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  • GROUP 4 Daniel Arnett, Joseph Vanciel, Brian Krueger
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  • Motivation Energy costs continue to rise Energy independence is an important national issue, with energy conservation as a key component With the advances in mobile technologies, people want increasingly more access and control over all aspects of their lives
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  • Goals Create a prototype for a Smart House that will: Reduce energy consumption Increase energy efficiency Allow for home automation Allow for remote access via a user friendly GUI delivered through an internet browser
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  • Objectives The objectives of the Smart House will be to: Reduce wasted energy consumption by automatically shutting off nonessential appliances and lights in unoccupied rooms. Allow the user to adjust blind settings in each room so the blinds will open/close automatically, adjusting appropriately to help reduce energy consumption Allow the user to remotely view and adjust statuses of various lights and electronics in each room
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  • Objectives Wireless communication: The prototype will be coordinated by one main microcontroller, which will wirelessly communicate with the other components throughout the house via RF. Design Contests: We hope to be able to enter this project in both UCFs and Texas Instruments contest.
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  • Requirements Communicate to electronic devices through a webpage Automated lights turn on and off as user enters/exits a room Electronic devices and lights time out to save power Blinds open/close according to amount of incoming light & user request User has control over multiple electronic devices within the household from one source
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  • Specifications (User End) Lights & Electronics time out 5 minutes after doorway sensor is tripped & no activity (Power Savings) Web interface accessible to user at all times (User Accessibility) Web interface reports back status of all lights, blinds & electronics on the network (User Accessibility)
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  • Specifications (Design End) Spend at least 90% of time in sleep mode External 4 bit dip switch on all devices to set unique address Devices in sleep mode until external interrupt wakes them up RF communications operate on 900 MHz frequency USB, Ethernet connections for data transfer Light Controllers are tied directly to doorway sensors
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  • Overall Design
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  • Main Processor Stellaris LM3S8962 Door Sensor & Light/Electronics Controller MSP430G2553 Communication RF Transceiver CC1100 (All TI Components)
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  • Main Processing Chip Comparison (ARM M3 Processing Cores MCUUART Enabled?Hibernation Module Output Current On Chip Server TI Stellaris LM3s8962 Yes 5-48 mAYes AT91 SAM3SYes 80 mANo Analog Devices ADUCRF101 Yes 192 A - 32 mA No
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  • Main Processor Logic
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  • Main Processor Functions void UART_Config() Initializes several variables (setting pin outs, initializing UART interrupts, configuring baud rate, stop bit, parity bit, word length) void UART_Send(char dataOut) Sends character to FIFO buffer to send out (8 bits) char UART_Receive() Returns character from FIFO buffer (8 bits) int UART_CRC(char dataIn) Runs CRC on received data to verify validity. void UART_Store(char address, int status) Stores latest On/Off status of device at any given address at the Default Register int UART_Retrieve(char address) Retrieves default status at device at any given device from the Default Register
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  • RF Circuit L112 nHC827 pFC141.5 pF L212 nHC927 pFC15100 pF L312 nHC101.0 pFC24100 nF L418 nHC11100 pFR1556 k L512 nHC121.5 pFQ226 MHz L618 nHC133.3 pF
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  • Main Processor Communication Communication protocol: RF 900 MHz 115,200 Baud Rate 8 bits: 3 bit digital handshake 5 data bits CRC algorithm for error checking
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  • Main Processor Software Protocol: UART 5 data bits: 4 address bits (configured through dip switch) 1 status bit (on or off) Default (Last checked) status stored to register in memory
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  • Main Processor Physical Design
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  • MSP430 Light Control Logic
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  • Sensor Processor Comparison Ti MSP430 Atmel XMEGAArduino UNO Cost (Development Kit)$4.50$39.00$20.00 Pin count204428 Current draw while asleep @ 3.3V 0.5 A1.65 A6 A Current draw while active @ 3.3V 440 A4.78mA50mA UART built inYes
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  • Schematic of Motion Sensor MSP430
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  • Motion MSP430 Functions void initializepins(void) - perform the initial processor set up char datain(void) - function for receiving data over UART from the brain void dataout(char) - function for sending data over UART to the brain
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  • Functions cont. void lightcontrol(char) - controls the status of the lights depending on what needs to be on or off void outletcontrol(char) - controls the status of any outlets depending on what signals are sent from the brain void doorsensor(void) - contains the logic to be used for determining light status when the doorway is tripped
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  • Testing Environment for motion sensors
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  • Blinds Control Logic
  • Slide 25
  • Schematic of Blinds MSP430
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  • Blinds MSP430 Functions void initializepins(void) - perform the initial processor set up char datain(void) - function for receiving data over UART from the brain void dataout(char) - function for sending data over UART to the brain
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  • Functions cont. int tempin(void) - measures the outside temperature int lightin(void) - measures the incoming light intensity void servo(int) - controls the position of the servo motor for opening and closing the blinds
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  • Graphical User Interface Once the user pulls up the IP address of the Server in their browser, the GUI will appear in the users web browser. The GUI will display the status of the lights, electronics, and blinds in each room allow the user to turn a light on or off by clicking the appropriate button allow the user to open or close the blinds in each room
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  • Graphical User Interface
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  • Remote Access
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  • Remote Access-Routing The Stellaris LM3S8962 will be on the PCB fitted with an RJ45 jack that will connect to the homes internet connection through the Linksys WRT54G router via an Ethernet cable. Since we are assuming that different people would have different routers, the choice of which router to use was fairly arbitrary, as the prototype would need to be compatible with a wide range of routers. The Linksys WRT54G was chosen since it is a popular router which is reasonably priced The main requirement for the router to be compatible would be that a user would be able to properly configure the routers port forwarding
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  • Remote Access Configure HTTP forwarding: Application: HTTP External port: 80 Internal port: 80 Protocol: TCP IP Address: 192.168.200 Configure HTTPS forwarding: Application: HTTPS External port: 443 Internal port: 443 Protocol: TCP IP Address: Configure RWW forwarding: Application: RWW External port: 4125 Internal port: 4125 Protocol: TCP IP Address:
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  • Work distribution chart
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  • Progress
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  • ItemCost Stellaris (Kit + Chips)$100 MSP430 (Kit + Chips)$15 IR Sensors$100 RF Transceivers$60 Linksys Router$80 Misc. Parts$100 PCB$200 Total:$655 Budget and Financing Funding will be provided by Work Force Central Florida
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  • What is Left to Do: Servo motors Finishing the development of the GUI RF Testing Power design PCB layout
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  • Issues RF Establishing handshake, CRC Demonstration Displaying household application in a presentation Networking Establishing our web page over an internet connection (specifically UCFs internet connection)
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  • Questions?