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  • Growth and Reform 1800-1850 Chapter 2 Pg. 32-59
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  • Antebellum Period Antebellum Period- time period in America between 1789-1860
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  • The Second Great Awakening Second Great Awakening a powerful religious movement that began in Kentucky. Cane Ridge Shrine outdoor services/revivals Many new churches founded.
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  • Temperance Movement Temperance Movement- Campaign to curb alcohol use. Influenced by the Second Great Awakening Temperance ladies blamed society problems on alcohol.
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  • Anti-Slavery Movement With an increase in the number of slaves came an increase in opposition. Abolitionists- people that wanted slavery abolished or ended. Many slaves planned revolts Nat Turner led the most famous revolt. Terrified white southerners pass harsh laws regarding slaves.
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  • Underground Railraod - Secret Network of conductors hid runaway slaves while moving them from the South to the North (sometimes Canada). Harriet Tubman Black Moses led 100s to freedom.
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  • Underground Railroad Fredrick Douglas -former slave - taught to read & write by masters wife. - Powerful abolitionist speaker - Very good friends with Abraham Lincoln.
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  • Southern Defend Slavery Argued: 1.) slavery necessary because it founded the base for Southern economy. 2.) benefited Northern textile & shipping industry. -Slavery divides the nation. North already has an advantage = railroads
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  • Womens Movement Women were active in the temperance & abolitionist movements. Feminism- advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Feminist someone who believes in feminism Abolitionist disliked Feminist B/C the took attention away from ending slavery.
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  • Womens Movement Rapidly industrializing in north created many job opportunism for women. Feminist spread ideas is pamphlets & books. Abolitionists didnt like feminist because they were distracting Americans from the goal of abolishing slavery.
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  • Famous Feminist Sojourner Truth- former slave/abolitionist Margret Fuller writer/thinker Lucretia Mott- Quaker/ Founder American Slavery Society Elizabeth Cady Stanton- Quaker/ Founder American Slavery Society Susan B. Anthony- suffragist Suffarge the right to vote
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  • Seneca Falls Held in Seneca Falls, NY 1 st Womens Rights Convention 100s of women attend. Wanted better education, right to control own wages & property.
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  • Socrative Rm#233831 Log on to Socrative and answer the question.
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  • Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny the idea that the United States was destined to own most of all of North America. Expansionists Americans who wanted to expand (believed in Manifest Destiny) Thomas Jefferson believes we are destined to take our West.
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  • Traveling Out West From the North you could take a train to Missouri. Then get on covered wagon. From the South, wagon system only. Norths extensive rail system will be an advantage during Civil War.
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  • Going West Oregon Trail deadly but opens up migration to the west coast.
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  • The Journey Westward Between 1840-1860 260,000 Americans crossed America to move west. If settlers kept moving on trails there were little problems with Native Americans - Treaty of Fort Laramie bound Native Americans to specific territories.
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  • Turn to your ignition section Write the heading Donner Party Explain & describe the experience of the Donner Party. (3 & 4 sentences)
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  • Texas Wins Independence 1820- Americans begin settling in Texas (which was actually part of Mexico) Could get cheap land if they agreed to : 1.) become Mexican citizens 2.) worship as Roman Catholics 3.) Accept Mexican constitution (which banned slavery) These settlers became known as Anglo-Texans
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  • Texans Revolt Most settlers wanted to remain Protestant, rarely learned Spanish, and smuggled slaves in. Mexico led by Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Santa Anna attacks Texans at Alamo 12 days of fighting eventually Mexico defeats the Americans. America fights back yelling Remember the Alamo
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  • Texans Revolt Sam Houston & Forces defeat Santa Annas army. Treaty signed recognized Texan independence. Govt. in Mexico City refused to honor the treaty. Texans want annexation (added to the USA)
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  • The Mexican American War pg. 57 1844 James Polk elected Prez. A month before Polk took office Congress agree to annex Texas as a slave state. Northerners & Abolitionist oppose this, victory could result in Texas as a slave state. Some thought that the reason we fight is because abolitionist are trying to prevent the spread of slavery.
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  • Mexico refused to recognize annexation. Mexicans attack killing seven soldiers Congress declares war on May 13, 1846 People opposed the war b/c it was caused by Prez Polks expansionist polices & provocation (provoking) Mexico.
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  • The Mexican-American War USA advantages larger, wealthier, and more populated, navy, better military leadership. Mexico lacked industries to produce supplies. U.S.A won every battle. In the end we won the territory that now includes Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California.
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  • Gold Rush!!! 1849 80,000 Americans had migrated to California in search of gold. Became known as the 49ers Very few people actually find gold. Mining camps full of disease & violence.
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  • Effects of the Gold Rush Many Native Americans killed/removed during the hunt for Gold. Brought people from around the world to California Gave California enough people to become a state
