

Before ReadingThink

Reading Plan

How to take notes

How to start a dialogue at class

How to make remarks at class


While Reading

Reading analysis

Other questions to foster speaking


After ReadingYour opinion

Final Report

Before Reading

ThinkWhat do you think about the book?Does it look interesting?Which genre does it belong to?

Activity: All about vampires

Write down on your computer a short text called Vampires (3-5 lines).Then underline the most important wordsCopy them (Control-C).Go to, paste your selection and elaborate the word cloud.Print it and take it to class.We will create a word cloud wall

My Reading Plan

Reading Plan

1. If you find a surprising idea, something that captivates you, a fragment which causes a big impression on you, an important idea that a character says or an attitude that puzzles you, WRITE IT DOWN!2. If you read a sentence that you really like, don't let it be lost. Stick a post-it to remember it.3. If you learn something about a character, that's important!4. If there's something that changes the stream of the story, keep it in mind!

How to take down notes

5. If you picture or imagine what is happening, it's the moment to make a drawing.6. If you make a prediction, write it down. Then you will have to check whether it gets fulfilled or not.7.If you establish a connection with your previous knowledge of the world write it down. You might agree with a mate.8. If you have doubts and ask yourself some questions, it's good to write them down. Maybe some of your friends will be able to answer it for you.

How to take down notes

This has happened to me

How to take down notes

You can also use post-its to remember important observations about the reading. Here you are some examples.

I like this chunk and I will read it aloud

I don't like the attitude of this character

This part is boring

I like the way of being of this character

How to start a dialogue at class

I think that...


When I was reading... I saw that... I think that...

I don't understand ... when it says ...

And if...

This reminds me...

I think that the author wants...

I could state that...

I don't agree when...

How to make remarks at class

What do you mean with that...?

I agree with you because...

I don't agree with you because...

I would like to add that...

What evidence can you put forward there that ...?

And what do you think about...?

It reminds me of...

What do you think of...?

This is true, but think that...

This idea is not totally correct, think that ...

Reading analysis

The first time you saw the book, even before reading it, what kind of story did you think it would be? What made you think that? Now that you have already read it, is it what you expected?

Is there anything that surprised you? Was there anything weird? Have you found anything you hadn't ever read in a book? Have you found any inconsistency?

Have you identified any patterns, any common links in the book?

While you were reading, or now that you think of it, have you found any sentences or words or anything related to language that you liked? or you didn't like?

You know that when people speak they frequently use words, sentences or idioms that they feel like theirs; Are there any such expressions in this story? Have you perceived anything special about how the language is used in the book?

Is there anything happening in the book that has happened to you? In which aspects is it similar or different?

When you were reading, did you see the story happening in your imagination? Which details, which settings helped you seeing it better? Which fragments are stucked into your mind?

If you had written the book what would you have done better? Or if the writer asked for your advice, what could you improve?

What would you tell your friends about this book? What wouldn't you tell them in order not to spoil the ending? Or why might they think it's different?

What kind of people should read it? Older than you? Younger? How should I give them the book to read?

Where does the story happen? Is the setting important? Could it have happened elsewhere? Or might it have been better had it been placed elsewhere?

Which characters have you found interesting?

Are they the most important in the story?

Which character(s) didn't you like?

Does any of the characters in the book remind you of anyone you know? Or characters from other stories?

OTHER QUESTIONS TO FOSTER SPEAKINGWhich is the common link between all elements in the story?

Have you read other books like that? What are the differences and similarities.

Final Report

Now it's time for you to write a final report, using the reading plan, the questions worked in class and a short text (5-10 lines) explaining your opinion on the book.