Page 1: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account


Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and Resilience

Form 2-Register of interests of a councillorand their related personsSection 292-Local Governrnent Regulation 2012

This form is to be used:a. for initial lodgement of your register of interestsb. to amend your existing register of interests.

For a councillor - complete section A.For a councillor's related person - complete sections A and B.

Relevant sections in the Local Govemment Regulation 2012 have been indicated in italics.

1. Particulars

Full name: Stewart Charles Sargent

Local government: Quilpie Shire Council

Position: Councillor

Full name: Tracy Lea Sargent

Relationship to Wifecouncillor:

Signature and date of statement

Date of statement:

Signature of councillor:

Notes are available at the end of this document to assist you with completing your register of interests.

Great state. Great opportunity. _l-Å_%Queensland

Page 2: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account


4. Is the shareholding

e 2. 3. Shareholdings of the corporation in other held in a propriety1. Name of corporation Controlling corporations company?2(a) I nterest? 2(b) 2(c)(if yes complete 2.2)


Signature: Date: /_Ú_/_/_

Register of interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 2

Page 3: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

1. Name of 3. Is this aproprietary 2. Company's investments subsidiad o the 4.List the investments of the subsidiary companycompany 2(c)(i) 2(c)(li) and 2(d) 2(c)(iii) 2(c)(iv) *see notes

2(c) 2(c)(ii)

Register of Interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 3

Page 4: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

descr pt n) of trust Nature of acti ties of Nature of interest

or corporation's 4(c)name 4(a)

Oakstead Pty Ltd Trust Trustee

The nature of the - The investments or otherName orudescri t n of the activitie5(2 bthe fund hsthe re va t erso s

aware, by the fund5(2)(c)

Signature: Date: / 4 /Register of interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 4

Page 5: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

6. Trustee of family or business trusts

Name (or Nature of activities of Name of each beneficiary or classdescription) of trust trust of beneficiary

6(a) 6(b) 6(c)Oakstead Pty Ltd Trust Owen SargentStewart SargentTracy Sargent

Name (ordescription) of Nature of activities of Nature of interest

partnership/Joint partnership/joint venture

venture 7(b)7(a)

Granville Property Grazing Partner

urpose for whic1Suburb or locality Approximate land is Nature of interest

of land size of land used/intended to 8(d)8(a) 8(b) be used8(c)

Quilpie ¼ Acre Residential OwnerGranville, Quilpie 121,000 acres Grazing Owner

Register of interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 5

Page 6: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

Nature of liability Name of creditor9(1)(a) 9(1)(b)

Term Despot - Boonkai Street Rural BankTerm Deposit - Granville Rural BankOverdraft - SC & TL Sargent Rural BankOverdraft - Granville Rural Bank

corpNor t on the Nature of conesoration's Nature of investmentnyestment is in 10(c)10(b)

AXA insurance Life Insurance Policy

Name of institution Nature of account

11(b) 11(a)Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday AccountRural Bank - TL Sargent Term DepositRural Bank - SC & TL Sargent Everyday AccountNAB TL Sargent Personal Account x 2NAB - SC & TL Sargent Children's Account x 3

Signature: . Date:,2 _Register of Interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 6

Page 7: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

Source of the contribution for travel or Purpose of the benefit received

accommodation received 3313(a)

Name of organisation Address of organisation

14 14Adavale S ort & Rec Assoc Inc PO Box 2, Adavale Qld 4474h C/- Granville, Quilpie Old 4480

Adavale Pest Control Grou C/- Granville, Quil ie Old 4480Quil ie District Show Inc PO Box 222, Quil ie Qld 4480

Signature: Date:Û/i/Register of interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 7

Page 8: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

Details of other asset/s15

Source of income16

Part Time Fencing ContractorGrazer

u Other interests17

President - Adavale Pest Control GrouPresident - Adavale Spon & Rec Assoc IncMember - Quil ie & District Show IncTreasurer - ICPA Quilpie Branch

Signature: . Date:T7f/ / CRegister of Interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 8

Page 9: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

General notes

Adding a particularPlace a cross in the 'add' box in the left hand column when adding a new particular to your register of interests.

Removing a particularPlace a cross in the 'remove' box in the left hand column when removing a particular from your register of interests.

If there is insufficient space on this form for all of the details you are required to give you may attach additionalpapers for that purpose. You must sign and date each additional paper.

When completing this form, insert the words 'not applicable where appropriate.

The completed form (with an envelope marked 'confidential') is to be sent, within 30 days of commencement ofduty or any changes of circumstances to the chief executive officer of your local government.

Related personsA person related to a councillor need not include information regarding an interest held jointly or in common withthe councillor which is already included in the councillor's register of interests.

Section notesThe header of each field includes a reference in italics to the relevant section in Schedule 4 of the LocalGovernment Regulation 2012.

The following notes may assist you with completing your register of interests -

# Notes Definitions1 - If a councillor, complete section A- if a related person to a councillor, complete section A and B

2 2,11. If relevant person is a shareholder or has a controlling interest in

a corporation state the name of the corporation.2. If the relevant person holds a controlling interest in the

corporation tick the box.3. List the shareholdings of the corporation in any other

corporation/s.4. If any of the shareholdings are held in a proprietary company/s

tick the box and move on to section 2.2

2.21. State the name of the proprietary company/s.2. List any investments of the proprietary company/s.3. If any of the investments are a subsidiary to the proprietary

company tick the box.4. In column four list the investments of the subsidiary company

you have listed in column two and if the investments include asubsidiary to that company, state the name of the company orits investment(s)-you may need to provide this information in aseparate signed attachment.

A related person is a spouse, a dependent childor someone whose affairs are so closelyconnected with the affairs of a councillor, chiefexecutive officer or senior executive employee,that a benefit derived by that person, or asubstantial pad of it, could pass to the councillor,chief executive officer or senior executiveemployee.

A Corporation includes-? a company? any body corporate (whether incorporated in

this jurisdiction or elsewhere)

? an unincorporated body that under the law ofits place of origin, may sue or be sued, ormay hold property in the name of itssecretary or of an office holder of the bodyduly appointed for that purpose.

Holding company-in relation to a body corporate,means a body corporate of which the first bodycorporate is a subsidiary

Proprietary company-A proprietary company is acompany that is registered as, or converts to, aproprietary company under the Corporations Act2001

- The number or monetary value of shares does not need to be Share means any of the following-stated. ? a share in the share capital of the corporation

? stock? a convertible note or

- The monetary value of investments does not need to be stated^ ? an option contract.

Subsidiary-A body corporate is a subsidiary of

Signature: . Date:¼_?_/__(L

Register of interests for councillor or councillors related persons 9

Page 10: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

another body corporate if, and only if:

? the other body:c controls the composition of the first

body's board or

o is in a position to cast, or control thecasting of, more than one-half of themaximum number of votes thatmight be cast at a general meetingof the first body orholds more than one-half of theissued share capital of the first body(excluding any part of that issuedshare capital that carries no right toparticipate beyond a specifiedamount in a distribution of eitherprofits or capital) or

? the first body is a subsidiary of a subsidiary ofthe other body.

3 - Complete if you are an officer of a corporation, including if youare an officer of any corporations you have stated in section two.

Officer of a corporation means:

? a director or secretary of the corporation; or? a person:

o who makes, or participates inmaking, decisions that affect thewhole, or a substantial part, of thebusiness of the corporation orwho has the capacity to affectsignificantly the corporation'sfinancial standing or

o in accordance with whoseinstructions or wishes the directorsof the corporation are accustomedto act (excluding advice given by theperson in the proper performance offunctions attaching to the person'sprofessional capacity or theirbusiness relationship with thedirectors or the corporation) or

? a receiver, or receiver and manager, of theproperty of the corporation or

? an administrator of the corporation or? an administrator of a deed of company

arrangement executed by the corporation or? a liquidator of the corporation or? a trustee or other person administering a

compromise or arrangement made betweenthe corporation and someone else.

4 - If providing a description of the trust or nominee corporation, the Trust-does not include the duties incidental to andescription must be sufficient to identify the trust or corporation. estate conveyed by way of mortgage, but with that

exception trustextends to implied, resulting, bare

- The monetary value of beneficial interests does not need to be and constructive trusts, and to cases where the

stated. trustee has a beneficial interest in the trustproperty, and to the duties incidental to the officeof a personal representative.

Nominee corporation-means a corporationwhose principal business is holding marketablesecurities as a trustee or nominee.

5 - Complete if you are a trustee of the fund or, if the trustee of the Director-see the Corporations Act 2001fund is a corporation, a director of the trustee.

6 - If providing a description of the trust, the description must besufficient to identify the trust.

Trust-does not include the duties incidental to anestate conveyed by way of mortgage, but with thatexception trustextends to implied, resulting, bareand constructive trusts, and to cases where thetrustee has a beneficial interest in the trustproperty, and to the duties incidental to the officeof a personal representative.

7 - lf providing a description of the partnership or joint venture, the Joint venture-business enterprise for which two

Signature Date:%l_f.÷f ÜRegister of Interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 10

Page 11: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

description must be sufficient to identify the partnership or joint or more parties join forces (not necessarily in

venture. partnership or by the formation of a company)Partnership-the legal relationship of personscarrying on some business together with a view toprofit (provided that they are not members of anincorporated body)

8 - Includes any land leased, owned or mortgaged, whether theinterest is held alone, jointly or in common with any other person.

- Examples of property where you may hold an interest:

o Residential property leased, owned or mortgaged by youwhich may be your place of residence or where you haveestablished a business

a Commercial property leased, owned or mortgaged by youwhich may be where you have established a business

o Residential property where you are the lessor of a propertyto another party.

c Commercial property where you are the lessor of a propertyto another party.

For privacy reasons, if the lessee is a corporation, state thename of the corporation (individuals do not need to bestated)

o Investment property-property held for capital gain (notleased or inhabited)

o Native Title land-granted or where an application ispending.

- The full street address of the property does not need to bestated.

- The monetary value of investments or beneficial interests doesnot need to be stated.

9 - Amounts of $10,000 or less do not need to be disclosed. Póvate company-means a proprietary companyin which a relevant person holds securities

- The debt does not need to be disclosed if it arises from thesupply of goods or services supplied in the ordinary course of Trust-means a trust of which a relevant personyour business or the business of a trust or private company. is a beneficiary

- The financial amount of liabilities does not need to be stated.

- A line of credit does not need to be disclosed until such time as itis used.

10 - May include such investments as a term life insurance policy , Debenture-see the Corporations Act 2001where a return of the policy's premium may occur.

- The monetary value of investments does not need to be stated.11 - The account number of, or financial amounts held in, savings or

investment accounts do not need to be stated.12 - This does not include gifts received from related persons or other Gift means either of the following-

persons related by blood or marriage or friends ? the transfer of money or other property;a without consideration or

- includes election donations. o for a consideration substantially lessthan full consideration or

? a loan of money or other property made on apermanent or indefinite basis, other than anoverdraft facility.

13 - This does not include incidental travel or accommodation that A person receives a sponsored hospitality benefit

Signature: Date: Ü/_Ú_/Register of Interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 11

Page 12: Great state. Great opportunity. l-Å % - Shire of Quilpie insurance Life Insurance Policy Name of institution Nature of account11(b) 11(a) Rural Bank - SC Sargent Everyday Account

involve little to no value. For example, sleeping a night at a if-family or friend's house or car pooling arrangements. ? the person, other than in an official

capacity-undedakes travel or

o uses accommodation and? a contribution, whether financial or non-

financial, for the cost of the travel oraccommodation is made by another person.

Note: A person does not however receive asponsored hospitality benefit if the contributionwas made by the person's spouse, or other familymember or friend unless there could be aperception of a conflict of interest, financial orotherwise, relating to the contribution.

14 - Includes honorary patrons, honorary members etc.15 - This excludes:

o household and personal effectso motor vehicles used mainly for personal useo superannuation entitlements.

16 - Includes income of a proprietary company and of trusts in whichthe relevant person has an interest.

- Includes any employment where earnings are more than $500per year.

17 - The particulars required for each other interest of a relevant interest, of the relevant person, means a financialperson are sufficient details of the interest to identify it. interest or non-financial interest-

? of which the relevant person is aware and? that raises, appears to raise, or could raise, a

conflict between the relevant person's dutyunder the Act and the holder of the interest.

Important note

Failure to complete or update a register of interests can give rise to an offence, with associated penalties to amaximum of $9350 (85 penalty units) and/or disqualification from holding office as a councillor for four years.

If you are unsure of your obligations with respect to registers of interest, it is strongly recommended that you seekindependent professional advice to clarify your understanding of your obligations.

Further information

When completing this form, you should refer to the Local Government Regulation 2012 (the Regulation) madeunder the Local Govemment Act 2009 (the Act) relating to the disclosure and registration of interests for acouncillor and their related persons.

See www.legislation.qld.qov au for a copy of the Regulation and the Act.

Signature: Date: / _/Department of Local Government, Community Recovery and ResilienceLevel 18 Mineral House, 41 George Street, Brisbane Old 4000tel 13 QGOV (13 74 68)info@digc_rrald_gov au

Register of Interests for councillor or councillor's related persons 12
