



(cceg phase: 3.183-3.213 (spasov: section 4 (30-35); section 19 (154-157)

I. Open the brackets using either an ing form or an infinitive:

1. I am looking forward to ( see ) you.

2. Its no use ( wait ).

3. I regret ( inform ) you that your application has been rejected.

4. The boys like ( play ) games but hate ( do ) lessons.

5. I couldnt help ( overhear ) what you said.

6. Dont forget ( lock ) the door before ( go ) to bed.

7. I tried ( persuade ) him ( accept ) your proposal.

8. If you go on ( let ) your dog ( chase ) cars hell end up ( be ) run over.

9. Would you mind ( lend ) me 5? I forgot ( cash ) a check.

10. He tried ( explain ) but she refused ( listen ).

11. She likes her children ( go ) to the dentist every six months.

12. He postponed ( make ) a decision till it was too late ( do ) anything.

13. Try ( forget ) it; it isnt worth ( worry ) about.

14. I distinctly remember ( pay ) him. I gave him 2.

15. A: Did you remember ( give ) him the key this morning? B: No, I didnt. Ill go and do it now.

16. I know my hair needs ( cut ) but I never have time ( go ) to the hairdressers.

17. Would you like ( ride ) with me next Sunday?

18. Most people prefer ( spend ) money to ( earn ) it.

19. I didnt feel like ( work ) so I suggested ( spend ) the day in the garden.

20. A: Do you remember ( post ) the letter? B: Yes, I do. I popped it in the post box near my gate.

21. A: Why didnt you drink it? B: I didnt like ( drink ) it as I knew what it was.

22. Its no use ( try ) ( interrupt ) him. Youll have ( wait ) till he stops ( talk ).

23. A: I keep ( try ) ( make ) mayonnaise but I never get it right. B: Try ( add ) the yolk of a hard-boiled egg.

24. The car began ( make ) an extraordinary noise so I stopped ( see ) what it was.

25. Youll never regret ( do ) a good deed.

26. I didnt mean ( offend ) anyone but somehow I succeeded in ( annoy ) them all.

27. You dont need ( ask ) his permission every time you want ( leave ) the room.

28. A: I left my door open. Why didnt you go in? B: I didnt like ( go ) in when you werent there.

29. Its much better ( go ) to a hairdressers than ( try ) (save ) time by ( cut ) your own hair.

30. Try ( avoid ) ( be ) late. He hates ( be ) kept ( wait ).

31. A: Did you remember ( book ) seats for tomorrow? B: Yes, I have the tickets here. Would you like ( keep ) them?

32. I cant help ( clean ) the place because I cant help ( fall ) asleep.

33. He went on ( talk ), although I had asked him to stop.

34. Having mentioned the main problem, he went on ( talk ) about other less important matters.

35. If the Governments policy is to succeed, they must try ( keep ) prices in check.

36. The shareholders all think they know what should be done, but the board still needs (convince).

37. Lets invite him. Im sure he would love ( come ).

38. Someone in the office had made a mistake and the firm regretted ( cause ) the customer inconvenience.

39. We plan ( take ) our holidays abroad this year.

40. Lots of companies dont permit ( smoke ) anywhere on the premises.

41. I vaguely remember ( say ) something like that.

42. Its a tricky problem. I recommend ( consult ) an expert.

43. Hed prefer ( go ) to that place, if thats convenient.

44. For the second time this year, miss Black will attempt ( swim ) the Channel in less than five hours.

45. Children should start ( learn ) a foreign language at primary school.

46. He remembered ( pass ) on most of the information, but omitted ( mention ) one or two of the most important facts.

II. Explain the differences (if any) between the sentences in each pair:

1. a) I hate quarrelling.

b) I hate people quarrelling.

2. a) I am sorry to be late.

b) I am sorry for being late.

3. a) I am sorry to be late.

b) I am sorry for having been late.

4. a) Robert being a former prisoner complicates things.

b) Being a former prisoner complicates things.

5. a) The most important thing when going to a party is to have a new dress.

b) The most important thing when going to a party for her is to have a new dress.

6. a) I am not glad to be here.

b) I am glad not to be there.

7. a) I saw him steal the car.

b) I saw him stealing the car.

8. a) I told you not to go.

b) I didnt tell you to go.

III. Rewrite the following sentences using a non-finite verb phrase to replace the part in italics:

1. Business leaders prefer that trade agreements be used to promote trade rather than as political tools.

2. She couldnt bear that he should think of her in this way.

3. The speaker making the radio appeal urged that his listeners should give generously to a deserving cause.

4. His lawyer advised him that he should drop the case since it was unlikely to succeed.

5. The publishers withdrew the offending passages in the book and publicly regretted that they had caused anyone embarrassment.

IV. Complete the sentences by using the most appropriate verb form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I always try (be) punctual, but I dont always succeed.

2. Its a tricky problem. I recommend (you, consult) an expert.

3. A membership card authorizes (the holder, use) the clubs facilities for a period of 12 months.

4. The new committee member didnt venture (speak) at his first meeting.

5. I prefer (ride) to (walk).

6. It might be better (try, discuss) it in his own language because he seems not (speak) English well enough.

7. Like many good writers who confine themselves to (write) popular books, Bryson is accused of squandering his talent.

V. Match the numbered and lettered items to produce a single sentence containing a participle:

1. She telephoned every hour.

2. She heard of Eds accident.

3. She studied two hours every evening.

4. She left work early.

5. She took the back off the computer.

6. She moved into a smaller house.

a. She passed her university course.

b. She was able to avoid the heavy traffic.

c. She managed to save money.

d. She immediately went to see him in hospital.

e. She damaged some of the circuits.

f. She eventually managed to speak to the doctor.

VI. Explain the differences between the sentences in each pair:

1. a) She remembered to do her homework.

b) She remembered doing her homework.

2. a) I tried to call you.

b) I tried calling you.

N.B. Which of the two sentences can accommodate the following extension: but your line was busy?

3. a) She would have liked to visit Munich on her trip.

b) She would like to have visited Munich on her trip.

4. a) She remembers having been listening to a Grieg concerto.

b) She remembers having listened to a Grieg concerto.

5. a) The man should stop drinking.

b) The man should stop to drink.

6. a) She phoned to warn him of the impending danger.

b) She phoned asking irrelevant questions.

7. a) I appreciate his taking care of the dog.

b) I appreciate him taking care of the dog.

8. a) Still writing the letter, he phoned her to tell her the news personally.

b) The letter written, he phoned her to tell her the news.

9. a) The boss had me turn off the lights.

b) The boss had me turning off the lights.

10. a) He doesnt want his employees sitting around with nothing to do.

b) He doesnt want his employees to sit around with nothing to do.

11. a) Mary prefers doing other things with her time.

b) Mary prefers her doing other things with her time.

12. a) The bored children started to get restless.

b) The boring children started to get restless.

13. a) She gave me a welcoming cup of tea.

b) She gave me a welcome cup of tea.

14. a) They are anxious to rent out their house while they are away.

b) They are anxious about renting their house while they are away.

VII. Rewrite the following sentences (if possible) using an appropriate non-finite form:

1. The people who are being asked to take early retirement are all over the age of 60.

2. The book that she wanted to borrow was not available in the library.

3. The man who died in the accident came from Bulgaria.

4. I ran through the crowd of people who were hurrying to get to work.

5. If you know of anyone who would like to buy my old car, let me know.

6. The trees that were blown down in last nights storm have been moved off the road.

VIII. Edit the following sentences to make them fully grammatical:

1. The kindergarten teacher made them to lie down.

2. We will go overseas for visiting our parents.

3. I understood for me to be the winner.

4. They disagreed over to go to that movie.

5. Look! I see him leave the building.

6. I saw the sunglasses lie by the side of the road.

7. None of the applying candidates was accepted.

8. Rub the area infected with this antiseptic crme.

9. She felt confident to have seen him before.

10. His new film is really worth to be seen.

11. Being a teacher for fourteen years, Barbara knew how to keep the children interested.

12. The policeman couldnt swear to see the accused man at the scene of the crime.

13. A group of MPs has advocated the Government to set up a special commission of inquiry.

14. John offered Mary to help.

15. John invited Mary to help him with the children.

16. He convinced me his plan to be preferable.

17. He convinced me to change my mind.

18. I pretended not seeing her, and carried on walking down the street.

19. Scientists found the theory being correct.

20. The doctor will soon have you walk again.

21. He resented to throw away things that he felt could be useful.

22. Alexander the Great was celebrated as fleet of foot, though he disdained racing with any below the rank of king.


