  • PHYSICAL REVIEW E 96, 012312 (2017)

    Graph spectral characterization of the XY model on complex networks

    Paul Expert,1,2,3,* Sarah de Nigris,4,5,† Taro Takaguchi,6,7,8 and Renaud Lambiotte4,91Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

    2EPSRC Centre for Mathematics of Precision Healthcare, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom3Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London, London SE5 8AF, United Kingdom

    4NaXys, Département de Mathématique, Université de Namur, 8 Rempart de la Vierge, 5000 Namur, Belgium5Université Lyon, CNRS, ENS de Lyon, Inria, UCB Lyon 1, LIP UMR No. 5668, F69342, Lyon, France

    6National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan7National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan

    8JST, ERATO, Kawarabayashi Large Graph Project, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan9Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Josefstaedter Strasse 39, A 1080 Vienna, Austria

    (Received 4 November 2016; revised manuscript received 1 June 2017; published 11 July 2017)

    There is recent evidence that the XY spin model on complex networks can display three different macroscopicstates in response to the topology of the network underpinning the interactions of the spins. In this work we presenta way to characterize the macroscopic states of the XY spin model based on the spectral decomposition of timeseries using topological information about the underlying networks. We use three different classes of networksto generate time series of the spins for the three possible macroscopic states. We then use the temporal GraphSignal Transform technique to decompose the time series of the spins on the eigenbasis of the Laplacian. Fromthis decomposition, we produce spatial power spectra, which summarize the activation of structural modes by thenonlinear dynamics, and thus coherent patterns of activity of the spins. These signatures of the macroscopic statesare independent of the underlying network class and can thus be used as robust signatures for the macroscopicstates. This work opens avenues to analyze and characterize dynamics on complex networks using temporalGraph Signal Analysis.

    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.96.012312


    Activity of brain regions [1], car flow on roads [2],meta-population epidemic [3], all these arguably very differentsystems have in common that they can be represented as theactivity of a quantity of interest on the nodes of a network. Thecoupling between the dynamics on the nodes and their networkof interactions often leads to emergent collective states. Insimple cases, such as the Kuramoto and XY spin models, thesemacroscopic states can be classified according to the behaviorof an order parameter that measures the global coherence ofthe units comprising the system.

    Unfortunately, this order parameter is blind to the structureof the underlying interaction network and does not allow oneto investigate how the system behaves at different structuralscales. To gain a better understanding of the effect of networkstructure on its activity, we need a method to characterize amacroscopic state that combines both aspects. Having such amethod will then help us to understand the functioning andmitigate disruption of complex systems or even engineer newones.

    In this paper we consider the problem in the spectral domainby exploiting tools from temporal Graph Signal Analysis. In

    *[email protected][email protected]

    Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Furtherdistribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s)and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.

    particular, we show that the collective patterns of a dynamicalsystem can be robustly characterized by decomposing its nodalactivity in an adequate basis associated with its structuralproperties.

    To illustrate our method, we will study the XY spinmodel on complex networks. Spin models are paradigmaticexamples of systems where pairwise interactions give riseto emergent macroscopic stationary states. Historically, thebehavior of these models was studied on lattices [4], butother types of topologies have been considered in recentyears and in particular researchers have investigated theeffect of the topology on equilibrium and out-of-equilibriumstates, for example, the Ising model [5–9] and the XYmodel [10–13]. Remarkably, a new stationary state has beenobserved on complex networks in addition to the well-knownnonmagnetized and magnetized states in the XY spin model:the supraoscillating state, in which magnetization coherentlyoscillates indefinitely [10–18]. Interestingly, these three statescan be found on several network models, which suggests thatthe topology constrains the XY spins in a given phase.

    Although it is possible to analytically connect the param-eters of the network models to thermodynamics in somesimple situations [12], the nonlinearity of the interactionsin the XY model complicates the construction of a directgeneral theory linking the underlying network topology andthe phenomenology. It is therefore desirable to develop aframework that links the structure to the dynamics.

    We are in a situation where different topologies give riseto the same macroscopic states and thus in a perfect settingto explore the interplay between structure and dynamics,using a network theoretical approach. As we are studying aglobal emergent property of a system, it is natural to seek a

    2470-0045/2017/96(1)/012312(8) 012312-1 Published by the American Physical Society


    description that uses systemwide features of the underlyingnetwork. To explore the relationship between the structureof the network and the evolution of the individual spins,we leverage the spectral properties of networks and use thetemporal Graph Signal Transform (TGST). The temporalGraph Signal Transform is an extension to time series ofthe Graph Signal Transform for static signals on complexnetworks [19–23]. We use the TGST to decompose the timeseries of the spins in the Laplacian eigenbasis, which carriesinformation about the structure of the network.

    The projection of the dynamics on the Laplacian eigenvec-tors has emerged in the realm of dynamical systems to suc-cessfully uncover, in reaction-diffusion and synchronizationsystems, complex patterns of activity on networks [20–31].On the other hand, in the signal processing community, theGraph Signal Transform has recently acquired resonance inthe wider context of graph signal processing with a morepronounced data-driven streak. Indeed, in this latter field,such tools have already been applied, in different forms,for signal analysis such as functional Magnetic ResonanceImaging time series [32] or image compression [33] as wellas graph characterization and community detection [34,35].The crucial feature of the TGST, which explains its power andversatility, is its ability to analyze data on irregular domainssuch as complex networks.

    By using the TGST, we can quantify the importance ofeach eigenmode by computing the spatial power spectrum. Wefind that irrespective of the specific topology, the functionalform of the power spectrum characterizes a state. This clearlyshows that a selection of modes is at play. In this paper wewill show that the XY dynamics resonates with specific graphsubstructures, leading to the same macroscopic state.

    This paper is structured as follows. We briefly introduce theXY spin model in Sec. II A along with the several macroscopicbehaviors it displays on networks in Sec. II B. We then proceedby introducing the general framework of the Graph SignalTransform in Sec. II C. We present and discuss our findings inSec. III and summarize in Sec. IV.


    A. The XY spin model on networks

    We consider the XY spin model, a well known model instatistical mechanics, on various network topologies. In thismodel, the dynamics of the spins is parametrized by an angleθi(t) and its canonically associated momentum pi(t). Eachspin i is then located on a network vertex and interacts with thespins in Vi , the set of vertices connected to i. The Hamiltonianof the system reads

    H =N∑



    2+ J




    [1 − cos(θi − θj )], (1)

    where θi ∈ [0,2π ], J > 0, and 〈k〉 is the average degree of thenetwork. The dynamics is given by the following Hamiltonequations:

    θ̇i = pi,ṗi = − J〈k〉


    sin(θi − θj ). (2)

    As we are in the microcanonical ensemble, the energy H[Eq. (1)] is conserved along with the total momentum P ≡∑

    i pi/N , which itself is conserved because of the translationalinvariance of the system.

    In order to determine the amount of coherence in thesystem, we define the order parameter M = |M|, where themagnetization M is defined by

    M ≡(




    cos θi,1



    sin θi

    ). (3)

    In the stationary state, it is possible to measure M , where thebar stands for the temporal mean. In the magnetized phase,all rotors point in the same direction and M ∼ 1, while in thenonmagnetized phase there is no preferred direction for therotors and M ∼ 0.

    B. Phenomenology on networks

    Our choice of the XY model was motivated by the variety ofmacroscopic behaviors displayed when the rotors interact on acomplex network at low energies. We now briefly recapitulatethis phenomenology in order to give the background uponwhich the present work is based. The behavior of the XY modelon complex networks has been explored in Refs. [12,14,15,36],where the authors considered the thermodynamics on threedifferent topologies: k-regular networks, Watts-Strogatz (WS)small-world networks [37], and Lace networks [15]. Herea k-regular networks refers to a network where nodes arearranged on a one-dimensional ring and connected to their k/2next-nearest neighbors on each side [14]. The Lace networksare generated from a k-regular network where each link can berewired with probability p to a node within a range r ∝ �Nδ,0 < δ � 1, where the distance is measured by hops alongthe original ring (see Fig. 1). The Lace network model is avariant of the WS network model with an additional constrainton the rewiring process. In the following we will review thebehavior of the XY spin model on the three network modelswe considered (see Table I for a summary of the topologicalconditions for each phase to exist).

    1. k-regular graphs

    The nodal degree k ∝ �Nβ, with 0 < β � 1, determinesthe stationary state of the model. A nonmagnetized phase ispresent at all energies H for β < 0.5. By contrast, a magne-

    FIG. 1. Practical construction of a Lace network for N = 14,k = 2, and r = �√N = 3. The starting configuration is in orangeand the dotted green links are the possible rewirings allowed withinthe range r .



    TABLE I. Summary of the topological conditions leading to a specific macroscopic state: For WS networks pWS ∝ 1/Nβ+1 [12] and forLace networks p∗(N,r) is the probability required for the network to display an effective dimension of 2 [15]. For a given N , the exponents βand δ determine k and r as k ∝ Nβ and r ∝ Nδ , respectively. With the values listed in the table below, these conditions yield, for N = 2048,k = 45 for the SO generated by k-regular networks and r = 45 in the Lace generated SO state. For all Lace networks we use β = 0.2 in orderto obtain sparse networks.

    State k-regular WS Lace

    Magnetized β > 0.5 p > pWS δ > 0.5 ∧ p � p∗Supraoscillating β = 0.5 δ = 0.5 ∧ p � p∗Nonmagnetized β < 0.5 β < 0.5 ∧ p < pWS δ < 0.5,δ � 0.5 ∧ p < p∗

    tized phase is observed for β > 0.5 and low-energy densities,i.e., ε = H/N � 0.8 [14]. For β = 0.5, a highly oscillatingstate emerges, in which the order parameter M is affected bypersistent macroscopic fluctuations (Fig. 2) [14,15]. At oddswith the classic behaviors, these fluctuations are persistent overtime: They have been observed in simulations up to 10 timeslonger than the usual relaxation to equilibrium time. Moreover,it has been shown that they are not due to finite-size effects:The fluctuations cannot be tamed by increasing the systemsize as their variance displays a remarkable stability acrossdifferent system sizes [12,36]. We will refer to this state as thesupraoscillating state.

    2. WS networks

    The only topological parameter governing the thermo-dynamics is the rewiring probability p. When p > pWS ∝1/Nβ+1, the network possesses the small-world property. Theproportion of long-range links introduced by the rewiringprocess increases the effective correlation length and thesystem is in the magnetized state for all values of β (Fig. 3). Forp < pWS, we recover the existence of a nonmagnetized phase.Interestingly, it is not possible to observe the supraoscillatingstate on a WS network between p < pWS and p > pWS as in

    FIG. 2. Temporal behavior of the magnetization M(t) for thethree asymptotically stable regimes of the XY model: the nonmag-netized regime (bottom line), the supraoscillating regime (middleline), and the magnetized regime (top line). The underlying topologyhere is a Lace network of 16 384 nodes at ε = 0.365 withthe following parameters: nonmagnetized, δ = 0.5 and p = 0.001;supraoscillating, δ = 0.5 and p = 0.9; and magnetized, δ = 0.75 andp = 0.9.

    the case of the k-regular graph, for any value of β. Even a smallamount of unconstrained randomness has a homogenizingeffect on the dynamics, making the potential parameter spacein which the supraoscillating state could exist extremely small,and precludes its observation in practice.

    3. Lace networks

    Lace networks sit on the boundary between the k-regulargraphs and WS networks. The constraint on the rewiringrange partially preserves the regularity of the k-regular graph.This additional constraint enables the network to retrieve thesupraoscillating state that disappears for WS networks. It isworth stressing that Lace networks display the supraoscillatingstate without the need for a density of links that was necessaryfor the k-regular networks. All the results for Lace networks areactually obtained in an extremely sparse setting, namely, β =0.2. The reason is that for those networks the crucial parameteris the rewiring range δ: For δ = 0.5, a rewiring probabilityp∗ exists above which the supraoscillating phase sets in. Thenonmagnetized and magnetized phases are separated by the







    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1



    MF phasetransition

    second order phase transition

    FIG. 3. Phase portrait of the XY model on k-regular and small-world networks. On the x axis is the rewiring probability of theWS small-world model and on the y axis is the β parameter givingthe degree k ∝ Nβ . The bold line for 0 < β < 0.5 indicates thenonmagnetized regime. The dot at β = 0.5 represents the oscillatingregime. The stars mark the parameters set of the k-regular and WSnetworks used in Figs. 4 and 5. Finally, “MF” stands for the classicalmean-field second order phase transition, occurring at ε = 0.75, whilein the region marked by “second order phase transition” the transitionenergy is affected by the (β,p) parameters [12].



    same probability p∗ for δ > 0.5, as long-range interactionsare needed to keep the system in the magnetized phase. Inthe δ < 0.5 case, the rewiring range is too short to allowthe emergence of a coherent state. Finally, we note that theprobability p∗ depends on the size of the network, as it isrelated to an effective network dimension [15]. It is thereforenot possible to have a phase portrait for Lace networks as it isfor k-regular and WS networks in Fig. 3. In the present study,the parameters δ and p are chosen according to the system sizeN in order to obtain a specific target state.

    C. Temporal Graph Signal Transform

    In the preceding section we summarized the topologicalconditions for each phase of the XY spin model on the networkmodels we considered. The three phases are identified bythe behavior of the magnetization that is blind to the finercoherence patterns in the evolution of the spins. From theconditions on the parameters summarized in Table I to generateunderlying networks, it is evident that topology plays a crucialrole in the emergence of a specific phase. It is therefore naturalto use structural information about the underlying networkto characterize each phase. To disentangle the relationshipbetween the structure and the macroscopic behavior inducedby the dynamics, we will use the TGST approach to highlightthe importance of whole network structures to explain thetemporal evolution of the orientation of the spins.

    Before going into the specifics of the present analysis, wepresent the general framework of the TGST. Let us supposethat we have a static undirected graph G in which the state ofthe nodes change over time. The activity of node i at time t isdenoted by the scalar variable xi(t) and the state of the systemis represented by the vector x(t) ≡ [x1(t),x2(t), . . . ,xN (t)].When the activities of the nodes are coupled, it is thenconvenient to use an N × N matrix A, whose (i,j ) elementdescribes the interaction between nodes i and j such that theevolution of x can be written in all generality as x(t + 1) =F (A,x). For instance, the XY model dynamic equations (2)can be recast in matrix form as

    θ̇ = p,ṗ = − J〈k〉 sin(θ)

    ᵀA cos(θ ) − cos(θ )ᵀA sin(θ), (4)

    where A is the underlying network adjacency matrix, sin(θ ) =[sin(θ1), . . . , sin(θN )]ᵀ and similarly for cos(θ), and T denotesthe vector transposition. Let us furthermore suppose that thematrix A is real and symmetric. By the spectral theorem, Ahas the eigenvectors {vα} and their associated eigenvalues λα(α = 0,2, . . . ,N − 1). The Graph Signal Transform consistsin projecting the activities x(t) at time t onto the set ofeigenvectors vα:

    x̂α(t) =N∑


    iα, (5)

    where viα is the ith component of vα . Up to proper nor-malization of x(t), x̂α(t) can be interpreted as the similaritybetween the signal x(t) and the structure described by vα .Common examples of the matrix A are the adjacency matrixA, describing the connectivity of the network or the Laplacian

    matrix L, governing diffusion processes. The Laplacian L isdefined by L ≡ D − A, where is D ≡ diag(k1,k2, . . . ,kN ) andki is the degree of node i.

    The choice of interaction matrix, and its associated eigen-basis for the TGST, can be chosen freely: The choice of theoperator used to decompose the signal, e.g., the adjacencymatrix or a Laplacian-type operator, will emphasize differentaspects of the original signal due to their intrinsic filteringproperties [38]. In this study we used the Laplacian eigenbasisto decompose the time series of the spins in the three statesof the XY model, because from an operator point of view, itquantifies the signal smoothness [39]. The Laplacian operatorhas been used to study systems close to synchronization: Forexample, the dynamics of Kuramoto oscillators interactingon networks via diffusive coupling close to synchronisationcan be linearized and written with the Laplacian L. TheLaplacian eigenbasis is therefore a natural choice to investigatethe synchronization phenomena [40–42]. Examples of suchanalysis include the master stability function analysis of thesynchronous states [43–45], the effects of network structure onsynchrony [20,21,46,47], and the synchrony of nonidenticaloscillators [48]. We also note that the XY dynamics in themagnetized state can be well approximated by the Laplaciandynamics, but we stress that using the Laplacian operator todecompose the time series yields compelling results for allphases, including when the dynamics is nonlinear, indicatingthat the TGST approach is versatile and a powerful and generictool to analyze time series on networks.

    The correspondence between the Graph Signal Transformand the discrete spatial Fourier transform is evident fromEq. (5). This gives the keys for a better grasp of signal smooth-ness and how eigenvectors are be used to represent signalat different levels of granularity. Indeed, each eigenvectorvα represents a specific weighted node structure associatedwith the corresponding eigenvalue λα . In this context, theeigenvalue can be interpreted as a coherence length, in thesame way that each Fourier mode is associated with a waveof specific wavelength. With this parallel in mind, a smalleigenvalue is associated with a long wavelength, the extremeexample being the zero eigenvalue λ0 = 0 that correspondsto the connectedness of the network and to the uniformeigenvector v0 ∝ (1 . . . 1). Due to the possible degeneracy ofthe eigenvalues, it is in general not possible to establish abijection between the wavelength, i.e., the eigenvalue, andthe wave, i.e., the eigenvector. This is, for example, thecase for k-regular graphs that have very high symmetries(see Sec. III B). We also note that as the eigenvalues of theLaplacian satisfy 0 = λ1 � λ1 � · · · � λN , the eigenvaluesare naturally ordered by decreasing wavelength.


    In this section we apply the TGST using the Laplacianeigenbasis to the time series generated by the XY spin modelin the three stationary phases on the three network models. Bydoing this analysis, we aim at (i) finding the eigenmodes thatsupport each macroscopic phase, (ii) investigating the spectralfeatures of each phase that are commonly observed acrossdifferent network models, and (iii) interpreting these spectralfeatures in a geometric or structural way.



    A. Numerical simulations

    In this section we describe the specifics of the numericalsimulations we performed. We run molecular dynamics simu-lations of the isolated system in Eqs. (2), starting with Gaussianinitial conditions N (0,T ) for {θi,pi}, with T the temperature.With these initial conditions, the total momentum P istherefore set at 0 without loss of generality. The simulationsare performed by integrating the dynamic equations (2) withthe fifth-order optimal symplectic integrator, described inRef. [49], with a time step of t = 0.05. This integratingscheme allows us to check the accuracy of the numericalintegration; we verified at each time step that the conservedquantities of the system, energy H and total momentum P , areeffectively constant over time. Once the network topology andthe size N are fixed, we monitor the average magnetizationM(ε) for each energy ε = H/N in the physical range. Wecompute the temporal mean M on the second half of thesimulation, after checking that the magnetization has reacheda stationary state and only use this part of the simulations inour analyses. The simulation time tf is typically of O(105).Finally, the system sizes considered for our analyses rangefrom N = 210 to N = 213.

    B. Laplacian mode excitation

    As detailed in Sec. II B, the XY spin model possesses thepotential to display three macroscopic regimes in response

    to different network topologies and Fig. 2 demonstrates thetypical temporal behavior of the magnetization M for the mag-netized, nonmagnetized, and supraoscillating phases. We pointout that the fluctuations of the magnetization are due tofinite-size effects and only disappear in the thermodynamiclimit, with the exception of the supraoscillating state, for whichthey are intrinsic [12,36].

    The first step of our analysis aims at characterizing thestationary states and their fluctuations: A finite magnetizationtriggers the tendency of the spins, on average, to rotate coher-ently, thus displaying a symmetry breaking, while they rotatealmost incoherently when M ∼ 0. As we are interested in char-acterizing the stationary states of the XY model, we detrendthe time series of the spins θ(t) ∈ [0,2π ]N by removing theirtemporal mean value θ̄ . We therefore express the detrendedtime series using the decomposition in Eq. (5) and computethe power spectrum |θ̂α(t)|2 and consider its temporal average

    Īα ≡ 1tf − tf /2

    tf∑s=tf /2

    |θ̂α(s)|2, (6)

    which we refer to as the spatial power spectrum. We can thusassociate a power spectrum with each macroscopic phase. Wewill now detail the Laplacian spectra and power spectra foreach macroscopic state shown in Fig. 4. We observe thatthe power spectra for each state are strikingly similar forthe different topologies, which are nevertheless characterized

    FIG. 4. Spatial power spectra (top row) and the spectra (bottom row) for the different macroscopic states and network topologies consideredin this article: k-regular, Watts-Strogatz, and Lace networks. (a) Nonmagnetized state, where the spectra for the Lace and WS networks arequasioverlapping. (b) Supraoscillating state without Watts-Strogatz networks, as they do not have parameters that accommodate this state. Thepower spectra are displayed on a log-log scale to show the hierarchy in eigenmodes. (c) Magnetized state. The networks have size N = 2048 andthe following topological parameters: For Lace networks β = 0.2 and (a) δ = 0.5 and p = 0.0001, (b) δ = 0.5 and p = 0.5, and (c) δ = 0.75and p = 0.5; for k-regular networks (a) β = 0.25, (b) β = 0.5, and (c) β = 0.75; and for WS networks (a) β = 0.25 and p = 0.000 07 and(c) β = 0.25 and p = 0.5.



    FIG. 5. Average spectra (insets) and average spatial power spectra for n = 10 realizations of WS and Lace networks, with error barsin purple. The small magnitude of the variability of the eigenvalues across realizations justifies the averaging of the power spectra acrossrealizations, which are shown in each figure, with error bars. The figures presented here make evident the robustness of our findings with respectto noise that could be introduced by different realizations of the same network model: (a) nonmagnetized and (b) magnetized small-worldnetworks and (c) nonmagnetized, (d) supraoscillating, and (e) magnetized Lace networks.

    by different spectra and eigenbasis, as we display in Figs. 4and 5. This strongly suggests the existence of some specificsubstructures that drive the spatial power spectrum and thatmust be common to all networks on which the dynamics is run.

    1. Magnetized state

    The Laplacian spectrum for the k-regular graph is highlydegenerated, reflecting the regularity of the network, whilethe spectra for the WS and the Lace networks are verysimilar, showing similar structure and nondegeneracy due therandom rewiring. On the other hand, the power spectra areunsurprisingly largely dominated by the first eigenvalue as itrepresents the constant component of the signal that dominatesas the magnetization is essentially constant. While the spectrafor the Lace and WS networks are very close, the spectrumfor the k-regular network is very different, strengthening ourpoint that specific substructure, potentially independent of thenetwork model considered, drives the macroscopic dynamics.

    2. Nonmagnetized state

    The nonmagnetized state is akin to a random state, asthe spins only weakly interact and no long-range order ispresent. This is directly reflected by the small contributionsfrom all eigenmodes, as there is barely an order of magnitudedifference between the largest and smallest amplitudes. Thecontribution of the eigenvalues decays monotonically andslower than algebraically and the spectra for the three network

    models are very similar; the Lace and WS spectra are evenquasioverlapping.

    3. Supraoscillating state

    The power spectrum signature of the state that only existsfor the k-regular and Lace networks is the most interesting. Thefat tail and its seemingly power-law decrease hints at the notionof hierarchy in the spatial modes that explain the nontamableoscillating patterns, as the magnetization is eventually a resultof the superposition of all the spatial modes.

    It is worth stressing once more that the persistence of thepower spectra shape across the k-regular, WS, and Lace net-works is highly nontrivial: Those networks are fundamentallydifferent from a structural point of view and these differencesare mirrored by their dissimilar spectra. Nevertheless, ouranalysis shows how the stationary dynamics of the XY modelselects specific eigenvectors whose properties are likely sharedby these graphs.

    To conclude this section, it is interesting to note thatalthough the contribution of the eigenmodes decreases withthe eigenvalues, they do so nonmonotonically. We investigatethis phenomenon in the next section.

    C. Consistency across network realizations

    The WS and Lace networks have an element of randomnessin their construction. It is therefore crucial to verify thatthe properties of the spectra and power spectra we observed



    FIG. 6. Effect of the system size on the power spectra for the (a) nonmagnetized, (b) supraoscillating, and (c) magnetized states. Theunderlying networks are Lace networks of sizes 1000, 2048, 4096, and 8192 nodes with the following parameters: nonmagnetized, δ = 0.5 andp = 0.0001; supraoscillating, δ = 0.5 and p = 0.5; and magnetized, δ = 0.75 and p = 0.5. We used a log-log scale for (b) to emphasize theparticular participation of the modes in the spectra.

    in the preceding section are not accidental, but genuinelyrepresentative of a class of networks. We generated n = 10realizations of the two types of networks in each state theycan support (see Fig. 5). The spectra of the Laplacians areremarkably consistent, as shown by the small error bars.This small magnitude of the variability of the eigenvaluesacross realizations justifies the averaging of the power spectraacross realizations. It is remarkable that this variance, affectingparticular structures of the networks, does not have any effecton the power spectra, as they are all very consistent withlow variance, except for some noise at the beginning of thepower spectra. The emerging macroscopic properties are notaffected by the local differences induced by the variance andthe structural differences between the Lace and WS, whichmake Lace networks support the supraoscillating state and notthe WS network, are robust to the noise that is introduced bydifferent realizations of the same network model.

    Earlier, we pointed out the nonmonotonic decrease of theeigenmodes amplitude with the eigenvalues, on top of a clearoverall decreasing trend. On the one hand, these fluctuationscould be due to stochastic effects of particular networkrealization that are ironed out when an ensemble average istaken. On the other hand, they could be genuine and due solelyto the dynamics. To investigate the cause of these fluctuations,we averaged the power spectra for the different realizationof Lace networks and observed that both scenarios happen.In the case of the magnetized and supraoscillating states,the curves become very smooth and decrease monotonicallyand the nonmagnetized power spectrum remains intrinsicallynoisy. This is not particularly surprising, as the first twostates contain some degree of order and even a handful ofrealizations are enough to even out the fluctuations. On thecontrary, the behavior of the spins in the nonmagnetized stateis essentially uncorrelated. This randomness is heightened bythe randomness inherent to the generation of the Lace networksand the power spectrum strongly carries the mark of thisstructural randomness, contrary to the case of the two otherstates, where the temporal structure, induced by underlyingnetwork structure, is enough to cancel the variations inthe structure. Finally, in Fig. 6 we present evidence thatthe power spectral signatures for the Lace networks are not

    due to finite-size effects. The shape of the power spectra andthe relative importance of the eigenmodes are consistent fornetworks of sizes N = 1000,2048,4096,8192.


    In this paper we presented the temporal Graph SignalTransform, a method to decompose time-dependent signalsexisting on the nodes of a network, using a basis thatincorporates structural information. We applied the TGSTto the time series of the spins of the XY spin model inits three possible macroscopic states on three different networktopologies. We found clear spatial power spectral signaturesthat characterize each state. Importantly, these signaturesare robust across topologies and to structural variability indifferent realizations of the Watts-Strogatz and Lace networks.In all cases, the power spectra are dominated by smalleigenvalues, which correspond to smoother structures. Theshape of the power spectra and their decrease reflect thebehavior of the macroscopic magnetization of the three statesin Fig. 2: The only significant contribution of the magnetizedstate is the constant eigenvector; the nonmagnetized state isalso dominated by the constant eigenvector, but there arenon-negligible contributions from higher modes, whose powerdecays exponentially. This is consistent with the notion thatin the nonmagnetized state, the spins oscillate in a randomfashion. Finally, the power spectrum of the supraoscillatingstate displays a power-law-like decay, hinting that a hier-archy of modes exists and elucidating the origin of thisstate.

    These results offer an avenue to characterize not onlymacroscopic states in statistical mechanics models but alsothe behavior of real-world systems. This technique is powerfulenough to circumvent traditional problems such as the need touse finite-size scaling to take into account finite-size effects.This study constitutes a step to quantify and identify keynetwork features that support collective states and opens manyquestions to fully understand this tool. An investigation ofthe characterization of the structures of the eigenvectors toclearly pinpoint the key mesoscopic structures that supportthe dynamics, effectively constituting a centrality measure



    for network structures, would be relevant to understand thelocalisation properties of the Laplacian eigenvectors and theireffect on the dynamics. A parallel line of investigation isthe combination of spatial and temporal frequencies to definedispersion relations for networks, potentially giving a simplecriterion to classify networks. Finally, the effect of the basischosen for the decomposition of the signal, as a different basiswill emphasize different properties of the original signal, isleft for future investigation.


    P.E. acknowledges financial support from a PET method-ology program grant from MRCUK (Grant No. G1100809/1).P.E. and T.T. acknowledge financial support for reciprocal vis-its from a DAIWA Small Grant from the DAIWA Foundation.This work was partly supported by Bilateral Joint ResearchProject between JSPS, Japan, and FRS FNRS, Belgium.

    P.E. and S.d.N. contributed equally to this work.

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