
Grit, Mindset, & Determination: The Key to

Leading by Influence

Jim GrantOAESA Administrators Clinic 1A 11:00 AM - Noon

June 11, 2015 1-603-924-1140

Civil War


Sheldon Russell Curtis




Union colors

President Abraham Lincoln


knotted hemp

Forty-eighth ColoredForty-eighth Coloredlead ball


Bull RunBull Run


oat porridgeoat porridge

raw milk raw milk musketmusket

cowardcowardwillow treewillow tree


salt porksalt pork

corn breadcorn bread

dried beansdried beans

lime pit







baking powder biscuits


Andersonville PrisonAndersonville Prison


Pinkus Aylee


Mexican-American WarMexican-American War


Moe Moe BayMoe Moe Bay



Ohio Twenty-fourth

Pink and Pink and SaySay





Civil War


Sheldon Russell Curtis




Union colors

President Abraham Lincoln


knotted hemp

Forty-eighth ColoredForty-eighth Coloredlead ball


Bull RunBull Run


oat porridgeoat porridge

raw milk raw milk musketmusket

cowardcowardwillow treewillow tree


salt porksalt pork

corn breadcorn bread

dried beansdried beans

lime pit







baking powder biscuits


Andersonville PrisonAndersonville Prison


Pinkus Aylee


Mexican-American WarMexican-American War


Moe Moe BayMoe Moe Bay



Ohio Twenty-fourth

Pink and Pink and SaySay





“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”

~Dr. Robert Schuller

Fact of Life Everyone experiences setbacks, adverse

circumstances, obstacles, mistakes, disappointments, and tough times.

It’s how you handle it that matters. Your mindset and level of

“grittiness” will determine how resilient you are and how well you bounce


Got Grit?


Three Goals

2. strategies and activities to acquire, develop, and strengthen their grit.

1. self-help strategies to develop and maintain a 21st century mindset.

3. how a 21st century mindset coupled with grit will have a major impact on BOTH your personal life and work life.

Participants will learn


It’s mindset and grit that help people create their own destiny.

Think of someone you went to high school with who was

thought of as NOT likely to amount to much but surprised

everyone by being very successful. What traits

do you think contributed to that person’s success.

Voted Least Likely to Succeed

What do you think was the secret to that person’s success?


Q. Why the renewed interest in the concept of mindset and

grit today?

21st Century Mindset And Grit

A. The changing nature of today’s society and generational differences are the driving forces behind the recent interest in grit and mindset. Today’s difficult times can be challenging and stressful for people who have not yet acquired grit traits and developed a 21st century mindset. They may need to strengthen their resiliency, perseverance, and resolve necessary to overcome obstacles, disappointments, and setbacks.


Understanding Mindset

Their basic beliefs, values, and reference frames are used to organize their world.

A 21st century mindset is based on the notion one is always growing and learning, and the view one adopts for themselves

profoundly affects the way they lead their life.


People with a 21st century mindset believe they create their own future.

People with a fixed-mindset may believe heredity, luck, and destiny has more to do

with creating their future than effort.They tend to believe the future is

something that happens to them.

Am I The Problem? “In most situations

I am the problem. My mentalities, my pictures, my experiences form the biggest

obstacles to my success.” ~ Flight of The


21st Century Mindset


Persons who have a 21st century mindset __ have an optimistic perspective. __ are always up to a challenge. __ are able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses. __ believe they are evolving and always have something to learn (lifelong learner). __ stretch themselves when learning new things. __ have the persistence and the effort to learn something over a longer time period. __ try doing things they couldn’t do before. __ view “good failures” as learning opportunities. __ are known for their reliability and commitment.


Understanding “Good Failures”

“Failure is the fire that forges the steel.” Paul Tudor

Jones II, Founder Robin Hood Foundation

1. Failure is a normal part of everyday life. Everyone experiences a variety of failures throughout their lifetime. 2. “Good failures” provide opportunities to get things right. 3. Mistakes indicate there are still things to be learned (Chinese saying). 4. Failure is preparation for life and serves to make one stronger.

A 21st century mindset benefits people by

Benefits of a 21st Century Mindset


__ reinforcing their optimism. __ strengthening their perseverance and effort. __ helping them thrive during challenging times. __ reinforcing their belief that they can change and grow. __ boosting their tenacity and effort. __ fostering the acquisition of grit traits. __ stiffening their resolve when they face setbacks, challenges, and disappointments. __ strengthening their resilience. __ solidifying their determination and effort to be reliable and fully committed.


2. Learn the terminology of grit and mindset traits (see slide 5B). Each week, select a word from the grit cloud poster

to work on to enhance your mindset and strengthen your grit (see slide 5C).

1. Start by taking an inventory of your mindset traits (see slide 5A) Google Dweck mindset test.

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain A 21st Century Mindset

3. Develop a Gritkipedia of definitions of terms relating to grit and mindset. Coin your own terms and expressions as a fun way to show your understanding of the concepts

(see slide 5D).

__ made me more optimistic. __ increased my perseverance. __ made me more self-reliant. __ allowed me to thrive during

challenging times. __ instilled in me the belief that I can change and grow. __ boosted my tenacity and effort. __ helped me set learning as a priority. __ stiffened my resolve when I am faced with difficult situations. __ increased my resilience.

My 21st century mindset has

Assign a letter (T, S, or N) to indicates if the mindset statement is True, Somewhat true or Not true about you.


Self-Assessment Inventory

“Gritty” Words moxie fortitude nerve spunk spine/backbone courage self-determination self-confidence initiative hard worker ambitious resolve social intelligence zest/zeal mettle

tenacity perseverance stay-the-course persistence optimism self-control resilience open-minded goal-focused gratitude volition conscientious optimism pluck

5B.5B.“Gritty” words are used interchangeably to address both mindset and grit.




















work ethic









Social Intelligence


GrittymologistGrittymologist effortitude gumptiative spunkion couragism self-determinatitude self-confitude initiatude workethicism gritbitious gritiologist social intelligism zestitude zealaverance mindsetacity

gritful gritacity gritterverance persistitive optimacity gritsilience gritatitude gritientious integratude moxacity gritiontology gritmeister gritsistence pseudogritogist mindsetism



How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain A 21st Century Mindset

4. Name an instance when you were “standing in the right spot” and you had the mindset and

grit to seize an opportunity or situation.

5. Tell a colleague about a task that was/is out of your comfort zone that you tackled

because you had the right mindset.

A Grit Defining Moment (GDM).

6. Engage in positive self-talk as a way to maintain your mindset. (see slides 6A-B).

I will not procrastinate.

There are no shortcuts.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Self-Talk.. Maintaining My Mindset

Rome wasn’t built in a day.


If I fall down, I will get back up.

I will follow my to-do-list today.

Be here now!

My three favorite mindset-building statements I repeat to myself are

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________

3. _______________________________


Name: Date:

Mindset Building Self-Talk Inventory

8. Surround yourself with people who have a 21st century mindset (see slide 7A).

9. Select special books to turn to when you need inspiration to keep going (see slide 7B).

10. Select a favorite inspirational verse as a way to energize yourself.

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain A 21st Century Mindset


7. Prominently display inspirational posters as a way to inspire and motivate yourself as well as those around you.


Mindset by Association


Name: Date:

People who have a 21st century mindset who I surround myself with include

1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

5. __________________________

Favorite Inspirational Books


Name: Date:

Special books I return to when I need inspiration to keep going include

1. __________________________

2. __________________________

3. __________________________

4. __________________________

5. __________________________


11. Use the language of grit traits to help you reject the notion of a fixed-mindset (see slides 5B-C).

12. Use the power of emotional state changes to help you enhance your mindset.

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain A 21st Century Mindset

What Causes State Changes? Everyday events cause chemical

changes that make us behave/attend differently.

Understanding Emotional State Changes

__ the environment. __ the weather. __ changes of seasons (SAD*). __ light/aromas/temperature. __ humor. __ hydration. __ sleep. __ good/bad news/threats.

Everyday events cause chemical changes in the brain that cause people to behave/attend in different ways.

Adapted from Deeper Learning By Eric Jensen and LeAnn Nickelsen — Corwin Press

*Seasonal Affective Disorder

__ growth-producing feedback. __ physical activity. __ social media. __ persons in authority.

__ music. __ family/friends. __

Feelings Thoughts Physiology


grit traits.

Events, factors, and circumstances that may impact a person’s emotional state of mind

include, but are not limited to

The TeacherI have come to a frightening conclusion. I am the

decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the “weather.” As a teacher, I possess tremendous power to make a

child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can

humiliate or hurt, humor or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will

be escalated or de-escalated, and a child humanized or de-humanized. Haim Ginott Teacher & Child


Emotional State Change: A Self-Inventory


Name: Date:

Measures I take to change my emotional state of mind include

1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ 7. __________________________

Firmness of mind or spirit… unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger.

~ Merriam-Webster


What Is Grit?

Grit could be defined as perseverance and passion for a long-term goal.

Angela Lee Duckworth

Grit could be defined as a collection of hardy, timeless character traits that emanate from a 21st century mindset.* These universal traits are internal resources that enable one to

persevere in the face of setbacks, adversity, disappointments and “good failures” in the pursuit of both short and long-term goals.

Traditional Character Traits

___ honesty. ___ integrity. ___ citizenship. ___ responsibility. ___ perseverance.* ___ caring/kindness.

___ courage.* ___ fairness. ___ respect. ___ patriotism. ___ self-discipline.* ___ empathy.

*Traits in common with performance character traits.


Traditional character traits usually center around moral and community values that include, but are not limited to

Adapted from: Dr. Thomas Lickona Adapted from: Dr. Thomas Lickona — — Character Education Network Character Education Network and the Character Education Partnership and the Character Education Partnership

___ self-control ___ persistence. ___ tenacity. ___ resilience. ___ hard work ___ delayed gratification. ___ perseverance. ___ open-mindedness. ___ optimism. ___ conscientiousness. ___ social intelligence. ___ gratitude ___ courage.

Grit qualities may include, but are not limited to


Grit Traits

Self-Control: What We Need to Know

___ are sick less often. ___ earn more money. ___ have better quality relationships. ___ get more schooling. ___ earn higher degrees. ___ donate more money. ___ are happier.

Persons who are higher in self-control

Eric Jensen

Self-Control Made Easy February 1, 2012


Ten Grit FactoidsTen Grit Factoids

__ 1. Grit is NOT tied to intelligence.

__ 3. Grit, when combined with a 21st century mindset will equip a person with the resolve necessary to stay-the-course during

challenging times.


__ 2. One of the strongest determinants of having grit is being born to “gritty” parents.

Keep in mind that grit comes from BOTH nature and nurture.

__ 4. Perseverance (effort over time) tends to be an indicator of long-term success.

Grit Transcends IQ

Laura Pappano “Grit” and The New Character Education Harvard

Education Newsletter Vol. 29, Number 1—January/February 2013

Character traits like resilience, self-control, and persistence — traits that research

shows may matter more to academic performance than native intelligence.

Performance Character TraitsPerformance Character Traits


Ten Grit Factoids

__ 5. The ability to stick with and pursue a goal over a long period is an important aspect of grit.

__ 6. Grit is associated with longer term and multi-year goals.


“There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.” ~John


Grit and Teacher Retention “Researchers found that for novice

teachers in high-poverty school districts, higher levels of ‘perseverance and passion for long-term goals’ (aka “grit”) were associated with higher rates of effectiveness and retention.” Teachers College Record Claire Robertson-Kraft and Angela Duckworth University of Pennsylvania

Grit can provide a “protective coating” against the negative effects of

school related stress.


Ten Grit Factoids

__ 7. Grit is thought to be a personality trait that is malleable.

__ 8. The dimensions of grit transcends all ages and grade levels.

__ 9. The passion associated with grit traits provide the stamina and effort required to “stay-the-course” amid setbacks and challenges.

__ 10. The performance character traits of grit are academically oriented compared to traditional character traits.


…capable of being altered by outside forces.

Developing Grit… Factors to Consider

emotional readiness.

desire and openness to change.

ability to handle growth-producing feedback.

capacity to handle setbacks, failures, disappointments, and obstacles.

Strategies selected to help develop and/or strengthen grit depend on a person’s

Note: It is important to monitor one’s reaction to struggles and failures.

tolerance for frustration and pain.


3. Tap into the power of being open-minded to new ideas and differing viewpoints.


2. Use “gritty” words in conversation with colleagues.

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain Your “Grittiness”

1. Start your journey by assessing how “gritty” you are. Take Angela Duckworth’s

grit scale (Google 8-Item Grit Scale).

___ self-control (willpower) Additional traits ___ persistence ______________ ___ tenacity ______________ ___ resilience ______________ ___ hard work ______________ ___ delayed gratification ___ perseverance ___ open-mindedness ___ optimism ___ conscientiousness ___ social intelligence ___ gratitude ___ courage

Self-Assessment Inventory

Indicate with a checkmark any/all grit traits Indicate with a checkmark any/all grit traits that you believe help define you. that you believe help define you.



Being open-minded means


1. being a good listener.

2. being receptive to the ideas of


3. considering ALL viewpoints.

4. striving NOT to be

judgmental. 5.

giving someone the benefit of the doubt.Being open-minded leads to civil discourse.

6. Take time “off the grid” every day for self-reflection.

5. Pair up with an inspirational colleague who is “gritty.”

7. Establish long-term goals and identify the grit traits necessary to achieve them.


4. Make teamwork and collaboration your “vehicle” for fostering grit traits. …collaboration is a 21st

century skill!

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain Your “Grittiness”

8. Help create an environment that is safe for people to make mistakes as part of the natural learning process.

10. Form a support group willing to hold one another accountable for persevering.


How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain Your “Grittiness”

9. Make a conscientious effort to eliminate the word try when making a commitment.

11. Use grit traits (integrity, determination, etc.) to develop the courage to stand alone.

Thoughts on CourageGrit gives you the courage to believe in yourself

and that can make all the difference.

“We gain strength, courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the

face…we must do that which we think we cannot.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt

“Courage is NOT the absence of fear, it is the conquest of fear.”

George Alland

To be a leader, you have to have the courage to be different.


Leadership is talent set on fire by courage!

Extraordinary leaders find the courage to change their

position when new facts are presented!

To be a leader, you have to have the courage to be different.

Thoughts on Courage


“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.”

Mark Twain


13. Read inspirational speeches and quotes from President Teddy Roosevelt.

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain Your “Grittiness”

Acceptance Do what you can… with what you have... where you are.

Teddy Roosevelt — 26th U.S.


14. Sustain yourself by reciting the Serenity Prayer.

12. Read inspirational stories of people whose grit helped them persist and overcome obstacles and hardships on their way to becoming successful.

Turn to your neighbor. Tell him the most important fact you learned in

this presentation.

God grant me the serenity to accept the

things I cannot change, change the

things I can, and the wisdom to know the

difference.Reinhold Niebuhr, Theologian23A.

17. Reinterpret (cognitive reappraisal) negative events/circumstances as a way to mitigate the impact of the situation.


19. Post a newspaper clipping of a person who exhibits grit.

18. Name something you saved for over a long period of time (delayed-gratification).

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain Your “Grittiness”

15. Adopt a personal “anthem” to help keep yourself going.

16. If you could pick just one signature song that embodies your grit and spirit, what would it be?

20. Develop “surrogate grit” for someone who needs to strengthen his/her grit.


21. Trace your grit genealogy.

22. Inventory “lost” and/or diminished grit traits to see if some need to be reclaimed.

How to Develop, Strengthen, and Maintain Your “Grittiness”

24. Tackle and master something challenging that you haven’t done before.

23. Practice gratitude and redemption everyday so it becomes part of who you are.

Persons with “surrogate” grit __ know the difference between providing “surrogate” grit and being an enabler. __ are able to pave the way for those who need grit. __ know how to open the proverbial “door” for others (see slide 29C). __ act as a cheerleader for the success of other people. __ model their grit as a way to help others. __ are able to transfer their grit to others.

__ know that grit traits are shareable. __ exhibit altruistic behaviors.

Understanding “Surrogate” Grit


Name: Date:




“Surrogate” Grit





Gritor Who did you give grit to?

Gritee Who did you receive grit from?

Door Opener


Name: Date:

Name people who opened a door and/or paved the way for you. Tell what they did. 1. __________________________ 2. __________________________ 3. __________________________ 4. __________________________ 5. __________________________ 6. __________________________ 7. __________________________ 8. __________________________

Jim Grant

Grit Apprentice

Grit Genealogy


___ self-control (willpower) ___ persistence ___ tenacity ______________ ___ resilience ______________ ___ hard work ______________ ___ delayed gratification ___ perseverance ___ open-mindedness ___ optimism ___ conscientious ___ social intelligence ___ gratitude ___ courage

Reclaiming “Lost” and/or Diminished Grit Traits A Self-Assessment Inventory

Indicate with a checkmark “lost” and/or diminished grit traits that you believe need to be reclaimed.


Additional “lost” and/or diminished traits.

Name: Date:

“Lost”/diminished grit traits Ways I will reclaim my grit.









Grit Reclamation Plan


Thoughts on Gratitude

__ Be thankful for what you have, NOT what you don’t have.

__ Practicing gratitude fosters loyalty.

__ Being grateful recognizes people for what they have done for you.

__ Practicing gratitude reminds you of where you came from.

__ Being grateful promotes prosocial behavior.

__ Being grateful puts the spotlight on the benefactor rather than the recipient of the kindness.

__ Expressing sincere attitude of gratitude can and will increase your social capital.

__ Practicing gratitude will help counter an entitlement mindset.


1. __________________________ __________________________ 2. __________________________

__________________________ 3. __________________________ __________________________ 4. __________________________ __________________________


Ways I practice gratitude and/or redemption.

Practicing Gratitude

1. __________________________ __________________________ 2. __________________________

__________________________ 3. __________________________ __________________________ 4. __________________________ __________________________


Challenging Tasks The challenging tasks I have tackled and mastered include

__ maintain an optimistic perspective. __ look at setbacks as a learning curve.

__ continue to learn and grow. __ look at failures as a pathway to success. __ try things I’ve never done before. __ create and follow my own path to the future. __ be persistent and will stay-the- course. __ be prepared and punctual. __ redefine myself and strive to become an Outlier. __ follow my heart and trust my intuition. __ live my life in a way that will inspire others.

__ practice gratitude every day.

I Am Grit Ready! Are You? Personal resolution…I resolve I will


Hoerr, Thomas R. (2013). Hoerr, Thomas R. (2013). Fostering Grit: How Do I Prepare MyFostering Grit: How Do I Prepare My Students For The Real World?Students For The Real World? Virginia: ASCD.Virginia: ASCD.

Tough, Paul. (2012). Tough, Paul. (2012). How Children Succeed: Grit. curiosity, and theHow Children Succeed: Grit. curiosity, and the hidden power of characterhidden power of character. . Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Elmore, Tim. (2010). Elmore, Tim. (2010). Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Generation iY: Our Last Chance to Save Their Future. Atlanta: Poet Future. Atlanta: Poet Gardener Publishing.Gardener Publishing.

Professional Reading

Tulgan, Bruce. (2009). Tulgan, Bruce. (2009). Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y. Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Manage Generation Y. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Pappano, Laura. (2013). “Grit” and The New Character Education. Harvard Education Newsletter Vol. 29, Number 1—Jan./Feb.

Gladwell, Malcolm. (2008). Gladwell, Malcolm. (2008). Outliers: The Story of SuccessOutliers: The Story of Success. New York: Little Brown.. New York: Little Brown.

Wormeli, Rick. Wormeli, Rick. Perseverance and Grit. AMLE Magazine, Perseverance and Grit. AMLE Magazine, Jan. 2014,Jan. 2014, Vol. 1, #5 Vol. 1, #5

Elmore, Tim. (2012). Elmore, Tim. (2012). Artificial Maturity: Helping Kids Meet The Challenge of Becoming Artificial Maturity: Helping Kids Meet The Challenge of Becoming Authentic AdultsAuthentic Adults. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Dweck, Carol. (2007). Dweck, Carol. (2007). Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.Mindset: The New Psychology of Success. New York: New York: Random House.Random House.

Duckworth, Angela. Google 8- Item Grit Scale.Duckworth, Angela. Google 8- Item Grit Scale.

Ricci, Mary Cay. (2013). Ricci, Mary Cay. (2013). Mindsets in The Classroom: Building a Mindsets in The Classroom: Building a Culture of Success and Student Achievement in Schools. Culture of Success and Student Achievement in Schools. Waco, TX: Waco, TX: Purfrock Press, Inc.Purfrock Press, Inc.