Page 1: GREAT ATTRACTION Tflfl PALACE .LDWEH8TEI li · GREAT ATTRACTION.LDWEH8TEI CLOAK Ml iNo Such Bargains Hare Ever Been Offered in Memphis Before During GMISTIAS liBROSBROS




iNo Such Bargains Hare Ever Been Offered in MemphisBefore During





Ladies' Satin Dolmans, Quilted Lining:, FurTrimming, $9.

Ladies' Satin Bhadamei Dolmans, Quilted Lining;, HeavyFur Collar. Fur Trimming;, $15,

Ladies" Satin Bhadamei Dolmans, Heavy Fnr Collar.Pointed Fnr Trimming;, Lnsterine Lining;, $20.

Ladies' Best Satin Rhadamea Dolmans, Silk or Satin-Quilte- d

lining:, Pointed Fnr or Etoalia-Plns-h

Trimming:, $25, $30, $35, $40.Ladies' Satin Rhadamea, Brocaded Satin and Ottoman

Silk Pelisses, Pointed Fnr Trimming;, $25, $33, $35.

Satin Rhadames Palitots, Pointed Fnr Trimminjr, $30.atin Khadamei and Gros Grain Silk Jaokets, Pointed

Fnr Trimming, $25.Elegant Mole-Plus- h Dolmans, Pointed Fur, Seal Skin

Beaver, or Esoalia-Plus- h Trimming, $40, $45, $50,$55, $60.

Plush Circulars, Brown or Black, $6.Worsted Circulars, Quilted Lining, Heavy Fnr Collar

tipped with For down front and around bottom, $12



Satin Rhadames or Gros Grain Silk Circulars,Quilted Lining, fine Fur Collar. $18 50.

Satin Rhadames Circulars, Fur Lining, PointedFar Collar, $18 50.

Finest Silk and Satin Circulars, real Siberian SquirrelLining, Pointed Beaver Collar, $40, $45, $5U.

Ladies' Colored Walking Jackets, Plush Collar andCults, $3 50 to $7 50.

Ladies' Imported Prince Albert and Fnglish WalkingCoats, Chinchilla, Silver-Fo- x Squirrel or militaryBraid Trimming, $13 5U, $13 5U, $15.

Ladies' Ulsters, Plush Collar and Cuffs, 50 to $7.

Ladies' Fine, Heavy All-Wo- ol Ulsters, Plush Collar, Cuffsand Pockets, $9.

Ladies' Black Diagonal Dolmans, Pointed Fur Trimming, latest styles, $8 5U to $12.Ladies' Best Black Diagonal Dolmans, Point Fnr, Plain

or $15 to $25.Ladies' Cashmere Shawls in all the new Evening Shades,

$2 50, $3, $3 50 each.Ladies' Zephyr Shawls reduced to fifty cents on the dol

lar of iormer prices.



All Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Jackets and HavelooksGreatly Reduced.

Our Entire Stock of Misses' and Children's Silk. Satinand Cloth Dresses at Eastern Cost.

An Elegant Line of Gents' Dressing Gowns at $18, $20,$22 5U, $25 each.






Escalia-Plus- h Trimming,




Christian Cards,Flowers,



Zttaiadl-- a slrMl.lske plc.s.nla tbeir Vail aawt Winter Stock or lauportea!

t lolua la slow replete tttlls tbe ehefeeel areaaea of the Eaf-lleb-

, t' reach sis sjernaast anaao.raelarcrs.

Ueatlenaea dealroaa of dresslag la sjood taalonoa Id give tbesa a call.Tbeir prleea are as reaaossabla as Iboae mt aar

Tailors la I be railed sias.a. II ;iajeesaony to set tb boat.

Orders will receivs prasisl atleallea.8amplii applealloa fo Iboae who base leftttbelr aaeasar..

HOLIDAY PRESENTS!Comb and Brush Sets, Shaving Sets and Stands,diaiuary, rancy boons,Cabinets, Mirrors,Frames, Cornices, Etc., Etc.

The Beat Place la lbe CHy lo Select Cbrlvlaaas Preoeata.


0VEBT0W & GROSYENOB, twlSS!Jl child, go to tbe Memphis Bird Store, 211 MsiaReal Estate Dealers israACJKATS AND BROKERS. J Lrm't'"'- -

OFFICE, S64 SECOND ST., S BAYE1.rt iT. ST. E. 3or. Sa4 loajrS, "DITCH fs REWARDMEMPHIS, I I I TENNE88EB. J3 Sanday moming, a yonng tan bitch.

Return to No. ta Gsyoso street.REAL EST AT KOOSHI AND BOLD, TAXES pUCK HORSE From Hornon Commlarton. cember 13th, one lar?e blsrt ihoraSf yeirs' old. hair on" ous bind foot from wound. liberal

FOB SALE 0B BENT. "'rd. Return ti A. J. WHITE. a6 Front st.nXdV STOR&Hernando road.sonin of Non-


J connah. Apply to JNO. (iRKHAN.Sl Tate st. FOB SALE.BOOMS AXWBOABD. TTR?KMA $?0Z2??, Tlme Bnllding.

. Aaenia. Carm.OT JAMES HOUSE Noa, ssand 60 Adaanaatreet. pordence solicited.O Rooms and board, tl per day: $a per week.7TOOD""Kb6M.- - AND BOARD ",'i'Ue lnL barness horse, i years(y-- A t Tl Msdison street. XX old, cheap. McDjwell. Moscow. Tenn.- - CpERRYBOAT ROT Length 69

FOB BENT OB LEASE. A1 2 feet; depth hola i 2 10: tonnage 49 6?fw?--pjlUENCE-On corner of Park and W.Uer fl'SSyll yeiVdr. fg gL?

avenues; residence with seven rooms, and resjy L bSS'no.Tiit C

iiy"8' under ESS TSifS S1jWPopter street WUAfcjttAa,

PLANTATION Ol IsOOaeres, at radley'e r;FISE in Tittenden couuty. Ark., 15 Bulea VT ACHiKtRT All tbe machinery of a first,above Memphis; 1200 acres cleared and in colli-- '"A. cuss mill and gin at Brownsville, Tenn.; finevation: lOOOacresol cleared ridge land above over- - engine; best location inthsfitateflow; and all necessary sta-- 'or an oil mill. ee K. A. k.eeling, 241 Front sueet,bles. nhonse! etc.: sure with esublisaed trade, M.mpbl, or adOresixjstomce and steamboat landing. a. w. i. scbkiie, BrownsTflle. Tenn.

JOHN W. CORR1N, MsHwn street ,x acBES LAND Two mile, from city 100xrxri yardsof Poplarstraet Boulevard: new wireSTOLES. tence. with cedar torts. A bargain.BEWARU-Stol- en Irom my residence on j ldl4onJ"iOiit) the Hernando road, on night of J5th T AEGK Lis! OFCITY PROPERTVFOR8AL- E-iultant, one new e Bpring Wagon: one XJ AUo farms andpUntaUoiis in Arkansaa, Mla- -

se.t; smooth side boards: dark brown oolor; iippl and Tennessee, at low prices.Jantes & Graham Wagon Co. 'a stake. The above H. U fa U ION, i Madison ttxet,r. ward will be paid to any one returning it, orgiving informauowhleh may lead to recovery. DePo'pinS'MSiurSLOP" EKB; roDt street. Saffarana andon oorner Sixth streets. TeratsTDart

Stolen from 30 Jedereon street ex- - cakh ; balance in one and two years.HOUSE on the night of December lith one J. M. TREZhVANT, 27i Main streetBsy Hoise. 15 or 16 hands high; seven years old;fall mane and scalp lock; mane cut where collar ; P alaveTiTlS. Pianos;works; some whiti on all four feet and nose; ".?ter caso.algmy rubbed on left hind quarter: in good order. . viusAna A CO.Alai, on set buggy harness. Fifty dollars reward Tllw,Ioi A seoond-han- d upright encins andfor return of tne property and conviction of the I boiler, lane A Bod ley make, Bve-aor-

Uilel will be paid by A. M. Boyd A Bona, 26 Front power. Apply lo a. C. Touf i Co., lb West Courtsueet. 4 street.


Wm Headqoarters for Christmas Present!




We will be pleased to show an elegant line of



Of every Krade and description and the latestliov-e- lties only.

110 LLED-P- L AXED JEWELRY,Warmuted equal to solid gold In flulsh and wear.

A beautiful assortment of WL1 and MLVEKRINGS sad THIMBLES. GOLD SPECTACLES anda complete line of Optical Good. SilverplatedWare and clocks in endless variety. Parisian

and Rhinestone Pebbles mounted ia tinesold and silver.

Gold and Ivory-heade- d WALKING CANES, and'rrv"' GOOD."msssaliiiijbe sure to can uutJti mlsls, juu

will find the very thing yon are looking lor.

11. GOODMAN & CO.I. R0ESCIIER, Manager.


T KCBHIK'H THKATF.K.- Joseph Baooas Leases AMD Mahavxm.

GHIAND8TJOOBS8Of the Original Madison fc'qnare Theater Co. in


Tuesday and Wednesday, December 19th-20t- h.

The management respectfully suggests the advisa-bility of securing scats

Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Dec.KATIE PUTNAM COMEDY COMPSY.



Grand ConcertsIf.sdsr ami lweswlay, le. 25iS-Hei- a,

Mat I aee 1 eiday ( 2:SO o'claelt p.sauBeserved sea's now on sale at I. Samelson 6 Co.'sCigar Store, S10 Main street, without extra charge.

MATINEE ON CHRISTMAS DAY.AdmiHlon 60 and 75 cents. Matln.e 50 cents.

Cnildren nn"r twelve years of age, cents.


r0MTIV ALC1I0N SALEOf a large assortment of '1 RUNKS, VALISES,

etc, at No. 30a Main street.ajoaaiaaeaelas' eat Wedaesiay, Dee iiOIS

and continnlna- earJi dav at 2 o'clock D.m.

A. M. STODDABD, Auctioneer.

F. Yf. K0YSTEB & CO.,




At tbeir office, 378 MAIN STREET, a largelist of VALUABLE

i i i .. , .vuj, auusrssn sua iwuniv srrupct i j,IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED,

Including a large and imputing list of the fines

City Residence Property, Vacant City Lots, Subnrtban Tracts of Lands, Small Froit and Garden

Farms and Plantations near the city.Sale public and TERMS CASH. Call mad inves

tigate oar list. Sale peremptory.


"VILCLOl H SUIT Finder will please return toW a, bki awastapie. ana te rewsraea.PjcKJfl BOOK On Saturday, December 2a, a

Morocco Pockeibook, containing notesand papers, but no money. Five dollars fori:a return to A. HOIWKY, 178 Hnbernn street.


ALICE Who passed down Main streetafternoon, with a little white poodle dog

following her. something valuable, which X

am anxious to return, and will meet her at Samelsou's Clear Houe. 310 Main street. ODDosite Pea--bodv Hotel, and the only compensation desired isone of their elegant Meerschaum Holders as aChristmas present ALFONSO.KEOCKWAY TBACHH.KS' AUENCl Times

ChJos.sfo..IIi. nnnliM orprivate familistlSTKRNS BUILT, Kepaired ana Warranted, orj no charge, thus. cuunms, 43 Madison at.r AURKNCE LAMB. ATTORNEY-AT-L- W

IJ Office City Hall, Exchange Building, Memphis." W. BROOKS, DKNT18T.

Vf . 230 Main street. Memphis, Tenn.

WANTS.!OOK References reuuired.

KJ A pply at 366 Front street

wHITE MAN To work at Nursery.413 Second street

TTTOKK As traveling ttlesmaii. dry good orT T icrooerj cirjt; reiereocea. Address

KEEPER Competent.

ddiess. B

i. m. xl., 41 rinn street, Jneisea.OOK first-clas-

salary ana piaee to ngut party.Vs., una uiiictj.




QITUATION By a SHORT-HAN- WRITER Inen omce or as amanuensis at a moderatewrites a good business hand; bost of refer

ences- Aaare-- s o. s.. Appeal onice.CHOPYiXu A night telegraph operator in ctly (a

and accurate accountant) havimrlittle work to d j, would like a set of books to wilieopuignu, orao any copying; would al-- work atoooaa.eping or omce worlc allernoous. X., Appeal,

Knn finn FOUNDS Ofiy V l.u VJ J a 1 amtles. for whieh thA hfph.est market price will be paid. Sacks will be fur- -

uiueu uu appneauou to Uhl A53 at uu.,aja front street. Room No. I

11 THll OK.KV. Lrmai, iimim ... rr1 -O his xife as housekeeper; ouc child! agiil ot

HOLD Chains. Jewelry,W etc., for J. N. Malfnrd Co.. i3 Main.TXPARIENCBD SHIRT MAKERS.JJJ At Locb ai Mook's, 2:j5 Main Street.

TEN AND WOMEN To sUrt a new busiuiVli theirown homes: no peddling; iiOcan hourmade; send 10c for lb samples and instructionsaaaress nAoun dt cu.. Houtpemr, Vermont.



RENT A HOUSE With b or 7 rooms nearthe Linden or Market stieet schools.

Aaareas v., care C. H. Brackett A Co.rrvEN HO YS 1 o work on ealrauized Iron wur. :X full ume or half time; steady work and rapidpromotion.


KENNEaAW MtG. CO..81 street.

CTUBNISHKU FRONT ROOM For oneta man. ai it union sireei.

FOR BENT.T3K8TDtK-Baialt- , with 9 rooms, at 87 Poplar.IV Appino uasAlia A w Ati&N a tt, 'ao Main,DOOM One handsome furnisher room, large ora--ti smaii. at in rtasntngton street.DOOM A pleasant furnished room, at cri SlonX roe street, one square from Pcabedy Hotel.

JX RJSSIDHNCE 124 Adaais street.XVL J. H. McDAVITT, Front street.

RJUSttaNCE The comfortable brickBRICK on aiew Madison street, immediately east of the railroad bridge, to a desirable tenant; It Will oe put in nrsi-cjas- a oraer.


J new roof, in nerfect re twin will cover 2700Dates oi cotton; large yara, omce sou sieepiug- -room. with gaa and water connections; locationon fihalbv street- - between Beaie and Linden: or IwiU rent same and say services to lake cnarge ofsame onui ena oi me cotton season.

1. V. PATRICK., at Memphis (Jin,ts6 street.

PVESIRABLE OFFICE On second of No.A-- 12 Madison street. Apply to



Apply at R. I Cochran A

CKNISIll;D ROOa(8- -


Mrs. E. W.RESIDENCE Union street.





At 117 Court street.Bowles's residence.corner Lauderdale.

Possesin siven immediatplv. AnDlv to

LpINE PLANTATION On Presidents Island forrent Irom January 1. 1833: 750 acres of cleared

land on head of Presidents island, cultivated forfive years cast bv Colonel Ed. Richardson withShelby convict labor. Will be rented to responsibleparty for one or more term of years. 1 his place iaanaer soon fence: nas an neocesary caoma ana

I onthonses. ginbouse, stables, etc., and 'within twouiesoi tne city oi stem pnia. nor terms appiy im

uvrsii'io 1. llHUIIMVS.

Clile CbriMtmaa Groceries,AT BUCKHAM 4 CAMPBELL'S.

Kas ins. currants, citron, canned lemonand orange peel, dates, furs, prune, pittedcherries, dried blackberries, peeled peaches,malaga grapes, oranges, lemons, cocjanuis,bananas, apples, cranberries, ouis, cranberry tauce. fruit ieluee. Dreserve.. maplesyrup, strained and comb honey, mince meat,plum Duddin:. peach and plum butter. Allkinds of canned fruits and vegetables, farin- -ceons goods, pickles, sauces, candies.



Complete StopUOf furniture and carpets can be found at tbelarge stablisbment ot jJryson tx, in theClay buildior. The proprietors of thisbouse are amons- - the oldest and most car'ful buyers, and tbe eoods they offer to theirmany customers will bear the closest inspection. verr article that can tie classedfurniture can be found there. Complete sets.common or elegant, and single articles arealike cheap and durable. A" toe Jaw aapretty articles, suitable for holiday presents,can also be bad. The supply of carpets iscomplete, and embraces many elegant patterns. When you want furniture or carpetsgj to a otsl-cla- ts house like wyeon fit ix. a,

s a a . -Ioipri-- l.

When oa visit or leave New York cityhiivebagsaee .expressage and carria ae hire, andlopattirand Union Hotel, opposite Urand Ceav

traldecot. Four hundred and nllyeleaant rootas.fitted up at an exneuse of S1.00 0.000. reduced to fland upwards per day. Elevator. Restaurant sup-plied with the beat. Horse-car- stages and ele--vatea railroad to all aepota. ramuiea can uvebetter for lew money at the Grand Union than atany ether arst-clas- s hotel In the city.


llie Question Dpbated Yesterday bj theCottoa ExehABe, bat o Defltite

Conclusion Eeaehed.

A tommiltee of Five Appointed to DecideUpon the Stepg to be Taken in

tbe Premises.

The Cotton Exchange met yesterday pursuant to can oi me president, based npooiue numrrousiT signta petition to abolishthe t ntnre Board and reorganize the Ex-change on tbe old basis.

President Hill called tbe meeting to order,ine aiteoaance Ming a verj full representslion of tbe membership of the ExcbaDge.

Secretary Hotter read the call, dtfinin;I he objects of toe meeting, as follows:

THE PETITION.We, the undersigned members of the Memphis

Cotton Exchange, would respectfully atk you tocall a general meeting of tlis Exrbange for thepurpose oi aincu&tini; the advisability of discon-tinuing the Call Board, it having proven a failure,and the aboliishment of tbe iu,ck Company as or-gauizea iui summer, ne ace in favor of formingwe sxcmiiKe ufion ine om srvstem as originallyorganized, and undei which system the Exchangewas in a sound aud healthy condition Aatiklac- -

to all members alike. We will further latethat tbe Exchange will lone a large number ofmembers if tbe present system is continued, aaidmembers beiog unwilling to become stockholders,as is necessary under the present system. Reliev-ing that a majority of tbe membership desire tbeold form of organization, we ask that yon call themeeting as soou as possible for a full discussion of.uia matter.

This petition was signed by twenty-seve-


Mr. U . Hunt moved that the call belaid on the "table, ursin(r il,.u would beUnjust proceeding against thorn wbo badcontracts open and wbo bad paid tbeir assessment with the expectation of enjoyingtbe privilege in dealing in futures. He waain favor of allowing (he Future Board tocontinue throughout tbe year, and then takesuch measures as ils operations mightsuggest .


Mr. VY. IN. Brown slated thai at one timehe was to favor of establishing tbe FutureBoard, but it had been tried and found to bea failure, and he is now in favor of doingwy with the Exchange as a stock concern,

and reorganizing on the old basis and building it up as a Cottoa Exchange only.FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE EXCHANGE.

In response to a question by Mr. Hunt,oecreiary n otter atatea the hnancial condilion of tbe Exchange to baGeneral fund . w .....$ 2,300Building fund...... . .. 8,000

Total finances in hand f10,300WANTED BOTTOM FACTS.

Tbe secretary also stated tb:tl 9000 balesof cotton had changed hands through ther uture soara.

Mr. Hawks Who are the parties to thesecontracts;

Mr. Hunt (anticipating tbe secretary's an-swer) I object to any one prying into theprivate afl.irs of the members of (his Exchange.

flir. inawiia it tne ru'ure xkiard is apart of the oaganisation cf the Con on Exchange, ol which the secretary ia sup pusto keep tbe correct records, i do not see whymere enoutu oe any ouiecnon to those proceedings being kept stcret from the member-ship, but as tbe question is irrelevant I willnot insist on it being answered. Mr. Hawkthen proceeded to gire his views in opposi-tion to tbe Future Board. "


A considerable amount of informal diecuasion was indulged in, which only came toan end when the president announced lhatthere was no question before the house.


A motion to adjourn was decided lest bytbe president, upon which a division wascalled, the vote to be taken upon call of theroll. I be question then arose as to wbowere entitled to vole, upon which tbe preeident decided only tbose who bad taken stockin tbe new organization and paid up theira.sessment. Ibis ruling created considerable discussion in opposition, there beinzmany of tbe members of the old orgs oizi- -tion who bad either relused or tailed to subscribe for slock, but bad been enjoying itsbeuebte under the supposition that ibeirmemberahip waa still in vogue. This ruliogcaused many to absent themselves Irom themeeting. The call of the roll resulted ia avote of fifteen yeas and twenty-eig- ht nays onthe motion to adjourn, and tbe motion waslost.


On mntiiui .( U. T 1 P.nit. mnmilU.of five was appointed to take tho matter un-der consideration and report what proceedingto take in regard to the subject of the call.

lbe president slated that be would appoint tbe committee and give tbem indi-vidual notificaiion, and the meeting adjourned.

THB COMMOTES.Subsequently Ihe fo lowini; were appointed

as the commit tee: Messrs J.T. Petlit, chair-man; CP. Hum, John W. Dillard. B. F.Patterson, Jobn R. Godwin.

LOCAL PARAGRAPHS.City crowded with people.Christmas is drawing out the people.Tbe weather yesterday was drearv, damp

and peculiar.The abend wants Ihe delir-quen-

t taxpayers to settle.

Janauscbek will be here for a few ni'htsduring ihe holidays.

Eemaalda can be seen for tbe last timeat Ihe Theater

Katie Putnam begins her engagementnight at Leubrie'd.

Several parties were arretted yesterdayfor violating health ordinances.

Gui Henderson was fined yenterday forhaving his dray too heavily loaded.

John Oats was arrested yrsterdav forlling merchandise without license. Wild

OatslFrank Darlington waa presented in

court yesterdsy for having a pair of brassknucks in his pocket.

Two alarma of fire were sounded yes'er- -day, one on Jefferson street the other on Desoto. 1 hey were of no importance.

a Bisl boff was fined $50 yesterday fordoing a pawnbroker's business without li-

cense. He proved not to be best off, after all.Hannibal C Carter will lecture at the

Beale street church ht on "ThePolitical Future of tbe Negro in the UnitedStates.''

Tbe Signal Service man regards it asprobable that this weather will last a day ortwo longer, and that the eky will be clearand bright on Christmas.

Despite Ihe very bad weather and thegeneral disappointment felt in Esmeralda bytne aionaay nignt anaience, Leu ones wasagain crowded last nigbt.

Tbe case of Gilbert Movers, for unlawfully withholding pension money, is on trialin the United mates Court, lie obtainedseverance from his brother.

Tbe weary Christmas gift-buy- er

abroad. There are so many things solicitingnis attention mat it is earner every day lorhim to decide which be will bay.

The following numbers drew capitalprizes in the Louisiana etate .Lottery, atMew Orleans, yesterday: IS on. o4.olt drew

JlOO.OpO; ?4,1 35, ,50,000, and 31,401 120.000,A reward of $100 bag been offered for

the capture of the murderer of Bichard B.Greer, of Sharkey, Miss. The details of tbecrime have already been given in lbe ArPEAL.

Tbe lecture that the Hon. H. C. Carterwas invited to deliver at the Greenlaw Opera- -house on jJecemoer em win be delivered attbe Beale street Eaptist church this eveninz.1 Q nVIwir

Tbe sale of seats for Katie Putnam's engagement began yesterday, it has beensome time since inie nine eouorttie appeared in .Memphis; out sue is pleasantly re-membered here, and will in all likelihoodbe well received.

In the cae of Sallie P. and J. A. Clendeoin vs. the Memphis and Charleston road,for damages lor putting ine lady on thetrain, a verdict was rendered yesterday inthe Circuit Court for the plaintiffs, and theirdamages were assessed at tzouo.

Ed Hearke. a young Swede, and FrankPu berry were Damon and Pythias, boardingat 109 Adams street. When Edward wentto bed tbe other nigbt he bong up his pantswilh 4U oi money in inem. when lieawoke. Duberrv and his 140 were both rone.The unfaithful Pythias baa been lassoed andsent to jail.

Lizzie Johnson, George Washington.Jennie Jackson and Sam Jones were presented before President Hadden yesterdayon the charge of taking Rmaom Hichea, anold darky, into Jennie Jackson's Beale streettavern and robbing bim ol ii while be wasasleep. Jennie Jackson was fined $25, andthe balance were sent to tbe Iilaod for fortyday each.

Officer McCormack brought in SamQorman yesterday, charged with a very un-grateful piece of larceny. He waa invitsdbv an old fellow named Dig Kelly :o take sdrink in a saloon on Front str-e- t betweenWashington and 1'oplar. jvelly threw downa JiO bill, anUlwaen tbe barkeeper pot hischange on the counter, Gorman snatched$15 and fled with it.

Night before last the meat shop of Geo.Crosby, corner ot Beale and DeSoto streets,was broken into and a watchchaia and $5stolen. Last night as Omcer Chaataiae was

passing t he place, he beard a noie in theshop, and going in tbe back way be discov-ered a fifteen-yea- r old darky, named JimBrown, manipulating tbe cash drawer. Hepromptly seized the yoong thief and carriedhim to (be slalionhouse. Jim said be badbroken in the window and bad opened thedrawer wilh a cleaver.

Robert A. Brown and Mattie E. Sioan,Henry Hill and Mr. Alice Hickerson,Drewey Turner and Missouri Vinson, B. P.Kelly and Eliza Gilpin, Rufus Jimerson andMrs. Lisz'e Donobo, Green Hopkins andMrs. Lucy Dickens, Tbomas Danly andMartha Ann Jackson, Wm. Phife and MariaThornton, T. E. Love and Maiy B. Allen,Jobn Brann and Mrs. Lizzie Reinacb, Wm.Bolton and Eliza Hargrove, were grantedmarriage licenses yesterdsy.

Dixie Knight, who killed Willis Dick-ens, was brought in by Deputy Sheriff W.H.Johnson, of Millington, and put in jail yes-terday. He ia a mere boy, probably abouteighteen years of age, Ihe son of a very re-spectable man. Ha seemed to regard hiscrime with the utmost indifference. Fromexpressions dropped by htm he will prob-ably plead e. It is understoodthat his attorney, Maj. DuBose, intends tofight the case on this line. Knight was cap-tured Sunday night ab-u- t 11 o'clock, andwas on the point of beiog tried before amagistrate, when a telegram from DeputySheriff Cinoon was received by Johnson tobring Knight to Mem phis. Tbe instructionswere literally obeyed.


A Tbl.f dels Perforated Sear Ike Mouiaof Wolf River.

Early yesterday morning the ferrymanwho has charge of the ferry at Wolf riverwas awakened by a noise among his skiffs.Getting up, be saw a man in one of thempaddling away. The thief bad picked theswiftest skiff in tbe lot, snd, in-- order not tomake a big uoLuv was merely paddlingout into the river. He was calledupon to halt but paid no attention to thesummons. The ferryman bad a gun withhim, one barrel of which was loaded wilhbuckshot and tbe other with gooseshoU Helet loose with the buckshot first, but tbethief did not atop. He then fired the goose-sho- t.

Getting another gun, he jumped intoa skiff and began to follow. Just atthis time the transfer was coming inand be had to row rapidly to escape beingcaught by it. The thief had been standingin the bow of tbe skiff; but when his pur-suer got out of the way of lbe transfer, hewas nowhere to be Bern. His hat was float-ing on Ihe water. The ferryman is of tbeopinion that he shot him as he took goodaim, and diligent search failed to show upthe thief.

PERSONALS.Short-ham- d at Prof. Robertson's Business

College.S. Lowenoteiii. jeweler, has a sunerbalock

of new goods, to which he invites general attention.

Capt. John Overton has returned homefrom New York, where he went on a business visiL

Th g Ltgrange (Ga.) Examiner says tbatBishop Pierce is aging rapidly. His step isfeeble, bis voice of ten fails him. Aa we lookupon tbe venerable, now bowed form of thisonce erect and grand man of God, wethink of the crown awaiting him beyondthe surges of the river of death. Like afather among bta children, like a good shepherd in the midst of bis flock, he presidesover in is conference, nearly ail ot whom arehis boys trained to preach nnder his eye.The bishop is still in Lagrange, tbe guest oftbe Rev. P. A. Heard. He will go hencenext week to preside overTihe Alabama Conference, at Troy. He might well claim to beretired, but will doubtless work on in tbecausa he loves until tbe harness shall fallfrom his weary shoulders at the touch ofdeath.

LOCAL ISO! ICES.Telephone your orders for plumbing to

J. a. tt&i el's wo cjeconu street.Flowers. Christmas trees and decorations

for tbe holidays at Goebel & Co.'s, 413 Second.Attend the book auction at A.

M. Stoddard'a auction-room- , No. 223 Mainstreet.

Telephone Memphis Floral Company fornowera, table decorations, etc Album oldesigns at McCarthy's.

Dean's beat Bio and Java mixed coffee isacknowledged by all who have used it tobe superior lo all others.

If anything is wrong with your watch orjewelry, have it promptly and correctly repaired by J. IN. Alulford & Co., 333 Maio.

We wish to inform the customers of theJet Palace, and the public at larxe. lhal wenave received at'last the most beautiiulstock of Silver-plate- d Ware ahown in thiscity. Call soon and make your selection.lricta reasonable.

Down. Goes the Price!

WILLS WILDBKRSKRHave marked caws their large

lock or


to lower flgirsa (baas aaybody Itsbe elly. They have Insnaeaae

sieek, wad will sell low.

MENKEN'SThree Christmas Bargains!

The First:10,000 Beautiful All Silk Handkerchiefs,

50c; worth double.

The Second tAll our Holiday Fancy Goods marked


The Third:60 Embroidered Cashmere Dress Patterns

at $12 50; former price, iS5.

MENKEN'S.Our house will be op-- n every evening

until 9 o'clock dnring this week.

Wills & WildberiEerHave just received tbeir third

shipment of



Call and see them.

What Shall Ton Bay for aPresent I


This question can be readily answered toour enure bsuiiwuub ji you will lavor

Mr. S. Rothschild, tbe jeweler, oppositetbe Peabody Hotel, with a call. He willtake pleasure in showing; yon lbe 6 nest as-

sortment of jewelry, diamonds, watchra.clocks, spectacles, etc, ever brought to thiscity, which he ia offering at such low pricesthat yon cannot help buying. So. for anelegant Christmas present, go to Bothicbild,tbe jeweler, at Ao, olO Main eteeet.

iS. B. A full assortment of silyer-plate-

ware will be sold regardless of cost, aa weare going out ol that branch ol tbe bnsir.

Hare Book LaGrill WeatherstripTour doors and windows lo keep out the rain.dost and cold draiu zsu 8eco!d struct.

For Best Bargains in Boots aad Shoe?,Goto Voegeli A Co.'s, 271 and 410 Mainstreet, as they are always reliable. '

Candies.Bay a pound pacaaee of Floyd's candies- -

It will hare in it all kinds of caramels,English walnuts, cream almonds, Frenchnougat, real ena-a- r plums, marahmallows andfine chocalatea, Xo glucose, all pare colors.and no adulterations in anything. Every-thing sold strictly pure, wholesome and nutritious, at FLOYD MoonrrY g

' ' m Main Street

A new lot of standard, miscellaneous, juvenile, illustrated and holiday books iul received at A. M. Stoddard's auction-roo-

No. 228 Main street. Call and examinethem. Private sales daring the day.' Auc-tip- n

every evening at 7 o'clock.Ol

Best Style of Fiae Boots aad ShoesMade to order at Voegeli A Co.'s, 271 Mainstreet. Mr. Dick Broee can't be beaL


And ote Their Intelligence and Sagac-

ity Under Proper Training andCareful Handling.

The Records Hade by the Big Dogs ofMemphis at tbe Recent Field

Trials Their Winnings.

The recent Held IriaU have exciied con-

siderable interest on ihe subject of dogs, acdperhsps a few facie concerning them wouldnot be uninteresting. Few of the readers ofthe Appeal have any idea of tbe value ofsetters and pointers. A few years sgo dogscould be bad for the asking, now they com-

mand high price?. Gladstone, a Memphisdog, belonging to Mr. P. H. Bryson, for in-

stance is worth $2000 spot cash, and bisowner has refused that amount fcr him.Several of his sons and daughters havechanged bands at $400 to $600 each. London,his son, who was winner in Ihe Louisiana

l, was sold befole starling to Mr.Coleman, of "New Orleans for $400, and Mr.Coleman refused $1000 for him after theraci. Fouskbeld trials have been held thiifall where $1000 in cash was oflerf d at eachas prizes. Tbe winner-- , in these evenli com-

mand large prices, it being possible for onedo; to win $1000 in one Eeaaon. Unlikehorses, they cost nothing to keep; and withucb a stimulus in cash for the beet dogs,

breeders become as careful about pedigree astbe owner of any thoroughbred race horse inthe country. Some owners trace the pedigreeof tbeir animals back for eiglily years.

Perhaps no city has superior dogs lothose owned in Memphis. Out of StJOOO

ottered at Cirand Junction by the NationalAmerican Kennel Club, Memphis dogs won$900, and out of $1000 offered at the Louisi-ana held trials $500. and would have won$900 had not their handler got angry and Iwithdrawn tbe best of tbem without consent I

of tbeir owners. No can boast of better . HATS, atth fromshots, better dogs or gentlemanly sports-- I - .men. Uentlemen ot wealth, high businesss'anding and eocial influence now own dogsand run them at the trials. Tbe presideniaof tbe clubs are men worth millions. Mr.Donne r, president of the Eastern trial, candraw his check for $500,000; Mr. Wilson, ofthe National American Club, is one ol Pitts-burg's wealthiest businesi men. The Lou-

isiana Gun Club ra sed $1000 in prizes inone hour; one member donated $500 at thelast meeting for trial purposes. None bntmen oi standing are appointed as judges atsuch trials, and no gambling is allowed;hence the high order of the sport. Ihequestion ef shooting is fast drifting to (ranchises. Io a few years this country will belike ngland. where only Ine wealthy canshoot, as shooting privileges will commandprices the poor cannot all Did


Was Has Hew Way lo Core Ouinna.f and Whiaky.larlaklBS.

A fine old morphine crank was taken intothe staiionhouse yenterday. He called himself Dr. J. W. Cofer, and be was chargedwith being drunk, a charge tbat he couldnot refute. He kept up in bis cell a kindof iioudou performance nearly all the time.On his person was found a variety of rubbish. Among it was a package of c.irds, ofwhich lbe lollowing is a sample:

A SURE CUES FORMorpalae Kallac

T ske one bottle of morphine.doseitout, snd putifcinui m jug; io eacu U(i 01 morputue pour inone-hal- f gn of waler. Every time you take adoe add as much fresh water to the jug aa youuutsout. aula memou is a positive cure.

CURE FOR WHISKY DRINKING.Take a glass of whisky and scrape your thumb

sua wv otiuuwiL i wis aose once anu youwin uut waui. iu unus auy more wniMfy.

DR. J. W. COFER.Inasmuch as the doctor has been in ihe

stationhonse lor drunkenness several limes,it is evident tbat he eschews his own prescriptions and takea no toe-na- in burn.He says he hails from Kentucky and is"hoei-trader.- " The circumstances of his firstarrest were rather peculiar. He took someoysters at a reataurant on Adams s'reet forwhich be did no, pay. In leaving tbe placebe broke through a window and otherwisedistinguished himself. A negro was sentafter him. The messerger caught u wilhbim on front street, and enalched bis saddlebags as an equivalent for his bill. Coferwent to the station very indignant andclaimed to have been robbed. He was nailedthere lo answer the charge made againstbim.


For the Holidays!

I. GOLLtSHiril 3t BSO'S.

3 4 881 ain Street.




Ateale Street.


Ladies' Gents' Hemstitched. Embroid- -tred, Plain Silk and Lace

HANDKERCHIEFS!Moequttaire and Foster Kid Gloves.

Fine assortment of



JLadies' and Misses' Wraps!In large variety ot coU tbiaweek to close out our slock.

- Notice the Special Bargains in


Brocade and Plain Dress Goods,

(Jbndah Cloth fall shades),

Black All-Wo- ol Cachmere,

Black Gros Grain Silk,

81-- 81

Worth Zoc lor Joe.

Worth 20c for 121c

Worth 65c for 50c

Worth Jl 75, for f 1 25.

Black Satin, worth $1 25, for 90cOur Plushes, for J I 50.

"Our Velvets, worth $1 25, for 75cTut key-Re- d and Bleached Linen Napkins

in large variety at lowest prices.

Don't Fail to Call and See for Yourself!


Sheriff's Tax Notice to Delinquents.The unpaid Slate and county lax bills for

the year 1882 ot the fourth, fifth, Sixthceventh and lentb wards and tbe sixth.Twelfth, Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Eighteenth Civil Lustricls have been placed inmy hands for collection. Parties wbo havenot paid their taxes in said wards and dis-trict will please call at once to the sheriff'somce and pay same without any farther costand trouble, aa no personal property is ex- -

em lit from seizure for taxes. P. R. Athy.Dnenii.

Christmas Gifts Given Away.Martin Coben, the batter, 219 Main street,

will eive each purchaser of a hat or cap anice s'ory book or a pocket memorandum

Oysters! Oysters!The only house exclusively in the business

is prepared to fqrnish all orders on shortnotice. Fresh oysters, canned and in bulk;fish, same: and celery, turkeys, chickens andeires at J. A. sionaioo's,

Zi a oecona ana z eaiesireeb.. Carpets! Furniture!

Wholesale and retail. An elegant assortment of parlor and bedroom suites. Brus-sels aad ingsain carpets, jit received, of tbelatest style and design. ISaby boggles, childchairj, beautiful desks, brackets, etc, etc,suitable for Christmas presents.

AktEa. .ejsatxus dc cu., aw aiain street.

I or Sale Cneap.The entire fixtures of the Mammoth Ciotb- -

- . r r. e . , .

meh House, containing uiteen une laoies.aide sbeivinr. a large nne cuanueiier, snow- -case, desk, mirror, clothing forms, figure,awning, etc, at 238 Main street.

A Chance tor the Boys.Every boy baying a nat or cap will re--- jr. " . 1. L..L 1

ceive aa a toriaunu a;u. m ww v uuuetslate ae a present from Cohen, the batter,219 Main street. .

Tellow-FeTe-r Prevented.The engineers of the Central railroad of

Georgia say: "Though exposed to lbe worstmiasmatic influences, going in and comingout cf Savannah at dinereot nours ot thenight, and also in spending entire nights inik. v Wnnn'f tbe prevalence of the yellow- -fever epidemic oi 1671, with bat the singleexception of one of us (who was taken aick,but speedily recovered) we cortinned in ourusual good health a circumstance we canaccount for in no other way but by the effect,under Providence, of the habitual and con-

tinued nsa of Simmons Liver Regulatorwhile we were exposed to una malaria."

10 TO 412-18- -82!

MONDAYFrom 10 O'clock tj,. to 4 p.m.We shall offer all 0 flrie cloak8at half price. 01 tfew the fo.lowing is a deseripth, price4i3t:A"o. Dacription.

1 RnV4t IIaIm.. -

2 Ottoman Silk Dolman , ZQ

2 P.ush Dolman M4 Ottoman Silk Coat

'5 ,Brocaded Silk Dolaaaa

7 Fur Lined C1rcalsr...8 SealMatelasse Dolman9 Satin Coat, Red Satin Lined

10 Satin Circular11 Choice of thirty garments12 Choice of forty garments....


farmer Jfondaw'tJTiee. met.

Plu-- h Dolman

And many others ail cqiuij,,

The Great 81 OfferAll oar fine Plush tad P.pavfr

city Fur-Trimm-

moreJivuuaj, wm rjQ HO

uniformly at $1.

$7 75, $r75, 87 75,FOR 75, MOSD1T.

The choice of all our handsomePATTERN HATS, worth from $10to $20.$7 75, $7 75, $7 75, $7 75

Myriads of beauties ind bargains in our Christmas Department, second noor.


Natural Fruit flams.

EXTRACTS,Prepared from the choicest FruHt,

without coloring, poisonout oils, acidi

artificial Essences. ways uniform

strength, without any adulterationsimpurities. Hare gained their re-

putation from their perfect purity, su-

perior strength and quality. Admittedby who hare used them the mostdelicate, grateful and natural flavorcakes, puddings, creams, etc.


STEELE & PRICE,Chicago, Z1L, and Jjouis, Mo,

IskM call. TmSeulil mdr, rrl', 1.1..

Wo make Second Crado Cooda.

Queen Anne Ditmer Ware!



Fishing Tahiti,Mala street- - KWtrir. H.ncino hnLul

residences. Full stner Klectrical Goods.




VRRV miweut PRirirs.A. nvaa

45 00- 50 00

90 0050 00ao ooa oo20 00



P" p Id




all as '


BY 1

St.f I.. Grm . Prle.


io 0035 0032 5050 0022 5025 0045 0025 0025 0015 0012 00





Ir.s Or. r, i



I!and isiRell In,

or of

a a






eA meeting of the stockholders of th-- s Bank willbe hell on TUESDAY. Jannsry 9, 183. at theirbankinghunse, bttweenthe hours of 11 o'clock and2 p.m., for the purpose of electing Thirteen Direct-or- a

io serve for the ensuing year.J.A.HI YES. J . OtutMe

NOTIOK TO STOCKHOLIJ KltS.Merchant- - Cotton Press and Storage Co.TDY resolution of the Board of Directors, a meetT uikui iie sujcKnoiaer of Uie above-name- d

company will be held at tneir office. No. Msdiiooatree'. Memphis, Tenn., on the Ha day or Jaa.aary, ltt&S, when a proposition will be

to be voted npon on that day to Increasethe capital btack oi thecompan..

A. WOuDKOKF, President,J. W. Falls, Secretary.


Memphis. Tens., December 2. 1862- - fOTO"KBOLDERfl a e duly notified than an eleo--

tion will be bold at this Bank on Mw.nDAY,January 8, 185, from 10 o'c oct a.m. until 2 p.m.,for the purpose of choosing Filteen Directors lorthe ensuing year. a. P. READ. Cahier.

Slager & Goldbaum,TAILORS,

Cor. Jefferson and Second Sts.SUITS TO OBDEU

From now until end of the season at greatlyreduced prices.



y)EQALIA. Lodce and Society Goods made toL v oroer at snort n ouce.

2GO 1-- 2 Main St.

ROPELarge Consignment Heceived.


T OSTIa V.Burlaps quantities suit.

ATZENBERG ER'3 SON3,Madison street

rariHK as. Bat MN wick RaLHEtitmost extensive Billiard Table Manufactory

In the worid.

J : 1

In to8. K


J. U-

THE MONARCHParties wishing to purchase goods appertaining tothis line will find it to tbeir interest ny calling on

eiLi!.x wuil, boie Agent.Peabody Billiard Hall, Alempbia, Tenn.

J. X.

Bas riaea, Wales' Pipe. Kewer Plate,Leas) Pipes. Platan. ra' Brass Worts.Platssbers' Iroa Clootie, sm Flxiores aa

milage, oe ""or at. Low Prices.Wlad Hills far Panaplas.

Teleph.a.Ordsri toBROWNE, the PLTJMBEB.



n tlstiiiastn N l.. Mnthto.


AUTOGRAPH ALB 1731 S!An EntrelyNew Line, Attractive in Binding

aud Price.


CIGAR and CIGARETTE CASESla Russia Leather and Hand-Painte-

Ladies' CombIu Style,

and Brush SetsUtility and Assnrtmeut Ca- -

equaled iu the CI ty.

Gents' Shav ng and Toilet CasesVariety ot Btyloi and Shapes.

tnnia Leather Jewel Cases, Work Boxes andPortfolios, Illustrated Works by all prominentArwia .ud ruuntmcra mm-- jiuasia, atoroccoana

m um books a specially, at

Dr. Maurice I'ritebard. . PHISICIA5 A5D bUKbEOX.

Spec! attention given ta Surgery aad Barctcal

Oatss aad Kealtfeaea 7 aVrale StreetMBMPHIS. TENWSJWFK.


Cures all Diseases the StomacthliTer, Bowels, Kidney. Skin andBlood. Millions testify to iU eieaey in liealins- - tie above-name- d

disease?, aad pronounce it to be tin Beat Remedy Known (Man. Guaranteed to CnreJrfapepaJa.

WANTED.- -Laboratory, 77 West Tlirrd atreet, Sew York City

,. BBnesim IEI.I. IT.KB COJIPLII ST. Coma Taw. train f-- Trxf : D CLiSI JoB-rsn- H.wlnr naed

Vonr area! I ..! Ri. f t i rrr i with thn mi , i ,i n i nil fdeem it my doty to recommend fl in .11 ui fflii-i- l J. I,. KHAW.


250 ASD 258 PBOXI NTItKI'.T,ncON










F. TATS. Late of Bennett's Landinc. Misa. BIMPdQH TATE, 1' Sennetfs Landing, aflaa.

Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants,364 AND 366 FRONT ST., MEMPHIS, TENN.

Liberal advances made on const rnment. m rv.,.. w-- v. vd potted In the lfira at allkinds of cooda handled in this market, and ac licit otSers for the parcaa ' aane. and (naraotae las

isa. L .... JA tl a. at

fUtoerjiionitoiiICo.Cotton Factors,WMesals Grocers

388370 FROST STREET MEMPfiS TP.w www rwsT.a..awm asaarw . ssvssa-a- s

Stewart, Gwvnne& CoWholesale Grocers, Cotton factors.

Nos. SSt and fU Front Kt.--w -- .nhli. Tennea.STEWART, BROTHERS & 50.,


Cotton Factors and Commission JIrchant-i-,OBLEA-V8- ,



1.1 . i



W H.


... liaaaatal




Comprising all lines for the Souther Trade.




lyj&iMU 1 MIM Io





TM am

Fine (lift Bookf, Toy Hi ft Book, Ladies' fSatcheU, Jewel andOdor Cases, Work Boxes, Writing Dexks, Fine Puueterles,Photograph and Autograph albums, Christmas aad Jiew YearCards, Scrap Books Fine Bibles and Prayers and Hymnals,selected especially for the Holiday Trade. Call early and make

your selections before the rush.


MAJSMER'SLiniment and Stock Powders I

THE BEST STOCK REMEDIES IU USE!For the eure ol Bnlints, Gallsi, Kiirains, Brnistes, Koratrhes,Honuila, Biirbead, vs ind Kails. Nor fyes, FiHlula, Iole tTll,Kinjr Boue, spavin, item per, Hanfce-- Varey, I'artlal Bliudnehva,

Flesh Wonnds, t racked Heels, Cs.lonK Mtfaril, hand Craeks,Lameness, Founders,' tilde bound, Loss of Appetite, Jndlgefclion.Etc., Etc.

A Specific for Swinney.G. W. JONES & CO., AGENTS.



C5o3d jtT o Ifc 3. o 2m in rssj,Cariylastha larcest alaeta or CAIDT, S1BK WOlKlasS lotslalbs elly.

Also of Parties asS Weddlsssatskerl asilta.JTo. 37 MADISO.V HTKEET; - WFirillS.


J. R. GODWIN & CO.Cotton Factors, ComMerchants,

AGEST8 FOB THE STAB COTTOM IN,SSO Front atreet. cor. Union, Memnliia, Tenu2Z2. w'' JL'JL'-sZISIjtXrX-


Bole Aaenls following rirst-clas- s Inatrameats:


L. i).


for the

BATH. N4ll,rt. k. wnzaisa alO. Orlealal Mens.

ABOW HAW LIS,IsbImi Sk (.. a

'. i


aasli.or it a wAststKB, raaS staallts Aaaarleaat.

Writs for Catalogue. aaa asset 3 .1 ft ftecotui ntrt. Meinptila.


rpH FIR OF AtJSTin, BERRY A CO. IS THI.1 SAY D7riOLVKD BY MOTUAL CO.MBKNTX afej. W. H. Berif narlon sold bis entire iutarest Iu the flria, and Iu tbeoia firm of Or unto, Austin

A Be rrr. to J. A. Austin A Co.. wna assume all tne liabilities, and are a.ene aulliuriawl u er,il i ib.outitanillns; lnaeoteuneat oi aaia nrms. i A. Al TJN,

Mempnja, Tenu., December 11,112, W. H. BARKY.

NOTICE.HAVE THH DAY SOLD MT EXTIRB IXTSRS8T IS TBI FIR St; OF AUHTIV, BERRY COI and Orobos, Austin A Beirjr lo J. A. A tilt in A Co.. and In reilrlnir from the buxintt tnlirvs thle

method of expremlns my tnanaa to toe patrons and rfpods of Uie oll firni for tbeir l,trsl ratrruace,and Heartily reeommeud. mj suecesaora. Meupnie, lena.. December 11, W. H. eKltRi.

STEV FIRM.PCRCHAHfD THE KNTIRE INTKRIHT OF MAI. W. H. BKRRY IS THB FIRMS OfHAVING Kerry A Co. and Orubba, Anstln A Kerry, we will continue tiis

iVholeeale Clothing But-ines- at tbe Old Stand, No. 3J:i Main Mreetunder the Ann name of J. A- - AUSTIKACO., with facre4 facilities for dolug bu,in-a- s la Mempnta,and with a much larrersux lt tbtn is usualiv brotiatit huro tor tbe sprint Tnule. V liiank oor frietidsfor trjelr liberal patrooaae for tbe past ten tears, aod respertrnllr a.k tbem to eootinoe their bosloeasaa heretofore, promitins on our part to endeavor to serve tbem faithfully.j t. stXTiil a is ,. in iia s(n,.



Marble JXloek, - - - - Memphis, Tennessee,HAVI OPZ"jfI A5 WjiTrBS SFW STOCK OF

Men's, Iadies' and Cliildren's ISeois and Nlioes.aarOnrMr. JOHN LISRHArCR, the well known Sbeemaksr. wilt afvsbia wersonal atlsaltoa

1 q tbe Villi jz aad Matins ol all Bind. of 9 twe.r.sss

A. Woodru r& Oo.Ifaanravtnrers of aad Deatlers la

Poplar, Cottonwood, Walnut, Oak

Doors, Blinds, Moldings, snd Banding Haterial GenerallySAW AXIS A"A.AXsaa M1L.A.N,

Nortla Front Street, near Gas "Works,


and Ash


sa. SC. Jafl vx-- e BSaaaasor. XaO-exA- vaAalas J rXxa.AA,