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Report by: Jaymes Bryant S. Tibig 9-Platinum

Page 3: Grade 9 Health: Marriage

•Define and explain what marriage is•Identify the right time for marriage•Appreciate that maturity is needed for a happy marriage


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•Marriage is a lifelong partnership of a man and a woman, two unique individuals who understand, respect, care for each other. It is a dynamic relationship through which both partners continue to grow and develop their best qualities as human beings.

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•It is a joint venture into the future, with husband and wife trying their best to contribute to each other’s personal happiness and fulfillment.

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•Marriage is a cherished institution under which children are conceived, nourished, and raised to become useful and productive citizens of the country and the world. It is therefore, the rock on which the human family is built. It is essential to the continuity of the human race.

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•Marriage is a sacred bond. Many couples prefer to have their wedding in the church because they believe God makes the union stronger and blessed.

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•Essentially, marriage is what the two human beings involved make of it. Marriage can be heaven or hell, depending on the efforts of both partners who choose to embark on it. In more ways than one, success in marriage is more a matter of “being the right person” rather than “finding the right person.” Happiness is not found; it is earned.

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•As than any other authority aptly puts it, “Athough marriage is designed to meet more human needs than any other institution, it is also more capable of producing misery, human suffering, and personal torture than any other relationship developed by man.”

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•For most Filipinos, marriage is a sacrament and a lifelong commitment. It is a state which everyone is supposed to enter upon reaching adulthood; those who grow old without getting married are oftentimes pitied or ridiculed, especially if they are women.

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•Marriage also unites the families of the bride and the groom, which is why sons and daughters who are of the right are instructed on how to carefully select their mates in accordance with the values of their kin.

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•Primary importance is attached in maintaining peace and harmony at home. For the man, a steady job and a sense of responsibility are also desirable traits.

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•Marrying beyond the age of 20 has a lot of built-in advantages. Couples who are older are generally more mature. They have accumulated many experiences in life and are therefore better able to cope with reality.

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•They tend to make sound decisions based on clear perceptions of problems and goals. They can handle responsibility which is very important in marriage.

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•Earning capacity is usually greater when a person is older. Thus, the later one marries, the more stable his financial position would tend to be.

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•Economic independence from parents ad in-laws is made possible and one great source of marital unhappiness – being forced to live with relatives – is eliminated. Couples who are married on the right age are usually prepared for responsible parenthood.

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•Marriage is for mature persons, or at least, for those trying to be mature. A constant, intimate relationship between a man and a woman, further complicated by the arrival of children, calls for all the positive qualities that both partners can possibly master.

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•Many of these qualities are difficult to attain; husband and wife must help each other in the unceasing effort to be better persons capable of coping with the real world in general, and of shouldering the responsibilities of married life in particular.

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Report by: Jaymes Bryant S. Tibig 9-Platinum

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OBJECTIVES• Identify the different ingredients that can result to a happy marriage. • Enumerate the ingredients of a successful marriage.

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•Making marriage work is both an art and a science. It requires adjustments not only where your partner is concerned, but also your ways and behavior, your family, friends, job, beliefs, values, habits, goals, likes and dislikes, and all the other things which together define the meaning and context of your life.

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•It requires skill in the many aspects which ensure efficiency, comfort, and well-being such as family planning, budgeting, nutrition, child-rearing, housekeeping, and many more. The underlying thread in all these endeavors is communication without which there is no real marriage.

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•It requires skill in the many aspects which ensure efficiency, comfort, and well-being such as family planning, budgeting, nutrition, child-rearing, housekeeping, and many more. The underlying thread in all these endeavors is communication without which there is no real marriage.

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LOVE•There are marriages where love is not the primary reason of the union; but it is only through love that two people can live together happily as husband and wife or as a couple.

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UNDERSTANDING•No human being is perfect. Man is a mixture of good and bad, positive and negative, strengths and weaknesses, ups and downs. A person who wants to have a long-term relationship with another accepts this fundamental law of human nature.

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UNDERSTANDING•This realistic acceptance is the durable basis of understanding and leads to the contentment which is essential in a lasting marriage.

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CARE•Anyone who truly loves and cares for his partner is a conscious of human needs. He considers his loved one’s happiness as important as his own.

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CARE•He will do everything in his power to help his partner meet her various needs, by having or trying to find a decent job, by being sexually responsive, by expressing appreciation for even the slightest accomplishment, by encouraging contributions to the larger community,

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CARE•and by maintaining a relationship which allows the other to grow and fulfill himself. There are many other ways of expressing care for a loved one; it requires only a little creativity to master them.

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CARE•and by maintaining a relationship which allows the other to grow and fulfill himself. There are many other ways of expressing care for a loved one; it requires only a little creativity to master them.

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LOYALTY/FIDELITY•A relationship, in order to be secure, is founded on mutual trust. It is based on a commitment which ideally lasts a lifetime. The best way to maintain a male’s loyalty is to always remain interesting and attractive through the years.

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LOYALTY/FIDELITY•This means growing and developing as a person so that life is continuously enriched and renewed. The fires of love are kept burning through an unceasing expression of tenderness and affection, care and understanding.

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A SHARED PHILOSOPHY•Partners should have a set of beliefs which constitute a philosophy of life. This is what gives meaning, perspective and direction to their everyday activities and even to their own personal relationships with other people.

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COOPERATIOn•Enlightened couple see marriage as a cooperative endeavor based on the principle of equality, mutual agreement, and sharing of tasks.

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GROWTH•A healthy and mutually satisfying relationship allows both partners ample freedom to grow and develop to their full potential as human beings.

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GROWTH•The direction of growth and development is positive, that is, good qualities and creative abilities are enhanced while bad traits and destructive tendencies are overcome.

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GROWTH•Individual interests are cultivated in order to make life and therefore marriage, a richer experience.

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INVOLVEMENT•The meeting of minds and hearts is very important in a marriage. If partners have different visions in life and work at purposes that are not complementary, friction and pain are inevitable. Compatibility of goals and interests is a necessary ingredient in marital success.

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INVOLVEMENT•Couples who are bound by a cause greater than themselves seem to be the happiest and the most fulfilled.

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SHARING AND GIVING•Partners should know how to share and give, for it is better to give than to receive.

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COMMUNICATION•The common thread which ties together all the above-mentioned ingredients of successful marriage is communication between partners as well as among all family members.

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COMMUNICATION•Communication in marriage is geared primarily towards achieving mutual accommodation and adjustment. The matter of difference between two unique personalities with varying needs can be settled amicably through sensible discussion.

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“A successful marriage stands the test of time

and raises good children.”

Thank You and Mabuhay!
