Page 1: Gouda, The Netherlands 2013 Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK Cees Brederveld, NL

How to run an international project succesfully

Gouda, The Netherlands 2013Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK

Cees Brederveld, NL

Page 2: Gouda, The Netherlands 2013 Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK Cees Brederveld, NL

Good ideas!?

Cool tools for schools at:http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.comMarking a PPT using Excel:


ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda _ 2013 Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

Page 3: Gouda, The Netherlands 2013 Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK Cees Brederveld, NL

Where are we, where do we come from and where are we going to?

ESP- Contact Seminar - Gouda 2013 Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

Page 4: Gouda, The Netherlands 2013 Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK Cees Brederveld, NL

Where to find project partners

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013 Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

• ESP- conferences

• Other conferences and Contact Seminar – see your NA

• e-Twinning

• Image Portal


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Common grounds

Who are you?Where do you work?What are you doing?What are you looking for?W….

What do we have in common?

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Mind mapping

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013 Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Project typesType of projects

Subject related projects

Topical projects

Problem based cross curricula projects

Starting point

Subject Topic Problem

Purpose Increased subject related knowledge

Increased topic knowledge

Increased knowledge as a basis for the students’ ability to act and develop solution models as a result of the findings in the project

Results Description of the chosen subject

Description of the interdisciplinary topic

Increased action competence

Example French ‘chansons’ in the 20th Century

Africa W(hat a w)aste (about how to deal with the growing amount of waste in the world)ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013

Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

Page 8: Gouda, The Netherlands 2013 Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK Cees Brederveld, NL

First resultsShow me your fridgeWaterPerfect school designed by kidsGlobal warming..

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Setting SMART(I) goalsS pecificM easurableA ttainableR elevantT ime BoundI nteresting

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Setting Aims/Goals• What do you want your students to achieve?

• How do you choose your goals?

• How do you reach your goals?

• Why is it so important with goals when you teach?

• Are the aims realistic, relevant, understandable (SMART)

• Which signs show that you are on the right track

• When is the project a success?

• Are you able to evaluate the aims?ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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From goals to evaluationUsing your goalsUsing tools from the internet, like MICEDeciding what, when and how

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Evaluation• Why Evaluation?

• What is necessary to make an evaluation

• What are we going to evaluate

• Our Teaching • The students’ outcome

• The teacher – their work – their network

• Our project work

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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EvaluationEvaluation – two kinds:

1. Formative2. Summative

Formative: You evaluate during the project work (Might be a good idea to make a half way


Summative: You evaluate the project when you have finished

You start a new project – set new goals – start all over again

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Project planNow You have:

Project ideaSet goals and aimsDecided on evaluation

Finalize your project plan:Type of projectActivitiesStarting eventThe flow of your project

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

Page 15: Gouda, The Netherlands 2013 Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK Cees Brederveld, NL

FRIDGE TRAVELLINGRationale: Unless we understand the trend towards

globalization of food it may have unforeseen consequences. Activities: photographs of fridge contents, finding out

where food comes from, How far it has travelled, what meals it is used to make, compare and cook recipes from different cultures.

Evaluation: Mini-Videos, recipe instructions, food miles, calculations, letters

Time: 7 lessons (+ 3 for cooking session)

Kick-off-Event: we show students ‘strange’ food we’ve “discovered” in NL, and ask them what foods they have in their fridges that might seem strange to people abroad.

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peuclicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peuclicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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News (to be continued)Year 5-6 (age 11-13)Aim: to extend your knowledge about another

culture and simultaneously increase your knowledge about your own culture.

Time: 10 weeks, 2 lessons a weekWeek 1: evaluation paper (What do you know

about Finland/Denmark?)introduction to the project. Homework: prepare presentation of local

news. (Power point or Prezi)Project:

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peuclicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

Page 18: Gouda, The Netherlands 2013 Birte Kjaer Peulicke, DK Cees Brederveld, NL

News (continued)Week 2:Starting event: presentation of local news Using news papers, radio and internetThe project: the pupils produce a news paper

containing local, national and international news. The class will be divided into different editing groups: sport, culture, etc. The news papers will be presented to the collaborative partners using Skype or You Tube.

Evaluation after week 5 and 10ESP- Contact Seminar - Helsingør_ 2011 Birte K.Peuclicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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GLOBAL WARMING and other issues

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peuclicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peuclicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

Quality StarStatus


Quality Criteria Project Plan


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OwnershipKISSNettiquette Starting eventInvolving head of school, colleagues and

parentsDissiminate the results

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Golden Rules Exchange as many addresses as possible (email, snailmail, telephone, etc)

Always reply on inquiries!!!

Be aware of cultural differences


Set deadlines and stick to them

Make arrangements on the tools used.

Invest time and energy to understand each other. Don’t be afraid to ask!

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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What’s next?Market Place – project proposals!


ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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Life Long Learning





The names indicated above stand for the central sectors within the Life Long Learning EU programme (2008-13).

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL

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K I S SFrom

Birte Kjær Peulicke & Cees Brederveld

ESP- Contact Seminar – Gouda 2013 Birte K.Peulicke-DK & Cees Brederveld- NL