Page 1: Grateful Giving for a New Beginning

Annual Giving CampaignGrateful Giving for a New Beginning

Stewardship Packet


• Letter from Father David, and Carol Lucas and Ed Pearce, Campaign Chairs

• Budget overview

• FAQs

• Pledge card and return envelope

Dear People of Holy Trinity,

Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today we write to invite you to participate in the Annual Giving Campaign. This is the portion of our stewardship efforts that focuses on our financial gifts. We want to be transparent about that. Sometimes giving campaigns tout time, talent, and financial gifts trying to veil the obvious need for financial gifts. We do not need to be embarrassed to talk about money or ask for it. It is for Jesus, after all! Though this campaign focuses on financial gifts, we are serious about those other aspects of stewardship too, and plan to focus on non-financial aspects of stewardship with their own events spaced throughout the year. Stewardship is a year-round effort, touching every aspect of our life together as a community.

The theme for this year’s campaign is Grateful Giving for a New Beginning. It is not just a trite, jingoistic tag line. This really is a time of all kinds of new beginnings. Though the church campus has largely been closed for the past eight months, the work of the Church has continued. Outreach and mission opportunities have continued to allow us to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world in novel ways. That said, when this pandemic comes to its close, we will have been apart from one another for a long time. It really will be a new day: a new rector, a renewed campus, and a new vigor for ministry in the 21st century. So let us seize the moment and be prepared for it.

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We are grateful for what we have been able to accomplish, even during the shutdown. We have learned to live within our means. You all have been faithful in your giving, enabling the continuing work of mission and

ministry. We have been able to keep almost all of our employees on the payroll in this most difficult time.

We have gone through a major transition in the life of the parish and have called a new rector.

We are hopeful for what will come next. New opportunities to make serious and lasting contributions to the larger life of Greensboro await us. We are on the cusp of amazing new ministry within the context of our fellow Episcopal churches and Greensboro as a whole. Learning to live within our means this year meant

cutting ministries that were central to the identity and heart of Holy Trinity, like the outreach grants. We are hopeful that, with your support and participation in this campaign, we can reinstate those vital aspects of our

communal life.

We are mindful that we must continue to be careful stewards of all that we share as a parish family. Gifts from the past must be carefully managed to ensure their longevity and continuing ability to contribute to

the mission of this place and people. New gifts must be wisely and shrewdly used to continue to enact God’s extravagant love for a hurting world.

We are also mindful that this year of pandemic has created extraordinary new circumstances in the lives of many of our parishioners and we understand that those changes will likely play a role in how you participate in this campaign. That said, we want you to know that we are not only seeking to raise $2,000,000 in pledges for the operating budget (the same goal as last year of which we fell short), but we are also seeking to increase the percentage of parishioners who participate in the annual giving campaign in any way. A returned pledge card, in any amount, is a sign to us that you are on board with the direction and future of Holy Trinity. Every

gift counts and every card returned is a sign of commitment to a bright future.

Review the enclosed narrative budget and FAQs. We want to provide you with all the information you need to make the joyful decision to share of your resources. This is not an onerous task, but an opportunity to celebrate

all that God has done for us!

Peace and blessings,

Carol Lucas Ed Pearce The Rev. David A. Umphlett

Stewardship Commission Co-Chair Stewardship Commission Co-Chair Rector

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The Costs of Ministry (During a Pandemic)

Holy Trinity provides for us a place to grow into the fullness of God’s grace and desires for us - even when we cannot be present in person on the campus. It goes without saying that Church is significantly more than the buildings. These last six months have made that apparent time and time again. Doing the ministry of Holy Trinity costs money, even when many of the functions of the parish are shut down for extended periods of time. During our shutdown, it has been heartening to see that the ministry of the church could continue, still requiring the time, talent, and energy of all our parishioners.

This year the Vestry and Stewardship Commission have committed to keeping the 2021 budget as close as possible to a zero increase from 2020 budgeted amounts. The Vestry and staff of the church have been astounded by how generous and conscientious our parishioners have been with their regular contributions to the mission and ministry of the parish, even when they couldn’t be here in person!

Our parish was the fortunate recipient of a PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loan in the amount of $277,000 made available through the SBA under the CARES Act to address the pandemic. Approximately $50,000 of the loan was used to pay Day School teachers after the pre-school had to close. The remaining proceeds less the $36,000 we estimate will need to be repaid, has been used to keep our salaried staff employed and to offset utilities costs.


Our capable and dedicated staff members have been working in front of the camera, behind the scenes, and from home to help provide support necessary for ministry to flourish here at Holy Trinity. We have a full, but not overly large, staff. We have two full-time clergy people – David and Sarah and one part-time priest in Greg, whom we share with Second Breath. We employee seven individuals on a full-time basis and four others on a part-time schedule.

Contract employees round out our staff. We plan to have staff singers in the choir and regular nursery workers when re-opening allows, and various other contractors fill the needs of the Church.

We are fortunate beyond measure to celebrate that, throughout this pandemic, we have been able to retain all of our staff members in active ministry. Our kitchen ministry had to close during the pandemic and we hope to open when the time comes with a structure and pricing that will allow this area to operate on a close to break-even basis. Providing continued employment for our staff has been an important witness of how a Christian community cares for people. What an extraordinary gift you all have made possible during such a trying time.

All salaries will remain flat for the coming year, making the estimated cost for clergy and staff for 2021: $870,000. Please note these totals include the cost of health insurance, which is fully paid by the Church for all employees working at least 30 hours and pension and life insurance costs for everyone working at least 20 hours per week.

Program and Operations

Whether it is through the work of the Holy Trinity choir, bible studies, youth group, or Godly Play, the programs of Holy Trinity (normally) offer us myriad ways to connect more deeply with our faith and one another. This is the life-blood of the parish, creating a sense of connection within the larger parish, and giving us places to be plugged in and engaged in good work that calls out of us our talents and gifts.

The programs of the Church include the necessary resources and the personnel to make them go, for example the wine and wafers for communion, the sheet music the choir sings, the coffee for coffee hours, the crayons and goldfish for the nursery, and the welcome gifts our visitors receive on Sunday. It also includes the subscription to our data management software, postage, The Parish Post and The ePistle. All of the programs are supported by the staff members mentioned above, so part of the expense of staff members also applies to programs.

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As you can imagine, we have some savings in program expenditures this year due to the shutdown. However, worship expenses are actually running higher than 2019 (though not over budget) due to the time and technology needed to adapt to changing circumstances. Simultaneously, we can be thankful for a staff and volunteer team who have continued to offer creative programming like online Vacation Bible School, Sunday morning worship broadcasts, weeknight Zoom Christian formation, and phone call pastoral care. Despite this creativity and savings, many of the costs of operations have continued steadily, unhampered by the changes in the way our community actually engages with one another. We can only hope and pray that 2021 will be a year of much more normal program activity.

In order to operate our programs, the general administrative expenses of insurance, an annual audit, office machinery and supplies are necessary and are kept to a minimum.

Included in the category of program activity is Christian formation, pastoral care, our Gateway Commission and administration. For the program of the parish, in 2021, we need approximately $540,000.


The Church exists to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world today. Holy Trinity has a storied and inspiring history of outreach efforts. This reputation continues today with Holy Trinitarians on virtually every charitable board in the city, volunteering to deliver meals for Mobile Meals, and serving food to the hungry at Hot Dish and Hope. Our Gateway Ministry has collected countless supplies and food for our neighbors in need and facilitated the delivery of weekly casserole dinners to our sister parish, Church of the Holy Spirit.

Our outreach includes our mandatory Fair Share for the Diocese of North Carolina (approximately $204,000). In addition to hands on and financial support for outreach ministries we provide resources, collaboration and facility use for organizations that were created by Holy Trinity, such as Barnabus Network and Second Breath. In addition to church programs, our buildings are also home to Holy Trinity Day School that serves 100 children and their families. Our outreach budget in 2021, excluding the cost of running the facilities for outside groups, will be approximately $260,000.

Prior to 2020, Holy Trinity had an Outreach Commission that provided grants to outside agencies in the amount of $55,000 for the 2019 year. This line item was cut in our 2020 budget. We wanted to study and discern the best way to use outreach funds to leverage our staff and facility support and be aligned with our goals. Some thought serving as a flow through agency may not be what parishioners intended, as we have a congregation who provide generously for many charities. Additionally, due to pledged contributions nearly $200,000 short of our goal, in budget development we were faced with cutting employment if the grants were maintained.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Annual Giving Campaign?

Holy Trinity’s Annual Giving Campaign supports the operating budget of our church. It occurs each fall and the money pledged sets the budget for the following year. 

How is annual giving different from a capital campaign?

The Annual Giving Campaign supports the day to day operating costs for our church. The money received funds the salaries and benefits for Holy Trinity’s clergy and employees. Other costs include building maintenance and utilities, insurance, operating expenses, food, pastoral outreach, worship, diocesan giving and the many ministries of our parish. Capital campaigns address the church’s needs beyond day to day operations and are earmarked for a specific project, such as a new or renovated building.

How much should I give?

The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth or our earnings to God (Numbers 18:16). There is no required amount to give and each gift is strictly confidential. Every gift is appreciated and important to the operating cost of our parish. Your gift is a sign of your commitment to God’s work at Holy Trinity.

How long does the campaign last? When is my pledge due?

The campaign kicks off on Sunday, November 1, 2020. Every giving unit will receive a packet of information in the mail including a letter from the rector, a narrative budget and a pledge card. We ask that all pledges be returned by December 1, 2020. The campaign will close on December 31, 2020. 

Utilities and Maintenance

To keep the lights on for all these groups and for our own use, the costs may be surprising. Parts of our campus are now nearing 100 years old, which means regular maintenance is required. We recently completed the construction upgrades to our buildings made possible by the Capital Gifts Initiative (CGI) campaign. We continue to collect the nearly $700,000 in outstanding CGI pledges and owe the bank $650,000 on the loan we used to complete the project. Unfortunately, the amounts raised in the CGI campaign were not sufficient to address significant deferred maintenance costs. Regular upkeep of our campus is essential to its longevity. In addition, it has been a goal of the Vestry to make a yearly contribution to a sinking fund or depreciation fund from the annual budget to be set aside in the Property Reserves Funds. These reserve funds have been seriously depleted during 2020 to address maintenance needs that, if left unaddressed, would have caused damage to our physical assets. Additionally, in the area of maintenance, the Diocese and your Vestry continue to research what additional costs for air filtration and handling and advanced cleaning protocols are required by the COVID-19 pandemic. We estimate a budget for 2021 at $330,000, which does not include additions to the Reserve Funds.

The total Mission and Ministry Budget for 2021 is estimated at $2,000,000. Please consider that if our pledges fall short of this goal in 2021, we will not have the benefit of a $277,000 PPP loan to reduce the short-fall. Failing short of the goal will necessitate program, salary or employee count reductions. The Vestry is committed to a balanced budget and transparent reporting of our results. In addition to your contributions of financial resources and your time and talents, we appreciate your interest in finances of Holy Trinity and welcome your comments and concerns.

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How can I make my contribution?

• You can place your completed pledge card and check in an envelope and place them in the need box

• You can make your contribution online at:

• You may write a check and mail it to the church office

• You can have a bank account or credit card drafted monthly or quarterly

• You can also make your contribution via stock transfer or other investments

• Many companies offer matching gifts for their employees, so you may also wish to consider arranging a company match of your pledge this year

What is the annual operating budget?

The 2020 pledge goal is $2 million. Budget line items include outreach, building maintenance, worship costs, diocesan giving, salary and benefits, food, insurance and utilities. The budget is carefully planned and monitored, based on the pledges we receive.

Do I have to pay at the time I pledge? Can I pay in installments?

You may pay your pledge when you make it or you can pay in monthly or quarterly installments. Each quarter, you will receive a statement summarizing your gifts for the year.

Should I pledge even though I regularly put money in the offering plate?

Undesignated donations in the offering plates do help support the operating budget and ongoing life of the parish. However, pledges are very important because they enable us to plan responsibly and to establish a realistic budget for the coming year.

Can I change my pledge?

Yes. You can change your pledge if your circumstances change. Simply contact the parish administrator at [email protected]

Is my pledge confidential?

Pledges, whether received by mail, in person, or online, are confidential and seen only by Holy Trinity’s finance staff. Pledge amounts are never shared.

We are excited for our 2021 Annual Giving Campaign and the thoughtful, gracious giving that honors the gifts we receive from God.
