Page 1: Green Careers Journal - Nov/Dec2010 Vol V Num 4

November-December 2010Vol. V, Num. 4

Develop a Personal


A Look atEPA GROFellowships

Opportunitiesin the Gulf

Page 2: Green Careers Journal - Nov/Dec2010 Vol V Num 4

The First and Only Guide to Green Design Education

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This carefully researched directory of ecological design and building schools in North America features an annotated listing of schools and educational centers offering top programs in ecological building design and construction. The guide also offers a comprehensive 20-year review of sustainable design education and discussion of current educational offerings, plus extensive tables comparing school programs, listings of curricular resources, related organizations, and individual instructors.

Author Sandra Leibowitz Earley is an architect who focuses on greener solutions for the built environment. She founded Sustainable Design Consulting and has authored and co-authored pioneering articles and guidance documents on a variety of ecological building subjects, including the 1998 edition of the HOK Sustainable Design Guide, the 1999 edition of GreenSpec and the US Green Building Council Toolkit for State and Local Governments. Ecological Design and Building Schools substantially updates and expands upon her 1996 publication – Eco-Building Schools.

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New Village Press is public-benefit publishing venture of Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility. Purchase this book directly from New Village Press or bookstores across the United States and Canada.

$19.95 paperback. 168 pages, 60 photos. Printed on acid-free, 100% post-consumer recycled paper. ISBN 0-9766054-1-4

It’s a jungle out there.

It can be tough navigating through the tangled network of sites designed to find you a job. Why not cut right through the mess to a site that has exactly the type of green career you are looking for?

Visit, post your resume, and start earning green while being green.

Page 3: Green Careers Journal - Nov/Dec2010 Vol V Num 4

Nov/Dec 2010Volume V, Number 4



Personal Branding 5

Gulf Clean-up Jobs 7

EPA GRO Fellowships 9


Green Career Networking Events 12


Green Buildings & Energy 11

Biology / Ecology 13

Forestry / Natural Resources / GIS 17

Environmental Science & Engineering 18

Advocacy, Environmental Policy & Law 20

Environmental Education 24

Academic 25

Career Changers / Support 26

The journal of the environmental careers world. Dedicated to bringing those in the environmental careers field the information they need to succeed.

Green Careers Journal Staff:

John Esson, Publisher Jeremy Esson, Editor-in-Chief

Karen Fitzgerald, Contributing Editor Scott Francis, Associate Editor

Sabine Rogers, Senior Staff Writer

Lauren Grochmal, Editorial Assistant

Contributing Authors:

Lisa Ann Burke

Sarah McElroy

Paul Copcutt

The Green Careers Journal is published 6 times annually by Environmental Career Center, 2 Eaton Street, Suite 711, Hampton, Virginia 23669

Phone: 757-727-7895; Fax: 757-727-7904E-mail: [email protected]

Subscription rates are:Individuals/Students: $24.95 - 6 issues $49.95 - 12 issuesColleges/Organizations: $49.95 - 6 issues $89.95 - 12 issues Add US$1.50 per issue for delivery outside the USA

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We do our very best in providing subscribers with comprehensive and accurate job information and assisting employers with cost-effective recruitment. Environmental Career Center and it’s owners, employees, contractors and volunteers assume no liability for errors or omissions. Liability is limited to the cost of the subscription or paid advertisement.

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Copyright 2010 Environmental Career Center. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission of the publisher.

ISSN: 1559-0844

Cover photo: © Charles Mann

Please help our environment. Reuse it, by sharing it with a friend. Then, Recycle this issue after use, thank-you.

On the cover: In this issue we take a look at employment options as a result of the oil platform disaster in the Gulf of Mexico this past spring.

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4 November-December 2010

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Washington, DC – The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has added Green Plumbers USA credentialed professionals to its directory of green residential professionals. The collaboration helps the GreenHomeGuide,com provide consumers the most comprehensive collection of green residential resources, information and services available on the market.

Green Plumbers USA offers training and educational programming for contractors and plumbers to master the trade of environmentally conscious plumbing through its Accredited GreenPlumber® professional credential.

“By working with Green Plumbers USA, USGBC can further provide consumers with verifiable green experts across all sectors, ensuring the work done by professionals on their home is in line with the core environmental goals of reduced energy and water use, diverted waste and is financially

beneficial for the homeowner,” said Matthew Libby, Manager for Residential Alliances, USGBC. “ solidifies its place as the ‘go-to’ resource for all green residential needs and is a directory for local, credentialed and environmental service providers.”

Listing for contractors on is free, but USGBC requires GreenPlumber accreditation before a plumbing contractor will be listed on the site.

“Consumers need to be able to trust the building professionals on are expert practitioners of the latest green technologies and energy/water savings opportunities,” said Green Plumbers USA CEO Steve Lehtonen, “USGBC is the most trusted green organization in the United States, and we are honored to have the GreenPlumber accreditation become the plumbing benchmark on” is the premier online resource for green residential upgrades and retrofits – from remodeling tips, to directories of local green residential professionals, uniquely blends green home advice with an added local reach, supporting both green professionals and environmentally savvy consumers. allows consumers to ask questions of professionals and contractors, read articles by industry experts, and “find-a-pro” using USGBC’s proximity search feature.

USGBC Adds Green Plumbers USA Credentialed Professionals to its DirectoryAligns Accredited GreenPlumbers® with the premier online destination for green residential services

Houston, TX – ENTRIX, Inc., one of the country’s largest pure-play providers in natural resources management and environmental consulting, announced today that it has rebranded itself, Cardno ENTRIX, to reflect its recent merger with Cardno Limited (ASX: CDD), a global provider of physical and social infrastructure services. The Australian-based Cardno has over 150 offices worldwide and a resource base of more than 3,700 employees.

Todd Williams, President and Division Manager of Cardno ENTRIX, stated, “Aligning our firm with an internationally respected brand like Cardno creates a tremendous springboard for growth that we believe will benefit our combined businesses and create increased opportunity for our clients, employees and shareholders alike.”

The Cardno portfolio of companies provides Cardno ENTRIX and its clients with a much broader range of civil and structural engineering, transportation, marine, water modeling and planning services. Moreover, Cardno’s leadership in social infrastructure opens a new gateway for Cardno ENTRIX to provide critical support to developing communities and those adversely affected by natural disasters and conflict.

Michael Renshaw, President of Cardno USA, remarked, “Cardno ENTRIX is a strategic addition, and the synergies between our teams are an ideal fit. Broadening our capabilities in the environmental space is a natural extension of Cardno’s core infrastructure business and simply allows us to better serve the growing needs of our clients.”

“As more and more countries focus on the need for improved infrastructure, a lot of money will need to be spent on things like roads and water,” he added. “The general population is becoming increasingly socially conscious and environmentally aware, which places more pressure on governments and corporations to make investments that enact change. Looking at the longer-term growing infrastructure needs of the community and associated environmental challenges, we see significant upside and opportunity for Cardno.”

This past June, Cardno also merged with Environmental Resolutions, Inc. (ERI), an environmental soil and groundwater firm with offices throughout the western United States. ERI also announced today its rebranding as Cardno ERI. These two subsidiaries, with distinct yet complementary capabilities, significantly expand Cardno’s North American presence while establishing an even stronger foothold within the strategic environmental arena.

Mr. Williams added, “Cardno ENTRIX is already experiencing competitive advantage and client servicing benefits from our expanded global network. We have teamed up with Cardno ERI on multiple client engagements, and we are leveraging the services and talent across the broader Cardno family. We are seeing immediate impact, and this is just the beginning.”

ENTRIX, INC. CO-BRANDS UNDER CARDNO NAME TO REFLECT EXPANDED GLOBAL NETWORKMerger with infrastructure leader broadens solutions portfolio and geographic reach

Green News

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6 November-December 2010

Job Seeker Advice

“The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated” - Mark Twain

And the often reported impending end of the resume have also proven to be exaggerations. The resume as a career marketing document certainly has its place and while with the advent of more technology the death of the resume is being predicted it will likely be a long time before we see the resume disappearing or being replaced. However the traditional job search either active or passive is changing and with that the approach and the documents used need to change as well.

It has been often quoted and for many years that the vast majority of positions are bring filled through referrals and networking, certainly in the current world of talent shortage employee referrals is a rapidly growing source of new hires for many companies – as high as 50% in some cases.

For the job seeker this form of finding their next job, referrals or networking, can be very alien and approaching this using methods last used a number of years ago may not be the best way to secure interest in skills and experience. This is especially relevant if the employee or referrer has little or no understanding of the opportunities or how the job seeker might fit in.

The job seeker is grateful for the introduction and blindly hands over or sends their resume by email for passing on down the line and immediately loses much of the control of how they position themselves and are being perceived. They might not even have the name of the hiring manager or contact for handling their application and now have diminished their chances of having much influence in the process.

Anyone with limited or no work experience is struggling to make a resume look inviting enough to get a phone call or relate it well enough to a certain role. Also the trouble is that if a company is hiring for a number of positions and is accepting referrals, the job seeker based on their experience might be suitable for more than one role, but their limited or generic resume is a potential barrier to their being considered.

That’s where the use of personal branding can come in, being used to create different career marketing documents as the door openers, giving the job seeker time and hopefully greater knowledge to follow up with a targeted resume once specifics of a position or openings are known.

Some of the key elements of personal branding are to understand yourself from both an internal and external perspective. Being able to identify and communicate key strengths and differentiating attributes can really be used to the job seekers advantage in creating powerful career documents that make people take notice, but do not give away all the information in one go.

The Brand Skills Sheet

In personal branding work and through the use of specific personal branding assessments you are able to identify what your peers and colleagues, managers, professors and even friends and clients perceive as your key brand skills. Then you can take the time to create your brand stories around how you have used those brand skills in specific situations with measurable results. This becomes a sort of brag sheet that gives the reader a real flavor for who you are, what you might bring to their

company and how you have been successful in the past. The best predictor of future success is past accomplishments.

The Branded Bio

Now using the feedback about differentiating attributes and strengths and merging that with a high level view of your experience you can craft a one page branded biography that again gives the reader a good sense of who you are, where you have been and what you have done without the pre-conceptions of if you have enough work experience or how long you were at company XYZ or why you took so long to find a job after leaving company ABC etc.

Brand Testimonials

An added bonus to the equation is that with the personal branding assessment feedback come comments from the people who you have chosen to respond. The assessment itself is anonymous to allow for honest and objective feedback, but the comments are still un-attributable testimonials and the positive ones can be used to inject in to the Brand Skills Sheet to highlight specific experiences of the skill in action and a third party’s reaction.

The Skills Sheet and Bio can prove to be very useful documents that allow the job seeker to still be proactive and responsive to a request for more information but still give them control over information specifics that can be saved for the tailored and targeted resume at the next stage of the conversation or process.

The content created in the skills and bio sheets can also be used as copy or structure for on line profiles on networking sites, even in the resume posting sections of job boards and certainly in any other type of web presence such as portfolios or blogs.

These two documents should be the two that any job seeker reaches for in a networking or referral situation, or indeed anywhere that a specific role is not evident or has been posted or advertised. The resume certainly has its place, is just a little further down the application process.

Paul Copcutt is Canada’s leading personal brand strategist and is the founder of Square Peg Solution ( and author of “STOP Sending the Resume – how to get your next employer beating down your door to hire you”

He can be reached at 1-800-810-5116 or via email [email protected].

How personal branding can be used to create more than a resume

by Paul Copcutt

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Career Profile

Oil Spill Presents Diverse Opportunities

Major disasters such as the oil spill in the Gulf can have global implications in terms of social, economic, and political impact, and the effects may be felt long after the disaster has passed.

The oil spill that occurred on April 20, 2010, was caused by a drilling explosion that killed 11 workers and injured an additional 17. The explosion resulted in a massive spread of oil throughout the Gulf of Mexico, and was quickly named one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history. The spill continued for 85 days at rates that government and private sector experts estimated to be approximately 2.5 million gallons per day. The rate of the flow was stemmed on July 15, 2010 with the placement of a new, tight-fitting 75 ton cap. By this time the spill had created a surface oil slick that was visible for over 2,500 square miles, reaching the shores of five U.S. states, permanently damaging varying species of wildlife and natural resources.

Direct response opportunities

The disaster precipitated the need for workers, paid staff and volunteers, to contain the spill, assist in recovery efforts, and protect wildlife and natural resources. The opportunities, short and long-term, extend across widely diverse industries and career fields including engineers and scientists, technical specialists, researchers, military personnel, and skilled labourers.

According to the Center for American Progress’ Brad Johnson, the primary spill response contractors can be categorized in six main areas; high-level logistics, wellhead response, hazardous waste response, claims processing, wildlife rescue and scientific monitoring.

Contractors providing high-level logistics support include Response Group, Inc., O’Brien’s Response Management, National Response Corporation, Oil Spill Response, and Marine Spill Response Corporation. Each company specializes in disaster prevention, disaster preparedness, and responding to those crises that arise, particularly oil spills. They employ engineers, communications/public relations experts, consultants, security experts, GIS analysts, planners, and specialists. Specialized wellhead response contractors include Fluor, Inc., Swift

Worldwide Resources, and Halliburton. These companies have job opportunities for trades workers, estimators, planners,

analysts, engineers, human resource

specialists, auditors, and quality control managers to name a few. A significant number of staffing subcontractors have been utilized to recruit workers for hazardous waste response, as well as marine and beach clean-up efforts. Hazardous material response contractors such as Advanced Cleanup Technologies, Parsons Corporation and others provide supplies and direct assistance to clean-up workers by providing equipment such as skimmers and containment booms. Opportunities for engineers, environmental scientists, project managers, estimators, architects, and procurement specialists can be found with these companies. Clean Harbors removes, disposes, and recycles hazardous materials from sites affected by the spill. They have opportunities for labourers, technicians, chemists, and transportation specialists. ESIS, Inc, a risk management company, has contracted to recruit over 700 claims professionals to handle the numerous claims arising from the spill.

In addition to the private contractors working to clean up the spill, three non-profit organizations continue to aid in the rescue, relocation and rehabilitation of wildlife that has been affected by the spill. Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research, the International Bird Rescue Research Center, and the Louisiana State Animal Response Team require the assistance of volunteers to be effective. Opportunities for volunteers include wildlife care personnel, office support, find raising, marketing and oil spill response.

Volunteers are an integral part of the clean-up effort in The Gulf. Thousands of people are contributing their time and energy to ensure that the effects to human health, wildlife and the natural environment are minimized and attended to. Volunteering is not only altruistic, but it also provides you with an excellent opportunity to develop skills and make contacts for possible future employment. To find volunteer opportunities related to the oil spill or otherwise check out and

Government response and opportunities within

A Unified Command was established to effectively manage response operations to the spill. This interdepartmental effort includes the following federal partners; Department of Homeland Security (DHS), U.S. Coast Guard, Department of the Interior (DOI), Department of Energy (DOE), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and 13 other government agencies. The Department of Homeland Security leads this command and its activities, including monitoring the relief response, coordination of relief efforts, regulatory oversight, scientific evaluation, provision of direct technical and operational assistance, along with funding and recruitment of temporary staff and volunteers.

The Coast Guard has been involved since the beginning, when it was deployed to the explosion on a search and rescue mission. The DOI, by request of the President, has monitored response efforts and reported back to the administration with additional recommendations for required safety measures for offshore drilling. The DOE gathered a team of scientists to help design an effective strategy for containing the leak and to monitor progress to do so. The EPA monitors potential public health and environmental issues by evaluating air, water, sediment, and waste samples. Reports of its findings are published on the EPAs website (

Nearly 2000 Department of Defense (DOD) personnel were sent to the Gulf to support the clean-up effort. This support included crews of military-owned skimmers and aircraft, as well as staging sites for boom deployment. Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates had also authorized the deployment of up to 17,500 National

by Lisa Ann Burke

continued on page 10

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8 November-December 2010

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Career Insider

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was born out of a need to protect the human environment from pollution caused by overpopulation and industrialization. The agency strives to support environmental science, research, education and evaluation efforts in the United States, and to this effect, the EPA offers students the opportunity to gain valuable experience while helping to protect the human environment through various programs, scholarships, and fellowships.One such fellowship is the Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) (formerly Minority Academic Institutions) Undergraduate Fellowship program. Intended for bachelors students entering their last two years of study, this competitive national award focuses on “stimulating and supporting interest in environmentally related research and development at institutions of higher education that receive limited federal funding, including in particular institutions with substantial minority enrollment.”1 The end goal is to strengthen the environmental professionals of tomorrow and increase research that advances the protection of human health and the natural environment through education.

December 9, 2010 is the deadline for applying for this year’s fellowship, so there is still time to apply. Rhiana Cok, a student at Calvin College and 2009-2010 GRO fellow, suggests taking the “time to work through and send in your application – it is well worth it!” This year the EPA plans on awarding up to 40 new fellowships for 2011. Students awarded GRO fellowships receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate study and for a paid summer internship at an EPA facility. Of her internship Ms. Cok commented, “an outstanding experience for my student career, the internship led to my decision to pursue a master’s degree in environmental engineering.”

The fellowship seeks applications from students carrying out research in a variety of environmentally related topics including; Natural and Life Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Interdisciplinary Programs, Engineering, Social Sciences, Physical Science and Earth Sciences, and Mathematics and Computer Science. GRO fellows have completed or are working on research covering a range of interesting topics. Subjects have ranged from the effects of contaminants on amphibians, to evaluation of alternative energy technologies, to dioxin contamination in foods.

Several past GRO fellows have gone on to work in the environmental field and say that the fellowship provided them not only with invaluable experience, but also direction for their future endeavors.2 Lan Tran, a 2008-2009 GRO fellow, found the application process to be very time consuming but well worth it, “because it helped me develop a better sense of what I wanted to do and learn and of what mattered the most to me.”

For more information on the application process for the current GRO fellowship announcement, please visit the EPAs website at For individuals finishing up high school or just starting their college education now is the time to evaluate the available programs out there, including the EPAs GRO fellowship. Master’s and Graduate students should check out the Science to Achieve Results (STAR) Fellowships for Graduate Environmental Study offered by the EPA.

Get a Fellowship Through the EPA GRO Program

by Sabine Rogers

EPA GRO Fellowship Eligibility Requirements

1. Students must attend a fully accredited U.S. college or university (located in the U.S. or its territories) for their last two years of undergraduate studies during the fellowship period.

2. Students must also be citizens of the U.S. or its territories or possessions, or be lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence. Resident aliens must include their green card number in their application (you must have your green card at the time of application to be eligible for this Fellowship opportunity).

3. The GRO Undergraduate Fellowship is intended for students entering their last two years of study before obtaining their first bachelor’s degree. The fellowship tenure is for two academic years (9 months each) with a required paid internship during the summer after the first year. Thus, only students who will be entering their last two years of college will be considered eligible.

4. Students must have at least a “B” average overall at the time of application and during the tenure of the fellowship.

5. During the tenure of the fellowship, students must attend fully accredited four year U.S. institutions of higher education. These schools must be listed as not highly funded for research and development capacity. For the purposes of this solicitation, EPA considers ineligible those institutions identified as receiving more than $35 million in annual federal research and development funding in the National Science Foundation’s publication “Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges, and Nonprofit Institutions: FY 2007,” Table 12, column 2. Those institutions either not listed, or listed as having received $35 million or less as designated in column 2 of Table 12 are eligible. These data can be found at:

6. Students attending two-year institutions or community colleges are eligible to apply. Additionally, students not in attendance at an institution of higher education may apply. However, in order to receive the fellowship, students attending two-year institutions or community colleges or students not in attendance at the time of application will need to show evidence of having received their Associate’s degree, and will need to demonstrate that they only have two years left of undergraduate studies for completion of the Bachelor’s degree, and that they have been accepted to attend an accredited eligible four year institution. This requirement is considered satisfied if the student is transferring to an accredited eligible four-year institution which has an Articulation Agreement with the two-year institution, thus meaning that all credits will transfer towards requirements for the Bachelor’s degree. See III.A. Eligible Applicants below.

See for more information.



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10 November-December 2010

Guardsmen in four states impacted by the spill: Alabama (3,000), Florida (2,500), Louisiana (6,000) and Mississippi (6,000).

Additionally, The Department of Commerce and the National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (NOAA) employ marine biologists, oceanographers, and meteorologists that provide weather forecasting and wildlife monitoring that serve to guide other rescue efforts.

Typical career opportunities within these government agencies include accounting, civil engineering, contracting, law enforcement, budget and research analysts, human resources, administrative support, and emergency management to name a few. For available opportunities check individual websites (see sidebar) or go directly to to search them all.How the career outlook is impacted

According to most experts, the oil spill disaster has had and will continue to have a lasting impact on employment prospects in such diverse areas as seafood (with close to 84,000 miles closed to fishing), energy production, travel and tourism (estimated to be about $23 billion in lost revenue) and real estate (estimated $4 billion in lost property value over the next several years).

Taking a longer-range perspective, disasters like this can lead to major changes both in regulatory policy and public opinion. These changes in turn bring about technological developments, enhanced environmental awareness, and regulatory changes that can lead to new careers in terms of emerging specialty areas and accompanying revisions in educational and job training requirements. Technology and associated research will likely focus on the interaction of oil and the environment and will require diverse specialists such as biologists, chemists, geologists, computer scientists, meteorologists, oceanographers, landscape architects, urban planners, economists, botanists, and ecologists. Regulatory changes will call upon the expertise of legal analysts, researchers, technical writers, and regulatory consultants.

Companies like Marine Spill Response Corp, National Response Corp, as well as government programs, such as NOAAs Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration program were only recently created in response to government regulations put in place after past disasters such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill. These companies and programs, along with others that will emerge in response to the Deepwater Horizons disaster, will need the expertise and experience of professionals from a variety of fields, as well as the ingenuity and innovation of those who have recently completed their education.

A greater push for alternative energy sources

Civil and chemical engineers along with materials scientists and researchers will be called upon to develop alternative fuel sources in response to public pressure combined with government incentives. Many companies will be looking for people with a wide range of skills to help develop and deliver alternative energy, including project engineers, project managers, plant operators and technicians with experience. Projects to develop solar and wind power, as well as advanced bio-fuels and hydrogen power with carbon capture and storage will continue to grow.

Stopping and containing the oil spill has required the combined efforts of a widely diverse workforce composed of thousands of contractors, technology and computer experts, engineers, management personnel, HAZMAT and OSHA certified workers, technicians, communications staff, natural resource specialists, healthcare workers, as well as government and military personnel. The continued clean-up efforts and the development of new technologies and planning for the future will require the knowledge and expertise of the above mentioned workforce along with hundreds of others.

© Copyright 2010 Lisa Ann Burke. All rights reserved.

Oil Spill Jobs (from page 7)

Additional Information

Find out more about the companies mentioned in the oil spill article and whether or not they are currently hiring! - Response Group, Inc. provides emergency response products and services including GIS mapping and modelling, planning, and training and support. - O’Brien’s Response Management provides regulatory compliance, emergency preparedness, response management, disaster services and crisis management for industry and government agencies. - National Response Corporation provides the government and private industries with emergency & crisis management, regulatory compliance, contingency planning, logistics support, training programs, and security services. - Oil Spill Response provides resources to respond to oil spills, training and consultancy services. - Marine Spill Response Corporation is a non-profit spill response company whose capabilities include a large inventory of vessels, equipment, trained personnel, and contractor workforce. - Fluor, Inc. provides engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance, and project management services to a diverse number of clients. - Swift Worldwide Resources specializes in recruitment of skilled workers in the oil and gas industry. – Halliburton is one of the world’s largest providers of products and services to the energy industry. - Advanced Cleanup Technologies specializes in environmental emergency response, hazardous waste management, industrial cleaning, waste minimization, confined space entry, transportation services and air pollution control technology. - Parsons Corporation is an engineering and construction firm providing services to provate industry as well as federal, regional, and local government agencies. - Clean Harbors provides environmental, energy, and industrial services and is the largest hazardous waste disposal company in North America. - ESIS, Inc is a global risk management services provider. - Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research of Delaware works to rehabilitate injured, orphaned, and oiled native wild birds. - International Bird Rescue Research Center of California’s mission is to mitigate human impact on aquatic birds and other wildlife through rehabilitation, emergency response, education, research, planning and training. - Louisiana State Animal Response Team is an organization of groups and individuals with an interest in animal well-being related to emergencies and disasters. The team is made up of government agencies, veterinarians, animal control officers, humane organizations, and citizen volunteers.

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Applications Engineer (Solar Generation) – California. As Applications Engineer, you will support the product Sales Team, interfacing with customers, and preparing technical application materials and proposals related to the over-all PV Inverter product line. This includes face to face customer visits and power point presentations on occasion. You will work with the Systems Design Team as well as other Applications Engineers to produce the required drawings, array sizing, inverter option list, bills of materials, and requirements compliance matrices. You must be able to communicate with all areas of the company. You will work with Product Management, Product Marketing, Engineering and Manufacturing. You must have good communication skills to effectively interface with customers and ensure their technical needs are met. Special Qualifications or Background Needed: 5+ years of electrical power system related experience, preferably with 3-phase AC and applications with renewable energy sources. Field experience with solar electric power system installations. Electrical system design experience a strong plus. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Excellent teamwork skills. Knowledgeable in power conditioning technology. Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Engineering and related work experience a strong plus. This position requires travel to customer and non-customer sites, travel will primarily be throughout the western part of the US. Please send resumes ATTN: Mary Ann Janigian. Additional information about Satcon is available at Visit our Booth at InterSolar. Contact: Mary Ann Janigian, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Solar Program Manager – Arizona. We are currently seeking a Solar Program Manager to join our team. Ideally, we would like this person be in one of these local markets: Phoenix, AZ, Albuquerque, NM or San Francisco, CA. However, the right candidate could sit in any one of our Kleinfelder offices. The primary responsibility of this position will be to deliver multi-faceted Kleinfelder services to solar clients and projects across the US and support client account managers and business development managers in positioning and developing specific solar clients and projects in North America. Other aspects of the position will be to plan, organize, and administer program activities to support the needs of our clients. Maintain contacts with past project clients to develop leads and show interest in maintaining a relationship. Coordinate project team for proposal effort, strategy and budget. Identify project reviewers and personnel and obtains appropriate input for proposal. The ideal candidate has experience in the solar industry, with at least 5 years of direct experience in the industry. Must understand the nuances of the solar market. Solar development and interconnection experience highly desired. Overall, 10 or more years of professional experience including at least 3 years or more of project management experience needed. Education: Bachelor’s degree in Geology, Earth Science, Environmental Engineering or related field required. Master’s degree or equivalent desired. Contact: Denise Howe, (858) 320-2000 (phone), email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Energy Specialist (Engineer II) – Herndon. A Government contractor located in the Washington DC area is seeking a mid to senior level Energy Specialist / Engineer for its environmental services practice. The candidate should have experience with conducting and leading commercial energy audits, measuring and improving buildings performance, commissioning of buildings, building systems, (mechanical, electrical, lighting systems, HVAC) as well as a solid understanding of utility tariffs and rate structures. Experience in these topics related to industrial buildings, experience with renewable energy systems would be greatly beneficial. Position requires a degree in Engineering plus 5-10 years of experience in the areas mentioned above. Candidate should also have a PE and CEM certifications. A LEED-Ap certification would be helpful, but it is not a requirement. Must be a US Citizen and have the ability to pass a background check. Please apply on-line at Close Date: Until Filled.

Climate Pioneers Program Manager – Oregon. LIVE is currently hiring a Program Manager to administer this program. The Climate Pioneers program manager will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of a new carbon reduction and mitigation certification

Brownfield Redevelopment Specialist – Michigan. ASTI Environmental (ASTI) has an opening for a Brownfield Redevelopment Specialist to assist our real estate and municipal clients with brownfield restoration programs. The position will be devoted to the development of the brownfield restoration practice in Michigan and Ohio. Duties will include, grant administration, preparation of redevelopment scenarios, evaluation of benefits and tax incentives, and preparation of brownfield plans and tax credit applications. The successful candidates will work in our Brighton, Michigan office. Two to five years experience in brownfield investigation and/or consulting required. BS in science or math preferred. Writing and communication skills are critical. Benefits package includes life/dental/health insurance, 401K plan, company bonus, and flex time. Please respond by sending your resume to: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Energy Team Lead (LEED Certification) – Washington, DC. Each Team Lead manages a team of professional LEED Certification Reviewers and serves as a primary technical subject matter expert for the evaluation of projects pursuing LEED Certification. This individual draws on cross-cutting knowledge of, and direct experience with, the suite of LEED Rating Systems to serve as a resource and problem-solver for technical issues pertaining to LEED. 2 Team Leads are currently sought in the Energy area. Individuals with specific language skills strongly preferred: (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin, and Arabic). Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree (Master’s degree preferred) in mechanical or energy engineering or equivalent; Minimum 2 years direct professional experience in mechanical system design, energy modeling, commissioning and/or energy auditing; Direct experience with at least 10 energy models for commercial projects by consulting on, creating or reviewing compliance with ASHRAE Std. 90.1, California’s Title-24 or equivalent local code; Experience with a variety of high-performance building projects, including LEED projects; Excellent judgment, analytical thinking, and problem-solving skills; Detail-oriented and able to prioritize; Experience serving in technical consultative role; Excellent written and verbal communication skills, including technical writing; Excellent ability to clearly explain advanced technical issues in manner that is

About These AnnouncementsEmployers:

Please send your vacancy announcements to:

Environmental Career Center2 Eaton Street, Ste. 711Hampton, VA 23669

or e-mail to: [email protected]

or fax to 757-727-7904

Job Seekers:

Employers’ job application procedures vary, and some have very short application deadlines. Have your resume and any special government or company application forms ready before you receive the Green Careers Journal. Many application forms are available via the web and can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Job Announcementseasily understood; Strong interpersonal and customer service skills; Strong sense of personal responsibility and accountability for delivering high quality work; Ability to work well both independently and on teams; Willingness to self-initiate; Strong computer skills, including proficiency in MS Office suite and LEED Online Compensation includes an excellent benefits package, including 100% employer-paid premiums on healthcare and employer-matching 401(k) program. Please submit resume and letter of interest, with salary requirements and title of position applying for, via email or fax, attn: Human Resources. Please indicate where you saw the posting for this opportunity. No phone calls please. Contact: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Sustainability/Energy Engineer – Virginia. ERG’s Chantilly office is seeking a talented, motivated engineer to support federal government clients on projects related to sustainable design and energy efficiency. Ideal candidates will have 1-5 years of experience, a degree in mechanical engineering or related field, familiarity with building systems and the LEED rating systems, and excellent written and oral communication skills. Candidates should have a BS or MS degree and 1 to 5 years of experience. Minimum 3.0 GPA required. College transcripts must be submitted along with resume. ERG offers a competitive benefits package. Please submit your resume and include Attn: CHABV0727102B11 in the subject line of your email. You may also mail or fax the appropriate documents to the Attention of CHABV0727102B11. No phone calls please. Birute Vanatta, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Energy Asset Manager – Massachusetts. New Ecology is seeking candidates for the position of Energy/Asset Manager. The Manager works on behalf of 6 community development corporations in metro-Boston to identify finance and implement energy efficiency improvements in their portfolios of multi-family affordable housing. The ideal candidate will be entrepreneurial, results-oriented, and a team player. The candidate should have a sound technical knowledge of building systems and operations, experience in project management, coordination and implementation, and experience in conducting relevant financial analysis and developing financing plans. The candidate should also possess strong customer communication skills. The candidate should be prepared for increased responsibility in a rapidly growing company and should be motivated to help build this aspect of New Ecology’s services. The applicant’s experience and qualifications should include: experience managing multiple projects; experience in gathering and interpreting detailed financial information on buildings and projects, and using that information to devise ways to finance work to be done; technical competence in understanding specifications and plans; ability to communicate clearly both orally (presentations) and in writing; experience in one or more of the following fields - building science, multi-family property management, energy management, engineering related to buildings/building systems, and; a graduate degree or equivalent experience. Competitive pay and benefits. Please submit your cover letter and resume. Attn: Energy Asset Manager Position. No phone calls, please. New Ecology, Inc., 15 Court Square, Suite 420, Boston, MA 02108. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Outside Sales (Renewable Technologies) – Florida. Affordable Energy Solutions, Inc. is looking for ambitious, high energy individuals looking to build a career in the solar energy and energy efficiency industries. We are looking for smart, hard working employees who are passionate about solar and efficiency products and services and who are looking to grow a career in the renewable energy and energy efficiency business. Qualifications: Minimum of 2 years outside sales or retail sales; Desire to get into renewable energy industry and build a career with a regional solar leader; Pride in your work and contribution to a winning team; Straight-forward sales approach focused on customer value; Ability to learn quickly and adapt to a rapidly growing business environment; A 4 year degree is preferred or 2 year Associates degree is required; Reliable transportation is required; Clean driving record; Clean criminal background. Contact: Affordable Energy Solutions, Inc., 2740 31st Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55406. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

program for the wine industry. Qualifications: Highly organized and pragmatic mindset; Ability to work independently with strong work ethic; Grant writing experience and successful track record in procuring funding for projects; Computer literate (MS Office, Adobe Creative Suite) as this program will aim to be paperless from day one. PM will work with a web-developer to architect a new website for members to use for reporting; Public speaking experience - ability to convey complex topics in understandable terms; Effective communicator and works well with people; Organizational development background helpful, but not required; Knowledge of and experience in Oregon wine industry preferred but not required; Greenhouse Gas mitigation knowledge or background preferred but not required; Willingness to travel to various wine regions of the northwest, and Bachelor’s degree required, Masters degree in business or related field preferred. The compensation for this position is commensurate with experience. This position is full-time and will be based out of Salem. Please send cover-letter, resume, summary of salary history and 3 references to Chris Serra, LIVE Program Director, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Development Associate – New York. The Horticultural Society of New York seeks 2 Development Associates to raise operating funds through government, foundation, corporate and individual sources, and through membership. Each Associate will have their area of focus, but will work together on major grants applications and reporting. This is an excellent opportunity for high-energy and motivated self-starters to build the Society’s capacity and resources in partnership with the Director of Special Events. We require a minimum of 2 years experience in not-for-profit fundraising with a track record of researching, writing and reporting on grants up to 6 figures. Experience with membership appeals and major gifts a plus. Excellent written skills are a must, as is a solid understanding of program and operating budgets. Must be proficient with Raiser’s Edge and MS Excel. The Horticultural Society of New York offers a competitive salary and benefits package, with possibility for growth based on performance results. Please send resume with cover letter, salary requirements, and 2 writing samples. In subject line please include job title and source of ad: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Greenbuild Sponsorship & Exhibition Director – Washington, DC. The primary duty of the Director of Greenbuild Sponsorship and Exhibition is to plan and implement USGBC’s sponsorship and tradeshow strategy to include the annual Greenbuild International Conference and Expo, as well as will assist with functions of USGBC sponsorship and exhibition at other event based platforms. The percentage of time dedicated to various initiatives will be determined by the Vice President, Greenbuild Conference and Events. Qualifications: 6-8 years of experience in sponsor recruitment/development/fundraising/exhibition and client/sponsor management. Demonstrated knowledge of environmental issues and the building industry preferred. Direct experience in individual and corporate solicitation and contract negotiation strongly preferred. Excellent written and interpersonal communications skills. A proactive style, self-motivated with little supervision, and skilled at motivating others. Outstanding organizational abilities. Strong computer skills, especially spreadsheets and databases. Ability to handle multiple assignments simultaneously and to work well under pressure. Demonstrated management and administrative skills, with solid judgment and sensitivity to others. Strong strategic, tactical, and linguistic skills. Compensation includes an excellent benefits package, including 100% employer-paid premiums on healthcare and employer-matching 401(k) program. Please submit resume and letter of interest, with salary requirements and title of position applying for, via email or fax, attn: Human Resources. Please indicate where you saw the posting for this opportunity. No phone calls please. Email: [email protected]; 202-478-5046 (fax). Close Date: Until Filled.

Test Manager – Arizona. Responsibilities: Perform product safety, performance and qualification testing and certification projects for solar energy equipment; design testing and test control apparatus and equipment; determine conditions under which tests are to be conducted and the sequences and phases of test operations; direct and exercise control over operational, functional, and performance phases

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12 November-December 2010

Please e-mail announcements on upcoming conferences, symposia, career seminars and training workshops to: [email protected]

Green Career Events“Networking or not working”


November 6-7, 2010 - Green Festival San Francisco, SF Concourse Exhibition Center, San Francisco, CA

November 16-19, 2010 - Generation Green: Greenbuild International Conference & Expo, McCormick Place, West Building, Chicago, IL.

December 6-10, 2010 – EcoBuild 2010, National Institute of Building Sciences, Washington Convention Center, Washington,

January 26, 2011 - Green Professionals Conference, Oregon Convention Center, Portland OR.

February 8-10, 2011 - Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conference, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington,

February 17-18, 2011 – Rocky Mountain Sustainability Summit, Conference theme is “Inspiring Action on Regional Sustainability Priorities.” University of Denver, Denver, Colorado

March 8-10, 2011 - Renewable Energy World Conference & Expo North America, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, FL

April 26-29, 2011 - Seventh Generation Thinking: Learning From the Past, Planning for the Future, NAEP 36th Annual Conference, Sheraton Denver Downtown, Denver, CO

May 1-3, 2011 - NAHB National Green Building Conference, Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City,

May 11-12, 2011 - Good and Green: The Green Marketing Conference, Hearst Tower, New York, NY

May 22-25, 2011 – WINDPOWER 2011 Conference and Exhibition, American Wind Power Association, Anaheim, CA

May 28 – June 4, 2011 – IAIA11, “Impact Assessment and Responsible Development”, International Association for Impact Assessment, Puebla, Mexico

June 14-16, 2011 – 8th Annual EnergyOcean International 2011, Holiday Inn By the Bay, Portland, Maine

Event Recap

by Sarah McElroy

As a graduate student who will hopefully be entering the workforce next June, attending job fairs and networking events has become just as much a part of my routine as completing the homework my professors assign. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend the Green Careers Seminar at the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) conference. This year, the annual conference was held in the mile high city, Denver, and featured a number of keynote speakers and breakout sessions as well as the AASHE EXPO where various institutions, businesses, products, and organizations set up booths for attendees to explore. The Green Careers Seminar, hosted by the Environmental Career Center, included presentations by two environmental professionals followed by a question and answer session. Emily Lesh and Andrea Hart graciously took time out their busy schedules to share their wisdom with a packed-to-capacity room of conference attendees.

Emily Lesh is the Green Jobs Program Coordinator at the Colorado Workforce Development Council and works in conjunction with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment and the Governor’s Energy Office. With a passion for complex energy issues, she coordinates and implements workforce development initiatives for Colorado’s New Energy Economy. Lesh completed an environmental studies undergraduate degree at Connecticut College and received her Master’s of Public Administration in 2008 from the University of Washington’s Daniel J. Evans School of Public Affairs with a focus on climate and energy policy. Prior to her work with the Colorado Workforce Development Council, Lesh worked on environmental and energy issues in the nonprofit field and worked for the National Conference of State Legislatures as an Environment, Energy and Transportation Policy Specialist.

Andrea Hart works at Weston Solutions, Inc., an environmental consulting firm that specializes in integrating sustainable solutions, where she leads the Sustainable Operations Service Line. Her position involves overseeing the strategic development of the company’s integrated solutions for the sustainability of fixed assets and business operations, and she is also involved in corporate-wide strategic planning. Hart has over twenty five years of experience in all sorts of organizations including government, nonprofit, and for-profit and has done everything from managing programs and policies to consulting on diverse public affairs strategies. Hart completed a B.A. in international relations from the University of Denver and received an Executive Master’s in public administration from the University of Colorado at Denver.

Both Lesh and Hart spoke about their experiences in the green jobs industry as well as their thoughts on the current state of this industry (sector?), its growth prospects, and advice for anyone who wants to work in this field. Some of the major points and key takeaways from the seminar are described below.

What are green jobs?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (and Lesh’s presentation), green jobs are those “involved in economic activities that help protect or restore the environment or conserve natural resources.” At first glance, one might think this refers only to the

Green Careers Seminar Held at AASHE Conference in Denver

continued on page 14

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When applying for a position, please reference the

of tests; confer with engineering technicians to resolve testing problems; oversee the analysis and interpretation of test data; prepare technical reports for review by customers and senior management; document and store test data; train technicians in the use of testing equipment; recommend test equipment acquisitions; interact with corporate engineers and technical representatives of clients; developed by Sandia National Laboratories; research applicable international technical standards; review certification applications; maintain and update testing manuals; control training-related expenditures to conform to budgetary requirements; attend technical and scientific conferences. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) ~ Mechanical or Electrical Engineering; 2 years in job or in related electrical engineering position. Contact: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Design Associate – California. Do you have a passion for green living? Do you excel at customer service? Do you have an impressive work ethic and an upbeat demeanor? If so, apply to join us at Reclaim! We are looking for a hardworking, creative individual to join our close-knit group. We need coverage on Saturdays (10-6) and Sundays (11-3), plus one fixed weekday per week. Our ideal candidate will also be able to pick up additional weekday shifts as needed. This is not a short-term position. This job would be perfect for: College students (especially design students) We’d like to see: appreciation for or background in design/home remodeling (school only OK), ability to advise customers on color and materials choices, previous customer service experience, excellent written and oral communication skills, organizational & administrative skills. Please email a resume plus a cover letter that gives us a glimpse of your personality and what unique skills you can bring to the Reclaim team (we will not consider resumes without cover letters). If we think you are a good fit, we will contact you to set up a phone interview. Email: [email protected]. Visit for more information. Close Date: Until Filled.

Associate Director – Vermont. Help develop a dynamic and fast growing agricultural and consumer segment of the food, fiber and personal care market. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) seeks to fill the position of Associate Director Conference and Product Development. The associate director will have bottom-line responsibility for OTA’s conferences, information products and advertising products. The position will function as a creative member of OTA’s Integrated Communication, Marketing and Public Relations team, reporting to the Chief of Policy and External Relations and works closely with the Associate Director of Communications. OTA promotes and educates trade and opinion leaders about organic products throughout the United States and Canada, through its annual policy conference, organic education conference, co-sponsored education events, information products (industry and consumer surveys) and offers advertising trade vehicles. Full program responsibility includes: contract and MOU execution, content development, event planning, back-end operations, promotion and program-based bottom line accountability (revenue & profits). Qualified applicants will possess a personal passion for organic products; demonstrated conference content development and event planning experience, expertise in information product development, and management of outside contractors. An appreciation for and knowledge of organic agriculture systems would be an added plus. The candidate’s skills set will include experience in and knowledge of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, website content management and design suite software Project management competence a must. Bachelor’s degree with appropriate expertise. Masters degree preferred. Please submit a cover letter and resume by email to: Stella Sexton, HR Department, Organic Trade Association, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Energy Analyst – Washington, DC. The Energy Analyst is central to our delivery of energy reduction services to our clients. She/he will manage the technological interface with our client’s buildings that allow us to monitor in real time energy usage and demand. She/he will analyze energy data to identify anomalies in performance and determine best practices. The ideal candidate has strong quantitative skills, is knowledgeable in statistics and data mining techniques, and is able to draw creative

insights from analysis Qualifications: Proficient with statistical and data mining techniques and software. Strong quantitative analytical skills. A creative problem solver; able to extract insights from data. Well organized; able to multi-task and set priorities. Good communication and interpersonal skills. Undergraduate degree in math or science. Knowledge of energy efficiency and/or sustainability are not required, but a plus. LEED AP or Green Associate is a plus. Proficient with MS Office. Salary is commensurate with the candidate’s qualifications and experience. For all inquiries, please contact us. All applications will be thoroughly reviewed. Qualified candidates will be contacted by us. AtSite, 1667 K Street, NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20006. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Associate (LEED Program Fellow) – Washington, DC. GBCI is seeking a highly organized, professional, and detail-oriented industrial-organizational specialist with experience in portfolio assessments and project/product management for a customized examination system to serve as a LEED Fellow Program Associate. This is a junior level position that will be responsible for working with nominators, nominees, senior staff and the Board of Directors for all program development, implementation and maintenance. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree required. Prior relevant professional experience in test development strongly preferred. Excellent verbal and written communication skills (including strong abilities in grammar and proofreading). Database management skills. Excellent judgment and decision-making skills. Excellent qualitative and quantitative skills. Exceptional customer service skills. Detail oriented, highly organized. Personable; team player; capable of working independently. Strong computer skills; including competency with MS Office Suite (including power point, excel, access, word and outlook) required. Supportive and able to carry out GBCI’s mission and standards for quality service. Compensation includes an excellent benefits package, including 100% employer-paid premiums on healthcare and employer-matching 401(k) program. Please submit resume and letter of interest, with salary requirements and title of position applying for, via email or, attn: Human Resources. Please indicate where you saw the posting for this opportunity. No phone calls please: [email protected] or visit Close Date: Until Filled.

Chemical Process Engineer – Ohio. Iosil Energy is an entrepreneurial startup at the forefront of renewable energy technology. Focused on the development of technologies to replace our dependence on fossil fuels, we have created a proprietary method for the purification of silicon used in solar cells. We are currently seeking Chemical Process Engineers to join our outstanding team. Qualifications: Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering or related field. 2+ years of applicable Chemical Process Engineering experience. Demonstrated experience and competence in specialized analytical software (MATLAB) or modeling software (FLUENT, ASPEN). Strong written and oral communication skills are a must. Preferred: MS in related field. PhD in related field. In return for your valued contributions, Iosil is proud to offer competitive benefits, including incentive equity opportunities. $65,000.00 - $85,000.00 (Yearly Salary) Enthusiastic and qualified individuals are encouraged to send resume and cover letter by email, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Manager (Energy & Sustainability) – New York. The energy manager is responsible for improving the energy efficiency of Ann Taylor corporate offices and field locations. This person will act as agents of change within the organization, coordinating all aspects of energy management, from energy efficiency to waste management and sustainability program development. This individual will be responsible for managing and evaluating the Company’s energy expenditures and implementing programs to optimize efficiency. The position is responsible for developing all utility budgets and monitoring usage versus plan. Be responsible for analyzing current energy usage and developing a national energy management plan in order to provide proper environmental conditions with cost effective energy utilization. Qualifications: Minimum 5 years of full time experience in energy management and service operations. BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from a US accredited college or university preferred. Candidate must have a minimum of 5 + years of experience in utilities and

energy management. 5 years basic engineering & commercial construction experience. Experience should include but is not limited to: developing comprehensive energy and utilities management plans, conducting energy audits, developing energy savings projects. Prefer certified commercial energy auditor and/or AEE certified Energy Manager (CEM). To inquire about home office or retail employment opportunities, please either fax or email your resume and cover letter to: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Solar Thermal Director – California. We are seeking a self-motivated entrepreneur to create business success in our exciting and rapidly growing solar industry. The Solar Thermal Manager will assume responsibility for the short and long-term strategic departmental planning, developing partnerships and maintaining customer relationships. This experienced professional must present strong leadership skills with mentoring, managing and building the team. We seek a visionary with a desire to direct and lead the development of the Solar Thermal Division. Qualifications: 5 years plus in a managerial role (General Manager) with a background in the energy efficient industry; Solar Thermal, Hydronics, HVAC, Mechanical or Commercial Plumbing and/or experience in a Commercial Construction capacity. Bachelors Degree required with strong academics and industry knowledge. MUST have a valid drivers license and clean DMV report. Travel 50% in the field-50% in office. Please email your resume, cover letter and salary requirements for consideration. Please indicate on the subject area of your email: Solar Thermal Director, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Associate (Sustainable Value Chains) – New York. The Associate, Sustainable Value Chains will be responsible for coordinating logistics for the global Sustainable Value Chains team, including oversight of workplans, budgets, and team meetings. S/he will be responsible for the planning and execution of key marketing and trade events as well as providing support to the business development initiatives of the team. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree required; 3 to 5 years of events planning, administrative, marketing and/or communications experience; Spanish proficiency preferred; Exceptional organizational skills with very high level of attention to detail; Ability to manage multiple tasks and prioritize effectively; Strong written and verbal communication skills; Strong computer skills (Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and general working knowledge of the Internet and web-based skills); and Willingness to travel 10% of the time. Compensation: Commensurate with experience. Competitive benefits package provided. Please send resume, cover letter and salary history to Human Resources. If emailing, use the following format in the subject line: first name and last name, job title of position you are applying for: Human Resources, Rainforest Alliance, 665 Broadway, Suite 500, New York, NY 10012 . Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Plant Disease Ecology Researcher – California. Dr. Rodrigo Almeida, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, is recruiting a post-doctoral researcher. This project is in collaboration with Dr. Kent Daane (UC Berkeley). Full-time one year position, renewal based on performance and funding. Experimental research will focus on an emerging vector-borne RNA grapevine virus in Northern California vineyards. We are seeking for post-docs with interest in addressing broad disease ecology questions from an experimental and theoretical perspective. Some experience with general molecular tools is desirable but not required, as other members of the laboratory have a strong molecular component to their work. Start date is flexible, although early 2011 is preferred. To apply send Rodrigo Almeida ([email protected]) an application, which should include a 1) cover letter, 2) CV, and 3) name/

contact of three references. Close Date: Until Filled. Bear/Furbearer Research Technician – Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Science Services is filling 2 half time research technician positions to support the bear and furbearer research programs. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply for both positions. Current bear research includes population estimation, nuisance bear control, bear range expansion and development of novel methods for monitoring bear populations. Current furbearer research includes evaluation of bobcat range and population, marten relocation and development of new techniques to monitor furbearer populations. Duties include preparation of wildlife survey supplies and materials, preparation and analysis of biological samples, and data management. The incumbent/s will assist the research scientist in preparation of materials for the bear/furbearer committee including literature reviews and data requests. Opportunities will be available to participate in study design, field work and data analysis dependent upon the incumbent’s skill and interest. Minimum of a bachelor’s degree in wildlife ecology or a related discipline. Strong knowledge and experience in biological sample collection and analysis, database development and management. Experience working in a research setting. Contact: David MacFarland, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Associate/Full Ecologist – North Carolina. The Department of Biology at East Carolina University [], the third largest campus in the University of North Carolina system, seeks an Ecologist at the rank of associate or full professor with an active, internationally recognized research program in macroecology, biodiversity, or conservation ecology. Will consider other titles based on degree and qualifications. The successful candidate is expected to establish an externally funded research program; teach and advise undergraduate, Master s and Doctoral level students; contribute appropriate service to the university, community and profession; and participate in the development of the recently formed North Carolina Center for Biodiversity. Honoring the late Raymond O Connor, this position is expected to contribute to and enhance departmental research and education missions in biodiversity and conservation ecology. The position reports to the Chair of the Department of Biology and is a 9-month tenure-track appointment. Position to begin as early as August 15, 2011. ECU’s application procedure requires online submission, at, position number 929751. Applicants should submit a letter of application, statements of research interests and teaching philosophy, a curriculum vitae, and names, current position and contact information (including e-mail addresses) for at least three professional references. Graduate transcript required upon employment. Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Enrique Reyes, Search Committee Chair, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

M.S. Assistantship – Texas. The graduate student will be integrated into a long-term study of the reproductive ecology of Wood Ducks using nest boxes. Potential research topics could include: nest site selection and fidelity, brood parasitism, incubation costs and tradeoffs or mark-recapture analyses of breeding females. The study will be conducted at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina. Fieldwork will begin in January 2011. Candidates should have a B.S. in Wildlife Biology, Zoology, or related discipline. Highly motivated individuals who work well both independently and collaboratively are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to candidates who have a strong history of experience and interest in avian ecology, good analytical skills, >3.0 GPA, and at least 1100 GRE (V+Q). $15,540 and full tuition waiver. Contact: Dr. Gary Hepp, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Research Associate – Oklahoma. A postdoctoral

Biology & Ecology

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14 November-December 2010

capable of operating mechanical equipment such as mowers, tractors, and trucks; and willing to work a flexible schedule. Ability to communicate easily with staff and the public. Requires First Aid and CPR certification upon hire, as well as successful completion of a CORI and SORI screening. Valid MA driver‘s license, ability to lift 50 pounds and traverse uneven terrain. Knowledge of basic carpentry skills helpful. Full benefits package. Please send resume and cover letter to: Caroline Malone, Livestock Manager, Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, 208 S Great Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Research Assistantship – Delaware. Master’s student research assistantship is available with the USGS Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences at Auburn University. The student will work on continuing the development and improvement of adaptive management models for horseshoe crab harvest and Red Knot conservation in the Delaware Bay. The student will work with the Delaware Bay Adaptive Management Working Group on parameter estimation and/or simulation modeling efforts to be used in decision making for crab harvests in the Bay. This is a quantitative and statistically focused position with some opportunity for field experience in Delaware in the spring. Applicants must have a B.S. in biology, fisheries or wildlife science, statistics or a related field. The successful applicant should have strong skills and interest in population modeling, mark-recapture analyses, and/or applied quantitative ecology and have strong computing/programming skills. To apply, please email a cover letter stating experience and career interests and a C.V./Resume with at least three references to Dr. Conor McGowan (EM: [email protected]). Close Date: Until Filled.

Ecologist/Wildlife Control Manager – New Jersey. Birdstrike Control Program is seeking a motivated individual to fill a full-time position for Wildlife Ecologist / Wildlife Control Manager at McGuire AFB airfield in central New Jersey. This position requires a polished professional with an education and experience in biology, ecology, wildlife management techniques, wildlife ecology, and population data collection. Field experience and knowledge of bird or other wildlife behavior/ecology are a must. Experience in a broad range of wildlife control techniques, airfield safety protocol, and dog behavior are a plus. Significant field and training requirements and excellent personal skills necessary as well as professional experience in dealing with government agencies, strong written, research and verbal skills and minimally a Master’s degree. Position is a long-term position, for minimally 5 years. Candidates must be self-motivated, highly organized, and work independently without direct supervision. Candidates must possess an advanced degree in a related field or equivalent experience. Starting salary = $45,000 - $65,000, depending on degree and experience/degree. Due to military security issues, US citizens or nationals only. Background check required. Applicant must relocate in proximity to the airbase. Email cover letter, CV, and 3 reference contacts to BCP: (EM: [email protected]). Close Date: Until Filled.

Waterbird Biologist – Texas. The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program is seeking candidates to become part of our efforts to address declining waterbird populations on the central Texas coast. This full-time salaried position is based in Corpus Christi, but the program area includes four major bay systems along more than 100 miles of coastline. We are seeking an enthusiastic and organized person with a strong work ethic. The successful candidate will report to the Waterbird Program Manager. The major focus of the work involves habitat management and monitoring on nesting islands for over 20 species of colonial-nesting waterbirds,

research associate position is available with Dr. Charles R. Brown at the University of Tulsa to work on analysis of a 30-year mark-recapture data set on cliff swallows. General questions include determining the effects of colony size, philopatry, breeding time, and morphometrics on annual survival and movement of birds within a study area containing about 30 capture sites (colonies) each year. The total data set contains over 200,000 individuals and over 350,000 captures and recaptures, and is among the largest such data sets on birds in the world. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and background and training in state-of-the-art (including Bayesian) analysis of mark-recapture data. The position can start by 1 January 2011, and funding is available for up to three years. Some summer field work at the research site in western Nebraska could be incorporated, depending on a candidate’s interest. Persons interested should send a CV and names and contact information for three references to Dr. Charles R. Brown, email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Researcher – Kansas. A post-doctoral research position is available at the University of Kansas in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and at the Kansas Biological Survey. The successful applicant will explore how warming influences flows of carbon and nitrogen from substrates of varying recalcitrance through microorganisms and how these flows relate to the transformation of organic carbon into CO2. Most work will be conducted in the laboratories of Dr. Sharon Billings and Dr. Ford Ballantyne at KU. The post-doctoral researcher will be responsible for conducting incubations of multiple media using isotopically labeled substrates, enzymes associated with their degradation, and populations of microorganisms important in transformations of soil organic matter, and measurements of enzymatic activity, respiration and δ13CO2, microbial biomass, and isotopic signature. Results from these efforts will be incorporated into a model developed to elucidate the influence of warming on microbe-substrate interactions. We seek a creative individual who is enthusiastic about moving the science of climate change and soil organic matter dynamics forward. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. at the time of appointment or soon thereafter in ecosystem ecology, Earth system science, biogeochemistry or a related field, and experience in soil microbial ecology and stable isotope ecology. Preferred qualifications include experience using stable isotope probing or molecular tools to address questions of global change. To apply, see, position #00208460. Close Date: Until Filled.

Wetland Technician – California. Duties: Wetland delineations. Plant field surveys and monitoring. Report and permit preparation. Qualifications: BA/MA in biology/ecology. Wetland delineation training and experience. Familiarity with California flora and plant communities. Excellent writing and analytical skills. Please forward cover letter and resume to: WRA, Inc., 2169-G East Francisco Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901 or email: [email protected] or fax: (415) 454-0129. Close Date: Until Filled.

Project Manager (Biologist) – California. WRA, Inc. is seeking a career-minded Biologist with a minimum of two to three years experience managing resource agency permitting projects involving wetland delineation and mitigation planning and species consultations. The Project Manager will also be responsible for marketing activities and assisting technical staff to grow professionally. Experience with California’s sensitive biological resources, CEQA, and habitat restoration strongly preferred. A Bachelor’s degree in Biology/Ecology is required; a Master’s degree is preferred. This is a full-time position with medical/dental benefits, 401(k), and profit sharing. To learn more about WRA go to Please submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Live Stock Assistant – Massachusetts. Drumlin Farm seeks a full-time (32-40 hours per week) Livestock Assistant. Under the supervision of the Livestock Manager, the Assistant will help care for and manage the livestock operation and support Drumlin’s farm-based education programs. Flexible schedule includes one weekend day and some holidays. The person in this position is required to live on-site. Qualifications: At least 2 years of large animal care experience. Must be hard working, dependable, and open to learning new skills; ability to organize and work with interns and volunteers;

When applying for a position listed, please tell

them you saw it in the

Biology & Ecology Event Recap (from page 12)

obviously environmental professions, but as Lesh and Hart pointed out, this sector of the economy is far vaster. Green industries typically include waste reduction and management, resource conservation, renewable energy and energy efficiency, greenhouse gas and pollution reduction, engineering, consulting and, others. These industries are usually associated with green jobs such as engineers, ecologists, biologists, geologists, waste management specialists, water and climate experts, and maybe green architects and consultants. However, Lesh and Hart, brought attention to the green jobs that people do not often think of as such. Any green company or industry has administrative needs, requires accountants and finance experts, marketing professionals, lawyers, and management professionals. Green jobs can include everything from green fashion designers to construction workers to organic bakers. They include government jobs, nonprofits, for-profits, private, and public companies. The possibilities of green jobs seem endless.

What are the opportunities?

While Lesh and Hart mentioned types of green jobs that currently exist, both speakers also addressed the point that new jobs are constantly emerging in this field as well. According to Hart’s presentation, ten percent of all new jobs in the next twenty years will be green, accounting for millions of new jobs. Federal policy, state policy, venture capital, research institutions and the natural resources available in certain areas are all factors that are driving the growth of this industry, Lesh stated.

What do aspiring sustainability and environmental professionals need in order to enter this field?

One of the questions from the Q&A session was “Is pursuing academia or experience more important while preparing for a career in this industry?” Both Lesh and Hart agreed that both are important and it depends somewhat on what specific kind of job you are looking for. One thing to keep in mind about experience that Lesh mentioned is that, in a lot of these fields, not very many people have any experience at all (depending on how new the field or the position is), so if one has any experience, it will most likely be of value to a hiring company. Overall, experience is important, but as Hart pointed out, it does not necessarily paint the full picture of one’s worth as a potential employee. Hart spoke to the importance of looking at one’s strengths and motivations as well, things like strategic thinking, working in a team, and any other skills or expertise. Lesh referred to a similar concept and called it “transferable skills.” These include all the skills, talents or experiences from professional, academic and personal realms of life that are unique to a person. The entire picture one’s value to this industry is what is truly important.

Final bits of wisdom

Lesh and Hart both stressed the importance of being informed. Research sectors or industries of interest and follow their progress as they evolve and grow. By researching certain industries, organizations, and companies, one can also begin to look for any gaps that can be filled by his or her unique set of experiences and skills. Combining one’s unique set of skills and knowledge with interests in particular sectors or organizations and with considerations such as what type of work environment one would prefer to work in can help narrow in on where one might fit within the green jobs industry.

Lastly and most importantly, Lesh emphasized demonstrating passion. Finding something to be passionate about and pursing that is one of the most important steps in finding a fulfilling career path. Not only recognizing it but being also able to demonstrate passion to others is a skill that will help one move forward in the world of green jobs.

For more information about the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and next year’s conference, visit

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Biology & Ecologybut will also involve working on breeding and non-breeding shorebirds and other coastal bird guilds. The successful candidate will develop a greater understanding of waterbird ecology as well as the range of anthropogenic and other factors that affect their nesting success, and implement projects that address the most critical needs. Applicants should have a combination of education and experience and a strong interest in conservation of coastal birds and habitats. A degree in biology, ecology or related field from an accredited four-year college or university is preferred, but relevant experience may be substituted for education. The applicant must have good oral and written communication skills (including public speaking), be able to work efficiently both individually and as part of a group. Small boat handling and trailering skills are preferred. Must be proficient using basic computer software (word processing, spreadsheets, powerpoint). Send resume to (EM: [email protected]). Close Date: Until Filled.

Experienced Manager – Texas. Dynamic individual with strong management and marketing skills needed for the South Padre Island Birding Center located on beautiful South Padre Island, TX. We are looking for an experienced manager for the overall management the overall, planning, organizing, supervising and controlling of all activities of the non-profit organization which includes but is not limited to: performing a variety of tasks associated with the day-to-day operations of the Birding and Nature Center. Imagine the possibilities as manager of this newly built facility that features 4,800 linear feet of boardwalk, 7 bird blinds, and a five- story tower with the most beautiful views in the world. Qualified candidates will have a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, Public Administration, Marketing, Biology or related field with specific experience in Birding/Nature/Parks/Eco Tourism/Natural Resource Management preferred in a non-profit setting. Masters Degree preferred. A minimum of 5 years of relevant progressively more responsible management experience in non-profit businesses or equivalent required. Applicant must possess a valid Texas driver’s license with a satisfactory driving record. Bilingual in English and Spanish is a plus. Email resume to: Darla Lapeyre, Acting Manager, South Padre Island Birding & Nature Center, (EM: spiedc AT, or mail to 6801 Padre Boulevard, South Padre Island, TX 78597, phone (PH: 956-243-8416). Close Date: Until Filled.

Coral Reef Marine Scientist – Washington, DC. This professional-level position is responsible for implementing all science-based advising and research necessary to implement the strategies of a four-organization coalition seeking to ensure the long-term health and resilience of the world’s coral reef ecosystems, including the demonstrably sustainable and humane import of coral reef species into the United States. Primary responsibilities are to prioritize the science-based conservation objectives and strategies to implement these goals for Defenders and its three coalition partners (World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Defense Fund, Humane Society of the U.S.). The incumbent will act as lead for the coral reef campaign inside Defenders, and serve as its official liaison with the coalition and all external partners who are involved with the campaign. Education: Ph.D. degree preferred in Marine Science, Natural Resource Management, Ecology, or related discipline. Experience: 3+ years of experience working on coral reef conservation, or 5+ years working on other marine conservation issues. Demonstrated ability or willingness to learn emerging issues at the interface of conservation and social science, especially as these relate to global wildlife trade (e.g., consumer preference, supply/demand relationships, market incentives, tradable quotas, and mariculture technology). An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above. Interested applicants please reference Coral Reef Marine Scientist in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Assistantship – Kentucky. A graduate research assistantship is available in the Department of Horticulture to participate in an integrated, multi-state, research and extension project funded by a USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative Grant and entitled “Impact and social acceptance of selected sustainable practices in ornamental crop

production systems.” This position will be involved with evaluating sustainable plastic alternatives, water use efficiency in greenhouse crops, and/or landscape performance of sustainably grown crops. This assistantship is available beginning the Fall 2010 semester. A spring 2011 start date is also acceptable, but fall 2010 is preferred. A stipend of $17k will be augmented by paid tuition and health insurance. For additional information, contact: Dr. Rebecca Schnelle, Department of Horticulture, N-318 Ag Science North, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0091. (859) 257-4721 (office); (352) 871-7744 (cell), e-mail: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Graduate Student Position – Illinois. We are looking for a M.S. student to study potential recolonization of large carnivores (e.g., cougars, wolves, black bears) in the Midwest. Specific project objectives include habitat modeling, population viability analysis, and human dimensions surveys. Just so you know...there will be NO field component to this research. Must have completed a B.S. in wildlife ecology, biology, geography, forestry, or a related field. GPA should be at least 3.2; GRE at least 1100 for verbal and quantitative sections. Experience with GIS and/or conducting human dimensions surveys is required. $1,500/month + tuition waiver. Contact: Dr. Clay Nielsen at [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Ecologist - ERM is seeking a motivated Ecologist with hands-on field ecology experience to join our Annapolis, MD office. In this role, you will work on field ecology (e.g., habitat evaluation, wetland delineation, rare species surveys) and environmental impact assessment projects, with the opportunity to support other environmental projects in the U.S. and internationally. The position requires a mixture of field and office work. This is an excellent opportunity for an early career professional to join a growing and exciting practice team, as you build a rewarding career path with a global environmental leader. Qualifications: BS in environmental sciences, biology, botany, ecology, or another specific natural resource science discipline (MS preferred). 1 to 2 years of consulting or regulatory experience working as an ecologist or similar role in the Mid-Atlantic region; knowledge of the ecology (i.e., habitat conditions, species identification) of other U.S. regions a plus. Demonstrated experience with environmental impact, endangered species, and/or wetland delineation/mitigation projects, as well as knowledge of related environmental regulations. Strong analytical skills and attention to detail. Demonstrate excellent technical writing ability. Well developed communication and cognitive skills and a desire to work in a team-oriented environment. Please use the following link to apply for this position:

Smithsonian Fellowship

Washington, DC. Position available to construct vulnerability assessments of migratory bird species to climate change in eastern North America. This work will involve the use of existing datasets to develop spatial and statistical models as well as collaborating with Smithsonian staff to produce a web-based tool for National Park Service and U.S. Forest Service resource managers. Requirements include a Ph.D. in fundamental or applied ecological research, expertise in quantitative methods (mathematical and statistical modeling, risk and decision analysis), proficiency with GIS, and knowledge of avian population and community ecology. The Postdoctoral Fellow will be based at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center in Washington, DC. This two-year appointment starts in early 2011 and includes a stipend of $45,000/year plus a $3,000 annual Health Insurance reimbursement. For more information and to apply, visit (URL: Close Date: Until Filled. Close Date: Until Filled.

Fisheries Scientist – New Jersey. The Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences (IMCS) at Rutgers University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to conduct original research on: recovery of overexploited fish and invertebrate stocks; biological, economic, and management characteristics of successful fisheries; and changes in productivity of harvested fish and invertebrate stocks. The research will involve statistical analysis of data from stock assessments and/or trawl surveys as part of an NSF/NOAA CAMEO project: “Fish productivity and fishing impacts compared across a range of marine ecosystems.” The postdoc will be co-supervised by Dr. Olaf Jensen (Rutgers) and Dr. Julia Baum (NCEAS) and will collaborate with scientists at U. of Washington, Dalhousie U., U. of Rhode Island and NOAA Fisheries (NMFS). The position will be based at IMCS in New Brunswick, NJ (45 minutes by train from New York City) and will involve occasional travel to Seattle, WA. Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in fisheries science, population biology, or related field. Experience with statistical analysis and programming in R or Matlab. Some experience with population dynamics modeling. Good publication record and writing skills. Desired Qualifications: Experience with fisheries management and stock assessment and relational databases (PostgreSQL). Terms: Initial appointment for one year with possible renewal for a second year (two years of funding are available). Salary: $45,000 per year. To Apply: Interested candidates should send a brief letter of interest, CV, and names and contact info of three references to Olaf Jensen: [email protected] and Julia Baum: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Biological Monitor – California. The biological monitor reports directly to Biological Project Manager on inquiries relating to biological resources. The biological monitor prepares daily logs, weekly summaries, and prepares monthly compliance reports. During initial project construction, the biological monitor will be in the field approximately 95% of the time. As required, the biological monitor must meet the following minimum qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in biological sciences, zoology, botany, ecology, or a closely related field; Three years experience in field biology or current certification of a nationally recognized biological society, such as The Ecological Society of America or The Wildlife Society; At least one year of field experience with biological resources found in or near San Diego and Imperial Counties. At least one year of construction monitoring experience. Applicants can email their cover letter and resume with references to: Mina Rouhi, UltraSystems Environmental, Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Ecologist – Ohio. We currently have an opening in our office for a staff/project level scientist. Requirements: 1-5+ years applicable professional experience; Minimum BS degree in Biology, Wildlife Biology, Botany, or Environmental Science required; ; Experience in some or all of the following activities: wetland delineation, wetland and stream quality assessments, stream and wetland mitigation design and monitoring, endangered species habitat assessments, Indiana bat mist net/harp trap surveys, rare plant surveys, and Clean Water Act Section 404/401 permitting. ; The individual should be comfortable working in outdoor situations and traveling on a regular basis to project sites located in Ohio and the surrounding Midwestern/Northeastern U.S. region; Excellent verbal and written communication skills. If interested, please contact Ryan Adam at [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Wildlife Field Assistant - The Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center is seeking a temporary hourly field assistant for field work on Eglin Air Force Base. This temporary position will be for a five week period. Primary duties involve assisting with small mammal trapping on Eglin Air Force Base to determine the effects of forest management on wildlife. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience working in adverse field conditions (i.e. heat and humidity) and with mammals. Primary responsibility will be setting and checking small mammal traps. Additional duties will include some manual labor and data entry. Demonstrated ability to conduct field

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16 November-December 2010

application procedure requires online submission of a letter of application, statements of research interests and teaching philosophy and a curriculum vitae at, position number 934015. Also, arrange for three current letters of reference to be sent to: Wetland Ecology Search Committee Chair, Department of Biology - Mail Stop 551, Howell Science Complex, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353 or emailed directly to [email protected]. Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Claudia Jolls, Search Committee Chair, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Marine Program Manager – Mississippi. The MS Marine Program Manager directs all aspects of a multi-faceted estuarine and marine conservation program including science, restoration and community relations activities for the estuarine and near shore waters, tidally influenced wetlands and barrier islands off the coast of Mississippi. Program Manager serves as the principle marine contact to government agencies, other conservation organizations, foundations and the academic community within Mississippi. Qualifications: BA/BS degree and 5 years experience in marine/ coastal conservation management and restoration or equivalent combination of education and experience. M.S. preferred. Experience managing complex or multiple projects, including staffing, workloads, and finances under deadlines. Experience in written and verbal communication. Supervisory experience. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Lead Bander – Virginia. The Center for Conservation Biology in partnership with the US Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking a highly skilled lead bander to operate a mist net station on Virginia’s Delmarva Peninsula. This is an incredible opportunity to contribute to a study on the use of shrub-scrub habitat by migrant passerines in one of the largest migrant traps in North America. Responsibilities include: accurate sexing and ageing of up to 100 species of fall migrants, accurate record keeping (over 7800 birds captured last fall), training of banding assistants, and accurate data entry. The successful applicant should have experience with most eastern fall migrants and handling a high volume of birds per day. This is a full time temporary position; dates of employment are from 1 September to 30 November 2010. Expected work schedule will be 5 days on and two days off (weather days will be days off). Housing will be provided on the Eastern Shore of Virginia National Wildlife Refuge. Preference will be given to qualified applicants with extensive experience working with fall migrant passerines and have experience working with high volumes of birds. $2000/month plus housing. Contact: Fletcher Smith, [email protected]. Close Date: November 30, 2010.

Aquatic Ecology Research Assistant – Maryland. The UMCES Chesapeake Biological Laboratory is looking to recruit a full-time Research Assistant to assist in water quality monitoring program evaluating the effectiveness of stream restoration at reducing loads of pollutants transported to the Chesapeake Bay. Responsibilities include field work in streams around Anne Arundel County, MD, and lab work in the Chesapeake Biological Lab (Solomons, MD) as well as: data analysis and laboratory maintenance; coordination of biweekly water quality sampling; storm flow sampling on an event basis using automated samplers; maintenance and use of hydrological equipment; processing and analyzing water samples in the laboratory for measurements of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended solids. MS or BS degree in aquatic sciences, hydrology, biology, or environmental science required. Must be able to perform and be comfortable working under variable weather conditions in the field. QA/QC protocols and computer databases, Proficiency in PC-based computing (GIS), are desirable. Occasional evenings, early mornings, and weekends may be required. This position is contingent upon continued grant funding. A comprehensive benefit package may be available. Please provide a letter describing prior related work experience, CV and contact information for two references to: Dr. Solange Filoso, [email protected], UMCES/CBL, P.O. Box 38, Solomons, MD 20688. Close Date: Until Filled.

Biological Science Technician – Utah. GG-0404-04, SALARY: $13.41/hr. Full-Time, with possible periods of part-time and intermittent work. US Geological Survey, Biological Resources Discipline, Moab, Utah. There are up to 4 positions to be hired from this announcement. These are temporary excepted services positions for which all qualified applicants, with or without Federal status, may apply and be considered. Appointment to these positions, however, will not convey permanent status in the Federal service. Appointment will only be for the duration of the position, normally 3-6 months. Temporary employees are covered by the Social Security Retirement System and annual and sick leave will be accrued except in intermittent status. Employees are ineligible for health and life insurance coverage. Duties: Performs the following and similar kinds of routine tasks gathering field data supporting projects focused on the effects of climate change and disturbance on desert ecosystems: Performs technical work in the field or lab in support of research on biological soil crusts in southeastern Utah and the desert southwest. Collects soil samples and/or performs lab analysis of biological samples. Assists with data entry. Must have valid driver’s license to operate gov’t vehicle. Transcripts supporting college course work must be submitted with application. Job number must also be included with application. For a complete description of duties, qualifications required, and instructions on how to apply, please send your email inquiry to: Kimberly Herring ([email protected]). Close Date: Until Filled.

Ecologist – Illinois. The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois, along with the Illinois Natural History Survey, invite applications for a one year post-doc position to investigate the relationship between environmental stress and the movement/energetics of invasive Asian carp. This position will offer a broad, diverse range of research opportunities that will integrate field ecology, biotelemetry and comparative stress physiology to develop applied conservation solutions that prevent the movement and spread of invasive carp. The successful candidate will test hypotheses about mechanisms responsible for spread and control of invasive fishes using tools and techniques that span several levels of organization from molecular (genes) to whole-organism. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in ecology, biology, fisheries, animal physiology, or other related field. Experience in one or more of the following areas are desirable: field telemetry, animal physiology, molecular physiology (preferably stress related), fisheries ecology or spatial ecology. This is a one year position. An extension to a second year is possible but dependent on confirmation of funding. Applicants should submit letter of interest, CV, and names and contact information of three references to Dr. Cory Suski ([email protected]). Close Date: Until Filled.

Researcher – Wisconsin. Post-doc wanted:

work. Prior field experience trapping small mammals and with GPS preferred. The successful applicant must be in good physical condition and willing to work in hot and humid conditions. Send letter of application detailing your interest and qualifications and a resume including contact information of at least three references to [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Avian/Bat Ecologist – Massachusetts. Provide strategic task management, senior biological review and technical consulting, scientific leadership and support to various projects related to avian species and habitats that emphasize land use or natural resources development-related environmental impact analysis, management planning, and regulatory compliance. Effects on wildlife species and habitats resulting from renewable energy (i.e., wind and solar) and linear infrastructure (i.e., transmission and pipe lines) developments are of specific interest. Desired Experiences: Experience in team leadership and staff mentoring, project management, and client/business development is highly desirable. Extensive experience in biological science (including T/E species and species-habitat relationships) and ecological assessment; species-habitat conservation planning and natural/biological resources management; and an ability to review, synthesize, and interpret natural/biological resources information. A working knowledge of federal and state environmental legislations for regulatory compliance/permitting is preferred. A background in environmental consulting industry (or combination of agency/consulting or academic/consulting) is preferred. A strong record of publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentation of research results at scientific meetings is favored. Qualified candidates should e-mail a letter of interest (including specific salary requirement) and resume to Tetra Tech EC, Inc. [email protected]). will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Close Date: Until Filled.

Research Technician – Montana. This is a 6 month research technician position with the possibility of extension depending on performance and funding. The technician will work primarily on livestock-wildlife conflict issues associated with brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, and will work with a collaborative team of researchers at the USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Big Sky Institute and Ecology Department at Montana State University, and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. The position will be based in Bozeman, MT and will be primarily quantitative and statistically focused with the potential for some field-work. The applicant should have a Master’s level degree or equivalent experience as well as experience working with animal tracking data and habitat selection studies. Payscale: $2-2,500/mo. Applicants should send a CV, cover letter and three references to Paul Cross: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Wetland Ecologist – North Carolina. The Department of Biology at East Carolina University, the third largest campus in the North Carolina University system, seeks to build on established strengths in coastal and wetlands research by inviting applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant or associate professor in wetland ecology beginning August 15, 2011. Will consider other titles based on degree and qualifications. The successful candidate is expected to lead a strong, extramurally funded research program to complement our strengths in ecology and evolution, and contribute to our teaching mission at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This faculty member will also contribute appropriate service to the university, community and profession. Persons with research interests in wetlands, including community or ecosystems ecology, ecophysiology, conservation, restoration, management, or effects of climate change, are encouraged to apply. A doctorate from an appropriately accredited institution is required; post-doctoral experience is preferred. The position reports to the Chair of the Department of Biology and is a 9-month tenure-track appointment. ECU possesses interdisciplinary doctoral programs in biology and coastal resources management and excellent resources for wetlands and coastal research including boats, field facilities and the Central Environmental Laboratory. Professional opportunities also exist with ECU’s North Carolina Center for Biodiversity, Institute for Coastal Science and Policy, the Center for Sustainable Tourism; and with the Coastal Studies Institute in Manteo. ECU’s

motivated and resourceful recent PhD fascinated by patterns in community ecology, landscape effects on species invasions and persistence, and how plant functional traits affect the ability of species to invade, persist, and co-exist. Interest in macro-ecology, theory, phylogenetically controlled comparisons, and data analysis also appreciated. Candidates should have broad interests, focus, and all-round competence. Technical Skills: Strong quantitative skills; Expertise in data management and databases (including MS Access); Experience with multivariate statistical models and analysis; An understanding of plant systematics and functional traits. Personal Skills: Demonstrated experience and commitment to working on a team; Disciplined and productive; Competence in writing; Good people and communication skills. Location: University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Term: Dependent on funding and productivity Application to: Don Waller, [email protected], (608) 263-2042. Cell: 608-698-6495. Send a CV, names of 3 references, a pdf of a recent paper, and a 1 page essay on why this position appeals to you. Close Date: Until Filled.

Whitetail Intern/Hunting Guide – Texas. Intern/Hunting Guide needed on 4000 acre high fence ranch. As an intern/guide, you will be responsible for helping aid in all the aspects of raising trophy whitetail deer and guiding hunters on whitetail hunts. Self motivation is extremely important to us, as well as being able to work in the weather conditions of West Texas. Days off will need to be scheduled prior to starting. Duties may include, but are not limited to: Maintaining whitetail breeding pens and barn; Feeding and maintenance of deer. Collecting fecal samples. Administering medications and de-wormers. Record keeping. Filling and maintaining corn and protein feeders. General housekeeping and lawn maintenance. Operating farm equipment. Qualifications: You must be working towards attaining a college degree or recently obtained a college degree in an Agriculture or Wildlife related field. We are looking for reliable, trustworthy, patient and hard working individuals who are able to do the following: Age and score deer on the hoof; Cater to hunters needs, and; Provide a safe and enjoyable hunting experience for our guests. Housing will be provided, along with a vehicle for ranch use only. Please speak with your Professor for attaining college credit. $950/month + tips. Contact: Brent Wallgren, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Wildlife Specialist III – Arizona. This position serves as the lead biologist for multiple fisheries research projects on the Colorado River within Glen and Grand Canyons. The incumbent’s responsibilities are to review and summarize scientific literature, develop study plans and work schedules, and coordinate project activities with cooperators and other resource management agencies. This position will also be responsible for hiring and supervising field biologists and technicians. Additional duties include collecting field data on fish and fish habitats, managing and analyzing data using statistical and Microsoft Office software, writing reports and manuscripts for journal submission, presenting results at professional meetings and to general audiences, and other duties as assigned. Field work for this position may require extensive trips lasting one to three weeks. A medical/physical evaluation may be required after appointment. The ideal candidate will have fisheries biology experience on large rivers, quantitative fishery skills, and supervisory and leadership abilities. The candidate will have the ability to communicate research results both written and verbally. The candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree in a wildlife science or a closely related field from an accredited college or university and two years professional experience in wildlife research or wildlife management. A graduate degree in a wildlife science or a closely related field may substitute for one year of the required experience. $39,983-$68,156. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Disease Ecology Post-Doc – Montana. This is a full-time position at the USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center that will be advertised at the GS9/11 payscale for 2-4years with the possibility of extension depending on performance and funding. The purpose of this position is to conduct and publish results from scholarly research in the general area of disease ecology including topics such as the effects of land-use change, climate change, and biodiversity on wildlife and human health issues relevant to


This is a full-time position at the USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center that will be advertised at the GS9/11 payscale for 2-4years with the possibility of extension depending on performance and funding. The purpose of this position is to conduct and publish results from scholarly research in the general area of disease ecology including topics such as the effects of land-use change, climate change, and biodiversity on wildlife and human health issues relevant to Federal and State agencies. The researcher will have some flexibility in developing new projects, but also may assist with ongoing projects on brucellosis, mange, and chronic wasting disease. Applicants with experience in spatial statistics, analysis of genetic data, and risk assessments are encouraged to apply. This position will be formally advertised on USAjobs, but in the meantime you may send inquiries to Paul Cross at ([email protected]). Close Date: Until Filled.

Biology & Ecology

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Index (HHEI) training. Excellent oral and written communication skills are required. This is a full-time temporary position. Candidate must be physically able to perform field work for extended periods over multiple days. Overnight travel is expected. Salary: Based on Experience. Successful candidates must have an acceptable driving record, be willing to travel and pass a background check. Please E-mail your resume in word or PDF format to [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Post-Doc – Florida. We are seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to assist the South Florida and Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network (SFCN) in development of long term monitoring of vital sign indicators to evaluate park ecosystem health. The postdoctoral scientist will help develop, write, implement, and modify quantitative assessment methods for evaluating relationships between water quality and benthic marine communities in national parks in South Florida and the Caribbean region. These methods can include: assessing existing monitoring for efficiency, power, and practicality; and developing analytical methods for data analysis and reporting. The research scientist will be a visiting research scientist under the direction of Drs. James Fourqurean and Joseph Boyer in the Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida International University but will be housed at SFCN. The term of appointment is 1 year with the possibility of renewal; the starting salary is $41,000 plus fringe benefits. Candidates must have a Ph.D. and experience in field sampling and statistical analysis of data; marine ecological monitoring experience is preferred. Candidates should be able to interact with scientists and resource managers, to design and implement statistical analysis approaches, and to write up results for publication. To apply, submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and contact information for two references. In addition, please answer the three questions on knowledge, skills and abilities that can be found at Application materials should be e-mailed to Dr. James Fourqurean at [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Scholar Position – Kentucky. A postdoctoral scholar position is available in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Kentucky to participate in an integrated, multi-state, research and extension project funded by a USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative Grant entitled “Impact and social acceptance of selected sustainable practices in ornamental crop production systems.” Qualifications: A Ph.D. in horticulture or plant science with knowledge related to commercial nursery and/or floral crop production is required. The individual should possess the ability to function within a team and to communicate effectively. Please send a cover letter outlining your research interests and career goals, current curriculum vitae plus publication list, and the names and email addresses of three references familiar with your recent research to [email protected] . For additional information contact: Dr. Dewayne Ingram, Dr. Robert Geneve or Dr. Rebecca Schnelle, Department of Horticulture, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0091. (859) 257-8903, e-mails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Nature Reserve Volunteer – South Africa. This position provides the opportunity to become a part of a team of dedicated conservation volunteers and experience the day-to-day running of a nature reserve in the unique Cape Floristic Kingdom of

When applying for a position listed, tell them you saw it in the

Federal and State agencies. The researcher will have some flexibility in developing new projects, but also may assist with ongoing projects on brucellosis, mange, and chronic wasting disease. Applicants with experience in spatial statistics, analysis of genetic data, and risk assessments are encouraged to apply. This position will be formally advertised on USAjobs, but in the meantime you may send inquiries to Paul Cross at ([email protected]). Qualifications: PhD relevant to disease ecology. Close Date: Until Filled.

Fish Biologist – Wisconsin. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a major science Bureau of the Department of the Interior, is inviting applications for Fish Biologists at its Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC), La Crosse, Wisconsin. Selected individuals will participate in the design and implementation of research funded through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI). Research implemented by UMESC will focus on development of species-specific controls for dreissenid mussels and Asian carps. Successful candidates will work under the direction of Principal Investigators and will interact with numerous partner and client groups and occasionally with the general public. The selectees are expected to contribute to the development and implementation of detailed research plans, collect and summarize study data, and draft progress reports and articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals. Qualifications will vary depending on the type of position hired; see the recruitment announcement for details at using vacancy announcement ER-2010-0295. Candidates will be expected to have a combination of education, training or professional experience equivalent to a M.S./M.A./Ph.D. in chemistry/fisheries/ecology or related field. Close Date: Until Filled.

Post-Doctoral Position – Oregon. We have an immediate opening for a 3-year post-doctoral position to work on an NSF-funded project on millennial-scale climate reconstructions using stable isotope measurements of tree-rings derived from slabs of ancient redwood trees. The post-doc will work for the first 2 years of the project under the direction of Dr. John Roden at Southern Oregon University and the last year at the University of California, Berkeley under the direction of Dr. Todd Dawson. The project will employ classic dendrochronological methods for cross-dating slabs as well an innovative techniques for sampling portions of tree rings for cellulose extractions and analysis of stable carbon and oxygen isotopic composition. Previously developed relationships between isotope variation in redwood tree rings and periodicity of western U.S. climate cycles will be tested/modified in order to make the most robust predictions of climate variation extending beyond the instrumental record by 1000 years or more. Strong leadership skills are also required as the post-doc will coordinate the activities of a technician and student employees. We seek a highly motivated individual with a recent Ph.D. in dendrochronology, isotope biogeochemistry, climatology, physiological ecology or other related fields. The successful applicant should show evidence of research

productivity, and an interest in interdisciplinary research. Applicants should have experience in time-series data analysis and interpretation. Experience in dendrochronology, climate modeling and/or stable isotope analysis is desirable. Applications and inquiries should be sent to John Roden ([email protected]), Biology Department, Southern Oregon University, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520. Fax: (541) 552-6415. Applications should include a CV, a statement of research interests and expertise, and names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references. Electronic submissions are preferred. Starting salary is $42,000 per year. Close Date: Until Filled.

Resource Forester II – Idaho. Potlatch is a verified leader in sustainable forestry. With 1.6 million acres certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, we grow trees, sell timber, and make a variety of forest products. Since 1903 we have sought the common ground that enables us to unlock the value of our lands while conserving our forests for generations to come. Our St. Joe District office located in beautiful St. Maries, Idaho has an exciting and challenging Forester II position available. We are looking for a strong individual desiring to participate in a team oriented, full phase forest management operation focused on success. Reporting to a Senior Resource Forester, you will assist in the planning, coordination, and execution of a variety of silviculture, harvest operations and land management activities associated with the management of a Resource Management Unit. Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry or related field; At least three (3) years of forestry experience required with at least one (1) year of timber harvest knowledge and supervising contractors required. Intermediate proficiency in MS Word and Excel, global Positioning System (GPS) application and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Excellent multitasking, planning, communication and organizational skills. Have basic understanding of financial analysis concepts. Be able to function as part of a management team while still completing assigned tasks independently. Visit All applications must be submitted online. Close Date: Until Filled.

Forester II – Idaho. Provide stand and project level information in the preparation of the annual operating budget including contracted services, expensed programs and capital programs. Track performance and expenditures compared with budgets and objectives on assigned activities. Provide support information to develop financial and volume projections for harvesting and silviculture on an annual, quarterly and monthly basis. Planning & Operations: Develop site activity plans to achieve unit level strategies. Provide information to assist in the development of one and five year harvesting and silviculture plans. Develop an RMU inventory plan, verify stand delineations, assign prescriptions and update the database to maintain an accurate forest inventory. Help prepare and execute silvicultural plans for reforestation, thinning, herbicide use, animal control, fertilization, surveying and slash management. Contract Administration/Supervision: Appraise, negotiate and administer contracts related to silviculture and harvesting activities. Inspect operations to ensure compliance with site activity plans, standard operating procedures, safety requirements and other contractual obligations. Ensure log sorting, log quality, delivery targets and site objectives are met for harvest units. Lead and supervise project teams. Safety & Environmental: Actively participate in the compliance of all Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) by employees and

contractors and ensure compliance with safety programs, forest stewardship principals and Best Management Practices (BMP’s). Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Forestry or related field. At least three (3) years of forestry experience required with at least one (1) year of timber harvest knowledge and supervising contractors required. Intermediate proficiency in MS Word and Excel, global Positioning System (GPS) application and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Excellent multitasking, planning, communication and organizational skills. Have basic understanding of financial analysis concepts. Be able to function as part of a management team while still completing assigned tasks independently. How to Apply: See Close Date: Until Filled.

Procurement Forester – Alabama. Duties: Buy and sell timber. Manage logging crews. How to Apply: Nicole Johns Timberland Harvesters, LLC P.O. Box 130, Eufaula, AL 36072 334-687-6000 ext 7. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Postdoctoral Research Associate - University of Florida, Gainesville, Department of Biology. The position is broadly defined and may address a range of topics related to forest dynamics, the role of forests in the global carbon cycle, and the response of forests to climate change. Candidates with strong mathematical, statistical, and/or computational skills are especially encouraged to apply. Potential projects include (but are not limited to): (1) Assimilating forest inventory and eddy covariance data to improve the NOAA-GFDL global ecosystem model. (2) Assessing the response of forests to rising atmospheric CO2 and climate change using long-term forest inventory records. (3) Developing trait-based models of individual tree growth and mortality, and studying the ecosystem-level consequences of these individual rates using forest dynamics models. Qualifications: PhD in ecology, forestry, plant physiology, geosciences, atmospheric sciences, or related field; strong quantitative and writing skills. Preference will be given to applicants with (1) research experience in forest ecology or the carbon cycle; (2) strong publications records; and (3) demonstrated mathematical, statistical, and computational skills (i.e., proficiency with one or more scientific programming languages, such as C, FORTRAN, or R). Start date: January 2011. Deferred start date may be considered. Appointment length: two years. To Apply: Email a single PDF including (1) 1-2 page statement of research interests and goals; (2) CV; and (3) contact information for three references to Jeremy Lichstein ([email protected]) with subject POSTDOC APPLICATION. Close Date: Until Filled.

Wetlands Delineator – Ohio. Lawhon & Associates, Inc. provides NEPA support for governmental and private sector clients. We are looking for an individual with wetland delineation experience and a college degree in Biology, Environmental Sciences, Land Use, or Earth Sciences. Preferred skills include experience field delineating of wetlands, project management and experience with Global Positioning System (GPS) equipment. Minimal certifications include successful training in the use of the Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands from a recognized training program; preferred experience in OEPA Ohio Rapid Assessment Method (ORAM) training, OEPA Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) training, and OEPA Headwater Habitat Evaluation

Forestry & Natural Resources

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18 November-December 2010

ungrazed mixed native grass pastures, intercropped switchgrass in intensively-managed forests, forage production systems, and biofuel production systems. Student will be responsible for conducting field work (pollinator trapping, measuring pollinator visits and bloom times of key plant species, supervising field technicians, analyzing data, and preparing technical reports and peer-reviewed publications. There is also potential to serve as teaching assistant for select courses. Inquiry emails are welcomed and should be directed to Dr. James A. Martin (Co-Project Director, [email protected]) or Dr. Sam Riffell (Co-Project Leader, [email protected]). Drs. Wes Burger (MSU), Jerry Belant (MSU), and Josh Campbell (High Point University) are cooperating on the study, as well. Application: Submit: 1) transcript(s) and GRE scores (unofficial copies fine initially), 2) vita, 3) contact information for 3 references, and 4) letter of application which (a) describes your interest in the position, (b) describes your career goals, and (c) details your work or educational experience that is most relevant to this position. To: Dr. James A. Martin, Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Box 9690, Mississippi State, MS 39762. Close Date: December 15, 2010.

Assistantship – Michigan. Ph.D. Assistantship investigating the interactions between forest canopy structure and function in forests of the Upper Midwest. Student will develop cutting edge research questions applicable to the field of climate change ecology. Topics may include canopy CO2 exchange, canopy microclimate, tree water relations, and vertical gradients of tree physiology or morphology. Applicant must have an M.S. in ecology or forestry-related field and GRE scores. Proficiency in a statistical software package and excellent writing skills are required. Preference will be given to applicants with prior experience in ecophysiological or ecohydrological measurement techniques. Ph.D. Assistantship is fully funded for three years. Applicants should create a single pdf including the following: cover letter, CV, unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts, unofficial general GRE scores, and contact information for three references. In the cover letter of the application package, please include a clear statement of purpose indicating what topics of scientific inquiry are most interesting and inspiring to you. Please email the pdf as an attachment to Dr. Molly Cavaleri ([email protected]) with “Canopy Ecophysiology PhD Assistantship” in the subject line. The pdf should be named with the first and last name of the applicant. Screening of applicants will continue until position is filled. Desirable applicants will be invited to apply for admission to the graduate program in Michigan Tech’s School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science for a January 2011 start date. Close Date: Until Filled.

Graduate Research Assistantship – New York. We are seeking a graduate student to join a new project investigating multi-scale interactions of forest ecosystems and climatic variability in the Adirondack Mountains of northern New York. Using high resolution spatial climate data, we will establish an extensive multi-species tree-ring network in the Adirondacks that captures the spatial and temporal variability in climatic factors influencing northern hardwood and sub-boreal conifer forest ecosystems. The graduate

South Africa, a biodiversity hot spot and UNESCO World Heritage Site While volunteering at the Wildcliff Nature Reserve, you will get the chance to do varied hands-on conservation work whilst living in the wild bush in a comfortable cottage amongst baboons, bushbuck, rhebok, and leopards, not to mention the dramatic high rock outcrops and beautiful fynbos that are so characteristic of this stunning African landscape. Volunteers pay US$35 (GBP25 / EUR30) per week for accommodation and are responsible for providing and preparing their own meals (kitchen provided). Volunteers are provided transportation to the nearest town for weekly shopping, as well as one trip per month to a local attraction. Contact: Keith Riggle at [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Timber Inventory Temp - Dougherty & Dougherty is looking for someone to help with timber inventory...Contact Julie Dougherty for more info. The position is temporary 40 hours per week. We anticipate an additional 2 months of work in Valdosta Georgia. Lodging is provided. The compensation is $12/hour for persons with a forestry degree or working toward one. Salary: $12/hr. Contact Julie Dougherty for more info: Julie Dougherty Dougherty & Dougherty Progressive Realty PO Box 82013 Athens, GA 30608 [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Postdoctoral Associate – Georgia. A Postdoctoral Associate is sought to join a collaborative project between the University of Georgia (Dr. John Drake) and the University of Michigan (Dr. Pejman Rohani) on dynamics of metapopulations on geographic networks. Goals of this project are to characterize the effects of targeted and systematic interventions on the dynamics of populations distributed on networks. Applications include epidemic forecasting, control of invasive species, and conservation and management of natural resource systems. The position will be located in the Drake lab at the University of Georgia Odum School of Ecology with a starting salary of $41,715. Start date is negotiable. Applicants should have a background in population ecology, dynamical systems, network theory or a related field. Inquiries may be communicated by email. Applicants are requested to send a letter of introduction and CV and to arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Geospatial Analyst – New York. We are currently seeking a Geospatial Analyst for our Landscape Analysis Lab. The analyst will be responsible for compiling and managing geographic data resources, analyzing data, and producing high quality maps and reports. Primary responsibilities include: locating and integrating data from multiple sources, conducting geographic analyses, statistical modeling, developing sampling designs, data analysis, and classifying satellite imagery. The Geospatial Analyst must be a highly organized self-starter, proficient in ArcGIS, ERDAS Imagine and statistical software, who is able to learn quickly, and communicate effectively. Qualifications: Master’s Degree. At least 3 years experience with ESRI and ERDAS Imagine products. Demonstrated experience with supervised classifications of medium and high-resolution satellite images (ASTER & Landsat). Web-mapping experience, including sharing maps and data through ArcServer software. Ability to set priorities, organize work-flow, and work at several tasks at once. Flexibility to work quickly under changing deadlines and conditions, and recognize changing needs and requirements. Excellent computer skills a must, including office and presentation software. Basic knowledge of ecosystems, ecological processes, wildlife and conservation. Please e-mail a cover letter and CV to [email protected]. Use the following format for the email subject line: LAL Analyst, [First Name, Last Name]. For example: LAL Analyst, John Doe. Please, no phone inquiries. Close Date: Until Filled.

Researchers – Mississippi. This is a multi-disciplinary project to evaluate the effects of managing native grass plantings for biofuel and feed on pollinators in the Southeast. Collaborators include faculty from Wildlife and Fisheries, Plant and Soil Sciences, and Animal Science. Successful applicant will have the opportunity to collaborate on studies involving pollinators, predators, forage quality, animal health, plant diversity, human-wildlife interactions, carbon sequestration and biofuel potential. Responsibilities: Evaluate pollinator response to 11 different native grass practices including grazed and

student will lead the collection, measurement and analysis of tree-ring data and will assist with climate-growth modeling and related efforts. Basic qualifications include a BSc degree in ecology, mathematics, statistics or a similar field, a strong quantitative background, the ability to work without supervision in both field and lab settings. Desired qualifications include one or more of the following: a MSc degree in forest ecology, dendrochronology, applied mathematics (including statistics), ecological modeling or a similar field, or equivalent amount of experience with: tree-ring measurements/analysis; wood anatomy sampling/analysis; management of large datasets; supervising technicians. The position is funded for a minimum of two years and provides a competitive stipend, tuition and benefits. To apply, please send a CV, cover letter, and contact information for three references to Dr. Colin Beier at [email protected]. PDF format is preferred. Questions regarding the position are welcome. Please be sure to include the text “ADK DENDRO” in the message subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Forestry Assistantships - We are currently seeking M.S. and Ph.D. students to begin work on a multi-state study of old-growth forests across the Central Hardwood Region. This project will use data from a network of permanent plots to examine long-term forest change and carbon budgets in Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, and Arkansas. Positions are available beginning January 2011. The assistantships include tuition and a competitive stipend. Applicants should have a strong background in field ecology. Qualified candidates should have a B.S. or M.S. in forestry, botany/plant ecology, biology, wildlife science, geography, or a related discipline. A basic familiarity with plant species identification and some prior coursework in statistics and GIS are preferred. Interested candidates should submit a brief letter of introduction, CV, and contact information for two references to Dr. Michael Jenkins ([email protected]; 765-494-3602). Close Date: Until Filled.

Senior Analyst - New Forests seeks a qualified candidate for the position of Senior Analyst or Manager (depending on experience and qualifications), Financial Analysis and Modeling. The position will be based in New Forests’ San Francisco office. The new hire will play a key role in providing financial analysis to support transactions and portfolio management of New Forests’ investments. This position will primarily support investments in the area of eco products in the US and internationally, including wetlands, streams and endangered species mitigation banks; forest carbon; and water quality credits and water rights. The qualified candidate will have experience with and expertise in financial modeling, portfolio-level financial analysis, and risk analysis tools. This position offers an individual the potential to work in a high-growth, mission-driven funds management firm. New Forests seeks the following qualifications for this position: Graduate degree in economics, business administration and/or management studies; Minimum four years’ experience in financial and transaction analysis and management in private equity, project finance, forestry and/or real estat; Excellent skills in Excel; Excellent interpersonal and communication skills; Ability to work under pressure and deadlines; Ability and desire to travel domestically and internationally from time to time. Title and remuneration commensurate with experience; candidates at either the Senior Analyst or Manager level are encouraged to apply. To apply, please send résumé and cover letter to Radha Kuppalli, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Modeler – Ohio. The Department of Geography at The Ohio State University is seeking a post-doctoral researcher in remote sensing and ecosystem modeling. The position is part of an international, multidisciplinary team all working on the Surface Water Ocean Topography satellite mission concept (SWOT). The post-doctoral researcher will join our team conducting pre-mission planning for SWOT with a particular emphasis on vegetation monitoring capabilities. The post-doctoral researcher will be expected to use multi-sensor satellite observations (e.g. SRTM and other optical data) to create a “bare earth” DEM and estimate vegetation heights in large and low-relief basins like the Amazon and Congo. Such assessments will be further used to (1) improve our understanding on hydraulic flows, and (2) assess the related carbon stocks represented by the vegetation. Minimum

qualifications include (1) a Ph.D. in geography, environmental science, ecology, statistics, or related field, (2) demonstrated experience with various remote sensing data (especially SRTM, InSAR), ecosystem modeling, and spatial statistics, and (3) demonstrated computer programming experience. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, no more than three selected reprints in PDF format and contact information for three references to Dr. Desheng Liu ([email protected]), The Ohio State University, 1036 Derby Hall, 154 North Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1361. Close Date: Until Filled.

Forest Ecologist – Nevada. I am seeking to fill one postdoctoral research fellow position. Analysis of Lidar data for forest management and research. Research focuses on forest ecology, fire, biogeography, ecosystem modeling, and geographic information systems. With small footprint lidar data we are measuring key forest parameters including canopy base height, canopy height, canopy cover, etc. to be used in fire spread models, ecosystem models and habitat suitability models, based in 2 study areas in the Sierra Nevada (see Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project for more info). Requirements: Writing peer-review manuscripts and presenting the work at a regional or national meeting is an expectation of any successful candidate. Applicants should have a working understanding of lidar data, spatial analysis, remote sensing, ecosystem modeling, GPS and GIS. Some field work will be required. Experience with an advanced programming language and statistical packages such as R is desired. A completed PhD degree in Geography, Forestry or related field is required. Salary is $41,500 per year, plus a generous benefits package. This position will continue with annual reviews, dependent on funding. To apply: send a letter of interest that addresses the qualifications listed above, digital copies of relevant publications, a curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for three references to Maggi Kelly ([email protected]). Please put Lidar Postdoc Inquiry in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Researcher – Florida. Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position in the laboratory of Jason Rohr, Department of Integrative Biology, University of South Florida (Tampa, FL). Candidates should have an interest in climate change, disease, pollution, and/or landscape alterations and modeling or GIS experience is preferred but not necessary. We are ultimately looking for the most promising and productive candidate whose skills most complement our present research team. This position offers great flexibility in developing specific research projects. The start date is flexible, but the sooner the postdoc can start the better. This is a one year position with the possibility of renewal. Applicants should send a cover letter, CV, brief statement of research interests (<2 pages), and list of references (preferably as a single pdf) to Jason Rohr ([email protected]) with the subject line of the email reading “Postdoc Application (insert last name)”. For example: Postdoc Application Smith. Jason Rohr will be attending the Ecological Society of America meeting in Pittsburgh, PA from 2-5 August and would be happy to meet interested applicants then. Please contact him through email ([email protected]) before or during the conference if you are interested in meeting. Close Date: Until Filled.

Soil Biogeochemistry Researcher – Kansas. A post-doctoral research position is available at the University of Kansas in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and at the Kansas Biological Survey. The successful applicant will explore how warming influences flows of carbon and nitrogen from substrates of varying recalcitrance through microorganisms and how these flows relate to the transformation of organic carbon into CO2. Most work will be conducted in the laboratories of Dr. Sharon Billings and Dr. Ford Ballantyne at KU. The post-doctoral researcher will be responsible

Environmental Science & Engineering

Licensed Applicatorfor

Ecosystem Restoration

Florida. EarthBalance is seeking an experienced full-time Florida licensed pesticide applicator for ecosystem restoration projects. Must have a current license in aquatic and natural areas categories (right-of-way category a plus), a clean driving record, and knowledge of native and exotic vegetation in Florida. Must be able to work out of town for extended periods. Salary is commensurate with level of knowledge and experience. EarthBalance, an employee-owned company, offers a generous benefits package.. Contact: Karen F. Burnett, Vice President, [email protected], fax (941) 426-8778. Close Date: Until Filled.

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and regulators. Preferred candidate must have a degree in environmental science, engineering, or geology and have at least 3-5 years experience in the environmental field. Preferred candidate should be knowledgeable of the CERCLA/RCRA cleanup process and have experience managing environmental remediation projects. Familiarity with the Military Munitions Response Program, Hawaii State environmental regulations, and basic GIS experience is ideal, but not required. Prior military/government experience also desired. Z-GeoInfo offers an excellent compensation and benefits package including medical, dental, vision, 401(k) plan, and paid holidays. Please send resume by email to [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Senior Environmental Scientist – Pennsylvania. Shaw Environmental, Inc., a Fortune 500 company and a leading environmental consulting firm is looking for a environmental scientist with 5-8 years experience in wetland permitting in PA with a primary focus on natural gas pipelines. Send resume to [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Planning Specialist – Louisiana. Gulf South Research Corporation (GSRC), a small, woman-owned environmental consulting firm seeks an Environmental Planning Specialist. The ideal candidate will have a BS degree (MS or PhD preferred) in an area of environmental science and at least 5 years of experience in projects involving NEPA, planning, wetland ecology/delineation, protected species, and natural resources. The successful candidate must be capable of managing multiple clients/projects, be willing to travel throughout the U.S., and work on a variety of projects and tasks. Duties would include, but not limited to preparing NEPA documents, Biological Assessments and other environmental reports, scheduling or assisting environmental staff, project supervision, attending meetings, conducting field surveys, and other natural resources investigations. Salary is commensurate with experience and full benefits are provided. Interested candidates should submit their resume and references to: GSRC, Attention Environmental Planning Specialist Position, 8081 GSRI Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70820 or via email to [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Senior Biodiversity Consultant – Washington, DC. ERM is seeking an experienced and well-respected Senior Biodiversity Consultant to manage biodiversity and ecological risk projects. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record leading biodiversity studies and environmental impact projects in compliance with international best practice standards for a range of clients. In this role, you will be based in Washington DC, while traveling and working at international project sites primarily in Latin America. This is a great opportunity for a senior-level professional looking to advance their career to the next level with a global environmental leader, while contributing to collaborative project teams that deliver world-class ESHIAs and related projects across the globe. Qualifications: Masters in ecology, biology, or a similar science discipline; PhD preferred. 10 to 15 years of practical ecological/biodiversity assessment experience, including working with consulting and international finance organizations. Significant international experience working in Latin America and other developing / transitional countries applying and interpreting IFC Performance Standards and Equator Principles. Willing to travel and work at international project sites. Fluent in English and Spanish; excellent writing ability (in English and Spanish). Solid grasp of key ESHIA and management issues within the international lending markets, as well as a high degree of technical competence in tropical ecology and broad knowledge of related topics. Established credibility and positive reputation with key regulators and international finance institutions relevant to impact assessment approvals (e.g., Environment Ministries, IFC, IDB, etc). Well-developed teambuilding and influencing skills; unquestioned integrity; and the experience, confidence, and stature to effectively address client and business needs and challenges. Please use the following link to apply for this position: Close Date: Until Filled.

Hydrogeologist – Michigan. ASTI Environmental (ASTI) has an opening for a Hydrogeologist. Must be CP for UST’s. Duties will include staff management, project management, business development, client

for conducting incubations of multiple media using isotopically labeled substrates, enzymes associated with their degradation, and populations of microorganisms important in transformations of soil organic matter, and measurements of enzymatic activity, respiration and δ13CO2, microbial biomass, and isotopic signature. Results from these efforts will be incorporated into a model developed to elucidate the influence of warming on microbe-substrate interactions. We seek a creative individual who is enthusiastic about moving the science of climate change and soil organic matter dynamics forward. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. at the time of appointment or soon thereafter in ecosystem ecology, Earth system science, biogeochemistry or a related field, and experience in soil microbial ecology and stable isotope ecology. Preferred qualifications include experience using stable isotope probing or molecular tools to address questions of global change. To apply, see, position #00208460. Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Fellows - The Harvard University Center for the Environment created the Environmental Fellows program to enable recent doctorate recipients to use and expand Harvard’s extraordinary resources to tackle complex environmental problems. The Environmental Fellows work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department to create new knowledge while also strengthening connections across the University’s academic disciplines. Environmental Fellows may include people with degrees in the sciences, social sciences, law, government, public policy, public health, medicine, design, and the full array of humanities. The award: The fellowship will provide an annual stipend of $55k plus health insurance, a $2,500 allowance for travel and professional expenses, and other employee benefits. Environmental Fellows will begin work in September 2011. The Center will announce the awards in March 2011. Complete details can be found at: Close Date: January 14, 2011.

Water Scarcity Manager – California. Jeff Skoll launched the Skoll Global Threats Fund in 2009 to tackle the world’s most pressing issues. The Manager - Water Scarcity will be the content specialist for the Skoll Global Threats Fund on water scarcity, one of the Fund’s five “global threats.” She/he will help shape and manage the Fund’s strategy, networks, grantmaking, and policy approaches to water issues. She/he will also be interested in how the challenges and opportunities of water scarcity diverge and converge with the other global threats that the fund has identified and how we, as a society, can more effectively tackle the complex common challenges they present. She/he will share our belief that emerging and existing global threats share common challenges in areas like risk management, risk communications, policy making on issues of low probability/high consequence, leadership and governance. This position will work closely with the Chief Scientist, the VP for Alliances/Partnership, the Director of Policy and Communications, and the Director, Global Health Threats. This is a full-time, exempt position. An advanced degree in a relevant subject is required. At least five years of progressively responsible experience in a government, multilateral agency, corporate, or social sector environment. Experience managing strategic and operational relationships with external partners. For a full description please visit Send a cover letter and resume to: [email protected]. Please specify Manager, Water Scarcity in the message subject line. We will contact qualified applicants. In your cover letter please tell us how your specific experiences and accomplishments address our needs and mission. Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Scientist/Engineer/Geologist – Hawaii. Z-GeoInfo is an engineering and consulting firm seeking an Environmental Scientist/Engineer/Geologist to support the Schofield Barracks Army installation. Candidate’s responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Reviewing documents for technical and editorial content; Participating in meetings with ARMY, state regulators, and other stakeholders; Maintaining Administrative Records and project files; Semi-annual updates to Installation Action Plans, to include AEC database update, project cost-to-complete estimates, and memorandums for record, and; Coordination between Garrison, contractors,

management, groundwater and soils investigations, remediation, site closure, field sampling, data evaluation, and report preparation. Five years experience in environmental consulting required. BS in geology preferred. Benefits package includes life/dental/health insurance, 401K plan, company bonus and flex time. Writing and communication skills are critical. Please respond by sending your resume to: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Stream Restoration Monitoring Specialist – Colorado. The Assembly seeks a stream restoration monitoring specialist to collect, compile, organize and analyze physical habitat, water quality, and biologic data taken from stream restoration projects funded by the Nonpoint Source 319 program of the Water Quality Control Division or the Watershed Restoration Program of the Colorado Water Conservation Board. This Measureable Results Program (MRP) is designed to scientifically document performance targets, milestones and overall success of stream restoration projects by measuring changes in river systems and characterizing the aquatic environment. Qualifications: a BS in Fluvial Geomorphology, Watershed Science or similar discipline, field surveying experience with electronic total station equipment and AutoCAD Civil experience. Good communication and writing skills are desirable and a basic knowledge of Colorado water quality regulations and watershed issues is a plus. The Assembly office is located in Carbondale. This position requires a motivated and conscientious self-starter to work in a collaborative environment with flexible work policies. Annual salary is $48K plus benefits, travel reimbursement and an option to work from home. To apply please send a letter of interest and resume to Jeff Crane, Executive Director at: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Staff Biologist – Colorado. The challenge? Provide biological expertise while identifying regulatory requirements for our rapidly growing siting, licensing, and permitting practice for industrial projects. Our Environmental Staff Biologist careers provide you with the opportunity to work on siting and licensing of infrastructure projects particularly focused on power and energy facilities (both traditional and renewable) and transmission lines as well as transportation and water projects. As a staff biologist, you will serve as a key team member working with scientists, engineers, project managers, and other project staff. You should be a self-motivated professional with a proven and successful 3 year track record in providing field biology assistance for siting and licensing of industrial facilities and possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Wildlife Biology, Ecology or other closely related scientific discipline. You should also have a desire to grow personally as well as professionally with each siting and permitting project. Qualifications: B.S. in Biology, Wildlife Biology, Ecology, or closely related field; 3 years experience in conducting biological surveys (including sensitive species surveys) and impact assessments in the western United States; Project experience applicable to industrial siting and permitting or other environmental permitting projects; Familiar with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements; 3 years experience with the compilation of large documents/reports; Strong oral and written communication skills along with strong analytical skills, and; Ability to travel up to 50%. Learn more about CH2M HILL at Close Date: Until Filled.

Soil Conservationist – Arkansas. In support of this mission, the duties are: Serves as a line officer with full technical and administrative responsibility for a broad and active natural resource conservation program in the northwest area, consisting of Field Service Centers, Construction Offices, and Technical Service Centers along with the Area Office. Directs and supervises human resources management, fiscal, and procurement functions within the area. Assists in the preparation of the State’s performance/business plans and makes recommendations to the State Conservationist on budgets, staffing needs, and related matters. Supervises and directs District Conservationists and technical specialists in carrying out the comprehensive soil, water, and natural resource conservation programs within the area. Provides direction to area personnel in their work with planning groups and personally furnishes technical guidance and information to all types of units of government to aid them in developing long range plans. Job Announcement Number: NRCS 10-AR-

016A SERIES & GRADE: GS-0457-13/13. Salary: $81,823.00 - $106,369.00 /year. How to Apply: Alicia Wyles Phone: 501-301-3180 Fax: 501-301-3195 Agency Information: Department of Agriculture, NRCS Room 3416, Federal Building 700 W. Capitol Avenue Little Rock, AR 72201 US Fax: 501-301-3195. Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Staff Scientist – Texas. The challenge? Provide biological expertise while identifying regulatory requirements for our rapidly growing siting, licensing, and permitting practice for industrial projects. Our Environmental Staff Scientist careers provide you with the opportunity to work on siting and licensing of infrastructure projects particularly focused on renewable generation (wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, etc.), natural gas pipelines, electric transmission lines, and fossil fuel power plants. As a staff biologist, you will serve as a key team member working with scientists, engineers, project managers, and other project staff. You should be a self-motivated professional with a proven and successful 5 year track record in providing field biology assistance for siting and licensing of industrial facilities and possess a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, Wildlife Biology, Ecology or other closely related scientific discipline. You should also have a desire to grow personally as well as professionally with each siting and permitting project. Qualifications: B.S. in Biology, Wildlife Biology, Ecology, or other related scientific discipline; 5 years experience in conducting biological surveys (including sensitive species surveys) and impact assessments in the Gulf region of the U.S.; 3 years experience in serving on and leading teams of field scientists for biological surveys for energy projects in Texas; Familiarity with local and state regulatory requirements for land use

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and biological /water resources permitting as well as with National; Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements; 3 years experience in environmental consulting; Strong oral and written communication skills along with strong analytical skills; 3 years experience with the compilation of large documents/reports; Ability to direct junior staff regarding data collection, preparation of figures and maps, and report production; Ability to travel up to 50%. Learn more about CH2M HILL at Close Date: Until Filled.

Advisor (Eco-Hydrology) – Virginia. We are seeking international expertise in eco-hydrology to fill an Advisor position in our Science and Knowledge Division. This position includes refining and leading the research agenda for our institutional freshwater strategy, conducting strategic research in priority CI regions, creating and managing research institution partnerships in eco-hydrology, hydrological modeling, research related to impacts of land uses on water quality, quantity and distribution, and providing technical guidance to our Science and Knowledge, Global Initiatives, and Field Divisions to implement projects with eco-hydrological components. The Advisor is also expected to provide critical input into CI’s policy engagement on freshwater issues. This is a high profile position within a fast moving and effective conservation organization, sought to connect our work on species and habitat conservation to the hydrological properties of ecosystems. Qualifications: PhD plus 3 years of experience or Masters and 7 years of experience in eco-hydrology or closely related field; Excellent writing, communication, and strategic development skills; Clear understanding of the links between changes in land use and hydrological flows and ability to model these relationships; Ability to model impacts of climate change on hydrological flows; Demonstrated track record of publications in eco-hydrology or related field; Demonstrated ability to work in team environments, and cultivate partnerships with academic and research institutions; Solid track record of proposal acceptance. Preferred: Fluent in Spanish, French or Portuguese. To apply, please visit our website: Close Date: Until Filled.

Senior Biodiversity Consultant – Washington, DC. ERM is seeking an experienced and well-respected Senior Biodiversity Consultant to manage biodiversity and ecological risk projects. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record leading biodiversity studies and environmental impact projects in compliance with international best practice standards for a range of clients. In this role, you will be based in Washington DC, while traveling and working at international project sites primarily in Latin America. This is a great opportunity for a senior-level professional looking to advance their career to the next level with a global environmental leader, while contributing to collaborative project teams that deliver world-class ESHIAs and related projects across the globe. Qualifications: Masters in ecology, biology, or a similar science discipline; PhD preferred. 10 to 15 years of practical ecological/biodiversity assessment experience, including working with consulting and international finance organizations. Significant international experience working in Latin America and other developing / transitional countries applying and interpreting IFC Performance Standards and Equator Principles. Willing to travel and work at international project sites. Fluent in English and Spanish; excellent writing ability (in English and Spanish). Solid grasp of key ESHIA and management issues within the international lending markets, as well as a high degree of technical competence in tropical ecology and broad knowledge of related topics. Established credibility and positive reputation with key regulators and international finance institutions relevant to impact assessment approvals (e.g., Environment Ministries, IFC, IDB, etc). Well-developed teambuilding and influencing skills; unquestioned integrity; and the experience, confidence, and stature to effectively address client and business needs and challenges. Apply: Close Date: Until Filled.

Fellowship Opportunities in Polar Environmental Change - Dartmouth is seeking applicants for our NSF Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program in Polar Environmental Change. Polar systems are at the forefront of global

change science research. We are an interdisciplinary graduate program in polar sciences and engineering that merges expertise and facilities from science and engineering departments at Dartmouth College with the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), creating one of the premier centers of scientific expertise in polar research. The investment of Dartmouth’s Dickey Center for International Understanding and its Institute of Arctic Studies in forming relationships with Greenlandic institutions and Inuit leaders provides the opportunity for intensive field training in Greenland where science, policy and indigenous issues of the north can be explored. Collectively these experiences provide rigorous training in polar and related sciences and produce scientists wi! th an advanced knowledge of the role of science in policy and the ethics of conducting research with indigenous people. Research training is coupled with a coordinated core curriculum that focuses on three components of Arctic or Antarctic systems responding to rapid change in climate: 1) the cryosphere - glacial ice, snow, sea ice systems; 2) terrestrial ecosystems and biogeochemical linkages between the soil, plant, and animal system; and, 3) human systems - the process of policy making in political and social systems where Western science and traditional knowledge provide information. Applicants should visit the Dartmouth IGERT website first for information on participating departments, requirements, and application procedures. For further information, email the Program Manager at [email protected] or the IGERT Principal Investigator at [email protected]. Or call the Institute of Arctic Studies at 603-646-1278. Close Date: Until Filled.

Ph.D. Soil Position - We are currently recruiting for a Ph.D. position in soil biogeochemistry, microbial ecology, and ecosystem science, to join the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in fall 2011. The successful applicant will explore how warming influences flows of carbon and nitrogen from substrates of varying recalcitrance through microorganisms and how these flows relate to the transformation of organic carbon into CO2. Most work will be conducted in the laboratories of Dr. Sharon Billings and Dr. Ford Ballantyne at KU, in conjunction with a post-doctoral researcher. The graduate student will participate in conducting incubations of multiple media using isotopically labeled substrates, enzymes associated with their degradation, and populations of microorganisms important in transformations of soil organic matter. The student will have the opportunity to participate in measurements of soil enzymatic activity, respiration and δ13CO2, and microbial biomass and isotopic signature. Results of these efforts will be incorporated into models developed to elucidate the influence of warming on microbe-substrate interactions; the successful applicant will have the opportunity to conduct additional modeling efforts as well. We seek a creative individual who is enthusiastic about moving the science of climate change and soil organic matter dynamics forward. Required qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree in an appropriate field, with sufficient coursework in ecosystem ecology, Earth system science, biogeochemistry or a related field. To apply, contact Dr. Sharon Billings at [email protected] or Dr. Ford Ballantyne at [email protected]. Be sure to tell us about your reasons for attending graduate school, and include your c.v. and a list of relevant courses. Close Date: December 15, 2010.

Chemical Ecologist – Montana. A two-year postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences at Montana State University - Bozeman and is contingent upon funding. A suitable candidate would be a chemical ecologist with a background in plant-insect interactions, and an emphasis in plant or insect biochemistry is preferred. The emphasis of the position is on plant responses to biotic and abiotic environmental conditions and research will be conducted in two laboratories. Possible studies would involve understanding interactions between herbivory (particularly arthropod feeding) and abiotic stresses, and exploring mechanisms of alkaloid production by a fungal endophyte. Crop and rangeland systems spanning trophic levels will be studied. These systems have applied issues to address, but fundamental research is a critical component in the understanding of these systems. A mixture of laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies are used to address questions of interest, and

some travel will be required for field research in the spring and summer. A start date of January 2011 is preferred. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. degree in plant physiology, biochemistry, chemical ecology, or a closely related field; experience with analytical and physiological techniques; ability to initiate and accomplish research goals including publications; effective communication skills; ability to manage personnel and cooperate with other people. The candidate will have the opportunity to write grants and must be able to work effectively as a member of a large team. For full consideration, individuals interested in applying should submit the following materials: 1) a letter of application discussing how the stated qualifications are met, 2) a detailed resume or CV, 3) copies of transcripts from all institutions attended, 4) one or two reprints reflecting your accomplishments, and 5) arrange to have three letters of reference sent to: Tracy Sterling ([email protected]) and/or David Weaver ([email protected]); please contact either with questions or interest about this position. Close Date: Until Filled.

Micrometeorologist/Biometeorologist – Oregon. Position #: 0006066. Research Associate Post Doc, Micrometeorologist/Biometeorologist for the AmeriFlux Network, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University. This is a full-time (1.0 FTE), 12-month, fixed-term position. For review of the full position announcement, or to apply: and posting #0006066. For additional information, contact Dr. Beverly Law (541-737-6111, [email protected]). You will be required to upload the following documents when applying: 1) letter of application with statement of interest, 2) vita (resume), 3) examples of your publications, 4) unofficial copies of transcripts, and 5) names, email addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. For questions regarding the application process, email Jeannette Harper at [email protected] or phone 541-737-6554. Close Date: Until Filled.

Post-Doctoral Researcher – Florida. Florida International University / National Park Service. We are seeking a post-doctoral research scientist to assist the South Florida and Caribbean Inventory and Monitoring Network (SFCN) in development of long term monitoring of vital sign indicators to evaluate park ecosystem health. The postdoctoral scientist will help develop, write, implement, and modify quantitative assessment methods for evaluating relationships between water quality and benthic marine communities in national parks in South Florida and the Caribbean region. These methods can include: assessing existing monitoring for efficiency, power, and practicality; and developing analytical methods for data analysis and reporting. The research scientist will be a visiting research scientist under the direction of Drs. James Fourqurean and Joseph Boyer in the Southeast Environmental Research Center at Florida International University but will be housed at SFCN. The term of appointment is 1 year with the possibility of renewal; the starting salary is $41k plus fringe benefits. Position description and required qualifications--Candidates must have a Ph.D. and experience in field sampling and statistical analysis of data; marine ecological monitoring experience is preferred. Candidates should be able to interact with scientists and resource managers, to design and implement statistical analysis approaches, and to write up results for publication. To apply, submit a curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, and contact information for two references. In addition, please answer the three questions on knowledge, skills and abilities that can be found at Application materials should be e-mailed to Dr. James Fourqurean at [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Marine Program Manager – Mississippi. The MS Marine Program Manager directs all aspects of a

multi-faceted estuarine and marine conservation program including science, restoration and community relations activities for the estuarine and near shore waters, tidally influenced wetlands and barrier islands off the coast of Mississippi. Program Manager serves as the principle marine contact to government agencies, other conservation organizations, foundations and the academic community within Mississippi. Qualifications: BA/BS degree and 5 years experience in marine/ coastal conservation management and restoration or equivalent combination of education and experience. M.S. preferred. Experience managing complex or multiple projects, including staffing, workloads, and finances under deadlines. Experience in written and verbal communication. Supervisory experience. All applications must be submitted through our website at Close Date: Until Filled.

Grant Writer – Vermont/New York/Pennsylvania. We are an environmental consulting company which focuses on providing private landowners professional wildlife, ecology and forestry consulting and management services. We are seeking an experienced grant writer that can write proposals for environmentally-focused grants. As we are a newly formed company, the grant writer must include their salary within the grant proposals. This is a great opportunity for an effective grant writer to obtain funding for their efforts, as well as bring in funds to assist a variety of landowner-focused projects. Qualifications: Four year degree in biological sciences preferred. Proven experience writing environmentally focused grants. Experience within the field of wildlife biology, ecology and forestry. Salary based on grant proposal experience. Contact: [email protected]. Close Date: January 1, 2011.

Development Associate – New York. Work with Senior Director and the Individual and Planned Giving team to advance efforts to identify, solicit, and steward existing individual/family foundation donors and prospects for gifts of $25K or more for unrestricted and restricted support across all WCS program areas. Work with Senior Director and others as necessary to implement cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship strategies, and act as Individual and Planned Giving liaison by interfacing with WCS staff, donors, and Trustees through phone and e-mail. Manage membership benefits including liaising with membership department to suppress Major Donors and monitoring and distributing benefits as appropriate. Write, edit, and proofread proposals, reports, and other correspondence, as necessary.Ensure accurate and up-to-date donor records in the donor database, including maintenance of proposals, actions, and addresses, as well as coordinating and implementing list selection and production for invitation, prospect, and mailing lists.Conduct initial prospect research within the WCS database and online to identify new prospects for gifts of $25,000 or more and work with fundraising/prospect research staff to develop information/materials required for cultivation and solicitation. Assume primary responsibility for writing, editing, and proofreading acknowledgment letters.Provide administrative support for the Individual and Planned Giving team including maintaining Senior Director’s calendar, scheduling meetings and answering phones, and assisting in preparation of agendas, written communications, and other materials. Qualifications: Required: B.A./B.S. and at least 2 years of fundraising experience, preferably in Individual Giving. Excellent writing, organizational, interpersonal, and teamwork skills; great attention to detail; interest in WCS mission; strong proficiency with Microsoft Office suite, and internet-based research. Degree in life sciences, experience with Raiser’s Edge (or similar fundraising database) a plus. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Region Online Organizer – California/Washington. The Regional Online Organizer is responsible for supporting and training field staff in the local use of online tools to achieve greater scale and depth of organizing activities. This includes helping field staff develop online organizing strategies, producing online materials for local campaigns and training field staff in the region on best practices for online organizing. The standard Sierra Club work week is 37.5 hours. However, this job requires occasional evening and weekend work included within the 37.5 hours. Thus the work schedule will not always follow a standard Sierra Club work week, but

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must be arranged with supervisor as appropriate. This job requires occasional overtime to meet special deadline projects, other staff absences, or emergencies. Under these circumstances, overtime will rarely exceed 5 hours weekly, or 15 hours on a monthly basis. Qualifications: 1-2 years experience working in an online organizing capacity. Thorough understanding and demonstrated skill at grassroots organizing. Thorough understanding of online organizing technology and the Organizing Department’s organizing models and strategies. Proficient with new technology, including the ability to use internal systems such as a constituent relationship management system (Convio) as well as the ability to identify new, external technologies that are relevant and useful to our goals (social networks, websites, widgets etc.) Great team player. Works effectively with stakeholders across multiple departments to get the job done. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Region Online Organizer, Western - SCLAHQWA in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Director – New York. Direct the Buildings and Grounds staff to maintain the highest level of cleanliness throughout the facility. Direct the Aquarium’s Security staff to comply with the Society’s rules involving protection of Aquarium property and collection, and ensure the safety of our guests. Oversee the creation of all schedules and payrolls to effect number one (1). Coordinate workforce within Department to obtain maximum performance and efficiency in all area of security, crowd control, cleanliness and safety. Oversee installation and ongoing maintenance of alarm systems and equipment as required. Develop and implement procedures, materials and aspects of operation intended to improve the cleanliness, appearance, security and safety of the Aquarium for both staff and visitors Render reasonable assistance to visitors who become sick or injured. Maintain public order and assist in the detection, ejection and/or apprehension of disorderly persons. Assist and coordinate efforts of Aquarium staff and NYPD and other emergency personnel whenever their presence is required. Prepare presentations and reports for the Director as required. Represent the Aquarium at various functions. Uphold and represent the mission of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Qualifications: Must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in Guest Services, and 5 years experience in Law Enforcement or Facilities Security. A Bachelor’s degree preferred. Candidate must be trained in CPR and First Aid. Must have demonstrated supervisory experience with excellent communication skills. Dedicated to the Mission of WCS a plus. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Region Online Organizer (Central) – Minnesota. Supports local field staff in the Central Region by infusing online organizing campaign tactics (email, action alerts etc.) into on-the-ground campaigns. Produces all online emails and action alerts for field staff in the region. The Regional Online Organizer is responsible for supporting and training field staff in the local use of online tools to achieve greater scale and depth of organizing activities. This includes helping field staff develop online organizing strategies, producing online materials for local campaigns and training field staff in the region on best practices for online organizing. The standard Sierra Club work week is 37.5 hours. However, this job requires occasional evening and weekend work included within the 37.5 hours. Thus the work schedule will not always follow a standard Sierra Club work week, but must be arranged with supervisor as appropriate. This job requires occasional overtime to meet special deadline projects, other staff absences, or emergencies. Under these circumstances, overtime will rarely exceed 5 hours weekly, or 15 hours on a monthly basis. Qualifications: 1-2 years experience working in an online organizing capacity. Thorough understanding and demonstrated skill at grassroots organizing. Thorough understanding of online organizing technology and the Organizing Department’s organizing models and strategies. Proficient with new technology, including the ability to use internal systems such as a constituent relationship management system (Convio) as well as the ability to identify new, external technologies that are relevant and useful to our goals (social networks, websites, widgets etc.) Great team player. Works effectively with stakeholders across multiple

departments to get the job done. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Region Online Organizer, Central - SCMN in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Stakeholder & Fisheries Outreach Officer – Austria. The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) works to safeguard the world?s seafood supply by promoting the best environmental choice in seafood to the consumer through the use of its eco-label. The organization is recognised internationally as a groundbreaking and credible solution to the serious environmental problem of overfishing.The Stakeholder & Fisheries Outreach Officer (SFOO) will be responsible for outreach to the fishery sector and the scientific and marine and environmental NGO communities in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The post holder will increase awareness and understanding of the MSC programme and the part the MSC plays in delivering solutions to the environmental challenges of overfishing amongst these stakeholder groups while liaising closely with MSC fisheries work going on elsewhere in Europe. Outreach activities will involve a detailed analysis of the German fishing sector, making presentations, relationship building and building support and engagement amongst potential partners and interest groups. Ultimately the post strives to deepen MSC?s understanding of the German fishery and related sectors and through outreach and active engagement, to increase the purchasing opportunities for consumers by achieving wider availability of MSC certified products in the German-speaking countries and in Europe where demand for certified seafood is growing rapidly.The SFOO may also be involved in ongoing and future MSC projects. For a full description and application information please visit: Close Date: Until Filled.

Assistant Advancement Director – California. The Assistant Advancement Director is responsible for planning and conducting cultivation and stewardship for assigned donors in the $10,000 to $50,000 level. Develops an assigned portfolio of donors, and identifies, rates and qualifies higher capacity donors to be developed by other fundraising staff. Supports all nationwide NAC-level programs developed in coordination with the Advancement Director, Western Region & NAC. Education: 1 year of related experience including direct donor stewardship. Demonstrated skill with fund-raising database applications, MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint to create effective, compelling marketing and communications pieces. Exceptional writing skills and excellent oral communication skills to interact with a variety of staff, volunteers, donors and prospects required. Strong organizational skills and ability to establish priorities. Ability to prioritize and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment, to use tact and diplomacy in dealing with confidential and sensitive matters, and ability to work well with diverse groups of people. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Assistant Advancement Director, Western Region & National Advancement Council (NAC)- SCHQ#723-10 in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Water/Energy Conservation Coordinator – New Mexico. Under general supervision of the Public Relations Manager, develops and implements the water and energy conservation plan for the Department of Public Utilities. Monitors progress and makes recommendations for changes to improve the Plans effectiveness. Maintains confidentiality of all privileged information. Salary range is $49,318 to $69,045 annually. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Water Resources, Environmental Studies, Engineering, Earth Sciences, Landscape Architecture, Planning or related field, three year conservation and customer service experience. ?Must possess, or ability to obtain within first thirty days of employment, and maintain a valid New Mexico Class ?D? driver?s license. ?Must possess, or ability to obtain within first six months of employment, and maintain water and energy audit certification. Application and full job information are available at or by calling 505-

Employment OpportunitiesScientific Certification Systems (SCS) is a global leader in independent certification and verification of environmental, sustainability, stewardship, food quality, food safety and food purity claims.

If you are looking for rewarding work in the environmental field, please visit us on the web to view our current job listings ( If you do not see the position you're looking for, please feel free to send us your résumé for future consideration. As Scientific Certification Systems grows, we are very interested in reviewing environmentally literate candidates’ credentials.

If you feel SCS is the right fit for you, especially if you are a highly trained environmental scientist, please submit your résumé using our on-line application form.

SCS is an equal opportunity employer and as such, considers individuals for employment or promotion according to their skills, abilities and experience.

662-8040. Close Date: Until Filled.

Agricultural Development Officer – Afghanistan. During the last year, USAID has undertaken a nearly unprecedented staffing increase as they added hundreds of new positions to the mission in Afghanistan and around the world. MSI is proud to partner with USAID on this effort, and has been working closely with AID since 2009 to support this massive recruiting effort. The Agricultural Development Officer will support agriculture and rural development assistance programs in various locations in Afghanistan by developing strategies, analytical models, and methodologies; analyzing data; and providing assistance and advice on agriculture and rural development issues. Contracts are one year to start, renewable up to five years. Salary: $65,413.00-118,552.00 USD/year. Grade and Series: FS-0301-02/03. Responsibilities: For country, regional, or agency-wide programming, performs strategic analysis to strategic planning documents, country assistance strategies, sector strategies, and similar planning exercises; Employs analytical tools and insight to provide guidance to senior managers for decisions about allocation of resources to agriculture and rural development programs, and as input to cross-cutting issues such as environment or gender. U.S. citizenship required. Candidates with dual citizenship would need to renounce secondary citizenship. For full position descriptions and to apply to these openings, please visit our website: Close Date: Until Filled.

Assistant Director - The Associate Director is responsible for planning, budgeting, executing and evaluating assigned direct mail, online fundraising or other direct marketing programs as well as special projects for Office of Development senior managers. Performs a variety of programmatic, strategic, and analytic functions and is responsible for delivering total budgeted annual net income for all assigned programs and projects. Oversees donor stewardship for all assigned programs. Identifies opportunities to improve the efficiency of workflows or productivity of fundraising efforts in all programs.

Works closely with key consultants and vendors to ensure that programs are delivered as expected. Qualifications: 1-2 years supervisory experience. 3 to 5 years experience as the bottom-line manager of significant direct marketing programs. Bachelor’s degree in marketing or related field or an equivalent combination of education and experience. 1-2 years of professional level experience with electronic outreach systems, including running large scale email marketing campaigns; preferably using the Convio eCRM marketing suite. Proven ability to develop and successfully implement a strategic fundraising plan for a relevant department or campaign. Proven ability to work on several projects at once while meeting tight deadlines. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Proven ability to write and edit direct marketing copy. Demonstrated strong communication, organizational, problem-solving and analytical skills. Proven experience with successful use of direct marketing techniques. Proficient MS Office programs. Proficient in or has an understanding of the capabilities of HTML. Proficient at the “site administrator” level in the use of the Sierra Club’s integrated online fundraising and advocacy system. Able to work effectively with Club members, leaders, volunteers, staff, vendors and consultants. Occasional travel required. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Assistant Director, Donor/Membership Marketing & Acquisition - SCHQ #05-1710 in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Grants & Compliance Director - As a member of the organization’s management team, The Grants and Compliance Director administers and directs all grants and fiscal sponsorship activity, directs compliance efforts, trains Sierra Club staff and volunteers in Foundation policies and procedures, and performs public relations functions for The Sierra Club Foundation. This position sits at a critical juncture between our grantees, the Foundation Board of Directors, and our donors. Diplomacy,

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An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer


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Science or a closely related field. At least 3 years experience in grassroots organizing, training, and motivating volunteers, coalition building and lobbying. Experience in fundraising event planning and donor development. Strong demonstrated written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated public speaking ability. Excellent knowledge and background in specific issue areas of the environmental field related to assigned programs and campaigns. Prior experience and knowledge of the legislative process. Demonstrated ability and effectiveness working with volunteers. Starting salary begins in mid 40s, DOE. Includes benefits. Please send resume, cover letter and the names of three references to: Steve Welter, Personnel Committee Chair, Sierra Club - Rocky Mtn. Chapter, email: [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application please specify RMC Chapter Director in the subject line of your email response. No phone calls please. Close Date: Until Filled.

Vice President of Global Health Programs – New York. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), a global conservation organization and one of New York City’s premier cultural institutions, is seeking to fill the position of Vice President of Global Health Programs. Since its founding in 1895 as the New York Zoological Society, WCS has been dedicated to saving wildlife and wildlands through science, conservation, education and the management of the largest system of urban wildlife parks in the United States. The Vice President will be based at WCS headquarters in New York and will work with the Executive Vice President of Living Institutions to ensure that wildlife health meets its’ potential to fulfill the mission of the organization. The Vice President of Global Health Programs oversees some 100 conservation health professionals in achieving critical goals for the Wildlife Conservation Society both in New York and around the world. The qualified candidate will have 5 years or more of administrative and supervisory experience in a complex and diverse organization. Preference will be given to those with extensive background in conservation and animal health practice, a thorough knowledge of wildlife health issues as they relate to conservation, experience with policy development and a proven track record of fundraising from philanthropic and government sources. Salary and benefits are commensurate with experience. Qualifications: 1. Minimum of 5 years working in a position of leadership with administrative and supervisory experience in a dynamic and complex wildlife health and conservation organization. 2. Preference given to a graduate of a college or school of veterinary medicine accredited or approved by the AVMA, or possessing an Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG) certificate, or be legally qualified to practice veterinary medicine in some state, province, territory, or possession of the United States or Canada, or some other country.3. Preference given to those with proven success in fundraising from philanthropic and/or government sources.4. Previous management training a plus. 5. High quality interpersonal skills. 6. Comprehension and fluency in oral and written English language. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

strong communication/writing skills, and analytical rigor are a must for the position. Qualifications: Superior written and verbal communications skills. Strong organizational and analytical skills. Non profit management and charitable compliance experience preferred. Legal experience preferred. Computer literacy and facility word processing, spreadsheet, and database programs. Ability to communicate effectively and diplomatically with diverse constituencies, including volunteer Board of Directors, major donors, Sierra Club staff and volunteers, Foundation staff, other non profits, and the general public. Baccalaureate degree or equivalent combination of experience and education required. Attractive salary and benefits package, including an employer-matching 403b plan. Please send a cover letter and formal resume to Carrie Hudiburgh at [email protected]. Subject: Grants and Compliance Director. Close Date: Until Filled.

Conservation Organizer (Part-Time) – Washington. The Conservation Organizer plans, organizes and implements the education and mobilization efforts of the Sierra Club on its Clean Energy Solutions Campaign efforts in various locations in the assigned region. Regularly works outside of the office and without direct supervision to communicate with officials, the media and the public. There is a specific focus on working with labor unions involved in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Works with professional staff in editing, writing, researching, and coordinating functions. Qualifications: 1-2 years experience working with volunteers in the environmental movement, political campaigns, or other, similar organizations to plan and implement grassroots campaigns. Valid driver’s license, satisfactory driving record, and proof of auto insurance required. Current basic knowledge of environmental issues affecting the assigned region. Current contacts with environmental coalition partners in same key media market, or comparable background. Excellent writing and editing skills. Demonstrated skills in writing and production of newsletters. Good verbal communication skills. Strong organizational and problem-solving skills and ability to work effectively in action-oriented office. Ability to work independently, cooperatively and effectively with public, staff and volunteers. Able to travel as needed. Proficient computer skills; knowledge and experience with word processing (WordPerfect or MS Word), database and communications software. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Conservation Organizer P/T - SCWA#76-10 in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Campaign Representative – Location TBD. The Beyond Coal Campaign Representative is responsible for the coordination of the Coal Free Campuses initiative. Participates in the strategies and helps to carry out, organizational and issue visibility. Participates in activities and services provided by the Beyond Coal campaign. Works in close cooperation with volunteer leaders, national, state and local conservation staff on conservation campaigns. Qualifications: B.A./B.S. degree in Environmental Studies, Political Science or a closely related field. At least 3 years experience in grassroots organizing, training, and motivating volunteers, coalition building and lobbying. Valid driver’s license, satisfactory driving record, and proof of auto insurance required. Strong demonstrated written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated public speaking ability. Excellent knowledge and background in a specific issue area of the environmental field related to assigned programs and campaigns. Prior experience and knowledge of the legislative process. Demonstrated ability and effectiveness working with volunteers. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Campaign Representative -Coal Free Campus- SCTBD in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Attorney – Washington, DC. The Sierra Club has an immediate opening for a Clean Air Act Enforcement Attorney. Location is flexible, with preference for our headquarters in San Francisco or Washington D.C office. As part of the national Club legal team, the Clean Air Enforcement Attorney will litigate key cases under the Clean Air Act, targeting dirty, old coal plants for cleanup and retirement; help implement

strategic legal actions to support the Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign; and help coordinate all aspects of the Sierra Club’s Clean Air Act enforcement work. The position involves daily contact with Sierra Club volunteer activists, staff, and attorneys throughout the nation. Qualifications: J.D. degree and license to practice law, with experience in environmental law. Minimum four years relevant legal experience. Experience in all phases of litigation. Extensive knowledge of the Clean Air Act. Excellent writing and analytic skills. Strong interpersonal and consensus-building skills. Send cover letter, resume, law school transcript, writing sample, and references to: [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Attorney, Clean Air Act - SCHQ #28-10 in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Associate Press Secretary – Illinois. The Associate Press Secretary acts as a liaison between the media team and issue team staff to plan and carry out media strategies. Also serves as a liaison between the Sierra Club and key media contacts, to develop relationships that advance the Sierra Club’s media coverage, serving regularly as a spokesperson. Serves as Sierra Club representatives to key partners. Researches and prepares reports for release to media, writes media messages, op-eds, press releases, talking points and other materials, and coordinates media events as necessary. Qualifications: B.A. degree in communications, journalism, or a closely related field, or the equivalent combination of education and experience. 3 years prior experience as a journalist, media liaison or other position involving media/press relations. Excellent writing and verbal communications skills. Demonstrated knowledge of environmental issues and national politics. Ability to interact cooperatively effectively with staff, volunteers and the public. Ability to meet strict deadlines and work under pressure. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Associate Press Secretary, Communications Media - SCIL in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Chapter Coordinator – Washington. The Chapter Coordinator handles the daily administrative operations of the Chapter office and acts as an information center for the chapter. Recruits, trains, coordinates, and supervises volunteers for office and other activities. Works with volunteer leadership and staff as part of the team. The Chapter Coordinator is responsible for providing office management and administrative functions including the recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers and interns. Implements programs and activities as determined by Chapter Executive Committee to enhance member effectiveness and involvement. Acts as an information resource for chapter volunteers and the general public. Maintains the Chapters records, purchases, supplies and equipment. Processes invoices for payment and helps monitor the annual budget. Qualifications: 2 years general office administration project management, and/or volunteer coordinating experience. Proficiency with computer programs including word processing, spreadsheets, and database management. Proficiency with website management (or easily trainable). General bookkeeping skills. Strong organizational skills. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Ability to multi-task in a highly dynamic environment. Ability to interact effectively with volunteers, members, staff and the general public. Please send cover letter and resume to: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Chapter Director – Colorado. The Chapter Director implements policies and programs adopted by the Chapter Executive Committee covering the state of Colorado. The Director manages the staff budget and operations of more than one of the following operational areas: conservation and legislative program, fundraising, volunteer development and member services, budgeting and financial management, and media relations. Carries out the policies, priorities and objectives of the Executive Committee for the assigned areas of chapter programs and operations. Responsible for managing staff and financial resources for the assigned areas, and overseeing office activities. Qualifications: B.A./B.S. degree in Environmental Studies, Political

Manager (Global Conservation Campaign)

Washington, DC. The Global Conservation campaign is in a search for the Manager of this important initiative. The successful candidate will have at least 8 years of experience in campaigns or advocacy work with some substantial expertise in the environmental space. Bachelor’s degree is required, advanced degree is preferred. Pew Charitable Trusts offers a competitive salary and excellent benefits package, including a generous 401(k) plan, four weeks vacation and flexible benefits options. For immediate consideration please visit the Careers@Pew page of our Web site to read the full job description and apply for the position. Close Date: Until Filled.

Foreign & Agency Grant Manager – New York. The Foreign and Agency Grant Coordinator reports to the Assistant Director for Grants and Contracts. This position is responsible for the timely and accurate submission of all Foreign and Agency Grant and Contract reporting. In addition this position will monitor the sub grant/contract activity related to all Foreign Government and Agency grants/contracts. Pre award review of foreign government and agency grant/contract proposals to ensure compliance with WCS polices and procedures, less then $100,000 per year. Work with the various program areas to assist with negotiations with proposals described above. Ensure each proposal contains the appropriate cost categories to support the grant, e.g. insurance, local administration, and indirect cost recovery. Qualifications: Bachelor degree in Business Administration, accounting major preferred. At least two years experience with the financial management of Foreign Government and Agency grants and contracts, e.g. World Bank, NORAD, WWF, etc. Ability to quickly read and comprehend grant and contract provisions of various governments and agencies. Strong analytical and spreadsheet skills Ability to work with multiple databases/financial programs. Good communication skills, written and verbal, as well as strong analytical skills. Effective ‘roll up the sleeves’ work ethic and willingness to work nights and weekends Ability to read French preferred. Strong interpersonal skills, an ability to work well with a wide variety of people in a team setting, and, ideally, a sense of humor. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Development Officer – New York. Under the direction of the Senior Development Officer, write, edit, and proofread proposals, reports, and letters to designated foundation donors/prospects for broad and program-specific support of WCS’s Global Conservation Program. Coordinate closely, as necessary, with program staff. Work with Senior Development Officer and Director of Foundation Relations to steward a portfolio of foundation donors, develop prospect strategies that include personal visits, cultivation, and solicitation via proposals or other written materials. Work with Senior Development Officer and Director of Foundation Relations on the identification, cultivation, and stewardship of new foundation donors. Review reports, proposals, and other writing from program staff to ensure that material meets the needs of the Foundation Relations team and use that material as basis for program descriptions, general reports, proposals, as needed. Work with Grants Management Team to ensure timely and accurate preparation of reports as well as acknowledgment letters for Foundation donors. Maintain accurate information in donor and grants database. Staff tours, Development Department events, and other special projects as necessary. Required: B.A./B.S. and 3-5 years of fundraising experience, preferably from foundations; excellent writing, organizational, interpersonal and teamwork skills; ability to take initiative and work well in large, complex institution; great attention to detail; interest in WCS mission; strong proficiency with Microsoft Office suite and internet-based research; experience with Raiser’s Edge (or similar fundraising database) and prospect research skills. Degree in English or Communications a plus. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Vice President of Philanthropy – Massachusetts. Following a successful comprehensive capital campaign, Mass Audubon is eager to build upon its success. The organization is well positioned to leverage increased individual giving from its major donors and expand its base of new major donors. Working in close partnership with Membership, Marketing and Communications, Sanctuary Directors, and a committed Philanthropy staff, the Vice President of Philanthropy will have opportunities for identifying and cultivating increased relationships with individuals, corporations and foundations, as well as taking good systems and operations to the next level of industry best practice. The next VP of Philanthropy will be charged to build a donor-centered, content-driven fundraising program. The Vice President (VP) for Philanthropy will be a dynamic member of the Senior Management Team and carry a portfolio of key donor/stakeholders while managing a Philanthropy team of 20 staff members which includes Membership. The VP will serve as an important partner to the President and will be highly visible to major donors and stakeholders. This is a perfect position for a visionary and strategic thinker

Environmental Policy & Law

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and planner - a savvy and experienced fundraiser and manager poised to make a significant impact on the community, state and national level. Full benefits package. To apply or refer candidates, please contact: Wendy Schiffman Wilsker, Search Director; email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Director of International Conservation – Washington, DC. This management position requires substantial knowledge of international wildlife conservation policy and practice, including marine wildlife conservation; experience in the negotiation and implementation of international agreements; and the ability to direct, manage, and coordinate diverse staff working in the U.S. and internationally. The position serves as Defenders’ institutional lead on international conservation policy and programs. The incumbent works with the Senior Vice President for Conservation Programs, International Conservation program staff and other staff members to identify policy goals and set program priorities relating to the conservation of wildlife outside of the United States, and the conservation of marine wildlife in the U.S. and globally. The incumbent bears primary responsibility for the strategic development of Defenders’ international conservation work and provides programmatic direction and administrative oversight for Defenders’ International Conservation program. Education: Advanced degree or equivalent in Wildlife Management or Ecology, Conservation Biology, Natural Resources or related discipline, or law degree, and demonstrated scientific, legal or policy credentials in international wildlife conservation and/or marine conservation. Experience: 7+ years of progressively responsible, substantive experience in directing national/international advocacy campaigns, including 2+ years of relevant management/supervisory experience. Experience developing, implementing, and managing legislative and advocacy campaigns on a national/international level. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above. Interested applicants please reference Director of International Conservation in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Conservation & Research Coordinator – California. The Santa Barbara Zoo is seeking a Conservation and Research Coordinator. This position will be responsible for implementing and coordinating the Zoo’s in situ conservation programs along with coordinating scientific studies involving the animal collection. Responsibilities include field data collection and associated field work in conjunction with the zoo’s various local field conservation projects, zoo data collection, data entry and management; training and management of project interns and volunteers, assisting with routine filing and paperwork; conducting literature reviews; assisting with community outreach efforts; preparation and presentation of research to an audience. Requirements: Qualified candidate has a four- year college degree in biology or related field with an understanding of behavioral research and data collection. Candidate must be able to work independently in remote field conditions that are characterized by rugged terrain and inclement weather. A valid driver’s license with good driving record is essential. Must be comfortable with off road driving. A strong teamwork ethic and proven enthusiasm are essential. Must have excellent communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills. Good scientific writing skills and attention to detail. Effective oral and written communication skills. Must have applicable research and analysis skills, scientific writing and presentation experience, as well as supervisory experience. This position requires the ability to negotiate the zoo work environment including behind-the-scenes, lawns, gravel, and hilltop. It also involves working out-of-doors in all weather conditions and the ability to hike and camp in remote areas. Compensation: $14.00/hour Please download Employment Application from and send with cover letter to: Santa Barbara Zoo, Attn. HR, 500 Niños Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, email to [email protected] or fax to (805)962-3659, Attn. Human Resources. Close Date: Until Filled.

ACCSP Maryland State Coordinator – Maryland. The MD State Coordinator will upload biological

sampling data from developed datasets into the ACCSP Biological Module, develop new datasets for upload, act as coordinator for all online reporting issues, provide quarterly uploads of MD commercial data and ensure that a modified licensing database or a replacement system meets the standards being developed by NMFS for a national commercial fishing vessel database and a national recreational fishing registry. Qualifications: Applicants must possess a minimum of either a Bachelors of Science degree in Fisheries Biology or a combination of another 4-year degree and a minimum of 3 years of directly related experience. Specific skill requirements include experience with data sets similar to those collected, and an excellent working knowledge of PC based database systems such as Microsoft Access or SAS. Experience with data transformation is essential. Additionally, experience with SQL based database systems such as Oracle or Sequel Server is extremely desirable. This position requires excellent oral and written communication skills, and an ability to work with the wide variety of personalities involved in fisheries data collection. United States citizenship required. $45,000-$52,000 annually. Visit: Close Date: Until Filled.

Associate Advancement Director – California. The Associate Advancement Director is responsible for direct fundraising and gift planning assistance to donors planning bequests, gift annuities, life income contributions and other forms of testamentary support. The Associate Director develops an assigned portfolio of donors, and identifies, rates and qualifies higher capacity donors to be developed by other fundraising staff. Education: Bachelors Degree in finance, taxation, estate planning or related field and/or the equivalent combination of education and experience; Three-to-five years experience in development, major gift fundraising (or equivalent for-profit experience), with strong background in finance, law, or trust administration; Demonstrated success in providing gift planning assistance to major donors, securing major financial commitments, and achieving personal revenue targets; Thorough knowledge of marketing and stewardship methods to identify major donors and sustain financial commitments over a long time horizon; Thorough knowledge of non-cash gift assets including publicly traded securities, closely-held stock, real property, qualified retirement plans, and life insurance products; Proven success in meeting organizational goals, attainment of individual financial targets, and proven record of working effectively as part of a team; Strong communication skills, including personal presentations, written materials, and public speaking; Strong analytic skills. Proficient with the following computer software: Word, Excel, Power Point; Working knowledge and experience with environmental issues; 40-50% frequent travel through assigned regions. Valid driver’s license, satisfactory driving record, and proof of auto insurance required. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Associate Advancement Director, Gift Planning -SCHQ in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Director (Wildlife & Habitat) - For the Wildlife & Habitat Director, the Foundation seeks an individual with an entrepreneurial spirit and a broad knowledge of the challenges facing terrestrial ecosystems. The ideal candidate will have a demonstrable record as an innovator in his/her field and serve as a catalyst within the Foundation to create new combinations of people, processes, methodologies, and ideas that will expand successes in outcome-based conservation. The Foundation is particularly interested in individuals with expertise in one or more of the following issues: innovative land conservation (acquisition and restoration) techniques, ecosystem services, wildlife corridor design and conservation, and/or energy development impacts on wildlife. The Wildlife & Habitat Director should have a strong scientific background and thorough understanding of the cutting-edge issues in terrestrial conservation as well as the ability to raise funding. Qualifications: PhD or masters degree with equivalent experience in natural resource management. Demonstrated thought leadership within area of expertise. Five to eight years experience in conservation program management. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with a broad range of staff to create a highly integrated program. Demonstrated ability to lead others and get desired results. Demonstrated ability to facilitate

productive exchange among government and non-government agencies and organizations. Extensive experience and confidence to discuss conservation priorities and projects with Board members, ‘grasstop’ donors, Congressional staff and senior members of federal agency directorates. Proven success in fundraising or program development. Experience working with federal resource agencies and in managing cooperative agreements preferred. To apply, please send an e-mail, with attachments in Word format, containing your cover letter describing your interest and qualifications, resume, one to two page writing samples, three professional references and your salary requirements to Marla Oliver, Human Resources Coordinator, at [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Education Coordinator III – Massachusetts. Wellfleet Bay is seeking an energetic and engaging Education Coordinator III to coordinate adult, children’s, and family public programs. This individual, working with an existing staff, will be responsible for program design, budget development, and staff management for the education department. Coordinator will supervise Program Registrar, Day Camp and School Program Coordinator, two teacher naturalists, several contract staff, and a number of seasonal staff. The coordinator is expected to deliver programs and have extensive experience in ornithology, marine biology, or related subject areas. Coordinator will also oversee marketing and promotion of programs. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in biological science, environmental studies, nature interpretation, science education or equivalent, and a minimum of 5 years experience in environmental education or Master’s degree in biological science, environmental studies, nature interpretation, or science education or equivalent, and a minimum of 4 years experience; or any equivalent combination of education and experience. Requires 3 years of prior supervisory experience of staff/volunteers and 3 years of prior experience in budget development and management, as well as revenue forecasting and financial recordkeeping. First Aid and CPR certification upon hire. Requires successful completion of a CORI and SORI. Full benefits package. Send resume and cover letter to: Robert Prescott, Sanctuary Director, Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, P.O. Box 236, S. Wellfleet, MA 02663. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Education & Volunteer Coordinator – Oregon. Coordinate Refuge’s environmental education/ volunteer program. Provide leadership to implement environmental education/ volunteer program. Activities include building program capacity by: Schedule, accompany school field trips, other groups at Refuge; Conduct teacher/educator outreach; Schedule, conduct teacher workshops; Complete Education Guide; Assist, support Volunteer Program; Assist, support FOWVNWRC; Conduct community outreach/ Qualifications: Must be at least 18 and under 25 years of age at time of hire. Valid driver’s license for operating vehicles during work hours. Possession of high school diploma or equivalent. Commit to full service term for which they are applying. Regular and reliable attendance. Incumbent must complete 1,920 hour internship of which at least 1,536 hours is focused on refuge related projects, 192 hours are focused on serving FOWVNWRC, and 192 hours are focused on individual development. A typical work week will be 40 hours/week, 5 days/week, with opportunistic development hours. Holidays and time off will be scheduled. Compensated with $1,000/month stipend for 11 months. A $5,000 completion award will be granted after successfully fulfilling internship terms. Successful completion includes completing 1,920 hour requirement during 11-month term while maintaining satisfactory performance level. Work-related transportation provided. Housing available. Office space, computer, work phone, and work needs provided. Contact: Friends of Willamette Valley NWR

Environmental Education & Eco Tourism

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Assistant/Associate Professor in Wetland Ecology – North Carolina. The Department of Biology at East Carolina University [], the third largest campus in the North Carolina University system, seeks to build on established strengths in coastal and wetlands research by inviting applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of assistant or associate professor in wetland ecology beginning August 15, 2011. Will consider other titles based on degree and qualifications. The successful candidate is expected to lead a strong, extramurally funded research program to complement our strengths in ecology and evolution, and contribute to our teaching mission at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This faculty member will also contribute appropriate service to the university, community and profession. Persons with research interests in wetlands, including community or ecosystems ecology, ecophysiology, conservation, restoration, management, or effects of climate change, are encouraged to apply. A doctorate from an appropriately accredited institution is required; post-doctoral experience is preferred. The position reports to the Chair of the Department of Biology and is a 9-month tenure-track appointment. ECU’s application procedure requires online submission of a letter of application, statements of research interests and teaching philosophy and a curriculum vitae at, position number 934015. Also, arrange for three current letters of reference to be sent to: Wetland Ecology Search Committee Chair, Department of Biology, Mail Stop 551, Howell Science Complex, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353 or emailed directly to [email protected]. Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Claudia Jolls, Search Committee Chair, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Environmental Studies Assistant Professor – New York. The Environmental Studies Program at Purchase College (SUNY) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, beginning fall 2011. We seek an environmental scientist who possesses a PhD degree (by August 2011). Candidate’s providing evidence of interest in and commitment to student learning and success, general education, and interdisciplinary collaboration with colleagues in the arts and the liberal arts will be given preference. Qualifications: Excellence in teaching is expected. Teaching responsibilities include building a suite of courses that contribute to the Environmental Studies program, including upper-level courses in the candidate’s area of specialization, and a course for the General Education curriculum that introduces environmental problems and possible interdisciplinary solutions. The successful candidate will establish a research program that actively involves undergraduates. Evidence of success in obtaining research funding is helpful. Desirable research areas include (but are not limited to): Conservation Biology, Higher plant Autecology, and Forest Community Ecology. To apply for this position, please visit our Purchase College Job Vacancy website at and complete an on-line application. You must attach the following documents to your application: cover letter, CV, teaching philosophy and student-centered research agenda (Other Document 1). Candidates are also required to mail or email 3 letters of recommendation to Jean Kyff, Senior Staff Assistant, Academic Affairs, Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Road, Purchase, New York 10577. Email- [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Faculty Position (Ecology & Environmental Biology) – Pennsylvania. The Department of Biology at Drexel University invites applications for an anticipated tenure-track faculty position in the fields of Ecology and Environmental Biology. Applications at level of associate or full professor rank are encouraged. The Biology department will move to the Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building in July 2011. Drexel has committed substantial resources for the department’s growth over the next five years. Candidates with funded research programs who can

AcademicComplex, Sallie Gentry, [email protected] or call 541-757-7236. Close Date: Until Filled.

Interpretive Program Manager - ICF seeks a professional in the field of interpretive programs, visitor services, and exhibit planning, development, implementation and evaluation. The successful candidate will lead the on-site visitor program. S/he will lead the planning and development of new interpretive materials and services and the evaluation and improvement of existing interpretive materials and services. S/he will provide oversight to the visitors program, supervising a diverse group including two full-time staff members, a number of seasonal naturalist interns, occasional international interns, and a large number of volunteers. S/he will work closely with peer program staff and management to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the visitor program. Some national and potentially international travel is expected. The successful candidate will have: Masters degree in Interpretation, Environmental Education, Environmental Communication or closely related field or equivalent work experience. Advanced experience developing, leading and implementing interpretive programs and products in a science, conservation, or natural history-based informal education setting. Advanced interpretive design, writing and editing skills. Intermediate experience supervising and managing staff and volunteers in an informal education setting and training and mentoring in interpretative skills. Advanced skills interacting with and inspiring a variety of audiences. Strong computer skills and knowledge of up-to-date technology relevant to interpretive programs and products. Basic experience working across disciplines and culture. Ability to work independently and to effectively multitask and prioritize work. Vision, creativity and enthusiasm. Applicants should provide a letter describing their interest in and qualifications for the position; a detailed resume; salary requirements; and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of three references. (References will only be contacted after notification of the applicant.) Applications will be confidential. Applicants must be US citizens or residents or have a valid visa and documents to work in the US. Applications should be sent electronically to the Director of Communications and Education, Erica Cochrane ([email protected]). Close Date: Until Filled.

Coordinator (Overnight Programs) – Massachusetts. Develop and implement educational curriculum for Overnights and Courses, designed to stimulate interest and understanding in STEM and promote curiosity, exploration and the development of scientific skills. Assist in the management of part time staff. Coordinate schedules and communicate information to overnight guests, participating agencies, staff and other Museum departments. Lead a team that correlates overnight program content to national and state standards. Lead a team that includes exhibit developers and interns to update curriculum for new and updated programs related to new and updated exhibits, to ensure quality resources available to staff responsible for delivering educational programs. Assist with the hiring, training, supervision and evaluation of 70 to 100 part-time instructors, presenters and overnight staff to ensure a quality, educational, fun and safe experience for program participants and to provide for the professional growth of Overnight Program staff. Prepare and coordinate schedules for 22,000+ Overnight participants, staff, and demonstrators to ensure organized smooth operations during an Overnight experience. Regular full time, 35 hrs/wk, Tuesday through Saturday. Qualifications: Bachelor’s of Science or Arts and additional course work preferred. 3 to 5 years of experience required. Excellent written, oral and interpersonal communication skills. General science knowledge. Strong organizational skills and attention to detail. Experience teaching in a formal or informal setting and familiarity with STEM standards. Computer experience using Mac, MS Office Suite, Access, FileMaker Pro 11. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Spring/Summer Environmental Education Intern – Connecticut. Primary responsibilities of the Environmental Education Interns include assisting with the teaching of environmental education programs to school groups. During the month of March, this person(s) will also be heavily involved with the Center’s Maple Sugaring Operation. During the summer, primary responsibility is to oversee the

Sharon Audubon Center Summer Nature Programs for children ages 3-11. Children visit the Center for 2-5 hours each day during weeklong sessions. Activities range from discovery hikes, pond explorations, live animal programs, nature crafts and games. The summer naturalists design the curriculum for these programs and conduct the programs with the help of volunteer assistants. Environmental Education Interns are expected to help with other aspects of a nature center, such as helping with special events, wildlife rehabilitation, public education programs, answering requests for information from the public, running the Nature Store, and helping with many other facets of a Nature Center’s day to day operation. Qualifications: Completion of at least 2 years of college coursework in environmental or life sciences. Some teaching experience and/or curriculum development is necessary. Summer Naturalists must be confident in leading a group and initiating activities, working independently and team teaching. The most important assets are a strong work ethic, natural history background, self-motivation, on-going enthusiasm, commitment, flexibility, a desire to learn, and the ability to work well with others and with children. Compensation: Housing, Salary and School Credit: Interns have a furnished apartment with shared bedrooms (during the summer), kitchen, bath and living room. Salary is $288.75 per week. Students should arrange for school credit with their advisor beforehand, if applicable. This internship position is a 6 month position and runs mid-February through mid-August. To be considered for an internship, please send a cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of 3 references to Wendy Miller, Education Program Manager, Audubon Sharon, 325 Cornwall Bridge Road, Sharon, CT 06069. Close Date: Until Filled.

Spring/Summer Environmental Education Intern – Connecticut. Primary responsibilities of the Environmental Education Intern include assisting with the teaching of environmental education programs to school groups. During the month of March, this person will also be heavily involved with the Center’s Maple Sugaring Operation. During the summer, primary responsibility is to teach, along with another intern, the Sharon Audubon Center Summer Nature Programs for children ages 3-11. Children visit the Center for 2-5 hours each day during weeklong sessions. Activities range from discovery hikes, pond explorations, live animal programs, nature crafts and games. The summer naturalists design the curriculum for these programs and conduct the programs with the help of volunteer assistants. Environmental Education Interns are expected to help with other aspects of a nature center, such as helping with special events, wildlife rehabilitation, public education programs, answering requests for information from the public, running the Nature Store, and helping with many other facets of a Nature Center’s day to day operation. Please send resume, cover letter and three references via snail mail. The Educ. Program Manager will be on maternity leave from the end of September through January 3rd and phone interviews with qualified candidates will begin shortly after that time. Email will not be accessible. Contact: Wendy Miller, Education Program Manager, Audubon Sharon, [email protected]. Close Date: November 23, 2010.

Education Director – Michigan. The Education Director is responsible for all phases of Dahlem’s environmental education programs and services including design, implementation, presentation, coordination and evaluation. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree from four-year college or university in Environmental Education, Fish and Wildlife, Natural Resources or “field-type” Biology; and 5-7 years related experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Preferred: Master’s Degree in field and 10 years related experience. To be considered for this position: Send an email to Brad Whaley at [email protected] and attach 4 documents in Microsoft Word format – 1) formal cover letter, 2) Resume, 3) list of 4-6 References, and 4) List of relevant coursework. Please begin the title of each document with your name. Contact: Brad Whaley, The Dahlem Conservancy, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

synergize existing interests in the department will be given the highest priority. We are particularly interested in individuals addressing research questions related to: climate change; plant, terrestrial, or landscape ecology; environmental microbiology; evolution; paleobotany; or biodiversity. Anticipated start date for the position is Sept. 2011. Applicants should have a PhD or DPhil. Apply online at; please attach CV, two-page statement of research interests & goals, one-page statement on teaching philosophy & experience, and contact information for three references. For additional information about the Department of Biology’s hiring process, please contact the Biology Search Committee, Dept. of Biology, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104 ([email protected]). Close Date: November 30, 2010.

Assistant Professor – Oregon. The Environmental Studies Program at Lewis & Clark College invites applications for a full-time, tenure track position in Earth Systems Science at the level of Assistant Professor, beginning August 15, 2011. We seek someone with interdisciplinary research expertise in any subfield of earth systems science, with preference given to those whose work also connects to fields in the environmental social sciences and/or humanities. The successful applicant must have completed a Ph.D. by the time of the start of the appointment. In addition to building a strong research program, the successful candidate will be expected to fully engage in undergraduate teaching and to involve students in her/his research. Teaching commitments will include courses in the appointee’s field of expertise as well as regular rotations into interdisciplinary Environmental Studies core courses. Usual load is five courses per academic year and may include regular participation in courses that contribute to general education at the College. A complete application must include: (1) a current curriculum vitae; (2) letter of application which includes a statement of educational philosophy, teaching experience, and research interests; (3) selected publications; and (4) three letters of recommendation, sent under separate cover. Send application materials to Jim Proctor, Professor and Director, Environmental Studies Program-MSC 62, Lewis & Clark College, 0615 SW Palatine Hill Road, Portland, OR 97219. For further information, please contact Jim via email ([email protected]) or phone (503-768-7707). Close Date: December 1, 2010.

Ecologist Professor – North Carolina. The Department of Biology at East Carolina University, the third largest campus in the University of North Carolina system, seeks an Ecologist at the rank of associate or full professor with an active, internationally recognized research program in macroecology, biodiversity, or conservation ecology. Will consider other titles based on degree and qualifications. The successful candidate is expected to establish an externally funded research program; teach and advise undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral level students; contribute appropriate service to the university, community and profession; and participate in the development of the recently formed North Carolina Center for Biodiversity. Honoring the late Raymond O’Connor, this position is expected to contribute to and enhance departmental research and education missions in biodiversity and conservation ecology. The position reports to the Chair of the Department of Biology and is a 9-month tenure-track appointment. Position to begin as early as August 15, 2011. In addition to interactions with Biology faculty and the NCCB, collaborative opportunities exist with the University’s Institute for Coastal Science and Policy and Center for Sustainable Tourism, and the Coastal Science Institute at Manteo. ECU’s application procedure requires online submission, at, position number 929751. Applicants should submit a letter of application, statements of research interests and teaching philosophy, a curriculum vitae, and names, current position and contact information (including e-mail addresses) for at least three professional references. Graduate transcript required upon employment. Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Enrique Reyes, Search Committee Chair, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Tenure Track Assistant Professor – North Carolina. The East Carolina University Department of Biology seeks to build on a core strength in evolution by inviting applications for a tenure-track position (assistant professor level) in evolutionary biology.

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26 November-December 2010

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Applications from individuals with research interests in the areas of biodiversity, systematics, molecular ecology, population genetics, or comparative biology are particularly encouraged. The successful candidate is expected to establish an externally funded research program; teach and advise undergraduate, Master’s and Doctoral level students; and contribute appropriate service to the university, community and profession. Potential to form collaborations with members of the Department of Biology faculty and a number of other academic areas, institutes, and centers (e.g., the College of Technology and Computer Science, the Institute for Coastal Science and Policy, the Center for Sustainable Tourism, and the Coastal Science Institute at Manteo) and contribute to the recently formed North Carolina Center for Biodiversity is desirable. ECU’s application procedure requires online submission of a letter of application, statements of research interests and teaching philosophy, a curriculum vitae, and three current letters of reference at Graduate transcript required upon employment. Inquiries can be directed to Dr. Kyle Summers, Search Committee Chair, [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Assistant Professor – California. The Environmental Studies Institute at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Environmental Science to begin Fall 2011. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in environmental science or closely related natural science field. Post-doctoral research and teaching experience preferred. The successful candidate will show evidence of their ability to conduct externally-funded research. Research areas of particular interest include ecosystem services, energy, climate, and water quality. Teaching responsibilities include Introduction to Environmental Science, a course in either Statistics or GIS, and additional courses in the candidate’s research area. See full job ad at: To ensure consideration, arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent under separate cover and send: (1) curriculum vita; (2) letter of application articulating teaching philosophy, research plans, and experiences working with people of diverse cultures and identities; and (3) sample numerical teaching evaluations to [email protected]. Position is contingent upon availability of funding. Close Date: Until Filled.

Administrative Assistant – Massachusetts. To provide a high level of administrative support to the US HSBC Program staff. Reports to: New Product Development Manager. Assist the US HSBC Climate Partnership Team with general administrative duties as follows: Scheduling external appointments, internal (Earthwatch) meetings and teleconferences, domestic and international travel plans; Coordinating and communicating diaries and events with relevant staff; Managing papers and agendas for meetings, taking notes and minutes, fielding general correspondence and developing PowerPoint presentations; Strong customer service skills; ability to interact with executive level donors; Prepare and maintain regular monitoring, expense reports and financial returns, including preparation and completion of templates and reports; Create budgets for new products based on historical data; Handling telephone calls and reviewing email; Maintaining an effective filing system & managing expense claims; Formatting program briefings; Local volunteer event tracking and information collation; Managing enquiries and requests to the HSBC Climate Partnership team, and; Providing required information and support to the Global Team and partner organizations. Qualifications: Reliable: will deliver required duties to agreed deadlines; Trustworthy: will carry out duties in confidence; Self-starter: can work off own initiative with minimal supervision; Ability to work well under pressure and multi-task; Excellent verbal and written communication skills with attention to detail; Ability to be flexible; Required Computer Software Skills: Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and; Experience of financial report preparation; Previous work experience in administrative positions or other

work experience within an office environment. $16.50 to $17.50 per hour. Please indicate job title in subject line of email. Send cover letter and resume by email, fax, or mail. No phone calls please. HR Earthwatch Institute, 114 Western Ave., Boston, MA 02134. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Online Programming & Design Manager – California. The Online Programming and Design Manager is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the design, programming, and technical side of the Club’s web and social networking-based efforts to educate and motivate the public and Club constituents regarding the Club’s political and conservation campaigns. Works to increase constituent engagement through web and social networking. Manages third-party relationships with technology vendors and independent contractors and coordinates contract negotiations with these vendors, and plans the interfaces for Web systems developed with these vendors. Helps develop and promote Club-wide policies regarding the utilization of online communications associated with conservation campaigns. Works with Communications Director and others to set ambitious metrics-based goals for web traffic and identifies and uses state-of-the arts analytic tools to provide up-to-date reports on traffic. Qualifications: B.A. or B.S. degree in Programming, Information Science, or a closely related field, or the equivalent combination of education and experience. 5+ years experience designing and building interactive websites and applications for communications media. Technical knowledge and skills across a range of web-development technologies including (X)HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, XML/XSLT, and Experience using a variety of APIs for web applications. Demonstrated skill in the use of quantitative and qualitative feedback tools such as surveys, campaign reports, and web analytics. Demonstrated experience with a variety of content-management systems, such as Drupal, Omniture, and Convio. Demonstrated experience coding for mobile platforms. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Ability to work independently and initiate and complete required projects within deadlines. Solid aesthetic judgment as evidenced by portfolio of completed web projects. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Online Programming and Design Manager - SCHQ#709-453 in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Marketing & Communications Manager – Oregon. The Marketing/Communication Manager provides leadership and strategic direction for all marketing, public relations and special events at the Oregon Zoo. This position will provide a multi-year strategy that drives the zoo’s mission, annual goals and attendance. The Marketing/Communications Manager oversees and coordinates various departmental functions, including creation and implementation of marketing, communications and special events programming, and ensures positive and productive relationships with media, community leaders and the public. Responsibilities also include oversight of the graphic design staff which is responsible for creating park signage and artwork. The position will ensure a coordinated, integrated program of timely promotions, special events, publications, advertising, website/social media and public relations. Leads strategic planning and implementation for zoo and marketing initiatives and provides direct supervision to department personnel. Develops and implements departmental budget. Reports to the Zoo Director. Please visit our web site at: for the complete job announcement and a description of the application process. Close Date: Until Filled.

Program Assistant – Washington, DC. The Law Program Assistant handles a range of administrative duties that advance the program mission, including assistance with evaluating proposed Sierra Club environmental litigation, serving as a legal resource for the grassroots membership, assisting in the development and coordination of legal campaigns, and assisting with the litigation of key cases. The Assistant provides support for seven major program categories: 1) the litigation coordination program “new matter form” process and related database maintenance; 2) support functions such as billing, reimbursements, travel logistics and vendor contracting; 3) legal research library, web site and

Career Changers & Supportdatabase maintenance; 4) document preparation, filing and basic fact research in support of courtroom litigation; 5) administration of the law student internship program; 6) preparation and dissemination of educational materials and reports on law program activities for the media, grassroots and other audiences; and 7) administration of program fundraising. Qualifications: Strong organizational skills and the ability to perform multiple task and adhere to deadlines. Computer skills: 1-2 years experience with word processing (Wordperfect and Word) and preferably database management skills also General computer literacy and solid internet research skills. Solid writing, editing, and analytic skills. Strong interpersonal skills; ability to work well with volunteer membership, staff and the general public. Ability to do precise, careful work needed for courtroom filings, attorney admissions and correspondence with courts, etc. Ability to work well with a large number of diverse people, be flexible, takes the initiative and make decisions. Please send cover letter and resume to [email protected]. To ensure proper routing of your application, please specify job code Program Assistant for Environmental Law Program- SCDC#82-10 in the subject line. Please do not add or modify anything else beside job code in the subject line. Close Date: Until Filled.

Park Services Associate – New York. The Park Services Associate maintains the Bronx Zoo, performing a number of tasks as part of a crew or alone. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Performing various tasks to maintain grounds, including mowing grass, using equipment and tools; Collecting brush, debris, and recyclables and disposing of them in accordance with WCS procedures; Driving small utility vehicle to and from maintenance sites; Checking equipment or materials and reporting those that need to be repaired; Providing excellent service to guests, including maintaining general knowledge of park attractions and amenities, answering questions and finding ways to create a great guest experience, in accordance with WCS standards of guest service, and; Completing other assignments and helping others on the team as required. Qualifications: Valid driver’s license; Ability to stand or walk for long periods of time in a variety of weather conditions; Ability to frequently lift, push, and carry objects of moderate to heavy weight; Reliability and dependability. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Admissions Associate – New York. Guest Services Admissions Associates ensure that our guests enjoy a fun-filled and safe experience at Wildlife Conservation Society parks. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Collecting cash payment and tickets, adhering to all WCS cash handling policies; Providing excellent service to guests, including maintaining general knowledge of park attractions and amenities, answering questions and finding ways to create a great guest experience, in accordance with WCS standards of guest service; Actively recruiting new members to the Wildlife Conservation Society by explaining the benefits, following the selling strategies outlined by the Guest Services Department; Maintaining order among guests waiting to enter park and safely admitting the appropriate number of guests in a timely manner; Monitoring area and communicating with guests to ensure their safety; Maintaining cleanliness and organization of assigned work areas, as instructed; Directing guests where to park their strollers and assisting in the cleaning and distribution of rental strollers and wheelchairs, and; Completing other assignments as required and helping others on the team. Qualifications: Customer

service orientation; Basic verbal and written communication skills; Minimum age of 16 years or older; Proactive and outgoing nature; Ability to frequently lift, push, and carry objectives of moderate to heavy weight; Dependability and reliability; Ability to stand or walk for long periods of time in a variety of weather conditions; Basic math skills; Basic computer skills ; Ability to work effectively in a fast paced environment and multitask; Ability to work outdoors in a variety of weather conditions. Visit to apply. Close Date: Until Filled.

Accounts Payable Specialist – Washington, DC. The Accounts Payable Specialist handles the Accounts Payable process. Review all invoices, check requests, and travel and expense reports for proper coding, supporting documentation, and approval. Input all invoices, check requests, and travel and expense reports into the accounting system for payment. Prepare weekly cash needs figure for Vice President of Finance/Controller. Process checks weekly. Review wire transfer requests for proper coding, supporting documentation, and approval. Initiate wire transfers using online banking system. Record wire transfers in the accounting system. Generate weekly consolidated cash outflows report for use by Vice President of Finance/Controller for positive pay file creation. Act as primary contact for vendor inquiries. Assist staff in all departments with accounts payable related inquiries and problems. File Accounts Payable supporting documentation and maintain Accounts Payable (physical) files. Manage annual 1099 process. Performs all other related duties as assigned. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. 3+ years of experience with accounts payable processing in high volume environment, journal entry preparation, and/or account analysis. An equivalent combination of education and experience may be accepted as a satisfactory substitute for the specific education and experience listed above. Knowledge of computerized accounting software and spreadsheet and word processing tools (preferably Solomon, Microsoft Excel and Word). Attention to detail and accuracy. Well-organized with the ability to work independently under minimal supervision. Interested applicants please reference Accounts Payable Specialist in your subject line and submit a letter of interest, along with your resume and salary history (must be included to be considered) to us via e-mail at: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

Administrative Assistant – Massachusetts. Provide a full range of administrative support to the Development Department including, but not limited to, document management and filing, mail merges, and proofing of correspondence, event invitations, and other written materials. Specific duties include: Maintaining all Individual donor files according to Mass Audubon policies and with highest regard to confidentiality. Providing printing and mailing support. Coordinating and creating renewal membership cards and packages and processing gifts. Qualifications: High school diploma or minimum of 2 years related office experience. Excellent computer skills required including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook. Experience with member databases preferred. Candidate should have excellent proofreading and organizational skills as well as strong verbal and written communications skills (in person, email and telephone). Position requires a valid driver’s license. Benefits package available. Send resume and cover letter to: Administrative Assistant Search, Mass Audubon, Development Office, 208 S Great Rd, Lincoln, MA 01773. Email: [email protected]. Close Date: Until Filled.

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