0: 000

    1 559035

    I 1055 5.01

  • FORM -14 Aging of Accounts Receivables as on 30th, June

    'Outstanding for current year Rs In Million

    Outstanding for more than 1 year Rs In Million

    Outstanding for more than 2 years Rs In Million

    Outstanding for more than 3 years Rs In Million

    Outstanding for more than 4 years Rs In Million

    Outstanding for more than 5 years Rs In Million

    Total Receivables as on June 30, Rs In Million

    Actual 2010-11

    Actual 2011-12

    Projected 2012-13

    3,447 3,803.57 4,231.16 891 983.39 1,093.94

    2,125 2,343.99 2,607.50 390 430.05 478.40

    6,853 7,561 8,411

    This form should be accompanied with a reconcilation of had debts written off during the year .

    In case of quarterly filing this form should he replaced with the most recent updated figures.


  • FROM - 15

    Projected Energy Saes by Tariffs





    Energy Purchased


    Energy Sales


    Distribution Losses

    Sales Growth , rate



    Sales Growth




    Al Domestic









    Flat Rate rata

    llpto - 50

    1 -100

    101 - 300


    above 700

    Temporary Domestic

    Al (TOD)

    A2 Conanercial

    Summary i




    I V

    A2 - A

    > 2013W

    A2(2) TOD

    Temporary Commercial







    I- 3V




    1331 400 V Uplo 40 kV:

    t31 (TOD)

    0-2 400 V Uplo (41-500 kW))

    13-2 400 V (TOD)

    B-3 11/33 KV

    9.3 11/33 KV (TOD)

    13-4 66/132/220 KV

    134 06/132/220 KV ()DIG


    MA) Supply



    i IV








    0-1(e) tune 2013W

    C- lib) above 20 kW

    0- 211/33 KV

    02 (T00)

    0-3(64/132/220 KV)

    C3 (TOD)

    Temporary (E2-na.E2i1a.F3211)

    KIA) - AJK

    K(13) - KESC (Riling)

    KiC 1 I/ aoial L ab









    1-1 Scarp

    D-1 (TOD)

    D- 2 (i) Punjab S. Sind

    11.2 (ii) NV VI P S Bal0c)i). 11


    0- 200 5100

    1-2 (1) Ton

    0 2>111100









    G 1 Public 1,0tirly

    G 2 Public Lig1111110

    I I 1 Rerothmtial Coloric.:

    112 liesitleiniill Colornos

    I I motion

    .1 Co GeomillJott

    St urIuNisty

    Total - -

    r 4

  • FROM -13

    Asset register as the year ended at date


    Cost Accumulated Depredation Bo k Value as on


    As at July 01, Addition/ datelions

    As at June 30.


    As at July 01, Charge during the year

    Adjustments As at June 30. Juno 30.

    A. Land

    I Freehold 422,797,445 422.797445 • 422,797 ,4 45

    2 Leasehold . . -

    Total 422,797445 - 427797.445 • 422,797.4 45

    B. Buildings

    I Bout/87117a' Buildings 214.027897 214.027.897 79,910,485 4,280.550 84,191043 129,630.854

    2 Non-Residen16at Buildings 040.512,016 75,000,000 915,512,018 185,331,7143 18,310,240 203.642 083 711,86 9,9 35

    3 600 Residential Buildings • . -

    • 110- C.T71' ataiM,' Al Buildings • ' ' ' -

    Total 1054.539.915 75,000 000 1 129 539.915 265,242,328 22.590798 287833.126 841,706.789

    G. Sub Transmission ■

    I 13: KV Sub TransMtssion Line_ 2.666.486.092 2,666.486,092 806,987,486 93,327,083 960,314,560 1.706.17 3.513

    2 50 KV Sub Transmission Lines 347,262,773 . 317,262706 182,565,828 12.154.195 194,720,023 152,542 .682

    33 KV Sub Transmission Lines - I

    • - ' -

    Total 3,013.750.798 3013,750.798 1.049.553,335 105481.27e 1.155.034603 1,858,716. 195

    D. Grid Station I

    I . 1 132 KVGnd Slalion ,

    5,795,786.984 868,000.000 6,663786.984 1286,545,495 233.232,544 1519778040 5.144,00 8. 944

    2 ' 66 KV GridStation 131,433,284 131.433,284 60.354,218 4.600 165 64.981.383 66.448,901

    3 33 KV Grid Slabonl • .

    Total 5.927.220.268 868000.000 6795,220,268 1.346.929 713 237 832,709 1 584 762 422 5 210.45 7,849

    E. 11 KV Distribution Equipments

    I I1 KV Poles 1 3.67.596457 3672.596,457 1 218712 811 128 540.876 1.347 253 0337 2325,342.769 769

    2 ' 11KV Line, ' 1 5.257.830,342 5257,83..0,342 1.280,007.837 184.024 062 1464,031899 3.793.79 8,443

    3 Diseibulion 1 ramiamm, • 200 000 000 200,000 000 1 280 007.837 7.000.000 I 207 007 831 11 .1387G0 7 83/1

    Total 8.930.426.798 200.000 000 5.130426.798 3.778.728 485 319 564 638 4 090 2934.7 3 5 032.333.316 ._ _. _

    F. LV Distribution Equipmenti

    I LV Poles • •

    2 440 LV DialribatoOri Line 2568,799.863 2.568.799 803 469,142.671 89.907,996 559050.65/ 2,009,74 9,2 19

    3 220 LV Olstribulion Line 997.075,949 991,075,919 561,197.830 34.687.658 595.885 493 395,190.456

    4 K7/51) Meters& Service Cable 6.717,720661 1.250,000000 8027720 661 1350860127 229.831.620 I 632 491.742 6.395,228,919

    5 Mize Eqmpment 49.308394 49 3011.394 7 211 217 1725794 6937.041 40.371.353

    Total 10.386,904.887 1.250 000.000 11 636 904 887 2.388211.875 356.153,068 2.796,364943 8.840.539,944 ---

    Vehmtes G.

    I ❑2,68'33 KV 050 VahmleS 379.511,755 379.511,755 321.597.228 37,951,176 359.548 404 39 963.357

    2 , Vehicles ' 10000.000 16.000,000 - • 16.000.000

    Total 395511755 395 511.755 329597.225 37.951,776 • 359.548 404 35.99 3.3 57

    N. Detail or General Plant Assets

    1 Computer Equipment 62.351,320 9000000 71.351.120 43.476,129 7.135,112 50.611 241 20.739,879

    2 Furrelete ' 14 288,437 1.000,000 15.258,437 8.803376 1,528 044 10.332.220 4 956,217

    Workshop E6339893334 18.130.508 16,130.568 18 374,594 1 613 057 17.98/051 11.857.0831

    0 I aboraiory En/adman! 33.193,214 14 839,980 18033,194 12 684.403 4803.310 37481 723 30.54 5.4 77

    5 hrosc Lampment 221,1184,796 227,681,796 71012.579 22.188480 93 201,058 128.683, 7 30

    Tonal 3+1.848134 24,839 980 372.609.114 152351,002 37.268 811 189619003 1333 0631.221

    J__ 9f.YIL9TP3.9014 Grand To161 30,479,000,000 ' 2,417,839050 371196.839,980 9,302,614,036 1,116012.778 12471,456.011 22.425,383.165

    1' 4 3

  • FORM -16

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd.

    Operating Cost Period Period Period Total

    3rd Otr FY 2012-13

    Total 4th Otr

    FY 2012-13

    Total FY 2012-13 Projected

    Determined 1st CV 2nd Otr FY 2011-12 FY 2012.13 FY 2012-13

    A Power Purchase Cost

    Energy Charge (Min Rsl 53,046 15,041 11,026 10,370 14,113 50,550

    Capacity Charge [Min Rsi 16,593 4,856 4,142 4,174 4,178 17,350

    Tr,,r .snission Charge 'Min Rsj 1,739 • 537 • 419 335 408 1,700

    AcL.stment ' IMIrl Rs] - - -

    Totql Power Purchase Cost (Mln Rsl 71,378 20,435 15,587 14,879 18,699 69,600

    ' Provide the detail of adjustment

    B Operation & Maintenance*

    Employees Cost ••

    Salaries. Wages & Benefits IMO Rs) 3,171 - 1,080 1,080 1,080 1,080 4,320

    Retirement Benefits (Min Rs] 392 83 83 83 81 330

    Total Employees Cost 'Minns] 3,563 1,163 1,163 1,163 1,161 4,650

    Admin Expenses NO Rs) 442 125 125 125 125 500

    Repair & Maintenance Mn;i Rs] 450 125 125 125 125 500

    Travelling [Min Rs] 138 50 50 50 50 200

    Transportation (Mln Rs) 187 51 51 51 51 205

    Management Fee (ran Rs] -

    Miscellaneous Expenses (Min Rs] -

    Tota: O&M ]Min Rs] 4,780 1,514 1,514 1,514 1,512 6,055

    ' The reasons of increase/ decrease in actual expenses against the determined expenses ano Me justification of the increase required for the period under consideration.

    -i- he details of existing and increase in number of employees department wise along with cost and strength analysis should be provided

    C Depreciation & Amortization

    Depreciation (Min Rs) 971 279 279 279 279 . 1,117

    Amortization cf Leased Assets lair, Rs]

    Teta. tAtnit::1 971 - 279 : 279 279 279 1,117

    D Provision for Bad Debts

    Provision for bad debts '

    Mnii Rs]

    Bad debts written off

    IMS1 r2,1

    • aruis of this provision should be elaborated


    r 4 4

  • FORM - 20

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd.

    Revenue Requirement Period Period Period Period Period Total

    FY 201213 Projected

    Determined FY 201142

    1st DV FY 2012)13

    2nd OW FY 2012.13

    3n1 Otr FY 201213

    410 Otr FY 2012-13

    A Power Purchase Price pain Rs) 71,378 20,435 15,597 14,879 18,699 69,600

    1E/ DM

    O&M (Mtn Rs) 4,780 1,514 1,514 1,514 1,512 6.055

    Depreciation , Win Rs] 971 279 279 279 279 1,117

    RORB . 'Mtn Rs) 1,313 1,554

    Other Income (Mni Rs) (1,505) (399) (399) (402) (400) (1,600)

    Impact of Disallowed Losses (Mil Rs)

    Total DM WI)) Rs) 5,559 1,394 1,394 2,789 1,391 7,126

    C Revenue Requirement (A49) 11./In Rs] 76,937 21,829 16,981 17,668 20,091 76,726

    n Debt Sews.. Cost 475

    E Prior Year Adjustment Wm Rs) 2,948 2,962 2.226 1,557 2.066 8.813

    F Total Revenue Requirement (C+D) (Mnt Rs) 79,885 24,791 19,207 19,225 22,159 86,014

    FORM - 20 ( A )

    Revenue Requirement (per unit sold)


    Period Period Period Period Period Total FY 2012.13 Pro/acted

    Determined FY 2011.12

    10100 FY 201213

    2nd Cl, FY 2012-13

    3100 FY 2012-13

    4th (31r FY 2012- 13

    A Power Purchase Price (Rs/ kWh] 10.567 9 815 9.964 13 597 12.862 11 236

    B DM • O&M IRs) kWh] 0 708 0.727 0 968 1 384 1 040 0.976

    Depreciaticin Ins: sawn) 0 144 0.134 0.178 0.255 0 1:',2 0 180

    RORB les:will 0 194 0 251

    Other Income

    Impact of Disallowed Losses

    Ill.' 'M)


    (0 223) (0 192) (0 255) )0367) (0 275) (0.256)

    Total DM IRS' AWN 0.823 0.670 0.891 1.272 0.957 1 150

    C Revenue Requirement (A*E3) 111310.M1) 11.390 10.485 10.855 14.869 13.819 12 396 D Debt Service Cost 0.077 E Prior Year Adjustment (RV AW1.) 0 436 1.423 1 423 1.423 1.423 1.423 F Total Revenue Requirement (C*D) (Fs/ syvb) 11.826 11.908 12.278 16.292 15.242 13.8867

    Units Sold 6,755 2,082 1,564 1,094 1,454 6,194


  • Audited 2011

    Determined 2011-12

    Act/Proy 2011-12

    FORM - 17

    Distribution Margin Comparison: Audited 2009

    Audited 2010 FY 2012-13

    O&M Expenses 3,547 4,102 5,512 4,780 5,236 6,055

    Increase in % 20.52 15.65 34.37 16.53 (5.01) 15.64

    Depreciation 690 771 886 970 971 1,117

    RORB 1,275 1,597 (1,036) 1.313 (5,206) 1,554

    Income Tax

    Other Income (1,474) (1,476) (1 638) (1,505) (1,562) (1.600)

    Distribution Margin 4,038 4,994 3,674 5,558 (560) 7,126

    Energy Sold 5.957 6,22.i. 6,439 6.713 6,184 5.104

    DM per unit 0 678 0.803 0 571 0.828 (0 091) 1.150


    r 4

  • FORM -19

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. RORB Calculation

    Period Act./Prov.

    FY 2011-12 Projected FY 2012-13

    Determined FY 2011-12

    A Gross Fixed Assets in Operation - Opening Bal [Mln Rs] 27,707 27,707 30,479

    B Addition in Fixed Assets [Mln Rs] 2,772 2,772 2,418

    C Gross Fixed Assets in Operation - Closing Bal [MIn Rs] 30,479 30,479 32,897

    D Less: Accumulated DepreciatiOn [Mln Rs] 9,354 9,354 10,471

    E Net f ixed Assets in Operation [Mln Rs] 21,125 71:17 2'2 ,/i 0 5

    F 'Add: Capital Work In Progress - Closing Bal [Mln Rs] 1,931 1,931 5,081

    G' Investment in Fixed Assets' [Mln Rs] 23,056 23,056 27,507

    H Less: Deferred Credits [Mln Rs] 10,842 10,842 12,092

    I Regulatory Assets Base [Mln Rs] 12,214 12,214 15,415

    J Average Regulatory Assets Base [Mln Rs] 11,668 11,668 13,815

    Rate of Return [%age] 11.25% 11.25% 11.25%

    Return on Rate Base [Mln Rs] 1,313 1,313 1,554



  • FORM -

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. < I Financal Charges

    Period Period PeHod Period Period Period Dotormined Projected FY2011-12 1st Qrt 2nd Qrt 3rd Qrt 4th Qrt FY 2012-13

    A Long Term Loans

    G01' ioans

    Foreign Loans


    TFCs (NBP,BAL,Askari)

    Others (Bank of Punjab) 51 47 98 Total 51 98

    B Shcrt Term Loan Rum ing Finance

    Shat Term Loan

    Others (Bank Charges)


    C Total Financial Charges (A+B) 51 98

  • FORM - 21 (A)

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Investment

    A Investment Plan

    bor:I ,Mln Rs] ELR [Min Rs]

    STG- Own Source WM Rs]

    STG- Loan

    Village Electricification [kiln Rs]

    TOd/Smart meters &ERP (Mln Rs)

    Others (Consumer Contribution/Deposit Works) IVIn Rs;

    Tutal [Min Rs/

    B ,Financing Arrangement

    Local IMIn Rs]



    Loan [Mtn Rs]

    PSDP / Own Resources [Mm Rs/

    Grant IMIn Rs]

    Others (Capital Contribution/Deposit Works) Win Rs]

    . Total Win Fit]

    Supported by the following details:

    .• 1. Complete Cost Benefit Analysis

    2. Expected efficency/ improvement in the system

    FORM - 21 ( B )

    Feeder wise Losses Feeder X

    Period Period Period Determined FY 2011-12

    Budgeted FY2011-12





    Petition FY2011-12







    Projected FY 2012-13






    1 25(1

    2,9u0 2,590 4,650 5,568

    1,040 2,850

    1640 2,360 1,468

    1,250 1,250 1,250 2,900 2,890 4,650 5,568

    Feeder X Feeder X Feeder X Overall Losses

    Existing Level of Losses

    Losses previous year / qrt

    Investment carried out last year / qrt

    Objective committed last year / qrt

    Actual Results achieved after investments

    Separate Sheets are attached

    Investment Requested for the year / quarter

    Objective ( reduction in losses . maintenance of existing level of losses)

    Projected losses for the control period

    • The losses shall be submitted separately for Sub- Transmission Systern ( 132 KV - 33KV System ) and Distribution System ( 11 KV & below )


  • FORM - 22

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Interest on Development Loans

    Sr. No. Loans

    BOP Loan 999 Millon

    Rs. Million Interest FY 2012-13 Rate % 1st Qrt 2nd Qrt 3rd Qrt 4rth Qrt Total

    13.69% 51.000 47 98.000

    51.000 98.000

    This form should be submitted for each loan appearing on the DISCO's Balance Sheet


  • Sr No Loan _ Interest Rate Remaining

    Years -

    '1385% e Yea

    FORM • 23

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Development Loan

    FY 1512-13 Second On of FY First Ort of FY

    0It3s1 Disbursement Repayment CIBal 0/Bal Disbursement Repayment CrBat 0/Bal, Disbursement Fepayment

    Mat Disbursement Repayment CtBal


    Rs In Million

    Third Ort co' FY Fourth On of FY

    eC?. e(ceean (Sion, Sans)

    7n, to siiit,eir< ice eao-- loan aoo■ieanng on lie DIscOs Enoance Sheet


  • Particulars

    FORM - 24

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd.

    BONDS Interest FY 2012-13

    Opening Closing Interest

    Rate Balance Redemption

    Balance Charges


  • FORM - 25 Domestic Consumers For the Month July-2011

    No. of Revenue Average Rate Slabs Customers 0 - 50 1 - 100 101 - 300 301-700 Above 700 Total Rs.Million Rs./kWh

    9 - 50 533,698 18.48. 18.48 34.56 1.87

    1 - 100 348,288 130.03 130.03 590.34 4.54

    101 -300 i 1,022,559 162.87 162.87 1,117.32 6.86

    301-700 254,579 49 88 49.88 531.17 10 65

    Above 700 29,847 11.82 11.82 157.05 13 29

    Total 2,188,971 18.48 130.03 162.87 49.88 11.82 373.08 2,430.43 6.51

    Domestic Consumers For the Month August 2011

    Slabs No. of

    Customers Revenue Rs.Million

    Average Rate Rs./kWh 0-50 1 - 100 101-300 301-700 Above 700 Total

    0-50 439,858 16.17 16.17 30.23 1.87

    1 - 100 259,591 21.78 21.78 98.89 4.54

    101 -300 1,084,757 211.14 211.14 1,448.43 6.85

    301-700 367,054 153.04 153.04 1,629.92 10 65

    Above 700 44,680 46.49 46.49 617.89 13.29

    Total 2,195,940 16.17 21.78 211.14 153.04 46.49 448.63 3,825.36 8.53

    Domestic Consumers For the Month September No. of Revenue Average Rate

    Slabs Customers 0 - 50 1 - 100 101 - 300 301-700 Above 700 Total RsMillion Rs./kWh

    0 - 50 421,176 13.92 13.92 26 03 1 87

    1 . 100 225,844 18 75 18.75 85 12 4 54

    101 - 300' 1,056,076 207 94 207.94 1,426 45 6 86

    301-700 451,428 188 23 18823 2,00468 10.65

    Above 700 48,988 50.62 50.62 672 69 13 29

    Total J 2,203,512 13.92 18.75 207.94 188.23 50.62 479.45 4,214.96 8.791185705

    • 3

  • Domestic Consumers For the Month October 2011

    No. of Revenue Average Rate Slabs Customers 0 - 50 1 - 100 101 - 300 301-700 Above 700 Total Rs.Million Rs./kWh

    0 . 50 555,221 18.26 18.26 34.15 1.87

    1 - 100 435,725 34.83 24 83 158.12 4.54

    101 - 300 1,022.251 181.41 181.41 1.244.50 6.86

    301-700 178,023 72.17 72.17 768.62 10.65

    Above 700 16,551 17.59 17.59 233.82 13.29

    Total 2,209.671 18.26 34.83 181.41 72.17 17.59 324.27 2,439.21 7.52

    Domestic Consumers For the Month November 2011

    No. of Revenue Average Rate SI.Ls Customers i 0 - nO I - !on 101 -100 301-700 Above 700 Total r.:."9:11cr, Ps /kWh

    0 - 50 600,654 19.87 19 87 37.16 1.87

    1 - 100 490,464 38.76 38.76 175.95 4 54

    101 - 300 1,002,720 172 10 172 10 1,180 61 6.86

    301-700 113,023 44.30 44.30 471.77 10 65

    Above 700 7,081 8.28 8.28 110.04 13.29

    Total 2,214,842 19.87 38.76 172.10 44.30 8.28 283.30 1,975.53 6.97

    Domestic Consumers For the Month

    No. of Revenue Average Rate Slabs Customers 0 - 50 1 - 100 101 - 300 301-700 Above 700 Total Rs.Million Rs./kWh

    0 - 50 768,255 27.87 27.87 52.12 1 87

    1 - 100 613,123 48.08 48 08 218.27 4 54

    101 - 300 776,617 125.90 125.90 863.68 6 86

    301.700 56,142 22.07 22 07 235 08 10 G5

    Above 700 5,267 5.19 5.19 68.99 13 29

    Total 2,219,404 27.87 48.08 125.90 22.07 5.19 229.12 1,438.14 6.28



  • Domestic Consumers For the Month January 2012

    1 Slabs No. of

    Customers Revenue Rs.Million

    Average Rate Rs./kWh 0 50



    1 100



    101 - 300

    58 10





    Above 700










    0 - 50

    1 - 100

    101 - 300


    Above 700







    2,224 727










    10 65



    Domestic Consumers For the Month February 2012

    No. of Revenue Average Rate 0 - SO i - 100 101 - 300 301-700 Ab.-,,,c. 700

    - 'rote! Slabs .... Customers Rs.P-In!"-..-1 l2','


    0-50 1,103,394 41.44 41.44 77.50 1.87

    1 - 100 608,375 46.38 46.38 210.57 4.54

    101 - 300 484,737 75 25 75.25 516.19 6 86

    301-700 30,064 12.05 12 05 128.29 10 65

    Above 700 4,314 3.98 3.98 52.85 13.29

    Total 2,230,884 41.44 46.38 75.25 12.05 3.98 179,09 985.40 5.50

    Domestic Consumers For the Month March 2012

    No. of Revenue Average Rate 0 - 50 1 - 100 101 - 300 301-700 Above 700

    - Total Slabs Customers Rs.Million Rs./kWh

    i 0 - 50 1,124,697 41.49 41 49 77 59 1.87

    1 - 100 621,719 47.29 47.29 2 '4 69 4 54

    101 - 300 : 1 463,694 70.92 70.92 486 48 6 86

    301-700 1

    24,379 9.75 9.75 103 78 10 65

    Above 700 3,941 3 14 3.14 41 73 13 29

    Total . 2,238,430 41.49 47.29 70.92 9.75 3.14 172.58 924.27 5.36

    Domestic Consumers For the Month April 2012

    No. of Revenue Average Rate Slabs Customers 0 - 50 1 - 100 101 - 300 301.700 Above 700 Total Rs.Million Rs./kWh

    0 - 50 898,676 33 73 33 73 63 08 1 87

    - 100 559,431 44.04 44 04 199.92 4.54

    101 - 300 734,729 117.99 117 99 809 43 G 86

    301-700 45,715 17.85 17 85 190 09 10 65

    Above 700 6,010 4 03 4 03 53 61 13 29 Total 2,244,561 33.73 44.04 117.99 17.85 4.03 217.64 1,316.14 6.05



  • FORM - 26

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd. Provision for Tax

    Sr. No. Provision for Tax allowed

    PTV Advance Tax

    Rs. Million Actual tax paid during the FY 2011-12

    1st Qrt 2nd Qrt 3rd Qrt 4rth Qrt Total

    2.24 2.28 2.27 2.27 9.07


    2.27 9.07


  • FORM - 27

    Gujranwala Electric Power Company Ltd.

    Existing & Proposed Tariff Statement

    FY 2012-13

    DesCdedlon Sala , Sues

    Mix No. of

    Consumers Cannoned

    Load Load

    Factor Distribution

    losses NEPRA Existing Tariff Proposed New Tariff Fl ed Variable Fixed Ch rge Variable

    IMkW,i ila•pel (kW) (%1001 (TisikW/ g IRslAW1,1 IRS/kW/M1 (RSIkKTI

    Residential 'Joie. 50 Units 260 . 4 2% 2 OU 2.00 For peak load mown:men: up to 5 kW

    01.100 Units 261 42% 825 12 50 101-300 Units 1.425 230% 10 00 14.65 301-7000rals 712 11 5% 11 50 16.70 Above 700 Units 355 5 7% 13 70 20 22

    Temporary Domestic , _ -- I 13 70 21 55 For peak load requirement exceeding SEW

    Time of Use (T09 • Peak 12.50 20 93 Time of Use (TOU1- Oil-Peak 1 0 0% 5 75 11 14

    - Total Residential 3,016 48 7%

    Commercial • A2 I For sencfinnad load less than 5 0W 301 67 4 9% '4 37. 4° 11 eel, "...I'm, requitement exceeding 5 Ave -

    Reorder 117 69 I 9% 400 11 50 400 17 15 Temporary Coipmeroal '

    Time of Use IT Ott) • Peak (A-2) 30.97 0 5% 400 12 00 400 17 95

    'Tone of list:JOIN - Off-foak (Temp) 61 94 I 0% 400 6 50 400 972

    • Total Commoreia 512 03% - -


    01 309,72 . 5 0% 890 7370

    81 -TOU(Peak) 12 25 18 50

    ' 81-IOU (06.peek) i 675 10 50

    02 495.55. _ 8 n 400 7.59 400 1' 35 82 - TO1liPeak) 55 75 0 9% 400 11 08 400 16 59

    ■ 132 - TOU Inn-peak) 203 17 3 3% 400 6 50 400 12 35

    Temporary Industnat (Tariff 6-21 007 00% 890 13 30

    B3 - TOU (Peak) 2275 04°/ 380 IC 99 380 1643

    53 IOU CM pea)) 1 , 730 93 II V, 380 625 380 942

    54 - 7014 (Peak) 360 1069 1 5 98

    114 - IOU 10t1 apLir ' 360 597 8 02

    Total Industrie , 1,318 29 3% -

    Bulk ,

    0110) Supply at 4001230Volts less than 5 kW 079 00% 990 14 80

    C;111a1 Supply at 4007230 Volts •u to and exceeding 5 kW 6 70 0 1% 400 875 400 130E

    Time of 'Use (TOU) - Peak 0 0% 400 11 31
