
Welcome to class!

Grab a seat and wait patiently.

When the bell rings I will return your test and then put the website link on the board.

You have 15 minutes to continue working on this test. After that, you must turn it in.

After your test

1. Staple the quarter sheet on top of your work and put it in the inbox

2. Read a good book


- Friday is the last day of the quarter- Today we are starting Unit 4

- Slope- Direct Variation- Slope Intercept Form- Standard Form- Point Slope Form- Test on Tuesday, 11/7

Today we will...

define, find, evaluate, and interpret slope.


Four Types of Slope

Positive Slope

Negative Slope

Zero Slope

Undefined Slope

Slope Dude will help us understand the 4 types of slope…

Practice Problemspg. 296 # 9 - 25 odd


pg. 296 8, 12, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 41, 42, 44, 46
