Page 1: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 1 Issue 164

Grafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November

Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham Village Hall for delicious food, mulled wine and fantastic fireworks! Our village cele-brations of Bonfire Night are on Saturday 3rd November. We’ve had lots of interesting contributions for this is-sue. There’s not enough room to mention them all here, but you will find out that there is something to catch your attention on every page!

Please send in your news, views, photos and gossip in good time for the next deadline, midnight on Thursday 15th November 2018 for the combined December/January issue.

Keep Gossiping! Editors, [email protected]

Contents Church Services and View from the Pew..………..…......

Parish News/ Cllrs details/Be Extra Vigilant………….…......

Notices/ Village Hall Activities………………….…..…….…..….

Request for assistance for Community Shop..…….….…

Extracts from B and LP Surgeries Newsletter….……………...

Notices/Has the bin man bin, Mam?/ Useful phone nos……...

Wildlife Trust Talk, The Wild World of Birds…………..............

Holy Days, Jason / Grafham Beekeepers Group…………….

Notices incl extracts from ALBRAM Surgeries Newsletter….....

Do you recognise this local road?/Buckden Gardeners…........

Grafham Road Safety Campaign Update……………………..

Talking Shop/ Times Gone By, David Anthony.……………....


Autumn Leaves, Greg Belcher…………………………………


Churchyard Makeover/ Keep Stronger for Longer…………….

Local Activities………………………………….….…………….


















If you have timber that can be used for the bonfire,

please deliver it to the far side of the 5 - aside pitch,

Grafham Village Hall, at 3pm on Saturday 3rd November

where Simon will be in charge!

Or call Simon 07887 628528 who will collect it

on the morning of Saturday 3rd.

Please make sure that there’s nothing included that is explosive or that might give off noxious fumes.


Jacket potato & cheese

Jacket potato & chilli

Tomato Soup

Mulled wine

Coke (Squash free)

Admission: Admission: Admission:

Adults £4Adults £4Adults £4

5 5 5 --- 16 years £216 years £216 years £2

Under 5s Free!Under 5s Free!Under 5s Free!

Saturday 3rdSaturday 3rdSaturday 3rd NovemberNovemberNovember

Food from 5:00Food from 5:00Food from 5:00

Fireworks 6:30Fireworks 6:30Fireworks 6:30

at the at the at the

Village HallVillage HallVillage Hall

Carousel for childrenCarousel for childrenCarousel for children


Christmas Shoe Box Appeal – 2018

Can I persuade you to be part of a very

worthwhile cause and help bring a smile to

underprivileged children this Christmas?

Do you have a spare shoebox which you

could fill with goodies for underprivileged

children this Christmas?

If you would like to be part of this very worthwhile

cause run by Samaritans Purse (operation Christmas

Child), please give me a call on 811577 or 07859 065

982 and I’ll be happy to deliver a leaflet to you. This is

a fun and rewarding project which, as a village, we

have been part of for many years now.

Once completed, shoeboxes should be returned to

me no later than Sunday 18th

November. Monetary

contributions are also welcome.

Details can also be found on-line at

Many thanks for your continued support.

Kind regards, Moira Young 2 Meadowground, Grafham

01480 811577 or 07859 065 982

A big thank you to those who attended the MacMillan coffee / tea event on

Saturday 22nd September! We raised £237.

I would like give thanks also, to those who helped during the day (especially Julia.)

With gratitude, Susana Doyle

Page 2: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 2 Issue 164

View from the Pew

Our church has been very busy in the last few weeks. On 20th September seven of us celebrated our first mid-week Holy Communion led by Mike. A reading from the bible was thoughtfully considered fol-lowed by our prayers and the Communion itself. Coffee, cake and a chat was enjoyed afterwards. The following Sunday it was Grafham's turn to host the "All Together" Holy Communion service. This was led by a visiting Curate Revd Sid Bridges who delighted us with his entertaining sermon.

On Saturday 6th October we were pleased to welcome a group of volunteers to a meeting to discuss church-yard maintenance with a view to creating wildflower areas. A plan of action was decided and readers will be kept informed of progress.

Our Harvest Festival on a glorious October day was attended by 33 people. We heard the story of the para-ble of the sower and traditional Harvest hymns were sung. All donated food was sent to the Food Bank. 24 people sat down to the delicious bring and share lunch.

The first of our new Taize services will be on Sunday 28th October at 7.30pm and the second on 25th No-vember. Do come along and experi-ence this tranquil and meditative service with music and candles.

The next two mid-week Holy Communions will be on 1st and 29th November at 10am. You are welcome to all our services, whether regular churchgoers or new-comers, we will be pleased to see you.

The Remembrance Sunday service on 11th November will be at Ellington as it is their scheduled Family Ser-vice. This being the centenary of the end of World War 1 we are sure many will wish to attend. Grafham men who gave their lives will be remembered as always. As usual we will assemble in the churchyard by the War Memorial at 10.50am. On a more sober note it is apparent that some dog owners are not clearing up after their pet in the church-yard. We would ask those people to do so and keep our churchyard clean and welcoming for all.


On Fourth Sundays, an ‘All Together’ Holy Communion Service rotates between the three churches.

For more information on church services and other events, visit and click on Calendar

Grafham All Saints Services

Every Wednesday morning 09.00 - 09.30 Morning Prayer – a short service open to all

Please note the new time. Download the Daily Prayer app from

the Church of England website available for iOS and Android

join us in spirit from home if you wish! -------------------------------------------------------------

28th October (4th Sunday) 19.30 Taize service - Lay led (See ’View’ below)


1st November (Thursday) 10.00 Holy Communion led by Mike Bigg (a fairly informal

service - see ’View’ below)

4th November (1st Sunday) 10.30 Family Service - Lay led

11th November (2nd Sunday) 10.50 Remembrance Sunday Service at Ellington Assemble in the churchyard by the War Memorial at 10.50am

25th November (4th Sunday) 19.00 Taize service - Lay led

29th November (Thursday) 10.00 Holy Communion led by Mike Bigg --------------------------------------------------------------

2nd December (1st Sunday) 10.30 Family Service - Lay led

Contacting the Clergy Revd Jason Taylor (Rector) Rectory, 15 Church Road, Brampton PE28 4PF

[email protected] 01480 453341 or 07807 118070

Revd Mike Bigg (Curate) [email protected] 07380 809377

Christmas Services will be listed in the next issue of

the Grafham Gossip.

They can also be found here:


Page 3: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 3 Issue 164

Grafham’s County Councillor Grafham’s District Councillor

Peter Downes

07765 833486


Darren Tysoe 01480 388310 [email protected]

Grove Cottage, Malting Lane, Ellington, PE28 0AA Follow me on Twitter@darrentysoe and Receive my updates on Facebook

PARISH NEWS October 2018

At this month’s meeting, the Council were asked about the condition of the hedges along the Bramp-ton Lane. In some places, the growth is such that it restricts free movement for cars and cyclists alike, posing physical dangers as well as damage to vehi-cles. This is a perennial issue and, as in previous years, the Council will discuss with landowners and or Cambridgeshire Highways. The Brampton end is most-ly managed by a voluntary working party and, although there is a question over where the boundary lies, the Grafham end could benefit from similar attention if people are willing. In any event the Council will be in contact with the landowners to seek a commitment to the maintenance of the hedges and the clearing away of fallen branches.

The Chair of the Shop Committee attended the meet-ing to seek some financial assistance for the shop over the winter months. In a separate article (on page 5) you can read the transcript of the request and the Council’s response to it.

Two members of the Speedwatch team attended to update the Council on their activities. So far nine ses-sions of monitoring have taken place with an approxi-mate 12% of vehicles travelling in excess of 30 mph. At the Church Road end of the village, monitoring has so far been confined to traffic leaving the village. Moni-toring traffic coming into the village on Buckden Road is hampered by the height of the verges on that side of the road. It is unclear who would be responsible for the verges and the Council will search its archives to find

out who owns the water tower and its land.

The regular monthly reports received from Cllr Darren Tysoe and Cllr Peter Downes can be viewed in full on the village website

The Council agreed to provide help to the Community Pub by granting £642 towards the

purchase of sanitary ware.

The grant application for the resurfacing of the all-weather pitch has been completed. Four tenders have been received and the most cost effective in terms of life span and maintenance came from the original in-stallers at £17,900.00. The Council unanimously agreed to appoint En-Tout-Cas as the contractor of choice.

A quote for the cost of three speedwatch signs and their installation at £367.00 was accepted and agreed. The A14 traffic monitoring device has been installed on Breach Road to monitor numbers and speed. Feedback is expected possibly by the end of October.

Street-lighting as a future topic for discussion has been suggested. Are there too many lamp-posts or too few? Are they in the right places? If you have a view, please let us know.

The next PC meeting is scheduled for 13th November 2018 – 7.30pm at the Village Hall – everyone wel-come.

Margaret Life Parish Clerk

07780 119311 [email protected]

Grafham Parish Council You may contact your parish councillors through the parish clerk or directly.

Philip Allingham Chairman 01480 811516 [email protected]

Ian Gardener Vice Chair 01480 812821 [email protected] Jo Dunn [email protected]

Alastair Watson [email protected] David Russell [email protected]

Claire Hodder [email protected] Roy Harold [email protected]

‘Be Extra Vigilant’ For readers without a facebook account, the following message was recently posted on the Grafham Friends

Facebook page.

Due to recent break-ins and attempted break-ins of business premises as well as private residences within the

area of Grafham, we would like to ask that the public be extra vigilant of suspicious behaviour and vehicles.

Please ensure that you have locked your business premises securely and activated your alarm systems. Please

report any suspicious activity to 101 and check your CCTV footage regularly. It is not our wish to frighten anyone,

but to draw attention to the situation. Please be safe, keep an eye on neighbouring properties and report anything

suspicious. We would rather be called several times to the same job, than not at all. Thank you

Huntingdon Police

Page 4: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 4 Issue 164

Deadline Please send us all your adverts, notices, news, views and gossip ASAP

and definitely by

midnight on


15th November Thanks, Ed [email protected]

Playtimes Pre-school Ferriman Road, Spaldwick PE28 0TQ

Tel: 01480 890077

We have spaces available for 15 and 30 hours free government funding!

We offer: Breakfast club 8 - 9am Preschool 9am- 3pm Out of school club 3.30 - 6pm

Presenting Candy Couture (Over 18s only)

Friday 9th November 2018

Grafham Village Hall 8pm

Doors open 7pm

Licensed Bar

Tickets £10 from Tracie 07702 330157 or

Jill 01480 811516

All profits to FOSS & Village Pub

Parish of

East Leightonstone To join the mailing list and receive

the regular newsletter visit

and click News

Grafham Village Hall

Activities & Classes 2018

Mondays Line Dancing 7.30pm

Tuesdays Pilates 9.45am

Art Club 1.30pm

Wednesdays Little Fishes (pre-school children)


Yoga 6.15 - 7.15pm

Karate 7.30pm

Thursdays Kick Boxing 7.00pm

Saturdays Chinese Martial Arts


For enquiries about classes and about booking the hall, please telephone 07711 769911

Read more about village hall activities on page 16

Page 5: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 5 Issue 164

A request for assistance for the Community Shop


Martin Joyner, chairman of the Shop Committee, at-tended the PC meeting to ask the Parish Council to consider providing some financial support for Grafham Community Shop and he made the following points

The shop has been a success for the village. It was a large effort to establish the shop and it is now in its 5


year of trading. People in the village want a shop as shown by the survey which was part of the parish plan. The shop is beneficial to our community as it gives op-portunities for villagers to interact. People who are new to the village are able to meet residents and for those unable to travel out of the village it is an important bit of independence. Its presence has been known to have a positive impact on house prices.

However, the financial position of the shop is very frag-ile and there is a risk that the shop may not survive the winter months if takings across the winter are similar to last year. The shop made a loss of £1,875.46 in 2017/2018 and takings so far this year are 7% less than last year. Custom from the caravan site has gone down as the site now stocks some basic provisions. Some costs have gone up including wages, pensions and power costs.

In an effort to improve our takings, we have improved signage and advertising (Facebook and leaflets). A re-cent leaflet has asked people to support the shop in one of several ways including making a monthly sub-scription to which several people have reacted favoura-bly. We have taken steps to further control stock pur-chases and costs and we have reviewed our over-heads.

We are in the process of applying for community fund-

ing. We have an application with the Skipton Building Society (success is subject to a voting process), a new application with Aviva and we are investigating A14 funding.

However, we are in need of guaranteed financial sup-port in the short-term and turn to the Parish Council for assistance, either as a small monthly contribution to our electricity costs which are approximately £250 a month, or as a grant of £3000 to see us across the winter, paid in instalments and subject to monthly reports on pro-gress as provided by the shop management.


Following this request from the Community Shop, the Parish Council gave due consideration to the important role the shop has in providing a convenience to most of the village and a life-line to some. We should remem-ber that the village overwhelmingly agreed that a shop was one thing that the village was missing at the time of the Parish Plan and that most people wanted to have. The shop has provided help to younger villagers in en-hancing their life skills and their CVs and helping with their Duke of Edinburgh award schemes. Housebound villagers are able to get out and walk to the shop rather than rely on others to shop for them. New-comers are integrated into the community.

Because of this, the Council has agreed to cover the cost of electricity supplies to the shop until the end of the financial year (31.03.19) at approximately £250 each month. We will receive regular financial updates.

There is still, however, some concern over the long-term viability of the shop and we are seeking your view as to if and how the Parish Council can best help to keep the shop open.

The Council views the shop as a very important part of village life and would welcome your ideas on how we can help it survive and succeed.

A few items taken from the September Newsletter for Buckden & Little Paxton Surgeries

If you missed the flu day on Saturday 29th September at Buckden and Little Paxton Surgeries there is another one on Thursday afternoon 22nd November at Buckden Surgery. Please ask at Reception about booking an appointment. You are eligible to receive a free flu jab if you:

are 65 years of age or over

are pregnant

have certain qualifying medical conditions

are a carer

An enhanced vaccine, an adjuvanted vaccine, will be given this year to patients aged 65 and over. This vac-cine contains extra ingredients designed to help older immune systems develop a stronger defence against flu. Patients under 65, in the at-risk groups, will be given a vaccine that protects against four types of flu.

Childhood Influenza Vaccination We can offer nasal flu vaccination to children aged two and three (but not four years or older) on 31st August

2018 (date of birth on or after 1st September 2014 and on or before 31st August 2016). Please call reception to book an appointment in our dedicated clinics in October and November.

Children in reception class and school years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (date of birth on or after 1st September 2008 and on or before 31st August 2014) should be offered the vaccination in school.

By having your flu jab here at the surgery, this helps us enormously to achieve our targets and reduce administrative burden.

Extended Hours As part of the pilot scheme for the provision of extended access in West Cambs, on the 1st September we began hosting extended access clinics at Buckden Surgery.

From October, extended access appointments will be available every evening and weekend morning. Our local clinics will be held at Buckden Surgery and Crom-well Place Surgery (St Ives) alternately. Additionally clinics will also be held at Cornerstone Surgery (March)

Continued on page 9

Page 6: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 6 Issue 164

The Labour Party in Huntingdon

Our next monthly meeting is

Mon 19th November at 7.30pm at The Medway Centre More details on Facebook

or via the website:

Come along and get involved in helping your neighbours and

the community!

The Wild World of Birds:

Understanding Intelligence and Behaviour

Indoor Talk at 7.30pm

Wednesday 14th November

Brampton Memorial Hall,

Thrapston Rd, Brampton PE28 4TB

The Huntingdonshire Local Group of the Wildlife Trust invites you to a presentation on the Behavior of Birds, delivered by Dr. Gabrielle Da-vidson who is a comparative psychologist and behavioural ecologist. Dr. Davidson has studied birds, particularly corvids and great tits, to try to understand their level of intelligence and associated behaviours, demonstrated by the use of observation to aid foraging opportunities and nesting location, and also the use of tools.

This should be a fascinating talk and anyone interested is most wel-come to attend. Booking is not necessary. The entrance charge is £2.50 (accompanied children free).

For more information please contact Tim 01480 457795. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Part of the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Registered Charity No: 1000412




If you can spare an hour once every few months to help dust and vacuum the church please contact:

[email protected]

Useful Phone Numbers All emergencies 999

Non-emergencies 101

Cambridge Constabulary HQ 01480 456111

Minicom for hard of hearing 01480 422493

Action Fraud 0300 123 2040

Crimestoppers 0800 555111 (anonymous)

To report anti-social behaviour in Grafham 01480 388379 or 387097 or e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

To stop unwanted phone calls 08450 700707

To stop unwanted mail 08457 034599

Power cut 105 or 0800 31 63 105 or text POWER and your postcode to 80876

If you’d like to write a ‘one-off’ article

or a regular feature for the

Grafham Gossip,

send it by email to

[email protected]

Has the bin man bin Mam?” Wednesdays Blue bin (recycling) and Black bin (refuse) - alternate weeks

Every other Thursday - Green bin (garden waste)

If you require any further advice or information about waste and recycling services, call 01480 388640 be-tween 8.45am and 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.45am and 4.30pm on Fridays or visit

Power cut? Text POWER and your postcode to 80876

Call us free anytime on 105 or

0800 31 63 105

Page 7: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 7 Issue 164

Grafham Beekeepers Group Grafham beekeepers group was formed two years ago after a facebook post on Grafham village friends asking who in the village was interested in getting together to keep bees.

Five of us were interested and after some research we joined Huntingdonshire Beekeepers Association(HBKA,) who run a course every year at Hinching-brooke apiary, and after two classroom sessions and a practice day at the apiary we were ready to go.

By the spring of 2017, with kind help from the parish council, we had a hive; a swarm of bees quickly arrived which our HBKA mentor settled in to the hive. We soon encountered one of the problems in beekeeping when within weeks our queen bee died, which is when we discovered that new queen bees can be bought and sent out via post! So, with our new queen safely de-livered we spent the summer making sure the colony was growing and they were all healthy and disease free, and fed them weekly throughout autumn to pre-pare them for winter.

Having such a harsh winter meant many beekeepers lost their colonies last year due to cold or hunger and so we were hugely relieved to open the hive this spring and find they had survived. In fact, the colony grew so much over the spring that they got too big for the hive and one day we arrived to find half of our bees had swarmed and were hanging from a tree

nearby! Luckily with the help of a bucket at-tached to a pole we man-aged to safely collect them and deliver them to a new home with an-other HBKA member.

Our remaining bees have thrived this summer and whilst we've had a few stings but no honey as yet, we have all enjoyed learn-ing so much from the bees and our mentor over the past two years.

If anyone else is interested in knowing more out bees, beekeeping or even better, joining our group please let us know on [email protected]

Collecting the bees that had swarmed

I recently spent the week at Launde Abbey on retreat. Unexpectedly, I was down to stay in The Hermitage (think cabin in the woods). At first, I was a little disap-pointed not to be in the main house and I must confess that during the first night I kept expecting to see a ghoulish face pressed against my window; it was a little bit too isolated and, as they say in the movies, “Nobody will hear you scream out here!”

As I sat and pondered my isolation and lack of any mo-bile phone signal or internet connection, I reminded myself that I had, in fact, come here to get away from all of that. This was time set aside to be with God, to read and pray; these days were “holy days”, a sabbath rest from all that other stuff.

If something is holy it is set aside from the ordinary things for a special purpose, this is where we get our word holiday from. So, I settled in to see what would happen. I slept a fair bit (I like to think of this as holy rest!), I read three books in four days and I enjoyed some fantastic meals in the main house but, because I was staying in the hermitage, they assumed I would want to be alone so sat me apart from the other guests.

As I adjusted to my holy days I really did feel closer to God and it started me thinking that everyone should do this. Not necessarily in the hermitage at Launde Ab-bey, but we should all take some time away from dis-

tractions to just ‘be’ with God. None of us would let the oppor-tunity for a traditional holiday pass if we could prevent it but I wonder how many of us just take some time to be alone and focus on God. It doesn’t have to be a week; I realise that one of the privileges of my role is that I can take such time out and it counts as ‘work’. If we tried though, most of us

could manage 24 hrs, half a day or just a couple of hours

I’d like to encourage you to look at your diaries and plan a holy day at some point in the next six months. Select a good book and go away to a quiet place; switch off your phone, leave your laptop behind and try to be attentive to God. A modern contradiction of sorts is that He is always speaking but we are usually too busy to hear.


(Contact details for Jason can be found on page 2. Ed)

Holy Days

Page 8: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 8 Issue 164

Parish of East Leightonstone

St Mary Magdalene, Brampton

Putting the Church at the Heart of the Community

Dear Friend

‘In Memory’ – Sunday 11th

November at 7pm

I am writing to invite you to our annual ‘In Memory’ service in the Parish Church of Brampton, St Mary Magdalene. This is a gentle service with candles, readings, music and prayers. There will be an opportunity for you to light a can-dle in memory of someone who has died. Those who have attended previous ‘In Memory’ services have often com-mented on how helpful the service has been.

During prayers we remember individuals by reading out their names. If you would like a name to be read out, please complete the slip below and return it to the address below by no later than October 31st.

Thank you.

The Revd Jason Taylor Rector Name of loved one whom you wish to be read out:



YOUR name and ‘Phone number / e-mail:



Please return this slip to: Mrs Dee Wormald 29 Sparrowhawk Way, Hartford , Cambs PE29 1XE OR e-mail: [email protected] giving the same details.

If you attend Sunday services Dee is more than happy to collect the slip from you 01480 386242

Alconbury and Brampton Surgeries

Brampton Flu Day, Sat 3rd


from 08.30-11am We have vaccines available in-between these dates so

please just ask to be immunised if eligible and attend-

ing the surgery for any other reason.

NHS England have recommended two different types

of vaccine for those under 65 and those aged 65 and

over and it is important to ensure patients receive the

correct vaccine to maximise efficacy.

Please support our ongoing delivery of these ser-

vices by attending the Surgery for your vaccina-


RCGP Parkrun Practice

We are pleased to announce that we will be promoting

our local Parkrun at Hinchingbrooke Country Park to

enhance the physical and mental well-being of our pa-

tients. For those of you that run, walk or are just getting

started, Parkrun is a free, weekly, timed inclusive event

that happens every Saturday at 9am. For those less

keen on being active, Parkrun offers the opportunity to

volunteer, meet new people and become part of the

local community. Parkrunners are known for being

friendly, enthusiastic and supportive and I can highly

recommend this as a positive and uplifting way to start

your week-end. To find out more and register with

parkrun visit Bring your printed

barcode to Hinchingbrooke Country Park and I promise

you won’t be disappointed… there may even be cake!

To join the mailing list and receive a monthly news-

letter by email, you can pick up a form to complete, at

either surgery, or you can sign up on the website

Select ALBRAM Patient Reference Group on the right

side of the homepage. There‘s an option to complete

the form online or download and print it off to complete

and drop off at either surgery.

Send your news, views, photos and gossip to

[email protected]

A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon Improvement Scheme

Details of the planned road closures, diversions and latest

news can be found by visiting

or stay updated by following and

There is also a dedicated A14 Public Helpline

0800 270 0114

Details of the planned road closures and diversions are also available on the Grafham village web site Ed

Cambridge Crematorium Closure In order to safely complete the tie in works for the

Local Access Road, access to

Cambridge Crematorium will be prohibited

over two weekends:

Saturday 20th – Sunday 21st October

Normal access hours resume on Mon 22nd Oct

Saturday 27th – Sunday 29th October

Normal access hours resume on Mon 30th Oct

Due to the nature of the works, site closure is unavoidable. We apologise for any inconvenience this

may cause.

If you have any concerns or require bereavement

advice please visit or call

the Bereavement Services Team on 01223 458000

Page 9: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 9 Issue 164

Do you recognise this local road?

Yes, it’s a photograph of Breach Road, Grafham, possibly taken in 1903. In the distance you can see the railway

signal box and level crossing, in line where The Wyvern is now. The original photograph was found in Huntingdon-

shire Record Office by Jill Tyack some years ago.

The Huntingdon, Thrapston, and Kettering Railway was opened for goods and passengers in 1866. The stations

between Kettering and Huntingdon were Brampton, Graffham (renamed Grafham in 1877) Kimbolton, Raunds,

Thrapston, Twywell, and Crawford. Passengers could continue on to Cambridge by using the Midland trains run-

ning over the Great Eastern from Huntingdon. Grafham Railway Station closed in 1959, along with the rest of the

Kettering to Thrapston line. Source Wikipedia

Buckden Gardeners Association is a group of people who meet on the third Tuesday of the month from October to April in Buckden Village Hall. Topics are varied, focusing on gardening but also include related subjects such as ‘Wild flowers and their habitat’ and ‘Birds of Paxton Pits’.

Next month, we are pleased to welcome Geoff Hodge, who will give us a talk entitled ‘Colour in Your Garden All The Year Round’. Geoff is a freelance gardening author and ra-dio and TV broadcaster and is the former editor of Garden-ing News. Last year he gave us a very entertaining talk on Roses and we are very much looking forward to his visit this year.

Geoff will be with us on Tuesday 20th

November at 7.45pm at Buckden Village Hall, Burberry Road, Buckden, PE195UY. All are welcome.

For further information please visit our website or just come along.

Rosemary Surridge, Secretary

You may book to see a GP, a practice nurse or a health care assistant at any clinic for routine mat-ters.

Please call reception to book these appointments. You will be seen by local GPs and nurses, but it is unlikely that you will be seen by your own GP or nurse. If you prefer to see your usual GP or prac-tice nurse, please book an appointment during the normal hours.

Please note, these are not walk-in appointments – all appointments should be booked in advance

These extended access appointments are in addi-tion to the regular out of hour’s appointments avail-able at Buckden surgery on a Monday evening and early and late GP telephone appointments.

Much more information is included in the monthly newsletter. Ask at the surgery about joining the mailing list to receive the newsletter by email.

Continued from page 5. Taken from September Newsletter for Buckden/Little Paxton Surgeries

Page 10: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 10 Issue 164

1. Volunteers

Our volunteers have been out using the Speed-watch kit and have, over the past couple of weeks, recorded over 150 vehicles exceeding the posted limit (anything 35mph and over) and they continue to run further sessions. The valuable information they've recorded is collated and then sent to the police liaison officer, who follows up and arranges for the appropriate further action to be taken against the offending owners.

We will also find out soon how many of these official letters have gone out and if any other action has also been deemed necessary (as we're aware of a number of "repeat offenders”) and we'll update you on these.

We are still a bit short of trained volunteers, so if anyone would like to see if this is something they could help with, they should get in touch with us and we can arrange for you to shadow part of one of the sessions, to see what's involved and then get trained up. The volunteers all agree that it’s actually a fun ex-perience and you get to meet others from the village whilst working on improving road safety and driver ed-ucation in the community. Please contact Carole Thomas by email: [email protected]

2. Speedwatch

We'd like to thank all of you who've taken the time to come out to encourage the Speedwatch teams -

whether by bringing them welcome pots of tea, cakes etc or by giving words of support - it's very much ap-preciated. All the volunteers are giving up their spare time to run these sessions, so it's good to hear from you all.

3. Signage via Parish Council (PC)

The cost of the Speedwatch signs has been approved by the PC and our thanks for that and we're advised that these have been ordered for both ends of the vil-lage and also on the approach road into Grafham from Brampton. It's another educational tool to remind driv-ers that this is a rural village with a 30mph speed limit and one that is actively being monitored and enforced by the community.

4. Traffic Monitoring Device

The A14 team have supplied a traffic monitoring de-vice which records the quantity of vehicles travelling along the road and their speed in both directions. The data is anonymous and used for statistics only. It is not sent to the police and the file is downloaded mid Octo-ber by the A14 team. The PC expects to be given a copy of this data. We intend approaching them and asking that they agree to supply a permanent camera led one of these units from their Heritage Fund, as an ongoing real benefit to the village.

5. Hedgerows

A number of people have raised their concerns about

the overgrown state of the hedgerows along the main road in the village and on the back road into Brampton and the danger from the reduced visibility it causes. The PC are looking at this and some of the villagers have also been in touch directly with Cambs CC. The latter have agreed that the Brampton Road foliage is a particular concern and will be taking appropriate ac-


6. Campaign action points

The campaign is hoping to raise funding for as many of these additional options as possible, This will in-clude applications to Cambs CC, the A14 Heritage Fund and other suitable funding sources.

A 40mph limit to be placed before the Anglian Water Visitors Centre on the way into the village to reduce speed past the entrance and exits to the centre. The road is used by both pedestrians and cyclists, both adults and children, who are using the facilities at the Centre.

The 30mph sign at the Perry end to be moved to just before the corner cottages to slow the traffic coming

round that corner. If that isn’t possible, then the 30mph sign to be at least moved to where the village sign is. At the moment it is too close to the first houses.

“Gates” to be erected at both ends of the village.

These could perhaps incorporate the 30mph sign, vil-lage sign and the Speedwatch signs. The feeling is that the gates indicate you are entering a “community “ where people are taking care of the village and its in-habitants.

Lines painted on the approach roads to make them appear narrower, speed limits painted on road or any other road painting options which could help.

A chicane has been discussed and would be an op-tion if made effective i.e. covering half of the road.

Chris Bulow, [email protected]

Grafham Road Safety Campaign Update

Page 11: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 11 Issue 164

Times gone by! Shortly after arriving and settling in at Sennybridge I

was put in control of an all night patrol, Thursday

through to Friday Oct 21st 1966. Just before signing

off I was telephoned and informed of a disaster at

Aberfan which was not far away. I knew Wendy had

relatives in the area so I went to tell her what had hap-

pened. I told her that as I was off duty from 0900 that

day until First Parade Wednesday, I was going to see

what I could find out and to help if needed. Her imme-

diate reaction was she was coming with me. I was not

surprised at that reaction knowing her as I did. We

immediately set out and arrived to find complete de-

struction of a school and nearby houses with many people working frantically to clear away the slurry and

brickwork. As I was in uniform, the local head of Civil

Defence (Alf) asked if I could help, as if I needed ask-

ing. Wendy went off with the Red Cross and Salvation

Army and helped them out feeding and looking after

the rescuers. The senior Red Cross Nurse told me

how hard she worked. I knew that would happen.

Alf put me to work with Pete Evans, (his Second In

Command,) we both grabbed a shovel and started

work. Some of what we saw and recovered made me

ill, also Peter, but we carried on through the day some-

how. The Mines Rescue teams from the area were

there and were a godsend in emotional and practical

help, as were the Red Cross doctors and nurses, and the Sally Army, (Salvation Army). I think it would have

been very difficult for me to have carried on without

those guys. They were saints. In the afternoon

‘second say’ was asked by Alf if I would act as security

control at the clearing station, (the Baptist Chapel) to

keep the press away from the relatives who were wait-

ing to identify their loved ones. I had no trouble at all

until a Swedish Reporter tried to gain access. I won't

go into detail, but he was sent packing. If the relatives

had heard what he said, there would have been a mur-

der! In some respects securing the Clearing Station

was more traumatic than the actual clearing. Some of

the sights were and still are very raw. In my mind, I

can still see the numbers of coffins inside the chapel,

some marked, "Not advisable to view"

The work carried on until Tuesday, which at that point

we rested. We returned to barracks on the Wednesday

in a very dirty and muddy state. I left Wendy at her work place, went to my bunk, fell on the bed and slept

until Thursday, to be woken by a very loud voiced

Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM,) who told me I was

on a charge for AWOL (Absent Without Leave) and to

report to his office within 2 hours. I cleaned myself up,

put on clean No.2 uniform and reported. I was

marched into the Commanding Officer’s (CO's) office

to face the charge. I did not know until my return that

the weeks' orders were not published until 1600 Friday

which had I been there would have noticed that I was

ordered as Fire Picquet NCO. When the Colonel was

told by the RSM where I had been, he tore the charge

sheet up and shook my hand! That was unheard of!

I went to see Wendy and her boss was totally off her

mind with anger, she said I was a bad influence on Wendy and had sent her to another station, Dering

Lines in Brecon, home of the 2nd Parachute Regi-

ment. We managed to keep in touch which turned out

to be a bonus.

The total dead numbered 144, (116 children - of which

109 died within the school) five of the adults were

teachers. An additional six adults and 29 children were

injured. A whole generation wiped out by one person’s


To this day I cannot stand the smell of wet coal dust.

Talk about flashbacks.

Dave Anthony, 1 Breach Road

Talking Shop Thank you to everyone who attended the recent AGM and we hope you found it informative. There was a lot of discussion about how the community can support the shop especially during the coming Winter months which are always challenging.

By now every household should have received a leaflet detailing “Five easy ways to help your Community Shop”. If for any reason you haven’t seen this, there are spare copies in the shop so pop in and see us.

The main ways you can help are:

1. Use the shop! If each household was to spend just £6 per week we would hit our sales target every month.

2. Volunteer to help. We’re a friendly bunch and we really appreciate the time our volunteers give to the shop. This enables us to do paperwork, banking and source stock. A lot of what we sell in the shop we phys-ically go and get as the quantities of stock we keep are too low to use wholesalers.

3. Become a Grafham Community Shop Support-er. Are you able to donate £5 or £10 per month by

standing order to ensure your village shop is sus-tained? Please contact us for our bank details.

4. Spread the word. Tell everyone you know what an asset you have in your village.

5. Give us your feedback. We always appreciate constructive comments so let us have your ideas for making the shop even better.

The committee has been to the Parish Council with a request for financial help and you can read about this in this month’s Gossip.

There is no doubt that the shop is an asset to the vil-lage and we’re sure that if we all pull together we can continue to make it a great success for all.

Lynn and Paul


Mon-Fri 8.00 - 6.30

Sat 8.00 - 5.00

Sun 9.00 - 2.00

01480 810119 Email [email protected] Website

Page 12: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 12 Issue 164

Brampton Wood Logs For Sale

All hardwood, seasoned 12 months

Mainly Oak and Ash, all from Brampton Wood

£90 per cubic yard processed ready to go on your fire

£45 per cubic yard unprocessed you will need a chain saw and a log splitter

Price includes local delivery

Phone George Cottam, Voluntary Warden 01480 450809

Email: [email protected]

Please support your local wood

Your advert could be here!

To advertise, email:

[email protected]

Thank you for your continued support!

Good quality paperback books in clean condition

We love to receive your paperback books to stock our church bookstall. Please leave them in the

church porch.

Paperback books in good condition

The book stall is a fantastic fund-raiser for our village church, but we‘ve found that we can sell only good quality, clean paperbacks and find it difficult to lift, carry and dispose of other items.

No x

Hardbacks x

Manuals x

Magazines x

Encyclopaedias x

Other items x


To advertise, email: [email protected] Community notices are free.

Business adverts are priced according to size, payable in advance.

They start at £3.50 for a small box. The money pays for the printing of the newsletter and any profit is donated to All Saints, Grafham

and its Restoration Fund.

Mon-Fri 8.00 - 6.30

Sat 8.00 - 5.00

Sun 9.00 - 2.00

Bank Holidays 9.00 - 2.00

Grafham Community Shop Opening Times

Tel: 01480 810119 Email:[email protected]

See page 11

for the shop news


‘Talking Shop’


Oil Syndicate

The syndicate


to grow,

keeping more money in the


It’s FREE to join and we

must keep a bulk order at-

tractive enough to receive a

discount, so simply email


[email protected]

or call 07887 628528

Page 13: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 13 Issue 164


Have a good time at the Bonfire Night celebrations!




Autumn Leaves Autumn is a season that can announce itself like no other. The change from a blanket of green to a kaleido-scope of yellow, orange, red and purple can be spec-tacular, but rarely lasts long.

So what brings these changes about? All leaves contain pigments that are involved in the trees’ energy gather-ing process. The best known of these is chlorophyll, the main chemical involved in the process of photosynthe-sis. However there are two other groups present in var-ying degrees depending on the species, the caratenes and the anthocyanins. As the days grow shorter and the suns’ light grows weaker the production of chlorophyll

slows and even-tually stops causing the green colour to fade from the leaves. This al-lows the other pigments to show through, the caratenes producing yel-low and orange colours and the anthocyanins producing the darker reds and purples. The levels of each pigment within the leaf can vary not only be-tween species

but also with weather conditions. A dry summer can increase the levels of anthocyanins as can sunny au-tumn days as the sunlight converts sugars left in the leaves into these pigments. Eventually the tree with-draws all the nutrients it can from the leaves and stores them in the trunk and root system as amino acids. This causes the colours fade somewhat but it is another pro-cess that makes the leaves fall from the trees.

During growth of the leaf in spring, a layer of cells grows at the root of the leaf stem called the abscission layer. Whilst the leaf is producing energy, there is a movement of hormones between the leaf and the tree, one of which is auxin. As photosynthesis slows so does the flow of auxin, this reduction causes the cells in the abscission layer to change. Eventually these cells weaken and the leaf falls, or is blown, from the tree. Once separated from the parent plant the remaining pigments break down leaving the only the brown, dead cell walls that made up the structure of the leaf.

These processes occur in all trees, but with evergreens like Holly it is occurring all the time and new leaves im-mediately grow in to re-place those lost so it is not noticeable. But why do trees drop their leaves at all? One rea-son is to allow the tree to retain mois-ture as leaves lose large amounts of liquid through their surface area, another is because as the tree enters its dormant phase energy requirements are much lower.

So, when you’re walking through a wood full of golden leaves give a thought to the complex biological process-es going on around you.

The Wildlife Trust BCN is working for wildlife in your

local area, for more information on wildlife, nature re-

serves and all the different ways you can help please

go to our website:

Gregory Belcher

Senior reserves officer

Wildlife Trust BCN


Wild Service


Page 14: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 14 Issue 164

Paul's Private Hire and Chauffeur Service Van Diemens Way, Grafham,

Huntingdon, Cambs. PE28 0GB

Tel. 01480 811594 Mobile 07795 296281 Email [email protected]

Travel in style via Mercedes cars to your destinations



OPEN WEDNESDAY- SUNDAY 09.00-17.30 TEL:01480 819730



Free back door, when ordered with 5 or more windows

For a free, no obligation quotation please contact your local representative Jon Goodchild on 07825 238240 or email

[email protected]




JEZ ASHCROFT LTD All your decorating needs including:

Coving, Internal Decorating

Drylining & Plastering


Please Call

Tel: 01480 812461 Mobile: 07708031493

Kevin Hutchinson • Reliable Local Carpenter and Joiner

• All carpentry work undertaken

• Fitted kitchens, new doors, wood flooring and much more

• No job too small

Tel: 01480 811863/07889 414274

BSM BSM Driving Instructor DSA Approved, Pass Plus Registered Living locally in Grafham

Call John Sisseman for details

Tel. 07806 941675

Grafham Plumbing and Heating Ltd

Oftec registered technician

High efficiency condensing boilers fitted

Oil tanks fitted complete with bases

All boilers serviced

All plumbing undertaken

Vaporising appliances fitted and serviced

Service and maintenance plans available Professional, friendly and reliable

[email protected]

01480 812590

07799 640476

Cinnamon Bar and Indian Restaurant Open 7 days a week 5pm to 10.30pm Also lunch time if pre-booked for 5 or more people

Call 01480 812211/811316 Thursday Night is 'Banquet Night'

1 starter, 1 main, 1 side.

Any rice or any nan £13.50 King prawn or duck £1.50 extra

Page 15: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected]

November 2018 15 Issue 164

A major new strength and balance campaign is launch-

ing this International Older People’s day to help people

in Cambridgeshire stay stronger for longer.

After breaking a bone in her back two years ago,

Margaret found that normal activities were extremely

difficult. However, thanks to some simple regular

strength and balance exercises at Brampton Memorial

Hall, she is now on the road to recovery and doing the

things she enjoys again.

The 74-year-old, who lives in Brampton, is now reaping

the rewards of regular exercise after signing up in Jan-


Margaret said: “When I first broke a bone in my back, a

simple task like ironing was agony. I saw an advert in

the Brampton Parish Magazine for strength and

balance classes and thought I’d give them a go. As a

result I am now definitely stronger, even my husband

has noticed how my confidence and mobility have

much improved. I can do simple tasks again that I once

took for granted and also do the things I enjoy like

gardening. I would certainly encourage all older people

to give the strength and balance exercises a go to

make sure they are getting the most out of life and stay

stronger for longer.”

Simple strength and balance exercises twice a week

are proven to keep you stronger for longer so you can

keep independent and enjoying the great things in life,

whether it’s playing with grandchildren, shopping, so-

cialising with friends or gardening.

For success stories and more information on classes

and activities in Huntingdonshire visit

The Stronger for longer campaign has been developed

by Cambridgeshire County Council working with local

NHS health partners.

Strength and balance classes help local lady stay stronger for longer

Churchyard Makeover The churchyard is having a makeover. As we started removing brambles and unwanted vegetation the weather im-proved. Fortified with delicious refreshments, we got to work with the strimmers, which made relatively light work of the overgrown graves area and also with the hedge cutters to tidy the garden of remembrance. The rest of the party got to work clearing brambles, invasive shrubs and a vast amount of non biodegradable ribbons and oasis on the South side of the graveyard. It was great fun and if anyone would like to join us next, please do Contact Jean for details, email: [email protected]

A friendly toad

Page 16: Grafham Gossip - Amazon Web Services November.pdfGrafham Gossip Issue 165 Deadline: Midnight Thursday 15th November Editors’ note… Once again, remember, remember to visit Grafham

Website: E-mail: [email protected] Opinions expressed in the Grafham Gossip, including past issues, are those of the writer and not the editors.

November 2018 16 Issue 164

Printed by Easiprint 01733 602302

Across the Churches Bible Study We are a small group meeting twice a month (Tuesdays 7.30pm) for Bible study, prayer and fellowship. We come from different churches and are always happy to welcome new members.

For more information, please contact Rob or Jean Clark 01480 890033.

Babysitters Bryony 22 yrs 812354 experienced with newborn to 14yrs

Mya 15 yrs 819326 Nicci 17 yrs 811279

GRAFHAM VILLAGE HALL has a Public Entertainments Licence for music, dancing, performing arts and can accommodate 92 guests seated in rows or 150 at a dance/disco - an ideal venue for children's and family parties. There is a playing field for sports activities and the hall has small changing rooms with shower facilities.

For details or to book, tel: 07711 769911

Grafham and Ellington Art GroupGrafham and Ellington Art GroupGrafham and Ellington Art Group Grafham Village Hall, Every Tuesday 1.30-4pm Calling all who want to meet and paint with like minded people on a regular basis.

Beginners and those with more skills are all very welcome.

Cost: About £2 to cover hall hire/refreshments. Come along with your paints and equipment!

Please ring me for more details.

Jackie Woods 01480 890279

Grafham Church Flower Club We are available to decorate the church for weddings and other church occasions.

Floral arrangements for: pedestal,

altar, font, windowsills, pew ends, pillars.

Please contact Hazel Powell on

01480 810326 for details and quotes.

If anyone in the village has foliage in their garden that they would be willing to donate for church decoration for festivals, please let us know, we would be very grateful.

The Mobile Library Route H24 visits Breach Road, Grafham on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 10.40 to 11.00. Next visits - 28th November

For renewals/ enquiries call 0345 045 5225 or click here


Regional winners of the British Trust for Conservation

Volunteers Green Award 2006 & 2007

Join Grafham Wildlife and Conservation Group

Call Sam Malt on

01480 811654 or 07849 082870

[email protected]

.Come and join the

GRAFHAM LINE DANCERS Beginners are welcome

Monday evenings in the Village Hall

7.30 – 9.00pm

For more information ring Julia 01480 811613 or Text Penny 07986 509481

Coffee Morning Grafham Social Committee invites you to Coffee Mornings at 10.30am on the third Wednesday of the month:

21st November - Sue Kelley, 3 Church Road

This is an informal social occasion for residents of the village. Please come along for a cup of coffee and a chat.

Ellington and Grafham WI

meets on the first Tuesday of the month in Ellington

village hall. Membership is £41 per annum but you

are most welcome to come as a visitor.

The programme for 2018 is varied and interesting

with speakers or events every month.

November AGM and supper December Working life with heavy horses

If you would like any more information please contact:

Sue 01480 896139 [email protected] or Ann 01480 891192 [email protected]

Grafham Little Fishes Toddler and Baby stay and play session

All Welcome

Wednesdays 10.00 to 11.20 term time only

Grafham Village Hall

Free play time followed by a short bible story, action songs and simple craft.

Just turn up on the day
