Download docx - Guitar Lesson 1 1


Here are some technique and warm up exercises that can help you to gain fluency, speed and accuracy on the guitar neck. It's a good idea to do some of these exercises every day. Don't do them too long at a time, it's better to exercise regularly (daily) for a short time.You gain the most out of these exercises if you use a metronome. Start slow and built up the speed. Don't force yourself into a tempo that you're not ready for. Make sure your arms and wrists arerelaxed. Failing to do so may result in a RSI like tendinitis (wrist inflammation).Just to make sure we understand each other in terms of finger naming (warning: the numbers on the tabs below are not finger numbers, but fret numbers):

Warm Up ExercisesThis first exercise helps to develop your fluency, speed and left hand-right hand coordination. Start slow and build up the speed. Use fingers 1, 2, 3 and 4 of your left hand, don't skip the little finger. Use a pick and do alternate picking. The exercise doesn't stop at the end of the tabs, continue for the rest of the neck. Be RELAXED!

...The next exercise trains your individual fingers. First do the exercise with fingers 1 and 2. Next round use fingers 2 and 3. Then use fingers 3 and 4. Do the exercise up to the 12th fret and for those of you who can't get enough of it, back from the 12th to the first. And remember: RELAX!

...String Skipping ExercisesThe following set of exercises train your picking abilities.

...This is one of bass player John Patitucci (if I remember it well). Happy skipping!

The next exercise uses the G major scale. It speaks for itself that you can use all guitar scales. Oh, when you reached the last note on the tab, don't stop, but go back (I admit I was a bit lazy).

...Intervalic Guitar ScalesThe next set of exercises run through the G Ionian scale in different intervals. Try this exercise with all guitar scales you can think of.In thirds:

In fourths:

In fifths:

In sixths:

In sevenths:

Looking for speed and technique building exercises for guitar? The following drill has been designed to improve both your picking accuracy, and to strengthen the fingers in your fretting hand. Learning good technique involves paying attention to small detail - play these exercises carefully, and critically. Try and move seamlessly from step to step - don't stop playing to start the next part of exercise. If your technique is at all sloppy, then you're playing them too fast. Use of a metronome is suggested, but not required.