
Heart to Heart

We are planning on having a FANTASTIC April at Green Ridge Baptist Church. First of all, we are

expecting a great blessing during the time that Dr. Steve Hale is with us. Steve is a wonderful man of God. He is going to lead a MEN WHO WIN CONFERENCE at Green Ridge on Saturday April 5. After the conference, some of the guys are going to go out for a fun time of golf together. Then Steve will speak into our lives that Sunday morning through Wednesday night in a special time of encouragement and revival. Steve is a wonderful friend of

Green Ridge; many of our folks know and love him. He is great at preaching and teaching God’s Word and he relates to everyone regardless of their experience with church. I encourage you to not only attend but invite and bring others to this time of personal encouragement.

Then Easter Sunday is April 20 and I look forward to preaching that morning. The Lord is doing some good things in our midst and I sense that Sunday is going to be a good time together in the Lord. This will also be a special time for me personally.

(Continued on page 3)

Green Ridge Baptist Church Newsletter, April/May 2014

April 6 - 9

Sunday Morning Services: 8:15 am & 11:00 am

Sunday Evening Service: 6:00 pm

Mon-Wed Services: 7:00 pm

QUOTE FROM NEIL BROWN Director of Pastoral Care & Men’s Ministry

First Baptist Church, Woodstock, GA

Dr. Steve Hale is a great evangelist, preacher, revivalist, and author….Having effectively ministered to thousands of men, Dr. Hale has been a key speaker in leading breakout sessions for the past several years at the Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference. Without reservation, I enthusiastically recommend Dr. Hale to your church and ministry. You will be exposed to the same in-depth teaching and passionate spirit to which we have grown accustomed.

Saturday, April 5 8:30 - 11:30 am





TO REGISTER, sign up on the sheet in the church foyer or contact the church office (562-0225; [email protected]).

Cost: $5 (includes breakfast)—Pay at the door (cash or check to Green Ridge Baptist Church).


Following the conference, the men are invited to play golf with Steve Hale at Hanging Rock Golf Course.

Three tee times, starting at 1:30 pm

Cost: $25 / man

TO REGISTER for a tee time, please contact the church office (562-0225; [email protected])


“The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away

the sin of the world!’” John 1:29

If you have an interest at all in singing some great Easter songs, please come out on Wednesday evenings at 6:45 pm in the Choir Room. We are learning some new songs to present for Revival, Easter, and beyond. Come out and be a part of this vital ministry here at Green Ridge!

I’m not sure about you, but I am ready for Spring! Before you know it, Easter will be here also. As we think about the change of seasons that is coming (hopefully!), I am always reminded that as Spring brings birth and growth all around us in nature, we look forward to the cross and the death of Jesus. Jesus is the only One who could take away our sin. No one else can or could make a payment for our penalty of sin. In our Sunday night study of the book of Jonah, one of the recurring themes is that we are Jonah. So many times we are running from what God has called us to do, sometimes 1500 miles the other way as Jonah tried to do. But not only do we see ourselves in Jonah, we are also like the people of Nineveh. We don’t like to think of ourselves as wicked men and women, especially on par with the evil that was going on in a pagan place like Nineveh, but we are all sinners. The amount of sin doesn’t matter, but Paul tells us that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). The fact that we

have sinned once means that we need forgiveness and redemption that could only come from Jesus, the Lamb of God.

Have you pondered the gravity of your sin today? We don’t like to dwell on what we do bad, and our society definitely tells us to think of good things and push yourself to succeed by focusing on good or where you want to go. As followers and disciples of Jesus, we must remember what He has done for us. Remember the depth of His love for us to take the wrath of God, the penalty that we should have endured. Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days. It was a nasty place of fish guts and smells that I can only imagine. Jesus tells us in the New Testament that He would be “three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Matthew 12:40). His death and resurrection on the third day secured for us victory and salvation! Only Jesus could do that. We can’t do it on our own. We can’t hope to do better and then earn the favor of God. We must submit wholly to the One and Only Lord and Master who was willing to make Himself a servant and give His life a ransom for many. As we truly allow that truth to take hold of our hearts and lives, there will be a change that no one can dispute or speak against. May God change us all at Green Ridge to be men and women who are not the same because of the Lamb of God!

Serving together for His glory,

Pastor David


In his book, Exiles, Michael Frost calls that sense of being bound together by a common mission and shared experience “communitas.” One missing ingredient in many churches today are small communities who truly understand their mission and are sharing life together in an effort to accomplish their purpose.

Connect Groups who experience communitas go beyond mere biblical knowledge and put what they learn in their group into practical, everyday life. Bible study is an important function of a Connect Group, but it is not the group’s purpose. The purpose of a Connect Group is to impact lostness by making disciples. A Connect Group that knows its purpose and follows this Bible knowledge with sweat and effort is a group that is building communitas and changing its neighborhood with the gospel.

In his book, Connect3, David Francis states that Bible study groups operate on one of three levels. When a group operates on a “Class Level,” they are meeting weekly for prayer and Bible study. There is little contact among members during the week and no form of mission into the surrounding neighborhoods. A class operating on the “Community Level” has great fellowships and the members provide genuine

personal care. But a group operating at a “Commission Level” not only has great Bible study and wonderful inter-personal ministry among its members, it has stepped forward in becoming a missionary organization in its community. The key: this group has a purpose that is beyond itself!

One of the most effective methods to help move a Connect Group into “communitas” is through action. The action of extending itself into the surrounding community will often help a Connect Group put into action the Bible they have studied for years. Will you accept the biblical mission to be missionaries in your neighborhoods and community?

Take time to brainstorm together in your Connect Group and determine what some needs are in your community. How can your Connect Group help meet one or more of those needs? Develop a strategy for meeting those needs. But remember, we are not a “social organization.” We are a “Gospel driven organism.” Everything we do is for the purpose of sharing the precious gospel with those we are touching. Remember your purpose. Now GO!

Seeking Biblical Communitas,

Pastor Greg



Parent/Child Dedication

Mother’s Day, May 11 Parent/Child dedication is a time for parents to publicly commit themselves to raise their children in the instruction and discipline of the Lord. It is a time for family and friends to show their support and intention to help these parents with their commitment to their children.

Those wishing to participate in the dedication service are asked to sign up by calling the church office (562-0225) or signing up on the bulletin board outside the church office as soon as possible.

Spring Brunch

Green Ridge Baptist Church

Saturday, April 12th at 10:00 am

All sisters, mothers, aunts, daughters are invited. Come be reminded of who our Father is and how it makes

us different that He is Alive today!

Guest Speaker: Allison Moser Food, Fun, Fellowship are promised.

(Food is provided)

Bring something that means Easter/Spring to you. These items will be used as our table centerpieces.

We will also be making table favors for the Rescue Mission.

Registration Required: Register by Tuesday, April 8 at the Welcome Center

or contact the church office (562-0225; [email protected])

“I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons & daughters

says the Lord, Almighty.” 2 Corinthians 6:18

All ladies are invited to the...

Sunday evening, April 27 we will have Pastor Ferdie Cunanan from Manila, Philippines as our speaker. He is a pastor and church planter who is expanding his church’s witness to other countries in SE Asia where there is little or no gospel witness. He was one the main speakers at the recent Prayer Advance sponsored by Christ Life Ministries. Don’t miss this guy; God’s hand is on him.

On May 2, I will be going with three other men to Romania. There are more details about this strategic trip in a separate article in this newsletter. You can help support this important effort that will be able to touch over 500 students with the gospel for the first time.

Hey, I love you all. It is my privilege to love and lead you as I desire to finish strong here at Green Ridge. This church has a GREAT FUTURE and I am honored to still try and make a difference and invest in this wonderful body of Christ.

Pastor Michael

(Continued from page 1)

Glen Cove

End of School Year


Saturday, May 31 1:00—4:00 pm

GRBC will be hosting this event at Glen Cove Elementary School. The purpose is to reach out to those in our community in a loving and tangible way to demonstrate the love of Christ. It is an intentional "touch" of our community for the purpose of establishing relationships where the gospel can eventually be shared. We need the faith family at GRBC to step up and help out in various ways.

If you are able to help with this event, please fill out a volunteer form at the church or let Pastor David or Pastor Greg know. Areas where help is needed: Grilling hot dogs Balloon animals Food table Face painting Snow cones Sound Popcorn machine Set up for the day (tables, etc.) Inflatable games Clean up (trash, etc.)


1. The Empty Tomb (who moved the stone?!) 2. The Grave Clothes—Undisturbed in Form and Position 3. The Women Eyewitnesses 4. The Large Crowd of Eyewitnesses (1 Corinthians 15:6) 5. No Hostile Witnesses 6. No Body Produced to Refute the Claim 7. The Apostles’ New-Found Courage 8. The Changed Lives of James and Others 9. The Conversion of Paul 10. The Apostles that Died for Jesus 11. The Appearances After the Resurrection:

The women at the tomb (Matt. 28:9-10) Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-18) Two men of Emmaus (Mark 16:12; Luke 24:13-32) Peter in Jerusalem (Luke 24:34; 1Cor. 15:5) Ten disciples (Luke 24:36-43; John 20:19-23) Eleven disciples (John 20:24-29; 1 Cor. 15:5) Seven disciples fishing in Galilee (John 21:1-23) Eleven disciples in Galilee (Matt. 28:16-20; Mark 16:14-18)

James, the brother of the Lord (1 Cor. 15:7)

Excerpt from The Resurrection of Jesus by William Lane Craig:

Down through history various alternative explanations of the facts have been offered, for example, the conspiracy hypothesis, the apparent death hypothesis, the hallucination hypothesis, and so forth. Such hypotheses have been almost universally rejected by contemporary scholarship. None of these naturalistic hypotheses succeeds in meeting the conditions as well as the resurrection hypothesis.

Now this puts the skeptical critic in a rather desperate situation. A few years ago I participated in a debate on the

resurrection of Jesus with a professor at the University of California, Irvine. He had written his doctoral dissertation on the resurrection, and he was thoroughly familiar with the evidence. He could not deny the facts of Jesus’ honorable burial, empty tomb, post-mortem appearances, and the origin of the disciples’ belief in the resurrection. So his only recourse was to come up with some alternate explanation of those facts. And so he argues that Jesus of Nazareth had an unknown, identical twin brother, who was separated from him as an infant and grew up independently, but who came back to Jerusalem at the time of the crucifixion, stole Jesus’ body out of the tomb, and presented himself to the disciples, who mistakenly inferred that Jesus was risen from the dead! Now I won’t bother to go into how I went about refuting this theory. But I think the example is illustrative of the desperate lengths to which skepticism must go in order to refute the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Indeed, the evidence is so powerful that one of the world’s leading Jewish theologians, the late Pinchas Lapide, who taught at Hebrew University in Israel, declared himself convinced on the basis of the evidence that the God of Israel raised Jesus of Nazareth from the dead!

The significance of the resurrection of Jesus lies in the fact that it is not any old Joe Blow who has been raised from the dead, but Jesus of Nazareth, whose crucifixion was instigated by the Jewish leadership because of his blasphemous claims to divine authority. If this man has been raised from the dead, then the God whom he allegedly blasphemed has clearly vindicated his claims. Thus, in an age of religious relativism and pluralism, the resurrection of Jesus constitutes a solid rock on which Christians can take their stand for God’s decisive self-revelation in Jesus.

Proofs of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Romania Mission Trip—You Can Help

Four men are going to Romania from May 2-12, 2014: Pastor Michael, Jason Huffman, Leon Caldwell, and Aaron Jones. Leon, Aaron, and Jason will be holding basketball clinics at three schools and sharing Christ in the process. While that is going on, Pastor Michael and Pastor Costel Burlacu will be sharing a Creation to Christ Powerpoint in the classroom and discussing a Biblical worldview. Every student will receive a gospel tract and a Story of Hope booklet. We are also sponsoring a youth rally for the region on Saturday of that week. We need some donations of money that will help with the following:



Your donations to this trip will help share the gospel FOR THE FIRST TIME TO

HUNDREDS OF ROMANIAN STUDENTS! Give to Green Ridge Baptist Church

and designate your gift for the 2014 ROMANIA MISSION TRIP. Thanks so


Pastor Michael

Scripture for


“But he was pierced for our


he was crushed for our


upon him was the chastisement

that brought us peace,

and with his wounds we are


Isaiah 53:5 (ESV)


APRIL 2014

Sun Mon Tue Tue Thu Thu Fri

1 10:00 Staff Meeting 7:00 Stewardship Committee Meeting




5 7:00am - 4:00pm Rm E-113&Small Kitchen (Contact Amy Collins) 8:30 -11:30 Men's Conference w/ Steve Hale 9:00 Conf Room Ladies Bible Study "Lord Heal My Hurts" 1:30pm Men's Golf Outing


6:00 Revival Service


7:00 Revival Service

8 10:00 Staff Meeting

7:00 Revival Service


7:00 Revival Service



12 7:00am - 4:00pm Rm E-113&Small Kitchen (Contact Amy Collins) 10:00 - 1:00 pm FH Ladies Brunch

J.A.M. Club 1:00 - 4:00pm

Thunder Valley - cost $5 (15 & 25 pass. buses)

13 Lord's Supper 1:00-5:00 FH Reserved (Contact: Lori Peters) 5:00 WOL Leadership Meeting (Conf. Room) 5:00 Connect Leadership Meeting 5:30 Ch. Business Session 6:00 Adults: TRANSFORM CLASSES 6:00 Students: IMPACT 6:00 Children: WOL/pajama night


15 10:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Building and Grounds

16 5:45 - 8:00 PM Worship Preparation for Sunday (See Below) 6:45 UNITED (Grades 6-12)

17 5:30 Sr Adults to Bonsack Easter Program (15 pass bus reserved) 7:00 Rescue Mission

18 Good Friday

19 8:00 - 2:00pm E-113& Small Kitchen (Contact: Jacob Via)

Student Event: Serving the Senior Adults 11:30 FH Senior Adult Luncheon


No Evening Activities

21 Church Office


22 10:00 Staff Meeting

23 5:45 - 8:00 PM Worship Preparation for Sunday (See Below) 6:45 UNITED (Grades 6-12)



26 7:00am - 4:00pm Rm E-113&Small Kitchen (Contact: Amy Collins) 12:00 - 3:00 Worship Center (contact: Amy Collins) 1:00-5:30 pm FH reserved (contact: Kris Peters)

27 4:00 Deacons Meeting 6:00 Adults: TRANSFORM: Guest Speaker, Ferdie Cunanan 6:00 Students: IMPACT 6:00 Children: WOL


29 10:00 Staff Meeting


R e v i v a l w i t h S t e v e H a l e 4 / 5 - 4 / 9

SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:15 AM WORSHIP 9:45 AM CONNECT GROUPS 11:00 AM WORSHIP 5:00 PM Youth Choir/Youth Praise Band 6:00 PM TRANSFORM Bible Study-Topical Study/Adults Word of Life/Children IMPACT/Students

WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE LIFE Groups - These groups meet twice

monthly at various times and locations. 5:45-6:45 PM Praise Band/Team Practice Brass/Woodwind Practice 6:45-8:00 PM Adult Choir Practice 6:45-8:00 PM UNITED (Grades 6-12)


MAY 2014

Sun Mon Mon Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 4:00 - 8:00 FH - Uganda pill packing

6:00 Deacons/Single Seniors Dinner @ K&W

2 Romania Mission Team leaves today

3 8:30 - 1:00 Church Workday

4 5:00 Connect Leadership Meeting 6:00 Adults: TRANSFORM 6:00 Students: IMPACT 6:00 Children: WOL Dessert Fellowship at the close of services

5 3:00 pm ALS caregivers

group +

6 10:00 Staff Meeting 7:00 Stewardship Committee Meeting

7 5:45 - 8:00 PM Worship Preparation for Sunday (See Above) 6:45 UNITED (Grades 6-12)

8 4:00 - 8:00 FH - Uganda pill packing

9 6:00 - 9:00pm – Parents’ Night Out


J.A.M. Club 1:00 - 4:00pm

Glow-a-Rama - cost $5 (15 & 25 pass. buses)

11 MOTHER'S DAY Parent/Child Dedication

No Evening Activities

12 Romania Mission Team Returns 6:30 VISITATION OUTREACH

13 10:00 Staff Meeting


5:45 - 8:00 PM Worship Preparation for Sunday (See Above) 6:45 UNITED (Grades 6-12)

15 Newsletter Articles Due

June & July 4:00 - 8:00 FH - Uganda pill packing


17 11:30 FH Senior Adult Luncheon


4:00 Deacons Meeting 5:00 WOL Leadership Meeting (Conf. Room) 6:00 Adults: TRANSFORM 6:00 Students: IMPACT 6:00 Children: WOL/beach night


20 10:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Building and Grounds

21 5:45 - 8:00 PM Worship Preparation for Sunday (See Above) 6:45 UNITED (Grades 6-12)

22 4:00 - 8:00 FH - Uganda pill packing



Student Event

10:00 - 4:00 Paintball ($25 + bag lunch)


No Evening Activities


Church Office Closed

27 10:00 Staff Meeting

28 5:45 - 8:00 PM Worship Preparation for Sunday (See Above) 6:45 UNITED (Grades 6-12)

29 4:00 - 8:00 FH - Uganda pill packing

30 10:00am - FH FINAL Uganda packing



Glen Cove Elementary

SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:15 AM WORSHIP 9:45 AM CONNECT GROUPS 11:00 AM WORSHIP 5:00 PM Youth Choir/Youth Praise Band 6:00 PM TRANSFORM Bible Study-Topical Study/Adults Word of Life/Children IMPACT/Students

WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE LIFE Groups - These groups meet twice

monthly at various times and locations. 5:45-6:45 PM Praise Band/Team Practice Brass/Woodwind Practice 6:45-8:00 PM Adult Choir Practice 6:45-8:00 PM UNITED (Grades 6-12)




April 06: Linda & Chase Barlow 13: Kevin & Lori Peters 20: Mike & Mendi Eaton 27: Joy Wright, Leigha Spangler May 04: Matt & Elisabeth Bass 11: Linda & Chase Barlow 18: Kevin & Lori Peters 25: Mike & Mendi Eaton

C H I L D R E N ’ S


April 06: Chrisi Rice, Lisa Jamison, Jennifer Hall 13: Jennifer Barger, Nathan Rice 20: Tara McNees, Bri Griffith, Nickki Tedesco 27: Steve & Connie Atkins May 04: Mary Smith, Heath Wright 11: Paul & Angela McBee 18: Heath & Joy Wright 25: Chrisi Rice, Lisa Jamison, Jennifer Hall

April 6 8:15 am: Pat Robertson and helper 11:00 am: Babies– Becky Petty and helper 1’s– Debbie Estep, Marysa Johnson 2’s– Sandy, Chad, & Chase Amos 3’s– Annalee, Chloe, & Abigail Johnson April 13 8:15 am: Michele Rice and helper 11:00 am: Babies– Joyce Honaker, Kathy Kelley 1’s– Beth & Emily Atkins 2’s– Janet Duncan and helper 3’s– Chrissy King, Kelly Kirby April 20 8:15 am: Mark & Angie Patterson 11:00 am: Babies– Micah & Anita Easterling 1’s– To be announced 2’s– Erlin Karr 3’s– To be announced

April 27 8:15am: To be announced 11:00am: Babies– Patti Estes, Judy Foutz 1’s– Joni & Ashlie Brammer, Brianna

Christian 2’s– To be announced 3’s– Russ & Deb Bishop May 4 8:15 am: Becky & Ashlee Hood 11:00am: Babies– Stephanie Jennings and helper 1’s– The Jennings Family 2’s– The Jennings Family 3’s– Nathan & Kristan Brown May 11 8:15am: To be announced 11:00am: Babies– Leigh Ann King, Amber Talback 1’s– Marysa & Connar Johnson 2’s– Joyce Sweeney, Emily Nelson 3’s– Chris Patterson, Lori Hoyle

May 18 8:15am: Mark & Angie Patterson 11:00am: Babies– Jason & Donna Huffman 1’s– Regina Bishop and helper 2’s– Bobby Bishop and helper 3’s– Allison Moser and helper May 25 8:15am: To be announced 11:00am: Babies– To be announced 1’s– Ryan & Mary Beth McClanahan 2’s– To be announced 3’s– To be announced



Word of Life—Sundays at 5:55 pm Gopher Buddies: 4 yrs - Kindergarten Olympians: Grades 1-5

Word of Life uses Bible Study, Quiet Time, Scripture Memory, Christian Service & an Incentive Program in a fun and dynamic way to engraft the Word of God into the lives of children for the purpose of lasting life change.

WOL News: April 13: Theme Night—Wear your pajamas! April 20: No Word of Life (Easter Sunday) May 11: No Word of Life (Mother’s Day) May 18: Theme Night—Beach night! Wear you favorite beach

outfit (girls, be modest). May 25: No Word of Life (Memorial Day Weekend)

JAM News For children in grades K-5.

JAM Club—Thunder Valley

Sat, April 12, 1:00-4:00 pm Cost: $5.

JAM Club—Glow-a-Rama! Sat, May 10, 1:00-4:00 pm Indoor mini-golf with black lights! Cost: $5.

Parents’ Night Out Friday, May 9, 6:00 - 9:00 pm Who: Are you a parent? … THIS IS FOR YOU,

member or non-member of our church! What: Having safe and organized fun with your

child(ren) ages 0-11 so that you can enjoy time with your spouse.

Where: Green Ridge Baptist Church – younger kids (0-4) upstairs in the preschool room beside Pastor Mike’s office; older kids (5-11) downstairs in the clubhouse room.

Why: Because we care about the health of your marriage! How: There is a team of 6+ volunteers (minimum of 3

volunteers for the younger children) that will care for, feed, and have fun with your child(ren).

Food: YES! We will have pizza and dessert provided. Cost: FREE! Sign up: By Thursday, May 8 by emailing Johnny Rafidi or

contacting the church office (562-0225; [email protected]) to tell how many kids you will bring and their ages.

Coming this Summer… Vacation Bible School June 16-20, 9 am - 12 noon For ages 4 - Grade 8. Our theme is Agency D3—Discover, Decide, Defend!

Children’s Camp July 13 - 17 at Ferrum College For children in grades 2-5 (grade they completed). Our theme is: The Armor of God. This is a great opportunity for kids to grown in knowledge, character, and conduct while having memorable fun.

Happy Mother’s Day—Sunday, May 11! This is for you, Mom! Enjoy! …

Sunday School Teacher: Tell me, Johnny, do you say

prayers before eating? Johnny: No, ma’am, I don’t have to. My mom’s

a good cook.

My mother's menu consisted of two choices: Take it or leave it.

Insanity is hereditary;

you get it from your children.



Parents and Students, Hopefully all of you are enjoying nice spring weather at this

point! I know personally my family and I are ready for some beautiful weather. Please see the Upcoming Events section for two great opportunities for your students and their friends to enjoy here with GRBC. Our goal in these opportunities is not to just have a blast, but the main goal is to continue to present the gospel at every given moment! Please join with me to see lost students and parents saved in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

Grace and Peace, Matt Sprinkle

Sunday Nights @ 6 pm

Impact is an awesome opportunity for students to be challenged, grow,

and be held accountable to others their own age. This time includes praise music, teaching, and small group time.

UNITED—WEDNESDAYS @ 6:45 PM Our students are learning more and more how to stand boldly for Christ and the Gospel.


Serving our Senior Adults Saturday, April 19 We will be hanging out with our senior adult folks at their monthly luncheon! We will be serving them by setting up their luncheon and serving drinks, and we will be hanging out with them during the speaker time as well. The goal is to fellowship more with the body as a whole, and we desire to build relationships with other experienced believers who can speak into your students’ lives. We will announce what time students need to meet at the church as the date gets closer.

Wolf’s Ridge Paintball in Christiansburg Saturday, May 24, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm The cost will be $25 / person. I will throw in an extra bag of balls for the students who help serve at the senior adult luncheon on April 19. Bring a bag lunch; a cooler full of drinks will be provided. This is going to be a great opportunity for your student to invite friends and have a blast. Their friends will have the opportunity to hear the gospel presented during a short devotion as well.

Graduate Recognition Service Sunday, June 1 at 11:00 am We will be recognizing all our graduates (from High School, College, Technical School, etc.) during the 11:00 am morning worship service.

More details will be coming in the bulletin and a mailout in May. Congratulations graduates on all your hard work!

Centrifuge Summer Camp June 30 – July 5 at North Greenville Univ. Powerful worship, a great speaker, Bible study, recreation, and lots of other activities. Parent Packs and forms are available our website or printed copies are available at the church. Cost: $162/student (a discount is available for families with

more than 2 students attending; scholarships are available if needed)

Deposit of $50/student is required to hold your spot.

SPACE IS LIMITED to 40 student spots so REGISTER EARLY!

Balance and forms due by Sunday, June 1.


REMNANT For more info contact: Aaron Rice, Nick Carter, Danielle Lariviere, or Jacqui Hood

Email: [email protected] Facebook: Green Ridge College/Singles Ministry

Open Mic Night @ Mill Mtn Coffee, Salem 3rd Thursday of Each Month, 6:30-10:00 pm Come share your music, poetry, art, etc. Join us for a fun time and good coffee as we seek to build Gospel-centered relationships with college students and the community. For questions, see Matt Sprinkle. Twitter: OpenMicMillMt Facebook: OpenMicNightAtMillMountainCoffee

Ladies’ Bible Study at Hollins University Tuesday Nights @ 7:00 pm Join the ladies of Remnant, Green Ridge's College and Singles ministry, to look deeper into what it means to have a relationship with Christ. What effect does this have on the way we view the world around us, make decisions, and plan our futures? We will use Scripture to examine how Christianity is still relevant in today's society. We would also love to welcome ladies in the church who feel led to join us to contact Jacqui Hood to answer the questions that will come our way.



Connect Leadership Meetings

Sunday, April 13, 5 pm Sunday, May 4, 5 pm

Quarterly Business Session

Sunday, April 13, 5:30 pm

Senior Adult Luncheons

Saturday, April 19, 11:30 am Saturday, May 17, 11:30 am

Deacons Meetings

Sunday, April 27, 4 pm Sunday, May 18, 4 pm

Annual RVBA Golf


Friday, May 16, 2014

The Roanoke Valley Baptist Association (RVBA) is holding its annual Captain’s Choice Golf Tournament this year at Ole Monterey Golf Course.

Shotgun starts at 8 am & 1:30 pm

Cost: $50 / person which includes golf, lunch, prizes, and $5 donation to RVBA mission projects

Deadline to submit 4-person team and entry form is Monday, May 5

Space is limited so get your forms in early! Entry forms are available at the church on the bulletin board outside Pastor Mike’s office.

GROW Outreach Night Monday, April 14

5:30 pm - Meal 6:30 pm - Outreach Ministries: Visiting, Card Writing

Visitation Outreach The Following Mondays @ 6:30 pm:

April 28 and May 12

Don’t miss these opportunities to reach out and share God’s love with others.

Good News— Jesus Is Alive!

No matter what the headlines are for the day, you always have a source for good news—Jesus. Jesus, God’s only Son, came to earth on a mission—a mission to give hope, joy, and salvation to a lost and dying world.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

This is good news! But before you can benefit from this good news, you must first understand the bad news…

Your sin separates you from God. Each of us has been born with a sinful nature that separates us from God.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23 “For the wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23a

Nothing you can do on your own will ever be enough to overcome this. But there is one bridge that reaches across that separation…

God has provided the only bridge—The Cross. Because of His great love, Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sin. And He rose from the grave, giving victory over sin and death, making forgiveness of sin and eternal life possible.

“Christ died for our sins...he was buried...he was raised on the third day” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

But you must choose. You must choose to cross that bridge into God’s family by trusting in Jesus as your Savior and Lord. How do you make that choice?

ADMIT that you are a sinner in need of God’s forgiveness. REPENT of your sin and be willing to turn away from trusting

in anything else for eternal life. BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and that

He is the only way to receive eternal life. RECEIVE Jesus through prayer (talking with God) as your

Savior and Lord. As Savior, he saves you from eternal condemnation; as Lord, you give all you are over to Him.

How to pray: The best prayer is one that comes directly from your heart. Below is a sample prayer to get you started:

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and I want to turn from my sins. I now invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you have prayed a prayer like this, please let one of our pastors know or contact our church office (562-0225) so we can encourage you in your new life in Christ!

Green Ridge Baptist Church 5521 Green Ridge Road, NW Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Phone: 540-562-0225 Fax: 540-562-4032


Church Staff:

Dr. J. Michael Palmer, Senior Pastor ([email protected])

Rev. Greg Moser, Associate Pastor/Education/Admin ([email protected])

Rev. David McNees, Pastor of Worship & Discipleship ([email protected])

Matt Sprinkle, Youth/Collegiate Director ([email protected])

Johnny Rafidi, Children’s Director ([email protected])

Ellen Carawan, Ministry Assistant ([email protected])

Michele Rice, Secretary ([email protected])



Easter Sunday April 20

8:15 AM Worship Service 9:30 AM Fellowship 9:45 AM Connect Groups 11:00 AM Worship Service

(No Evening Service/Activities)

Easter Sunday at Green Ridge will be filled with the joy of the resurrection of Jesus. The worship services are going to have some extra music—our adult choir and our children’s choir will sing in both services! Pastor Michael will have a message of “Victory” based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are invited to attend this time of encouragement based on the wonderful victory Jesus has won for each of us.
