Page 1: Guildford Draft Local Plan - Worplesdon Public Meeting 2nd July

Worplesdon Parish Council

“Guildford Borough Council

Draft Local Plan Consultation”

Presentation 26 June 2014

By Gaynor White –

Clerk to Worplesdon Parish Council

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National Planning Policy Framework –

NPPF - March 2012

Para 14 - At the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a golden thread running through both plan-making and decision-taking

Para 119 – this presumption does not apply where development requiring appropriate assessment under the Birds or Habitats Directives is being considered, planned or determined i.e. Whitmoor Common Special Protection Area (SPA, SSSI).

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Special Protection Area

Whitmoor Common SPA, SSSI

• Paragraphs 113, 118 and 119 of the NPPF are

of particular relevance to the proposals for


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Planning circular 06/2005Biodiversity and Geological Conservation

• Para 20 – “It is for the decision-taker to

consider the likely and reasonably foreseeable

effects and to ascertain that the proposal will

not have an adverse effect on the integrity of

the site before it may grant permission.”

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Circular 06/2005 – Para 21

“In the Waddenzee judgment, the European Court of Justice ruled that

a plan or project may be authorised only if a competent authority has

made certain that the plan or project will not adversely affect the

integrity of the SPA.

That is the case where no reasonable scientific doubt remains as to

the absence of such effects. Competent national authorities must be

convinced that there will not be an adverse affect and where doubt

remains as to the absence of adverse affects, the plan or project must

not be authorised, subject to the procedure outlined in Article 6(4) of

the EC Habitats Directive regarding imperative reasons of overriding

public interest.”


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UNTIL 2031 – PUBLIC CONSULTATION 12 week consultation commencing 1 July 2014

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Guildford – revised settlement boundary

allocation of additional development sites,

inset from the Green Belt.

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From a parish perspective

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The process… where are we now?

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Proposals in greater detail…

Clay Lane link road - Support

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Fairlands to be “Inset” or removed from the Green

Belt, plus land “safeguarded” for development up to

519 houses & 1 or 2 traveller pitches - Object

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Four Acre Stables, Traveller site &

safeguarded land for additional pitches

- Object

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Jacobs Well to be inset (removed)

from the Green Belt - Object

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Wood Street Village to be “Inset” or

removed from the Green Belt - Object

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Worplesdon to remain within the

Green Belt - Support

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Site Allocation No: 46 – Former Pond

Meadow School – Object retain for

educational use

Proposed use:

Housing and/or specialist housing (C3)

and/or student accommodation,

and/or non-residential institution (D1)

including community facilities

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Site Allocation No: 51 – Former car

showroom, Aldershot Road - Support

Proposed use:

Housing and/or specialist

housing (C3)

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Site Allocation No: 60 – Blackwell

Farm, Hogs Back - Object

Proposed use:

Housing (C3), Employment use (B1a, B1b,

B1c, B2, B8, Traveller pitches (sui generis),

open space, Park and Ride, railway station,

education, local retail centre (A1, A2 and

A3), community and health services

buildings (D1).

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Site Allocation No: 61 – Land north of

Keens Lane, Guildford - Object

Proposed use:

Housing (C3) – 140 homes and

care home (C2)

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Site Allocation No: 62 – Land at

Liddington Hall Farm - Object

Proposed use:

Housing (C3) – 625 houses and 2

Traveller pitches (sui generis)

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Site Allocation No: 63 – Land north of

Slyfield Industrial Estate - Object

Proposed use:

Light industrial (B1c) and/or general

industrial (B2) and/or, storage and

distribution (B8)

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Site Allocation No: 64 – Land at

Gunner’s Farm and Bullen’s Farm -


Proposed use:

Guildford City Football Club and

Worplesdon Rangers Football

Club are looking for a suitable

for a new ground. Main games

pitch with all-weather and grass

practice pitches, clubhouse,

floodlighting and training


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Site Allocation No: 65 – Land north of

Salt Box Road, Worplesdon - Object

Proposed use:

Potential for new secondary

school to serve increased need

in the western part of the


Potential new junction to serve


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Site Allocation No: 84 – Merrist Wood

College – Support

Proposed use:

Education (D1) and

supporting ancillary uses

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Site Allocation No: 95 – Round Oak,

White Hart Lane, Wood Street Village -


Proposed use:

Traveller pitch (sui generis)

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Site Allocation No: 96 – Four Acre

Stables, Worplesdon - Object

Proposed use:

4 traveller pitches (sui generis)

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Site Allocation No: 100 – Land at

Cobbetts Close, Worplesdon – No


Proposed use:

Traveller pitches (sui generis)

– Plans to re-design the site to

accommodate 2 additional


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Site Allocation No: 101 - Land at

Whittles Drive, Aldershot Road,

Normandy – No comment?

Proposed use:

Travelling Show-people plots (sui


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Site Allocation No: Land at Worplesdon

Road, north of Tangley Place – Object - land

is Clay – main river in north west corner.

Proposed use:

Cemetery or crematorium (?)

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Site Allocation No: 104 – Land at

Westborough Allotments, Guildford –


Proposed use:


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Site Allocation No: Land rear of Jacobs

Well village hall, Jacobs Well - Support

Proposed use:


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Suitable Alternative Natural

Greenspace (SANG)

• The Thames Basin Heath Special Protection Avoidance Strategy was established to protect the SPA by providing SANG (alternative dog walking sites)

• There is no evidence to suggest that the provision of SANG sites has reduced the number of visitors to the SPA.

• It is for GBC to prove, via convincing scientific evidence, that their mitigation proposals are effective.

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Site Allocation No: 109 – Blackwell

Farm SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space) -


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Site Allocation No: 110 – Broad Street

and Backside Commons (SANG) -


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Site Allocation No: 112 – Russell Place

Farm – SANG - Object

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Site Allocation No: 113 - Stringer’s

Common SANG - Object

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Site Allocation No: 117 – Burpham

Court Farm SANG – Object?

Natural England has

informed GBC that the

proposed bespoke SANG

is acceptable in principle.

Approximately 20 ha of

the total available 38.2 ha

will be required for the


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In addition to the site allocation

comments the Parish Council will need

to comment on the Draft Local Plan

policies… such as Traveller pitches –

policy 3, Affordable housing – policy 4,

Rural exception homes – policy 5,

Surrey Hill AONB – policy 8, Villages

and major previously developed sites –

policy 9 etc. etc. - ARE THESE



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Finally… infrastructure

Proposed projects

• 2.1.6 – A320 Woking Road junction with Jacobs Well Road – Junction improvement –Cost £137K

• 2.1.7 – Jacobs Well Road junction with Clay Lane – Junction improvement – Total cost TBD

• 2.2.1 – Wastewater treatment – Details to be included once development areas are confirmed – Cost TBD.

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• 2.3.3 – Jacobs Well – Surface Water

mitigation measures – Oak Tree Close – Cost


• 4.1.2 – Northern Park and Ride to serve the

A320/A322/A323 corridors – Location to be

determined! Cost TBD.

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