  • 8/3/2019 Group 2 Presentation Final


    After much deliberation we agreed upon two thematics combining both film and

    literature, by compromising on individual preferences we were inspired to take on a

    new challenge and experience that we could work together as a team.


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    We decided to narrow our search to fairy tales and fables, reminiscing our childhood

    memories of Disney film and other animations.

    This nostalgia lead us to investigate different perceptions of child views contrastedagainst adult views of the same film.

    These different understandings have brought us to the idea of recreating the

    psychological symbolism of narratives.


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    Further investigation lead us to recognize that we restricted our self's only to the

    modern interpretations of our own knowledge.

    For better historical understanding of the fairy tale we researched and found theearliest copys were written by The Brothers Grimm.


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    These versions were more graphic and horrific in their nature compared to todays

    child friendly interpretations.

    These adult themes show a more gruesome and dark side to human behavior andwere far from the child friendly depictions of today modern interpretations.

    We eventually shortlisted ten fairytales to research and choose from.


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    There is a common theme that runs through both versions: the moral values teach

    how growing up can present unavoidable risks. Here love is a powerful emotion that

    drives both versions of the stories and is frequently seen to be a common theme infairy tales. The tension built up in the 100 years of waiting is relaxed by the happy



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    This tale predominantly presents the ascendancy of the male role within the family

    through adolescent .

    A child compassionately sees Jack helping his mother whereas as an adult recognizesthe undertones of criminal activity.


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    This story displays ascendancy through the class system through purity and innocence

    over wickedness and greed.

    The consequences of ones actions are emphasized through the fate of the uglysisters for example they are violently blinded by the birds pecking out their eyes.

    Their selfish and cruel actions demonstrate the good and evil of childrens fantasy.


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    Many references to biblical readings are present within this story. For example the

    apple may represent the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.

    This religious concept is a recurring subject throughout the animation thatunconsciously implies the well known seven deadly sins that are lost in todays


    Again beauty is an important subject that fuels the narrative to reveal spiteful

    emotions in greed and envy.


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    The Grimms version of this tale was, yet again, based on stories from the Bible. The

    tower could be seen as a representation of the Garden of Eden.

    Rapunzel also suggests that bad deeds never go unpunished with yet again the goodvs. evil being used to portray a narrative.


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    The three little pigs focuses on the transition from childhood to adulthood as they set

    out to build their own lives. This independency teaches children of the characters

    that make up society that the time and effort of building a brick house shows hardwork over lazy shortcuts.


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    A lot of the symbolism within this story has some reflection in a more logical situation

    such as mathematics or Latin. However this would not be apparent to a child as they

    would be more focused on the magical aspect of the tale.


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    The characters in The Wizard of Oz manifest themselves as symbols of human

    insecurity such as fear or lack of love.

    Oz itself is a manifestation of a psychological environment which they try to get backto as though it is reality.


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    The wolf of Red Riding Hood is a repetitive evil character that is seen in numerous

    other fairy tales.

    The red girls cloak symbolizes the blood of menstruation as she leaves the home andenters the dark forest of womanhood. The Wolf could be threatening her virginity as

    they meet and could represent a seducer, lover or sexual predator.


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    This tail references the biblical temptation of Goldilocks. The temptation of

    trespassing into someone's property and her greediness of trying three of everything

    until it is just right displays that succumbing to ones desires brings about negativeimplications.


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    Of these studies we have agreed to focus on the fairy tale Snow White and the Seven

    Dwarves. Our choice of literature came as a result of our feelings that the story has

    the potential to creatively manipulate the symbolic perspectives of both child andadult in one image. We also felt this challenge would take the original fiction into the

    mature and contemporary motives. The wide choice of moral values intrigued us and

    fascinated our imagination into this project.


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    As a result of our research it is apparent that symbolism is a powerful manipulation

    that fuels the story and its characters.

    Temptation, vanity, sexualization, violence and purity are all psychological traits ofhuman life, these are portrayed throughout the tales we have researched.


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    Moving away from animated Disney films we wanted to explore the relationship

    between the film and the book and draw up new concepts for the fairytale magic that

    targets its audience at children. We want to bring the story back to its original gothicand horrific message to adult audiences without losing the moral values that

    stimulate its meanings.


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    The surrealist and Renaissance period featured the same psychological behavior in

    SnowWhite such as temptation, Lust, beauty and the unconscious desires that

    influence our behavior. We want to look at the immorality of beauty being aseductive temptation of ones desires through a destructive nature.


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  • 8/3/2019 Group 2 Presentation Final


    Ian Turner: Post Production Lead and Building Lead

    John Phipp: CameraM


    AshleighWright: Health and Safety Representative and Budget Controller

    Nikita Shergill: Lighting Lead and Shoot Coordinator

    Holly Young: PropsManager
