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  • 8/8/2019 Great Artists-Alzen Eden


    Albrecht DrerAlbrecht DrerBorn:Born: 21 May 1471, Nuernberg21 May 1471, Nuernberg

    Married:Married: 1494, Agnes Frey, Nuernberg1494, Agnes Frey, Nuernberg

    Died:Died: 6 April 1528, Nuernberg6 April 1528, Nuernberg

  • 8/8/2019 Great Artists-Alzen Eden


    I hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of allI hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of

    ---- Drer,Drer, Four Books on Human ProportionsFour Books on Human Proportions, 1528, 1528

    German painter, printmaker, draughtsman and art theorist, generallyGerman painter, printmaker, draughtsman and art theorist, generally

    regarded as the greatest Germanregarded as the greatest German RenaissanceRenaissance artist. His vast body of workartist. His vast body of work

    includesincludes altarpiecesaltarpieces and religious works, numerous portraits and selfand religious works, numerous portraits and self--

    portraits, and copper engravings. His woodcuts, such as theportraits, and copper engravings. His woodcuts, such as the ApocalypseApocalypse

    series (1498), retain a more Gothic flavour than the rest of his work.series (1498), retain a more Gothic flavour than the rest of his work.

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    Albrecht DAlbrecht Drer senior was a jeweller who had served his apprenticeship withrer senior was a jeweller who had served his apprenticeship with

    Hieronymus Holfer, and then married Holfers daughter.Hieronymus Holfer, and then married Holfers daughter.

    Father ofFather ofALBRECHTALBRECHT


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    The artists father (Albrecht Durer senior)The artists father (Albrecht Durer senior)

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    Albrecht DAlbrecht Drer Senior suffered much and toiled painfully all his life, for he had norer Senior suffered much and toiled painfully all his life, for he had no

    resources other than the proceeds of his trade from which to support himself and hisresources other than the proceeds of his trade from which to support himself and his

    wife and family. He led an honest, Godwife and family. He led an honest, God fearing life. His character was gentle andfearing life. His character was gentle and

    patient. He was friendly towards all and full of gratitude to his Maker. He cared littlepatient. He was friendly towards all and full of gratitude to his Maker. He cared little

    for society and nothing for worldly amusements. A man of very few words and deeplyfor society and nothing for worldly amusements. A man of very few words and deeply

    pious, he paid great attention to the religious education of his children. His mostpious, he paid great attention to the religious education of his children. His most

    earnest hope was that the high principles he instilled into their minds would renderearnest hope was that the high principles he instilled into their minds would render

    them ever more worthy of divine protection and the sympathy of mankind.them ever more worthy of divine protection and the sympathy of mankind.

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    DDrer, Albrechtrer, Albrecht

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    First PeriodFirst Period(1484(1484 1521)1521)

    14841484 -- DurerDurer hadhad alreadyalready begunbegun paintingpainting

    14861486 -- hehe waswas apprenticedapprenticed toto thethe painterpainter andandprintmakerprintmaker MichaelMichael WolgumutWolgumut andand beganbegan toto workworkwithwith woodcutswoodcuts andand coppercopper engravingsengravings asas wellwell

    14901490 -- DurerDurer travelledtravelled widelywidely forfor studystudy

    14941494 -- 15051505--77 tripstrips toto ItalyItaly andand toto AntwerpAntwerp andandthethe LowLow CountriesCountries

    15201520--11 -- VisitVisit toto VeniceVenice onon hishis secondsecond ItalianItalian triptripDurerDurer waswas especiallyespecially

    influencedinfluenced byby GiovanniGiovanni BelliniBellini andand Bellini'sBellini'sbrotherbrother--inin--lawlaw AndreaAndrea MantegnaMantegna,,

    Durer's journeys enabled him "to fuse the GothicDurer's journeys enabled him "to fuse the Gothictraditions oftraditions of

    the North withthe North with the achievements inthe achievements in perspective, volumetric perspective, volumetric

    and plastic handling of forms, and color of theand plastic handling of forms, and color of theItaliansItalians

    in an original synthesis which was to have greatin an original synthesis which was to have greatinfluenceinfluence

    with the Italian Manneriswith the Italian Manneris

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    ENGRAVING (1486)ENGRAVING (1486)

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    Michael Wolgemont (1434/7Michael Wolgemont (1434/7 -- 1519)1519)

    woodcut prints. He had

    one of the largest artists workshops in

    Germany. Drer was his apprentice from

    1486 till 1489.

    See: Albrecht Durer. Portrait of Michael


    German painter, at the time when Drer

    was his apprentice he was

    Nuremberg's leading artist. He was also a

    successful entrepreneur, handling a broad

    range of artistic work,such as painting altarpieces and portraits,

    designing stained glass and producing
