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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

How to be a GREAT change agent

Dr Helen Bevan, OBEChief Transformation Officer

NHS England@HelenBevan



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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

“New truths begin as heresies” (Huxley, defending Darwin’s theory of natural selection)

Source of image: installation by the artist Adam

Via @NeilPerkin

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

WHO makes change happen?

Source: adapted by Helen Bevan from Leandro Herrera

List A• The Transformation Programme

Board• The programme sponsor• The Programme Management

Office• The leads of the [insert number]

transformation work streams • The Clinical Director• The Team Leader /Unit Manager• The Change Facilitator

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

WHO makes change happen?

List A• The Transformation Programme

Board• The programme sponsor• The Programme Management

Office• The leads of the [insert number]

transformation work streams • The Clinical Director• The Team Leader /Unit Manager• The Change Facilitator

List B• The mavericks and rebels• The deviants (positive). Who do

things differently and succeed• The contrarians, because they can• The nonconformists who see things

through glasses no one else has• The hyper-connected. Good or bad,

they spread behaviours, role model at a scale, set mountains on fire and multiply anything they get their hands on

• The hyper-trusted. Multiple reasons, doesn’t matter which ones

Source: adapted by Helen Bevan from Leandro Herrera

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

WHO makes change happen?

List A• The Transformation Programme

Board• The programme sponsor• The Programme Management

Office• The leads of the [insert number]

transformation work streams • The Project Manager• The Team Leader /Unit Manager• The Change Facilitator

List B• The mavericks and rebels• The deviants (positive). Who do

things differently and succeed• The contrarians, because they can• The nonconformists who see things

through glasses no one else has• The hyper-connected. Good or bad,

they spread behaviours, role model at a scale, set mountains on fire and multiply anything they get their hands on

• The hyper-trusted. Multiple reasons, doesn’t matter which ones

Source: adapted by Helen Bevan from Leandro Herrera

People wo perform and live

in formal organisation land and

people who have make or break

power for change are two different


People who live and

perform in formal

organisation land and

people with the power to

make or break change are

two different lists (and

we need BOTH)

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Change is changing

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGMSource: Bromford P (2015), ”What’s the difference between a test and a pilot?”

Pilots are being replaced by rapid tests and prototypes

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Acceleration of connectedness

Change is changing

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Hierarchical power

Change is changing

Acceleration of connectedness

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Change is changing

Hierarchical power

Acceleration of connectedness

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The Challenges

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Change is changing

Hierarchical power

Change from the edge

Acceleration of connectedness

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

An example from the Cabinet Office

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM#FabChangeDay

Why go to the edge?

“ Leading from the edge brings us into contact with a far wider range

of relationships, and in turn, this increases our potential for diversity in terms of thought, experience and background. Diversity leads to more

disruptive thinking, faster change and better outcomes

Aylet Baron

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Jeremy Heimens TED talk “What new power looks like”

old power new power


Held by a few

Pushed down





Made by many

Pulled in




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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

The Network Secrets of Great Change AgentsJulie Battilana &Tiziana Casciaro

As a change agent, my centrality in the informal network is more important

than my position in the formal hierarchy

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

People who are highly connected have twice as much power to

influence change as people with hierarchical power

Leandro Herrero

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

“I have some Key Performance

Indicatorsfor you”


“I have a dream”

Source: @RobertVarnam

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

“Tomorrow’s management systems will need to value diversity, dissent

and divergence as highly as conformance, consensus and

cohesion.”Gary Hamel

Image by

is the new normal!

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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

“Tomorrow’s management systems will need to value diversity, dissent

and divergence as highly as conformance, consensus and

cohesion.”Gary Hamel

Image by

“The single biggest mistake to avoid? Creating disruption at work. Focus on developing relationships, not disrupting and alienating people. Peter Vander Awera on learning from setbacks and failures

is the new normal!


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@HelenBevan #LeadingGM

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

What happens to heretics/radicals/rebels/mavericks

in organisations?

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#SHCR @HelenBevan #IQTGOLD#SCHR @HelenBevanSource: Lois Kelly

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

We need rebels!•The principal champion of a change initiative, cause or action•Rebels don’t wait for permission to lead, innovate, strategise•They are responsible; they do what is right•They name things that others don’t see yet•They point to new horizons•Without rebels, the storyline never changes

Source : @PeterVan

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

‘If you put fences around people, you get sheep. Give people the room they

needWilliam L McKnight

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

We need to create more boat rockers!• Rock the boat but manage to

stay in it• Walk the fine line between

difference and fit, inside and outside

• Conform AND rebel• Capable of working with

others to create success NOT a destructive troublemaker

Source: Debra Meyerson

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#SHCR @HelenBevan Source : Lois Kelly

There’s a big difference between a rebel and a troublemaker


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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM


• What are your insights around “rebels” and “troublemakers”?

• What moves people from being “rebel” to “troublemaker”?

• How do we protect against this?

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#SHCR @HelenBevan Source : Lois Kelly

There’s a big difference between a rebel and a troublemaker


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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Change starts with me

Source of image:

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

‘I do not think you can really deal with change without a person asking real

questions about who they are and how they belong in the world’

David Whyte, The Heart Aroused 1994

Source of image:

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

1. able to join forces with others to create action2. able to achieve small wins which create a sense

of hope, possibility and confidence3. More likely to view obstacles as challenges to

overcome4. strong sense of “self-efficacy”

belief that I am personally able to create the change

Four things we know about successful boat rockers

Source: adapted from Debra E Meyerson



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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM


“If you think you can or think you

can't, you are right.”

Henry Ford

“The ability to act is tied to a belief that it is possible to do so”

Albert Bandura

There is a positive, significant relationship between the self-efficacy beliefs of a

change agent and her/his ability to facilitate change

and get good outcomes

Source of

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Source: @NHSChangeDay

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Source: @NHSChangeDay

What is the issue here?“permission” ?

(externally generated)or

Self efficacy ? (internally generated)

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Building self-efficacy: some tactics1. Create change one small step at a time2. Reframe your thinking:• failed attempts are learning opportunities• uncertainty becomes curiousity

3. Make change routine rather than an exceptional activity4. Get social support5. Learn from the best

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#SHCR @HelenBevan Image copyright:

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGMSource:

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGMSource:

Make it a personal PERFORMANCE target.

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGMSource:

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Research from the sales industry:How many NOs should we be seeking to get?

• 2% of sales are made on the first contact

• 3% of sales are made on the second contact• 5% of sales are made on the third contact• 10% of sales are made on the fourth contact• 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth



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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

“Papers that are more likely to contend against the status quo are more likely to find an

opponent in the review system—and thus be rejected —but those papers are also more

likely to have an impact on people across the system, earning them more citations when

finally published”V. Calcagno et al., “Flows of research manuscripts among

scientific journals reveal hidden submission patterns,” Science, doi:10.1126/science.1227833, 2012.

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Being a great change agent is about knowing, doing, living and being improvement

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGMAvedis Donabedian

“Ultimately, the secret of quality is love.…… If you have love, you can then work backward to monitor and improve the system”.

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGMProject Aristotle:

After years of intensive analysis, Google discovers that the key to high performing,

innovative teams is being nice

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Key tactic :Out-love everyone else

Source of image: Bradley Burgess

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Four ways to connect!

1. Follow us on Twitter@HelenBevan@School4Radicals

2. Subscribe to

3. Get materials from

…and sign up for our monthly

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#SHCR @HelenBevan #IQTGOLD#SCHR @HelenBevan

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#SHCR @HelenBevan

For our break, we will have a RCT

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

• Randomised Coffee Trial!• Randomised Coffee Trial!

Randomised Coffee Trial!

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#SHCR @HelenBevan or google “Fab stuff RCT”

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#SHCR @HelenBevan # @HelenBevan #LeadingGM

Outcomes of Randomised Coffee Trials

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#SHCR @HelenBevan

Join in one of our national Randomised Coffee Trials or google “Fab stuff RCT”

Mental health – for anyone interested in mental health issues Dementia – for anyone interested in dementia issues Staff wellbeing – for anyone interested in how staff are cared forPatient Safety – for anyone with an interest in ensuring patient safety across the health and social care systemHome First – looking at the issues around how people who have long-term health conditions receive care outside of hospitalLearning and Leading Together – for anyone interested in how patients and healthcare staff can work together in genuine partnershipMatExp – for anyone interested in improving maternity experience – women and families as well as professionals
