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How to edit

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Step 1.

After you have filmed and you have all of your footage, the best thing to do would be to go ahead and open up Premiere Pro CS6 from the Adobe CS6 Suite and don’t panic if you don’t know what anything is

1: select “new project”2: Name your project3: Click okay and select a sequence name4: Click Okay

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Step 2.

1: Now on premiere you need to select file at the top2: Select Import3: Now find the folder with your footage inside4: Highlight all of your footage and click open

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Step 3.

1: Now select your first bit of footage and drag it onto the timeline on “video 1” and “Keep existing settings should be selected”2: If it doesn’t fill all of the black background because the shot is too small then click the clip and go to “effect controls” and select “motion” and then change the “scale” up until it fills the screen

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Step 4.

1: Then rinse and repeat the process of selecting clips and adding them onto the timeline until you feel that you have a good production of footage created.2: Now you have to export the footage which is best done by using this guide here

Then you have created and edited footage correctly in a basic way.

If you want to add transitions then click “effects” at the bottom of premier and go through the variety of transitions and effects that you can use and you will be able to make the clips transition in and out. In order to add an effect you just drag the name onto your clip and it will be added, This feature is part of the editing process and should be performed before editing.
