  • 8/4/2019 Guilty Gear: The Missing Link


    Guilty Gear: The Missing Link

    Winquote and Story *Revised*

    by Blade aka "Mimeblade", use with permission.

    ==Main Story==

    The 22nd Century...Mankind has succeeded in his dream of developing a natural, limitless energy supply.It was the dawning of the Age of Magic. Science and industry, the source of environmental pollutionand weapons of mass destruction, were outlawed. This controversial decision wasto bring history asmankind knew it to an end...

    However, the abolition of technology did little to soothe mankind's suffering.A new war erupted,fueled by fearsome weapons based on rapidly developing magical theory. Eventual

    ly, shockinglypowerful biological weapons were produced by fusing human and animal D.N.A. withmagic, resulting in ahorrible mix of vitality and raw strength. This was the birth of the Gears.

    The powerful military state that produced the Gears monopolized the manufacturing process, bringingcountless other lands under its control. These Gears were designed to be littlemore than slaves,incapable of independent thought. Yet from among their ranks a rebel appeared,announcing herselfto be self-aware. This insurrectionist, calling herself Justice, gathered an army of fellow Gears

    and declared war on all mankind. Despite heavy initial casualties to these renegade Gears,the humans put their differences aside and formed an elite group of warriors tocombat the Gear menace.This group of brave heroes became known as the Sacred Order of Holy Knights.

    One hundred years of brutal war later...

    The fierce battle between the Gears and the humans, which had become known as the Crusades, was finallyat an end. The heroic Sacred Order had sealed Justice inside an impenetrable dimensional prison, and

    it was only a matter of time before the remaining masterless Gears were roundedup and destroyed.

    However, five years after the end of the Crusades, the walls of Justice's dimensional prison haveunexpectedly begun to erode away. Assessing the threat before them, the world'sleaders quicklyorganize an international fighting tournament to select members for a proposed Second Sacred Orderof Holy Knights. Astoundingly, the prize for this tournament was said to be literally anythingone desired: The victor would get to make a single wish...any wish at all.

    Yet in the panic surrounding the imminent decay of Justice's dimensional prison,few seemed to takenotice of the rather suspicious rules of this tournament, such as the welcoming

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    of criminal entrants,and the permission to shed blood during the matches...

    ==Sol Badguy==

    "Justice! I'll take you to the grave with me!"


    Height: 6'0"Weight: 163 lbs.Blood Type: "No clue."Birthplace: AmericaBirthday: "...I don't know."Eye Color: BrownHobbies: Listening to QueenFavorite Thing: Queen's Album "Sheer Heart Attack"Dislikes: Great effort, "Doing your best."Weapon: Fireseal (Flame-based sword nicknamed "Blazer")


    Rumors of an immensely skilled lone-wolf bounty hunter had reached the ears of Kliff Undersn,the retiring captain of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. Kliff was interested;he spared nomeans in finding Sol, and invited him to become a member of the Order.

    Sol's knighthood, however, was not to last. The growing tension between he andyoung masterswordsman Ky Kiske was becoming more and more bothersome, and Sol realized thatthe majority

    of the knights bore him little more than ill will. When he saw his opportunity,he took it;Sol managed to desert the knights' camp with one of the Order's most valuable treasures...the blade known as Fireseal.

    It is now five years later after the end of the Crusades, and Sol has returned to his former ways.On a particularly lucrative bounty run, one of his marks begs to be spared, telling Sol about afaraway tournament being organized by the Sacred Order. Sol barely even registers the quick thrustwith which he ends his bounty's his thoughts are now far away, centered on only one goal...


    VS Self: "You want to play games with me? Next time you'll die."

    VS May: "And I thought I was holding back!"

    VS Baldhead: "Are all doctors this crazy?"

    VS Potemkin: "All show and no go."

    VS Chipp: "Out of my way, punk."

    VS Zato: "Die, you pale, emaciated freak."

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    VS Millia: "I'm actually fighting a woman?"

    VS Axl: "How pathetic..."

    VS Kliff: "This is why you retired from the order, old man."

    VS Ky: "Go to sleep, little boy."

    ==Sol VS Testament==

    Sol: "Enough foolish games. Show yourself."

    Testament: "So, you're able to see me..."

    Sol: "Anyone could see through such pathetic tricks. Keeping quiet all these years has been...heavy.

    You won't be able to escape a second time."

    Testament: "Well, well. So you saw right through me...This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans foughteach other to be

    sacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! Now its time to end

    this comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Sol: "How trite..."

    Testament: "Have you no idea what I live for!?"

    Sol: "Spare me."

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Sol: "This is a waste of time! Where's Justice!?"

    Testament: "Oh, you'll be meeting her soon enough!I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacrifice! My blood is all that's needed...Just

    ice will achievecomplete resurrection! The world shall finally be wiped clean of hu


    Sol: "This is getting more and more ridiculous."

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Justice: "It's the same..the same as that time, long ago...Once again I kneel prostrate at your feet, 'Flame of Corruption!'"

    Sol: "Right...I won't stop until all the Gears are wiped out."

    Justice: "Why? You are a Gear as well! You have the emblem on your head.The mark on your forehead is proof! Then how did you disobey my order


    Sol: "Why? I ask you the same question...Why should I do what you command? What binds me to you?"

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    Justice: "I'm...Type-01...The first Gear ever produced. The only Gear to be fully self-aware...

    to have a will of their own! And because of that, I wield the powerto command all

    other Gears! My word is law!!!"

    Sol: "Every Gear manufactured after you, the first, is a production model. Havi

    ng no will,they can do nothing but to obey you. So, then, why do you think I don't f

    ollow youlike a mindless doll?"

    Justice: "Exactly! Why? How can you disobey!?"

    Sol: "Isn't it obvious? I'm the prototype Gear."

    Justice: "!! Heh heh heh...Now I see..."

    Sol: "We were forged by the will of greedy human beings. And so, we're nothing

    more than asymbol of all that's wrong with the world. For that reason...I will neverstop until

    I've destroyed every Gear."

    Justice: "...So that's why...I seem to recall...The G..Gear Project...Long, longago...!?

    ...That's right...Heh heh. H..How could I have forgotten you? If only we could

    have talked one last time...Just the three of us..."

    Narrator: "And so, with a rattling chuckle, the ultimate Gear breathed her last."

    Sol: "...Justice...? That's right...The Man who created us...our boss! I won'trest until

    you lie writhing in agony before me!!!"

    Narrator: "Sol, the Guilty Gear, stared at his bloodstained hands and prayed...prayed for the soul

    of the grotesque sacrifice lying at his feet."

    ==Ky Kiske==

    "The time to settle the score is near, Sol!"


    Height: 5'11"Weight: 128 lbs.Blood Type: ABBirthplace: FranceBirthday: November 20thEye Color: Blue-GreenHobbies: Collecting tea cupsFavorite Thing: Everybody's laughing, happy facesDislikes: Sol

    Weapon: Thunderseal (Lightning-based sword)


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    After the retirement of Kliff Undersn, master swordsman Ky Kiske was given leadership of theSacred Order of Holy Knights at the unbelievably young age of 16. As a symbol of his new status,he was granted one of the Order's most holy treasures... the blade called Thunderseal.

    The appointment was not a mistake; Ky and his band of heroic Knights ended the 100-year-long Crusadesby sealing the dread Gear, Justice, away for all eternity...or so it was thought.

    Five years after the dissolution of the Order, Ky continued his life of public service by enteringthe police force. One day while on duty, Ky received an announcement: A tournament was to be heldsoon, the winners of which would be candidates for a Second Sacred Order. Things did not seem right;Permission to shed blood during the matches, an absurdly large grand prize, and

    most shocking of of Justice's resurrection, much too soon.

    Sensing the cold machinations of conspiracy at work, Ky dons the old uniform ofthe Order for thefirst time in five years and decides to enter.


    VS Self: "You don't have the skills to deserve my name."

    VS May: "My God, there are children in this tournament..?"

    VS Baldhead: "Repent! Feel the fury of those you've tortured!"

    VS Potemkin: "I understand the situation. Leave the rest up to me"

    VS Chipp: "You certainly have talent, but you must learn control."

    VS Zato: "Why was a criminal allowed to enter? This is wrong..."

    VS Millia: "You've left the assassins? Please, let me assist you."

    VS Axl: "Your style is interesting. Let's spar again sometime."

    VS Kliff: "You're still rather tough, sir! Leave the rest to me."

    VS Sol: "Sol! Why did you hold back!? Am I not worthy..?"

    ==Ky VS Testament==

    Ky: "This desolate plateau is the winner's circle? Ridiculous! You thought I wasn't aware...?

    Aware of the evil permeating this tournament? Show yourself, Gear!"

    Testament: "Now I see why they call you a genius..."

    Ky: "So you're the puppet master. Did you really think I'd let you revive Justi

    ce?Only a reject like you would make a mistake like this."

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    Testament: "Reject? I'll forgot you said that...Listen, this tournament was indeed held for the revival. You humans

    fought each otherto be sacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them a

    ll! Now its timeto end this comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrific


    Ky: "The only blood spilled here will be your own! Prepare to die!"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Ky: "It's over..."

    Testament: "Heh heh...So the fabled hero...has destroyed the human race!"

    Ky: "What!? What are you saying!?"

    Testament: "I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...

    And I shall be that sacrifice! My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achievecomplete resurrection! The world shall finally be wiped clean of hu


    Ky: "Damn! I've got no other choice...!"

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Justice: "I can't believe it...I've been defeated again."

    Ky: "That's right! Evil has no place in this world!"

    Justice: "Evil...? How dare you call me evil!?...I fight for my own existence. No more, and no less..."

    Ky: "That can't be your reason for waging war on humans!!"

    Justice: ".....Look at my body. I was created by humans to kill humans...I'm a weapon.

    Yet, the same humans that created me never thought about my mind, or soul.

    I'd have been used as a tool...and if I refused, I'd have been dismantled!"

    Ky: "...I..."

    Justice: "Ask yourself...Can you truly blame me? I was born into this world asa slave...

    And now you're here to destroy me. I know humans loathe me violently...and always will.

    I could do nothing but live on, if for no other reason than to scorn my creators!

    But what do you think I've been living FOR? My duty. My assigned role!

    I was created to kill, and so I do. It's Justice!"

    Ky: "That's a delusion!! What God ordains and wishes for...The order of the world!

    THAT is justice!! If anyone or anything attempts to deprive the world from

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    its freedom...I'll defeat them all!!"

    Justice: "I see...You should meet the Man who created me...I wonder if your unwavering faith

    in justice would continue if you did..."

    Ky: "Who...who's that!?"

    Justice: "Heh...My time to depart from this world has come...But remember well,young Knight,

    even if I die, the Gears will not! As long as That Man...still...lives..."

    Narrator: "And so, with a rattling chuckle, the ultimate Gear breathed her last."

    Ky: " can't die yet!! Who...? Wasn't I doing the right thing, Lord?"


    "Don't worry, Johnny! May's coming to save you!"


    Height: 5'2"Weight: 93 lbs.Blood Type: BBirthplace: UnknownBirthday: May 5th? ("It's not my real birthday, but it's the day Johnny found me!")

    Eye Color: BlackHobbies: Thinking of JohnnyFavorite Thing: JohnnyDislikes: "Baldies! Ick!"Weapon: Anchor ("Bohemian")


    All the girl can remember of her infancy is the image of a suave and daring pirate captainwhisking her away from a savage field of battle. The pirate, Johnny, named theorphan May,after the month of endless rain.

    Throughout the long years of wild living aboard the pirates' airship, May developed a fierce lovefor Johnny; He was part father figure, part brother, and perhaps even part boyfriend to her.

    However, one day, Johnny was caught in the act. Though he primarily stole from the well-offto aid those in need, crime is crime, and he was incarcerated. The term was nota short one.Johnny's crew immediately began placing an elaborate breakout.

    And so, the day before the plan was to commence-

    "May! Hold on! Is it too late of change the plan?!"

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    "What's up, Chief Adviser April? A tournament...? And the prize is anything?! They'll grant any wish?!"

    "Yeah! We could wish for Johnny to be released!"

    "Good thinking! Just wait, Johnny! I'm coming!"


    VS Self: "Stop copying me! Johnny would never go for you!"

    VS Sol: "Ooh, you're cool! Not quite as cool as Johnny, though."

    VS Ky: "Ulp! I beat up a cute guy! Hmm. Johnny's cuter anyway."

    VS Potemkin: "Gosh, you're ugly!!! You look like a sasquatch!"

    VS Chipp: "You've got dangerous eyes, like Johnny. I like that!"

    VS Zato: "Why are you so gloomy?? Be cheerful, like Johnny!"

    VS Millia: "Johnny wouldn't like you! Scary girls aren't his type!"

    VS Axl: "You're bouncy. Johnny could teach you a thing or two!"

    VS Kliff: "Don't overdo it, gramps!"

    VS Baldhead: "Hahaha! Baldy!!"

    ==May VS Testament==

    May: "Whee! I won! I won! Look, everyone! Yay!! Now I can finally live with Johnny again!"

    Testament: "...How did a mere child survive the tournament?"

    May: "(Cute, but Johnny is cuter though...) Um, I get whatever I want, right? Then..."

    Testament: "I'm sorry to have to break this to you...But nobody cares about whatyou want, Miss."

    May: "Eh!?"

    Testament: "This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans foughteach other to be

    sacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! Now its time to end

    this comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    May: "Um, I'm not getting you at all here, mister. Will I be a hero if I beat you up?

    Hmm...It'd be easier to bring back Johnny if I was a hero!"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    May: "You sure were weak for being so good-looking!"

    Testament: "I...I can't believe I lost to a mere infant! No matter...I've accom

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    plished my goal...I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacri

    fice!My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurr

    ection!The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!Hahahahahahahaha!!"

    May: "Ooh...DARN it! When do I get to see my Johnny??"

    ==After Justice Battle==

    May: "Whee! I win!!"

    Justice: "How could such a little girl be so powerful....!? It can't be...Is this child...Japanese?!"

    Mysterious Voice: "Whoa there! Don't say another word! Or do you want your few minutes left to

    live to be cut even shorter!?"

    Justice: "...Who...are you...?...I see...There were...Survivors..."

    Narrator: "So saying, Justice breathed her last."

    Mysterious Voice: "...Forget about us..."

    May: "That voice...! Johnny!!! Everybody's here!!"

    Johnny: "Yo! Did you miss me, cutie-pie?"

    May: "Oh, Johnny, how I've dreamed of this moment...!...But...hey...How did all

    of you guys get here?"

    Johnny: "Uh...When I was first stuck in that damned cell, I thought, 'Why not try and serve my time,

    like a normal person?' Temporary insanity, I tell you! As soon as I felt the Gears'

    vicious aura, I came to my senses, broke out, and came looking for you!"

    May: "You broke out by yourself? No help?"

    Johnny: "Of course! No lock or cage in the world's strong enough to hold Johnny!"

    May: "Then...then why didn't you come sooner!?"

    Johnny: "Hey now, cakes, don't get all weepy! I'm sorry...I just wanted to, uh,let you get out

    on your own for a while. Yeah. (..! If she knew I actually charmed myway out with the

    female guard, I'd be dead!)"

    May: "Oh, yeah!! What did that big meany call me? Japa...?"

    Johnny: "...Ulp!! Uh, who knows? Gears say stupid things...But, anyway! I'm bac

    k in the real world now!Ya'll ready to party!?"

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    Entire Crew: "Aye-aye!!"

    ==Kliff Undersn==

    "Old soldiers never die! Prepare, youngsters!"


    Height: 4'10"/5'10"Weight: 121 lbs.Blood Type: ABBirthplace: SwitzerlandBirthday: September 9thEye Color: BrownHobbies: SailingFavorite Thing: His priceless Japanese teacupsDislikes: Fashionable, voguish wordsWeapon: Dragonslayer (Dragon Felling Blade)


    Kliff was known as a hero: He had bravely led the heroic Sacred Order of Holy Knights for decadesduring the Crusades. Nevertheless, he was thought of something of a historic relic. In his prime,however, he was regarded with awe...and, truth be told, a bit of fear as well. As a retirement gift,Kliff was given his sword of choice - the priceless treasure Dragonslayer, the gigantic blade thatwas said to have the power to kill dragons with a single stroke.

    Five years later, Kliff lives his quiet life of retirement in sheer boredom. Hisonly diversion nowis the study of various cultures' fighting techniques, the most interesting of which stemmed fromthe lost, legendary nation of Japan. However, one day while walking through thestreets, he noticesa placard announcing a tournament for a proposed Second Sacred Order. Sensing adisturbance in thenatural flow of energies, Kliff suddenly suspects something so terrible that hedare not speak italoud: Is Justice being resurrected? Kliff immediately decides to return to thebattlefield...and enter the tournament.


    VS Self: "Fool! You try to copy me with such a shoddy beard!?"

    VS Sol: " shouldn't have hidden your true power..."

    VS Ky: "Still a bit too early for me to retire, eh, Kiske?"

    VS May: "This battlefield is no place for a child."

    VS Baldhead: "One of the last doctors has lost his mind...tragic."

    VS Potemkin: "Raw force alone cannot triumph over sheer will!"

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    VS Chipp: "What a punk! I'll teach you some manners!"

    VS Zato: "As long a I live, evil will never prosper!"

    VS Millia: "Don't show me your gams, toots."

    VS Axl: "What an old-fashioned lad you are..."

    ==Kliff VS Testament==

    Kliff: "Ho ho! Young whippersnappers had no chance! Its age, will, and experience that matter!"

    Testament: "Not bad, for such an old man..."

    Kliff: "My God...y-you're..."

    Testament: "So you remember me? It's been forty years..."

    Kliff: "Testament! But...but I killed you! How..??"

    Testament: "Heh. I was nothing more than a mid-level Gear, then. So, how wouldyou like to see

    my power now?"

    Kliff: "Are you still pursuing that vile goal!?"

    Testament: "That's right! All shall kneel before the Gears!This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans fought

    each other to besacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! N

    ow its time to end

    this comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Kliff: "You fool..."

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Kliff: "So I win again."

    Testament: "Not this time, Sir Kliff. I am the victor."

    Kliff: "What!?"

    Testament: "I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacrifice!

    My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurrection!

    The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!Hahahahahahahaha!!"

    Kliff: "Even when a Gear commits suicide, it's my fault?"

    Testament: "Ch...cheer up...Can't you smile once in a while? Come on...Dad...Heh heh heh..."

    Kliff: "And to think he volunteered to be a soldier! Before I follow you to Hel

    l......I have one thing left to do."

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    ==After Justice Battle==

    Kliff: "So, Justice, it seems as if your time has come."

    Justice: "How did such a...feeble old man...defeat me?"

    Kliff: "This is my responsibility. A parent should be responsible for his dead

    son...Am I wrong?"

    Justice: "Son...? Are you saying that Testament...that Gear...was your son?"

    Kliff: "My stepson...I took him in during the Crusades...Such a kind lad...He volunteered to

    be a soldier. He thought it would make me happy! Whatever he saw during that war,

    all the drove him mad. I...I had no choice."

    Justice: "I see...Unlike the other Gears, I knew he wasn't completely mine...Feelings

    for his parent...Love...I suppose...He still felt such emotions......Perhaps, in his diseased mind...He thought he was doing all this...for you.

    Now...I understand...why my...power...was...limi...ted..."

    Narrator: "So saying, Justice breathed her last."

    Kliff: "So, Justice... It is done...My duty has been fulfilled...But perhaps...perhaps I pushed

    myself a bit too far...I feel a bit...sleepy..."


    "What I do, I do for my comrades..."


    Height: 8'0"Weight: 1446 lbs.Blood Type: OBirthplace: ZeppBirthday: October 18thEye Color: WhiteHobbies: SketchingFavorite Thing: Indestructible pencil casesDislikes: Pencils that snap under four tons of weightWeapon: His 'Dreadnaught' Fist (Based on Master Gabriel's style)


    Zepp, the "Armed Air Empire," was a military state established toward the end ofthe Crusades,the entirety of which was enclosed aboard a gigantic airship. The military forceof Zepp,composed wholly of slave soldiers wearing anti-desertion bomb collars around their necks,was unsurpassed...the fear of the collars exploding at any given moment was moti

    vation enoughto fight. Potemkin was one of these men.

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    "Code 4595605381, Potemkin. We've finally found a use for you and your ridiculous body..."

    "I refuse. These fists of mine were not made to kill."

    "Hmph...fine. Your orders are as follows: Enter this tournament, and win. You will then wish

    for suitable territory for us to expand our Empire into. Do you think you can win withoutshedding blood...?"

    "Damn you...!...Fine, I'll do it. Gaining territory peacefully is better than an invasionthat would result in countless casualties on both sides..."

    "Just don't get any stupid ideas down there...we wouldn't want to strain that tiny brain of yours..."


    VS Self: "I never imagined there were others that were like me."

    VS Sol: "I salute you, warrior. It was a fine battle."

    VS Ky: "I had no wish to fight a hero. Forgive me."

    VS May: "Forgive me, little one. I do this for my comrades."

    VS Baldhead: "Those who can't even master themselves have no chance."

    VS Zato: "Your cheap tricks have no effect on me."

    VS Millia: "Usually, I'd never harm a woman..."

    VS Axl: "I'm not used to long-range bouts. You should have won."

    VS Kliff: "After this tournament, I will pay for my sins..."

    VS Chipp: "If you value your pride, don't challenge me again."

    ==Potemkin VS Testament==

    Potemkin: "Finally, the end of my battle..."

    Testament: "The end of your life, as well."

    Potemkin: "Who!?"

    Testament: "I organized and sponsored this tournament. So you're after land, eh? Territory?

    But is that all? Surely, you have another goal..."

    Potemkin: "That's right... A goal I'd stake my life on! I seek total freedom for the Zepp Empire

    ...And total freedom for my comrades!"

    Testament: "Two wishes? But you can only get one! And so...I'll destroy your be

    loved Zepp."

    Potemkin: "What the hell are you talking about!?"

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    Testament: "Heh heh heh... Can't you tell?This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans fought

    each other to besacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! N

    ow its time to endthis comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Potemkin: "Damn you...DAMN YOU!!"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Potemkin: "I seem to have stopped the resurrection...But I'm disgusted at myselffor being fooled..."

    Testament: "But now you can see your comrades!"

    Potemkin: "Shut up..."

    Testament: "Heh, heh...What I meant to say was, Now you can see your Hell.I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacri

    fice!My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurr

    ection!The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!Hahahahahahahaha!!"

    Potemkin: "My god...I only have one life to give!"

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Potemkin: "I... I won. Did I save the world...?"

    Sergeant: "Indeed. You have done well. However...Your mission is not yet complete."

    Potemkin: "Sir? Where did you come from...? And what do you mean my mission isn't over yet!?

    I'm in no condition to..."

    Sergeant: "Listen! You just saved the planet. Do you think anyone would refuseto join a hero!?"

    Now we execute our primary objective!"

    Potemkin: "You calculating bastard!"

    Sergeant: "Our objective has changed! Target: the Zepp Empire!"

    Potemkin: "What!?"

    Sergeant: "Why do you think we sent you to this tournament? You were secretly selected as a

    candidate for the key soldier in the rebellion against the corrupt hierarchy of the

    Empire! This tournament was your final test!"

    Potemkin: "...What...What are you planning to do...?"

    Sergeant: "Zepp was originally established as a means of preserving ancient tec

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    hnology.Yet we've since become a pitiful garrison state. You're not the only

    critic of thecurrent Empire!"

    Potemkin: "S...Sergeant Gabriel!!"

    Gabriel: "There's nothing more to worry about. Take off your slave collar. Itwon't explode.

    You are free! From now on, we fight to establish a peaceful, democratic nation!

    Will you take up arms, comrade? For the sake of the Neo Zepp Empire?"

    Potemkin: "Yes, sir!!!"

    ==Axl Low==

    "Have I finally found a way to get back home?"


    Height: 5'10"Weight: 172 lbs.Blood Type: BBirthplace: EnglandBirthday: December 25thEye Color: BlueHobbies: BilliardsFavorite Thing: His girlfriend, Megumi (back in his original time era)Dislikes: Preachy peopleWeapon: Kusari-gama (Dual Bladed Sickle Chain and Staff)


    Axl was born in 20th century England, in one of the worst parts of London's EastEnd.He grew up desensitized to violence, seeing it every day as a warring gang factions fought forcontrol of the town. However, he abhorred it deeply and was determined to end the assault on hisneighborhood peacefully.Ever since childhood Axl had unusual martial arts prowess, and with his favoriteweapon, the dualkusari-gama, even bullets weren't a threat to him. Within half a year, he had successfully cleanedup his neighborhood without a single casualty - friend or foe. However, at the very moment he wassure the peace would last, he was caught in a "time slip" - a random disturbancein the space-timecontinuum - and hurtled 200 years into the future.

    Two years have passed since Axl's arrival in this new world...and he still searches for a wayback home. Yet just as he begins to give up hope, he hears a rumor of a fightingtournament in which

    the champion gets whatever they can wish for...


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    VS Self: "Whoa, a mimic! Not as handsome as me, though."

    VS Sol: "Pretty good. Not good enough to beat me, though."

    VS Ky: "Ha! With those looks, you'd be a star in my world."

    VS May: "Is this some kind of joke? You're just a kid!"

    VS Baldhead: "You don't look so good! You should see a doctor."

    VS Potemkin: "A Neanderthal!? This world never ceases to amaze me!"

    VS Chipp: "My kusari-gama's range is limitless! Wanna go again?"

    VS Zato: "If I dance, my shadow dances with me. But you..."

    VS Millia: "I used to prefer long hair on girls...but not any more."

    VS Kliff: "Old man, do you know how I can get back to my world?"

    ==Axl VS Testament==

    Axl: "Yahoo! I'm the champion! Can they really grant wishes? Do I get to go home?"

    Testament: "'re not from this era?"

    Axl: "Who're you? Are you the one who grants the wish?"

    Testament: "No, I'm just a guide. To Hell, one could say..."

    Axl: "What...what's this bizarre aura..!?"

    Testament: "I don't know how long you've been in this time, but I'm sure you'veheard the name 'Justice'."

    Axl: "The bloke that nearly destroyed the world, right?"

    Testament: "'Bloke'? Surely you mean 'Gear'This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans fought

    each other to besacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! N

    ow its time to endthis comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Axl: "Wh-whoa, this is no joke!"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Axl: "...I won, but...I may have lost the chance to go back to my world."

    Testament: "Don't be so melancholy...You're about to witness the most incredibleshow..

    The end of the world!"

    Axl: "Are you nuts? I won. You lost. It's the math."

    Testament: "I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacrifice!

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    My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurrection!

    The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!Hahahahahahahaha!!"

    Axl: "What's so funny?""

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Justice: "Uwaaaaaah...!"

    Axl: "!? Did I... win...? I don't get this...Did I...Save the world...?"

    Narrator: "Even after accomplishing a deed this great, he could barely understand it,

    Axl's heart remained heavy."

    Axl: ("It's a relief to still be alive...but the only clue I ever found about getting home turned

    out to be a lie! I wonder what my mates are up to...? Are they getting along without me...?)

    Narrator: "Thinking of his friends, Axl is filled with grief. But at the next moment..."

    Crowd: "It's the messiah! You've delivered us from Justice! Thank you...Thank you!

    You've saved the world!!"

    Narrator: "The crowd's ecstatic cries of jubilation rose to a deafening pitch."

    Axl: "These people...(That's right. I can't mope around forever...This world's r

    eally not so bad...I can make new friends...If I do happen to come across a way to get back h

    ome, great...but I'm not going to waste my time looking for one anymore!) Hey, everyone

    !Your messiah's right here!"

    Narrator: "Just as Axl is about to reach the rejoicing throng of people..."

    Axl: "Wait...I remember this feeling...! What...!? Ahhhhhh...!"

    Narrator: "And so, Axl was once again hurtled through time."


    "By my shadow, I will annihilate that woman!"


    Height: 5'11"Weight: 150 lbs.Blood Type: ABirthplace: SpainBirthday: January 28th

    Eye Color: Formerly BlueHobbies: Attempting to understand the language of the flowersFavorite Thing: His pride

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    Dislikes: That womanWeapon: Forbidden Magic Shadow Organism: "Eddie"


    Zato-One was once an underling. Disgusted with his lack of ability to rise through the Assassin

    ranks, he risked death by invoking the forbidden arts. He lost his eyesight, butgained theability to control shadows, as well as enhanced senses - enough for him to perceive his surroundingsbetter than he ever could with sight alone. With these newfound powers at his command, he was theAssassin leader within weeks.

    However, Zato was betrayed by the only woman he had ever trusted, an Assassin named Millia, andwas arrested. Languishing in the utter blackness of his cell, a tall, thin figure appeared before him...

    "Zato-ONE...Do you want out of there? Isn't there a woman you have a pressing appointment with...?"

    "Millia! But how do you know of her? Who are you?"

    "A tournament is to begin soon, the winner of which will have whatever they desire. If you win,you'll be free. Free to find this punish her..."

    "...Heh...I don't know what you're after, but what have I got to lose? Let me out...and count me in!"


    VS Self: "Fool! How dare you say you've mastered shadows!?"

    VS Sol: "How can you touch a shadow? It's impossible."

    VS Ky: "Ha! You mean to say THIS is the power of a Holy Knight?"

    VS May: "When little brats bother me like this, they die!"

    VS Baldhead: "...Hmmm. Quite an unusual opponent."

    VS Potemkin: "Your massive size is useless against a shadow."

    VS Chipp: "At least it was funny watching you fly around."

    VS Axl: "My mind can detect and defeat any attack."

    VS Kliff: "And you used to be a hero, old man? Can you even see?"

    VS Millia: "At last...! Only your blood can ease my soul..."

    ==Zato VS Testament==

    Zato: "Victory...So, is this it? Am I free?"

    Testament: "Well done. However... one match remains."

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    Zato: "You! You're the one who told me to enter...And I defeated all of the entrants, didn't I?"

    Testament: "I'm afraid not. You have one more opponent - me."

    Zato: " didn't mention that before!"

    Testament: ", who are so fond of deceiving...can't stand to be deceived, eh?

    This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans foughteach other to be

    sacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! Now its time to end

    this comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Zato: "Damn it! I'll kill you!"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Zato: "Did I win? Hahahahahahaha!! Of course! How could I possibly lose!?"

    Testament: "I'm defeated. Do you think you'll be famous, now?"

    Zato: "Shut your mouth, loser...And prepare for eternal darkness!"

    Testament: "I don't enjoy watching you bald monkeys...But you're exceptional! Atany rate...

    I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacrifice!

    My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurrection!

    The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!Hahahahahahahaha!!"

    Zato: "You're bluffing! Not even a Gear, can defeat my shadow!"

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Zato: "Hahaha! How do you like THAT, Gear!? Victory! I'm the world's greatest!!Hahaha!!

    Invincible! I'm invincible!! Ha, ha...ha?"

    Narrator: "Zato was drunk with the ecstasy of victory. However, he was graduallybecoming aware of an

    incessant squalling..."

    Zato: "Wh... what!? What the hell does this mean?? My shadow is...moving by itself!? I...I didn't

    give you any orders! B...back! Get back!!"

    Shadow: "It's too can't control me any longer. Nevertheless, I owe you a certain

    degree of thanks for...incubating me."

    Zato: "Am I going mad!? My shadow is speaking!"

    Shadow: "Ha! You thought you could manipulate me forever!? Gears weren't the only weapons developed

    by the ancient military complex. We were also created...self-aware life

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    -forms withindeterminate shape."

    Zato: "This cannot be! You're not alive! You're my shadow! I used the forbiddenarts to trade my

    sight for control over you...!"

    Shadow: "So easily fooled! Some humans know we exist, though they regard us withderision.

    In fact, we're the more evolved lifeform."

    Zato: " fooled me completely...Hahaha...How amusing...Heh...heh heh...

    N...NO!! I don't want to die! me!!"

    Shadow: "Heh, heh... Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you. We can't move on our own...

    We're parasites. We need bodies that belong to people with weak and fragile minds...

    criteria you fit perfectly!"

    Zato: "AAARRRGH...!"

    Shadow: "Heh heh heh heh heh!!"

    ==Chipp Zanuff==

    "Master! I shall be avenged!"


    Height: 6'0"Weight: 148 lbs.Blood Type: BBirthplace: He insists Japan (actually America)Birthday: February 9thEye Color: RedHobbies: DreamingFavorite Thing: Sleeping pillsDislikes: Nightmares, the Mafia, gangs, YakuzaWeapon: Ninja Armblade ("Les Paul")


    Chipp was addicted to drugs at a very young age. In order to secure a regular supply of them,he became a dealer for the Mafia. Yet after years of punishing his body with all manner ofnarcotics, he finally broke down and was to be "disposed" of by the organization. However,his life was saved by a mysterious Ninja. Realizing his huge debt to this master, Chipp becamea student at the Ninja's dojo and was trained body and soul in the ways of the Shinobi.

    And yet one day, Chipp returned to find his master near death, having been attac

    ked by the Mafia.

    "Master Tsuyoshi! Damn! Who did this to you?! The Mafia?! I will not forgive the

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    "Chipp...your opponent is an entire organization...You can't do anything to them.Promise me, will walk away...and live"

    The Ninja master Tsuyoshi passed away with a smile.

    "Master...I cannot honor such a promise. I'll enter that tournament we heard of...form my own group,my own organization...and take the Mafia down!"


    VS Self: "Now you see it isn't so easy to imitate a Ninja!"

    VS Sol: "What, you smoke? That's why you lost, idiot."

    VS Ky: "You call yourself a man? Where are your scars?"

    VS May: "In a battle, everyone's an enemy...even children."

    VS Baldhead: "You're a doctor? Maybe you should check your head!"

    VS Zato: "Stupid magic tricks can't defeat me!"

    VS Millia: "My rule is never to show any mercy to women."

    VS Axl: "Are you a gangster? Junkies like you can't touch me."

    VS Kliff: "You have some kind of death wish, old man?"

    VS Potemkin: "Hey sloth! Now you see why speed always wins!"

    ==Chipp VS Testament==

    Chipp: "By all means, I've won the tournament...But it looks like the game is not over yet."

    Testament: "So, you were able to detect me, eh, punk? You may be uncouth, but your skill is great.

    And yet, you don't even know why you're here."

    Chipp: "Eh...? What...?"

    Testament: "This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans foughteach other to be

    sacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! Now its time to end

    this comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Chipp: "My God, don't you ever shut up!? You ready to die, Gear? Prepare to facea Ninja!"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Chipp: "Hey, are you still alive? Answer me! Why can I still feel Justice's lifeforce!?"

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    Testament: "Heh...It didn't matter who won this match.I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacri

    fice!My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurr

    ection!The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!


    Chipp: "So that's it...! But, she's been resurrected..."

    Testament: "So, you've been resurrected..."

    Chipp: "...Only to be destroyed!!"

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Justice: "Why? Why do I die...? I fight only for my existence...Human.

    .. Why do you want to destroy me...?"

    Chipp: "My reasons? It's not too complicated...If someone opposes me, I'll huntthem down! That's all."

    Justice: "You mean to say I lost to such a base philosophy? Your own right to survive...

    that's what I believe justice is. And what you just said is your...personal justice...?"

    Chipp: "Justice...? Justice means nothing to me! I came to this tournament to avenge the murder

    of my master, but I was tricked!"

    Justice: "Heh...So you 'miss' this person? I like that...

    I am...a...weapon..."

    Narrator: "So saying, Justice, the ultimate Gear, breathed her last.As Chipp stared at Justice's pitiful corpse, he gradually came to a r

    ealization:He hadn't changed at all. He was just as reckless as he had been dur

    ing his Mafia days.He'd simply traded one vice for another: Crime for revenge.

    Master Tsuyoshi: "Those enslaved by vengeance lose the light of virtue."

    Chipp: "How could I not have known such a basic proverb? Master.....!I couldn't even save the soul of one monster...I need more training...!"

    ==Dr. Baldhead==

    "My, my!! Lots of patients today! Get ready for your operations!"


    Height: 9'4"Weight: 121 lbs.Blood Type: O

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    Birthplace: ChinaBirthday: August 21stEye Color: BlackHobbies: Performing elaborate operations.Favorite Thing: His gigantic, six-foot "scalpel"Dislikes: Cancerous cellsWeapon: Giant Scalpel Glaive


    He was regarded as the finest physician in more than a hundred years. With a gentle personalityand deft surgical skill, the doctor was respected throughout the world. One day, however, a girlunder his care died mysteriously during surgery. Some said the girl's death wasorchestrated byjealous colleagues, but the shock drove the doctor mad. He embarked on a violent serial-killingspree and murdered an untold number of people before finally being captured...

    "Mr. Guard! Is it mealtime yet? Is the food ready? Mr. Guard, I'm hungry, I'm hungry!!"

    "There are numerous patients awaiting your surgical genius and expertise, DoctorBaldhead."

    "...? You're not Mr. Guard, are you? What does it matter, anyway? I can't perform any operationswithout my medical instruments..."

    The tall, thin stranger who stood on the other side of th cell bars threw Dr. Baldhead

    a gigantic blade.

    "Ooh! scalpel! You're a good man...Don't worry, I'll perform plenty of operations for you!!"


    VS Self: "D, D, Don't come near me! Go away!!"

    VS Sol: "If it's still bleeding in a few days, call me."

    VS Ky: "A messenger from Hell will come for you soon."

    VS Potemkin: "Leave it to me!! I'll sew you up good!!"

    VS Chipp: "Oh no!! I'm afraid your blood pressure is normal!!"

    VS Zato: "Sniff...You smell like me. Who's the doctor? You? Me?"

    VS Millia: "Somebody, stop the blood! Or stop me! Or stop both!!"

    VS Axl: "Remember to come back for a checkup in six months."

    VS Kliff: "Your blood is infected...I'll have to drain it."

    VS May: "Blood, blood!! Oh no! If I don't stop it, she'll die!"

    ==Baldhead VS Testament==

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    Baldhead: "So, then, has everyone had their checkup?"

    Testament: "Well done. Just as I expected..."

    Baldhead: "Ah, one left? Do you need an examination?"

    Testament: "This time it's you who's going under the knife."

    Baldhead: "What?? Do you even have a medical license?"

    Testament: "Heh. Talking to you is useless, I see.This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans fought

    each other to besacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! N

    ow its time to endthis comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Baldhead: "Blood!? What, a transfusion!? Leave it to me!!"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Baldhead: "No more patients left? Hee Hee!"

    Testament: "I can't believe I lost to such a pathetic..."

    Baldhead: "How rude!! Out! Out of my office!"

    Testament: "No matter...I've accomplished my goal...I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacri

    fice!My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurr

    ection!The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!Hahahahahahahaha!!"

    Baldhead: "You mean I have to perform one more operation?"

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Baldhead: "Whew...That last operation was rather strenuous! I'm sure everyone had their checkup by now."

    Narrator: "The image of the collapsing Gear was reflected in Dr. Baldhead's spectacles."

    Crowd: "It's the messiah! You've delivered us from Justice!Thank you...Thank you! You've saved the world!!"

    Narrator: The crowd's ecstatic cries of jubilation rose to a deafening pitch.

    Baldhead: "My stars! There are so many patients left!...Oh well!A doctor is at his happiest when he's curing disease!! Ready, everyon

    e!?Get ready for your operations! Hee hee!!"

    Narrator: "However, the throng's cries of exultation awakened a memory in Baldhe

    ad......a memory of himself as a medical genius."

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    Baldhead: "This someone calling me...?


    Baldhead: "What...? Did something happen...? Did I do something to this girl...?Sc...Scalpel! Syringe!! No...her body's becoming cold...heh...heh heh



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    "If I fight Zato in a tournament, one-on-one, I may have a chance to win...and my victory willbring an end to the Assassin Organization forever!"


    VS Self: "Why, you look just like me! Shall we switch places?"

    VS Sol: "I thought you gave it your all. It seems I was wrong."

    VS Ky: "So unreliable! You thought you could save the world?"

    VS May: "Is that hope in your eyes? What does it feel like?"

    VS Baldhead: "Such sad eyes...What are you so afraid of?"

    VS Potemkin: "I'm sorry, but I, too, have an objective."

    VS Chipp: "You have dissolute eyes...Revenge alone cannot win."

    VS Axl: "I hate bogus men like you."

    VS Kliff: "I have no desire to fight with elders. Stay down."

    VS Zato: "I'm free...Now I have but to collect the prize."

    ==Millia VS Testament==

    Millia: "I've won, but the glory means nothing to me..."

    Testament: "So apathetic. What keeps you in this world?"

    Millia: "Who...?"

    Testament: "I sponsored this tournament. I'm a Gear..."

    Millia: "A Gear? But isn't the aim of this tournament...the eventual destructionof Gears?"

    Testament: "Woman, you don't seem nervous...with that smile on your face.It seems like you have realized what all of this is about."

    Millia: "I've been tricked, haven't I?"

    Testament: "In a way.This tournament was held just to revive Justice. You humans fought

    each other to besacrifices. Everyone involved at every level...I duped them all! N

    ow its time to endthis comedy...All I require is the blood of one more sacrifice."

    Millia: "Must I endure another battle for my freedom?"

    ==After Testament Battle==

    Testament: "It seems...your beauty kept me from harming you."

    Millia: "Don't worry, I'll soon put you out of your misery."

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    Testament: "Surely you jest! I am in ecstasy."

    Millia: "What...? I can still feel an evil aura...!"

    Testament: "I said 'one more sacrifice' was required...And I shall be that sacrifice!

    My blood is all that's needed...Justice will achieve complete resurr

    ection!The world shall finally be wiped clean of humans!Hahahahahahahaha!!...I look forward to seeing you in Hell, my lady..


    Millia: "I'd rather go to Heaven than see you again! Well, then...I started this, now I must end it."

    ==After Justice Battle==

    Narrator: "Several months later - Even after her victory, Millia continues to live as a fugitive."

    Millia: "Hah...Hah...They won't follow me this far..."

    Pursuer: "Miss Rage...?"

    Millia: "(They...they found me!!)"

    Fan: "I knew it! It is you, Miss Rage! Your performance in the tournament movedme deeply!

    I'd love to have your strength...Please, take me as your apprentice!"

    Narrator: "Millia is now running away from the glory she had attained..."

    Millia: "Look, I already told you! I won't teach anyone...Don't you think a woman who attacks with her

    is...creepy!? Why do you pursue me so severely...!?"

    Fan: "Creepy!? Are you kidding? It's simply charming! I...I'm in love with you!"

    Millia: "Wh...WHAT!? Are you completely insane!?"

    Fan: "I'm serious!"

    Narrator: "Millia, who has been raised since infancy to be an assassin, was utterly shocked to hear an

    exclamation of affection."

    Millia: "Uh...Uh...Ah! Look...behind you! It's Justice!"

    Fan: "Wh...what!? Aargh...."

    Narrator: "Millia threw her cape over the pursuer and quickly made her escape."

    Fan: "Ah...!! She got away again!! Miss Rage!! I'll never give up!!"

    Narrator: "Leaving the man behind, Millia returns to her self-imposed exile......even though the cloud of darkness no longer hangs over her."

    ==Closing Comment==

    Please note that Testament, Justice, and Baiken do not have Winquotes or Ending

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    because they aren'tselectable outside of Versus Mode.

    ==Thanks for reading!==