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  • 7/27/2019 Group Forum Script Part 1




    (Anita) Assalamualaikum and a very good day I bid to all of you. Welcome

    back to our show for this week in E-Environment. As well we know,

    E-Environment is a show, which enable you to think about the topics

    that we had highlighted and we are trying to solve the issues together

    by producing beneficial and interesting idea, which will be delivered by

    our guests.

    Today, we would like to highlight a topic that is quite interesting to be

    discussed on greenhouse effect. I am sure that every one of us is

    familiar with that term. Before we proceed to our forum, I would like to

    introduce our panellists today. On my right, Puan Nor Bai binti Bakir

    as an environmental researcher. The person next to her is En Khairul

    Fahmi bin Maslam, director of environmental protection agency. On

    my left, Puan Nor Zalianah, lecturer of Environmental Science from

    University Malaya and also Miss Jothi, lecturer from Universiti

    Pertanian Malaysia and the person next to her is Puan Norhasikin

    binti Mat Deros, an environmental officer.

    Briefly, greenhouse effect can be defined as warming of the Earths

    surface and lower atmosphere that tends to intensify with an increase

    in atmospheric carbon dioxide. By the way, the greenhouse effect

    often gets a bad rap because of its association with global warming,

    but the truth is we couldnt live without it. Are there serious? As an

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    environmental researcher, can you tell us what is the definition of

    greenhouse effect from your own opinion?

    Nor Bai : Assalamualaikum, thank you to Ms Chairperson, Puan Anita. Yes, I

    could say it is a bit serious issue. Actually, there are many people out

    there are not really understand about the concept of the greenhouse

    effect. Some of them keep asking me why the phenomenon of the

    rising in the earth`s temperature is called the greenhouse effect.

    Actually, the greenhouse effect can be defined into two. First is

    natural greenhouse effect that make and let the earth`s climate

    warm and habitable. The second one is the man-made greenhouse

    effect that also known as an enhancement of earth`s natural

    greenhouse effect. The man-made greenhouse effect can happened

    due to the addition of greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil

    fuels especially petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Greenhouse effect

    is a process by which the thermal radiation from a planetary surface is

    absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all

    direction. At that time, some part of this radiation is return back to the

    surface together with the energy and this cause the atmospheric

    become warmer.

    Just now, I had explained about what is the phenomenon that being

    called as the greenhouse effect. Now, why the term of greenhouse

    is being used? Are there are related to the greenhouse effect that we

    talking about just now? The answer is yes. The term of greenhouse

    effect is the derivation from the concept of greenhouse model.

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    Greenhouse is built to grow plant especially in winter. So that, this can

    extends the growing season for the vegetables and flowers by

    trapping the heat from the sun in a glass or plastics structure. When

    this situation happened, the greenhouse is being heat up like a car

    that being parked in sunlight. Commonly, the greenhouse is warmer

    than the outside air. Thus, it keeps the plants warm enough to live in

    winter. What the main important things is we need to understand the

    principle of the greenhouse effect that state, the energy from the

    sun`s rays which heated the greenhouse move quicker than the heat

    that escape from some structure to the atmosphere.

    Chairperson: Thank you Pn Nor Bai for her brief explanation about our topic today.

    How about you, Miss Jothi. What is your opinion ? Do you want to

    add something from the explanation?

    Jothi : Thank you, Puan Anita. Yes, for your information, the greenhouse

    effect had been discovered by French mathematician and physicist,

    Joseph Fourier in 1824. He had developed a simple mathematical

    model to measure the temperature of the atmosphere. Through this

    simple model he found that the phenomenon that occur to the

    atmosphere is mostly alike to the experiment took by Horace Benedict

    de Saussure who used de Saussure`s heliothermometer to measure

    the intensity of sunlight. He had come with a statement that sunlight

    can easily passes through a glass but not apply for the things other

    than glass. As a result the sunlight can penetrate the glass easily

    compare for the heat from the ground to be in the air. Then in 1877,

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    Irish and British physicist and chemist, John Tyndall had made some

    further exploration about the Fourier`s finding. He had designed and

    built a ratio spectrophotometer which is used to determine their

    ability to absorb heat by a various gases that being used. In his

    research, he founded that radiant heat was transmitted readily

    through nitrogen and oxygen. Moreover, the more complex molecules

    also absorbed heat readily that involve water vapour and carbon

    dioxide. Tyndall showed that water vapour is relatively transparent to

    sunlight but it is really effective to trap radiation from the Earth`s

    surface like a water in a dam. That is some of the history on how the

    physicists makes their discovery and make some further experiment

    to understanding this topic better. Thank you.

    Chairperson: Thank you to Miss Jothi. What can I conclude from you and Puan Nor

    bai just now we should realized that greenhouse effect is also

    important to prevent our world become cold. Can we imagine what

    happen to the world if it becomes extreme cold? It is worst right? So,

    what is the factor that caused greenhouse effect happened? Can you

    explain to us Puan Nor Zalianah?

    Nor Zalianah : Thank you to the chairperson, Puan Anita. Assalamualaikum and a

    very good morning to all.

    Actually, we as human already know the answer for chair persons

    question because everyone knew almost everything regarding

    greenhouse effects come from human being although there are also

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    natural causes. Humankind has progressed a lot over the years to have

    a better quality of living. However, this progress has come at a cost of

    the exploitation of nature many a times.

    One of the causes of the Green House effect that caused by human is

    deforestation. Deforestation is the activity cutting down the trees for

    human needs like to build housing area, to build building, and others.

    Deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

    The plants help us to absorb carbon dioxide that release by human.

    Since there were no trees, carbon dioxide will release to the

    atmosphere. Apart from that, deforestation causes of the greenhouse

    effect. We have cut down millions of acres of forest and every tree

    contains carbon, and as a tree is burned or decomposes, that carbon is

    released into the atmosphere.

    Another man-made cause of the increase in the Green house effect due

    to the emission of such gases in electrical appliances in our house like

    refrigerator, air- conditioner and others emit gases which contribute to

    the Greenhouse effect. These electrical appliances make life more

    comfortable day by day but it gives side effect for the time being. These

    gases are known as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and are used in

    refrigerators, aerosol cans, foaming agents in the packaging industry,

    fire extinguisher chemicals and others.

    Industries also give major effect to the Greenhouse. Factories pollute our

    land, seas and air which also contribute to greenhouse effects.

    Greenhouse gases had been released by factories into the atmosphere

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    due to the burning of fossil fuels, oil, coal and gas while they produce

    something for better living, they said. But, like others said, if we want

    something, we have to lose something. We had lost a better living in this

    earth. Most factories produce gases which last for a longer time in the

    atmosphere. These gases are not naturally available in the atmosphere.

    They are used increasingly and rampantly in industries.

    There are natural causes as well as human-made causes of the

    greenhouse effect. The natural causes of the Greenhouse effect are the

    emissions of gases like carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and water

    vapour. They are the four major greenhouse gases that bring to

    greenhouse effect. Looking for their percentage that contributes to

    greenhouse effect; water vapour is the most major causes with 36-70%

    contribute to greenhouse effect followed by carbon dioxide with 9-26%,

    methane with 4-9% and ozone with 3-7%.

    Population growth also is an indirect contributor and one of the causes of

    the Greenhouse effect. With the increase in population, the needs and

    wants of the people also increase. Therefore, this increases the

    manufacturing processes as well as the industry processes to fulfill

    humans needs.

    From all the causes above, we can see that humans are the main

    reason for the pollution in nature not only greenhouse effects but also

    other damage that had happened in this world. What we give, what we

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    get back. We have to face all the problems regarding to greenhouse

    effects. Thats all. Thank you.

    Chairperson: Thank you Puan Nor Zalianah. I can say that we should know our

    responsibility to conserve our earth and dont be too selfish and

    always think about money and profit until neglects the balancing of

    ecosystem. So, everyone should play their role to ensure that this

    problem is not becoming more serious. However Puan Norhasikin,

    what do you think will be happened if those activities that can produce

    the greenhouse effect not being stopped?

    Norhasikin: Thank you to the chairperson. Assalamualaikum and good morning to

    everyone. I will talk about the greenhouse effects impact. The

    greenhouse effect refers to the trapping of heat by certain gases in

    the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide and methane. Although

    these gases occur in only trace amounts, they block significant

    amounts of heat from escaping out into space, thus keeping the Earth

    warm enough for us to survive. The greenhouse gases is increasing in

    excessive amount to the atmosphere because of human activities.

    The increase in greenhouse gases has the potential to cause

    catastrophic problems for Earth.

    The main impact of greenhouse gases is the global warming. Global

    warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth's

    atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is caused by increased

    concentrations ofgreenhouse gases in the atmosphere, resulting from

    human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels.
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    The most dangerous aspect of global warming is probably sea level

    rise. In fact, the worlds oceans have already risen 4-8 inches. That

    may not sound like much, but it has been enough to cause the erosion

    of some islands. Further sea level rise could cause great suffering

    because many people live near the sea. People have had to relocate

    to higher ground on low-lying islands in the South Pacific and off the

    coast of India. In Bangladesh alone, there are 15 million people living

    within 1 meter of sea level and another 8 million in a similar

    circumstance in India.Global warming increase the temperature about

    0.8 Celsius or 1.4 Fahrenheit. As a result of this increase, the vast

    arctic tundra is melting, releasing enormous volumes of both carbon

    dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. This creates the possibility

    of climate change because more carbon dioxide and methane are

    released from the arctic tundra; the greenhouse effect will be further

    enhanced. The worlds oceans are losing their ability to absorb carbon

    because of rising water temperatures, according to accumulating

    evidence. This is significant because the worlds oceans hold 50 times

    more carbon than do the worlds forests and grasslands. The

    decreasing capacity of the Earths carbon sinks to absorb carbon

    could further increase the likelihood of runaway climate change.

    Besides that, the changes in the climate due to excess greenhouse

    gases are causing both increased drought and increased flooding.

    Violent storm activity will increase as temperatures rise and more
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    water evaporates from the oceans. This includes more powerful

    hurricanes, pacific typhoons, and an increased frequency of storms

    and tornadoes. Storms and tornadoes cause flooding and property

    damage to human. Drought also causes by greenhouse gases.

    Warming also causes faster evaporation on land. Many dry areas,

    including the American West, Southern Africa, and Australia are

    experiencing more severe droughts. The amount of land on the Earth

    suffering from drought conditions has doubled since 1970.

    The greenhouse gases also cause the rapid climate change. Climate

    change happens suddenly and violently because of the change of

    pressure and atmosphere gas. Climate change happens suddenly

    and violently. Research indicates that the Earths climate exists in a

    stable state for many thousands of years. Then, pressure for change

    builds from increases or decreases in carbon levels as well as

    changes in solar radiation. Nowadays, the Earths climate goes

    through a period of dramatic disequilibrium.

    In conclusion, greenhouse effect brings a lot of negative impact to the

    Earth such as global warming, flooding, drought, storms, rapid climate

    change and many more. So, we must avoid the activities that will

    cause the greenhouse effect such as deforestation, burning,

    industries and others.

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    Chairperson : Now I realized that the greenhouse effect is very serious problem

    that is very dangerous to our generation as it can affect their future.

    So, it is everyones role to overcome this problem. How about the

    ways to overcome bully? I think our director of environmental

    protection agency, Encik Khairul Fahmi can answer this questions.

    What can you say about this?

    Fahmi: Thank you to the chairperson. Okay, actually, there are plenty ways

    to overcome this matter. It is a matter of the ways our life style. Can

    you tell me what do you do with all your trashes? What happen to the

    heat when the sun is glowing up in our head? And more importantly,

    how is it our environment? Is it greening or browning?

    All this matter is the fact that makes up what we are talking about

    today that is greenhouse effect. Here are some ways to overcome this


    The first and foremost is to so the 3Rs which are Recycle, Reduce

    and Reuse. Every person in the world has their own part in the

    prevention method. Everyone must do their part in this 3Rs to reduce

    waste by choosing reusable products instead of disposables. Buying

    products with minimal packaging (including the economy size when

    that makes sense for you) will help to reduce waste.

    And whenever you can, recycle paper, plastic, newspaper, glass and

    aluminium cans. If there isn't arecycling program at your workplace,

    school, or in your community, ask about starting one. By recycling half
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    of your household waste, you can save 2,400 pounds of carbon

    dioxide annually.

    All of us must remember that we cannot stop this greenhouse effect at

    once but we can reduce it by correcting our daily life habits. One of

    the habits is not using the off button when leave a room or house.

    We can save electricity and reduce global warming by turning off

    lights when leave a room, or using only as lighter as we need. And

    remember to turn off your television, video player, stereo and

    computer when you're not using them. It is also a good idea to turn off

    the water when you're not using it. While brushing your teeth,

    shampooing the dog or washing your car, turn off the water until you

    actually need it for rinsing. You will reduce your water bill and help to

    conserve a vital resource.

    The next easy way is by planting a tree. A single tree will absorb

    approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. That is

    why; if you have the means to plant a tree, start the digging. During

    photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give

    off oxygen. They are an integral part of the natural atmospheric

    exchange cycle here on Earth, but there are too few of them to fully

    counter the increases in carbon dioxide caused by automobile traffic,

    manufacturing and other human activities.

    Last but not least, the one which is quite really important is all of us

    must share the information about recycling and energy conservation

    with your friends, neighbours and co-workers, and take opportunities

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    to encourage public officials to establish programs and policies that

    are good for the environment.

    All these steps will take you a long way toward reducing your energy

    use and your monthly budget. And less energy use means less

    dependence on the fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases and

    contribute to global warming.

    Chairperson: Thank you to all our panellists for the sharing of their thought about

    our topic today. Hopefully, todays discussion can be acknowledge by

    all of us and we should stay united and work together so that the

    greenhouse effect can be overcome.