
    mthan Any Other Paper,


    M i a k M Martial fart**


    ft MUM, B.K.


    I. •.JOLLKY, Proprietor,

    | UUMMIIR,




    AW, SQRUSto give tetlafaeltaa thsrsver

    • r w k M I to at

    BOTIl, ». I




    PAHK HOTEL..a.». MawsoisB


    rSaar, Ooaa. l i» , Chnui

    * a r Xew'aadtaMUMlatestc of

    , r.JIa»at0muaSwa. faja itatiiitlat

    at a*a M fut Mmaa la kla aaw laM.

    nac T tannacai. T, tain,nxaaora, al«tik,Utf.

    D M I I I : - l aaall ba batty » have yeaaaa aayaaaa with Mberaaa yea aaggest. Ilaa leave Haebuasewa we an gfaijtawlll

    laearaeDsver. Maoerely years.I. W.Huiuui.D.D.

    . raaaaui-OaarWr: If tba its ita» la if aay beaell J. arelereaee, |MaM U af aay biaalil

    fdiaaiuull. V.

    as not a ZZZ,.WHY MT fVERY MAN IWi

    Hit IWNHtMCT


    TOWN LOTS!TIM MIlMVtM ! • • • Will fc# MM

    In quoting prioes below many of our ous-

    tomers will oertainly remember ltut August

    whea we inaugurated a tpeoial tale of shoes

    at suoh marvelounly low prioes that inquiry

    for them continued for months after every

    pair was closed out The shoes offered veri-

    fied the truth of our statement at the time

    and demonstrated that when we advertised

    shoes at just one-half their oost, though it

    looked improbable, was absolutely true. The

    same may be said of this speoial sale,

    single pair will be misrepresented.

    To oommenoe we will offer about 600 pairs

    of all kinds of shoes for Men, Women and

    Children, consisting of the stock that we

    purchased of Mr. James Gain, who recently

    removed from town, at just ezaotly

    prioe. Ia addition we will offer

    » J n . WoeHn'a Kid Button for $1.311; (orraer price M 85.

    « .' 1.90: " " 1.75.

    " Diagonal Top BntloB lot W.00; lenur prior M.M. ,

    Wean Kid Button " 1.00; " " 1.00.

    " 1.95; " » J.5C.

    UniM's Ki 1 Spring Heel, site 8 lo 10), M.00; loraatr prire 11.75.

    " linlloo, from t lo 8,60o.; forraer price 11.95,

    Ialm'«8boet, 80t>.; lotumr price rjSc.

    And a large quantity of broken sizes and

    widths at just one-half their actual cost. An

    early oall will enable customers to obtain

    beet selections.


    «HiHM X T00BBM8,

    uimu us un ma,

    PAINTS, OILB,fco.



    BWWB^BIBMW fla^k^Cl tt^AMggggfft^ig1fWij Af-f-fS-y

    AitM tar Monk tea tka adfolaieg





    wnm.ii. *,

    Jhart aal laflr Mm, -fidM to m,ttmf)frtm a ka la a oar laaA

    '2*33can, Torns, *m> AH JUKDI O»

    MM AmjanauL WATMSS

    IT Wa panuai aD an pala ta »aakMlrp»aM»|rnaulraaallal>akta.


    IreqUlaf fcc tana aa4 OaMaa.




    one-half —iyi~

    la a fiaa ooaatrr bjkaUalonwboaoari Ih.Ufkt, aaai IroalljaUoa aad lak( Ika

    b to k It ia tka

    Mta Ua uiaMabU aa4 4aau|ti|baanUojwtol. WtalhairaatlatMrf. thit> Iwaatj jaara of prataa.that) Itanaul i«a foM aa4 radaod tkamt l i th lM i t l t t t ttoonataMt. Bajar

    M a oaaapnuitili aaaU Itdtatrf, aid


    Carj| g M s EsttlilistoitIN THE STATE. '

    100,000 worth of all that teaft to bemtily a I w t

    awl Mike it aUrtctlTe sat fleatut.

    73 HARKST STRUT,otm to Uw oiliMBi of Dorm snd TioUilr the l u g * i»oek of


    0ARPBTS1 CARPETS ICoBtiiting of WILTOII, IloQcn, TIIAIT, Bool txa T u w t n

    nui, 3 anil 2-plj IKOEUOT «t a redaction of from lOah)20J. per )»rd, below regalmr prioe.

    PARLOR SUITS.fnmea of W«ln-ut, Chemr, Ebony u d Antique O»k. In coieringfat *U the Uteri »nd ehoioeat p»tten« u d eolon, fiWB t6 to • »

    per salt let* tbu can be pnrchMed dtowhere.

    BEDROOM SUITS.900 Bedroom Suite in Talnnt, Ihhoguw, Aatiqw Otk, ChetTjr and

    A«h. Theienito were manafwliind during the dull Wintermonths, eoanqaentlT wo an tell them iiaa t6 to

    120 per Mit leu than anj other houw.

    LOUNGES.00 Loungee of our own manufacture in all nrietr of ooreringi.

    Good Bed Lounge only $4.75.

    CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES.300 Curitge., bought doling the doll wuon, and teffing tL to Si

    per earriBge below regular prices, (rood carriage for M.7 5.

    LOMRM. KattrttiM. Sidrtoarif. Chttooim, roldlac0U Clotht, aUtttai. a t tm. EantN, tte., at

    (TWtlr ndaoci prioti.

    I will take ordera for gooda at the «ame low prim » I hncbeen selling at until April l it , and hold them until

    wanted, without charge.



    NEWARK, N. J.


    Tka M.|inbUo» Kicortl; ol tte W.j . mjd•aaaa GaBtdtUa, Ihitngh Mr. McKlolej,t a n atda laair anaal, hooeat ami Coroibl,( a t a f t l H l tto Mllla Tarif BUI. Ttalattaa klattrka of Caoaiaai will naliK Ibal

    l a l i i h i i f a i k i l i l - • I H | l iat tiara aaaanaaaai Ikao Ika >aakiU(iil, asjaot, nautili tad diaiatatjaal larif billwUakavhaatftaatMia marnj lu.iok-tleaetat AaKiiaa tad Eaailak Ueaa atlalaatliMal la, latanab iMallnl lo be

    Mr. Clevelead's free trad, message bad atleast Ika writ • ( beldaeaa. ButwbeaHi•ilia aad ta. aaljatily of Ike W.ys and' asCosa.rHs.begu. l o a m y oat free

    tradeaalloaira detail tke; acted like or-gaaialad a midnight raid on banks andatom aad wmnotiaia. Then ia act anbones* Douoerat In Congress or la Ihe eonntry who oagbt not to feel ashamed for thetepmnMiva of his paltw, ol wbom-whencharged with Ibe work of altering Ihe larig- i l oeald ba trulbfully said, aa it la truthtally said by tha minority report, that '• iltaa tisMonad outside of the House;" that

    It waa ptaaaalad naiyrode by the chair-atanof Ike eonralllee, wa, framed, compWad aid printed witboatlhe kaowltdge of

    auaoritj aid without ooMderatioa orlalla fall eoaiaalltaa;" that "if

    as ; aoHnltatlaao wan held l i e uloorllj• « a auladal," and that II n a ttaa report-adlolh. ODUiltu. alter Ihrea aujalb. ofIhla "dark laalara," partlau iad anlkHalataaplraojrliaiaal tka protaoled lalareata of

    Ika teraa aadtarrila iadMaaM wUoh the•efatUaaa aliorttr ol lha W . J I aad Hit r i l l agaltlt lha apadto laJuttlHa ol the•arlf that waa huud ID aaent, will p to

    a) tkaetaatriwHb frail ataat. Tb. BliorUjr ban Ika

    " lhttiialwaj,«|»7«i

    tab/ a aaall parUoa af Ika oautrr laaftUaUefarltaaaltara. btUaetiHrrwaatapatwaattutha weal wa aaai. b«t caaaalr aatflr a Terr —all porUoa af oaraHdalaaifW. f l ta wall waaM tejart a

    af Aawkai (mart waan baa aafarwtaMltiiraiatAawiaarJaiiar. Tel lhaWile SaaatnHt haa trad, p n p u n ep p M la aaha fraa trade la Waal aid Millentaalamr. Wo waald like lo h.r. tha

    maraaawir If II la booaat to bnakdawaaUthaaalirodhtKonkaadit lha

    llaii ortteH a p l i l i >a*ieeae*>eflto loath 1

    Ok aal wkeawer«ooiMlof tUfor-ataaaaH, wo wli aat wy aa M u d lha oot-taalai,artepaaalaa rebel talana,,ortotar «a ratal **t ,erloloaurotWonaat Ike w t t t i HdaiiwaMi rot ttoooj atari

    raatiwaantoiaflode. WawlllbareaHraaadaad pttrleUe-b^wdwe will.Oavhrat."

    •atkaaa (kebardea af aka PaamatUo

    •awnaadlebea awak. Herearaalfaraa taf f l l f a, eianUa uttlla aaM dealal

    aewlaattolela, aai fteatafaoakva* kibeat aa ktHkt H t * eanlval wkUla tkaataveatwalla. Uataa it kiss aew.

    Mity-algkleallitBaeafoetta. auroras,Ika ae-CMMesalt Watts, plaaaa. I I youwwa'ltar/ U, way tkra wa wot let youtatael Ike abac* ttaea eellMad fnaa tka•k>yir»islketalllalaalialtasa.[

    pita baa oontioued. Ithaabeenenoouragedbr "one Bepubllcu p»rtl»ui as a groundof attack upon the Demooratio party. II has

    encouraged by Democratic partjiand free-traders as a ground for an asaaullupon the lathf. The -V. Y. Prm now jives

    few fads about tbe aurplua, wbicli, Inview of all the traib tbat has betn uttered

    i the subject, are decidedly refreiblng.It ia about time tbat ordinary oommon-

    aanae and reaecn were applied to this ques-tion of aurplns revenue, Bnd tbat lying aboutIt waa stopped. To begin with, the smitlusiuoome of the Government, deducting fromlie receipts what it It obliged by Uw to payaod no more, waa for the year ending JuneDO, U«5,eiattlv*17,H.VI,7:ir,.BI. Tbosearetbe neurea, and Tht Pm* challenges theStar or aay other Democratic organ to denytka tntk of tbat statement.

    Ho much for lean. The surplus incomeof the Government, deducting from Us ro-oalpla what 11 ii obliged by law to tray in Aaa aaore, waa for tbe year ending June SO,leW, enetiy HtUns.MS M, and for theyear aadlag Jute 30, 1887. •ss.oW.atB.r.f.

    kla is aurplaa uuagh, aad Tit Pml U notaHaaapttag to auaaa tka DeaMotatio Above, then, wekawa the actnal llfiares r>f Oovenmonl re-telpteoverGoverntu^ntexpenditures bylaw.

    And now we eome to Ihe estimates for1888 aad 1*W. The estimated amount forthe year ceding June 90, 1SS», la 1011,198. •914, aad for the year endlnn June :«l, 1889,•56,409,806.74. No tU3.000.riOO here, Sa

    THI uriiKTt or iiKi.|Tlie i'Lilfty law and maintained by friendly majori-ties.

    l o labor tbo Kepablican minority ad-tHSeu iUcK. IU inttreata are threatened

    by the bill whioti this report ably Bnalyaes.Wherever lulior is giving life, motion andeiobangaalile value to tbe dead and Inertproduct of capital there aland those affectedby the proposed DeiuocratlG legislation. Iaquarry, forest and mine, lu sheep-fold andfurrow, by furnace and forge, in mill and

    :tory, before loom and machine, there areut work today millions of men and woueu

    a wage U (hriue, twice or oae-btif'I than the wage of labor on competing

    products lumarl. air. HIUs and hla aami.ales propose, as the minority report shows,

    cut away existing protection for thesewagea by reducing duties and reversing thanational policy of a century.


  • Tht Borer Printing CompanyFUIUUBSI mi'PttOFiuKruit

    Satis-day, April 14, l8Ss'.

    w i i n oouiou riocB

    waiheid Homliy evening, i'rcflepottt. Keoorder eriiieml.-nH«ucf O.D.1 Coiiieiirnt-u, CarrMartin suil Un.Wcy. Tin: u 'lattl moeltug wnm rtiftd

    AetiuiaiuiikaliDU fro

    Tbe lirat tin ply Unit ut tlie aenaoa pattedover tbe plane lie re on Monday golug vVest.

    I iiail i lie iileiiMiru lit grei-tinj; uiy ulil friend

    Hi" Smiiiv S.nitli ui;n-i> witb hiui Uu brad-miirit'ir- art' 4l Allmitii, Uforgirt. tbuu^h 1ii;i!Hvid>f.) benvpcn ilieii* soil G*»»un;i-,\ JafkMinriil.', Florida. H * tpenU veliUliIvi.1 tUtXiswS-'iitU and wi.lie* b« InBtiui'tlii-n' tni .Tear* utfu, Everything sci'i

    ,-flv Inn an HirmiugUr.tL'adllj uud

    hf I'bicflgooithe

    .| Si.thb.i|»> Iri. ud.

    jiroveil •

    . t'uikorattcution to the fact ilim it-e uvi'illowwater fro« Elliott utreet wim UIIIIULI;!",:property. KeterreU to Street Omm.itwitb loBlructioD* to report.

    A ooBBmiMicalioa from John C Furce eh,he bad Mated a WHter priviU^o lr..iiiDover Water Coitpaiy, aid rei.ueati'il iBiits.on to atUcb to hydrants for the purr*f oktaiBiag watur for atroet •[triuklhi^ ]poses. P.isnlMiou granted UBIIIT the >lii(ion o< tbe etre*t Committee.

    A coDniilu'ratioD from a committee ol'.llaritPoat, No r>l, 0. A. It., rt.iueiitedajiproiiritttion to defray tiif eii-eime* *proper obsemnce of Mfinorial Day. HrU-ri

    Aiomtjiuniitatiou Higon! by two-tlirdithe property owners ou llinlnun HITI'UtjuteUd a repeal uf former iinnutiin-en n-rtjiiogtUecurbiDii and HJR«IU( of ait1i'walksibat atnnt. and ttic euamlon of a new onance regulating the curbing aud tie IUKK• I the sidewalk* ou bulk siJee of tbi< itrReferred tu Oniiuanve Co tn mil, too.

    Mursitsl Kelloj'fj report lor April MIOItwo atrvaUuud Until (or vfriiutiuu uf tlm]io*tinK ordinance, iu whuli VA*V* tin- IIwere remitted. AUo thai lie tind m-i'umdated tKi mole tramps with liMlgLU -̂t.ceivetl und o rile red plated ou lilc.

    A coaim imitation from Hiclinel Murk•jUMteri i»rniisiion to trim sunilt* treeifront of Ui* pl.t* oa Uold street. I I* (erredBtrnut Committee wilb power.

    L. V. llirawlrtb n-quetled |*riuimirjntrim sarnie t r m u u Kaudoluli Avuune./erred to Street t'vimuilteu with power.

    A uouimunkatiou wait received from EdB. Ward, Couu.M lor the prailomial IDB•oce Company, nl Xowittk, elaiiniug tliutfiuiag of their agent under tlie lull puntordinance wiu illegal lur reasonH pel furUpon motion it wits

    I I I SOLVED. That Juitiuc OURC lie I untruelo return to (ten, Vuu HUiler Hit tine uud •••eollt-cted of bis tor violutltin ol tbe imliimireapet iDk[ bill postioK. and tliat tlm uutiuuiheJuBlleeiurMuruicu it.B tint) colludedE. I), llourar, lor ili« tutuenauM, i>* rttti

    pipe across lbs road, in order to drain

    collar. Helmed to Street CoanniUfi: \

    DOVKK, April uth, 1SW8.To I H I : HAVJH, A L I I K I H I S * S U C'U

    Council.;CIBHTLSHGM;—Tlie DoverBlcctric Liu

    (lacarpuratedl reapectrully offers 10 fufnlthe town with 75—or nore at saiun rale-.caadle power oWlrio Unlit*, far fl.GOO.venierttfOper year for each light, lucluiliiiffthe ..gats tbe torn aa»y re> iu liaviug tin' oily wlighted, sod desire lo do it ut un low u [>rh'«tfa«7 can alford. believe il to hv tbu the Ui-puyera tbat well HjjIiUd »ireelsall jtatta uf tbi< town will justify u»v tvauable cost̂ uud tliut they would ha nlmt to |>tat li,{h(s pruviiliujf tbey ^ut tln'iu. II;Lcarefallv worked out tbe followiuij luble, IlieviDg tlie pmper lnwio ID stiirt (rum la ui;iIt asit tbe ideas ot your booorable body, ivt v n c g a i w tho fuel that tbe only rn.iiiBteatioa would intint on wa* to have tBlreeU well llflliied every huiir of ,-verj nlKIB tlie year. Electricity, unlike ga-, i-itnasatrolcd by a awitnb at tbo dynHmon, ittaastimts lighted up or thrown In darkm-mla aa iaataat We therefore rer,|*ctfnl!y «uli• i t the Jollowiog proposition:

    That we sapply Ugh I from sunset until 12::•'clock oa *> alglU in ttaeh mnata and on thKawaiaiaf alghts aatfl one boar sfltr ibe Hil lg al the BMOB. Wa^ll l u»e our InstantaaanicMirol of tfan eifctric.l syateiu la tadtaatage ol tbe oitfieo* by liglitlsjt tlaaipa al say tlaie after VJm u'eliRk whruaadaea ahowcr or Btora aiaj aris?, or durii•reilags, oral aay time when Iroajsuy eni.*nttWatttwadaesBotghrotta eipeited lijjlii; Inahon wa atwaoae to light the city suitablyaad oBeitBlij wllhlu the bourn unedHcrt nodto Mppbateat any fsilun of Ibe mooioaafana lo Ibe aaticlpstiou* of tbe alinaiWo will caatrtKt to furulih ererjlblu^ wbiclBiW be aeceasary ia way ol lipeo, atsclimentito aiiatlag laajp jiost*, aud sappl.y light f«itea yaara la aeuardane* with tba abovefttaUaaa. Oaa imadred !i5 candle ilMapa far two laoasaiid dollars («i,U(W) pti•ear, or fW par •••{> fer year, which is iC| W eoat awra light at 10 per rent leas costthaa aaj prior bid made your honorablsbadj; also laeladiag all the lights tba• a y rcqulra hereafter.

    TkiB waald avtraga abott SOoeiU per head•WhghtlBg the town, tbeaveragti in inoM ufaar aoighbawlHoi towaa beiag 73 eeuls peteaatta

    If aIf aayaf tba above prapotilloas meetwiyaar faTOtahU coaiidfrat.oD, a prompt iasatoaoa will laelllUta the cempa* y ia i-arilag eat their project or i lvag our eliyaleelritat street strvico within W days.

    "i thia eowpaay is cvnpoM>d of our owit atoek b«iag widely dletributei

    aawBg i**m, we would also mpeolfnliy a*bthe «ielariTepri**lege»rerecting andmaiD-talag poles aad wire* • • tbe streets of Dn-ei•saassaryfare—awrctal aad tlone*to use,far light. Bower aad boat, or for tli« run amal tba wlna aadai tbe itoButl for same pu

    P. O. H I A U I X ,

    PNsidsat afRDanl of bii«Gter».Tba'aaamBafealiaa waa n f e m d to the t'lr

    tNdLaaaBCaajvlttoc.ThB fallawiag allla were referred to th* K

    K t M CoaiMlMtM, raaorted earnot by the•laiiwMa.aad eraered patd wbea approve.!vfUwvaJori t jaf t lMeMBit tM: H. *n,l KOakler. # U ; iu. P. Kelley, tX-0 and «lFiaaaiaa ITaad, #.37; Ota. IMobard* * Co.H l M i D e v e r Laaber Co., $19.80- MotrisCMlty BtacB.oH ft Iroa Co, «S1!.; Qeo. CKn«r r MS; W«. KlBg.tlO; 1. H.Jollr.Carviwallaa Par Roll far March, »I(C.

    Refaeats wera aada by Mr-ears. Oeo. Kluh-ajwaaad Waa H, Lusbert lot perraliiUo to ol>-tail rack dost. It wa* resolved that tbe StreetCeawittee be empowered to dispose ot .fa

    !, whea n bald, to any wbo desire t

    Tht f l ra aad Lanpa Ceauiiltee reportedfnCWM ia Uedaetrio light natter and aakrdI N * M week Inrther time. Granted.

    Tha aaflaalappropriationi of 0ft to eocbBBnaareaapaa; aad (50 to tbe book amiladder eo«paay wen voted.

    ThaBMtlMofettoadingthttowB drain oathe Badarer prafarty waa refenad to tbettraet Caejalttee with power,

    The Cknfc waa aathoriwd to parchaM a atMbiatA ba#k aad a hawk far ireonliagdeatba.

    C M B C U adj.raed till Maaday i reApril l«th.

    r Lodge, Ma. W. Knlgtita• f PytbUa, April ath, law, i . K e««ry of Rro•earyLwaiaaaa,diPtae;J:W n u i a , ithMflaaaad tbaBaprew» Itnlei

    a« tha u l v m s U rail fran tbe aetire•awMaaf Ufa a M e h belated aad highlyi n a i e i l i brother; therefore, be It" t r io , That It ia with fetliaga of tbe

    regm aad Borrow that the ladge b uI tbe BmeaaeAwMnt froai Johoten

    Ctty, Teaacaate, |W which place the bretbeiVtihkiB faaiily had bat rweatl j removed).ef the dwtb of Peat CbucHlsr Henry

    laaoLTED, ThatthiaMgesiacerelylaiitetittkalasa wo have laataiaad la tbe death ofB M . LBBudaa, wbaaa gcaeroas aad uatlrinicdaratloa ta tbe priaclplea anil prosperity olta« attar aad alt aaracat u d asaelflab ulic-taaia (at tba welfare ef the lodge » t i t l H biaMasarj la ba ehoritaed with ear anfoaBdntlaaaait aad gratilada.

    I M I W , Tbst this lodge deeply ataps-tbltawlla the befw»7ed wife aadfaaifly• oiaajdiPBBBBd bmatr, aad woald aeiat thente Mm wte death all tklags well.

    •BWOLTBD, Ttut tbe above neolatioas beoateeed la aa ebUttafr ptgt la the joaraal ofI f i m l l a g i a f U i a ledge, aad that they beaaMithad la tbe lao* EBA U I Defer fade.,ofOanr, aad that o u Caatle Hall ba drapedIB •aaraiagiw tae taoes af thirty daya.

    ffniui MAT, 7Aaut Wan, jCeaatlttee.

    HJbetmie, M.1'., A>nl ™"m.

    b u M M aad with It eaawa Malaria, Dyspep-ala aad fliek > e*4a«be, U I B M you take fliip-•aaa'aUtwiPUJoteeleaasa tbesyttea of alllapanttea. Ttvtyara altgaatly NgBr etjatedaad rrtafiaaleaa. aero w t»a bottlsa. rtee

    hy i' » ; '-.JOP Uci-d,rn at Uorer

    1 Sunday,?;. B.01et aud coi

    Tln.y hnd aouie kind of »nirfut |urt of tlif Kiuniiiu,- iii-ht, but wbat It traa k

    x*» unit) Waiter of ('.. lull nil llio root of the•beloiiKiiiBtfi tbe gUck-i]>e, whii-b ba wan |«BrIIIT.V to any, npraiut-d bit11 1 be side ot bl* lie ad-ami iilmuta* deep a*

    , an ttiny uwed t(id miller lUo cue

    n llu'k-tutuwn witb tlie derrick

    4ui MUJIJIII- irm is siistia"e urttiuii

    Iell, IiKP"''iy'

    rntiud yv\.ailing; lur a puttieiijfer tra

    at n.n'kcltD be o t of

    - l d i > i r t kii(*DH pri'BCtlt

    I. " l t i ) ld I lielliUlitT) tlllll' A I I . I

    *po'. " Therew." Anotber H*DIBplit ml


    lin drn niuleeata of llunu I lie tu

    i o ; flj-iirciiib u luotber

    nd, I tbiuk, one of tbenrile iillcr Im wan married; hill

    M-jiftti*il lii»vi.iniK lift! mi mimkti. 'iiowiug tubuioa and fitllinjiIlio old wnman, uud Rniig oditli b,td boys

    r j e t hccd

    tlien bo uuiibt to1 me- Preaideut ol

    I'd HUU'* und never will. Improveauil ibaak tbn Litrd tlie

    ey littri fitch • sj.leudidtike nil tlieudvaotanen it

    .ti-k 1.L.i(, (['gnu

    i' Die

    oft'-.n uiillionaire.

    4 a iiruntb b<

    ri i i t lk iudor tiling wi

    llu' initial ul llin I 'K

    iitryV pride.ovorboaupplled.ll right for Eu«-

    vat. writti-ii, bntl f

    ery boy burl d ' be u edu-

    indei' tbi- t

    vill ;.iolll | .y iK.iv. Mr, Mi'

    • ill nut jirtait u ^ l u borne on a vinit.KeT. I I . Hit-P prustl i t t lhisflr i tM'rawnii i l

    new charge lantguuditv to avul l lilied bom' 4H Jau««, Hi tli ihaptcr and parthe laat verge,Ti i * lloinist Cliiircfa at Mt. Olive was *truL-l

    iy ll||bt[iiti|; lustl l iumday nigbt. p a t pwot nbattereil ennaideratile, tbe roof of taehnrob •oniewbat d an used, and thing* pretlrell shaken up.

    JUr. |wee 1 shall have to me tb»t ateraiped clauie ajtain. Jaacpb JUmlia Ie

    lappy man. l isa hoy.Mr. Iteuj Uickeraon and faal ly are vieitU

    In tb i . pluocI undemtitnd Mr Win. Tburp baa boaghl

    ie Vaxee prop* f ly. ail i u ted in thl i village.Mr. Andrew llopler ia siok.I beard a rumor that three or foor gentle

    uienf!) from Lake llopatoong were angliitrout in one of car •trcitnt laat Sunday.

    HI MITELlgHolui .truck tbe spire oa the Baptisl

    Cburcb during the ibower of Thursday »vlug, April Oth, badly shatter lag tbo aleeaud beilry. In then dttceuded to tbe roollinukitic two or three ntltera and teajiuj, 1In rue liole ibruuib the root, w be u it uiuit intoliowcd tbe « >»c pitws to tbe Boor, teariup tlie oil rlotl , carpet and floor, but 1tunutely not firiuf anything, which eerwholly nnaL'coantalile, aa everything was ver]dry iubiiie and very ooailtucible.fortunate iadved, ai our town is 1101 fa<with a tire department and enginesDovur. (Let SUTUB* tee the due eqaipaseoot the IIIIVIM- Kin- n.'i.-trtnjf-nt, and tbe; wl»ay AW] fur JJuvur ) fierviw* treru held 1Ibt cturub m UHiitt! on riuoday. but the bewbiili 'or tbu l*xt S3 yeara bad never fa!to n uiind un ibat Sunday was at baud, 11disabled Irani speaking forth, from tbe ftHint tbu liubtuiug had also gave it a grip Itearing out two of tbe arm* of tbe wbeel. Hiit * ill »uon bp In repair, ready for dutj safore. Tlie arrangement* a n already malerepairing tbe steeple vti boos siioa to teetborouKbly repaired, so tbat BO narka of!ij,'titciuK suail IHI visible Bpoa it.

    John I. Mooney BOW ewna tbo boas horse,»biar*. I'ardct), Kobi*son aud Vager ttriaiuklntt » shaft oa Mn. Charles fland witb a good prospect of success.

    Our Towu Uoniuittee net ou Tuesdayarrunife fe aboat ferty aetghban had eeUMlcd aa4

    tbe are after It had deetnyedtwe Mttageeand a teat floor aad hltebee. Flra otterbulldlais were aeonhed, hat aat verj aeri-nnsly. Tbe fin eitlagnlslrxn weald «ol wartand all tbe water had to he carried fraa thefoot of tbe hill. A aHhecriptiM will a iabrt l jbe takea for the beaelltaf M n . Whlttier.

    A BBSI I>MT.

    af the T.M.Tbe ngalar huiaeea! A hld b i

    g t a g af the T . M .!. A. w u held at tbeir roana la HUca' Hall

    Msndaj evenlog. Tbe nsetiag was opeaedby tbe Prnkdent witb alaging, reading pot-lion ol Bcrlntana, aad prayer. The •iBBteaof tbe lart Bwetlag wan read aad tba re-port or the EaMBtire Ceamlttee waa readand Bppr»T»d. Tho ladiea gave m BaalealeaUrUiameat which wasfpeaed with aiagtagby Mlsa MoV.y. Tb* K P O H ef tha btlon waa h M V h '



    Tb K P O H ef tha aataeb>n wa a. Mr. Vaathaea' rapett Ut the

    Hanging Ceamtttoa • • • received aad osvpwvad. alter which Mr Hawaii read parts af"Tbe Lady ar the Tiger." Tha Oeaeial •>*>ntary'e BOtiea of Ik* aaavaaiiaa M P U l l i t Mon April I I to 33 W M reed. TheLadMeAti-illary waa iarttod to attead the oaafoaU*a,I i w i B M v e d t b a t t k e y M i d a letttrto theOeaeral Beeretary af the Staw to aak that tha•ciiMavMtleebebeMa*Merrietewa. Aftat

    •ona.itleeaf •ealera e«a ajaet tba MpreseataUvia ef tue|M«dBeen fertbe aaraeee afdieeBHing prlaeBAlso, t lwypnf see teiwmaa aaea beard ofexebuge waora deaieta eai awet aad disoawtbe qaeatlaaa which latorert then, ft oaa be•aid ibat all tba nllk dealers of the elty areinterested ia this awvsaieBt. I l gfawe eatafdlmtiafaelloa with the present ekokaare.which lo alleged ta be raa ia the Uteraita orthe eKaawry awa te the eielntka af MilkBm,fafWfB,Mdtaeratra l»abHe. I t willbe NtBOBkaiad t a t aat hag age a Legialat i n eeojKUtee taveetlgtud the pnsaat es-ehaage aad iraarted rather sbarptr Bpea It.~ Kllk dealers oay that prices a n •aalaw-lat«d ia a way that foreeo heneat farmers eatef the Bold."

    A tread eeacert waa glvra Weda*adayalibi at Iho Lyceum Is Morriitswa under tb*pavoBaga a' tha Wemea'a Gaild, af I t . Peter'aChatch. AaBBbarafeelebratedartUtalnaiWewYorkeBawaprartkeoeetBlea. Tbe pro-aaaia a n to go toward* the belldl.g at th* aawrhanh. Tha rector f i very aastous to go eawith the work. Tha eaaeert was a awplai

    f a t Ulaatrttod alretlan seal to 9.Valte*. H.«t.

    The heat salve la the world for cau, a m a .Btajleaa, aleers, aalt rhaaa^ fever eeree, tot-tor, okappai aaada, ohilblalaa, eoraa, aad all•Ua arafttoat, aad paaliiraly car*, pitea, eraa paj resjaliad. I t te gaanatead to gi™perrecl eatwtaetiaa, et meMr nfesdea.Price K e o a u p o r W i , f a r tale by KcbenKlllgon, Dover. M. J,


    WswJovMCUM.W. p. Hojt ft Oa, Wboleu'e and BeUi

    Dllg|letBOfa.onc,Os.(oa.T: We bave beensoiling Or. Ktng'i Mew DiicDfoty, ElectricBitten sad Backka's Arnica Dslve for twove.r*. Have never handled renwdica thai el

    well, or give Mcb nniverwl aetufaetloBThere bavo been some woaderral tana af reted

    these m ^ ' . ^ w . in t b i . city, fcvcral caecaproaoaucedOontompticm bare beta latlrely

    eared bf nie of a few LottUs of Dr . King'aNew DiBfoirry, tokea in c«ti»oaon wilbKleotrle Bittora. W * guarantee .hsm slwayiBkhlUtllll

    pan Cad Liver oil, with Hypepbasphitea,rUBcTMbkaaadWsMiuBiaeaBM. Or.SIaHahad,ltawOrHaaa,LB,,aarBi "Bealt'a

    K«B1BM« I I taa flatet ywpatatiea el tha kiad.fa affectwaa af Ibe laagt aad atber wa*ttagdlasaaas, w«aa? tiaaliiiltaarsaeetnllahiaagaat, la a panvotl/ akgaat aad agrnahla

    The early Mrd aatehea the breaehltia, aadwf early aeraltg walks will tad thia a

    Mggeattoa, wo akaatd wbisptr: "Uoe Dr.Ball's L'eegb Syfar.**

    wealI Batmtedof rbea«aU.s.",

    wbltbhaakaat taaaailatad fer SO years, byI lalvatlaa Oil, whieh ee«4 • « ealy 35


    Uyaa waal a aew Oat^et.If voa wast a LoaBga.IfyoawutaVdHpmga.IfyoawaaiMattmeesIf yoB raat Curtaia Pofos.Hyoa waat Carpel lVtilag

    I f y o a w a a i M sI f yoB r a a t Curtaia Pofos.H y o a waat Carpel lVtilag.I f yoa want l i i s a r i o a Taiilo.

    •'TWirtrasrflOpbolslonr, Bl*rk».U HI., Dover, V J .

    1 I k * P t M t O a o e t t DejTwsr.ftJ. J .DvTir.H. J., Aptil 13th, IMS.

    H. CaMwell, W M , Mluball.fmilMTDataili, slBllada PaHlnea.sbsBIg, CJ.tHveaeea.

    O. 0 . HIKOHMAB, p. M.


    Ktaniev, il mi g liter of 'A. W. Kelsey. »K**20 years. VD\

    T C U V E R - A t Morris PUtai , AimlBib. 16Harry E . fun of Huory nn.l Kate TurnEged t year*.

    I C H T E K - U Tcaba Mine. April 8tb. JoinB , POD ol Ueorac and Miuuio Fi.-liter, 1] .year and Aduyii.

    JKNHKN'- ln Duver, it|iril U l l i , Ji-nnieH'n, »i;t'il 4 .vraia ami •'• lunnlhs.

    N H ' > N - A l Min*, roncil . , yeliosl

    i», Piulure Frame* aud Fancy Artie*, fiwiiot Booki, pocket Oomba and


    Base Ball Suppliesand Croquet Seta.

    Iofftratabam.ln. ift^ntforla. »Ho.iDg Ibiaiso .nj MUOD 1 Haail

    M. M. VAN ETON.


    NEW QUARTERS,Car.ofBlaikw.Uaal»aaai

    Onar, N. fall Mat. ol anrf lMai la laalr Mutt.Jurt aow Ikcj an o*T.rlai onaMttalag

    aow la loo war of a



    Administrator's SaleOr UBAL BWTATK.

    r i n u i l l o u order of Ik. Urpli.ii' Ooort'II1.00..IJ of ll,»,i,, u h t . Ik, Ikird'jof Ipcdliolul, Ilia •lliM'IW, U n a .inKr of Cli.riu, d'ci,)ek, tkat u to Mr al l*o u'clotk la th.allaia»a,tka followlai toeribol nwat'an i l oalak, aaenof >ul Oaatilr liaekdM

    oanaia traat ar wrcel of laad aa«'..aitala, IK.f tadTtalwla Mr towa.•oiliarr, Ooaan of HorU, aad atalt

    akiiaaloa/ta 1.1 rota ot tbo aorta Ota' 111. rn.dlt.1m, Iroa D r a M M to "HMilor,' aad la the line of n.O. WIltMoa aaiIlien aalla'. laid I laaaat (1) aufl • Mna"



    mt m l two aaadfad art u l f •(II aonb twratr defeat oul

    •al o.»-b,lf fcoi, (>| aoalb » •eaiy.twodeateee east two Inauredt-aty-Mtht feat lo saidWilksMa**Uoe; ibt-aee BIOBR tba H B M altty f

    SSUUSS — 'OaMlprllltlb.ltH. «.dO

    HALEraucaki or Kaw Ia tm- I . lorco Ibt

    Holaai Lir. lotaraaoa Ojaapaat of Vealock, eooipUaani, aad aaoari Bnwa,Kleauf arooo .ad lootrl llpioo, t.aioekal






    raiDii EfniM, iniL uu.

    J,«H lamunaut I

    " Holira ltttloa.'

    TOMOii lvnroo, i n n , 171a,

    (•arm laruunmnl


    ntt nunnuiunat • IUUKI TALK

    »«IO» Heir.

    T I D l U n . . . . Htla.aila.

    • u n I T liuaoM'a.

    DOOM opoa at IM. aalarlalaataau earn-


    THOi. 0. LOIfUKD, Hiaivr.


    FRAZEE, GONNET & Co,Csairsl Dry tsati Itsrs,

    6S7 I 6S9 BROAD Si ,

    IAIXT UD oioiat snrut or

    Famtoli aai Uaikrellas,Psnuola aad UatBraUas,Parasols SB4 UaibrcUss,

    rOBOiT, i n i L lla, TO ITUL Itlk.MTTJID1T, i n i L Ha, 10 AFfUL Ula.

    NEW ENTERPRISE.I deaira lo Mil the .ttention ofa public to the (ut that I hire

    open*! a new Lumber T«ttl in thekri (ormerlT ooenpiel bj BeemeiPalmer on Blackwell Street,

    DOVER, N. J.A bndlj iuk for • d u n of tha

    hb t

    A-ialad b, DB. & B. JOHNSTON, at tba Old Stand Oia Bad, DOTIB, R.Uaowreadf forbaabtws. -

    Towtt eafcadt. wHtwi awia. Mi otota (or aitraeMa. ckon Itatk M I* ke i



    Amorican Watches,

    r aaaaMw of >at WalebM a taaaUtr.


    latar. oftra lat brat tadaM*ta laattaalalaatlavtloaralaonrtttali.otaHrlaie

    sagsEB™Tks "Wllmss-'Hsrll

    Bafltlcna Barkialn Iwlatthon tae BartaliM I. oburaoi Iba taait

    •toiiroSS! wSaMkw?** " " ^ * ' " "


    Thaw WMOM of anoint

    in their imutM intjht ifritvl hia. It la jat aa tna tonb; Hut

    tba Sonia ita eouaa haa faTored tboaa of u -gr i r f h Hi rrtiii-S_aft. f . * • • • • • • • . • * _ > * - • • ^ _ _ -

    r d a o f p « w l e t h a q a e a t i < i . l i ^•hall «e hay a new aaitt b«t where ahaU « * b>7 HI We will

    laaww that qatatioa aa rnnoh to thair aatMuttoa aa to o u otnl fthey wiO alimr sa.


    Newark, Ktwithataiiding the marreUona ba^alx adrettiael ebe-

    where. That'a a bet whioh thuoaaaoe of aweUera ia Newark andl — f c J - ~ " J - a»wr tao l «k i i . t a» lwh» , Thoaa a n beat JaalHar

    h d adaUttle. Tbey hare had ooporttaitr

    p ^ ^ y ^ S rb:-,™ro-In thia cheap elotafaai aart wa ataad ia the boat ink^ ^ t k t t ^ J L « i «

    aarvejBBwenaerecbatter; oar atoek aerer

    F n » lha ohaapaal Btalaaaa Bait wortt baTiag to tha laaal

    dnaagwa>«tw«annad7. Naw aad ftatajr daaipa in Bon' aad

    ChlldiWi OMUag of darabk auterial. No bHter aaaotteeai o n .

    * k o l N . w Tort aai aot than al tbe prisa. ftpriag Oranoaia, te aa

    •aajabadaautbafewenwbiabbloom. iJavtaWafawanktbcrBsa.

    baaaeatobaappnouted. I I win git* aa paManratohsrena a d


    UCORHGOR A 00.,850 & 852 BROAD STREET,


    tbemdowabay the beat gooda the « r W ^ S i



    any and all


    •ffl be * * TOt at. " " ^ C M ^ N O . . the BM to p™«r.


  • , April M,

    ettast ta M - " - - T

    Bsrlgallaaa l a a Iks Hank Caail



    Bow. J. L Phillips li the n M. E.

    Aa nlerui.aiBt IB BosBlea M'led p»tb. aeblie .cbnol llhnry.

    Blna Blsi. lab, of WMblsilaa. bMBeved to Ilk l . r . a n Budd'o Use.

    Jaba Wiaaenehkd, Br., ef Boetaway. wiauala to hi. af ih birthday SB tta Xtk Isst

    Bsw. M. Blllsr.sf Bleoabgdato.k dailygnwiai wuker. It k said that be luseltester.

    Tbaaaaihlto ta a grtBt ersp ef "Msv

    Barry Taiaar, tka eight ) i v old enMr. Tawr Ika eegiaotoal Ua l u l u . dial•aTaaaaj.

    tkaaaawtaf Ckai. T. Clark lai JaMktOaa'a alan will alaiUleaa Caaaillleeenaelaad la Hnrlateaa leal Salitder br Ika•ketLe ef ih« Mlealag! 1'b.iraaa, t.•aaard Will, i aWiMarj, Jake at llarralk I'Treeaatar, O » W. Jeehlla.

    Tke Valballa olerwaee el the XewarkDieene here decided ta gfra a aarka af trat-aaratee awtarea f>nrla| laa eefaneeeeat atIke flak Lle>.>.Ue.t OaUea la* katanalaw aad Haj IM, akee tba law will aa lata•bet.Mabap Wliger Uraaaierlal flea hie Me

    IHaael, aad le aMe la aUead la hie dattee a.aMaaHallCalhia. Aetlaiaetbealtieaafktlet HbktlakBdliaui aVal I ta lA Butt &ai kall i waLaBaawmaaul

    ajav • * • • aaaanajai •*•> BHBBI Hferi Haar aT* * •w.fpeaiaeiava'w]

    . athaaetire aark laaideat to riiluilaaeaad l'«trBitkaa la tke aaiieara.

    Trealea ie al aid D^auerall. all.*, bat IIbee large artlnln aad tree • « k. aad loeaa twaatlrMtraar, Coae>«>eitl* la. k>aa»li<lea eurlrd Ike charier rlra'ioe Mevdar bj•>jMr. Ckea Hajhrrrr waa tbri uat d.wa farPlea Break, bat be «e* aot eatl*l-d and aidB«t Mtta'e la# l«lwlt o. HIIBII** laat Tkvrf•aaaeaarterelithMclianh—HIILIII.

    Tee aatratlnaf IbeaUoefrellfka wllbtaIke keaaae of Ika Preahrlarr waa praparad

    1 read b, Bar. Hr Maahlaaei, af Wkla-f.

    Ihr. Mr. Hilloww.Jr., aaea waaai da-olred Ike naaoaalkllllk., dalle, eal plaavirreef b«it aid aaaaalltee afairaaiaawato,lid kladat; a>ll aad waa wall aaautoad b;•ladeaj, ail , wank aad wamaal wllaoalike lattor aa lead work ie vm&m aad Iba

    >er akarak aaaaa to ke eiaaatkaelr;aal alth dataud - .ikerliereeu.

    Tba atarj aaawa a little lat«, hal ie lejaaartmaaaheatol that ear eolerM Mead.IllaaObrialBar. Falbu Soil., at SI. Ceeella'a nelorj, toBatkiwar. laaedlateli after Iba artaaMaja raerptka wee held el the M e af tba

    AUrtaWkbrardla toaeeaaaad ealbeaaathv akia, Whataeag Oraaga, aaw Bar.tlatowa, b j B. 0. Oaarla aal W. 1. Maallej,af Manktewa, aaa W. t aalaagaa, aa «••lall i i i i lkrkkMkar.

    PaM m t l M af M Urn M B . aad Pita.jawlllkakaldaeU

    dv- Brr. Mr. Mlikaalu wlU ptaaab la IkeFirat Oaarab la tka Mjatog aal to tba Pne-b i l e r U a l t l k a e l

    lataetal ta trader eaagnalalleaa,wbkh ware aapkaalnl br a . . j beaaUlalaraaau to the bride. Tie E u j.lei le thegaaaralgaal akbee eiuadad to Ike ham

    TkaOUafleaPbj.TbaaaaBWaa,af Oladetoaa, to tka rVa-

    paek aalghkerkeel, held, laa halt for eatlegto a hwaM tlaa. Oa Meadar erraleg aa aaagar, kaato aaa aad aaa-qaarler leaadt of•iee», aaa a i l eae-baU naadi af eadaareelereaad a pawed af eaal> la Iweatj.dgbl •laiua. H. draak aethlag fraai IkatAa ba aegaa aeUI ka etoppad.

    will ke l l ' ~ kr tke ladka ef Ike i'ltat M. K.Chana, U tba hetare laaea, ar Wataaaiuaraaial. April Ink. AllI aia totitod,

    klad at laa aku

    Tta stead aasttogaf tka PseebyuryefMsrrk aad Oaaags wa bell b Iba Pisabytorlas Obateh af tha abn aa Teeedar efthk week. Thl. Preebyarp eseskk si sBlrlstor aad oieor Iraa saeh PtasbytolksCbatct ta Ita Ussatr af Morris, sad ItaBtnrcreae Oraagn sattlu slosi tta Orsagtvalley. Preebykry WM wall sttoadll aslrapidly diapUetad lu baelasM Is M erstbtly Isvs sad good erdsr.Tta ratirlag BederaUr, Bsr. Jes. M. Aa

    lams, el Haw Venn, atssotad Itaean.let Mraoa es " Tta alatinship ef tot wen;at Oud to ttonllgleai lite." I f ttageetleau areeei kle atataaMau, aad ae farae year raae'tor aeaU aae. bk aaaolejlaa.e wed reaanakk. Ikaa Ike l"iiltlnHaiBate a aauklj bnllkr lallglaa, ier leer aa>•real far rekrrlag eretilelag to lha laripI a n Bad da Bet earn a hattaa ebaat anaseelaalaetlail aHBhla«j. Aal aUaaat 11BeU.ataUaiiliaaa aaaw werie I leeaghtla. ataaebai aal kk era aa aba kal, laal efall laa aharabaa eeeakaalBaaeararaa aatr

    thk aid Prabf taaa tad/, sll Iktoga eee-

    Bsr. Oas. I. Webster, at Blaaeag Ctapsl,Bat OraaH, WM slau-d Melsrata aalHave. D. O Itrtoi. af Oraags, aal Oeeege M.Sureaa, af riaaaora, Clans.

    Tta naalalM si tta aenleg ateaka wntolas sp by tta aperts af vsrkaa naait-tea asd BBBlr/natiM baeisaBB. '

    Seeea w« ttas takes tar sa bear that ttaa at tkeIkeli alaVn abet de

    jullea. tad Ikej did II, to Ike aaUt aaapla,oa. aad altofetaar Oarer like repeat laid lalh.eb.rrk aerlara, aad araelded arar W tkeIBIIIM at Ika ekaxb. Derer aerar Lite topnrlleBbaiidaall7a>d wall far Ika aalaardaa.. A aau a w l / iota al make aaeuairaai Ike lalka, to wbkk aaa real la 111hjaaeleaalhaalaaa,

    lere I. B. Baaaaoal, af Cbalhaa, aal I• fckatell.ef Mt, Ollra, eel filer. B. M.Uarr, tint rhank, Unag., aad 0 . 1 OarHaaa, ef Hoalh Uraige, ware aleated Oaa-ak.iea.ra la atUBd lee Ceetoaelal Oeaeral

    aeaBl7 to ka held la Pbladalakla to ata|fit.Br. Murla wa. (.rallied to raalga bk pea-

    innl anreiikl ef lae iblreh at Plaaaaal>re ia order to atkad to hk latiea af

    0MI7 laiMiiBtoadtat, The eaarab aertodwllhbla«ar;relsnaallr. ThagaelDtotorhae aeee HI7 yean ef aerrlae aad yat reuil l

    a eerka ef ahaaa agalaat Iba•taf the Mato laaaaa Aeylaa at

    Monk ftoiee. Thaae alU|Bllee.. kaaed oathe aiBarto atatoaaat at paraaB. aba bad lor-a»rly barB ie tka aaakyaaalal tta Triiaua

    id l Md 1

    Tta April assMeg YM tald n Wedsssdayaltb all tta asabers P-OMBI. Tbe alute.ef tta iBst BMtisg were read Bad sppnved.

    Tbe FisssM aaf Aadll CoamittM repotti>dnnlple lecludlBii lael balasce of IliMHI (IT;

    111.1)317: bslBsor, M III.!Tta L'SMWIIIM bed apinured bilk nmosntiniy barB ie tk aaakya

    al the Ae7laa. w.*e eapied aal eapMtod 1*7 A Bateau of traialera of ap»r«'eaadryllMeleraaeilaadb Bewaeavrr. pnatleaa were aade.lalkk atole. The l>|klalare leak ip Ike! TbaCealt Uanee aeil Jeil Cmaiitfeaattar aad aapelatal 1 oBaaiueo af lawratl-! portrd hilla aaarerad lu U10 eaiount of awl.galiea. The i.q^rj aea! at the A17- S>. HBBIKI of ID J.ll et la«t rjnorllaa Iaat Prlday, a ejeoraaaltheoeajalllee « i adaiUlndelaie,!!!; blailadea U Borne eoeely wtl a a a

    llkawataalMiaaat/aikWjeaBrajlBlwMk niaimbi wke wait to be Otaaty cal-leant pjr tka i iaaH twa y

    ef Beakaway, tka praeaat Cetkeur; Oee.BbCraakaa. tt BaaMpbl Wa. H. Oreaa, aflaakatp i aal OMat »a|liear Mnito A Pree-aea. taiga Mala l.rea aal Jeaae laara, af

    g Jr l trea. laa Igkl praaka to a. aa

    lltolatJaiaae. alUlka ikaatM la faHt af

    Mr N B Prokllebiltl.,0 aMmAkbaaa,iitoi: liehagrntplaMarataNaBaBaal

    Dr Blog'. Bew Oieeorery kr Ooaweap-io, banag aatd II fata awteataMai a'

    •bUi.aadOalanh. I t a n aa laataalNafaal.Bllnly oarej a i aad I ban aat

    nflialelalaer. le lMbalHl laHlkulU M i«h«t reaedke Mak legool reaalt.e W ianin«!lila(liaraaad Dr. Ilag'a

    • Li» P1 ..tL nr ahiek I aw r eoa-Dr SniK'e R'W Diadur«r7 fur da*

    laaipune, Ooaaaa tad Cold., la edd aa apnaillte gaenilae. Trial batlke kM al B.lillgera'ellngglan.

    ttaMiawlaglHrssan! O C. Mltehaaa, I.W. awattag, Aba. B. in i t , On MefJnstaa,M a • Ptonea. Jss. M Metahhssr. P. O.

    "a BTSBTWB wggkTay. arjaaa. Bj MM VVwgBJIaWjaMJi

    r skoal tkt M ., P.O

    TK aeely enHarriatawi to aeklag arraagraaatotoapaa

    , Tba Mkaiag aH ha aaajatsiPrraUrat, IM . B. L Babbie. | Yka Paa*MU, H. 0. Pllaej, / . B. laayea. I. BLLeae, 1 T Bslft, i. C. Peaa.Hr. OarMB-

    karetery, 0 . 1 . Vaawaaa. BiMaaraOaar, J B.Traalaal, I. P. l lalaip, I . U.

    Baanll.Ii, I t . Pkraaa, W. B, Pear, Wa,- legia,Onaaell Willie.

    WelasralbeltbetablghTariayBMIraadMMlyairaad that the water pa war of Ike

    ten al lha Bsaalaa lisa Works akaaM» bstatorktel wile kr Iks i k M l i s a mthe aaatl, kit gate tkaa tke ngbt afaaf

    laamtarsllnalaitbebaakaf the aaaalfraa BMkiway to Btastoa. Ae tba BiealeaCaapasytasalayaral'ea kalli aaparfrnaIbairMt. Plaaeaal alee to Iba MIlkMlaa

    •eb, ttk enaM lira tbra a rellraad f i Malas tolasfarawa aal fsralsk Baaatoa

    BatlMafCaitaiairrelMr. BI. ». Haeae, Preikildir altol af tkla

    towaiMp, aea kaaa eerwd wlib 1 aalkootayaeargBPIaHaa.bktppeaaal. Tba

    epsikatlM to tlgarl by Inaas aenaaa, aadJsdgaM.rto ka laal apea Meaday, April

    MtbelatrartkabaanM. Taalatasrrawtoeruletss whakaatler. I I to

    Haply a m u m af lagalter aal wa baewMBe>abiwiai, at least, WBI ihiarlsllynaaaa aay aplaM Jaagt Hagto ajar

    Tkaagk a alatsle tka alrirtliiaisl a)k H.Mally, tta Ha aenha»s,didBstst ta bat wask'a las. Tbay ban n-

    aand to Ibsir asw aal asatlbal laslifMaa Iba eeraMof Blaekwsil aedStaes

    e rook, when Itay tan eases! Halt wHbaapleto slseka al sntylktog ia ttalr HasTtayan wide-awoke aal sngnaan basl-

    asa at alll always bo tnsd tens-let

    Tk lPar iBtBia i , l i l f . I i k lMr. Joaat Sharp, it OMae. got foaled aa Ike

    !•! af lbs Panel Betas to tkat stockeaapaay. Ha baa alaM tottal H to Mr.Ceaao.ll, aea ef tba pnarlaton far the leal

    years. Mr. Caaakall kat aarakasal laafataitors tad elker eeaaetraaeato bstoaglag

    Mi. Brewa, Mather Mtba ee-rallel fapteaeatallra ef tba eteek

    eeapaay leak a aopr at tka laaa sal Bern

    a Kire eare lor all llaeaaa arlaiag fraaaiablMl«adkardaiadllnr. aprlag

    hagk lellrerleg hat Belle aal BawlBkeilto to tke peeple af Danr as s»aadafaa«llf,AptilUlb.

    lfyaa waatgaed seed aatolM sail aa" C01, • _

    aTaalMIaaaawJaltsaaBWaBWl. AfatTwtTallMha.

    k, Bdws-U. Sanaa.Msnk-Alptaaa B Purees. Prssb I.I».,

    Pl.yl T. Wosdtall, V. Hett.j Bsekortruilea B. Malay, M«wa Tsalorbesf, Ia. l i s t .

    Chalhia Inept P. dark. MerrillB. Laa,GaarkeWalltw, Saajaala P. Bnaa, Tan.

    MesdlaaH-Altnl V. Waltoa, Bdward

    MaatwUto-lsaM H. PireaBi,lallk b i l l -are, traarge jMobae.

    raauli tliatgt H. Btoaahard, D.tld II.Hllla.

    bckewel-Peukh l,aa,ar., U M Dkher-aaa, Bdala H Tauk, Brasrtg. BBawnr.

    Vtaator-TaMdara H Co., D M M H tkel-'eaur.Jaeeklwrable, OearaaB.Ooerge B. •lepbeee

    H. Vaa »aIsrael lets a was dtakg rasa Mall ta all.,

    illltagllitotaasaar, M tanaaake>taaaa—tasaaataMBBBlty, ahleh

    a wary kaaaanaly aapatal aal ItadapMlsaslyk. Mk taaed.r. ata walk ouat laaaartor toBbedtabg naa, wkaa beforelbs taaagaanw kal ta walk tknagb dlg»aatawaata sa ta tkt dlatof naa,whM


    The Board ol Maaaian of Ita WateOfe-lefleal narrey will Bake ssplioatiei to tta•uproaie Coart oa April «tb to appro?, oer-tali ilteralioBa sad aaeBlaeita lately Badeby thai la the p!iu far Ita dralaaga of Italew, net aad begu lasl BIOBI Ik. PeaealoBver aal Ha trlbitorka belaaea LowerCkslksa, Is thle eeBBly, ead Ullls Pells.Tke ertglaal alsa wat lied wilk the Clark aftha SapreaaCMitnJaasMth, 1871. Thanara upward el H.ajo aene af wet laade akagthe Paaaaia, Botkewey lad Whlauasy riven,toMonk, Bans aad Paaale aeaatUe, aal

    tfM Vfjfjf laa*W4s90Mlwrwfl tl# V l lWlataylbtoi to and ibeeo far Itatrsde aaaaar haaraon raeeM help talegpleter! at thk wall basal heats. Alllottenby aall ail! nerire pravpt atteatlss.

    Oar Chaetor earreepaadrat I M I week H-femd to a aaa abs ealleeled ever | « l a thatplace ler tta aarebMe of e « « ! - t n ef whl.kW M lata Mid far Ikat, aid tka Wl-

    for a weather nae for Ita lag etaaT. Iteaaearted ihst as rase bad yet ban arnatad,shd tta a n aad tta h e l l . " ef lbs assayw*arwj SBwMyfVBlTaTaaf tMwjfl Ivwlaatilaakai | | WWllwa H I

    ta well for I ta to Mian. A gaatleaia whoMya ta la tta party allsdtit to ksa called ip-aa at sad eleisM thai Ible ia sBtne. Hs haietaaanannlpllreaMr. r7a.BCalll.for•a) of Ibe aaaer nleed. sad eeye fartherttal ke paid « kr eliableg Ita pels aad »ante far a rape, ban aeeeuatiai far srar Howhkk t w iwrarielMI alleged he rakedWe treat aat ismiptalnl will leak ton ItaMatter, ead, II IsJaMko kM bee. leas, tbutawillanaatlyrlswilt.

    aatatst sad a aha at easnllns edeatil.As tta aattsr atolls sow Ita lud is BIBMIaonklen to ttaaaaenatl aabssllby to ItaIstaUlasta af tta vktolly t l acseaat afBalarknu ithslitln. fna Ita Mil.

    Ths srlglaal plsa IBVOIVM u etpeaa sflOJ.OOOfor IswstiBi Bntlle'e Daa st LlulaI'alls, sear PstorMs, ssd .Bbnlag ths ckM-Bel of tta river at that polat M aa loesrry sf

    wstorprsparly. 8laceltas.bewaver, ItassaWeaen ts-e arlred al n agnaant

    with Mr. BeBUIe, Ita swaer, ta wUIlow.. Ita daea st bla owa sspnao ssd Istn-luMlesd-istos, to ta opeaeldarlBi UBMSsflrMtato. Tblt wlU redan Ita east eaterD6MD, baidoe „ , ! , , l b , M . k a k a ttaeipeBM ssd dslsy af a logsl mstost

    Tbe coBBlealaB will stcswste SBd widntbe ohaBssl below tta daa st s cnt el abntH>,llllo,eadltbltaaabbaafSarranraM.K. Howsll, el Marrietowa, the! tta estlrs

    pnaoflks enialeejaa will ta k a this

    Is m. Mary'a'Ckareb ea Widaaelay aan-tagw al l l I alarr. parly af tta trtoaataf M a Karwkk aal Mka Bite Merrle uwkBM the* a arrant, whisk teak plan atte'akrh. Tka krese wai attltsd Is a bua-•UWbeawaatlto. TtayaalklalenpleleakMbamlfal. At Ita brld.'. aernk aa OsM

    Jay wtatal Ita atapk n ttalr aBtraasa tetta wedded life. Mn> frtesde at Ita tswlyastrkd saaph gslbend at tba taan af ttatana's pareea ta tta eveslag aal aartaak af

    snaptsad, aal kH a BKMgtl wlaktogtke ssapk bag life sal Hiipnlly

    WatTIBTnabsiitaaawlPbr.Tta sir tae Bon thick wit* naats tbk

    walkiniiillBg Ita entset tor IM Danrpan it l i i , aal tans k sppsrnUy aat a lit-Us IMHsg Wlween tta Iws DaBaeiMk cas-

    wkaan aaairiag to ttapMilba, Ifnpartotatnasaab k lawilai Ita attar totke mttr sal, aad storks tl . . . .Mtl.ei sslreiflaleellMI M to peMllesI staokelaaasterile. ore thk. hat k delayed till Ita bet

    tkaebawlBi•ipiredyesterday. WtaeUkaed.IIlever;dnHlsl l f tM Devwr niamsiy alll spall


    I s lark Iks bwast PartiTkt Wakagtos Aamlaltl wlU

    . . . a n Prlday, AprilIhb, tkt alaaa whan alll aatk Ita alto afaU

    A oaapla afatHlla coapMlMareupoated lota pieenlsad Ika aerrktoWB Pin Deport aaat bu bentotiloltoaaitkapato. Ttaetoe.kefWat.r-laa greeHe, walgtataar M t wnfankbel hyAllna»alktn,eBdeatbyM.B.DiTli. ThetonriptM nalai "Tkk ataac aarbe Itealto el Perl B S B M M . ea eanhwerk ballt byIba Caaltoaattl Amy la ita Wlatar ef Ernted by tta Waeblaglea Annlatkaof9ewJefMy,lBa

    artgslsr aettlsl ef lleaewell Lalge,I s . n , B. at P., bald to Ibatr Caslls Ball, siran Otaa, Marab Mnb, tta Mtowtag nee.

    iUa wMaaaaiaaaaly elepal:Baaxvaa, Thai Bapewell Loin, Us. 17,

    E at r, aalead a me af tbiBii to Mr. E. K.Patler, Ita pnadail at Pen Ona aehMl,aad ates to M m a t g ladka tad gratkmawta nek p*H ta 'ta MlirtolBanl sa aala^say BUht Ita Mth wit., I M their eelaabk

    nt Is aeblag ita aaunala.a neeaa, aadalMtoBia.Osalel Laity

    far lbs on ef tta anas.J. W. BmKt,» .afB.Md».

    Barlai sklalasl a Ikean tna Ike DanrWater Co., I sa pnaenl to la all plaaUai

    ItatowUh. 0.1,1110,

    Trnandt.All sMd. aaM by Oeo. Bleharls * Co. are

    swMljaan. Ttayknpealy Ita beat

    De y n wast patatoMyn e n teal Sato

    elder Ptoraa bavtog a a b aa reply»rtoeu. lnosbrka far iiforastloB re-

    .pecliBgtbeaetlodss|»B wblib tlBrook Bridge vneeB.ttucl£d, we here takes

    p»lD. to lesrn .ometbioK ukout tbe Bsl-t«-r. Prcebolder Gill, wko WM a membertltc ouB!loitl«e, wys tbst la. committee atborixed Ur. riora.n to sell Ibb bridur, butBeitlcr lie nor Freeholiler DuGle, tbo othurmemlier of the coamitto*, la aware tbat tfaebridge . M « n r psblicly Mid to Ih. lowibidttrr, se rei|Uirsd. Mora, flillsnd Diiftlflutf tbi'j were pr.HUt itod autliorlzed tb.takiai uimr the lirldfe. Tliey mitiufil tltulth. rallloi W M net coapleted, tut .aid Fr.e-bold.r Picruu ctplalocd thet a etora tbciprcvalliuflUediireTeutcd lie cumpleliou, butit would to completed tbe next day. Atreport, t l k reillng had not y.t beea c«mpleled, but we koow U. I Ibl. brld|. wMpiidlor si s ccapkul Jib wliea is fact It WM •ceaiplelpd. Tta specigcatione, BSMSg othertulpr... psrlkBlsriae ttal the iroa aboskl becarted Iroa Dsvsr by tta nalrsctor, butkaow that it aaa cartsd by Mr. Pisnua'a

    •an, which IkelfUs vlolalioo of tb. lew,M walls.tta fsct that Ml. Pkma's v i a ,did work Is Ibe eppnMiet to theBridie. T l . agrMBSBt WM >i|Bed by Frse-beldrr Pkisea ssd D. B. Cratsr, bi. ea-plcyee, and ia witBeaaed by Wo. H. Fienon,

    %i . ace. Tbe bill la for " bllldtai irna brii]|.BBdatoaework sad wist wsll asd gradlnir >ad. 1 hridia B K gaaael D. YOUBI, M'retiloa, N. 1., 132500" Taas facto '•

    Ililuk will .h.w bayesd the quclisa ofdoubt that the erlliciaBalodulged Is mpect-in| Ibk bridge by Nr. Pieraoa'a aadB.lf bbora a n Is cvsry rupect JuatlHr.1 by lhaGlreuaaleacce. That tb. buildiag ol a bridgenelbg WB wllbsat eforiei n at pahlle nlaa u B wroog so ess will doabt. It W M lotKrvi.gtta Inl.n.U sf Ita, becauMIt WM not ogcred to tbe loweat eonpetitsr.Togireltlo oae who aal bees bi. owe em-ployn WM aa lajuetlce to than who al ibilatedMlrtdtoliidult. TtaaMelhkewalesai Is dolsg work ebnt Ibe bridge W M saiBfraetlna of law, sad tta peyaMt for a oea.pleled Job wtae it WM set etapktri WMwrong to the MljBty. I f

    1.1 hadd.Beallttaalkli|i end Itay wan

    Uve kla wlk adlaa i . l Is all pnb-alillllT aoald ken aelled Ita slkBlka ol ItaCoeru to tta Better. iBIhkasllerwabaraeuanorlnrMlvMaelely to tost., Ita pikll-natloi of which ba. D M I rrqucted l>y t.«-psten, anil il Br, l'irrsoi en. Bl to i


    Tta at Ita

    Ae B pntnl agaiist the aoUon el BlehepAadraw. of WMhla|lea, D. C, Iweln ef ttaIrauaeaiid time of tbe stewards ef WnlEighteenth Blmt M. E. Chareb IB Hew Ysrkhsvs realised. Tta Bkhep alsMd the Bsr.0. B. North sf NewhstgisttaaoBlcetod pal.pit, while tbe MBgrsgsUn waste! tb. n.-vleM of tta Bar. Dr. O. A. Brown of Bsba.keB, who WM MBt to Merrktown. Tbsnolgsed oficlile eay: "We were lot ortho-dox perbapa, In nhlng for s paler f n aHoiwkiB Md froa est sf sur diaesM, batose ef gtnt irieveooce Is-snd II bsanforcibly SB oar osse-thst a Xewark aMtorssw fills tto palplt of a Psrk SVSBU shsroh

    thl. city. It n s sgned Ibsl wtas aarpnut, Mr, »tr.brld,«, WM Iskos awsy toYoohers, sftor bsviBi Mrred nly tws yesn,we wen to nlect oat saa puler. Bssa-wbUe, osr lletaken paator k soiui to Mar-riotown, K. J., M l I. further e l ftaa aa Ikaaerer. Us WM orders! Ihais by Bkiiap Fsw-br, wta pmUBd at Ita Bewak L'salbaaaa.ld.B.1 kaaw whether to sail tta arenasllsalba s deallsok sr ast, Tta taagaga-ties li, of osane, divided la eplaka, hat IaaBatJastludtospwkligfatttaa. Tras-Me. tan as eMcbl Btsadlsi talsn IkaBbhap pnsldlsi si tta Csato Itaplnob a ta Bar sonrl. Wssbsll, ef eesna,aaaaMsr tta usfsruaste ttoto ef tbtor, katwe absll Bel nooBaMsr ear migasrliaBOar rsaaitbg dstias art to slOM sp aarbeekt. Our reelgnallois will sat toke eSteluatil Hay. Meaawhlle, ear aiooeaert will

    Balanlsg Jalgs WMllta"VlgllMl'a"Bsent

    Ttaleal Dtantallt srgaa at tkk planIhU WMk leyi i

    AaOibnwMsaeeftta isstigstonalltoilyMasllagoatgBBsblsBlslpb'sBslilbi,e willcnatoratsrarHaasBibaspaBlbIIIIII tan ItaisaM reaen why that I n r ta

    woley D«|tarry HinruMladaillaanBlUtall.

    ».. W. . Dll'-r. wta U Ita aenaa raferredto is tta star, arliek, wlatas u to aay swsrd Is npljr. He aeya ta aever esaaaltedOlseew et asybody ska mpnUBg bi. aeibanJalgeafllnlba,whlek fast wa kaaw to

    emetly Uaa, kseaan Ita elltot ef Ihkft a n eseMltoi m tdnad aay af Ita

    Jadr*. la Ita antler refund to H.eay.taealy aHel fraa srtosipb, sal ws betlm taIM. Bs farther adds laal ta WM saw n-

    isd sdababa to Ita Tiglbat Ball, thatle a Beater ia gssd staad'ag Is thai ata.

    assy, nd his always tried le de hie dsty sii treats eels dilate, la Ita blur teapnltaasyBtahaanrttklto ta s ntar, bsa*sat wsrkisgaaa, aal n to bk ehanetor ta

    tta feel thai ta tat beta aaabyalgWnveBMoajtanbr neb s npaisbk Das*cNI M On. MoCraekn. Tta wtals trail kalaplr tkk, thai ta ntaad to ettoal Itatall taeasM altar parlMa wsndeslsl adait-taaee. He Ihiakt it TCry bw sad eealaap.llbleltatta sheald ta .track si privatelybspsBM bs tspaess to ta a Bspsblkn. ssd

    BlbeetontalistolBttasias way, slthasghthlsks ttan Bight ta gsad asaa tar saae-

    blBf to ta MM ta tkat aintfba.

    Tta Bat kel wnk espneasd tta belled Ihstlewsahlp af Bsadelpb seidd tarnw Ita

    asasytopayltoiasw Milt, sad aknll aiteeapel IBne wta l i l Ita wark to wall laager

    Ikelrpay. TlkllaaaHrsetadtta BUMika sltkeatorOM T. Work, wtahM ktollywrillea M to My thai Ita uwaehlp tae a parMtlenlriihltodatala. Tbk right kfaaad.sdapnalawlnwabyBesatot Waria blar

    lit a i l paaal ky lha laal Lagklatare, aadileadel to »»vet Jset nek M S I M tkli. Mr.

    Werto kna that Btott toWBahipt wen aapn*pared far tta haarjt ant at epaallg tta raidsntolled by tta bllaaan. aal If Ita Csaadl-lMO»dtessederiiiia,il Ita rrapaaeftdlltysf tamahi tka asasy ik naayaeat depnd-HI apn ttaiaMttalaMatlBgsBeyafttaaS'Ika of. towa asatlsg. Te n l k n Itaa tolak astlsr, aad to u*n tta aaa fna lbs as-eeealty el waling aeafly a yur tar their aty

    aarkdaaa,Seastor Warts prepared Ihehill wkkh kM beceae e law. The law ekeeapoweM tta Ceaaittn to icry a special totfarttaaaaastM nked. Ha tas Msl u sMpveftt, which Ita BssdslphCoaalUsaBysseBiM. New tbst tta Bis tae apeaad spHltaaseksr way to psy IbeM bilk, thsaaa wta did tkt wark shnld ta paid rt asce.

    There k dasger, ia the armat aeeeas sfiieiut Jetata aal Irgklalka aeaeonlsglht

    tragk la lltpsUtKal aal aeaaiaio Mpeeta, Ikslttaetl-fMhleBBl toapassieweth,wkwk esasktod to eSerte to rnlsla Ita iee-arias sad leemM tta saatar ef total sa-

    1, will fall tototegket. WsitonassyanngsgeltoaialUBat "to kill tta asddotTta* rawer. otgagodliBnyeraod laserletatalfefltaMwtaatabMSlnedj blues,artotrytogtobitol Usepne aath Ckrlallaattasld Beta tba toealeotka af toaaansnaettlasittotkaalalef Baas ynsg penestta ssieet towbkbtawealdanyerlalljds.reUblBMifMaaaertSBilyea>nd,bawBSeb,

    Ilk-tlaaaf sash Istar.woald ka naui-isto toward tta deetnatlsi sf tta traBcl-Ibriallta leqslrer.

    TMB BMW SUMS LAV.Tta tollawiag k tta nw gsaw law, abet

    oeBptatolr ekeesai tba stasttag bws benlo-fore gsroratag tta Mato:

    I. Bs It nested hy Ita Ssasto aai Oeaenleeably st the Slate ef Bow Jeney, Tbat

    the Mvenl coBBtke of thk state he u d tiioare hereby divided fate two oectlwe,

    be knows M tta "norttan sad Mstberngen. MctloBO."

    3. Afld De it .BMled. Ttat the Bortb lisaserotioo ebsll oeapriM tta ttaooaetleo of Bar-can, Eaoa. Hadeoa, BntotdnB, Mldclsni,UorrU, Paaasle, loBsrsct, SaaMZ, Vulou ssl

    .rres; la tbe eowotlM eeaiprl.ini tk.rttan gaaic Motion. M Baaed In thle act,pereon shell t i l , , kill, or bare in bl. po-

    «c»rion sfter the SBBe hM taeo killed, aayv/coduock, qnsll, gray oqslrrol er tare, OOB-niouly esllsd rsbbit, olMpt ssly aetwa>n tbeflflentb day sT October sal the Irst dsy sfDaoeatat, of say yaer I say ABorioao ptaai*sat er laBal groan, eseapl n l y botwew ttaflflentb 1ST ei Oatetar Hd tta tweoty-lftbday of Deeeaber et aay year! My Eeglkb•alpe, eaatplnly tatweea ttathlrty-gretdayel Asgastssd tta list lay sf DMeaber efsay jeer, a a l n a paasllr af Ha lollsra foreaeh sal awery gaae bird sr w a s ! n ulaw-fally latas. killed er lad to paaaaka.

    I. ABdtattsBaeHd,Ttatttaseclloitotakasaa M tta Malbera | . a s .nllsa shallooaprks Ita ceastba sf Allastlc, BarliBgtoa,Uaasn, Csas May. Cumberland, abaeestor,Mercer, Mosaonih, Ocwn and aalea i la Itacositb. ooaariaiBi tta aoalbsrn n s a eac-tios, ss ssasd In tbk sot, ss ptraoB .balltab, kill or bat. la his pa oa after tbaearns bM bees killed, say Aaerlcaa pbtaaanler roMed erouae, woodoock, quail, gray iqair-r.1 er hare, oomBoily called rabbit, etoeatonly belweos tb. fuurweslh dar of Hena-tar sad tta twenty I fly ilsy of Decaahsr ofany year, aeder a pensltr »l ten dollsn foreach wd srery gsae bird ar aaiuial M SB-

    iwfullr token, hilled or had In poaaeiHer t ta MUM hM been illlBd.I Aad ta II nn t rd , Tbst sll general

    and psrla of ads fsconilatast with tbk Mt taand tbe MOM an hareby repeaJal, aad tbattbk act ehall take effect imaedletoly.

    Wllllea Welter Pbelpe bMM M si ibsslsolai bU hone la Bsrgaa

    Coaity, ataro ta ba. llred n leagiad wtantahMoaaaequsstlyManyfrksla. RaknsccordiSflvtBheasleBMntta ksaM hailt

    BM years B|o hy a Mr. Origis, s rsllnsligsato, wbodld sol Beta n Bdeb aenybeisa.otsltoSBdwhoooBBeqn.atly omld

    set sferd to occspy w apaciolu a doaleils.Tba buuselsalBrieoBe asd U M hast uaMea*

    llae I tklheaaanatbaaauTnaeekOnagaanl Mr. Phelpa oos.ld.redhlBMlffsnusatoiBgatllBi pwiiaaalBB sfit.Tuefsraltunwhieh WMMVsdfna tta I nb>. bna B s n l Into tta OrlsgereeldesaesalMr. Ptalpa'a tsally will take peeaeeeloa sf Itthis WMk. Mr. Ph. l i . kbeaylaWMhlirteassd will sol be able to leavs tta Cspltoi dsvIsg tta Saaaer exMptoa buelaenslnwlBn.

    hMBStMyetBadssphisBtod wtal tode to regard to tta rained property la Bergeabat will deliberate oa II dsrisg tta Saaaer.Hk tens M Cngnamsa .sains astt M m hsal by thsl lias ta will b i n decided whet

    PrqasasM aad Sssorar Towashipa taMtbalr eketkBB aa Taaatsy sal to tatb towa*ehlpe Ita MW aaasst slattisa lew WM ob-eerved, Is Pvqaaassc Iks wtals Brpablkaatkk.t a n olMtoi ky BBtorilks raailag t n a

    to srar 1D0 Ttae. Deraassakatlikllatttetkelderaallt b a l llaid ait Mssbtsrsbh «sh, tal kit aaels,Joka B. H. Berry, Mapablksa, w a n-sksl.

    byanrllaajarlly. TtaprinlpslsaMn•ted wen: Clerk, LerlLaal) Aaaaar,

    Wa Baaa I DeUnier, Allial fMlka, aa ap-aarltbti riasbsbur, Jobl H. M. Bar/)Csaalttos, Blebarl B. BaU.

    Ia BeMnr towashlp tta whale BsaablkaaIkkat wn sleeted allheal n y vlrtasl aapa>elUos. Oalystaatkilr a I s m Draectstoretod IB Ita whsk lowa.hlp, a i l It b Milwill entMllbenllllly of Ibk aleelkaialkaCsaito. Ttaprisclpsl olnrs dnu lsa Tats-

    wsrsi CbrhMsane Howall; Aaaaaer,laMpbB.Bsatlls; Velkcts.,Seaaa! D. Hal>

    a; Frestabbr, W B . I I . OrisM i Ceaall-Msreu Dim.

    Tta Drekntowa eetmptadtBt al Ita Bsa-asraaysi " I's.l.Jeort Bird tao lakes apbis rnllean aaeag M at tta keae af kbdaaakur, Mrs. Wllllsa C. WlUy. Mr. Birdwill pan Ita tbt alls ston la sto Us aatkatHaf sssl Jsly, aal far n all a aaa brsaBtksbly .pry aal nearly, afua walUagalbs to rltil relallres, aal a sber! ttoa slseagelag to Dataware to rkll laa seaan at bia

    nd. Mr.B.oSBetothiB8tatowbnBymniaaa, asrried and alllsd dswa searPkek'a aetael bnse, OB the fsra now ewial

    Jobs Bird, snsfhknta." UaebJanbb s Deatorat as J IB hi. tla. ka. sees BOB-srel wilk asay towaablp stlns.

    B.C. Oasria bM psrehued of tta tain ata Weed ertste lbs Harvey hoaM aal letSouth Btreel for 01,001. It el H int. I I 0. Merehasl I I . C. Pit.y have bought el tbe nae bcln tta Weal

    heasatuden the eoncr ef «o«fs sslPlasscd sin tta heuM BOW scoapled by

    Jobs B. Wsad, fo' W.OW. T t a n k a f i n t -ega ol I H M t M aoatk slnet, sad nearly atboanad feet as Plea street ItialbBiatea-

    ef MCMIS. Msnb Md ntasy to ask. ap.tockecasBsy for the person et emllBg

    os tbe nnrebsM.—Jeray-

    WlU tka State lenas a OnaelIt It naered thsl eeruia panlee an trjlag

    • aeielisu farttaSlsabapeEagleasd aakaJoist .took eaacera sat of it If they esa par-

    HolMr. Keecb, Rev. J. J. erase. II khlstrl, will eceapy tta edlleHal eBsetaa ia

    ttascbeask saceSMfnl. Pnbably tkspaper wo«ld be suwed after e.olh.r bled sf

    blrllfllshaaldehdsgesdlUn. TIBM will111 thelsls.—SBBMX Rsgislsr.

    » . Ptalse S i n . a luaar.CMgtcasBBB Ptalps gsrs a largn dtoaer at

    ibsatarlsll's, Is WsibisitoB, this wnk Is>r ef es-ISBi>tor Sewell. Tta let lut l iueeoeased lolta aei.Url.l MMtlKM et

    the g«*t, and to the Vnw Jeney dnlsgetkB.Dalsilssf tta » u » l.lcisllee sll preeestwereBepablieaas, ABMittaBaestoansMtwen Seaston Isgslls, Shsrass, Hswley,Hall, Joan of Xevada, Csaasns, Cslloa,Erarts, Aldrlo*, Plaab, Ipoee.r, Hair. War-Mr Millar, BoPbsnn ssdBladgsu 1 lepn-Mts t l iMKua , fllaaa, Bnbaau, McAdoo

    I Lehlbacb, sad Jstttos Bndley, the Heirtoy Bsaber af tta aapreae C n r t

    AliaswsyOMpUCsatbt.DetrctlrsJsa. O'Brien, of Wllknbem, Ps.,

    irrived is Dower early sn Wedaeadsy BMn-ios tbe track of sesuple tbat bad elope!

    rroin tbat city. A women asaed Mrs. Css-rsrs bsd token what aoney her hasbaal kal

    sod with tareblldbadelopedalthaynagBBBssBcdStrulbersBsitcll. Tbedcteallve fondthem i t the Park Hotel, where tbey hsd slsidover nlr"l. took Itaa In eutody sad stortolbsck bone with them. They aen a verj

    h lookiag couple indMd when st tta da-pstischsriieofttadeleetlre. .

    AatnalfslWaek.ThlekaaiTSBUBlwMkla kiitory. Von-

    waa tta tweaty-tblrd assirereery el Ltc'etoOnal; ThsndayWMttatweity-

    Mvutb aaslransry af tbe boabardBeal ofPort Baaur, aad Satordsy aarka tbe twesty-bird yest tke sseaaaluUos et Preaidant


    Brisk Drag Stan. AnliastoalaMta bay

    at to tka. attskans k CVt,

    f i n si Warts BsB.OsWalBMdeyBttoalwMktbelisn, watoa

    heuMaaltwobsmslaoalheplsc. sf Hr.Coab, st Whitehall, wire deetnyed by to,together with s larsa saoast of grsla, bay,feralBI iaplcBesu, etc The I n broke eatlatbenafof ttaban, toasrd lbs rsflnal,asd k ssppsasl to hara tan oaaeel by a.park fraa a BaaiBg trala. Tta I M . is batpartktly corered by sn ineursace af 11,0m.

    come under the bead of a Isiatlvs or a l l lcsthartic and thoasb Mlln| gently tsrsrfslltocsre the nnjl itabborn esM sf oesBlias-

    on. sail hy year dngglil.

    DeasaedbyPlrs.Osraea Teak, Heat, Bibs aal nj i l l ig

    Ferke U greatly redaeel arbat et Berry kCe'aBsrdwan nan, son at tka Pwlkak,Derer,*.*,




    Dnf Btom.




    C*nier Drag Btow.




    Conor Dnjc Store.







    MKOST,1I0W tfCWM^gj



















    R O B




    CetMf Dfthf M M .

    StylesSpring Slyl





    Dorn, N. J.


    U A T

    8. H. BBRRT it Oo.%8ia i OF THB PADLOCE, M T U , 1 .1 .



    59c.nuT worn n*.




    IDXKTXZwTGfr R O O 1 K S ,inDO0BTOa^UBOPa«ABJWWABBsnR^ BMaaV • .« .


    Muwrturjr, BtdtUe B«eku« ••rrU Cmakaaaaila«a>tt, iat. l to



    FKIXOW CITIZENS :—In ei-tm-otitig to jon ttM pwent occasion ttiii bold and M]<naaifeato ot oar reteonlle tiihen, y>trme to add a f«w renmki: Another »iiui\aarj of our nation B blrllicUy lim beau 11end in #1x1 we are jgaiii jMsrwitttui bykiad ptofidenee to aweinble iu l ie LIOHMOUT Cm to c f « up our {[fateful aekcowW]aveoti U> tbe author of all our mticie*. V•Oiaum bvitaa recordpd in thin sacred lontiSMKtwatmet he too oiua repotted, aad Ui<aboald be impretud •» indelible ubaruct.upon the mintia of our cbi.dreu and ourcliiUou'a cliilitrati. Jt gives me t>et:iiliar fleiure to dwell upou tbe mcuriurtin of tindaunted men who ligned that lueoioraltJealaratfon which has just keen read to yii t WM promulgated to tbe world sixty I.jefcra af 0, NBd waa perbapi tbe boldaa. actavw recorded on tbe page of bietory. Iferriag lo the wrong* upon wtokfl ttala dec]ration n i pvadictad we are led to remark tIfiaBDj of ttw Mother Country in tbe i\perioua laagoaga aod conduct of her lordiMd noMai towarda theae ooJocitw, and wbr-W« look at Ihe tben Kale of oar HepubliUnit**, la its noamee, uateaght ia wiLltar.Juciplioe. tiottituie ef the munitiona of warwith but little pyateni either civil or mllitar,•Ufa hordei ot armed troop, quartered in 01duef lowna, a bort of revenue oAcen atroD\y attaobed to the King and bis government,a powerful army and oatjr at cwuiuaod, aui'yet, Witt all tfaeae powerful euginea of df•fraction, alnady prepared to hurl deatracm.on and death upon our Tenerable fatbcH d Ibeir devoted couotry-toU small, "foartan band, wboae uamea an here record«3, with their lives at tUke, dtred under tlgniiknofl and with the asairiauce of tbe Oiof baltlea to deciaru M Ibeir oppreawrs ai10 tbe world, that ttew united oolonica are,U d 0. right ought to b« t m , •overeigu - - 'independeiil slate*. Yea, ye veticifaUum of onr political Intel—your SparUn•nlor, your htrota chivalry, by the interimaitiot. it as tlnigbty ami, ba« aecuitxl a ridwWilaooe to jour children and your c'"dren'a children, an inberiUnae whichwill not aarrecder, but with that w ._pledge wits which you sealed thii noble dectwatlonof your rights, our liven, our fotm•Hd oar aacred bonora.

    A few yean more and not one of tlvenerable fathers will be left; they will naicone down to tbe tomb of their oncertonbut Iheir valor and their patriotism i-iiitinae to live while our memories shall enduriBut one almo of thU to wilneu the fesllvitiea of thin sloriomtky-Cbarlea Carrol, of Ibrylaad. Like tb<tne of Liberty wliicb. be twitted with bt•wn hand lo pliant, be studi alone in our hipy conntrj. Venerable BUB, we delight•teak your name. We rejoice that you stillif. a to behold the rctvtneaithat nation which yon twisted with your liL_,your fortune, and y«nr aaored bonor, in usb•rlbginliitiafeaM. Happy, Ihriw LapprAmerica. Fifty tsanhi.eooWflapwd HIUOIyou were proclaimed to the world lo be free,•overelgD aad independent. And what i~woveiumti do wa ilartvet la ta* courseWfacmtnrj? Wkv, that citiea and vll(•Ret nave flam vp wb«H foreatR btoty toiand their lofty tops. Yes, where tbe wiltwtat hawlad aod all of human voice thatVHhaatd WHUM aavage y«U and ww WOVOB.I W tide ol eBbmtaOB and improvewat ba*nllad on and will continue to roll on, untilHii va* eupiN shill bloMou H tM row,Md Utanlly become an Earthlj Pmdise.Onr happy eoantry ia th« saTe nsytan riwam i n r n oa the habibtWd gtobc. Hen•wna liberty of coutroiencti and a frw preaam tolwaied. Freedom, Equal Right* andJutioe an berw lubdimted for alav«ry, op-praarioa, u»4 a tyrant's will. A meed ofDMiae !• tbea due from m to tha OwatK i ^ i ^ a U c o o d M d Perfect glfta for Ibet*ivttuM wa tai* dai wjo*, and to our vmatabtefsthw, who, by hi*divine a*dstaw«,•ebJavcd for u* our liberty indiDdetuDdeBc*.

    AsoinuteietiUlof tlwcientoaf tbe Kev-dation I aball not «Uenpt to deacriUe ou ibisoMMioi. They an impreaaedtmyoar mindsl>ytk«peno(Uwliistoriu,«poDUia nUola•f aone {Mitapa lure preaent by painfulMtiMct—tattce it to lay, in fuotiUpaGood did onr armie > match 1 naked, huogryMd UiiMty did toy Igfat the UtUw of ourewutry. They patiMiUy sUured aad bledfar tbrir ootuSyVlibeity, and lika the flwrook that m i n t the oooana tempealuou bilIon, they unitedly brautod Ibe ibock of id*vanity, tbe phalaai of the enemy, and there-by BMorad for tbemaelf«a and iu He liber-tkaweaow enjoy. Bat for tkou wbo «m-daciad the fate of America, what aball w<Kyi OaatottRW w MD add i«xUt.nR fa•Mr oharaoten? Who can ioonaae theiiMrthlyslory? Tba task U beyond the powi^manwtd4o(dimlt1i»h;UMirn1c1iui1taUItthaafeotionoflbe people. Tbeir _ .11 aoflMVN la iBperiakabto Mtera of « U ontte saentcbaon of America, tod wilf shine

    " " T whUt Ul> Mb c( l ibe Ike sun ofrlb her reimliiuilsall be. The maU

    WfM^aadbrkbtrrarty*iVi(MalTotth _ .M M this habitable globe.^ inr i i - af W^Ungtcn stands Uk«Ml pyraMld, a m ttw Hock ol Agea, oat-.Minteflth* ftpQa of beavei, Uddiag de-taMO to the petUafs of Iba (ritllesa storauMow, aad taVfavafN ol everlaatlmj IT 'IttIuatMM(*MMrdatylo gMkar « •ttatet*of Wterty. to prue it with ._-«wer«le(JaslK«, towal«rit with Uw lean•f alaction awl brotherly love, Md to offer,u « w watt f t m t . pewtti to tb* Urn1UghtofnatmithwIhaMakar «Cdia-•wifMtheblaalfadlBUdewi«riyraaay

    AwafdofadriMaodl hav*d»«. . .«dwtoanairT.libMtyoaB«tkMa priMl-dplMBMdwddi^livaitvifftw.MaAhlp,•dsMMtaity IwUvidwUly. hfuaiUaaandMd^iaa IkaM princip*.*, if \mpnmU la IhetMthM ailad, «atorofd by ta* pnaephiof•tBtoncsiiwriaMt.aMdea^lMad bf (ha•HfUaW lafa OT ukowiadM, will pcodaoa w

    aatlliillaw Ibeaeareln.atrae« allhtra netwU>hthebaeiseaaarlr.: Ieaaaal wader-aatad raw, aaataa tad.rat > ja». & .•» i * I? • * • * J * » • » * " war* whiea eaa

    H waw eaakaow what van

    (atatwaUrlafU aa aakwawa loqrat.Taw Bar aeeraSiH tews Oed wltt roeraaa f ten tn aartaatrj Bel - -

    M» aldWa naleriaf of lha « hMlhw "J• | n l l a | if Mlkiai nwliii M oflbt

    MM1 wlwwUiMttahMUonvho van Wh.lag i w +m* mpwAnu O«hadU«i*o• Mi^tel ,MlU4h«H i v W m r l MaM*, MdwMliiBMllM perttomlariy opoaMMthMwhichg»rehla n e i plMmra.MAtMBitalklMatCaB twhUa, awl thaa•t f ."! «y. BU', waat's aa antbear"WhatrnplMBiU, "doywneantoaayJll 111 t i l l l M • .taslhin lar "Mot•a." "WeH the*, I'll Itllytr. IflwMto

    l^woalda'tUahaathem. Bat waa I t«My 'Bai-HU-BiB-^v-fi.-tiv-glvaM#M aM IhM-ia, #V BO, »4v aM thwt hMd,hMatapftl, tflhl ^ » l —, fiV-giT

    The Ootfpfnor b u approved of Senate BillNo. IA, which divide* th« Btate into twogame district*!, Ibe northern and Sontuan..For tuftny years the nport8Dien of tbia Btat«,those who nally Lid the inbreat of gameand iinti at heart, wuro omious to nee a stopput tu ttimituer wuoJuotk niiooting. Ttsgnat difflcully alweji tiicouotared ia Butu-mer ehooliug wat) Iballuinterw who wt-rt'dis-appuiulud by not fiutiit(j any woodcock wt-reapt UJ bhze away at quail ur partrid>«,either tlit- yiMsig or llw tvld. Thin WM T.TT

    ruetke to Riimi?. Of course it mm a diffl-0 lit tempirttion 10 rcnnl to nlioot gams whenaUtUe .uri-uuî tumuu were (•vatttUi, liat notrue sportrimbiii would hire imlalgcd in Ibis.It V.-.U tLaMor^ tlw mirnoHt iUeim or tmttj,«|iorMiii.-ii Idflwull tiiimuifrMLooliiig ftliol-lulled. Anotkor tliitiR tbat h u trf.juoutljbum aioud st Ly HporUuifa U to put a .fo,ito ihwtitJK bt fore tliu tracking HUOW-J or theWinter fnll. An the game lawn stood tbt

    )u did not IJIOW) before tbe Unit of Jaav

    the middle of I Wuit.'Ci- ana tbir) u txluu •!-vantage of ly a gnat many. It in al»o coo-aidend adviuible to clow tbe ataioa for allktada of game »t tme tine, ao that wlitu amau was seuD iu tbe woods with a gun aftera certain date, it would be kuoa-n that UBwaa tbere fur aa unlawful purpOM. TbeL^glalature uaa accomplished all Ibia by oneact. All Summer ..booting aa» been abtriist-ed. Aeoordiug to detpatobeM received fromTrenton toe new law opens the gam* aeaaonon tht l«h of October and oloae« it on the1st of December iu tbe northern part of theState. The Press has, however, good reaeoalo believe that ibe tow provides for tlte clos-ing of the aeaMD on tbe 151b ot PeoMHbar.Ttie t*xt of ttoe law baa not been received aayet, Dei-ember lut would be loo tarly to

    I suit acme of Ibe uportsiuon, bat no utttwwbatday tbe aeaaen eloeea t», the ntw law

    1 is an IniueniH) improvement oa tbe preeentDolly \ardeti vmj quiit Iewr..-P"'"v^I'll**,

    wm afak. wa gaate WM a CUU, aha cmd

    [ndiigestionis the first form of Dys-pepsia. It may be thefault of th« food, but theCHANCES AKE it IS t h e

    stomach's fault.Whatever the cause,

    it can IJC cuivd—;unlcureJ permanently—by

    which are purely vege-table and free from allinjurious ingredients.

    WM. WURM,wlisletalr and retail ilealer I


    PIPES of all klaia,

    Claar M l Cliaralte H»Mm.

    ta (not everything rertaltilng to tbe tradeoanbofouoduttu; store. Uealera tbroiieh-oet tbe aouulv ran lavn Biaiiej b; bn5lD~their olaare ef nie.

    WM. WUKM,

    Nail ttaw ta M«ll«'i QpnttHi



    Duplex AutomaticSteam Heaters

    ajannhctiired li; lbs Ilunln Sleaai HasCo, or Ko. 10 Kai«lav Ht"»«w »erh. Tlan made ol wroafbt holier Iren, here popllase, and elalai anjwrldrltr In Ibe tollow

    Srtat EcMMiy U F M I ,


    Ma NieuatnaJklt latatt.WiV W W a W w H a V I W aTW/aTTelŴ I

    No Long Fluet or Heating Burltce Difficult to Keep Clean. E»»JMaD»ge. No Coal to lift to UM Top of • L»rg«

    Mguiw Perfect Bafetr.

    A I.e. eaUf M W

    Plumbing, Hoofing and Sheet Iron WorkSatisfactory Eiecited.

    la ttMk at all U*M ITOTia aU IOT Alt rPlaTAOBInnj dtMripUaa; lAUWUtl. OOTLIIT, IW WAU, OHOlrOni, OAkrm, *te. t tk l fkul •*•*•.»• OMI, Umf,PtUto. Otli. Ftirt*B>'. IOUM, Mtyt'g H«>«t Clwto hmyi.

    TKV (KffiK!Our Easter Souvenirs (or the Easter of 1898 are here, and u far

    bettuty goes they are wty btiyoud oar wxpectsvtioAa. They atepanel shape, size 11x30, mounted and reftdy to ornament any aevary house where good taste aud order preraile. They have onlybe ween to be loved and appreciated. In order to enable every oneprocure a copy we uaveplaoed them within reach ot all, to be giv<with SO emit worth ol Ten, Coffee or Baking Powder, coMmencing

    MONDAY, MARCH 26th.

    TEAS! TEAS! TEASDon't forget to try our SOo. Teas; they are sure to give astiafiotioo.

    We have just received a Urge invoice of new crop teas, which embracesall kinds to wit all tastes. Call ana examine.


    - : CLOTHING la

    8pring Overooats.The three laaal slispc. in HtTS-Ieoese

    Domap esd Miller. « Due llnoofOiinla'Inri iMls iaoo •vltenhintTaU-

    t l t r MOInriiMilsiiaooos. •vltenhintTaU

    onnr Department oonalste or MOof ihe oewp«t KCKxts in the

    market. Mvmotto: K»atno pay. Oall and el.

    erame oar Blockbelorc porcliis-

    A. B. SIMON,Opp. lakir Optra HMM,

    DOVER, N. J.

    1. 0. BOCKEFELLEB,

    D07EB, N.J.ia TOTS, A. I saw aart al tke k


    G. CiuwMerm, • '• Frofricin.


    r»t i n d w or COAL . r » | | klHt... Tfcey will alw keep]

    Fire, GtaMiea m i Fwat Brlek, Lfaae, Plwter,

    Haiti, Ceauflt. iiMtn' •atoriilt. FtrtiHnn, 4i.



    Aooordeona, Violins, Bows.Oonoertinaa, Banjoe, lifea,

    Piocolos, Flutes. etc.Any thing ia the miuicsl lino oat) be found at





    HARRIStheaeaalar Jeweler of Diver, deslilo call the etleallea el the futile u aef Ihe lareset .looks ot walehea•Torthere Metr J«raer, eeetanataff uealabratel goekleM wateh, which hai

    jdtlieaaBlleailnd. Also.lh

    tfast&r&Waitaaai, >«iasteM, atf.. vrhleh t leelllBB at tiaree ta I t averr eaa. Utail tee iheai helera bariar elsewbrCLOCKBlBlarnvarletr. BllrerwissaawdarlartonrnanBlaliadliaee. Jewelrj el ererj deterlptn>etae'le7'l7tt'.ll•ait 4*paeta-t«t wa




    ermiTi TBI nn WITH,

    wkera ka Ie prepare! U do crerf Hal at


    Extruttaf d TtMkMl aee aaatkHr et UTbaeliiett.ildlreeVla Ika aaaaeii attteeawf • > wotk la this par-awBaardarlailaa leaf a w I I n Wlh%.

    CU»'FiCK~ttK.tD TIIIW.IrilRfU ll . l«."».. I, . J,v. ,1... M H - m W I ,tail II wj*l milr a ii'i clfiia ^itneM-, fat JaraitJ.nJatl-tvi, i t i».) , lrri l , . )-«r,cu-. . '"l(1 ,


    U-F| ia m[llral;"f, 1.HIM aWtrtg CTmo Ir fHvjIl


    '^Btt ' i i i iwi' i ' l ir ' .piMilavlIrt tlt-ltrtl rtn. • ' ' • •l«AHa)tEit'frmiM'HnMi-lr> I r*tk*a> l*«ti)n*M-i««ariFi-iirt:ilr'l

    A MM Torm n»orKM rom IT,tl k< aatM4 Mrrif f " Mai « Ua u-a.


    Hmul) and MrJicimi Ptrpota.

    h. 9 . ICHWAW,inUaT, DOVES, H. 1,

    ait eaailai lre,aa< ataer WUakiea toauSavtoUJSiertaan.

    - f K I

    hraajki rnita IU6 to |la aw ralka.• n o U L Mlanoil-lverT artlele » .

    kwea BV attee » iwaalata at abeelauir

    . J. VBEELAND,

    F. D. STEPHENS,omnTtun, U.J.,

    4a»r sit tt»

    rurnrLV atri t lo DUIABLL

    U I WltajOIT BaiCE-wO||aS.

    iMKWii FlerMt titan Hialtr

    Mmu « MM t n NWAaTr,sisiooa.«.T,

    »eeajaadstarlaaeaaMta Un»_ Inter

    «BSiBBft'B!Srma tleast rrtet U lo I IM M a O o a p l t l

    Mitt L N. hm 4 Co,H. IJIICk ILKK,

    DOVER. N. 3.


    FAIGr tiOOW,

    •tototiug Mr r.wr w»,k,

    Drwaa UaUga aM THMMam.

    We aba eat .» atw.Itoa at

    Tkah LiMt, T«MH»|, at.


    WtrrMtt.Dtvw, R.I.


    Witdn Gtouii for 75 Gts.Jemtry, Clnii, Mtumd hdn-

    »M»b nev of UtU'h

    Beit, A I). IMS, beHeen Ibe hoars ol IIM.andio'clock,lbel laloBar atln'olwtIn Uie mrriKiotl of atld «BJ, all Ih™ toaeleor (tress f Isad end premises heroin iKorpatKculailjdcscrlbo't'iiQate.ltlnRacdbtiasIbtbe toeu»lilp nr M a o ' , Ia the OomitJolllorrla end mate ol New fcreev.

    Fia.r Ta»i t » eallnd tbt Bolliigi H I andi'mae lot, afld becint at a blach aalnat tti-oBtamliojr