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India World’s Prominent Granite Exporter

India needs no introduction in terms of its granite exports to world. This document is available on behalf of GrandVaultGroup, which is India’s leading exporter of granite. In this write up, we will try to find out what are the possible reasons behind India’s emergence as the world’s leading player in the granite market. India’s upper or northern part is known for the marble exports while southern part is known for its granite mines. If we try to explore the reasons then there are many reasons and we are going to access them all one by one:

Page 2: Granite Exporter in India. Singapore and UAE

Reason Number 1: Government’s Policy

Indian government flexible rule for the granite export is a prominent reason why export from India is skiing. In the last few years, many new rules have come by government but it is still quite easy to have exports from India though plenty of things have changed in the last few years. Many countries namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Argentina and others are also enriched with the granite but in the name of natural decay they have set threshold boundary for the exports.

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Reason no 2: Infra of India

India’s world class infra is also a prime reason why country has emerged as a major trading venue. India is home to some of the finest airport, seaports and highways. Government has also taken steps to make infra further better and process is still on. Good infra of India is not benefiting only granite business as other businesses are also enjoying out of it. India has made considerable development in infrastructure and things are still going on.

Reason 3: Sea Range and Port

India has hundreds of major cities located at the sea cost and sea ports. India is country where more than two third of the area has sea boundary. Many cities namely Chennai, Mumbai, Mangalore, vizag etc are known for the seaport business. Most of the granite gets imported from these seaports so infra is also a reason why country is expanding in terms of business. Few government agencies are also involved in the process.

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Reason 4: Granite Mines in India

In southern part of India, you will easily find granite mines mainly in the state of the Karnataka, Tamil nadu, Kerala, Jharkhand etc. These states are not very far from sea cost so this thing should be also taken into consideration. Government has also built roads from mines to the nearest possible sea ports.

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