Page 1: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming



Page 2: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming. To start programming, let us write a small program that displays a circle on the screen.

Page 3: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• /* simple.c example 1.0*/#include<graphics.h>#include<conio.h>

void main(){ int gd=DETECT, gm;

initgraph(&gd, &gm, "c:\TC\BGI" ); circle(200,100,150);

getch(); closegraph();}

Page 4: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• To run this program, you need graphics.h header file, graphics.lib library file and Graphics driver (BGI file) in the program folder. These files are part of Turbo C package. In all our programs we used 640x480 VGA monitor. So all the programs are according to that specification. You need to make necessary changes to your programs according to your screen resolution. For VGA monitor, graphics driver used is EGAVGA.BGI.

• Here, initgraph() function initializes the graphics mode and clears the screen. We will study the difference between text mode and graphics mode in detail latter.

Page 5: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• InitGraph: • Initializes the graphics system.

Declaration:void far initgraph(int far *graphdriver, int far *graphmode, char far *pathtodriver);

Remarks: To start the graphics system, you must first call initgraph.

initgraph initializes the graphics system by loading a graphics driver from disk (or validating a registered driver) then putting the system into graphics mode.

initgraph also resets all graphics settings (color, palette, current position, viewport, etc.) to their defaults, then resets graphresult to 0.Arguments:

Page 6: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• *graphdriver: Integer that specifies the graphics driver to be used. You can give graphdriver a value using a constant of the graphics drivers enumeration type.

• *graphmode : Integer that specifies the initial graphics mode (unless *graphdriver = DETECT). If *graphdriver = DETECT, initgraph sets *graphmode to the highest resolution available for the detected driver. You can give *graphmode a value using a constant of the graphics_modes enumeration type.

• pathtodriver : Specifies the directory path where initgraph looks for graphics drivers (*.BGI) first. If they're not there, initgraph looks in the current directory. If pathtodriver is null, the driver files must be in the current directory. This is also the path settextstyle searches for the stroked character font files (*.CHR).

Page 7: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• closegraph() function switches back the screen from graphcs mode to text mode. It clears the screen also. A graphics program should have a closegraph function at the end of graphics. Otherwise DOS screen will not go to text mode after running the program. Here, closegraph() is called after getch() since screen should not clear until user hits a key.

• If you have the BGI file in the same folder of your program, you can just leave it as "" only. you need not mention *graphmode if you give *graphdriver as DETECT.

• In graphics mode, all the screen co-ordinates are mentioned in terms of pixels. Number of pixels in the screen decides resolution of the screen. In the example 1.0, circle is drawn with x-coordinate of the center 200, y-coordinate 100 and radius 150 pixels. All the coordinates are mentioned with respect to top-left corner of the screen.

Page 8: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

Basic Shapes and Colors:• /*

shapes.cexample 1.1*/


void main(){ int gd=DETECT, gm; int poly[12]={350,450, 350,410, 430,400, 350,350, 300,430, 350,450 }; initgraph(&gd, &gm, ""); circle(100,100,50); outtextxy(75,170, "Circle"); rectangle(200,50,350,150); outtextxy(240, 170, "Rectangle"); ellipse(500, 100,0,360, 100,50); outtextxy(480, 170, "Ellipse"); line(100,250,540,250); outtextxy(300,260,"Line");

sector(150, 400, 30, 300, 100,50); outtextxy(120, 460, "Sector"); drawpoly(6, poly); outtextxy(340, 460, "Polygon"); getch(); closegraph();}

Page 9: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

Here is the screenshot of output:

Page 10: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Here, circle() function takes x, y coordinates of the circle with respect to left top of the screen and radius of the circle in terms of pixels as arguments. Not that, in graphics, almost all the screen parameters are measured in terms of pixels.

• Function outtextxy() displays a string in graphical mode. You can use different fonts, text sizes, alignments, colors and directions of the text that we will study later. Parameters passed are x and y coordinates of the position on the screen where text is to be displayed. There is another function outtext() that displayes a text in the current position. Current position is the place where last drawing is ended. These functions are declared as follows:

• void far outtextxy(int x, int y, char *text);void far outtext(char *text);

Page 11: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

Circle, arc, pieslice are declared as follows:

• Declaration: void far arc(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius); • void far circle(int x, int y, int radius); • void far pieslice(int x, int y, int stangle, int endangle, int radius); • Remarks:• arc draws a circular arc in the current drawing color. • circle draws a circle in the current drawing color. • pieslice draws a pie slice in the current drawing color, then fills it using

the current fill pattern and fill color. • Arguments:• (x,y): Center point of arc, circlew, or pie slice • stangle: Start angle in degrees • endangle: End angle in degrees • radius: Radius of arc, circle, and pieslice

Page 12: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Another basic shape that we come across is a rectangle. To draw a border, use rectangle with the coordinates of outline, to draw a square use rectangle with same height and width. drawpoly() and fillpoly() are two functions useful to draw any polygons. To use these functions, store coordinates of the shape in an array and pass the address of array as an argument to the function. By looking at the output of the previous program, you can understand what drawpoly is. fillpoly is similar except that it fills in the shape with current fill color.

Page 13: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Declaration:• void far rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);• void far drawpoly(int numpoints, int far *polypoints);• void far fillpoly(int numpoints, int far *polypoints);• Remarks:• rectangle draws a rectangle in the current line style, thickness, and drawing color.• drawpoly draws a polygon using the current line style and color.• fillpoly draws the outline of a polygon using the current line style and color, then fills

the polygon using the current fill pattern and fill color.• Arguments:  • (left,top) is the upper left corner of the rectangle, and (right,bottom) is its lower right

corner.• numpoints: Specifies number of points• *polypoints: Points to a sequence of (numpoints x 2) integers. Each pair of integers

gives the x and y coordinates of a point on the polygon.

Page 14: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Let us study more about shapes latter. Here is some idea about colors. There are 16 colors declared in graphics.h as listed bellow.

Page 15: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

BLACK:                   BLUE:                     GREEN:                 CYAN:                    RED:                      MAGENTA:            BROWN:               LIGHTGRAY:          DARKGRAY:          LIGHTBLUE:          LIGHTGREEN:       LIGHTCYAN:         LIGHTRED:           LIGHTMAGENTA: YELLOW:               WHITE:                  

              0                      1                   2                    3                        4             5                  6         7           8           9       10          11            12 13               14                   15

Page 16: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• To use these colors, use functions setcolor(), setbkcolor() and setfillstyle(). setcolor() function sets the current drawing color. If we use setcolor(RED); and draw any shape, line or text after that, the drawing will be in red color. You can either use color as defined above or number like setcolor(4);. setbkcolor() sets background color for drawing. Setfillstyle sets fill pattern and fill colors. After calling setfillstyle, if we use functions like floodfill, fillpoly, bar etc, shpes will be filled with fill color and pattern set using setfillstyle. These function declarations are as follows.

Page 17: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Declaration: void far setfillstyle(int pattern, int color); • void far setcolor(int color); • void far setbkcolor(int color); • Remarks:• setfillstyle sets the current fill pattern and fill color. • setcolor sets the current drawing color to color,

which can range from 0 to getmaxcolor. • setbkcolor sets the background to the color specified

by color.

Page 18: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

The parameter pattern in setfillstyle is as follows:

Names Value Means  Fill With...

EMPTY_FILL 0 Background color

SOLID_FILL 1 Solid fill



SLASH_FILL 4 ///, thick lines

BKSLASH_FILL 5 \\\, thick lines


HATCH_FILL 7 Light hatch

XHATCH_FILL 8 Heavy crosshatch

INTERLEAVE_FILL 9 Interleaving lines

WIDE_DOT_FILL 10 Widely spaced dots

CLOSE_DOT_FILL 11 Closely spaced dots

USER_FILL 12 User-defined fill pattern

Page 19: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Here is an example program with colors, pixels, bar, cleardevice etc. stdlib.h is used for random number generation. We have a function random(no), it returns a random number between 0 an no. The effect is by drawing random radius, random color circles with same center and random pixels. kbhit() function(defined in conio.h) returns a nonzero value when a key is pressed in the keyboard. So, the loop will continue until a key is pressed.

Page 20: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• /*random.csome graphics effects using random numbers.example 1.2by HarshaPerla,*/

#include "graphics.h"#include "conio.h"#include "stdlib.h"

void main(){ int gd,gm; gd=DETECT;

initgraph(&gd, &gm, ""); setcolor(3); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,RED); bar(50, 50, 590, 430); setfillstyle(1, 14); bar(100, 100, 540, 380);

while(!kbhit()) { putpixel(random(439)+101, random(279)+101,random(16)); setcolor(random(16)); circle(320,240,random(100)); } getch(); closegraph();}

Page 21: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

Interrupt Service Purpose 



Reset mouse and get status Call with AX = 0 Returns: AX = FFFFh If mouse support is available Ax = 0 If mouse support is not available

51 1 Show mouse pointer Call with AX = 1 Returns: Nothing

51 2 Hide mouse pointer Call with AX = 2 Returns: Nothing

51 3

Get mouse position and button status Call with AX = 3 Returns: BX = mouse button status Bit Significance 0 button not pressed 1 left button is pressed 2 right button is pressed 3 center button is pressed CX = x coordinate DX = y coordinate

51 4

Set mouse pointer position Call with AX = 4 CX = x coordinate DX = y coordinate Returns: Nothing

51 7

Set horizontal limits for pointer Call with AX = 7 CX = minimum x coordinate DX = maximum x coordinate Returns: Nothing

51 8

Set vertical limits for pointer Call with AX = 8 CX = minimum y coordinate DX = maximum y coordinate Returns: Nothing

Page 22: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• Let us consider a program which makes use of the above functions.

Page 23: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• #include<graphics.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> union REGS in,out;

int callmouse() {; int86(51,&in,&out); return 1; } void mouseposi(int &xpos,int &ypos,int &click) {; int86(51,&in,&out); click=out.x.bx;; ypos=out.x.dx; } int mousehide() {; int86(51,&in,&out); return 1; } void setposi(int &xpos,int &ypos) {;; in.x.dx=ypos; int86(51,&in,&out); }

Page 24: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• int main() { int x,y,cl,a,b; clrscr(); int g=DETECT,m; initgraph(&g,&m,"c:\tc\bgi"); a=100; b=400; setposi(a,b); callmouse(); do { mouseposi(x,y,cl); gotoxy(10,9); printf("\n\tMouse Position is: %d,%d",x,y); printf("\n\tClick: %d",cl); printf("\n\tPress any key to hide the mouse"); }while(!kbhit()); getch(); mousehide(); printf("\n\n\tPress any key to Exit"); getch(); }

Page 25: GRAPHICS AND MOUSE PROGRAMMING IN C. Turbo C has a good collection of graphics libraries. If you know the basics of C, you can easily learn graphics programming

• The above program makes use of the following functions:• callmouse( ) • mouseposi( ) • mousehide( ) • setposi( ) •   callmouse() :- In this function AX is set to "1". When this function is called in main() it

displays the mouse pointer. The position of the pointer can be changed by using the mouse.• mousehide() :- In this function AX is set to "2".When this function is called in main() it hides

the mouse pointer. This function is useful while drawing figures, first the mouse pointer is kept hidden, then the figure is been drawn and again the mouse pointer is been called.

• mouseposi() :- In this function AX is set to "3". This function returns the position of the mouse pointer. It contains three parameters,they are xpos,ypos,click. xpos and ypos returns the position of x co-ordinate and y co-ordinate respectively. Click is the integer variable which returns the values 1,2,3 corresponding to the button pressed on the mouse and 0 for buttons being not pressed. If any key is pressed kbhit returns nonzero integer; if not it returns zero.

• setposi() :- In this function AX is set to "4". This function sets the mouse pointer to specific position . CX is been loaded by x co-ordinate of the mouse pointer and DX is been loaded with the y co-ordinate of the mouse pointer.
