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Group 4


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*A textual label that corresponds to a numerical IP address. can be used when visiting a website.

*Example: ‘’ or the IP address


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*Domain Names are expressed in the form ‘NAME.SUFFIX’, e.g.

* 3 parts of a Web Address:Subdomain

Second Level Domain

Top Level Domain

*Format of domain names

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It is the ‘www’ bit that prefixes the main part of a web address. ‘www’ indicates that an address is pointing to the World Wide Web.

*Second Level Domain:

A Second Level Domain forms the core of a web address and usually reflects the title of the business venture for which the site has been created.

NOTE: Second Level Domain can only start with a number or a letter and cannot include any special characters other than a hyphen (-)cannot be longer than 63 or shorter than 2 characters in length

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*Top Level Domain:the final part of a web address and is literally meant to reflect the ‘domain’ or realm of activity within which a site operates.

Top Level Domains include: .com: The .com domain represents 47% of all globally

registered Domain Names

.org: This is intended for the use of non-commercial organizations. Eg.

.net: This was originally intended for organisations such as Internet Service Providers (ISP)

.mil: This is for the use of the military, e.g. the web address for the United States defence department is

.gov: This is for the use of government websites, e.g. the web address for the United States government is

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*The creation of Top Level and Second Level

Domains is controlled by ICANN (Internet

Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers—

*ICANN manages the distribution of Domains to

ensure each web address is unique

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*Domain Name registrations can be processed by any one of a huge number of vendors, many of which also operate as Website Hosting companies.

*it is recommended that all the registrations of of an organization be coordinated through just one supplier, preferably its chosen host.

*Domain Names are distributed on a “first come, first served” basis

*For a fee, registration can then be made for a period of between one and ten years, depending on the conditions laid down by ICANN.

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*The objectives of some organizations means their activities must remain confined to certain countries of operation.

* Addresses of this type are also used by local firms and big multinationals. For example:

*Although the main website for Unilever is , the addresses for some local sites include:

Canada: Finland: Russia:

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*Other sample Top Level Country Domains are: .de for Germany

.lb for Lebanon

.ar for Argentina

.us for the United States

.za for South Africa

*The allocation of such Domains is not handled by ICANN but by local agencies, often appointed by government.

*The rules for allocation at this level tend to be stricter than for ICANN

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Website Hosting Companies

*Website Hosting

— — Jane

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Web Hosting is the service providing space on the Internet for websites.

It refers to the service that allows a site to be stored on and accessed from the internet using established protocols.

*What is website hosting ? What kind of service it provides?

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*How website hosting works?

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*Website Hosting Companies

*How can you identify the company that is right for you?

1.Selecting a Service Plan

2.Selecting a Website Host

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*Selecting a Service Plan

When searching for a Website Host, is the sheer variety of services available.

1.Free Space Plan

2.Basic Plan

3.Business Plan

4.Enterprise Plan

5.Dedicated Server Plan

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*1.Free Space Plan

*For personal use and are not suitable for commercial purposes.

Many Website Hosts offer free space.

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*2. Basic Plan

*Aimed at clubs, societies or small businesses that have a Basic (HTML/XHTML) site and expect low traffic volumes.

*Cost : $100–$200 per year

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*3. Business Plan

*Aimed at small to medium sized organisations that want to deploy a substantial Dynamic site, but do not intend to engage in activities like eCommerce.

*Cost : $250–$500 per year.

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*4. Enterprise Plan

*suitable for a business that foresees significant use of its website and plans to roll out a wide range of technologies, including eCommerce.

*Cost: starts at $600 per year, can rise on traffic and services deployed.

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*5.Dedicated Server Plan

*Also known as ‘colocation’

* A Dedicated Server Plan occurs where a business buys and installs its own hardware and software at a Website Host’s facility. This provides many of the advantages of a customised infrastructure, whilst ensuring maintenance is handled by the service provider.

*Cost: start quite low (at about $1,000 per annum), can grow quickly if more technology is added.

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*Selecting a Website Host

*The best Website Host is the one that has

the right infrastructure and expertise to

meet your needs.

*Three process can be used to identify

suitable candidates:

Step 1. Collect References

Step 2. Initial Screening

Step 3. Detailed Screening

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*Step 1. Collect References

*Approach your peers and find out how they handle their own sites.

* The recommendations they provide could be used to create a list of suitable candidates.

*Alternatively, a review of appropriate literature may highlight alternatives.

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*Step 2. Initial Screening

*One way of doing so is to contact selected Hosts by email, outlining your requirements.

*Any company that fails to respond within a timely period can be eliminated.

*Similarly, any Host that does not provide a response of adequate quality can also be dropped.

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*Step 3. Detailed Screening

*Having selected a shortlist, they can then be invited to submit a tender.

*When writing the ‘Invitation to Tender’ document, as much detail as possible should be included to allow the candidates to recommend the service they believe best suits your needs.

What important aspects are included assess the quality of Host’s operation ?

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*Some important aspects include:

A. Site Hosting and Connectivity

B. Site Security

C. Customer Service

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*A. Site Hosting and Connectivity

*A reliable and speedy connection to the internet is the principle requirement of a Website Host.

*Without this, visitors could experience difficulty accessing information, which may lead to lost business.

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*B. Site Security

*The Website Host must demonstrate they have appropriate security in place to safeguard the property and good name of your business.

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*C. Customer Service

*Can the host demonstrate that their service is easy to use and that knowledgeable responses can be expected?

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*Evaluation and Decision

*Having considered all these aspects, a decision can then be made.

*This step is mainly about balancing benefits and risks.

*The question to answer is “Can this company meet our organisation’s needs, now and in the future”. If the answer is ‘yes’, the decision has been made and final negotiations can begin.

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* Service Level Agreement

*An SLA is a contract that stipulates commitments about the quality of service a Host will provide.

What is it ?

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Availability: At least 99.9% should be demanded as a minimum,

What are the most important aspects to include in a website SLA?

Reliability: At a maximum, no more than 1 or 2 unplanned outages should occur per year,

Responsiveness: There should be no decline in the speed of the website below a certain agreed number of concurrent visitors,

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“Standing out from the crowd”

*WEBSITE Publicity

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*What is Webstite Publicity?

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A phase of the Website Development Cycle

It is all about using promotional techniques—both online and offline to reach the maximum effect.

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*What is ‘Communications Mix’?

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A tyope of promotional technique

It describes the way in which a promotional budget can be allocated among different media.

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*What could be a good Communications Mix for a common household product, like washing powder?

*For a more specialised product, e.g. a website,?

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*washing powder:

• TV advertising: 60%

• Billboard advertising: 15%

• Magazine/journal advertising: 15%

• Other promotional techniques, e.g. free samples: 10%

*a website:

• Online advertising: 45%

• Magazine/journal advertising: 30%

• Search Engine Optimisation services: 20%

• Other promotional techniques, e.g. email newsletter: 5%

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*Online Publicity

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*what is online publicity?

*OnlinePublicityencompasses promotional activity that occurs over the internet.

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*Domain Name

• Use natural words

• Register common misspellings of your Domain Name. For example, if the Domain ‘’ is chosen, also register ‘’ and point it to the same site.

• Register a sensible array of Top Level and Country Level Domains, e.g. .com, .net, .org, .de,, etc.

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* Email

*This technique entails sending an email to all existing customers informing them of a website launch.

*Very effective at attracting initial attention

*Avoid being perceived as a ‘spammer’

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*Create reciprocal linking


*In many early websites it was common to find pages that contained long lists of arbitrary links.

*Complementary linking is a useful way to generate traffic.

*Agreement can normally be easily reached with non-competing sites to feature shared links in predetermined locations.

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*Offer syndicated content to other


*Exchange for “a link” with free content.

*HTML, Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

*RSS has hugely popularised this as a marketing technique.

* RSS is a means of publishing based on XML.

* XML is a language that can be used to describe any type of data.

* In this case it is used to describe information such as ‘news headlines’ or ‘recent updates’.

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*What is API , give an example?

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*Application Programming Interfaces (API).

An API is a protocol that allows requests to be made by one website against another, and for data to be exchanged between them. When APIs are shared in this way, completely new types of content can be created.

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*Examples of API ?

Google Maps.

*A good illustration of a mashup based on Google Maps can be seen on the real-estate website

*Housingmaps uses a Google API to layer its own information about rental and sales properties directly onto an interactive map.

* The benefit of this mashup to is that development costs can be kept very low. The advantage for the API provider is increased recognition of its brand and extra revenue (if a license fee is charged).

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* Create a subscription based email newsletter

*Email newsletters are a successful means for generating traffic. whenever a newsletter is published, readers often follow up by visiting the source website for further information.

*Many professional systems are available to manage promotion of this type, including and

*The functionality provided by such tools includes email management (bounced emails, html vs. text) and response measurement (open rates, click-thrus, unsubscribes, etc).

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*Write clear and concise content

*The production of clear and concise content helps Search Engines to identify the subject matter of a website.

*This makes them much more likely to direct traffic to it.

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*Write metadata and keep it up to date

*Good metadata increases the confidence of a Search Engine that a site is well managed and is therefore a good bet for traffic.

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* Submit the website address to an internet directory

*An internet directory is an edited list of websites that is sorted by category. Eg: Open Directory Project ( , Yahoo!, both contain hundreds of thousands of sites.

*A directory differs from a Search Engine in that it only lists websites that have been reviewed by an editor for quality and relevance. In contrast, a Search Engine crawls the entire World Wide Web looking for results.

*This can sometimes be short-cut by paying an upfront fee, which guarantees a listing in about seven days.

*Some companies also offer a service whereby website details can be entered into many directories (and Search Engines) at once, e.g. Figure 76. The 'submit a site' link in

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* Use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services

*What is SEO service?

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*Part dark-art, part science—an entire industry has emerged for ensuring links appear in the first page of results from a Search Engine.

*Some common SEO techniques include repeating key phrases and using both the singular and plural forms of a word in one page.

*Websites like Google respond to such manoeuvres by constantly tweaking their algorithms to negate these effects. Google’s logic is that

*SEO manipulates search and does not always work in the interests of visitors. For example, many businesses (called ‘black hats’) use dishonest techniques to attract traffic to their sites. When found out, this can lead to a delisting

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* Pay for online advertising

*Contextual advertising is a technique for displaying ads that are directly related to the behaviour of online visitors.

*Advertisers also benefit because announcements of this type are only payable when a visitor actually clicks them. This make contextual advertising a cost effective means of publicity.

*Other traditional means of graphical online advertising such as banner ads, ‘skyscrapers’ and interstitials also remain in use.

*Flash animation and even Flash-video are now being used in such formats as well.

*However, research consistently shows that messages of this type are not very effective and are generally unpopular with visitors

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*Offline Publicity

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*what is offline publicity?

*Offline publicity encompasses promotional activity that does not occur primarily over the internet.

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*#1 Include your web address on all company stationery and literature

It ensures the website name is always visible to potential customers.

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*#2 Invite the media to review a website

Following the launch of a website, relevant journals and magazines can be invited to review it. This is a useful means for gaining free publicity (provided the site is of sufficient quality!)

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*#3 Engage a public relations company for standard advertising

An advertising campaign could encompass TV, radio, newspapers and billboards.

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*Wha is the ‘above the line’ promotion ?

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*An advertising campaign could encompass TV, radio, newspapers and billboards. like this is generally very expensive. Indeed, millions can be spent on flashy television campaigns and newspaper adverts with little discernible effect.

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*What is the Guerrilla Marketing ?

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*Guerrilla Marketing Guerrilla Marketing is a system of publicity that employs unconventional, low-cost tools to produce highly effective results.

* A marketing campaign that combines subtle humour with a careful selection of communications channel (both online and offline) can generate tremendous interest, even on a small budget. This type of promotion is commonly referred to as Guerrilla Marketing.

*A subset of Guerrilla Marketing known as ‘Viral Marketing’ is one of the most popular techniques in this regard.

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*Intranet Publicity

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*Many organisations maintain substantial intranets that contain a lot of important business content.

*It is frequently the case that the scope or utility of these sites is not well understood by staff, simply because they are not aware of the extent of services available.

*A program of Intranet Publicity may be necessary to counteract this. Such a campaign could be justified on the basis that it enhances Return-on-Investment in web technology.

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*What are the techniques may applied?

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*Posters. Colourful and informative communications can be placed on staff noticeboards to highlight aspects of site functionality.

* Staff newspaper. Regular feature articles in a staff newsletter can be useful for promoting new applications or content.

* Attended kiosks. The intranet Maintenance Team Leader can perform informal training for staff by attending a kiosk in a staff area, e.g. a canteen. In this way staff can ask questions, learn

*276 about intranet content and provide useful feedback on design and construction.

*Daily email. If permitted, a daily email could alert staff to content that has been added or changed on the site.

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Offline Publicity

What is offline publicity ?

Offline publicity encompasses promotional activity that does not occur primarily over the internet.

#1 Include your web address on all company stationary and literature

#2 Invite the media to review a website

#3 Engage a public relations company for standard advertising

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Guerrilla Marketing

What is Guerrilla Marketing ?

A system of publicity that employs unconventional, low-cost tools to produce highly effective results.

Can you give any example of it ?Viral Marketing

Techniques that use pre-existing social networking services and other technologies to try to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses.

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Two famous representative of Viral Marketing


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John West Tinned Salmon

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Internet Publicity

Why do we need Intranet Publicity ?

Even so, many organizations maintain substantial intranets that contain a lot of important business content. Yet, it is frequently the case that the scope or utility of these sites is not well understood by staff, simply because they are not aware of the extent of services available.

Some ideas of intranet publicity


2.Staff newspaper

3.Attended kiosks

4.Daily email

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Website Review

What is KPIs and WMT ?

Key Performance Indicators, the targets that have been selected by management for evaluating operations.

Website Management Team, the senior authority in charge of a site.

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Review of Website Goals

Some examples of common Website Review

“Our website will generate at least $1,000,000 revenue by 2006 by selling more tickets for airline to budget travellers.”

“Our extranet will reduce the workload on students at our university by 2 hours per week.”

“Our intranet will reduce HIR administration costs by 15% for our European office.”

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What is ROI ?

Return on Investment

The benefit to the investor resulting from an investment of some resource. A high ROI means the investment gains compare favorably to investment cost.

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Evaluation of Visitor Feedback and Opinions

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Visitor number

Some types of Goal are more difficult to judge.

Global Warming site

Busy website?

Other examples?

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Like: Global Warming awareness survey

In circumstances like this, primary research may be needed.

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Visitor opinions and feedback are particularly important during a review because of the influence they have on the Development Cycle.

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Strengths: What is the website good at, e.g. navigation design, infrastructure performance?

Weakness: What should it be good at, but is not, e.g. responding to feedback monitoring, writing good content?

Opportunities: What is happening outside the business that could prove beneficial to the website, e.g. growing broadband penetration?

Threats: What is happening outside the business that could undermine the site, e.g. new security threats.

SWOT Analysis

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Expert Review: evaluates the usability, content and other aspects of a site against a series of industry standards.

*The most impartial means of applying a SWOT analysis is to contract an independent expert to conduct the review.

If the results of this AUDIT match the negative tone of visitor feedback, it strongly suggests that some rework is needed.

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Design Evaluation:

Information Architecture: Does the site structure reflect the mental model of visitors?

Navigation System Design: Do the systems in use support the tenets of knowing where I am, where I can go, where I came from and how to return?

Interaction/Interface Design: Are interfaces intuitive and do they follow a logical sequence?

Look and Feel: Are the values of the users and business reflected in the visual design?

Branding: Are branding guidelines for identity/logo followed?

Such AUDIT includes:

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Branding: Are branding guidelines for identity/logo followed?

Graphics: Are appropriate graphics being used, e.g. Pictorial Graphics, Information Graphics, Graphic Devices, Graphic Text?

Colour Palette: Does colour match the palette stipulated in branding guidelines?

Colour Model: Do the colours match the human colour-model? For example, grey suggests soberness, blue suggests efficiency, bright colours suggest fun, pastels suggest romance.

Highlighting Elements: Does colour attract the eye to correct content, e.g. are bright colours (yellow, red) used for important messages?

Legibility/Readability: Does colour allow sufficient contrast to allow legibility and enhance readability?

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Quantity: How many colours are used? More than four or five colours are too many.

Typeface: Is the typeface chosen for plain text content legible at small sizes?

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Content Evaluation

Appropriateness of Content: Does content match expectations for subject matter?

Quantity of Content: How much content is there?

Quality of Content: Is the content authoritative, comprehensive and accurate? Has it been written according to web writing guidelines? Has it been edited?

Creative Content: Is creative or surprising content used to make a more fun or enjoyable user experience, e.g. games or other?

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Construction Evaluation

Web standards: Does the site adhere to Web Standards?

Technology: What technologies are used, e.g. plain text, Flash, JavaScript, video, audio, other? Are they used appropriately?

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Evaluation of Website Processes and Procedures Failure could also be due to inadequate management or supervision, not only the design and content. As a result, an examination of management procedures can form another useful component of review. Includes:

*An incomplete editorial process that results in substandard content.

*Inadequate testing that fails to identify functional errors.

*Insufficient change control mechanisms that cause conflict in maintenance schedules.

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Assessment of Website GoalsOnce all facts have been gathered, an assessment can be made about whether the website’s Goals are being achieved.

If they are, congratulations!

If not, an investigation into the

reasons for failure and the

potential for corrective action is

required.As a consequence, a reappraisal of the suitability of current Goals may be needed.

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Environmental changes are those that occur at a global level and are beyond the influence of all but the biggest organizations. Changes of this type include things like new technology and the law.

Dynamics of an organization: some disruptive changes(e.g. a takeover or merger) the original expectations for its site may no longer be relevant. In this event, the only option is to reformulate the website’s Goals to reflect the new reality.

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The Need for Ongoing Assessment

Even if a site’s Goals are being achieved, it is still recommended that they be revisited on at least an annual basis. It means that Goals need to be reshaped, to keep pace with changing visitor tastes and expectations. In turn, this prompts the need for planning, design, coding, testing, etc.

And so the Development Cycle begins to turn once more…

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Thank you!
