  • 8/8/2019 Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Advisory Committee Information Sheet






    The following notes provide a brief overview of the responsibilities of the GreaterBlue Mountains World Heritage Area (GBMWHA) Advisory Committee.

    The Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committee specifies the followingmembership:

    The Chairman, being an independent, non-government person with no currentdirect financial or political vested interest in the way in which the GBMWHA ismanaged;

    Two local Indigenous/traditional owners;

    Two local government (with terms rotating amongst jurisdictions);

    One tourism;

    One non-government conservation/heritage organisation;

    One out-door self-reliant nature-based recreation;

    One water quality/aquatic environment;

    One botanical/ecological; One zoological/ecological; and

    One archaeological/cultural heritage

    Advisory Committee membership is honorary. Appointees are entitled toreimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending meetings orconducting Advisory Committee business. Sitting fees are available forIndigenous members.

    The Advisory Committee may make recommendations on matters relating to theprotection, conservation, presentation and management of the Greater Blue

    Mountains World Heritage Area, including strategic policies in relation toAustralia's obligations under the World Heritage Convention.

    The Committee may also be requested to consider and comment on issues thatare likely to have some impact on the GBMWHA under the National Parks andWildlife Act (NSW) or the Environment Protection and Biodiversity ConservationAct (Cth) or on natural and cultural heritage conservation generally.




  • 8/8/2019 Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Advisory Committee Information Sheet



    The Committee reports directly to the GBMWHA Management Committee.

    The Advisory Committee shall:

    Consider and advise on the views of community interests; Consider and advise on technical and scientific matters including scientific

    research priorities, relevant new information or developments in science,the scientific basis of management principles and practices, theappropriateness of current and proposed research, and the maintenanceof the values and integrity of the GBMWHA; and

    Provide advice to the Management Committee or the relevant Ministers onissues referred to it for consideration.


    Members will be appointed for a three-year term.

    Members of the Committee shall be appointed in their own right and not asrepresentatives of any particular organisations, institutions, disciplines or interestsectors.


    The GBMWHA Advisory Committee meets quarterly in locations around theGreater Blue Mountains area with an agenda and associated papers beingdistributed in advance.

    Observers will be present at these meetings: Up to two from each of the National Parks & Wildlife Service, the Jenolan

    Caves Reserve Trust and the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritageand the Arts;

    One from each of the three Regional National Parks Advisory Committeesrelevant to the GBMWHA.

    In applying for membership of the Advisory Committee, applicants should beprepared to make a commitment to attend meetings regularly and to participatein Advisory Committee activities.
