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Green Bay TEA Party

& TheTEA Party Alliance

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“A People Who Mean to be Their Own Governors Must Arm Themselves With the Power which Knowledge Gives”The Federalist Papers

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“We fought the good fight,” claimed House

Speaker John Boehner after a principled stand of 16 days and then promptly stepping aside to let Democratic-controlled Senate win on their principles.

In other words, led by Boehner, the GOP largely capitulated, leaving conservative supporters howling mad, with many calling for him to be replaced.

Does this sound familiar?

The Capitulation of the GOP

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When was the last time the GOP actually stood on

principle and didn’t waiver? Many of the congressman swept into office courtesy of Tea Party voters stood up very well this last go around. They stood up to the establishment Republicans and tried to fullfill election promises. But, it was not to be, thanks to the establishment Republicans, who through the Karl Rove political action committee, have declared war on the actual conservatives in the party.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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YET, when election time rolls around, Americans

pump millions of dollars and thousands of volunteer hours into the coffers of these political parties.

And for What? The problem isn’t just National!

The Capitulation of the GOP

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So there can be this political theater that

surrounds each manufactured crisis? Two things are largely in place that keep the

GOP establishment in power. The first is money.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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Millions of dollars get shuttled to the party to be used in

campaigns. These campaigns largely spend this money on reaching voters through advertising.

These ads are designed to score political points against an opponent instead of educating voters on their principled iss

The second item is ignorance of the body electorate. The majority of the voters can barely articulate the positions of their candidate, yet they believe themselves to be doing their civic duty by voting for the lesser evil, instead of contributing to the betterment of their local elections by creating an educated electorate.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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Unfortunately, many Americans would rather not be

bothered by politics because they believe they have little to no effect on the state of politics. And politicians rely on this! Rather than standing on principle, politicians conduct opinion polls to craft their campaign issues and promises, which are rarely fulfilled once they are in office. But look at what the more successful candidates have done.

The more successful candidates or political party get organized and continue to do so even after the election. They achieve a level of understanding with a certain number of voters to create activists.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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These activists organize on the local level and work

year-round to reach others and convince opinion molders to carry

their message forward to their networks. We MUST LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES!

The Capitulation of the GOP

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We MUST INDEED LEARN FROM OUR MISTAKES! This is precisely the plan of The Green Bay TEA Party.

Our educational tools are geared to keep concerned Americans educated, so they can educate others on important topics of limited government, the Constitution, personal responsibility, morality, American independence, and state sovereignty.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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Once these basics are understood, solutions can be

found for nearly any problem facing America. Right now, the largest problem is an unconstitutional federal government that refuses to stop and states who don’t know their role in stopping the feds.

By continuing to support the two major parties, more of the same will occur.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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By continuing to support the two major parties,

more of the same will occur. The two major parties don’t want to see the

federal government shrink. It provides a never-ending stream of revenue for them.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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They (POLITICAL PARTIES) have a vested interest in seeing

the federal government power continue unabated. The Green Bay TEA Party organizes on the local level,

instills the educational basics, and leads activists through the rebuilding of the Republic. Once voters are educated and motivated, they are a powerful force. If they understand and respect the Constitution, so will the candidates for office that will rise up though their ranks.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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The Green Bay TEA Party has successfully followed this

method of building educated electorates since 2009. Tens of thousands have been reached and many more must be reached.

The Green Bay TEA Party along with the TEA Party Alliance reaches millions each year through Their Websites, Newsletters and Social Media Outlets as well as meetings, rallies, and Special Events.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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Please see: for the

latest information. . Green Bay TEA Party members and unpaid staff work

directly with hundreds of others through like-minded organizations to move forward on shared projects. We are partnered with 14 TEA Party coalition member groups right here in Northeastern Wisconsin whom meet on a regular basis to expedite action required to meet these goals.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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Rather than placing your precious resources into

a political party system led by the establishment to consistently grow government and shrink your liberties, join with one of the most influential organizations to rebuild America.

Join The Green Bay TEA Party today! Memberships begin free with various levels above that.

The Capitulation of the GOP

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Folks if you really want to help a really great group of

people whom have wonderful hearts and give more of themselves than they should;

Please send the Green Bay TEA Party any amount you feel you can..maybe even a little more…. Please?

The Capitulation of the GOP

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Send checks made out to The Green Bay TEA Party (we

are a 501c4 non-profit) Send to:

The Green Bay TEA Partyat our New Mailing address

2221 S. Webster Avenue #149,

Green Bay, Wisconsin 54301

And May God Bless America, Once Again!

The Capitulation of the GOP

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The time is now near at hand which must probably

determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed, and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend, under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die. – Address to the Continental Army before the Battle of Long Island (27 August 1776)

George Washington Quotes

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Since the general civilization of mankind, I believe there

are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations; but, on a candid examination of history, we shall find that turbulence, violence, and abuse of power, by the majority trampling on the rights of the minority, have produced factions and commotions, which, in republics, have, more frequently than any other cause, produced despotism. If we go over the whole history of ancient and modern republics, we shall find their destruction to have generally resulted from those causes. – Speech at the Virginia Convention to ratify the Federal Constitution (1788-06-06)

James Madison Quotes

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For my own part, I sincerely esteem it a

system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests.  -Statement after the Constitutional Convention (1787)

Alexander Hamilton Quotes

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Green Bay TEA Party

& TheTEA Party Alliance

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

Please address all complaints to

[email protected]

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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A Word From A.F. Branco,

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The Green Bay Wisconsin TEA Party site is

your place to go for all things Tea Party in Northeastern Wisconsin.

This website was created for you the Patriot as a go-to source for upcoming meetings and events as well as Alerts and unscheduled events you need to be aware of.

email: [email protected]

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Here are a few of the groups we support:

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Here are a few of the groups we support:

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Here are a few of the groups we support:

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Here are a few of the groups we support:

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Here are a few of the groups we support:

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Here are a few of the groups we support:

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Many resources are available

via links found on the Green Bay TEA Party site.

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