
Grade 9 Science June 3 - 9, 2020

Below you will find this week's science nine assignments. This week’s assignment has

only one student worksheet on how we are interconnected to our planets different

sphere’s (hydrosphere, geosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere) and one on water

conservation in the Cowichan Valley, please read instructions carefully and finish the

required worksheet. The ‘extending your learning’ is offered for those who want to go

beyond the minimal requirements.

If you need or want assistance on the assignment provided below, we are offering

‘office hours’ using the platform ‘Zoom’ twice per week with one of the four science

teachers: Mr. Kyle Conne, Ms. Alanna Skene, Mr. Aren Goodman and Mr. James

Cutt. Please see the end of this document for this week's office hours. However, if you

wish to speak directly with your science nine teacher, please do not hesitate to email

them or ask a question on your classes Office 365 Team page at any time and they will

respond in a timely manner. Submitting completed work: Please submit your completed

work by June 9, 2020 via your Office 365 Class Teams account, ideally by clicking

the “Turned In” button or through email. Assignments and any relevant resources

will be posted in your class’ Teams Account.

Learning Intentions:

1. Core Competencies of Communication, Thinking and Personal and Social

Awareness and Curricular Competencies relating to making observations aimed at

identifying students’ own questions, including increasingly complex ones, about the

world around them.

2. Big idea: The biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere are

interconnected, as matter cycles and energy flows through them.

o Effects of solar radiation: solar radiation provides the energy required for

most life on Earth, and is the root cause of wind and ocean currents,

which distribute energy and nutrients around the planet, as well as the

energy sources for the water cycle


o Matter cycles: e.g., water, nitrogen, carbon, phosphorous, etc.; human

impacts on sources and sinks (e.g., climate change, deforestation,

agriculture, etc.) and bioaccumulation and biomagnification

o Sustainability of systems: a systems approach to sustainability sees all

matter and energy as interconnected and existing in dynamic equilibrium

(e.g., carbon as a key factor in climate change, greenhouse effect, water

cycle, etc.)

Assignment Instructions:

Outline: Please access your Science Class Teams account and ensure that

you can access the instructions, online videos and student worksheets. Please

complete the student worksheets and turn them into your teacher.

Required materials:

• Science 9 June 2 - 9, 2020 Assignment # 9 Instructions

• New BC Science 9 textbook - Unit 4 pages (in pdf form, no textbook

available for this section)

• Cowichan Valley Watershed Map

• Watersheds in the Cowichan Valley Student Worksheet

• Earth’s Spheres are Interconnected Student Worksheet

Criteria / Rubric:

Assessment is based on a 4-point proficiency scale:

emerging developing proficient extending

The student

demonstrates an


understanding of

the concepts and


relevant to the

expected learning.

The student

demonstrates a


understanding of

the concepts and


relevant to the

expected learning.

The student

demonstrates a

solid understanding

of the concepts and


relevant to the

expected learning.

The student

demonstrates a


understanding of

the concepts and


relevant to the

expected learning.



Please complete the “Watersheds of the Cowichan Valley Student Worksheet” and the

“Earth’s Spheres are Interconnected Student Worksheet”. These worksheets along with

the “Unit 4 Textbook Pages” and the “Cowichan Valley Watershed Map” will introduce

students to the concepts of how the earth’s biosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and

atmosphere are all interconnected. Please follow the instructions on each worksheet for

each section. You will need to watch the videos linked in the instructions of this

assignment. Once you have completed the worksheet, please “Turn-In” the worksheet

in your Teams class account.

Extending Your Learning (Optional):

Please read the worksheet titled “Science 9 Enrichment Activity June 2-9, 2020”.

Student will need to read the article and watch the videos posted in the worksheet,

complete the worksheet and submit it to their teacher by turning it in to their Teams

class account. This Enrichment activity’s due date has been extended.

Office Hours: June 3 - 9 (via ZOOM:

Time - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

Wednesday and Thursday, June 3rd and 4th: Teachers will be with Grade 9

Students at Quamichan School. If you require assistance, please ask your

supervising teacher.

Monday, June 8: Mrs. Alanna Skene, Mr. James Cutt, and Mr. Aren Goodman

▪ Meeting ID: 990 8478 0100

▪ Password: science

Watersheds in the Cowichan Valley Student Worksheet

Part A: What is a Watershed?

Watch the first two minutes of this video (watch the whole thing if you’d like to learn more about conservation efforts in the CVRD) and feel free to do your own research:

1. Once you have watched the video, explain in your own words what a watershed is and why it is important?

Part B: Watersheds in the Cowichan Valley

Look at the map below and answer the accompanying question (this map is also attached as a pdf document if it is easier for you to view that way):

2. Finding where you live, which watershed do you live in?

Part C: The Importance of Our Watersheds:

Watch at least one of the following seven videos. Choose one that represents your home or is of interest to you. While watching, remember something new you learned, whether it’s a personal story that caught your attention or just an interesting fact, as well as find 2 challenges that the particular watershed you chose is facing. Please highlight the video you watched.

1. Yellowpoint, Bush, Holland, and Stocking Watershed (Ladysmith, Saltair, Halalt) 2. Chemainus, Bonsall 3. Cowichan (Duncan, Shatlam, Lake Cowichan and Youbou) 4. Koksilah (Cowichan Station, Cowichan Bay) 5. Shawnigan Creek (Shawnigan Lake, Cobble Hill) 6. Benchlands (anywhere that the water drains straight into the ocean, not a river or lake) 7. Penelakut Island (Gulf Islands)

Once you have watched the video of your choosing from above, answer the following:

3. I found the following points interesting about the _____________________(name of the watershed video I watched):


o 4. Please indicate the 2 challenges the watershed you observed in the video is facing:



Part D: Cowichan Watershed Board:

Check out the Cowichan Watershed Board’s website (link below) and answer the following questions:

5. The Cowichan Watershed Board is a partnership between which two groups?

6. Why does the Cowichan Watershed Board exist?

7. We use a _______ to help control the level of Lake Cowichan and the flow of the river. There have been many talks on building a new one. (The answer is at the bottom of the website page.)

Name: Block: Date:

Earth’s Spheres are Interconnected Student Worksheet Part A: Vocabulary: Please find and write the definitions of the words below. These definitions can be found in the pdf textbook pages provided in this assignment (These will not be in the textbook you have at home. Use the pdf document provided in this assignment). Definitions for the following words are found on pages 286 & 287. Biotic: Abiotic: Atmosphere: Geosphere: Hydrosphere: Biosphere:

Name: Block: Date:

Part B: Understanding of “Interconnectedness”: While watching the following three videos on how interconnected the Earth’s spheres are, think about how the biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere are all interconnected: - Wolves and Yellowstone National Park:

-Sea Otters, Kelp Forests and Carbon Fixing:

-Salmon and Tree Growth: After watching all three of the above videos, write 6 interactions you observed between the Earth’s spheres (state the spheres that are interconnected in each of your examples):

Example: Introducing wolves (part of the biosphere) to Yellowstone Park contributed to an increase in the number of beavers, who dammed the creeks and rivers (part of the hydrosphere) helping to raise, in certain places, the level of the water. (You may not use this as one of your examples).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Name: Block: Date:

Part C: Understanding Interconnectedness of Earth’s Spheres: You are part of the biosphere.

1. Think about how you interact with each of the other spheres. List a minimum of three ways you interact with each of the other spheres in the table below.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

1. 2. 3.

2. For each of the interactions you listed above (minimum of 3 for each of hydrosphere,

atmosphere, and geosphere), explain if that interaction you have with sphere is positive, negative, or neutral in affect and answer the question below that corresponds to your choice about affect:

a. If positive, why should other people do the same thing? b. If negative, what could you do differently to make your interaction neutral or

positive? c. If neutral, what could you do differently to make your interaction positive? Example: I interact with the biosphere by eating plants like an apple. This is a neutral interaction, as I am eating a plant which decreases our planet’s biosphere, but it is likely that the apple tree will regrow or produce more fruit. (you may not use this as one of your answers)

Name: Block: Date:

Bonus: As you are a part of the biosphere you can create a visual presentation using an 8 ½ x 14 piece of paper showing your interactions with the atmosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere (see example below, you cannot copy this example). You can then insert an image of your drawing into this document or attach it in the “My Work” section.
