
Fourth Quarter Examination - 2013

Secondary 2 _ Use of EnglishFourth Quarter Examination - 2013

Question - 1 (Tenses)(14 marks)Fill the gaps with correct form of the verbs given in brackets. I (learn) ____________________ English for seven years now. But last year I (not / work) _________________ hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be) __________________ really that good then. As I (pass / want) _________________ my English exam successfully next year, I (study) _______________ harder this term.

During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) _______________ me on a language course to London. It (be) _______________ great and I (think) _______________ I (learn) _______________ a lot. Before I (go) _______________ to London, I (not / enjoy) _______________ learning English. But while I (do) _______________ the language course, I (meet) _______________ lots of young people from all over the world.There I (notice) _______________ how important it (be) _______________ to speak foreign languages nowadays. Now I (have) _____________ much more fun learning English than I (have) _____________ before the course.

At the moment I (revise) _______________ English grammar. And I (begin / already) _______________ to read the texts in my English textbooks again. I (think) _______________ I (do) _______________ one unit every week. My exam (be) _______________ on 15 May, so there (not / be) _______________ any time to be lost.

If I (pass) _____________ my exams successfully, I (start) _____________ an apprenticeship in September. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) _____________ back to London to work there for a while. As you (see / can) ____________________, I (become) _________________ a real London fan already.Question - 2 (Modal verbs)(10 marks)Rewrite the following sentences using a modal verb. The first one has been done for you.

1. At the age of nine, he still didnt know how to read.___________At the age of nine, he still couldnt read_________________________2. Hes in but hes not answering the phone. Im sure that hes asleep.___________________________________________________________________3. Its not a good idea for you to work so hard.___________________________________________________________________4. Why dont we go and see a film tonight?___________________________________________________________________5. Is it possible for me to sit here?___________________________________________________________________6. Its not necessary for you to apologize.___________________________________________________________________7. Its 7 oclock. I assume that Clare will be here soon.___________________________________________________________________8. I think its a good idea for me to stay in tonight: Ive got a lot of work to do.___________________________________________________________________9. Its essential that we leave on time tomorrow morning. ___________________________________________________________________10. Are you able to come with me tonight?___________________________________________________________________11. Its important that you come to school before 8 a.m. ___________________________________________________________________Question - 3 (Active / Passive voice)(10 marks)Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. The first one has been done for you.

1. They should have given us this information ages ago________This information should have been given to us ages ago._________2. I dont like someone telling me what to do. ___________________________________________________________________3. The windows are really dirty: no-ones cleaned them for weeks. ___________________________________________________________________4. Teachers will confiscate your mobile phone if you use them during the lessons. ___________________________________________________________________5. Im hoping they will choose me for the college football team.___________________________________________________________________6. People believe that many more people will die of skin cancer over the next ten years.___________________________________________________________________7. We cant take the car: the people at the garage are repairing it.___________________________________________________________________8. Do you want someone to wake you up in the morning?___________________________________________________________________9. Technicians are going to install new coin-operated drinks machines in front of every classroom. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10. They took us around the city in their new BMW. ___________________________________________________________________11. Fire almost completely destroyed the Royal Hotel last night.Question - 4 (Conditional)(7 marks)The following sentences are first, second, or third conditional. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form.

1. We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it ____had been___ (be) a nice day, we __would have gone__ (go) for a picnic.

2. Why dont you explain everything to him? If you ______________ (not tell) him the truth, Im sure you _______________ (regret) it one day.

3. Jennifer was here not long age. If you ________________ (come round) earlier, you _________________ (see) her.

4. Apparently, the ferry company are planning to close the port in this town. If that _________________ (happen), the town ____________________ (lose) a great deal of money.

5. I _________________ (help) you with it if I ____________________ (have) more time but Im afraid I havent got any spare time at all the moment.

6. The government is expecting to win the next election, but if it _________________ (lose), the Prime Minister _____________________ (resign) from politics.

7. I am so glad that you took me to your friends party. If we ___________________ (not go) there, I ______________________ (never meet) Adam.

8. Its ridiculous that trains are so expensive. If fares ________________ (be) cheaper, Im sure more people _____________________ (use) the train and leave their cars at home.Question - 5(10 marks)Put the verbs in brackets into infinitive or gerund to complete the sentences. The first two have been done for you. 1. He has promised ___to deliver___ (deliver) it to me this afternoon.2. I enjoy ___reading_____ (read) new books.3. Ive invited Mark and Anna _________________ (stay) for the weekend.4. I dont mind ______________ (stay) at home to look after my little sister.5. He has decided to ________________ (take) the job.6. He claims ______________ (be) her brother but I think hes lying.7. Why are you blaming me for _________________ (get) lost? Youve got the map.8. We dont believe in ________________ (buy) each other big presents.9. I know you dont approve of ____________________ (smoke) so I wont smoke in here.10. Hes always complaining about _________________ (work) too hard.11. The doctor told me _________________ (stay) in bed but its so boring.12. Dont keep on _________________ (talk) about it. Its upsetting me.13. Its raining outside. Would you prefer _________________ (stay in)?14. My boss told me __________________ (not leave) the office before five.15. Its very nice here but I miss ____________________ (see) my friends.16. I dont recommend ___________________ (study) on your own17. Ive always dreamed of _______________ (live) in a cottage in the country.18. Sometimes I think you enjoy __________________ (upset) me.19. I regret ___________________ (not keep) in touch with my old friends.20. Im not expecting him _______________ (phone) me tonight but I hope he does.21. Dont forget _______________ (lock up) when you go to bed.22. He is suspected of ________________ (lie) in order to get the job.Question - 6(9 marks)Rewrite the following sentences in reported speech. The first one has been done for you.1. Ill come and see you on Friday if thats all right. (She said)___She said that she would come and see us on Friday if that was alright._____2. The shop is closing in half an hour (She explained)___________________________________________________________________3. He is planning to set up his own business. (Gareth told me)___________________________________________________________________4. You work too hard. You should take more time off. (He told me)___________________________________________________________________5. It will be a very difficult time for all of us. (He agreed)___________________________________________________________________6. The club lost quite a lot of money last month. (The treasurer told the meeting)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. When we were setting up the organization, we had very little money. (They told me)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. The 8.45 train from KL will be arriving in approximately five minutes. (The station announcer has just said)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. My new computer has made a lot of difference to me. (She said)___________________________________________________________________10. It is pouring with rain down here. (She told me)Page 6
