

Making Disciples Building Communities

Growing Churches of

Disciple Makers

SEC Elders Retreat-2021

Pastor Michael Njagi Mbui: [email protected]; +447786332115

Discipleship Takes Ongoing Training

Training is more than teaching and preaching

1. Observing/Listening, Participating and Facilitating.

2. Trainers who know the intended outcome or product, the process and people.

3. Trainers Ready to Model and Mentor others

Training instructed in Scripture and SOP

1. Lk 6:40, “A disciple … rightly trained will be like his teacher” 2Tim 3:16-17 “All Scripture… training in righteousness

2. 9T82: Ministers & Ministry leaders are not to give members a sermon all the time. Instead Teach and train them to be worker with for God.

On Making Disciples1. Who is a disciple?2. What does it take to be a disciples?3. How do we become disciples?4. Ask the same questions about making


On Growing Disciple Making Churches1. What makes a disciple making church?2. How do we create and grow a disciple

making culture?3. What is the status of Discipleship in

Adventism today?


Making Disciples Building Communities

Who is a Disciple of Christ? Most Comprehensive Meaning

1. The General meaning: A learner or pupil attached to a teacher, a teaching or a school of thought. NT Greek Mt 5:1 “mathetes from manthano –to learn” (SDA Dictionary, 288)

2. The Disciple of Christ is MORE than a Learner-Matt 11:28-29. A Follower-Matt 4:19; A Lover - Matt 22:39-40, John 14:15 and a Witness - Acts 1:8, Matt 5:16

3. A Person LIVING the life of Christ; REFLECTING Christ and REPRESENTING Christ (Gal 2:20, 4:19; 2Cor 5:15: Jn 15:5, Matt 7:16, 2 Cor 5:20; 1Cor 4:1-2)

4. “A Disciple is someone who is becoming more like Jesus everyday of their lives including, as disciple- makers. (Ephesians 4:15, Philippians 2:5)”

Whose life did you live this week, His life or your life?

1. To live the life of Christ, the disciple must First receive Christ or be born again: John 1:12, 3:3-8, 16:12-14

2. To Reflect Christ, the disciple must Grow in the full life of Christ: Ephesians 4.15; 2Peter 3.18:

3. To Represent Christ the disciples must show and share Christ with others Matthew 5.13-16; Acts 1.8.

4. Discipleship is not an event BUT a Process of Continuous Growth

What it is Takes to live, reflect and represent Christ

1. Birth/Baby Stage1. Growing in Christ1. Living Christ’s Life

2. Teen/Youth Stage2. Glowing with Christ2. Reflecting Christ

3. Adult/Parent Stage3. Going for Christ3. Representing Christ

Some Major Stages of Discipleship

What stage of discipleship are you currently at: Baby-Youth-AdultWhat are you doing to grow to next stage?How many of your members are in stage 1____ 2___ 3____?

To Grow in the Life of Christ

Disciple Must Abide in Christ and make Christ to Abide in them (Jn 15:4-5). To Abide is to Position or Put oneself in the presence or company of another –Jn 1:35-42

Abiding allows the disciples to 1. Learn of Jesus and from Jesus (Matthew 11:28-29) BY

Looking and listening to Jesus: Heb 12:3 2 Cor 3:18 Jn 5:24, Matt 7;24

2. Live for Christ (Galatians 2:20, 4:19) BY Trusting and Obeying Christ –Jn 14;15 Matt 16:24

3. Lead others to Christ: (John 1:40-52), Showing and Speaking of Jesus –Matt 5:13-16, Mk 16:15-16

Disciple look and listen to Christ through His words and works 1. Jn 5:39 “Luke 24:27 “…Jesus expounded …in scripture ..

things concerning Himself2. Jn 15:7 “If you abide in me and MY WORDS abide in you?3. Josh 1:8, Ps 1:2 Memorising, Meditating on the words

and works of Christ.

5 Commitments -LLLLL

1. Daily looking to Jesus –Heb 12:2

2. Daily Listening to Christ – Mt 7:25

3. Daily Learning of from Christ –Mt 11:29

4. Daily Living for Christ–Gal 2:20

5. Daily Leading other to Christ –Acts 1:8

4 Routines -MMMM

1. Memorising the words/works of Christ

2. Meditating on them

3. Mining the germs in them

4. Ministers these learning to self and others

The 5-4 Practices of True Disciples

• How much time alone do you spend with Christ everyday or week:

• How are you currently learning of Christ and from Christ?

• How is your church training members to learn of Jesus & from Jesus; to live for Jesus and to lead others to Jesus?

Personal Reflection of Being Disciples

1. Show the Gospel in acts of mercy and care. Being Salt then Light: Jn 14:8-11, Matt 5:13-16, 4:23-25, Rom 5:8

2. Speak the Gospel in Preaching and Teaching-Mk 1:14-17

3. School or Training those who responded to live Gospel Mk 3:14, Lk 6:40

4. On scale of 1-3 (1=poor, 2=average 3=good). How well do YOU/WE Show the Gospel

__; Speak the Gospel __; School other people to live the Gospel ___;?

To Make Disciple Makers –Disciples and Church Must

Matthew 5:13-16

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Experience Proceeded & Followed Explanation1. “Come and See” Experiential -ConnectingJn 1:39: Jesus said to them, “Come and see.” Jn 4:10 “ Ask Him and He will give you Living water

2. “Follow Me”: Relational -WinJn 1:43: He found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.”

3. “Fish with me”: Participatory –Involve & BuildMatt 4:18-19: “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men” Jn 4:16 “Go call your husband”

4. “Love you enemies”: Sacrificial -EquipMatt 5:43-48: “love your enemies, bless those who curse”

5. “Receive the Spirit”: Empowered –Send to MultiplyAct 1:8: “You will receive power when the Spirit is come upon you”

Jesus Modelled Effective Disciple Making – 5 Invitation

What they heard said of Jesus and by Jesus1. Jn 1:35-37: John and Andrew hear the Baptist2. Jn 1:42-46: Peter & Nathaniel hear Andrew & Philip3. Jn 3:2: Nicodemus heard what Jesus was doing

What they SAW from and in Jesus1. Jn 2:11: Disciple saw the miracle of water into wine2. Jn 2:23: Many believed … saw signs that He did3. Jn 11:45: Many Jews believe ..things Jesus did

What they EXPERIENCED from Jesus1. Jn 8:2-11, Lk 8:2: Mary delivered and healed2. Jn 9:35-38: Blind man restored3. Lk 23:45-47: Centurion soldier saw and believed

3 Reasons People Came and Became Christ’s Disciple

1. He Showed the Father’s love and Salvation in acts of mercy, care and sacrifice. Jn 14:8-11, Matt 4:23-25, Rom 5:8

2. He Spoke to explain the Father’s Love and Salvation in Preaching and Teaching-Mk 1:14-17

3. He schooled or Trained those who responded to live the Father’s love and salvation. Mk 3:14, Lk 6:40

How Did Jesus Make People His Disciples?

Christ’s Method of Making Disciples

What Things Did Jesus do?

1. He MINGLES with all because He desired their good and showed His sympathy for them,

2. He MINISTERED to their immediate needs,

3. He INVITES (bade) them, "Follow Me” to be His Disciple

4. Later He INSTRUCTED/TRAINED them to be effective Disciple Makers

Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me.” EGW –Ministry of Healing pg.143

Luke 10:1-9: The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. 2 These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.

Christ method: Jesus mingled- ministered-invite. He mingle to care & sympathise. He ministered to heal. He invited to become disciple

1. Mingle to Hear: Eat their food and Listen to their Story –Matt 5:13-16

2. Minister to Heal: Heal their hurts and tell your story –Lk 4:18

3. Invite-Instruct them to be Disciples: Tell the Story of God’s kingdom in Jesus –Matt 28:16-20, Lk 24:45

Sharing Faith in a Multi-Faith World: Peter Roenfeldt

1. Bringing the Gospel to the People to Bring the People to Christ: Matt 28:19

2. Establishing and Growing every Disciples in the Full life of Christ: 2 Pet 3:18

3. Empowering and Enlisting every Disciple for the mission of Making Disciples: Eph 4:11-16

3 Activities of a Disciple Making Church: BEE

The Church Brings the Gospel to People

1. The Church does not wait for people to come. The Church goes to the People. Matt 28:19,

2. The Church shows and speaks the gospel: The Church is first salt and then light Matt 5:13-16

3. The Church follows Christ Example: Mingling and Ministering. Inviting people to Jesus and Training for discipleship

The Church follow the Methods of Jesus

• Mingling with Community to make Friends

• Ministering to their immediate needs to win confidence

• Teaching/Preaching the Gospel to make Disciples

• How is you church making friends, winning confidants and making converts?

9.15-9.30: Church at Prayer

9.30-11.00: Church at Study: Sabbath School

1) Fellowship 2)Bible Study/Prayer. 3)Mission: Community Outreach/Global

11.15-13.00: Church at Worship

• Praise and Prayer Time Proclamation

13.30-15.30: Church at Fellowship

• Fellowship Lunch Sabbath School Class Socials

15.30-17.00: Church at Witnessing/Disciple Making

• 1st Sabbath –Training in Discipleship

• 2nd & 3rd Sabbath –Mingling with Community & Neighbors

• 4th Sabbath –Celebrations-Baptisms etc

Effective Time Structure for Disciple Making Church

Mingling to Make Friends Through


Mingling to Make Friends Through


Balham Church Mingling with Community

Mingling to Make Friends ThroughMUSIC

Mingling to Make Friends Through


Swindon Church Mingling with Community

Balham Mingling with Neighbours

1 Elmfield Road =65 (2) 10 Bedford Hill = 70 (3)

2 Foxbourne Road = 90 (3) 11 Veronica Road = 32 (1)

3 Cheriton Square =52 (2) 12 Terrapin Road = 31 (1)

4 Cloudesdale Road = 52 (2) 13 Hillbury Road = 50 (20

5 Childebert Road = 55 (2) 14 Elmbourne Road = 80 (3)

6 Sainfoin Road = 30 (1) 15 Bushnell Road = 55 (2)

7 Brandeth Road = 25 (1) 16 Manville Road = 45 (2)

8 Carminia Road = 75 (3) 17 Huron Road = 100 (4)

9 Ritherdon Road = 107 (4) 18 Streathbourne Road = 112 (4)

Drakefield Road = 129 (4)

Louiseville Road =130 (4)

Balham Mingling with Neighbours

1. Dec - Wishing Happy 2. Jan –Praying for You3. Feb –Family & Marriage4. Mar –Happy Mothers Day5. Apr –Help Others -Ingathering 6. May –Health is Wealth7. Jun –Happy Father Day

Balham Mingling with Neighbours through Prayer and Literature

Ministering Through

Cooking School

Balham Ministering to Community

Ministering Through

Health Expo

Sharing Christ Through

Small Group

Sharing Christ Through


Church Teaching-Preaching Gospel

1. Disciple Making churches grow seekers and new disciples into the full life of Christ.

2. We Come to Christ to be like Christ-Phil 2:5

3. What is the Greatest need of a new baby & Child?

4. Every Disciple Maker is a fostering parent

5. Disciple Making church provides appropriate resource and routines for healthy discipleship growth –Heb 5:12-14

Disciple Making Churches Grow New Disciples

1. Church Empowers, Enlists & Inspires all Disciples to be Disciple Makers

2. David called to be RULER & FATHER of Rulers for God’s People

3. Spiritual Parenting is the Privilege of Every Disciple: Matt 4:19; Jn 15:1, Heb 5:12

4. Successful Parenting not inherited trait. It is a Learned art. Every Disciples can be a Disciple Maker

5. Church provides appropriate resource and routines for becoming Disciple Makers

Church Grow Spiritual Parents or Disciple Makers

• Hebrews 5:12-14: “though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God’s word all over again.

• Every church should be a Training school for Christian workers. Its members should be taught how to give Bible readings, how to conduct and teach Sabbath school classes, how best to help the poor and to care for the sick, how to work for the unconverted. EG White MOH -149


• How many of your church members are actively working to disciple others and the community around church ___?

• How can you make your church more RELEVANT (Visible-Valuable-Available) to your community?

• How is your church helping train every Disciple to be a more effective disciple maker?

Personal and Church Reflection on Making Disciple
