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Grant Proposal Basics 101

Office of Research & Sponsored Programs

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My Grant History

Summary:20 grant proposals funded~ $700,00 dollars

Types of grants:•Fellowships•Travel Awards•Research•Program

Types of projects:•Research•Service•Instruction

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Topics Covered Today

Grant writing myths

Generating a fundable idea

Why some grant proposals get funded & some don’t

What sponsors want to know

Types of grant proposals

Anatomy of a grant proposal

Resources & help available

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Grant writing myths

• There is no money available.• Money goes to big, prestigious institutions.• Successful grant writing requires connections.• Meeting the deadline is the most important goal of a

successful grant writer.• Collaborating with colleagues will give more time for

grant writing.• Grants are awarded to those applicants with the

greatest needs.

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Turning a want or need into a marketable idea

Which paints a better picture?

“Our computers are old, we really need new ones.“


“Students who are disconnected from school can become engaged if we use computers to teach real-life applications of reading, math, and science...”

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Why do some grant proposals get funded while others do not?

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Grant Proposals Get Funded When…

● They meet the stated criteria.

● They have measurable goals and objectives.

● They follow the sponsor’s guidelines.

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Most of all, grant proposals get funded when…

• They boil a program down into a “marketable idea”.

• The proposed study is original, significant, based on a valid hypothesis, has logical aims, and adequate procedures.

• They answer the basic questions in the minds of the sponsor.

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What Do Sponsors Want to Know?• Why should we give you the


• What do you want to do with the money?

• Who will control the money once we give it to you?

• How will we know whether you did what you said you would with the money?

• Will we be glad we gave you the money?

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Three Basic Grant Proposal Formats• Concept Paper contains a brief description (3-7 pgs.) of the proposed project. The

“1040 EZ” of grant world. Preferred by foundations and small agencies.

• Letter of Inquiry

contains basic information in a 1-3 page statement. Foundations use Letters of Inquiry to prescreen applicants. Sometimes called a “query letter.”

• Grant Proposal

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• Abstract/Summary• Proposal Narrative:

1. Needs Statement 2. Project Description 3. Project/Research Plan 4. Evaluation Plan5. Future Plans

• Budget & Budget Narrative• Literature cited/ Bibliography• Appendices: Support Letters/Other Info

Anatomy of a Grant Proposal

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Helpful Hints for Proposal NarrativeMake it reader-friendly…..

• Use headings and bullets.• Leave some white space.• Use a reasonable font size.• Leave at least 1” margins.• Use good figures and tables to illustrate complex ideas or to paint

a picture, but don’t overwhelm.

Aim for clarity…

• Use topic sentences.• Provide concrete evidence.• Use active vs. passive voice.• No spelling or grammar errors.

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More on clarity…• Do my paragraphs contain only one major point each? • Do I use short, basic sentences that average 20 words

or less?

• Do I include transitions to show the relationship between my ideas, using words such as: furthermore, additionally, in other words, in another area, in contrast, following the same path, and moving to the next stage?

• Do I keep related ideas and information together, e.g., put clauses and phrases as close as possible to (preferably right after) the words they modify?

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Needs Statement

• It presents the facts and evidence that support the need for the project and establishes that you understand the problems and can address them.

• Include both institutional and community needs.

• Gather all relevant data.

• Make connections between a sponsor’s funding priorities and your needs.

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Project Description

One or two paragraphs that summarize the project with specifics of who, what, why, where, when, for how long and for how much.

If the project has separate components, these are summarized.

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Project Plan

• Describes the goals, objectives, and activities of your project.

• Goals – overarching, conceptual, abstract.

• Objectives – the measurable outcomes of the program; tangible, specific, concrete, measurable and achievable.

• Activities – support the realization of goals and objectives through specific actions.

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Evaluation Plan

• Allows you and sponsor to determine if you achieved your goals and objectives.

• Explains how success of project will be measured.

• Describes any tracking and documentation to be completed.

• Make measurements as specific as possible.

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Future Plans

• Describes how the program will be continued after funding cycle is completed.

• Describes how project will be replicated or shared.

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Budget• One of the most critical sections of the proposal – make sure it matches the


• Start developing the budget early.

• All expenses implied in the proposal narrative must be accounted for in the budget either as requested funds (direct costs) or as cost-sharing.

• Budget should have each expense or “line item” grouped in categories called “objects”.

• Wherever possible, include the calculations that you used to find totals.

Example: Supplies - 60 workbooks@$15=900

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Budget Narrative

• This is the text that provides explanation as well as justification for your budget request.

• Cover every year of the project in detail.

• Discuss how you estimated the cost of your line items.

• Demonstrate that it is reasonable, cost-effective, and integrates other sources of funding if applicable.

• Make sure the narrative matches the budget.

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Appendices & Support Letters

• Include all required appendices and follow all instructions exactly.

• You may be allowed to include additional “optional” information, but remember, many reviewers will read only the required sections.

• Start gathering letters of support and appendices


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Before you submit…

• Ask colleagues to review your grant proposal.

• Check sponsor’s guidelines against your grant proposal.

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The final word on grant proposals…

Don’t give up

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Your Questions?
