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Page 2: Guide · 2020. 3. 16. · Soy (RTRS), ProTerra, ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) and BCI (Better Cotton Initiative), as well as procu-rement requirements

Certification GuideVersion 2.0


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



1. Introduction .......................................................................... 6

2.AMAGGI normative documents .................................... 82.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................9

2.2. Scope ................................................................................................................... 11

3. Criteria .................................................................................. 123.1. Legal Aspects ................................................................................................13

3.2. Social Aspects .............................................................................................13

3.3. Environmental Aspects ........................................................................14

3.4. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) ................................................15

3.5. Checklist ...........................................................................................................15

4. General rules ...................................................................... 164.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................17

4.2. Certifications Accreditation ...............................................................19

4.3. Audits ..................................................................................................................19

4.3.1. General - third part audits .........................................................19

4.3.2. Individual Certification ...........................................................23

4.3.3. Group Certification ....................................................................23

5. The non-conformity and sanctions ...........................265.1. Types of non-conformities ............................................................... 27

6. Impartiality anda Confidentiality ...............................306.1. Impartiality ........................................................................................................31

6.2. Confidentiality .............................................................................................31

7. Glossary and exhibits ..................................................... 327.1. Glossary ............................................................................................................ 33

7.2. Exhibit I: Qualification of internal

and external auditors ......................................................................................35

7.3. Exhibit II: Verification list of producers ................................36

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Founded in 1977, AMAGGI’s headquarters are in Cuiabá (MT) and the company is also present in all regions in Brazil, as well as Argentina, Paraguay, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland and China. Currently, it is composed of four major business are-as - Commodities, Agro, Energy, and Logistics and Operations - and operates in the origination, commercialization of grains and inputs; agricultural and soybean seeds production; port operations, river transportation, and the generation and sale of electricity.

In the social field, the efforts of the André and Lucia Maggi Foundation, which is a social institution with no economic pur-pose, are responsible for managing AMAGGI’s Private Social Investment actions in the municipalities where the company operates.

All of these businesses are conducted within serious social and environmental responsibility criterion, valuing the ethics and integrity of all those involved in its production chain, whi-ch consolidates AMAGGI as the largest Brazilian agribusiness company.



AMAGGI Responsible Standard

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



The knowledge acquired in implementing internationally re-cognized certifications such as the Round Table Responsible Soy (RTRS), ProTerra, ISCC (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) and BCI (Better Cotton Initiative), as well as procu-rement requirements established by clients, governments, non--governmental organizations), internal rules and institutional commitments served as bases and guidelines for developing the AMAGGI Responsible Standard, Version 2.0.

This Standard is not intended to compete with other existing international certifications. AMAGGI recognizes that these stan-dards have been created and / or improved with the participa-tion of several important players that give credibility in building certifications of high standards of quality and requirements.

The purpose of the AMAGGI Responsible Standard, Version 2.0, is to establish a minimum entry criterion for producers and work on their socio-environmental management culture. The standard aims to carry out socio-environmental diagnosis wi-thin its producers, identifying the rural properties that can be certified with the A.R.S.

Producers, when ready, may also migrate to other international certificates, such as those already mentioned herein, according to market demand. We will not exclude those producers who are not yet ready for this process of minimum criteria for a certifi-cation, however, we will gradually include these producers, with the aim of improving their socio-environmental management.

2.1. Introduction

AMAGGI Responsible Standard

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


The creation of this Standard also includes the sustainability veto criteria for grain commercialization, applied to 100% of the supply chain, through its AMAGGI Responsible Grain Chain Program, as follows:

• Veto to the use of degrading work (slave or anal-ogous to slave labor and child labor);

• Veto to areas on indigenous lands;

• Veto to areas in integral protection conservation units;

• Veto to areas embargoed by the IBAMA for deforestation;

• Veto to the areas embargoed by state environ-mental agencies;

• Veto to areas deforested after 2008 in the Ama-zon biome (Soy Moratorium);

• Veto to producers that do not comply with the ‘Grãos Verdes do Pará’ Protocol (“Green Beans Protocol” in the State of Pará ).

The A.R.S. standard shall be reviewed no less than once every five (5) years.

The A.R.S standard applies to soybean and corn agricultural production processes, which may include conventional, orga-nic and genetically modified grains. This standard was desig-ned to be applied to AMAGGI’s properties and its producers.

The AMAGGI Responsible Standard can be applied either to the farms owned or leased by the company, as well as those of soy and corn suppliers. An annual internal audit will be carried out on all farms in the group and an external audit will be performed in sample areas by an independent body with knowledge and accreditations for audits on sustainability standards, especially for grains cultivation.

Audits may be performed considering a certification group or individual farm audits. For a group, AMAGGI shall be responsi-ble for ensuring that processes and requirements are met in all farms and units belonging to the certification group.

Validation of the grains volumes that are in compliance with the program shall be performed by AMAGGI, after the volume is entered in the control system and there is a positive evaluation of the audit performed by Third-party company

2.2. Scope

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Criteria3.1. Legal Aspects

The legal aspects to be verified are described in Principle 1 of the checklist attached to this document. Local laws shall be identified and considered at the time of the audit.

3.2. Social Aspects

The social aspects to be verified are described in Principles 2, and 6, of the attached checklist, and international rules were taken into account1, and in the event they are less restrictive than the local legislation2, the local law shall prevail, i.e., always the most restrictive. As described in the checklist, some of the main issues to be verified are:

• Degrading work (child labor)

• Discrimination

• Degrading work (slavery or analogous to slave labor)

1 Source: ILO Minimum Age Convention, No. 138 (1973)

Source: Article 3 (d) of the ILO Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the elimination of the worst forms of child labor, 1999 (182) 3D

Source: Article 3 of ILO Convention 182

Source: ILO Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) Source: ILO Convention C29

Source: ILO Convention 87 (1948) Source: Ministry of Labor Source: Ministry of Environment

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Source: IBAMA

2 Source: Ministry of Labor

AMAGGI Responsible Standard

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Good agricultural practices to be verified are described in Principle 4 of the attached checklist, and guidelines and international rules were taken into account. As described in the checklist, some of the main issues to be verified are:

• Use of pesticides

• Use of fertilizers

• Cultivation techniques

• Compliance with the local legislation

3.3. EnvironmentalAspects

3.5. Checklist

3.4. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)

The environmental aspects to be verified are described in Principles 3, and 5, of the attached checklist, and international guidelines and rules were taken into account in addition to specific aspects of the AMAGGI Responsible Standard described in Principle 1. Should issues of item 3 be less restrictive than the local legislation3, the most restrictive law shall prevail.

• Land use rights

• Environmental impact assessment

• Contamination Prevention

• Water and soil use

• Deforestation

The checklist for farms was prepared considering the internal rules and sustainability standards, AMAGGI’s institutional commitments, international legislations, national legislations and knowledge acquired during the deployment of renowned international certifications. For any comparative situation between guidelines, requirements and standards established with the local legislation, the most restrictive shall always be considered for all auditing purposes.

• Freedom of association

• Occupational Health and Security

• Salaries and hours worked

• Relationship with community

3 Source: Ministry of Environment

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock

Source: IBAMA

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


As previously described, the program can be implemented and audited in an individual manner (per farm) or as a group, as follows:

Individual Certification

Applied only to individual farms, owned or leased by AMAGGI, which should be audited by a third-party company for compliance validation with the A.R.S. requirements.

Group Certification

Group certification was developed with the aim of en-couraging the admission of soybean and corn suppliers into the program, but also comprising the company’s own farms. AMAGGI will be responsible for managing the group.

AMAGGI, as the group manager, will be responsible for ensu-ring compliance with the standards and requirements, requi-ring at least one annual internal audit, duly conducted and documented, in accordance with the methodology defined herein. The internal auditor must be qualified for this func-tion.

It is the responsibility of the group manager to include and exclude members that do not comply with the AMAGGI Res-ponsible Standard.

Certificates are valid for a period of 5 years, after this period a new full audit is required.


General rules4.1. Introduction

AMAGGI Responsible Standard

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


In both cases, the steps to be followed prior to the audit are:

Application formThis document will be used to obtain the farm’s ini-tial data, with which the days necessary for internal and external audits will be calculated, as well as the initial risk analysis in case of a group certification.

Risk analysis (in the event of group certification)Risk analysis will be developed by the group manager, with the purpose of reducing the certification group’s risk. The first stage of the risk analysis will be based on the application form. With this result, the frequency and farms to necessarily undergo an internal audit will be de-fined, and performed by a technical team qualified for such function. Surprise audits may be carried out when a risk is identified, and these may be internal or carried out by an external third-party.

Internal auditInternal audits are mandatory only for group certification, and must be carried out at least once a year, according to the methodological criterion foreseen herein, and records should be maintained.

Third-party auditThey must be carried out annually by a third-party com-pany duly accredited for such work, according to the me-thodological criterion foreseen herein.

The company’s own or leased farms, as well as AMAGGI grain suppliers’ farms that hold the RTRS, ProTerra and ISCC certifica-tions will be automatically recognized by AMAGGI for meeting the A.R.S standard. Farms with any of these certifications need not undergo any other audit process as they are already carried out to obtain these certifications.

4.2. Certifications accreditation

Third-party audits must be carried out annually with the purpo-se of validating properties for grains production, in accordance with the A.R.S..

The issues to be verified during the audits are described in exhi-bit II of this document. These are divided into 6 principles:

1. Compliance with the legislation and commer-cial vetoes

2. Responsible work conditions

3. Environmental responsibility

4. Good agricultural practices

5. Land use rights

6. Relationship with the community

4.3. Audits

4.3.1. General - Third-party audits

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


The team for Third-party annual audits should consist of a le-ading assessor and a sufficient number of team members. Team members should collectively cover all standard elements, including, but not limited to the items listed above.

The Lead auditor must have knowledge of AMAGGI’s Respon-sible Standard, as well as experience with other grains certifica-tion protocols as, for example, RTRS, ProTerra, ISCC or similar. The Lead auditor will be responsible for leading the audit pro-cess and for making decisions on behalf of the auditing team in case of a team), ensuring the necessary audit planning, pre-paration and submission of the report in accordance with the A.R.S.

Audits will be performed according to the following steps:

1. Opening meeting: when the audit rules and schedu-le will be confirmed. The opening meeting begins with the introduction of the auditor and/or team of auditors, and is intended to clarify details of conducting the audit and to confirm the availability of resources and means to perform the audit. During the meeting the auditors will present the work methodology, so it is recommended that all persons responsible for any process are present. At this point, the scope of the work will be confirmed and the locations and work fronts to be audited defined, as well as the people who will guide the auditors in the areas. All directions of how to proceed will be informed during the meeting.

2. Documents review: when all the documents ne-cessary to attend the A.R.S. are reviewed and analyzed, whether they are related to legal compliance (licenses and authorization to carry out the activity), labor, social, environmental or good agricultural practices. All records required to meet the standard will be reviewed at this sta-ge.

3. Field inspection: where a visit will be made to all faci-lities of the selected properties to verify their compliance with the standard requirements. During visits, the certifi-cation body must consult employees, third parties and other stakeholders during the audits.

4. Closing meeting: where the results will be presented and the next steps defined. If major or minor non-con-formities are identified, the deadlines stipulated in item 5.1 of this document will be followed, where: major non--conformities must be closed within 30 days and minor non-conformities must be corrected within 1 year. Failure to correct will result in the minor non-conformity beco-ming a major one.

5. Preparation of the final report: The report shall be divided into two parts, the first being the group manage-ment description and the second referring to the field. As for the management part there will be information regarding the certification group describing all participa-ting farms, in addition to the management information required by the AMAGGI standard. For the field part a checklist will be filled for the audited farms where the points will be described in compliance with the standard and possible non-conformities that may be highlighted during the audit. Action plan review and closure of non- conformities, if any.

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


For individual farms inspections, the calculation of days shall be made in accordance with the size of the production area, as follows:

For group certification, it is mandatory to audit the group mana-ger, as well as the procedures and the internal control system. The time needed to evaluate the group management will be de-fined according to the number of members of the certification group. The time required will be at least 0.5 day and maximum of 2.0 days.

The application form shall be mandatory for all members of the certification group prior to the internal audit. Internal audits must be performed in the whole group before the third-party audit to be done by the Certification Body, and if performed by a qualified internal auditor and all points of the standard must be covered. Records must be kept and available at the time of the external audit.

The external audit in the farms will be carried out on a sampling basis, depending on the risk analysis performed by the group manager and the risk assessment of the Certification Body it-self, based on the characteristics of the group and its mem-bers/locations. Here are some factors to check.

Area (hectares) Nº of Days

1 to 4.000 0,5

4.001 to 16.000 1,0

16.001 to 30.000 1,5

>30.001 2,0

4.3.2. Individual Certification

4.3.3. Group Certification

Fators considered low risk my include:

• The group is located in an area with no known conflict concerning land use;

• The group ins located in an area with low or no soybe-an expansion, low levels os native vegetation elimina-tion in the region;

• The group manager has experience in the administra-tion of similar schemes or systems.

Factors considered high risk may include:

• The existence os known conflicts concering land use, soybean expansion area, high levels of deforestation or remocal of native vegetation for agriculture;

• Group manager lack of experience.

When the risk is determined, depending on the variables abo-ve, the minimun sample size should be determined. In order to determined this, the following formula is applied: No. of establi-chments to be visited = √y;

Where: “y” is the number of members that the group has (not counting the unit manager). In case of decimals, round to the immediate lowets integer.

When the risk indentified in “the first step” is high, then the cor-rection factor formula should be applied to calculate the sam-ple size.

• For high risk the correction factor of 1.5 is applied.

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Then the formula to determine the minimum size of the sample would be: (√y) x 1.5 for high risk = size of the mi-nimum sample to be audited.

After determining the minimum size of the sample according to the group’s risk, stratification should be made, i.e., to group under certain criteria the farms to be audited in accordance with:

• Geographical region

• Observed risk

• New group members

• Size of the properties

The time necessary to audit each farm chall follow the same table described in item 4.2.2.

Producers who take part in the certification group, in case they have other uncertified properties, must commit as to also meet the A.R.S. criterion to these other properties.

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


All non-conformities identified during an internal or external audit should be systematically registered in the report, and classified as minor or major. A non-conformity should be considered major if, alone or in combination with other non- conformities, it results or may result in a fundamental failure in the applied management system:

All non-conformities should lead to a request for corrective action by the certification applicant/holder, which should be registered in the assessment report. The Certification Body may not issue a certificate of conformity, or re-issue a certifi-cate, until all major non-conformities are closed.

If a major non-conformity is not solved the producer will be suspended until its resolution, and could be excluded from the certified group.

Major non-conformities found during an external audit should be closed within 30 days. Minor non-conformities should be corrected within 1 year. Failure to correct will result in the minor non-conformity becoming a major one.

5.2 Categories of IndicatorsAMAGGI classified the indicators in 3 different categories:


The non-conformityand sanctions

5.1. Types of non-conformities

AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicators of commercial exclusion

Indicators of immediate compliance

Indicators of compliance within one year

Indicators of compliance within two years

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


5.4 Appeals• The group leader handles the appeal and may be assisted

by the certifier or auditor/inspector;

• The appeal is recorded in the information system and a writ-ten confirmation is sent to the client.

5.5 Follow-up andassessment

• A complaint or appeal may result in an improvement;

• For follow-up and assessment, complaints and appeals are handled as complaints.

AMAGGI Responsible Standard’s progressive approach is applied as follows:

• Commercial Exclusion: these are the veto criteria for produ-cers for grain marketing, already existing and carried out by AMAGGI in its Responsible Grain Chan Program specified in item 2.1, Introduction, of this document.

• Immediate Compliance: these are the minimum criteria tha must be met from the initial audit.

• Compliance within one year: these are the criteria tha must be met within a year and that will be verified at the second year audit.

• Compliance within two years: these are the criteria that must be met within two years and that will be verifiea in the third year audit.

In case the auditee does not agree with the raised issues, they may use the channel for complaints and appeals, as follows:

5.3 Complaints• Complaints may be recevied from group members, interes-

ted or employed, in writing or verbally;

• The group leader appoints a person responsible for recei-ving and handling the complaint;

• The claim, including all handling, is recorded in the impro-vement/complaint information system and the final result informed to the claimant.

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


6.2. Confidentiality

Presence of objectivity

Objectivity means that conflicts of interests do not exist or are resolved so as not to negatively impact the activities of the Certification Body.

Other terms that are useful in conveying the concept of im-partiality are independence, absence from conflict of inte-rest, absence from tendencies and prejudices and neutrality.

Information related to an audit cannot be discussed or expo-sed, unless required by law, or by standard requirements. Do-cument related to other companies in an inspected company may not be collected, and copy of the files are not allowed to be made, unless authorized in writing by the inspected or-ganization.

When required by law or authorized by contractual commit-ments to release confidential information, the client or inte-rested person shall, unless prohibited by law, be notified of the information provided. Information concerning the custo-mer, obtained from other sources other than the customer (e.g., denouncements, regulatory bodies) must also be trea-ted as confidential.



6.1. Impartiality

AMAGGI Responsible Standard

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



International Labor Organization


European Feed Manufacturer’s Federation


Any person under the age of 15, unless the local minimum age law establishes a higher age for work or mandatory education, in which case the older age applies. If, however, the local minimum age law is established at 14 years of age, according to the development ofcountry exceptions under the ILO conven-tion 138, the lower age is to be applied.


Any distinction, exclusion or preference, based on race, color, gender, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, whic has the effect of nullifying or altering equality of opportunities or treatment in employment or occupation.

Compulsory or forced work

Forced labor can take many forms - some of them imposed by the State, but most by the private economy. Forced labor may be a result of human trafficking and irregular migration. mechanisms of applied force include debt bondage, slavery.

Misuse of customary practices and misleading recruitment systems. (For a complete list, see the ILO Manual.)


Glossary and Exhibits

7.1. Glossary

AMAGGI Responsible Standard

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



Areas of puddle, swamps and turfs, or water extensions - natural or artificial, permanent or temporary - with still or running water, fresh, brackish or salt water, including sea water areas with less than six meters of depth of low tide. (Ramsar Convention).


A type of tenant farmer who is allowed by the owner to use the land in exchange for a portion of the crop produced in the area.

Local Communities

Groups of individuals and families that legally live or work in the property, or surrounded areas, to be certified, or among the properties under multiple certification or group status, and influenced by, or influencing, the propert’s activities.

Good Agriculture Practices

Set of p r inc ip les, concepts, p ract ices, technolog ies, methods and technical recommendations appropriate to the production systems implemented at field level in order to foster and add value to the agricultural activities, and to promote human and animal welfare and health.

Biological Control

A method pf pest control that count on predation, parasitism, herbivorous, or other natural mechanisms rather than using chemical products.

1. Qualification of internal auditor:

• Technical skills and experience with internal auditing;

• Knowledge in the mass balance process;

• Training and knowledge in the AMAGGI Responsible Standard;

2. Qualification of external auditor:

• Technical skills and experience in auditing;

• Knowledge in the mass balance process;

• Successful completion of a leading auditor course in some of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 17021 or ISO 17065 standards;

• Conclusion of a minimum of five (5) audits as auditor in similar certification schemes (RTRS, ISCC, Proterra or similar).

7.2. Annex I: Qualification of external and internal auditors

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



Category Major Conformity

Category Major Conformity

Category Major Conformity Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No

Intended: Immediate Verifier: Yes / NoProducer is aware of the responsabilities, in accordance with the applicable laws, and such may be demonstrated.

Production area is not established in indigenous area.

Applicable local laws are being complied with, and producer has the licenses necessary to all activities related to agricultural production. Production area is not established in full protection conservation units.

Indicator 1.1

Indicator 1.3

Indicator 1.2 Indicator 1.4


Findings/Evidence Findings/Evidence


7.3. Annex II: Checklist for producers

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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 1.5

Production area is not embargoed by IBAMA, or other state environmental agencies, due to deforestation.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.1

There is no form of degrading work (slavery or analogous to slave labor), forced, mandatory or any type of involuntary work in any production stage.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 1.6

Production area is not in the list of areas deforested after 2008 within the Amazon biome of the Soy Moratorium.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No



Indicator 2.2

Children and adolescents under 18 year of age do not engage in dangerous work, or any other work that may endanger their physical or mental health, as well as their welfare.Children under the age of 15 (or higher age established by the local law) do not perform any type of productive work, and they must attend school regularly.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 2.3

No form of prejudice or discrimination is practiced, encouraged or tolerated.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.5

No worker is obliged to deliver its identity card to anyone, as well as part of its salary, benefits or any other asset, unless required or established by law.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.4

No worker is subject to any type of punishment, oppression or physical or mental coercion. Or subject to any type of physical and oral abuse, sexual harassment or of any other nature, as well as any other form of intimidation.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.6

The work week should be defined in accordance with the local and national laws, as well as be consistent with employment agreements or local standards of the sector, and it should not exceed 48 hours/week, or routinely occur (excluding overtimes).

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 2.7

Overtime is voluntary and they should be paid in accordance with the local and national laws, or sectorial or employment agreements.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.9

All workers receive similar remuneration for jobs of similar value, and may have changes related to training and knowledge, time at home, among other evaluations, provided that the remuneration is established with a fair and equal concept. All workers have equal access to trainings and equal opportunities of promotion, when new vacancies are available.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.8

Overtime that exceed 12 hours/week shall only be permitted in exceptional cases, and delimited periods where there is a restriction of the production process or risk of economic loss, and where there is an agreement between workers and management concerning the settlement thereof.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.10

The workplace is safe to all workers and provides, at least, drinking water, basic sanitary installations, and personal and collective protective equipment, when applicable.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 2.11

Activities considered dangerous are performed only by competent and capable people who received training of how to perform such activities in a safe manner.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.13

Access to first aid and emergency care should be provided without delay, and first aid kits are present in appropriate places and close to the field.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.12

Uniforms and personal and collective protective equipment are appropriate and suitable for performed activities, especially in operations classified as dangerous, and these are provided and used by workers.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.14

Producers and their employees demonstrate knowledge and understanding of occupational health and safety aspects. Relevant occupational health and safety hazards are identified and procedures exist to respond to these hazards and are monitored.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 2.15

There is a notification system, followed by legally permitted sanctions for workers who do not follow safety standards.

Category Minor Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.17

All workers are entitled to form or join a union organization of their preference.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.16

There are emergency procedures, which workers clearly understand.

Category Minor Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.18

All workers are entitled to participate in the negotiation of union and labor agreements.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 2.19

The effective operation of union and labor organizations is allowed, and their representatives are not subject to any type of discrimination, and they have access to members in the workplace when required.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.21

All workers have an employment agreement written in a language they understand.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.20

Gross salary meets the national and state minimum, and is in compliance with the sectorial and labor agreements, when they exist.

Categoria Maior Conformidade

Resultado desejado:

Imediato Verificador: Sim / Não


Indicator 2.22

Hours worked and overtime are duly controlled and monitored.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



Indicator 3.2

Agricultural production is not performed in areas illegally deforested, as provided by law, especially the Brazilian Forest Code.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 2.23

The employer maintains the salary payments duly registered and the salary deductions are clear and as provided by law. Deductions for disciplinary reasons are not enforced, unless legally permitted.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 3.3

The property has a map that identifies the areas of existing native vegetation and has a plan to protect or recover areas provided by law. Biodiversity on the farm is preserved through proper management of the protection and / or recovery of native areas, as to protect rare and threatened species and their habitats.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 3.1

Legal reserve areas, conservation areas or other preservation areas defined by law are protected or are under process of restoration to its original state, or compensation, or other measure. Areas that are in the restoration stage should not be degraded, respecting the re-introduction of wildlife. In cases of environmental compensation, the producer must ensure that the area meets the quality and permanence criterion, as provided by law.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 3.6

It is not allowed to burn crop residues, garbage or use fire as area cleaning unless necessary for drying the crop or required by national law as a sanitary measure.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 3.4

Native vegetation areas around the water areas, hillsides, mountains or in other areas environmentally sensitive should be maintained and/or recovered.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 3.7

Measures are taken to reduce or recycle produced wastes.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 3.5

Storage and disposal of fuel, batteries, tires, greases, sewage and other hazardous waste are properly carried out, as established by law.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



Indicator 3.8

The use of fossil fuel is controlled and monitored.

Category Minor Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.1

Good agriculture practices are implemented to reduce localized and diffuse impacts on the quality of surface and groundwater arising from chemical wastes, fertilizers, erosion and other sources.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 3.9

Efforts are made, in order to reduce the use of fossil fuel, whenever possible.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.2

Any evidences of groundwater contamination are informed and monitored with the local authorities.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 4.5

Producer has knowledge of existing techniques, and the most relevant ones for its area and scale are implemented to maintain and control the quality of the soil (physical, chemical and biological).

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.4

There is monitoring, appropriate to scale, to show that the practices used to protect the quality of the water are effective.

Categoria Maior Conformidade

Resultado desejado:

Dentro de um ano Verificador: Sim / Não


Indicator 4.6

Producer has knowledge of existing techniques, and the most relevant ones for its area and scale are implemented to prevent soil erosion. Drainage and planting in wetlands is prohibited.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.3

In the event of use of irrigation techniques, measures to minimize the use of water are implemented, all relevant legislations are met are, and irrigation systems in areas surrounding wetland ecosystems are not allowed.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 4.7

There is monitoring, appropriate to scale, to show that practices used to protect the quality of the soil and to prevent erosion are effective.

Category Minor Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.9

The application of agrochemicals (herbicides and fertilizers) is duly documented. The handling of, storage, collection and disposal of wastes and empty packages are monitored. The use, storage and disposal of agrochemicals are in compliance with the applicable professional recommendations and law.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.8

Agrochemicals listed in the Stockholm and Rotterdam conventions are not used.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.10

The ground application of pesticides is not carried out within 30 meters (or more when established by law) from water and populated areas, as well as all necessary precautions are taken to avoid that people enter in newly applied areas.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 4.11

Agrochemicals should be applied in accordance with the existing methods that minimize the damages to human health, wildlife, plant biodiversity and quality of water and air.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.13

The use of phytosanitary products is in accordance with the recommendations and requirements set forth by law (or professional recommendations) in the origin country, and measures to prevent resistance should be taken.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.12

The air application of pesticide is carried out in order to not have impacts on populated or water areas, honoring the distance provided by law. Application of pesticides classified by the OMS as Class Ia, Ib and II in a radius of 500m (or larger, as provided by law) in populated or water areas are not carried out.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.14

Systematic measures are planned and implemented to monitor, control and minimize dispersion of introduced invasive species and new diseases.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



Indicator 4.15

Appropriate measures are implemented to allow the co-existence of different production systems.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 5.1

The right of land use is duly documented (e.g.: ownership document, lease agreement or any other format).

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 4.16

An integrated management plan is developed in order to minimize the use of pesticides, monitor health of the crop, as well as of chemical and biological control measures, following good agricultural practices. Thus, minimizing negative impacts on human health and the environment.The plan should contain phytosanitary reduction targets, as they are defined as potentially hazardous over time.

Category Minor Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 5.2

In the event of waiver on the part of the traditional communities for the land use, it may be duly evidenced, and communities are compensated by the consent based on free, prior and informed consent.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard



Indicator 5.3

There is no change in land use where there is unresolved conflict with traditional land communities, with no agreement between the two parties.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 6.1

Complaints received are properly handled, and evidences of the receipt of such complaints and claims are documented and maintained.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 5.4

In the event of a dispute for land use rights, verifications of communities’ rights are made, and duly documented.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 6.2

In case of receipt of a denouncement, complaint or suggestion, the person responsible for the treatment of the same shall respond in a timely and prompt manner.

Category Major Conformity

Intended result: Immediate Verifier: Yes / No


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AMAGGI Responsible Standard


Indicator 6.3

The complaints mechanism (e.g.: form of complaints is available by e-mail, telephone or in writing) is clear, known and available for local communities and traditional land communities.

Category Minor Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


Indicator 6.4

Existing communication channels (written or online) allow for an effective communication between producers and the community. Existing communication channels are known by the local communities.

Category Minor Conformity

Intended result: Within one year Verifier: Yes / No


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Content preparation

Sustainability Board | AMAGGI

Graphic design and desktop publishing

SOUL Propaganda

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