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Grove Body Part Chart:A Medical Arts Innovation

Each organ contains 2 elements that live as opposites...An excess of one or a lack of the other is the cause of disease...Learn which elements go where, which disease means what imbalance, & where all those elements can be found in real world things...

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This medical theory is the result of research & work by SariGrove...Sari Grove is an artist...Which allows her to look creatively at things which

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may need some tweaking...As many already know, the medical arts, the art of healing, is an art form...Wrongly labelled a science it has suffered at the hands of the non-imaginative class for too long...We are in a time when the Do it Yourselfer is king...Let's bring back health to our own homes instead of farming it out because we don't understand it...Too many are being abused because of simply not understanding what is happening inside their own bodies...

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My (Our) Medical Arts theory will help to set you free to explore your own health or lack thereof...This chart is being constantly updated, so be sure to keep up with the latest version... Each organ contains 2 elements that live together as opposites in balance... Elements are ordered in Grove Body Part Chart as MINUS element first then PLUS element second...

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A Minus element is asubtractor type of element, whereas a Plus element tends to add things... 11 organs or “body parts” will be investigated...

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What follows are 11 organs, with their 2 elements listed, & for each element, what disease of excess of that element might occur...Grove Body Part Chart: Each Organ contains 2 opposing elements...

Thyroid:Too much Zinc(a Minus Element)=Bipolar, Agent Orange Syndrome, Leprosy, Thalidomide Congenital, Sunburn, Manic, Hysterical, Numbness in Bone, Lack of feeling in fingertips, Muscular Dystrophy

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Thyroid: Too much Lead(a Plus Element): Multiple Sclerosis, Sluggishness, Slow Moving...

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Thymus: Too much Manganese (a Minus Element): Peanut Allergy, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with Triggers, Anemia

Thymus: Too much Iron (a Plus Element): Myasthenia Gravis, Hemachromatosis, Particular to Irish people living in “Ire/Iron-

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Lungs Lymph Nodes= Too much Titanium (a Minus Element): Alzheimerʼs, Schizophrenia, Fear Panic Anxiety

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(Attacks), Memory Loss short medium or long term, Cerebral Palsy congenital

Lungs & Lymph Nodes: Too much Aluminum (a Plus Element): Tuberculosis, Cystic Fibrosis,

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Heart: Too much Aurum (a Plus Element): High Blood pressure, Small size heart

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Heart: Too much Potassium (a Minus Element): Low Blood pressure, Large size heart, HCM HyperTrophic Cardio Myopathy(enlarged heart distended but actually missing Aurum)...

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Kidneys:Too much Carbon (a Minus Element):Downʼs Syndrome, Mongoloid appearance, low forehead, working in mechanical/cooking industry where carbon/oil is omnipresent Kidneys: Too much Nitrogen (a Plus Element):Kidney blocks, Kidney failures, need for Dialysis...Excess Nitrogen (in

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athletic supplements that enhance performance can also create a severe type of depression which manifests as homicidal tendencies or extreme aggressiveness to others)....

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Pancreas: Too much Selenium (a Minus Element): bad breath,dizzy spells, coma

Pancreas: Too much Sulphur (a Plus Element): Diabetes, Herpes, Dandruff, shingles, pimples, rotten painful teeth &

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Liver: Too much Oxygen (a Minus Element): dehydration, dry mouth

Liver: Too much Hydrogen (a Plus Element): Hepatitis( holes in liver allow water to get in), Common Cold, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein Barr disease, Hydrocephalic (water on brain)...Excess Hydrogen can also cause depression-this type of depression is inward & can lead to suicidal tendencies...

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Spleen:Too much Copper (a Minus Element): Incredible amounts of energy sexuality doping at Olympics, rash decisions made

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while speeding through time, canʼt slow down, accidents

Spleen: Too much Phosphorus (a Plus Element): Parkinsonʼs disease, Salmonella... Also tremor is caused by too much Phosphorus...A side effect of too much Hydrogen (like alcohol) is it will or may increase Phosphorus as well in the Spleen causing a tremor...This is where the Minus Plus designation of the elements come in...If you have a PLUS element excess in one organ, there are chances that you will also have a PLUS element excess

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in organs nearby...

Adrenal Gland:

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Too much Iodine (a Minus Element): Graveʼs disease, Bulging Eyes, Skinny- ness,Early Menopause, Shorter Menstrual Cycle, Bleedy, Dementia, Hemophilia

Adrenal Gland: Too much Calcium (a Plus Element):Progesterone heavy Calcium deposits mimicking Cancerous Tumours, Cancer, Lumps, Varicose veins, AIDS (which is just adrenal gland failure), gender dysphoria(ie:“dude looks like a lady” An Aerosmith lyric), It should be noted that currently in 2013 that birth control drugs are

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so thoroughly in water supplies in urban areas including university campus water that one does not have to ingest birth control directly as a drug to be influenced adversely...

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Gallbladder:Too much Magnesium (a Minus Element) =Polio, Stills disease congenital, Arthritis, Rheumatoid, Sti!ness in Joints, Need for hip jawelbow shoulder knee ankle replacement, Chondromalacia of the Patella, Lack of cartilage, Low Bilirubin, Jaw pain Gallbladder: Too much Mercury (a Plus Element): High Bilirubin, Constipation, Communication difficulty, Mute-ness,

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Autism, ADHD, ADD, Violence... Violent behaviour including bullying...


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Too much Fluorine (a Minus Element): Paralysis, Canʼt move, Crohnʼs disease, Diarrhea, Fabry an ʻOrphanʼ illness, domesticity(used onprisonerʼs of war to tame ʻwildnessʼ), Sweaty-ness, discoloured teeth due to fluorosis, hearing loss...also vision loss...Epilepsy...Seizures...Gulf War syndrome(gulf war soldiers were exposed to fluorine gas/sarin which is a high dose of fluorine-they have experienced epilepsy, Lou Gehrigʼs disease, slow paralysis, seizures-which all confirm that fluorine is the trigger to epilepsy & ALS Amyolotrophic

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Lateral Sclerosis(Lou Gehrigʼs)-did you know Lou Gehrigʼs father had epilepsy? A further confirmation of the direct link between fluoride(athletes consume large amounts of water that has both natural & artificial fluoride inside), ALS & epilepsy...

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Colon: Too much Bismuth (a Plus Element): Severe Constipation...(very dangerous actually)...

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Grove Body Part Chart is always a work in progress...

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Each organ contains 2 elements that live together as opposites in balance...(I repeat some information here & add some new items as well)...

Elements are ordered in Grove Body Part Chart as MINUS element first then PLUS element second...A minus element is a subtractor(detox) type of element, whereas a Plus element tends to add things(nutrify)...

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11 organs or “body parts” will be investigated...

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Designation or Order... I am listing elements in this order...Yin first then Yang, Female First then Male, Minus First then Plus, Valley before Mountain, Cleanser type first then Patcher type second...However you like to put it, this is how the elements are ordered here...

For example: Thymus contains Manganese + Iron (Manganese is first, Iron is second...)

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Order(This part is new):

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1)Thyroid-makes bone(also *destroys bone)2)Thymus-makes blood, (also *detaches)3)Lungs Lymph Nodes-makes muscles(or weakens muscles)

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Order 4,5,6, 4)Heart:makes motion, pumps(or doesnʼt pump)

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5)Kidneys:makes neurons, nerve cells(or destroys neurons)

6)Pancreas:dirties or feeds(cleans or starves)

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Order 7,8,9, -Liver: waters or dries out

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8)Spleen-speed rate control(fast or slow rate)

9)Adrenal Gland-discards or keeps cells,

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Order 10,11

10)Gallbladder-excretes or saves

11)Colon-insurance policy, saves food or loses garbage discriminates

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2 elements in each

Part 1)Thyroid = Zinc + Lead

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2)Thymus = Manganese + Iron

3)Lungs Lymph Nodes = Titanium + Aluminum

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2 elements in each:4,5,6

4)Heart = Potassium + Aurum

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5)Kidneys = Carbon + Nitrogen

6)Pancreas = Selenium + Sulphur

2 elements:7,8,9

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7)Liver = Oxygen + Hydrogen

8)Spleen = Copper + Phosphorus

9)Adrenal Gland = Iodine + Calcium

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2 elements:10,11

10)Gallbladder = Magnesium + Mercury

11)Colon= Fluorine + Bismuth

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Thyroid:Too much Zinc (a Minus Element) =Bipolar, Agent Orange Syndrome, Leprosy, Thalidomide Congenital, Sunburn,

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Manic, Hysterical, Numbness in Bone, Lack of feeling in fingertips

Thyroid:Too much Lead (a Plus Element): Multiple Sclerosis, Sluggishness, Slow

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Thymus:Too much Manganese (a Minus Element): Peanut Allergy, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with Triggers, Anemia

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Thymus: Too much Iron (a Plus Element): Myasthenia Gravis, Hemachromatosis, (new)Particular to Irish people living in “Ire/Iron-land”...

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Lungs Lymph Nodes:Too much Titanium (a Minus Element): Alzheimerʼs, Schizophrenia, Fear Panic Anxiety (Attacks), Memory Loss short medium or long term, Cerebral Palsy congenital

Lungs & Lymph Node System:Too much Aluminum (a Plus Element): Tuberculosis, Cystic Fibrosis, Asthma...

Heart: Too much Aurum (a Plus Element): High Blood pressure, Small size heart

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Too much Potassium (a Minus Element): Low Blood pressure, Large size heart, HCM HyperTrophic Cardio Myopathy(enlaged heart distended but actually missing Aurum)...Concussion is characterized by

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severely low Aurum levels & severely high Potassium levels...(There are Taurine drugs like Digitalis to add taurine/Aurum, but also please withdraw beta blocker heart potassium drugs & artificial sweeteners which contain 4 molecules of potassium if the person is in head injury state or recovering from hospital...Taurine powder can be bought at pet or human health stores & is the same stuff actually...Just mix it into a drink...)(Head injury needs to RAISE blood pressure)...(So NO potassium after head injury)...

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Kidneys: Too much Carbon (a Minus Element):Downʼs Syndrome, Mongoloid appearance, low forehead, working in mechanic/cooking industry where carbon/oil is omnipresent...Coal mining causes excess carbon...Lumber industry workers are exposed to excess CARBON...

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Kidneys: Too much Nitrogen (a Plus Element):Kidney blocks, Kidney failures, need for Dialysis...Very aggressive even homicidal moods...Hateful...

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Pancreas: Too much Selenium (a Minus Element): bad breath, low blood sugar, dizzy

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Pancreas: Too much Sulphur (a Plus Element)(Sugars): Diabetes, Herpes, Dandruff...

Liver: Too much Oxygen (a Minus Element): dehydration

Liver: Too much Hydrogen (a Plus Element): Hepatitis( holes in liver allow water to get in), Common Cold, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein Barr disease, Hydrocephalic (water on brain)...Myalgic

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Encephalomyelitis, ME(Just another name for a similar thing-a question of degree), mononuceosis (Mono)...

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Spleen:Too much Copper (a Minus Element): Incredible amounts of energy sexuality doping at Olympics, rash decisions made while speeding through time, canʼt slow down(accidents, bad decision making)...Rushing...

Spleen: Too much Phosphorus (a Plus Element): Parkinsonʼs disease, Salmonella...Hand Tremor...Muscle Tremors...Slow, placid, unfeeling moods...

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Adrenal Gland:Too much Iodine (a Minus Element): Graveʼs disease, Bulging Eyes, Skinny- ness,Early Menopause, Shorter Menstrual Cycle, Bleedy, Dementia(excess warfarin is iodine & causes bleedy-ness which affects thinking & cognition), Haemophilia

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Too much Calcium (a Plus Element):All Cancers, Progesterone heavy Calcium deposits mimicking Cancerous Tumours, Cancer, Lumps, Varicose veins...Note

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please: calcium is the element that is fabricated into progesterone to make birth control drugs-at those doses it causes Cancer...It is teratogenic which is how children get born with cancer(which means the cancer is CONGENITAL NOT GENETIC)...Also causes children to be born gender dysphoric or adrenal gland failure(aids)...There are herbal(lower dose) forms of calcium which cause celibate behaviours but do not cause Vitus Agnus Castus (an herb)

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Gallbladder:Too much Magnesium (a Minus Element) =Polio, Stills disease congenital, Arthritis, Rheumatoid, Stiffness in Joints, Need forhip jaw elbow shoulder knee ankle replacement(drugs like Boniva & Actonel CAUSE excess magnesium thus degrading cartilage & also causing fractures & causing need for joint replacement surgeries-Class Action lawsuits are being served as we speak)), Chondromalacia of the Patella(knees that click when you bend), Lack of cartilage, Low Bilirubin, Jaw pain, Necrosis

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of the jaw(jaw death), Aches & Pains, back pain

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Gallbladder: Too much Mercury (a Plus Element): High Bilirubin, Constipation, Communication diffculty, Mute-ness, Autism, ADHD, ADD...Violent, violence...

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Colon:Too much Fluorine (a Minus Element): Paralysis, Canʼt move, Crohnʼs disease, Diarrhea, Fabry an ʻOrphanʼ illness, domesticity(used on prisonerʼs of war to tame ʻwildnessʼ), Sweaty-

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ness,fluoride causes diarrhea, paralysis, it is an anaesthetic, & also causes domesticity in terms of behaviours, the severe diarrhea & loss of nutrient can lead to hearing loss as well as seizures & epilepsy...It appears that Scottish people or of Scot ancestry are most vulnerable to fluorosis which means excess fluorine...Epilepsy...Lou Gehrigʼs disease...ALS...Seizures...Amyolotrophic Lateral Sclerosis...

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Colon: Too much Bismuth (a Plus Element): Severe constipation which can trigger a whole host of problems throughout the body...

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*Grove Body Part Chart is always a work in progress...

Elements:where to find,

1 Thyroid: Zinc (a Minus Element): cigarettes, sunshine, ginger, zinc supplements, Hemimorphite beads...Zinc is called Citrulline malate in bodybuilding supplements, also Niacin or Nicotinamide-these are all in the same family...Vitamin D3 drops fall into the Zinc category too(take these to get rid of toenail fungus which is

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actually lead poisoning)...Zinc is also found in anti-parasitic drugs like Combantrin(which taken orally get rid of persistent problems like roundworms or pinworms but also seem to rid one of resistant lice problems)...Pyrethrins contain zinc, like what is found in flea sprays...Wormwood the absinthe herb, is a zinc element too...

Thyroid: Lead (a Plus Element): potatoes, *anti-psychotic drugs like Lithium or Olanzapine Zyprexa or Gabapentin, Carrots, Vitamin A, Yams, Lepidolite beads, Dirt

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Elements:where to find,

2 Thymus: Manganese (a Minus Element):Peanuts, Peanut butter, Pumpkin Seeds, Pink Tourmaline beads, Bees, Dr. Reckeweg R38 R39 tinctures (these tinctures remove ovarian cysts-right & left ovary) (Manganese causes detachment of the cyst)...Manganese is also found in Black walnut hulls which help one to rid the body of parasites(including lice problems)....

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Thymus: Iron (a Plus Element): Pyrite beads, Iron supplements, B12, Red meats, Pink meats, White meats, Dark meats, Marcasite rocks

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Elements:where to find,3

Your notes here: (yes please write in the book)...

Lungs Lymph Nodes:

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Titanium (a Minus Element): Cannabis, Aspirin, Birch Bark, Statin drugs, Crestor, Lipitor, Rutile crystal beads, Comfrey, Mint, Chamomile tea, (*weird thing:Paper can be laced with Titanium, like hash oil using Benzene Carbon to stick, making people “suggestible” to the text)...! Titanium is also found in Clove supplements, which are the third part of a three part anti-parasitic treatment...(the 3 part anti-parasite treatment is Wormwood, Black Walnut Hulls & Cloves-which are all Minus elements-Zinc, Manganese, Titanium...Minus elements remove things from the body that

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are unwanted...Lowering your lead, iron & aluminum levels is a way to get rid of parasites/lice...Which is why people with sickle cell anemia donʼt get malaria-bugs donʼt like people with low iron levels...Unfortunately, low iron levels can cause mental problems-but at least you are

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bug free! (PTSD is low iron btw)...

Lungs & Lymph Nodes: Aluminum (a Plus Element): Bauxite is a rock & a Bead, Cement, Arnica Pills, Cinnamon/echinacea,

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Chocolate-Arnica Pills are excellent for fixing memory loss (I think they have great promise for Alzheimerʼs)...Aloe, Agave is in tequila, Witch Hazel, Anti-Perspirants, Calendula/Marigolds...Wax is an aluminum element, as is Bubble Tea (those tapioca bubbles are made from turnips! Excellent memory builders!)

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Elements:where to find,4

Heart :Aurum (a Plus Element): Gold, Taurine Powder, Clam Juice, Mussels

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Heart: Potassium (a Minus Element)-Artificial Sweeteners like Sweet nʼ low Splenda Sugar twin, Bananas, Coconut Water or Coco Juice, Yes artificial sweeteners contain potassium which lowers blood pressure(Beta blocker drugs are also potassium based) (Avoid potassium after concussion-the body needs to raise blood pressure after injury-be careful with heart drugs then- the heart can give out due to excess potassium-people who got the death penalty were killed using potassium! Really...)Note: half the salt salt contains potassium...

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Elements:where to find,5

Kidneys: Nitrogen (a Plus Element):Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Leaves, Leafs,

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Chlorophyll containing Green Things, Clorets, Essential Oil Eucalyptus, Barley Grass Powder, Arginine Powder is a great source of Nitrogen & is easy to find at BodyBuilding Supplement stores like Popeyeʼs in Toronto(this definitely works from neuron regrowth-put a tiny amount into lemon juice & water & drink-it is sourced from BEETS), Wheatgrass Juice, Salads, More esoteric source(& more $$) is Lionʼs Mane Mushroom Extract for Nitrogen(mushrooms are grown in Nitrogen to make them bigger...)Nitrogen is also called Beta-Alanine in bodybuilding

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supplements...Nitrogen makes one smarter-like for Downʼs Syndrome applications...But Nitrogen can also cause urinary tract infections, so be careful...Also Nitrogen can make one hateful to others...(athletes often take Nitrogen for stamina, girth & smarts-

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but it also makes them so mean!)

Carbon (a Minus Element): Oil, Olive oil, Fish Oil, Hair Conditioner, Suntan Oil, Coconut Oil, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Coal

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Mining, Greasy things (exhaust from cars, planes, boats, will also contain carbon)(working in a restaurant exposes one to carbon, oils), Butter & margarine contain carbon too...(Carbon makes one nicer, kinder, but can also cause IQ loss)...

Elements:where to find,6


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Selenium (a Minus Element): Garlic, Garlic Capsules, Antibiotics, Insulin, Tonic Water (quinine)

Sulphur (a Plus Element): Sugar, sugars, Turpentine,

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Elements:where to find,7

Liver: Oxygen (a Minus Element): Goji berries, Milk Thistle, Dandelion Greens, Fresh Clean Air

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Liver: Hydrogen (a Plus Element)-Water, Alcohol, Liquids *generally, Glue

Elements:where to find,8


Phosphorus (a Plus Element):Old cheese, (Lapis Lazuli the blue stone contains phosphorus), Blue Mold(an injured spleen

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will be Phosphorus heavy-like in Parkinsonʼs disease or tremor conditions)...

Copper (a Minus Element):Coffee, Colloidal Copper Clear Liquid Supplement, Somali ʻchattʼ (phonetic)-cat grass-contains copper, Tea, Black tea, Green tea (Note: invented a straw you can put in coffee or tea so your teeth donʼt turn yellow from drinking too much-it also works for tremor parkinson patients who tremor too much to hold their hot drink steady to drink it-these are important because people with

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Parkinsonʼs or resting muscle tremors need copper & also they donʼt want yellow teeth from drinking coffee all the time!)...Also Copper is called Tyrosine in bodybuilding supplements...

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Elements:where to find,9

Adrenal Gland: Iodine (a Minus Element): Vinpocetine, Vincristine, Chemotherapy drugs, Madagascar Periwinkle (*tea), *HearAll hearing capsules also *VeinGuard capsules(Both from NaturalCare in Oregon), Seaweed salad, Kelp supplements, Fish, Odewalla green smoothy drinks contain Dulse (30%), Arame is a sea vegetable that contains Tons of iodine-see my Arame recipe on my Medical Arts blog at

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Adrenal Gland: Calcium (a Plus Element): Progesterone based Birth Control drugs patches or injections like *Depo Provera, Milk, Vitus Agnus castus, Saltpeter, Depo Provera

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Elements:where to find,10

Gallbladder- Magnesium (a Minus Element): Dolomite Rocks, Zeolite rocks,

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Epsom Salts oral or topical for bathing, Pill separator substance used around pills to make them not stick together often found in completely strange places like drugs that are supposed to build bone or vitamins that are supposed to build cartilage...Living in Ontario, Canada means you live on a Dolomite magnesium bedrock...Sometimes just choosing a location with the geology you need is the right decision!

Gallbladder: Mercury (a Plus Element):Burnt Poop Fume(really) from

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sewage treatment plants (people who live near water(Boston,Florida, California, Lake Ontario-you will notice personality differences in friends who live near water-high mercury makes people violent, aggressive, & they will argue something even if they are in the wrong, this is mercury buildup in the gallbladder), often have very elevated mercury levels-but it is not always a bad thing-they may have some communication problems but their cartilage development is fantastic!), Rudraksha Beads(these are an amazing red mercury seed that comes strung on

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copper wire or other wire & you wear them & the mercury makes your arthritis feel better-from India usually-often from monks there-they will bless them for you too if you are lucky!), Parad Malas(this is a mercury bead mixed with silver), Kishka(intestines-cooked with stuffing & gravy), Hot dog casings, Salt, Haggis, Blood Pudding, Pepperoni...Again-Salt is a cheap & easy way to raise bilirubin levels in the gallbladder...(only for those with magnesium in excess btw)...

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Elements:where to find,11

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Colon- Fluorine (a Minus Element): Fluoride, drinking water in urban areas, toothpaste, the GHB drug is fluoride the date rape drug, Anaesthetics are all fluorine, Propfyl the thing Michael Jackson took is fluorine, Itʼs a paralytic, Fluorosis which is fluorine poisoning actually causes discolored teeth!

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Colon: Bismuth (a Plus Element): Activated Charcoal Pills, Burnt wood, Coal, Charcoal (I Like activated charcoal pills for Crohnʼs disease & Fabry- but you need to take like

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6 charcoal pills or equivalent in powder form a day to make it really work)...

*my father, a neuro-ophthalmological surgeon once told me of a village where everyone was dying but doctors didnʼt know the cause...They researched & tested to no avail...Finally they just started giving the people water, because the severe diarrhea was causing dehydration...Everyone got better...Sometimes you just need to treat the symptoms! In Crohnʼs & Fabry, diarrhea is the biggest issue...You can die from diarrhea...

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Bismuth, activatedcharcoal pills, will stop the diarrhea(or just use Pepto Bismol for the Bismuth, but know that it also contains Titanium which is like aspirin & can cause memory loss & also ringing in the ears) & balance out the fluorosis in the colon...My feeling about these two problems is that fluoridation is the trigger...It appears that urban areas have more fluoride in the water than rural areas...Know that...Also: Epilepsy, Touretteʼs & Seizures are associated with excess Fluorine in the Colon, treat the same way-with Bismuth...(also withdraw

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from all fluoride sources)...Iʼd like also to mention the element called Indium...Indium acts like Bismuth but is much much stronger...Indium metallicum has been used in Germany to treat epilepsy...Since epilepsy is a fluorine excess & Bismuth is its antidote, then Indium, which acts like Bismuth logically works in theory, but also in studies, in practice as a remedy for epilepsy...Indium supplements or liquids should also work then towards ALS Lou Gehrigʼs & Crohnʼs...Indium is rare & would be dangerous to anyone not suffering from

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a fluorine related excess...because it would constipate, like Bismuth does...

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Flow...(this is a newish theory I am still developing)... Add the first two elements together & you should get an element from the following body partie:add zinc+lead=iron...Eat a peanut(manganese) & you should get iron + manganese = Aluminum... Touch a birch Bark tree(or take an aspirin) & reverse osmote some Titanium & you should get...Al+Ti= Aurum or Gold!!! (In your heart)Each time you add something you progress...A Clearer explanation: *(Ok, the idea is that the first organ needs two

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elements to function, once they operate properly they should make together the next element in the next organ...That next organ needs another element added then to make the 2, & those 2 make a new element which becomes the first one in the next organ & so on...So each organ in the chain needs to function properly in order for the next organ in the system to work...You can see how a block in one organ can then affect the whole body that way! Flow...)

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Research Notes: What you see are 11 organs...

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Each organ contains 2 elements...

These 2 elements live together, in balance, as OPPOSITES, in each organ... Disease is

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an imbalance...Too much of one, not enough of the other, depends how you look at it... Here are some diseases of imbalance...Most are...Check the chart to see which organ I am referring to...Ok, here goes...

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Bipolar: too much zinc

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Multiple Sclerosis:Too much lead (a Plus Element)

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PTSD:not enough iron (a stressful event saps iron quickly)

Myasthenia gravis:Too much iron

Schizophrenia & Alzheimerʼs & Cerebral palsy:Too much Titanium

Tuberculosis & Cystic Fibrosis:Too much Aluminum

Low Blood pressure:Too much Potassium

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High Blood pressure:Too much Aurum

KidneyBlock/Failure:Too much Nitrogen

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Downʼs Syndrome:Too much Carbon (new: A new & better source of Nitrogen, the opposite to carbon, can be found in a BodyBuilding Supplement powder called “Arginine”, which is also affordable...This could be used to boost brain power smarts in those with carbon excess ie: Downʼs Syndrome...)Kidneys...

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Diabetes & Herpes & dandruff: Too much Sulphur(sugar)

Hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, faint, (Insulin induced) Coma:Too much Selenium

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Cancer:Too much calcium

Graveʼs Disease:Too much Iodine

ADHD:Not enough Magnesium

Arthritis conditions including Stillʼs disease & Polio & Meningitis:Too much Magnesium

Crohn's disease & possibly Fabry: diseases of EXCESS FLUORINE, so treat with its opposite in the Colon-Bismuth

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(activated charcoal capsules are fine-break them open & spill into coffee or juice works)Note:Scottish displaced people seem to be sensitive to fluoridation-I am currently studying geology & culture like why Ireland has iron ore & its people tend to iron excess disease like hemachromatosis...(I mean that is an obvious one)...

Moods: Anxiety & OCD(excess Titanium), Depression(excess Hydrogen), Anger(excess mercury), “Mean”-ness(excess magnesium), Lack of love feeling(excess

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calcium)...So, Seek the opposite element on the chart...

Ok...So, if you know the disease, & you know the organ, & you know the element

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that is in excess or lack, then... To cure yourself, you need either to lower the excess element, raise the lacking element, or both...

You can do this with food, with lifestyle choices, with herbals, with drugs, or however you please...

Many of these elements are easily available today...

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For example: Iodine is in seaweed which you can eat to cure cancer...(Adrenal Gland)

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Zinc is in sunshine which removes lead to correct Multiple Sclerosis...(Thyroid Gland)

Rare elements like mercury medicines are harder to find... Mercury is found in Cinnabar also called “Zhu Sha” a red powder Chinese medicine that rebuilds cartilage for those with arthritis like conditions...Rudraksha beads come from India & naturally contain mercury which is a nice way for those with arthritis or other joint lack syndromes to get their bilirubin mercury levels UP...(or eat liverwurst-the

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cheap stuff in the sausage shape that comes out like pate)...

Epsom Salts are magnesium sulfate which even a child with ADHD can safely bathe in to get some (not alot, just some) magnesium...

Calcium is in all birth control pills, patches & injections... Totally causes cancer as well as AIDS & gender dysphorias... (Progesterone

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is mega-mega Calcium)...(Adrenal Gland Again)

Lead is found in potatoes & carrots as well as anti-psychotic drugs like Lithium...(Thyroid)(This will lower zinc levels for bipolars as well as Agent Orange, Thalidomide &

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Selenium is found in Garlic which lowers blood sugar...

Antibiotics are just like garlic...

The Common Cold is a wet hydrogen soaked liver, as is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome...Treat with Oxygen, like a walk in fresh air, Goji berries, Milk thistle, Dandelion-which all contain much Oxygen...

Note:Sometimes you cannot get exactly what you need...You live in a remote area,

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you have no health insurance, you cannot afford supplements...Ok...Know that treating the organs around the problem organ is also a good way to go...So...

Say you have a terrible cold but cannot afford Goji berries but can afford Garlic...Goji berries will clean out your liver which is what you need...Garlic will clean out your pancreas...That is actually a very good start...Just because you canʼt get the right thing doesnʼt mean you canʼt do anything...

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Now: The chart is in ORDER:*(see more about the book at

IMPORTANT: p.s. remember that MINUS elements are similar as are Plus elements...If adding a Plus element in one organ, considering adding a PLUS element as well in a nearby organ...Same with the Minus ones...(Chart is in ORDER-minus first, plus second)...For example: If treating the common cold in the liver by eating a MINUS element Oxygen (Goji berries), consider taking a

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Selenium (garlic) supplement to clean out the Pancreas next door, a Minus element TOO...

Note:Grove Body Part Chart is constantly being improved...But I am releasing it roughly so that at least some of the information can just get out there...God knows we need some help with our health right now! Sari Grove

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p.s. I really hope you can use some of this & go further & pursue your own research...Grove Body Part Chart should be a stepping stone to your own studies...Be well!

Afterthoughts: if you go to you can read some of my research notes online...For example I have notes & illustrations & videos about mood sources...Like, Hydrogen excess is Depression, for example...In the Liver...I will be updating that blog as I go along, so keep up with me there...Feel free to friend me on

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Facebook, or Follow me on Twitter, Like our Business page & so on...Email me at [email protected] Sari Grove in Toronto, Ontario, Canada...

I get alot of help from many sources & people but especially my handsome husband Joseph Grove...

BʼElanna & Jadzia Grove are our 2 intact female bengal cats from different litters, who work very hard to make us laugh daily...They handle much of the eco-friendly considerations of our art practice...

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Some of the information in this book is brand new, & some is the result of years of work...Take it all with a grain of salt...Do your own fact checking...Laugh alot & Be well!Sari

P.S. The Grove Body Pat Chart is my idea...I donʼt know of anything like it on the planet...The explicit explanations of what diseases are what excess are based on my own research into each one...This is not copied from anywhere else...I spent years

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studying Parkinsonʼs disease & Cancer in particular...Then I went further & studied Downʼs Syndrome & Arthritis, which led to understanding of Crohnʼs disease, which followed logically into Epilepsy...I also went down the path to learn about the Common cold & Chronic fatigue syndrome...Dyslexia, stuttering, autism also interested me...What led me down all of these paths were people that I cared about deeply who suffered from these ailments...My search sprung from a desire to help those closest to me...It has all been intensely personal...As a self-employed artist, I have been able to spend

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as much time as I want to in this pursuit...This is a lifeʼs work...It is not a collage from other peopleʼs research at all...I have many of my progress notes online at with explanations on how I got to where I got...But you can also ask me personally...Write to me Sari Grove at [email protected] if you have any questions, comments, or just thank yous! My husband Joseph Grove has been instrumental in supporting my pursuits-from doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning litter boxes, to

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bouncing off complex ideas to see if they sound right...Thank you Joseph...

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Grove Body Part ChartHow it works: Each organ contains two elements...A Minus Element & a Plus element...These must live in balance...They are opposites...Disease is an imbalance...Figure out your own imbalance, then add its opposite to lower the excess...Note:Elements are from the periodic table-these do not exist in the real world necessarily...On the linked pages I tell where to find those elements in real world items...These are just a sample...Use this as a springboard for your own research...Be well! Sari Grove

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1)Thyroid = Zinc + LeadBipolar Thalidomide Agent Orange Leprosy(zinc excess)

Multiple Sclerosis Parasites Roundworms Pinworms Lice Malaria Lupus(Lead excess)

 2)Thymus = Manganese + IronPTSD Post traumatic Stress Disorder Iron Anemia(Manganese excess)

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Hemachromatosis Myasthenia Gravis(Iron excess)

3)Lungs Lymph Nodes = Titanium + Aluminum Alzheimer's Disease Schizophrenia Cerebral Palsy Anxiety & OCD Haemophilia Hyperhidrosis/Sweatyness(Titanium excess)

Asthma Tuberculosis Cystic Fibrosis(Aluminum excess)

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4)Heart = Potassium + AurumHCM HypertrophicCardioMyopathy (weak but enlarged heart distended low blood pressure) Concussion Vasovagal Attack Epileptic seizures also have a Low Taurine High Potassium component though Epilepsy is primarily a Fluorine excess syndrome-see Colon(Potassium excess)

Clogged heart (small size but congested high blood pressure)(Aurum excess)

5)Kidneys = Carbon + NitrogenDown's Syndrome(carbon excess)

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Kidney blockages failures(Nitrogen excess)

Kidney Failure Blockages Aggression

 6)Pancreas = Selenium + Sulphur

Diabetes Herpes Dandruff Pimples Rotten teeth & gums(Sulphur excess)

 7)Liver = Oxygen + HydrogenDehydration dry mouth (Oxygen Excess)

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Common Cold Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Depression Suicidal ME Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Hepatitis B Hydrocephalic water on the brain brain swollen (Hydrogen Excess)

 9)Adrenal Gland = Iodine + CalciumGrave's disease(Iodine excess)

Cancer Obesity(female) Underweight(male)Lack of love feelings(Calcium excess)

8)Spleen = Copper + Phosphorus

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Rushing speeding Acid reflux(Copper excess)

Parkinson's disease Tremor Lack of sexual desire feeling Salmonella(Phosphorus excess)

10)Gallbladder = Magnesium + MercuryArthritis Polio Joint degeneration knee hip jaw elbow shoulder ankle cartilage loss Still's disease Meningitis mean rude personality (Magnesium excess)

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Gallstones ADHD ADD Violent Violence (Mercury excess)

11)Colon= Fluorine + BismuthALS Amyolotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Lou Gehrig's disease Crohn's disease Epilepsy Seizures the orphan illness Fabry(with hearing loss)Gulf War syndrome Double Aortic Arch Vascular Ring Cholera Typhus Diarrhea Angelman's Syndrome Huntington's disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome Tetanus(Fluorine excess)

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On each Page of this blog I have also added how that organ connects to what place in the brain & what functions, as well as elements that feed that part of the brain & that body part...Knowing the elements can help you decide course of treatment if there is an imbalance...I also drew all the pictures using Mac's free Paint program! Sari Grove Thanksgiving in Canada Monday October 14,  2013

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 Too much Zinc(a Minus Element)=Bipolar, Agent Orange Syndrome, Leprosy, Thalidomide Congenital, Sunburn, Manic, Hysterical, Numbness in Bone, Lack of feeling in fingertips, Muscular Dystrophy

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Thyroid: Zinc (a Minus Element): cigarettes, sunshine, ginger, zinc supplements, Hemimorphite beads...Zinc is called Citrulline malate in bodybuilding supplements, also Niacin or Nicotinamide- these are all in the same family...Vitamin D3 drops fall into the Zinc category too(take these to get rid of toenail fungus which is actually lead poisoning)...Zinc is also found in anti-parasitic drugs like Combantrin (which taken orally get rid of persistent problems like roundworms or pinworms but

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also seem to rid one of resistant lice problems)...Pyrethrins contain zinc, likewhat is found in flea sprays...Wormwood the absinthe herb, is a zinc element too...

Thyroid: Lead (a Plus Element): potatoes, *anti-psychotic drugs like Lithium or Olanzapine Zyprexa or Gabapentin, Carrots, Vitamin A, Yams, Lepidolite beads, Dirt, many anti-seizure drugs are lead based though you should know that Lithium(LI) another element on the Periodic Table acts just like Lead (PL) but is just much

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much stronger...So Lithium also builds bone like Lead but just faster...

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Too much Manganese (a Minus Element): Peanut Allergy, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with Triggers, Anemia


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 Too much Iron (a Plus Element): Myasthenia Gravis, Hemachromatosis, Particular to Irish people living in “Ire/Iron-land”...

Elements:where to find,

Thymus: Manganese (a Minus Element):Peanuts, Peanut butter, Pumpkin Seeds, Pink Tourmaline beads, Bees, Dr.Reckeweg R38 R39 tinctures (these tinctures remove ovarian cysts-right & left ovary) (Manganese causes detachment of

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the cyst)...Manganese is also found in Black walnut hulls which help one to rid the body of parasites(including lice problems)....

Thymus: Iron (a Plus Element): Pyrite beads, Iron supplements, B12, Red meats, Pink meats, White meats, Dark meats, Marcasite rocks

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Lungs & Lymph Nodes:

 Too much Aluminum (a Plus Element): Tuberculosis, Cystic Fibrosis,Asthma...Warnings:People with Asthma(an Aluminum excess) often overmedicate their asthma medications(which are Titanium based), causing severe memory loss & even Alzheimer's forewarned! Asthma meds cause memory loss, as do all statins, aspirins & marijuana drugs...Everything in balance...

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Elements where to find them...

Lungs Lymph Nodes: Titanium (a Minus Element): Cannabis, Aspirin, Birch Bark, Statin drugs, Crestor, Lipitor, Rutile crystal beads, Comfrey, Mint, Chamomile tea, (*weird thing:Paper can be laced with Titanium, like hash oil using Benzene Carbon to stick, making people “suggestible” to the text)...! Titanium is also found in Clove supplements, which are the third part of a three part anti-parasitic treatment...(the 3 part anti-parasite

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treatment is Wormwood, Black Walnut Hulls & Cloves-which are all Minus elements- Zinc, Manganese, Titanium...Minus elements remove things from the body thatare unwanted...Lowering your lead, iron & aluminum levels is a way to get rid of parasites/lice...Which is why people with sickle cell anemia don’t get malaria-bugs don’t like people with low iron levels...Unfortunately, low iron levels can cause mental problems-but at least you arebug free! (PTSD is low iron btw)...

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  Heroin is a painkiller also in the Titanium group...Too much of any painkiller can stop your heart...Think of sleeping pills a Titanium as well...  Comment about epilepsy:many people think that marijuana a Titanium is good for epilepsy...Now if you look at heroin, another Titanium, you may know that in the case of an overdose, injecting saltwater can reverse the danger & save the person's life...Now many people know that RAISING salt levels in an epileptic can help them remain seizure free for life...So think about it...If heroin LOWERS salt levels, then that

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is bad for an epileptic...Marijuana, a less strong Titanium than heroin, will also LOWER salt levels...meaning in the long term it is going to cause problems for an epileptic...So my position is that marijuana is bad for epilepsy...On the other hand, the way that Titanium drugs help you to forget things(they cause memory loss) can be soothing to someone who is troubled...That forgetting can be helpful to someone who is sad about their life...So psychologically, Titanium drugs may make someone "feel" better, even if it is making their condition worse...Like eating chocolate cake may

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make the obese person feel happier, though it is not helping their causal condition...But not to be discredited!

Lungs & Lymph Nodes: Aluminum (a Plus Element): Bauxite is a rock & a Bead, Cement, Arnica Pills, Cinnamon/echinacea, Chocolate-Arnica Pills are excellent forfixing memory loss (I think they have great promise for Alzheimer’s)...Aloe, Agave is in tequila, Witch Hazel, Anti-Perspirants, Calendula/Marigolds...Wax is an aluminum element, as is Bubble Tea (those tapioca

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bubbles are made from turnips! Excellent memory builders!)*Sage leaf contains piles of memory building Aluminum-not only that but sage leaf has been found in clinical studies to improve memory loss problems in patients with Alzheimer's disease...Sage leaf also reduces sweatyness, because of course, things with Aluminum are styptic & sweat-stifling! Sage would also help heal scar tissue up...or heal wounds...

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 Too much Potassium (a Minus Element): Low Blood pressure, Large sizeheart, HCM HyperTrophic Cardio Myopathy (enlarged heart distended but actually missing Aurum)...  Concussion is characterized by severely low Aurum levels & severely highPotassium levels...(There are Taurine drugs like Digitalis to add taurine/Aurum, but also please withdraw beta blocker heart potassium drugs & artificial sweeteners which contain 4 molecules of potassium if the person is in head injury state or recovering from hospital...Taurine powder

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can be bought at pet or human health stores & is the same stuff actually...Just mix it into a drink...)(Head injury needs to RAISE blood pressure)...(So NO potassium after head injury)...

Elements:where to find,

Heart :Aurum (a Plus Element): Gold, Taurine Powder, Clam Juice, Mussels

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Heart: Potassium (a Minus Element)- Artificial Sweeteners like Sweet n’ low Splenda Sugar twin, Bananas, Coconut Water or Coco Juice, Yes artificial sweeteners contain potassium which lowers blood pressure(Beta blocker drugs are also potassium based) (Avoid potassium after concussion-the body needs to raise blood pressure after injury-be careful with heart drugs then- the heart can give out due to excess potassium-people who got the death penalty were killed using potassium! Really...)Note: half the salt salt contains potassium...

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excess carbon...Lumber industry workers are exposed to excess CARBON...


 Too much Nitrogen (a Plus Element):Kidney blocks, Kidney failures, need for Dialysis...Excess Nitrogen (in athletic supplements that enhance performance can also create a severe type of depression which manifests as homicidal tendencies or extreme aggressiveness to

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others)....Hateful...Aggressive...Dislike of others...

Elements:where to find,

Kidneys: Nitrogen (a Plus Element):Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus Leaves, Leafs, Chlorophyll containing Green Things, Clorets, Essential Oil Eucalyptus, BarleyGrass Powder, Arginine Powder is a great source of Nitrogen & is easy to find at BodyBuilding Supplement stores like

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Popeye’s in Toronto(this definitely works from neuron regrowth-put a tiny amount into lemon juice & water & drink-it is sourced from BEETS), Wheatgrass Juice, Salads, More esoteric source(& more $$) is Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extract for Nitrogen (mushrooms are grown in Nitrogen to make them bigger...)Nitrogen is also called Beta- Alanine in bodybuilding supplements...Nitrogen makes one smarter- like for Down’s Syndrome applications...But Nitrogen can also cause urinary tractinfections, so be careful...Also Nitrogen can make one hateful to others...(athletes often

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take Nitrogen for stamina, girth & smarts- but it also makes them so mean!)

Carbon (a Minus Element): Oil, Olive oil, Fish Oil, Hair Conditioner, Suntan Oil, Coconut Oil, Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Coal Mining, Greasy things (exhaust from cars, planes, boats, will also contain carbon) (working in a restaurant exposes one to carbon, oils), Butter & margarine contain carbon too...(Carbon makes one nicer, kinder, but can also cause IQ loss)...

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Too much Sulphur (a Plus Element): Diabetes, Herpes, Dandruff, shingles, pimples, rotten painful teeth & gums...

Elements:where to find,

 Pancreas,Selenium (a Minus Element): Garlic, Garlic Capsules, Antibiotics, Insulin, Tonic Water (quinine)

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Sulphur (a Plus Element): Sugar, sugars, Turpentine,

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Too much Oxygen (a Minus Element): dehydration, dry mouth


Too much Hydrogen (a Plus Element): Hepatitis( holes in liver allow water to get

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in), Common Cold, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epstein Barr disease, Hydrocephalic (water on brain)...Excess Hydrogen can also cause depression-this type of depression is inward & can lead to suicidal tendencies...Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, ME(Just another name for a similar thing-a question of degree), mononuceosis (Mono)...

Elements:where to find,

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Liver: Oxygen (a Minus Element): Goji berries, Milk Thistle, Dandelion Greens, Fresh Clean Air

Liver: Hydrogen (a Plus Element)-Water, Alcohol, Liquids *generally, Glue

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Adrenal Gland:

Too much Iodine (a Minus Element): Grave’s disease, Bulging Eyes, Skinny- ness,Early Menopause, Shorter Menstrual Cycle, Bleedy, Dementia, Hemophilia, Dementia(excess warfarin is excess iodine & causes bleedy-nesswhich affects thinking & cognition)

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Adrenal Gland:

 Too much Calcium (a Plus Element):Progesterone heavy Calcium deposits mimicking Cancerous Tumours, Cancer, Lumps, Varicose veins, AIDS (which is just adrenal gland failure), gender dysphoria(ie:“dude looks like a lady” An Aerosmith lyric), It should be noted that currently in 2013 that birth control drugs are so thoroughly in water supplies in urban

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areas including university campus water that one does not have to ingest birth control directly as a drug to be influenced adversely...  All Cancers, Note please: calcium is the element that is fabricated into progesterone to make birth control drugs-at those doses it causes Cancer...It is teratogenic which is how children get born with cancer(which means the cancer is CONGENITAL NOT GENETIC)...Also causes children to be born gender dysphoric or adrenal gland failure(aids)...There are herbal(lower dose) forms of calcium which cause celibate

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behaviours but do not cause Vitus Agnus Castus (an herb)...  I repeat, Cancer is caused by birth control drugs...Hence why it is so common today...It also transfers between couples...The woman will excrete the drug onto the man...

Elements:where to find,

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Adrenal Gland: Iodine (a Minus Element): Vinpocetine, Vincristine, Chemotherapy drugs, Madagascar Periwinkle (*tea),*HearAll hearing capsules also *VeinGuard capsules(Both from NaturalCare in Oregon), Seaweed salad, Kelp supplements, Fish, Odewalla green smoothy drinks contain Dulse (30%), Arame is a sea vegetable that contains Tons of iodine-see my Arame recipe on my Medical Arts blog at

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Adrenal Gland: Calcium (a Plus Element): Progesterone based Birth Control drugs patches or injections like *Depo Provera, Milk, Vitus Agnus castus, Saltpeter, Depo Provera

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 Too much Phosphorus (a Plus Element): Parkinson’s disease, Salmonella... Also tremor is caused by too much Phosphorus...A side effect of too much Hydrogen (like alcohol) is it will or may increase Phosphorus as well in the Spleen causing a tremor...Hand Tremor...Muscle Tremors...Slow, placid, unfeeling moods...

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This is where the Minus Plus designation of the elements come in...If you have a PLUS element excess in one organ, there are chances that you will also have a PLUS element excessin organs nearby...

Elements:where to find,


Phosphorus (a Plus Element):Old cheese, (Lapis Lazuli the blue stone contains

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phosphorus), Blue Mold(an injured spleen will be Phosphorus heavy-like in Parkinson’s disease or tremor conditions)...

Copper (a Minus Element):Coffee, Colloidal Copper Clear Liquid Supplement, Somali ‘chatt’ (phonetic)-cat grass-contains copper, Tea, Black tea, Green tea (Note: http://www.Hotstraw.cominvented a straw you can put in coffee or tea so your teeth don’t turn yellow from drinking too much-it also works for tremor Parkinson patients who tremor too much to

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hold their hot drink steady to drink it-these are important because people with Parkinson’s or resting muscle tremors need copper & also they don’t want yellow teeth from drinking coffee all the time!)...Also Copper is called Tyrosine in bodybuilding supplements...

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hip jaw elbow shoulder knee ankle replacement(drugs like Boniva & Actonel & other bisphosphonate drugs CAUSE excess magnesium thus degrading cartilage & also causing fractures & causing need for joint replacement surgeries-Class Action lawsuits are being served as we speak)), Chondromalacia of the Patella (knees that click when you bend), Necrosis of the jaw(jaw death), Aches & Pains, back pain


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Too much Mercury (a Plus Element): High Bilirubin, Constipation, Communication difficulty, Mute-ness, Autism, ADHD, ADD, Violence... Violent behaviour including bullying...Violent, violence...(being very physical-which does not include aggression-aggression is high Nitrogen which is different)...But high mercury also means strong cartilage development...Good joints!

Elements:where to find,

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Magnesium (a Minus Element): Dolomite Rocks, Zeolite rocks, Epsom Salts oral or topical for bathing, Pillseparator substance used around pills to make them not stick together often found in completely strange places like drugs that are supposed to build bone or vitamins that are supposed to build cartilage...Living in Ontario, Canada means you live on a Dolomite magnesium bedrock...Sometimes

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just choosing a location with the geology you need is the right decision!


Mercury (a Plus Element):Burnt Poop Fume(really) from sewage treatment plants (people who live near water(Boston,Florida, California, LakeOntario-you will notice personality differences in friends who live near water- high mercury makes people violent, aggressive, & they will argue something

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even if they are in the wrong, this is mercury buildup in the gallbladder), often have very elevated mercury levels-but it is not always a bad thing-they may have some communication problems but their cartilage development is fantastic!), Rudraksha Beads(these are an amazing red mercury seed that comes strung on copper wire or other wire & you wear them & the mercury makes your arthritis feel better-from India usually-often from monksthere-they will bless them for you too if you are lucky!), Parad Malas(this is a mercury bead mixed with silver), bacon, Kishka

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(intestines- cooked with stuffing & gravy), Hot dog casings, Salt, Haggis, Blood Pudding, Pepperoni...Again-Salt is a cheap & easy way to Raise bilirubin levels in the gallbladder...(only for those with magnesium in excess btw)...Bacon...Salt...

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 Too much Fluorine (a Minus Element): Paralysis, Can’t move, Crohn’s disease,Diarrhea, Fabry an ‘Orphan’ illness, domesticity(used on prisoner’s of war to tame ‘wildness’), Sweaty-ness, discoloured teeth due to fluorosis, hearing loss...also vision loss...Epilepsy...Seizures...

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  Gulf War syndrome(gulf war soldiers were exposed to fluorine gas/sarin which is a high dose of fluorine-they have experienced epilepsy, Lou Gehrig’s disease, slow paralysis, seizures-which all confirm that fluorine is the trigger to epilepsy & ALS Amyolotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(Lou Gehrig’s)

-did you know Lou Gehrig’s father had epilepsy?   A further confirmation of the direct link

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between fluoride(athletes consume large amounts of water that has both natural & artificial fluoride inside), ALS & epilepsy...  Fluoride causes diarrhea, paralysis, it is an anaesthetic, & also causes domesticity in terms of behaviours, the severe diarrhea & loss of nutrient can lead to hearing loss as well as seizures & epilepsy...It appears that Scottish people or of Scot ancestry are most vulnerable to fluorosis which means excess fluorine...Epilepsy...Lou Gehrig’s disease...ALS...Seizures...Amyolotrophic Lateral Sclerosis...

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Too much Bismuth (a Plus Element): Severe Constipation...(very dangerous actually)...Severe constipation which can trigger a whole host of problems throughout the body...Organ damage...Toxin build-up...

Grove Body Part Chart is always a work in progress...

Elements:where to find,

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Fluorine (a Minus Element): Fluoride, drinking water in urban areas,toothpaste, the GHB drug is fluoride the date rape drug, Anaesthetics are all fluorine, Propfyl the thing Michael Jackson took is fluorine, It’s a paralytic, Fluorosis which is fluorine poisoning actually causes discolored teeth!

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   Fluorine is found naturally in shellfish-My mum had a conch(a mollusk) salad at the Mutiny hotel(the whirlpool was closed because they were shooting a Playboy centrefold, & the hotel room had a mirror on the ceiling above the bed) in Florida, & later got so sick & diarrhea too-Conch in the warm soft waters of Florida can have huge amounts of natural fluorine in it...

  The warmer & softer the water, the more fluorine...Hard water means it has minerals in it like Calcium which offset the minus effect of fluorine...People with Cystic

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Fibrosis(An Aluminum excess) tend to be more immune to cholera(cholera is a Fluorine excess disease with lots of diarrhea)...


Bismuth (a Plus Element): Activated Charcoal Pills, Burnt wood, Coal, Charcoal (I Like activated charcoal pills for Crohn’s disease & Fabry- but you need to take like 6 charcoal pills or equivalent in powder form a day to make it really work)...

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*my father, a neuro-ophthalmological surgeon once told me of a village where everyone was dying but doctors didn’t know the cause...They researched & tested to no avail...Finally they just started giving the people water, because the severe diarrhea was causing dehydration...Everyone gotbetter...Sometimes you just need to treat the symptoms!

  In Crohn’s & Fabry, diarrhea is the biggest issue...You can die from diarrhea...

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Bismuth, activated charcoal pills, will stop the diarrhea(or just use Pepto Bismol for the Bismuth, but know that it also contains Titanium which is like aspirin & can cause memory loss & also ringing in the ears) & balance out the fluorosis in the colon...My feeling about these two problems is that fluoridation is the trigger...It appears that urban areas have more fluoride in the water than rural areas...Know that...

Also: Epilepsy,Tourette’s & Seizures are associated with excess Fluorine in the Colon, treat the

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same way-with Bismuth...(also withdraw from all fluoride sources)...

 I’d like also to mention the element called Indium...Indium acts like Bismuth but is much much stronger...Indium metallicum has been used in Germany to treat epilepsy...Since epilepsy is a fluorine excess & Bismuth is its antidote, then Indium, which acts like Bismuth logically works in theory, but also in studies, in practice as a remedy for epilepsy...

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 Indium supplements or liquids should also work then towards ALS Lou Gehrig’s & Crohn’s...Indium is rare & wouldbe dangerous to anyone not suffering from a fluorine related excess...because it would constipate, like Bismuth does...

  Also: (Note Angelman's Syndrome is an epilepsy category ailment as well)...Wild Indigo Root is documented for controlling seizures...It contains the right antidoting element to fluorine-the Indium element as well...Indium is like Bismuth but stronger...Same effect though-controls

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seizures, makes you sleep better, stops the diarrhea associated with excess fluorine, thereby allowing the body to keep its own nutrients...

See my blog post about epilepsy, Lou Gehrig's, Angelman's syndrome, ALS (all fluorine poisoning ailments), here

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Comment regarding marijuana as a treatment for epilepsy:

  "The article implies that there is marijuana or surgery...In fact epilepsy has been controlled in numerous other ways...Raising salt levels, either in the diet or by taking salt tabs, has controlled epilepsy...The homeopathic element Indium metallicum(indium is also in supplements) controls seizures...The plant called Wild Indigo Root prevents seizures...The article should be less biased towards marijuana as a treatment for children, since the long term

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side effect of marijuana is severe memory loss, which is unfortunate in a child who is building life long memories...As well, marijuana is not a new treatment...This is misleading...Withdrawing from all fluorine sources is also a path...Gulf War veterans exposed to sarin gas ( a fluorine gas) came home with Lou Gehrig's disease & epilepsy...Which now gives us a very strong correlation between fluorine levels & epilepsy...This might allow parents to remove all traces of fluorine from the child's life...The cause being removed is even more powerful than treatments...No?"

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Big Cause: Ok, so besides fluoride in the water supply in Ottawa, how are children there getting a fluorine overdose?Ok, well, the answer is a bit sad...At two months old, Ottawa protocol says that children must get some sort of a tetanus shot...It is tetanus with usually two other things, but tetanus is the big one...Why? because It has been shown that the tetanus shot, after being given to children, causes 3 times as many children to have a

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seizure...Than those who did not get the tetanus shot...(You can read about that statistic at if you search for epilepsy & tetanus in their search engine)...  It is a known possible side effect, adverse effect of the tetanus shot...Seizures...Guillain-Barre syndrome is another adverse effect...Guillain-Barre resembles Lou Gehrig's disease...  You see Tetanus is a disease like Typhus & Cholera...It is a fluorine excess illness...Same effects as induced fluorine,

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but you get it from cutting your skin or drinking bad water & it gets inside...  So, a killed tetanus sample in a vaccine, might, perhaps in a warmer weather, or the refrigerator wasn't that cold or something in the lab, that Tetanus might create a problem in a young child (two months old is the protocol remember)...  Fluorine is worse in warm waters...Also in soft water with less minerals...So on a warm day, in a child who might be low in minerals, that tetanus shot could induce a fluorine excess, causing a seizure, or even a seizure disorder...

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  I happen to know about that tetanus shot effect...Unfortunately...I was at Harvard University, & I cut my shin on a bike pedal, the way that always happens when you miss the pedal & it swipes back at you to bite your shin...  It was enough of a three pronged messy cut that I went to the student hospital...So they gave me a Tetanus shot immediately...  Then I got really sick...Really really sick...Not only that I had no idea what was wrong with me...High fever, disoriented...  A friend from Norway got me a refund, & put me on a plane back to Toronto...The

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cold Toronto air corrected my problem almost right away...  One wonders if this global warming trend, is causing children in Ottawa to show ailments that are more characteristic of hotter weather children?  The tetanus shot seems to be, like fluorine itself, far more active in a warm climate than in a cold one...  At any rate, the tetanus shot may be the cause of this new rash of young children in Ottawa with epilepsy disorders...  Which also makes one wonder, how many soldiers before going out to the Gulf War in

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1991 got a Tetanus shot? Was their epilepsy from the Sarin gas(fluorine gas) or from the Tetanus shot itself(also a fluorine based illness)?

- See more at:

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Authorʼs message: I have added this last chunk of material to the Grove Body Part Chart on Oct.15, 2013, the day after Canadian Thanksgiving here...This last bit shows how the various brain parts connect directly to a body part...This can be helpful because you may know which brain part is involved in your problem, or you may know the body part, but now you can know both...That means you could learn which elements you need to feed that brain part,

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by looking at the elements in the body part that connects... This represents a really big step for me...I should add however that my brain-body part connection map ideas are pretty new, so, of course, there is a possibility that I am wrong...Wrongness seems to go with pushing the fold...Sometimes you just have to push that envelope, even if the direction has not been calibrated yet... I do edit & update this book when I discover mistakes or omissions, so feel free to tell me if you feel like helping...or just say thank you or hello!

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Write me at [email protected] or Like our Facebook Page Joseph & Sari Grove to keep up with new information...On Twitter we are @GroveCanada, as well we are GroveCanada on Pinterest & a bunch of other places too...Find us, Friend us & get with the program! We like people & pets & plants & we answer our emails!Sari Grove

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p.s.Try to be nice though, we are Canadian, which means that polite is a way of life...

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