Page 1: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency

EDITORIAL BOARDDr. L. A. Azeez (Chairman), Dr. S. B. Olajide, Dr. M. A. Adedimeji,Dr. Mrs.) F. R. Aliyu -Ibrahim, Dr. (Mrs.) R. A. Adimula, K. I. Akogun (Secretary)(


(Contd. on page 2)

ome six months to the expiration of thefive-year tenure of its incumbent Vice-Chancellor, Prof. AbdulGaniyu Ambali

(OON), the University of Ilorin has begun inearnest the search for a successor, expected tostep in on October 16, 2017.

The University has also started head-hunting for a new University Librarian, whowill succeed the incumbent, Dr. JosephOmoniyi, whose five-year tenure alsoterminates on October 12 this year.

This indication became publicknowledge penultimate Friday (April 14,2017) with the formal advertisement of theimpending vacancies in some nationalnewspapers and on the website of theUniversity.

The two separate advertisements weresigned by the Registrar and Secretary to theUniversity's Governing Council, Mr.Emmanuel Dada Obafemi.

A Weekly Publication of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor ISSN 0331





MONDAY APRIL 24, 2017 VOL 7 NO. 80

The proposed migration of allfederal higher institutions in thecountry to the Integrated Payroll

and Personnel Information System(IPPIS) by June this year will ensuretransparency and accountability in thepublic service.

This was disclosed by a DeputyBursar in the University of Ilorin, MrA b d u l b a r k i O b a , p e n u l t i m a t eWednesday (April 12, 2017), in a lecturehe delivered at the Annual SocialWelfare Day organised by the SeniorStaff Association of NigerianUniversities (SSANU), Unilorin

Branch, tagged “SSANU Day”.I n t h e l e c t u r e , e n t i t l e d

“Enrolment of Universities into theIntegrated Payroll and PersonnelI n f o r m a t i o n S y s t e m ( I P P I S ) :Implications for Management andStaff”, Mr Abdulbarki stated that theIPPIS, which was initiated by theObasanjo government in 2006, was partof the government's efforts to curbcorruption in the public serviceespecially in the inflated payroll ofMinistries, Departments and Agencies(MDAs). (Contd. on page 3)

An Ilorin-based civilsociety advocacy group,The Future Leaders, has

decried the attempt to tarnish thereputation of the Vice-Chancellorof the University of Ilorin, ProfAbdulGaniyu Ambali (OON),and his predecessor, Prof IshaqOlanrewaju Oloyede (MFR), bythose it called “enemies of

progress”.The group described a

recent publication bynewspaper in which mischievousallegations of maladministrationwere levelled against Prof.Ambali and Prof. Oloyede as “thehandiwork of the enemies ofprogress”.

The Nation

(Contd. on page 3)

Unilorin begins search for next VC, LibrarianBy Kunle Akogun

Group decries attempt to tarnishAmbali, Oloyede's reputationBy Adeyinka Ademuyiwa

IPPIS 'll ensure transparency in public service – AbdulbarkiBy Oyindamola Ajayi

Mr Abdulbarki

In This Edition

Plug leakages to get Nigeria out ofrecession, FG Urged P.4Unilorin SSANU announces electiontime-table P.4De Campos passes on P.5

Prof. Salman delivers 167 InauguralLecture P.5



TheAlma Mater:

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In the first advertisement,entitled “Vacancy Announcement forthe Post of Vice-Chancellor”, Mr.Obafemi said, “In accordance withthe provisions of the Universities(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act No.11 of 1993, as amended by Act No. 25of 1996 and The Universities( M i s c e l l a n e o u s P r o v i s i o n s )(Amendment) Act 2012, the Councilhas decided to commence in earnestthe due process of appointing a newVice-Chancellor.”

According to Mr. Obafemi,the ideal candidate for the post must,among other attributes, be adistinguished Professor of not lessthan 10 years in one of the disciplinesoffered by the University; a scholar ofnational and international repute withproficiency in Information andCommunication Technology, ICT; aProfessor with track records ofteaching, research and communitys e r v i c e ; a n d a p e r s o n o fentrepreneurial and innovative pre-disposition, with a proven trackrecord appropriate to the vision andmission of a first class University.

The Registrar also stated thatthe prospective Vice-Chancellor mustbe of sound health, pleasantdisposition and unassailable integrity.“He must also be a person ofdemonstrable astute managerialability to maintain the peace andacademic stability for which theUniversity is reputed; and a personendowed with entrepreneurial abilityand must be able to attract funds forthe University from national andinternational sources”, he said.

Mr. Obafemi said that theappointment would be for a singleterm of five years and candidates whowould have attained the age of 60years at the point of assumption ofoffice in October need not apply.

In the same vein, the Registrarsaid, in the second advertisement,entitled “Vacancy for the Post ofUniversity Librarian”, that “theCouncil of the University of Ilorinhereby announces that the post ofUniversity Librarian of the Universitywill become vacant with effect from12 October, 2017.And in accordancewith the provisions of the Universities(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act No.11 of 1993, as amended by Act No. 25of 1996 and the Universities( M i s c e l l a n e o u s P r o v i s i o n s )(Amendment) Act 2012, the Councilhas decided to begin the process ofappointing a new UniversityLibrarian”.

According to Mr. Obafemi,“The candidate, who must have had aminimum of 15 years cognateexperience, should possess at least aMaster's Degree in Library Science.A Doctorate Degree will be an addedadvantage”.

The Registrar also stated thatthe prospective University Librarian,who will hold office for a single termof five years, “must show evidence ofsubstantial contribution to knowledgethrough research and scholarlypublications in reputable Journals. Inaddition, the candidate should haveproficiency in management andadministration, capability to initiateresearch and be knowledgeable in theapplication of Computer to Libraryoperations and services”.

Mr. Obafemi added that theideal candidate should have been aDeputy University Librarian or itsequivalent for not less than five years.

A l l su i t ab ly qua l i f i edcandidates have therefore beendirected to submit their applicationsto the Registrar not later than sixweeks from the April 14 date of thepublication of the advertisements.

Established in 1975 by the

Federal Government, the Universityof Ilorin is the fastest-growingcomprehensive public University inNigeria with an enviable record ofacademic stability.

The University has 15Faculties, one College of HealthSciences, two Institutes and aPostgraduate School, with a studentpopulation of over 30,000 and a totalstaff strength of 4,000. TheUniversity prides itself as one of themost stable Universities in Nigeriawhere academic activities are carriedout in an atmosphere of peace, withstudents completing their courses asand when due without disruptions.This is a University where staff andstudents cooperate to ensureuninterrupted academic calendar inthe interest of its stakeholders.

Unilorin has carved for itself aniche in the areas of teaching andapplied research. For example, theUniversity has, at various times, beenranked best in research anddevelopment and other academicendeavours. It is one of the twoUniversities ranked A+in the2011/2012 InstitutionalAccreditationof Nigerian Universities by theNational Universities Commission(NUC) thereby earning a seven-yearfull institutional accreditation status.

Furthermore, for the past fewyears, the University has beenconsistently ranked as one of the bestUniversities in Nigeria by differentInternational Ranking Agenciesincluding Web of World Universities(Webometric) which ranked theUniversity the best in Nigeria forthree consecutive years of 2009, 2010and 2011 and one of the best 20 inAfrica.

To date, the University hashad nine Vice-Chancellors and aPrincipal, at inception.


(Contd. from front page)

Across section of members of the Senior StaffAssociationof Nigerian Universities (SSANU), Unilorin Branch, duringthe Annual Social Welfare Day, tagged “SSANU Day” at theUniversityAuditorium recently

L-R: The Registrar, Mr. Emmanuel Obafemi; theformerASUU Chairman, Prof.A.A.Adeoye; the DeputyVice-Chancellor (MS), Prof. A. Y. Abdulkareem; and theDeputy Bursar, Mr. I. Ogunbiyi, at the SSANU DAYprogramme

April 24, 2017Unilorin Bulletin






Unilorin begins search for next VC, Librarian

Page 3: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency






Unilorin BulletinApril 24, 2017


A c c o r d i n g t o a p r e s sstatement jointly signed by theChairman and Spokesman of TheFuture Leaders, Mr. AbdulkareemAbdulrahman and Mr. AbdulganeeyAbdulqadri, respectively, the groupcriticized the publication, saying,“The recent upsurge in the mediasiege on the University is an indirectrenewal of the timeless pressoffensive that the accomplishments ofIlorin Emirate and her leading lightsalways attract from the Lagos-Ibadanaxis of the Nigerian press”.

The group that is dedicated topromoting democratic culture, goodgovernance and probity in Nigeria,said, “A perusal of the publicationwill convince an unbiased observerthat the orchestration was not

uni la teral ly ini t ia ted by thenewspaper but prompted and aided bythe unrepentantly disgruntledelements within, who are unhappywith Unilorin's persistently risingprofile”.

The Future Leaders furtherstressed that having gone through theseries, it is convinced that “none ofthe allegations levelled against theadministration of Prof. Ambali canwithstand painstaking empiricism”.

The group said, “We arearoused, beyond comprehension,with the frivolity exhibited in thewrite-up to the effect that simplybecause the Vice-Chancellor answersthe same surname and comes from thesame town with the Dean ofVeterinary Medicine, then the two of

them must necessarily be siblings”.It said, “We are, however,

delighted to submit that ouri n d e p e n d e n t a n d t h o r o u g hinvestigations revealed that theallegations are pure products of lazy,incoherent and chaotic minds, whoare bent on destroying the hard-earned reputation of the Vice-Chancellor and that of the institutionwhich our community is proud to beits host”.

The group pointed out that nosane mind will take the enemies ofprogress serious “with the magnitudeand quality of the Vice-Chancellor’sachievements in the human capacityand infrastructural advancement ofthe nation's most subscribeduniversity in the last half-a-decade”.

(Contd. from front page)

The Deputy Bursar pointed outthat if most MDAs were accountableand transparent enough, there wouldnot have been a need for the IPPIS,adding that, “the IPPIS is an integratedprogramme of the payroll function ofthe Bursary and the personnel functionof the Registry”.

Mr Abdulbarki, who is incharge of the Bursary Department ofthe College of Health Sciences,University of Ilorin, further disclosedthat the plan to enrol federal higherinstitutions into the IPPIS programmehas been ongoing since 2012, sayinghowever that some universitiesob jec t ed because o f ce r t a inpeculiarities.

He said, “Because of theseissues of peculiarities, IPPIS was puton hold and since 2012, we have beenon this issue of to be or not to be.However, it is now glaring that by Junethis year, whether we like it or not, wewill all be on IPPIS”.

Explaining the implication ofthe IPPIS, the Chartered Accountant,who is a former Head of Salaries in theBursary Department, stated that IPPISwill help ensure salary regularityacross all MDAs and higherinstitutions because the system knowshow much each staff is entitled to andas such, whatever applies to those inother universities will also apply toUnilorin.

According to Mr. Abdulbarki,with IPPIS, universities will no longerbe required to submit personnel budgetas all that would have been captured onthe IPPIS programme. “With theprogramme, the government alreadyknows how many staff members are in

the University and how much each ofthem earns”, he said, adding, “So, thecase of inflating payroll in order tolaunder money will cease to exist”.

He also explained that IPPISwill be funding staff's pensionaccount directly as individuals willbe required to submit pensionnumber and money deducted will gostraight to pension account, addingthat it will no longer go throughPENCOM.

Mr Abdulbarki also statedthat with the IPPIS programme,depending on the category of staff,there will be an increase or decreasein the amount of tax paid, stressingthat “there is no reason to be afraidabout the increment as it is for agreater cause but nonetheless,government should ensure thep r o v i s i o n o f s o m e v i t a linfrastructures with tax payers'money”.

In his remarks, the Vice-Chancellor of the University ofIlorin, Prof. AbdulGaniyu Ambali(OON), who was the Chairman of theo c c a s i o n , c o m m e n d e d M r.Abdulbarki for “a well deliveredlecture”, noting that the IPPIS is agood initiative of the FederalGovernment as it would reducecorruption in public service to thebarest minimum.

Recalling a meeting of allFederal higher institutions at theOffice of Accountant General in theFederal Ministry of Finance, theVi c e - C h a n c e l l o r , w h o w a srepresented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Management Services),Prof. A. Y. AbdulKareem, stated that

all the issues that were raised that daywere what the guest speaker alsoaddressed.

He said, “We need to beinformed because universities will beenrolled on IPPIS regardless of theirpeculiarities. Come June 2017, allFederal higher institutions must be apart of this else they will cease todraw subvention from the FederalGovernment”

In his own remarks, theRegistrar of the University of Ilorin,Mr E. D. Obafemi, pointed out thatthe Integrated Payroll and PersonnelInformation System is a goodintervention for the public service,especially in higher institutions as itwill curb the nonchalant attitude ofsome staff members to work andresponsibilities.

In her address, the Ag.Chairperson of SSANU, UnilorinBranch, Comrade Bimpe Ojulari,c o m m e n d e d t h e U n i v e r s i t yadministration for its support for theUnion and also appreciated SSANUmembers for their unalloyed support,dedication, co-operation and goodrelationship between the membersand the executives.

Congratulating SSANU onits victory at the National IndustrialCourt of Nigeria over the issue of theUniversity Primary School teachers,Comrade Ojulari called on theFederal Government, the Ministry ofEducat ion and the Nat ionalUniversities Commission to do theneedful to reinstate the UniversityPrimary School teachers.

Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation

IPPIS 'll ensure transparency in public service – Abdulbarki

Page 4: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency





Unilorin Bulletin April 24, 2017NEWS


As part of measures towardsensuring economic revival inthe country, Oba Dr David

Oyerinola, the Elerin of AdanlaKingdom, has enjoined the FederalGovernment to plug all leakagesassociated with the agriculture valuec h a i n a n d m o n i t o r t h ei m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f f u n d sdisbursement in that sector in order torealise its full potentials.

Oba Oyerinola, who is also alecturer in the Department ofEconomics, University of Ilorin,stated this in an interview with

.The monarch noted that

recession is a global phenomenon,pointing out that a mono productbased economy like that of Nigeriawill always be susceptible toeconomic recession due to thefluctuation in global oil marketprices.

Dr. Oyerinola pointed out inorder to get out of its currentrecession, Nigeria must embraced i v e r s i f i c a t i o n t h r o u g h t h edevelopment of its agriculturalpotentials as well as its mineralresources.

He said, “We are endowedwith arable land that can grow 90percent of the food stuff that we areimporting in this country; if thegovernment is well committed andthose in government monitor thedisbursement of funds to agriculture,there is no reason, with the Basins thatwe have- the FADAMA etc, there isno reason this country should beimporting rice.”

According to the monarch,“what the government needs to do isto be more committed. Commitmentis what is needed, not lip service. It isnot that they are not budgeting foragriculture, but this money allocatedis going to wrong hands”.

The don noted that “theongoing anti-corruption campaign isgood but it needs to be monitored tothe grassroots because we are talkingabout implementation. It is not thei s s u e o f b u d g e t i n g b u timplementation; the people that aretaking agric loan, are they reallyinvesting it? If they are, what happensto the harvest? Is it being retained inthe country or some people aresmuggling it out?All of these we needto monitor them and you have to look

at Nigerian borders- very porous…the way they are smuggling ricethat are grown with taxpayers moneyout of this country to neighbouringWest African countries; you know theresultant effect of that- thegovernment has released money, theinvestment has been carried out butthere is nothing to show for it.”

Dr. Oyerinola stated further,“There are so many areas when wetalk about investing in agriculture.

What happens to storage, allthe leakages? There are leakages ins torage sys tem, leakages indistribution of agricultural inputs,leakages in different areas. If all theseleakages are plugged, I am very surethat the bumper harvest will be wellmanaged and as an economist, themoment the supply is more thatdemand, the price will surely beaffected. So, we are just declaringbumper harvest on the media butpractically, we are not seeing it in themarket because of the leakages. Theseleakages, if they are blocked, then wewill have all these products in ourmarket.”

Unilorin Bulletin

Plug leakages to get Nigeria out of recession, FG UrgedBy Fatima Abubakre

Unilorin SSANU announces election time-tableBy Fatima Abubakre

The Electoral Committee of theSenior Staff Association ofN i g e r i a n U n i v e r s i t i e s

(SSANU), University of Ilorinbranch, has announced the time-tablefor the 2017 SSANU elections to beheld on Thursday, May 11, 2017.

According to a notice signedby the Secretary of the ElectoralCommittee, Mr S.A. Ademola, andmade available tolast Thursday (April 20, 2017), theelections, will hold simultaneously atthe Conference Centre on the MainCampus and at the College of HealthSciences between 9.00am and1.00pm. on the scheduled date.

While stating that the electionwould be by secret ballot, the noticeindicated that the Manifesto Day willhold on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at theUniversityAuditorium Basement.The Electoral Committee enjoinedprospective voters to bring along theirUniversity Identity Cards or Payslipfor the purpose of identification,adding that only financial members

whose names are on the list providedby the Bursary Department would beeligible to vote.

Four candidates have beenscreened and cleared to contest for theposition of Chairman. They are: MrOyeniyi Michael Oluwasegun, MrAkanbi Mohammed Jimoh, MrFalowo Olushola Naheem and Mrs.Ibitoye Biola Olatundun.

For the position of Vice-Chairman, those cleared to contestare: Mr Ogunyinka Festus Olubunmi,Mr Oyedepo Olumayowa Joseph, MrSuleiman Dagbo Aliyu and MrAdebayo Joseph Sunday.

Mr Oyedepo Sunday Olaitanwas cleared for the post of FinancialS e c r e t a r y w h i l e M r H u s s a i nAbdullateef Dasola (Dasilva) and MrOlaniyan Abdulganiyu were clearedfor the positions of Secretary andTreasurer respectively.

For the post of PublicRelations Officer, Mr Oseni BashiruAlabi and Mr Alabi OluwasegunTimothy were cleared to contest,

while for the post of AssistantSecretary, Mr Bello CorneliusOlukayode, Mr Saheed TundeMohamed and Eletta AdeolaOluwabunmi were cleared to contest.

Candidates cleared for theposition of Women leader are MrsOshiniwe Stella Elizabeth and Mrs.Adi Hajarat Azumi while

for thepost of Trustee,

Others are, Mr AdetonaOlushola and Mr Onele ChristopherOmeh who were cleared for the postof Ex-Officio.

The statement, which addedthat prospective voters can only voteonce at either of the two polling units,disclosed that the results of theelection shall be announced by theReturning Officer and the Swearing-in Ceremony of the newly electedExecut ives shal l take placeimmediately after the election sameday.

Unilorin Bulletin

Mr AkandeIsaac Okunola was cleared

Page 5: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency

April 24, 2017


De Campos, Lingustic Immersian Centre boss passes onBy Adeyinka Ademuyiwa.

The Director of the LinguisticImmersion Centre, Universityof Ilorin, Dr. (Mrs) Elisabeth

De Campos is dead. Aged 58, Dr. DeCampos died penultimate Saturday(April 15, 2017) after a brief illness.

The late Dr. De Campos, whowas also until her death the Interpreterand Translator for the Association ofWest African Universities (AWAU),has been hospitalised in a privatehospital in Ilorin few weeks before herdemise.

In a two-paragraph memodated April 18, 2017, the Head of theDepartment of French, Prof IsaiahBariki, formally informed the Vice-Chancellor, Prof, AbdulGaniyuAmbali, and members of theUniversity community of the demiseof Dr. De Campos, who was also aLecturer in the Department.

In the memo, a copy of whichwas made available to

, Prof Bariki expressedg r a t i t u d e t o t h e U n i v e r s i t yadministration “for the care andconcern shown to Dr. De Campos andher family during the period of hersickness and since her demise”.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor( R e s e a r c h Te c h n o l o g y a n dInnovation), Prof Gabriel Olatunji,who had made repeated visits to thefamily on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, consoled the children andtheir spouses, saying, “It is God thatgives life.And He is the One who takesit anytime. Humans, by events likethis, should remember that we are onpilgrimage in this world.”

“To you, the family of our dear

sister, we sympathise with you. TheUniversity of Ilorin identifies withyou at this moment of grieve. Wewon't abandon you. The Vice-Chancellor is very sad. All we can dois to accept that God knows best”,Prof. Olatunji said.

Already, two condolenceregisters had been opened at herresidence and at the LinguisticImmersion Centre.

Making the first entry in theone at her house, the Vice-Chancellornoted Dr. De Campos' selflesscontribution to the University andthanked God for her life.

Many senior officials of theUniversity including the wife of theVice-Chancellor, Dr.(Mrs)H. T.Ambali; the Dean, Faculty of Arts,Prof A. S. Abdulsalam; the Head ofthe Department of French, Prof.Isaiah Bariki; and the Director,Central Research Laboratory, Prof(Mrs) Temidayo Oladiji, had alsovisited the home of the late Dr. DeCampos to sympathise with thefamily.

The late scholar bagged PhDfrom the University of Ibadan inTranslation Studies, LanguageInterpretation and Translation in2008. Prior to joining the Universityof Ilorin in 2011 as Senior Lecturer,the late Dr (Mrs) De Campos hadbeen Administrative Secretary atFrench Institute for Research inAfrica (IFRA), Ibadan, between 1981and 2007. She was also a Lecturer atLead City University, Ibadan (2007-2011).

Her contribution to the

development of the University ofIlorin will be felt clearly in herposition as Director of LinguisticImmersion Centre where she openedlearning windows to several desiringstudents of Francophone countries togainAnglophone country exposure totheir academic pursuits and career.Perhaps her last assignment was thetraining of some staff of theUniversity of Abomey-Calavi,Republic of Benin, who came underan MoU arrangement to learn moreabout university administration.

Meanwhile, the LinguisticImmersion Centre has announceddetails of the burial programme forthe deceased scholar.

According to the programme,a commendation service will holdthis Thursday (April 27, 2017) at herresidence, University Quarters,GRA, Tanke, Ilorin at 5:00pm.Thereafter, on Friday (April 28,2017), her body will leave theUniversity of Ilorin TeachingHospital Mortuary at 6:00am for aService of Song at Glory TabernacleMinistry, Bodija, Ibadan at 5:00 pm.

The main funeral servicecomes up at 11:00am on Saturday(April 29, 2017) also at GloryTabernacle.

Members of the universitycommunity, who are interested inattending the funeral at Ibadan, areadvised to visit the LinguisticImmersion Centre to write theirnames latest Monday (April 24,2017) for transport arrangement.


Prof. Salman delivers 167 Inaugural Lectureth

The 168 Inaugural Lecture of theUniversity of Ilorin will be delivered

this Thursday (April 27, 2017) by Prof.Medinat F. Salman of the Department ofScience Education, Faculty of Education.

The Lecture, entitled “Languageand Problem Solving: The MathematicsEducation Link”, holds at the Main

Auditorium at 5.00p.m, under theChairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor,University of Ilorin, Prof. AbdulGaniyuAmbali (OON).

Members of the UniversityCommunity and the general public arecordially invited.


The University of Ilorin AlumniAssociation, Unilorin Branch,

will hold a special meeting thisWednesday (April 26, 2017) at theOld Faculty of Science Board Room

(located in Block 6) at 2.00pmprompt.

A statement signed by theBranch Chairman, Prof. B. L.Adeleke, said that the meeting would

deliberate on the level of vibrancy ofthe Association and other relatedissues.

Unilorin Alumni Association meetsProf. Salman

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Unilorin BulletinApril 24, 2017



Postgraduate SchoolAdmission into Postgraduate Programmes in the 2017/2018 Academic Session

Admission into Postgraduate Programmes in the2017/2018Academic Session

Applications are invited from suitably qualifiedcandidates for admission into various Postgraduatedegree programmes of the University.

(i) Only Courses available for the session areadvertised and as such Candidates are advisedto select courses available in thisadvertisement. Any action contrary to thisinstruction is at the candidate's risk, please.

(ii) (ii) Candidates are advised to PRINT out theadvertisement and STUDY thoroughly beforeC O M M E N C I N G t h e a p p l i c a t i o nprocedure

These are available to holders of M.A; M.Ed.;M.Eng.; M.Sc.; LL.M; M.Comm.H.; and M.P.H degrees,with a minimum of 60% or equivalent Cumulative GradePoint Average (CGPA) score in their Master degreeprogrammes. A Ph.D. degree programme runs for aminimum period of 36 calendar months and a maximumperiod of 48 calendar months for full-time candidates ORa minimum period of 48 calendar months and a maximumperiod of 60 calendar months for part-time candidates.Relevant Courses will be taken for the Ph.D. studieswhere prescribed and a Thesis is required at the end of thePh.D. programme.

Candidates who score between 55.00 and 59.99percent can apply for admission into the Master ofPhilosophy (M.Phil/Ph.D.) degree programme. TheM.Phil/Ph.D. degree programme is available only to full-time candidates. It runs for a minimum period of 12calendar months and a maximum period of 24 calendar

months and a Dissertation is produced after the researchwork. Candidates in this category are eligible forconversion to Ph.D. candidature, following a progressassessment report to be made by a Panel of Examiners atthe end of the first session of registration. To be eligiblefor conversion for the Ph.D. program, candidates areexpected to score not less than 60% (aggregate) at the endof the first session.

M.A.; M.Ed.; M.Eng.; M.Sc.; M.Com.H., LL.Mand M.P.H. degrees run for a minimum period of 24calendar months and a maximum period of 36 calendarmonths for full-time candidates OR a minimum period of36 calendar months and a maximum period of 48 calendarmonths for part-time candidates. All Master DegreeProgrammes are by course work. This is in addition to aresearch report at the end of which a Dissertation isproduced

Postgraduate Diploma degrees are available tocandidates with a Third class (honours) degree.

Applicants are to note that programmesautomatically lapse at the expiration of the prescribedmaximum duration for each programme. However, acandidate may apply for an extension of not more than 12months, in the first instance, subject to a maximum of twosuch extensions.

The Postgraduate session for Postgraduate programmes is12 calendar months, commencing on 2nd October andending on 30th September of the following year. The 12calendar months start to count automatically from the dateof first registration.Applicants are advised to check the University for full details on the programmes.




1. Ph.D. Degree Programmes

2. M.Phil /Ph.D. Degree Programmes

3. Master Degree Programmes

4. Postgraduate Diploma Degree Programmes

5. General information


The Regional Centre of Expertiseon Education for Sustainable

Development (RCE) will hold aroundtable on “Child Labour: TheMenace of Street Hawking” thisThursday (April 27, 2017) at theUniversity of Ilorin AuditoriumBasement.

A statement made available to

by the Chairman ofthe Local Organising Committee(LOC), Prof. L. A. Yahaya, disclosedthat the roundtable will commence at10.00a.m.

According to the statement,the Speaker of the Kwara State Houseof Assembly, Hon. Dr. Ali Ahmad,will be the Chairman of the occasion

while the Vice-Chancellor of theU n i v e r s i t y o f I l o r i n , P r o f .AbdulGaniyu Ambali (OON), will bethe Chief Host and the Focal Personof RCE, Ilorin, Prof.A. B. Olayemi, isthe Host.

Members of the UniversityCommunity and the general publicare cordially invited.

Unilorin Bulletin

RCE Ilorin holds roundtable April 27

Unilorin hosts NUSRET national conference

The University of Ilorin will thisTuesday (April 25, 2017) be

playing host to the NationalConference of NUSRET Educationala n d C u l t u r a l O rg a n i s a t i o n .

According to a member of the

Local Organising Committee (LOC),Dr. Abdullateef Oniret i , theConference, which holds at theUniversity Auditorium, is themed“Prophet Muhammad as an Epitomeof Peace, Sincerity and Good

L e a d e r s h i p ”Members of the University

Community and the general publicare cordial ly invited to theConference, which commences at9.00a.m.

Page 7: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency


April 24, 2017NEWS

The Academic Writing residency isfor university and think tank-basedacademics, researchers, professors,and scientists working

. Successful applicants willdemonstrate decades of significantprofessional contributions to theirfield or show evidence of being on astrong upward trajectory for thoseearlier in their careers.

The Bellagio Center has astrong interest in proposals that alignwith the Rockefeller Foundation'swork to expand opportunities that

enable more broadly sharedprosperity and build resilience inpeople, places and institutions toprepare for, withstand, and emergestronger from acute shocks andchronic stresses. Selected proposalsa l so commonly demons t ra terelevance to the Foundation's coreissue areas of ,

,, and .

Applications are available on

along with detailed instructions

and further information on applyingto the Bellagio Residency Program.

For further details, interestedapplicant should visit:

in anydiscipline

Deadline: The open application forresidencies in 2018 and early 2019 began

with the deadline of.

March 1, 2017 May1, 2017

Advance HealthRevalue Ecosystems SecureLivelihoods Transform Cities



The Islamic Educational, Scientificand Cultural Organization (ISESCO)is pleased to announce the opening ofsubmissions for the Award of theKingdom of Saudi Arabia forEnvironmental Management in theIslamic World, as from October 1st,2016.

T h e Aw a r d a i m s a tconsolidating the broad concept ofenvironmental management in theIslamic world; encouraging interestin the concept of sustainabledevelopment; introducing theexcellent efforts and successfulpractices in the field of environmentalmanagement and circulating them inthe Member States to wider benefit.

The total value of the award is(

)covering four categories. Threewinners shall be selected for each

category as follows:(i) Best research, achievement or

p rac t i ce in f i e lds o fenvironment and sustainabledevelopment in the Islamicworld.

(ii) Best practice in environmenta n d s u s t a i n a b l edevelopment projects andactivities in the public sectorin the Member States.

(iii) Best practice in environmenta n d s u s t a i n a b l edevelopment projects andactivities in the privatesector.

(iv) Best leading practices oractivities in the environmenta n d s u s t a i n a b l e

development in public-i n t e r e s t a n d n o n -governmental organizationsin the Member States.

Further information about theaward, its categories and submissionrequirements can be reached at theaward's website which links directlyto the electronic platform dedicated tothe submissions and indicates thet a s k s o f t h e J u r y a t :

The deadline for submissions is.

US$280,000 two hundred andeighty thousand US dollars

30April, 2017

K. O. Babalola, PhDSigned

Deputy Director, ResearchFor: Director

( )

Centre for Research Development and In-House Training(CREDIT)

(1) Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Centre Academic Writing Residency Programme, 2018 & 2019

(2) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Award for Environmental Management in the Islamic World

Unilorin security officer becomes Daudu Eruda

The Emir of Ilorin, Alhaji Ibrahim SuluGambari, has appointed a security

officer at the University of Ilorin,Alhaji SaliuAgboola Gambari, as the of Eruda inIlorin West Local Government of KwaraState.

According to the letter of appointmentsigned by the Secretary of the Emirate

Council, Alhaji S. A. Lawal, the appointmenttook effect from October 28, 2016 while theturbaning date would be announced soon.

M e a n w h i l e , t h e U n i v e r s i t yadministration has congratulated Alhaji Saliuon his new appointment, wishing him apeaceful reign.


The Ilorin University MedicalS t u d e n t s ' A s s o c i a t i o n

( I L U M S A ) h a s c o n c l u d e darrangements to mark this year'sWorld Malaria Day with a speciallecture.

Tagged “The Inaugural

Professor Olugbenga MokuoluAnnual Lecture on Malaria”, theevent will hold this Tuesday (April25, 2017) to coincide with the WorldHealth Organisation's (WHO) WorldMalaria Day.

According to a statement

made available to ,the Lecture would hold at theNightingale Hall, University of IlorinTeaching Hospital (UITH), at9.00a.m.

Unilorin Bulletin

Unilorin Medical students mark World Malaria Day

Alhaji Saliu

Page 8: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency


April 24, 2017NEWS

All students who are in the penultimate year of their academic programmes are hereby informed that screening of

certificates and other related documents will commence on 24 April, 2017 and will end on 26 May, 2017,commencing at 9.00 a.m. each day. Any student who fails to appear before the Faculty Screening Committee within thestipulated period stands the risk of not graduating on schedule and will, in addition, pay a fine of for latescreening.In view of the above, you are enjoined to come along with your to the screeningcentres.

(a) Letter ofAdmission from(b) Evidence of transfer from University to University, or Inter Faculty Transfer(c) Notification of UTME Results(d) Original Certificate of SSCE or GCE(e) Statement of Results of IJMB or Teacher's Grade II Certificate(f) Unilorin Student Identity Card(g) Original Current Session Registration Form, and(h) UnilorinAdmission Clearance Certificate.

(1) Agriculture - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 9.00a.m - 11.00 a.m each day(2) Arts - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(3) Basic Medical Sciences - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(4) Law - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 9.00a.m - 11.00a.m each day(5) Life Science - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 9.00a.m - 11.00a.m each day(6) Comm. & Information Science - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 9.00a.m - 11.00a.m each day(7) Clinical Sciences - 24/4/2017 – 26/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(8) Soc. Sciences - 24/4/2017 – 26/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(9) Education - 24/4/2017 – 26/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(10) Engineering & Technology - 24/4/2017 – 12/5/2016 @ 9.00 a.m - 3.30 p.m each day(11) Environmental Sciences - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2016 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(12) Physical Science - 24/4/2017 – 26/5/2016 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(13) Veterinary Medicine - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(14) Management Sciences - 24/4/2017 –12/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each day(15) Pharmaceutical Sciences - 24/4/2017 – 5/5/2017 @ 12.00 p.m - 3.30 p.m each dayStudents are strongly advised to abide by the above schedule, as flimsy excuses for not being available, would not beentertained by the Committee.

1. Present 300 level for a four year programme, e.g., Arts, BSS, BMS, CIS, Education, Life Sciences, PhysicalSciences and Environmental Sciences;

2. 400 Level for a five year programme, e.g., Law, Engineering andAgriculture and Pharmaceutical Sciences;3. 500 level for six year programme, i.e., Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.

th th



Muyiwa FagbamilaSigned

Secretary (UA/CSC)



The following documents are required for verification:

Please find below the time-table for the proposed screening, as it affects each Faculty.

Students affected are

University Admissions/Certificates Screening

Committee (UACSC)Notice to All Students who are in the Penultimate Year of their Academic Programmes

38 Registry Seminar holds Wednesdayth

The 36 edition of the Registry

Seminar Series will hold thisWednesday (April 26, 2017) at theBasement of the University

Auditorium by 11.00a.m.A statement made available

to by theSecretary, Registry Seminar

Committee, Mr. M. O. Adewuyi, urgedall concerned to attend punctually.


Unilorin Bulletin

Page 9: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency







Unilorin Bulletin MMONEY

ATTERS April 24, 2017





Transcript 352,000.00

Admin Charges 17,000.00

Change of Course form 25,000.00

Order of Proceeding 16,000.00

NHIS 22,069.60

Staff I D Cards 2,000.00

Overpayment 250.00

Verification of Results 3,000.00

Mufflar 2,200.00

Contractors Registration Fees 14,000.00

Fitness 6,000.00

Academic Gown 16,000.00

Certificate Folder 15,000.00

Students I D Cards 4,000.00

Clinic Registration 1,000.00

Rent of Auditorium/Multipurpose Hall 250,000.000

Others 12,100.00

Ilorin Business School (School Charges) 936,000.00

Institute of Education Application Form 1,625,000.00

Postgraduate School Charges 792,650.00

Remedial School Fees Charges 39,560,400.00

Remedial Acceptance Charges 830,000.00

Under Graduate School Charge 54,650.00

Total Receipts for the Period !44,556,319.60



Pasekhame & Sons Repair of Intake Pump 1 and 2 at Unilorin Dam 79,125.00

Kebato Engineering Services Clearing of University Road in

Preparation for 2016 Convocation Ceremonies


Wils & Bankleys Ltd Repainting of Unilorin Fountain Logo 84,000.00

Aakhat Ventures Repair and Plumbing Works 356,657.18

Virtual Global Impression Ltd 25 Copies of Kwara Live Project 50,000.00


Various i .e DTA, Imprest, Refund e.t.c 3,105,667.00

Purchase Advances Various 3,317,795.00

Total TSA Charges 630.00

Total Payments for the Period ! 7,058,874.18

Bursary Department

This is to inform all Heads ofDepartments/Units/Sections to kindlysubmit their Staff Disposition List tothe Salaries Unit of the BursaryDepartment on or before Friday, 28

April, 2017.The list is required for a

verification exercise of the staff on theUniversity Payroll and should beprepared in the following format:

Name of Department/Unit/Section:.Staff Disposit


ion List As at 28April, 2017


Staff Disposition List



for:BursarC. N.ABIMBOLA(MRS.)

Open Ph.D Thesis Defence

S/No Name Faculty/


Title Date & Time Venue





“Effects of Knowledge Management

Drivers on Attainment of

Organisational Objectives in

Consumer Goods Sector in South-

West, Nigeria”

Friday, 28th

April, 2017


Faculty of



Board Room

Page 10: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency


April 24, 2017Unilorin Bulletin






The University Board of Health encourages you to visit the University Health Services for

medical check-up on your birthday. Thanks.


Don't say/write:Say/ write:Don't say/ write:Say/write:Don't say/ write:Say/write:

The police not doing work efficiently in this country.

The University of Ilorin is investing its human capital development.

Your administrative sagacity has culminated our remarkable progress.

is its



The police not doing work efficiently in this country. .

The University of Ilorin is investing its human capital development.

Your administrative sagacity has culminated our remarkable progress.Blame the parents the expulsion of their children.Blame the parents the expulsion of their children.

are their



Don't say/ write:Say/write:


S/N Name Office/Unit/Department/Faculty Date of Birth

1. Ibitoye, Olusegun M. Bursary 23rd


2. Bodunde, Charles A. English 24th


3. Sanni, Abosede A. Physiology 24th


4. Okunlola, Funmilayo V. Registry 24th


5. Bolarinwa, Oladimeji A. Health Information Management 24th


6. Adegboyega, Kolawole L. Registry 24th


7. Owope, Solomon O. Library 24th


8. Imam, Taofeeq I. Security Division 24th


9. Abdulmalik-Uthman, H. O. Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory 24th


10. Obadun, Esther A. Health Services 25th


11. Nwogba, Innocent N. Registry 25th


12. Famiroju, Michael O. Bursary 25th


13. Owolabi, Abdulhakeem A. Legal Services Unit 25th


14. Akorede, Seun N. Health Promotion & Environmental Health Education 25th


15. Oyeyiola, Ganiyu P. Microbiology 26th


16. Opayemi, Aderemi S. Psychology 26th


17. Adeniyi, Olajumoke A. Registry 26th


18. Panu, Abosede S. Registry 26th


19. Oladiji, Adenike T. Bio-Chemistry 27th


20. Yahya, Waheed B . Statistics 27th


21. Sa'adu, Ganiyu E. Physical Planning Unit 27th


22. Abdul, Fazllah A. Business Administration 27th


23. Yusuf, Muibat O. Health Services 28th


24. Oyeniyi, Michael O. Bursary 29th


25. Abdullahi, Kadir A. English 29th


26. Olukotun, Janet F. Library 29th


New Appointment

Name Department Appointment Effective Date

Dr. O.O. Ige Geology & Mineral Sciences Ag. Head With


effect from 20th

March, 2017

Page 11: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency

April 24, 2017Unilorin Bulletin







In the last edition of UnilorinBulletin, Prof. Pius Abioje, whodelivered the 167 Inaugural Lecture,was mistakenly referred to as the Head

of the Department of Religions.The Head of the Department of

Religions, Faculty of Arts, is Prof.Rotimi W. Omotoye.

The error is highly regretted.



Corruption is Authority plus Monopoly minus TransparencyCourtesy Unilorin Anti-Corruption and Transparency Unit (ACTU)



Dr. M. A.

Between March 14 and 16, 2017,a national newspaper regaledits audience with a barrage of

outright lies and disingenuousdistortions aimed at impugning theUniversity of Ilorin along with its pastand present leaders. Knowing that theaverage newspaper reader would notsubject their spin to crit icalscrutiny,the sponsors of the badlywoven cobweb of lies decided tothrow a sticky mud at the bright sun ofthe University – a wasted effort.By the way, a spin in public relationsand politics “is a form of propaganda,achieved through providing a biasedinterpretation of an event orcampaigning to persuade publicopinion (in favour or) against someorganisation or public figure”. Bytargeting the University in this post-truth era, a period “when objectivefacts are less influential in shapingp u b l i c o p i n i o n ”( truth-era/) , theenemies of progress believed theywould succeed in painting theUniversity black and achieve theirsinister objectives. The futility of theirefforts is stark in their perennialmourning mode, evident again bysome recent developments that startlesome so-called “stakeholders”.From the perspective of a perceptiveobserver, it is easy to burst the bubbleof the scurrility that the author of thethree-part verbiage made against thebetter by far University.I take some ofthe major issues highlighted one afterthe other, according to their sequencein the nine-page spin.One, after acknowledging that theformer Vice-Chancellor of theUniversity, Prof. Is-haq Oloyede,“stepped down in a rare blaze of glorywithout sustaining a bruise”, thereporter was not comfortable with hisbeing hailed, by his own admission,

“far and wide as a rare gem”, hetherefore lied against him by accusinghim of illegally acquiring vehicles aswell as receiving illegal emoluments.Though the writer acknowledged avalid document directing that a formerVice-Chancellor be paid the sameearnings received by a ViceChancellor, he sought to dismiss it.Besides,relying on the theory that themore stupid a lie is, the more likely isITS believability by the stupid, thehagiographer accused Prof. Oloyedeof collecting double salary from theFederal Government, a wicked lie andsheer bunkum.Then, shifting his attention to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Abdul GaniyuAmbali, the hatchet jobber could notdeny that he is “a celebrated veterinaryProfessor of several years' standing”,yet and then made wild allegations.Even when it is clear that noimpropriety was found against theUniversity under the Vice-Chancellor,he sought to discredit the externalauditors in search of who to blame.Their crime is that they found nodiscrepancy in the financial records ofthe University.There are several reports that Prof.Ambali was not humiliated at theNational Assembly on February 4,2016, contrary to the insinuation.Even, the Vice-Chancellor's denial ofthat isolated spin from the familiarquarters has not been controverted tilldate. In an apparent case of self-indictment, the rabble rouserconfessed that a federal lawmaker hewanted to bait to twist what happenedthat day eventually “turned his back onthis reporter, refusing to answer orreturn his calls henceforth.”While Prof. Abdullateef Usmandefended himself in the report as theUniversity had determined the caseconcerning him according to therecommendations of the Committee

set up on it, investigations actuallyrevealed that Prof. Abdul RafiiOmotoso was not promoted by theUniversity of Ilorin. Contrary to thedummy that the newspaper wanted theworld to believe, the 1984 PhDgraduate of the University ofEdinburgh was promoted to the rankof Professor by the University of Josfrom where he transferred his servicesto Unilorin.Then, records are there to prove theallegation that Mr Ibrahim Ambali ison absence without leave is anotherlie. The actual fact is that he is on leaveof absence and he is not collectingsalary from the University of Ilorin.While the Dean of Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine, Prof. SulaimanAmbali, is not a brother of the Vice-Chancellor, the truth is that he was notpromoted by the Vice-Chancellor andno one has even become a Professor inthat Faculty since the beginning of thisAdministration. Facts are sacred.On a related case, the submission ofthe Vice-Chancellor in this regard putsthe issue in perspective: “My wifecommenced her career at theUniversity of Maiduguri as a LecturerII Officer in 2006 and was promotedLecturer I in 2009.” The question ofwhether a 2009 LecturerIis qualifiedto become a Senior Lecturer in 2016 ornot is left to the discerning members ofthe academia.Virtually all the spurious allegationsagainst the University hold no water.They are purposely driven by thedesire to disrupt the peaceful andharmonious life on campus on the onehand and to struggle for the soul of theUniversity on the other. The importantthing is that the University keepssoaring to higher heights while itsenemies keep on wondering with theirmouths and eyes wide open.

Enemies of progress (2): The liesBe thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shall not escape calumny – William Shakespeare

Page 12: Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's · PDF fileBy Kunle Akogun Group decries attempt to tarnish Ambali, Oloyede's reputation By Adeyinka Ademuyiwa IPPIS 'll ensure transparency

To download a copy of UNILORIN BULLETIN weekly, visit: .

For all correspondences, send your e-mail to [email protected] Editor: Kunle UNILORIN PRESS



Dr. M. A.

April 24, 2017

That the Director of the Linguistic Immersion Centre, Dr(Mrs) Elisabeth De Campos, died struck me likeDonald Trump's mother of all bombs in the morning of

Saturday, April 15, 2016. It was with a mixture of disbeliefand befuddlement that I immediately changed my course anddrove to her house. I silently wished it was not true but onarrival at her residence, I was jolted to realise that theillustrious and ebullient academic and resourcefuladministrator had departed, leaving us with her footprints ofbrilliance, hard work, tenacity, good-naturedness andimpeccable lifestyle devoted to God. It was a personal lossfrom which I have not recovered. Oh God, the last time Ivisited her at the hospital, her condition was far better than theprevious and we talked of her discharge!

My knowledge of Dr De Campos started during theWest Africa University Games (WAUG) that the Universityof Ilorin hosted between January 11 and 22, 2012 under theastute chairmanship of the former Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Management Services), Prof. Albert Olayemi. Then, I wasmarveled by this new woman who ran the commentary of thegames with infectious passion, speaking fluent French as theace sports broadcaster, Mr Bayo Issah, did his own turf inEnglish. Though the exercise ran for hours each day, Dr DeCampos would be there smiling and speaking French all thetime. The passion with which she took that assignmentexcited me.

We interacted more closely during the brief period Itaught the Immersion students in 2013, having, within a shorttime of her appointment, developed a robust programme forthe students she actively sought from our neighbouringFrancophone countries. By the time we had to work togetheron the TETFUND research proposal in 2014 and she made meto realize how much she appreciated me from a distance, ourrelationship blossomed. Together, we defended our grantwinning proposal in Abuja on March 11, 2015 before a panelof the National Research Council.

Dr De Campos startled me with her tenacity andvigour which were responsible for the success recorded on theproject. There was no advice she did not take. The two of ustravelled together to France, mainly the Universite de Ruen,France, between April 17 and 23, 2016 as part of the fieldwork of our TETFund Research. Together, we breathtakinglyascended the 324-metre tall Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower) to thepeak on April 22, 2016. The France experience, our walksthrough the blocks of downtown Paris and her vast networkwithin the city made me to brand her “Mama Paris”.

So impactful was Dr De Campos' versatility that shewas the bilingual translator for the University innational and international events. Active, proactive, amiableand likeable, she was always radiating smiles as she pursuedher goals. Her magnetic personality had won her manyfriends within the University so much that it would be

de facto

difficult to know she joined us just in 2011. Seeminglyirreplaceable, she had remained the Director of the Centre foryears as her knowledge of the West African terrain, beingTogolese by birth, while her inimitable communicativecompetence in both English and French made her job quiterewarding to the University. Her death is a tragedy tohumanity.

Born on July 7, 1959 in Notse, Togo, into theAmegahfamily, the late Dr (Mrs) Elisabeth Ablavi Massavi DeCampos had her primary, secondary and A' level studies inNotse, and Lome, Togo, where she studied at the CollegeNotre Dame de l'Assomption, Notse, Togo (1973-1977) andLycee de Tokoin Lome (1978-1981). She relocated to Nigeriaafter her marriage in1981 to Mr Nicolas De Campos who wasalso recalled by theAlmighty in 2015.

Impassioned by the zeal for knowledge and self-development, she enrolled first in 1982 at the University ofIbadan and subsequently obtained her first degree, seconddegree and Ph.D. in French at various intervals between thenand 2008. During the period too, she earned Diplomas inWebsite Creation and Computer Appreciation apart from aProficiency Certificate in the Teaching of French Language atthe same University of Ibadan.

A versatile academic and admirable workaholic, DrDe Campos had taught at Babcock University, Ilishan Remo,Ogun State and Lead City University, Ibadan, before joiningthe services of the University of Ilorin in 2011. Outside theUniversity, she had taught at Methodist Secondary School,Fiditi, Nigeria, and worked as an administrator at theInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan,and Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA) orFrench Institute for Research in Africa, University of Ibadan,Ibadan.

The late Dr De Campos started her winning streakwhile she won the Togolese Government Scholarship forbeing one of the best ten students after the National EntranceExamination to Secondary School in Togo. She also wonIFRA fellowships to the Centre for African Studies (CEAN),Bordeaux, France, in 1998 and another one to the HighSchool of Interpreters and Translators (ESIT), Paris, Francein 2004. She had enjoyed the research grant of FrenchInstitute of South Africa to the 2 conference of InternationalAssociation of Translators and Intercultural Studies at theUniversity of Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa, in2006 and she led a team of senior academics from theDepartments of English, French and Arts Education,University of Ilorin, to win a multimillion naira researchaward in 2015. Her academic publications had appeared invarious outlets across Nigeria, Africa, the United Kingdom,the United States, among others, and she had presented papersand served as interpreter at many conferences across theworld.

She is survived by Raphael, who successfullydefended his M. A. dissertation under my supervision at theCentre for Peace and Strategic Studies this month, and John,who is rounding off his PhD programme, as well as twograndchildren. May her legacy continue to endure!

Mama De Campos! , !


Adieu, Au revoir Mama Paris

De Campos: The sun set so soon

Lives of great men all remind usWe can make our lives sublimeAnd, departing, leave behind usFootprints on the sands of time

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
