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Walking through life with our minutes, days, and lives shaped by faith in Jesus Christ

ジェイ・グリア著 Written by Jay Greer

協力・翻訳 タルイ・ユウマ Collaboration and Translation by Yuma Tarui

Page 2: gospel way bilingual 2020 3 9...informed by scripture and the truth of the gospel. As we will say in the Introduction, this book aims to answer the question, “If I believe the gospel

© 2020 Mustard Seed Network


This resource was created in order to glorify God by making disciples through planting gospel-centered churches in Japan.

Scripture quotations are from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

聖書 新改訳©1970,1978,2003,2017新⽇本聖書刊⾏会

First Edition 2020


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⽬次 Table of Contents

序章 Prologue 4

はじめに Introduction 10

第一章 朝 Chapter 1: Morning 22

第二章 日中 Chapter 2: Daytime 38

第三章 夕方と夜 Chapter 3: Evening and Night 60

第四章 週間 Chapter 4: Week 78

第五章 年間 Chapter 5: Years 94

結論 堅忍 Conclusion: Perseverance 108

付録1:鬱と戦う方法 114 Appendix 1: Ways to Fight Depression

付録2:人生のビジョン 118 Appendix 2: Life Vision Statements

付録3:福音道を生きるための一日および週間計画表 120 Appendix 3: A Daily and weekly plan for the Gospel Way


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序章 あなたの人生に対しての神の御心は、私達がイエスキリストの似姿に変えられていく事です(ローマ8:29; ガラテヤ4:19; コロサイ3:10)。私達のキリスト者としての歩みの全てを通して、聖霊が私達の内に働いてイエスの似姿に変えてくださるのです。イエスに従うという事はただの宗教ではありません。イエスのその足跡を辿り、イエスに従う事が創造主なる神の、あなたの人生に対する御心なのです。






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God’s will for your life is for you to be formed into the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29; Galatians 4:19; Colossians 3:10). Throughout the Christian life, the Holy Spirit will work in us to recreate us into the image of Jesus. Following Jesus is not just our religion of choice. Following Jesus (walking his path/道) is the Creator God’s will for your life.

But, how do we walk the path of Jesus on normal days in the 21st century?


Mustard Seed Network has been church planting in urban Japan since 2009. We noticed that many Christians in our churches have a similar need. They need to know how to live the Christian life on a daily basis. They know how to live for their company on a daily basis. People know how to live for their children on a daily basis. People know how to live for themselves on a daily basis. But, few understand how to live for Jesus on a daily basis. They are not to blame—they need examples.

Many years ago, a young Christian man in our church wanted to grow as a disciple of Jesus. I invited him to shadow me for a day. He came to my house at 6:00 am. He sat next to me on the sofa in my living room sipping coffee and reading the Bible with me. He joined me for my prayer time. He went to the office with me and worked at the next desk over while I worked. He joined me for lunch to encourage another Christian brother. He joined my family for dinner, dishes, and wrestle time with my kids. When I read a children's Bible to my kids and put them in bed, he observed that family ritual. When he left that evening around 9:00 pm, he said, “Thanks, I learned a lot today.”


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6 序章

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I grew up watching others live the Christian life but he had never seen a Christian pray, eat, play, serve, or work. We all need examples in life. I hope this book can serve that purpose to some degree. I hope it can give people an example of how a Christian might live. Hopefully, you will see that the pattern of life outlined in this book is not merely my opinion but is a lifestyle informed by scripture and the truth of the gospel. As we will say in the Introduction, this book aims to answer the question, “If I believe the gospel of Jesus, how should I live my minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years?”


This book is most directly applicable to those living in urban contexts and especially urban Japan. This is the context from which I write. I wrote this in 2019 with the urbanites of Mustard Seed Christian Church Osaka on my mind.

This book is for people who have faith in Jesus and does not give instructions on how to be saved but rather how to live in light of our salvation. This is aimed at people who are already saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

I recommend processing this book in a church community. There are questions and activities to enhance discussions. I tried to include a lot of scripture references. Please read them to ensure that your lives and thoughts are influenced not merely by my words but by God’s infallible Word.

Prologue 7

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またこの本を出版し、広める手助けをして下さるミズーリ州ジョップリンにあるLiterature and Teaching Ministriesにも感謝します。


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I want to thank my wife who tirelessly listens to my ideas and gives me invaluable feedback. She has made me a better follower of Christ. Yuma Tarui deserves great thanks for his work in translating this book. Along with translation, he provided ideas, suggestions, and guidance for this work. His wife, Sari is the wonderful calligrapher who provided the cover art. Seth Philip, Matt Whelchel, Mike Ackerman, Drew Moss, and Michael DeFazio also gave me advice when I approached the concept of this book. Dr. Timothy Amos helped provide insight into Japanese culture and history. Ellen McGinty and Akira Soyama worked to edit the English and Japanese respectively.

I also want to thank Literature and Teaching Ministries in Joplin, Missouri for their work in helping us to print this book and distribute it.

Most of all, to God be the glory for any fruit that comes from this book. He saved me from sin and set me on the right way—the Gospel Way.

Prologue 9

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はじめに 日本では、クリスチャンの歩みについて考える際にしばしば「教」という言葉を使います。信仰を持って生きる人生の事をよく「キリスト教」と言います。これにはどのような経緯があるのでしょうか?400年前の日本ではイエスに従う人々を指して「切支丹」という言葉を使われていて、「教」の漢字は使われていませんでした。その後19世紀(1890年ごろ)になって「キリスト教」という言葉が使われ始めました。今日の日本では主な宗教はすべて「~教」と呼ばれています。つまり、仏教(仏の教え)とキリスト教の呼び名には同じ型があるという事です。





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Introduction In Japan, we use a lot of “kyou/教” in our thinking about the Christian life. Often we speak of the life of faith as “キリスト教” which is translated Christianity. How did this begin? 400 years ago the word for a follower of Jesus in Japan was kirishitann 切⽀丹. There was no Chinese character of “kyou” or “teaching” in the word. Then in the 19th century (around the 1890s), the word “kirisuto-kyou” started to emerge. Today, all the major religions in Japan are referred to as “something-teaching.” So, the word’s bu-kyou (Buddhist-teaching/Buddhism) and kirisuto-kyou (Christianity) have the same forms.

Many people understand that at the heart of Buddhism is teaching. But, after someone receives some Buddhist learning, there is very little expectation that they will live any differently as a Buddhist. It’s possible for people to think that Christianity and Buddhism are “learning-only” religions. However, for Christians, the learning is for living.

Tragically, the emphasis on teaching and learning in the word, “kirisuto-kyou” has led some Christians to assume that learning is the end goal for the Christian life. We reinforce this by calling this group of people a “教会/ teaching association” (translated “church” in English). Then people call pastors “sensei” (even though Jesus said to not call anyone sensei/teacher in Matthew 23:8). All of this can reinforce the idea that following Jesus is all about learning and not about living. James 1:22 tells us differently.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.


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自分自身にも、教える事にも、よく気をつけなさい。 (新改訳2017で「自分自身」と訳されている単語は「生活」とも訳せる。)







12 はじめに

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Both learning and living are hugely important. 1 Timothy 4:16 says:

Watch your life and doctrine closely.

1 John 2:6 says this about the way we must live.

Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

What word was used in the Bible at the very beginning of the church for describing this group of people who have faith in Jesus? “The Way 道 (dou).” Six times in the book of Acts, the term, “the Way” is used to describe the church/the group of Christians.

Not until Acts 11:26 is the wonderful term “Christian” invented. The two words mean almost the same thing. “Christian” means “imitator of Christ” or “little Christ.” “The Way” referred to someone living the way of Jesus. This makes sense because in John 14:6 Jesus called himself “The Way.” Jesus has called us to follow him on his road. We say “kirisuto-kyou キリスト教” (Christ-teaching) but “kirisuto-dou キリスト道” (Christ Way) makes more sense. We are called to walk a way/ a road/ a dou道 with Jesus.


One of the first thoughts of a new believer is, “I became a Christian, now what? How do I live as a follower of Jesus?”

Introduction 13

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14 はじめに

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Imagine someone comes to faith in Jesus and is baptized on a Sunday. When they wake up on Monday, how will they live this Monday morning differently than the previous Monday when they were not a believer? Is there a difference? Obviously, that person went through a massive spiritual change. They were forgiven and justified before God because of Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins (Romans 3:23-25a). They are now “in Christ” and made into a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). They were reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:18-19) and filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). They now have the hope of eternal life with God in heaven (John 3:16; 14:1-3). That person has gone through an incalculably large spiritual change but does it change the way they eat breakfast? Is there a way to wake-up, eat, work, socialize, and sleep that is different because someone believes the Gospel? How does the Gospel of Jesus Christ shape not only our major life decisions but our daily routines?

In Genesis 1-3 we read that God created a perfect world and then humans sinned. God told them to not eat a certain fruit. Satan lied to them about God and about God’s commands, and about themselves and they then sinned. With sin, came the fall. Because of the fall we see widespread problems like disease, war, violence, love of sin, and death. But we also experience the fall in our days, hours, and minutes.

I’m a pastor at a church in urban Japan and urban Japan is the primary audience for this book. As a pastor, I talk to many people who experience the fall on a daily basis. They tell me that their lives are not going well and they want some kind of solution, but they don’t even know what the solution is. First we have to identify the problem. The problem is sin and lies. We are prone to believing Satan’s lies about the world, ourselves, and God. I’ve observed that our minutes, hours, and days often fall into selfishness and hopeless purposelessness. Sin and lies and are the problem, but what is the solution?

Introduction 15

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The solution is Jesus. Jesus died for our sins on the cross and rose to life in victory. Further, Jesus showed us how to live. A Christian is someone who has decided to follow Jesus in faith (1 John 2:6). When we follow Jesus, we find true life (John 10:10). In John 17:4 Jesus prayed to God the Father,

“I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”

As we follow Jesus, we put to death selfishness. Jesus lived for God the Father’s glory. As we follow Jesus we also find purpose and hope. Jesus never woke up and thought, “Today has no purpose.” Also, see that Jesus lived a life on mission—doing the work God gave him to do.

Look at what the Apostle Paul said about the Christian life Galatians 2:20.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Our old selves came to an end—they were crucified with Christ. In this new life, Christ lives in us by the Holy Spirit to lead and direct our steps on this new road of faith. The life we now live, like Paul, we live by faith in the Son of God.

Introduction 17

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What is our motivation for living this way? The Gospel! As Paul said, “Christ loved me and gave himself for me.” This is the good news that God loved us while we were still sinners and sent Jesus to die for those sins we committed against God (Romans 5:8). This is how the eternal creator has revealed his great love for us. He made people who rebelled against him and sinned against him. God had every right to send all of us to hell because of the sins we committed. But, because of God’s great grace, he made a way for us to be saved at great cost to himself. Jesus died as a substitutionary sacrifice of atonement for our sins so that we could be made righteous through faith in him (Romans 3:21-25). Before God created anything, he was loving. He has always been loving. But, God’s amazing love that has existed for all time was beautifully and powerful displayed when God himself came and died for sinful humans like us. Jesus then rose to life three days later just as we rise to new life through faith in Jesus (Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12).

In light of this amazing love revealed in the events of gospel, how should we live? Obviously, we should give our whole lives to God but what about our minutes and seconds as well? The nagging question is, “How?” How do we walk through life with our minutes, days, and lives shaped by faith in Jesus Christ?

Introduction 19

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20 はじめに

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This book will talk about how we can walk a Gospel Way in our minutes, hours, days, and lives. In the first chapter, we will talk about how faith in the Gospel of Jesus affects our mornings. We will talk about the gospel-shaped way to live from the time you wake-up until the time you get to work or school. The second chapter will talk about living our days and evenings for Jesus. The third chapter will talk about evenings, nights, and even sleep shaped by the gospel. The rest of the book will then zoom out and talk about a weekly rhythm. Lastly, we will talk about the big picture of our years and lives lived in a gospel-shaped way.

We recognize that this is backwards to how we usually talk about the Christian life. We usually start big and then go small. We usually start by talking about giving our whole lives to Jesus and then talk about how that plays out in our daily, small decisions. We want to start small for a purpose.

Many times we call people to huge life decisions for Jesus like transforming their city, adopting an orphan, starting a new ministry, or forgiving your worst enemy. These big things must be pursued but if the small daily disciplines of following Jesus in our minutes and hours are not practiced, the big sacrifices we make for Jesus can lead to burnout or frustration. We must build a strong foundation for our Christian walk in our minutes and days to withstand the trials of attempting large things for God. I’ve seen Christian brothers and sisters tirelessly serve, foster children, witness to their families, and love their enemies with great endurance that came from daily abiding in Jesus Christ. I’ve also seen people without daily practices of abiding in Jesus, attempt things for God and become extremely discouraged or even bitter when they try to serve (John 15:4-5). Let’s build a life of daily following Jesus in our moments so that we will have the spiritual strength to attempt massive things for the glory of God.

Introduction 21

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第一章 朝 私達には日々、機会が与えられています。この日を自分自身のために、もしくは神のために生きるのか?この日は数ある漫然たる日々の一つにすぎないのか、神の使命のための一日なのか?福音に形作られた朝は一日を正しい軌道に乗せてくれます。

福音道に則った朝には三つの要素があります。1) 感謝、2) 聖書を読む事、3) 祈りです。







Page 23: gospel way bilingual 2020 3 9...informed by scripture and the truth of the gospel. As we will say in the Introduction, this book aims to answer the question, “If I believe the gospel

1. Morning Each day is an opportunity. Will this day be lived for self or for God? Will this day be one of purposelessness or one of mission for God? A morning shaped by the gospel helps set the day on the right track.

There are three elements to morning lived the Gospel Way. 1) Thankfulness, 2) Setting your Mind on God, 3) Prayer.


You just woke up and a new day has dawned. How does our belief in the gospel shape the way we think about the sun rising on a new day? In Matthew 5:45 Jesus said,

“For he (God) makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good.”

God’s grace is revealed in the dawning of every new day. The unrighteous do not deserve to have the sun rise on them. None of us deserve another day.

Yet, God makes the sun rise on all people as an act of common grace towards sinners. When we sin, we deserve hell immediately. But instead of immediately sending us to hell, God shows patience in giving us many days in which we have the chance to repent. Today, the sun rose on your city giving all people another day in which they have the chance to turn to God.


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24 第⼀章 朝

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In Matthew 5, Jesus said that God makes the sun to rise on the evil and good as a motivation for us to love our enemies. Because God shows grace to people at enmity with him, we also ought to give grace to people who do not deserve it. Every dawn is a reminder that we’ve received grace and should give grace. As Jeremiah said,

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)

As a believer, you’ve been given another day in which you can glorify God. Romans 11:36 says,

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.

As you wake up tomorrow and at the beginning of each new day, remind yourself, “This new day is for God. This day is not for me. This day is lived through God. This day is to be lived to the glory of God.”

The Gospel Way to begin a new day is with thankfulness to God for his grace. Within the first few minutes after you wake, try saying a prayer of thankfulness to God. You can say any prayer of thanks, but this is an example.

“God in heaven, this city and I did not deserve this new day. You gave me many opportunities to turn to you and you’ve given the people in this city another day in which it has the chance to turn to you. You are full of grace. Thank you for giving me another day in which I can serve you. Help me use this day for your glory.”

Contrast this Gospel mindset with the mindset that views themselves as the center of each day. Contrast the Gospel mindset with the mindset that dreads another day.

Morning 25

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朝は天にあるものに思いを向けるには最適な時間です。神に思いを向ける最善な方法の一つとして、聖書を読む事が挙げられます。1 起きたらすぐ、SNSをチェックしたり、テレビを点けたり、ニュースを見たり、メールをチェックする誘惑に駆られると思いますが、そういった事をする前に、ぜひ神のことばに目を向けてみて下さい。これらのものにまず目を向ける事はストレスに繋がってしまうと、私自身の経験から言う事ができます。よく見積もっても、これらのものはあなたの朝一番の時間を受けるに値しない、この世のものですし、最悪の場合、これらのものは偽りや罪の誘惑を含んでいる事があります。むしろ、最初に聖書に目を向けましょう。神からの、そして神についての真理で、あなたの一日の始まりを形作って下さい。

26 第⼀章 朝

1 もし聖書を一度も読まれた事がないなら、「どこから読み始めたらいいんだろう?」と思われるかもしれません。いちばん最初のページから読み始めるより、以下の順番で10の書物(手紙や福音書など)を読む事をお勧めします。

1. ルカによる福⾳書

2. 使徒の働き

3. ヨハネによる福⾳書

4. ローマ⼈への⼿紙

5. ピリピ⼈への⼿紙

6. 創世記

7. 出エジプト記

8. エペソ⼈への⼿紙

9. ヨハネの⼿紙第⼀

10. 箴⾔

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As you begin a day, a million stresses, worries, and tasks will try to dominate your thoughts. None of them are the things on which you should set your mind. In Colossians 3:2 Paul said,

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.

The morning is a great time to set your mind on heavenly things. One great way to set your mind on God is through reading the Bible.1 When you wake up, you will be tempted to check social media, turn on the TV, look at the news, or check your email. Before doing any of those things, look at God’s word. I know from experience that looking at those other things will fill you with stress. At best, those are earthly things not worthy of your first moments. At worst, some of those things can contain lies and temptations to sin. Rather, turn to the Bible first. Let the truth from God and the truth about God shape the beginning of your day.

Morning 27

1 If you have never read the Bible, you might wonder, “Where should I start?” Rather than starting at page 1, I recommend starting with these 10 books in this order.

1. Luke2. Acts3. John 4. Romans 5. Philippians6. Genesis7. Exodus8. Ephesians 9. 1st John10. Proverbs

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• 読み始める前に計画を立てる。一日に何章あるいは何ページ読むのかを決めましょう。聖書のどの書物を読むかを決めましょう。

• 聖書全体を、読み飛ばす事なく、始めから終わりまで通読する。これによって読んでいる箇所の文脈や流れ、目的がよりわかりやすくなります。

• 紙の聖書を読む。私自身スマートフォンやタブレットで聖書を読むのは好きですが、そういったデバイスはたびたび注意を逸らすものでもあります。しっかりした自制心や集中力がないかぎりは、デバイスを脇に置いて紙の聖書を使いましょう。

• メモを用意し、次の二つの点を書き留める。①聖霊が注意を払うようにと心に留めた聖書箇所を書き留めましょう。②質問を書いて、教会の誰かに聞いてみましょう。牧師として、ある聖書箇所を理解しようと質問を受ける事は大きな喜びです。

• 謝りながら質問する人もいますが、私は頭の中で「冗談でしょう?自分は聖書について話すの大好きなんですけど!」と思っています。

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Someone will surely say, “I actually like to read the Bible at night.” It is certainly not wrong to read the Bible at night. However, my experience tells me that many who make the Word of God the last thing they do, often run out of time and energy and end up neglecting the Bible. It is best to make the most important thing, the first thing we do to ensure that it happens. If we wait until later in the day, an unexpected interruption may rob us of our time in God’s Word.

Further, reading the Bible at the end of the day does not allow the Word of God to shape the direction of your day. As the 19th-century missionary to China, Hudson Taylor, said, “Do not have your concert first and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him.”

Here are some practical tips for your morning Bible reading time.

• Make a plan before you start reading. Decide how many chapters or pages you will read. Decide which book or books you will read.

• Read through a book of the Bible from beginning to end, don’t skip around. This will help you understand the context, flow and purpose of the book.

• Use a paper Bible. I love Bible apps on smart phones and tablets. However, these devices can be very distracting. Unless you have great discipline and focus, set down your device and use a paper Bible.

• Read with a notepad nearby for writing two things. 1) Write down parts of the Bible that the Holy Spirit wants you to focus on. 2) Write down questions and bring them to someone at the church. As a pastor, I absolutely love it when people ask me for help with understanding a Bible passage. People usually apologize for asking, and I’m thinking, “Are you kidding? I love discussing the Bible with people!”

Morning 29

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• 山上の説教でイエスが教えられたように、神を父と呼んで祈る(マタイ6:9-13)。主の祈りをそのまま一言一句祈るのもいいですし、例として用いて自分なりの祈りをするのもいいでしょう。

• 他の祈り方の例が必要ならば、STARの祈りを祈る。

• Shazai(悔い改め): 罪を告白し、悔い改める。

• Tanomu(願い): 自分の必要を神にお願いしましょう。神に、この世界で力強く働いて下さるようにお願いしましょう。「何について祈ればいいかわかりません」と言う方もいます。人の名前を書いたリストをつくって、その人達のために祈りましょう。家族や友人、教会メンバー、同僚の名前が書かれたリストをつくりましょう。リストが長くなる場合は、7日間に分けて祈っていきましょう。

• Arigato(感謝): 素晴らしい祝福をを与えて下さる神に感謝しましょう。救って下さった事を感謝しましょう。神に感謝する事は毎日増えるので、神への感謝は決して尽きません。

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2 英語にはACTSの祈り(Adoration-賛美, Confession-罪の告白, Thanksgiving-感謝, Supplication-とりなし)もあります。

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You woke up and thanked God. You filled your head and heart with God’s truth which is able to sanctify you (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). It’s time to now enter into a time of prayer with God.


Prayer is communication with God. It is a time to worship and enjoy God. It is also a time to ask God to work in ways that will bring him glory. Many books have been written on how to pray, so I will not attempt to give a full treatment of Christian prayer. However, I’d like to give a few practical ways to approach prayer.

• Address God as Father like Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:9-13). Praying the Lord’s prayer either word for word or as a model is a great thing to do.

• If you need further guidance, use the STAR Prayer based on four Japanese words.

• SHAZAI - Confess and repent of sins.

• TANOMU - Ask God for what you need. Ask God to work mightily in the world. People will tell me, “I don’t know what to pray for.” Make a list of people’s names and pray for those people. List your family, friends, church members and coworkers. If your list gets too long, split up your list across several days.

• ARIGATO - Thank God for his amazing blessings. Thank God for saving you. You could thank God for something new each day and never run out of things to thank God for.

Morning 31

2 English speakers like prefer the ACTS Prayer: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication.

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• Reihai(礼拝): 神を礼拝しましょう。賛美しましょう。神に向かって詩篇を読みましょう。なぜ自分が神を愛し、慕っているのかを伝えましょう。神のご性質を述べ、そのご性質のゆえに神をほめ讃えましょう。例えば、「神様、あなたは常に義であり、善いお方です、あなたの不変の公正さを感謝します。あなたのさばきがどんな時にも公正だと信頼できるから、あなたを賛美します」と祈ってみましょう。






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• REIHAI - Worship God. Sing a song. Read a Psalm to God. Tell God why you love and adore him. State God’s character to him and then praise him for his character. For instance, say, “God you are always just and good and I thank you for constant fairness. I praise you that I can trust that your judgments will always be best.”

As you start the day with prayer, two things will happen. One, you will be able to ask God to help you with things you face that day and go forward with God’s power. Secondly, you will enjoy God in his presence. Psalm 16:11 says,

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right-hand are pleasures forevermore.

Someone might be thinking, “I can’t wake up 3 hours earlier to read the Bible and pray like a nun in a convent!” I’m not talking about waking 3 hours earlier. But, I am talking about waking up 15-30 minutes earlier to give time to God. This is not a discipline we do to earn God’s love. Rather, this is a discipline we do in order to love God and enjoy God. Ultimately, this discipline will lead to many blessings in our lives.


At some point you will get ready for the day. I have a friend who, as he brushes his teeth, likes to pray that the words of his mouth would be pleasing to God (Psalm 19:14). As you put on your clothes you can remind yourself of the Bible’s commands to “put on Christ” and “put on the armor of God” and “put on the new self” (Romans 13:12-14; Ephesians 6:10-20; Colossians 3:9-14). You could even post these verses by your closet to remind you to put on Christ as you get dressed.

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It is wise to wake up with enough time to have a healthy breakfast. When you eat, you should give thanks to God for his provision. He has once again given you your daily bread (Matthew 6:11). Thank the person who made your breakfast because God used them to bring you your daily bread. View food as something to help you serve God with all your energy that day. God made food to not only sustain you but also to taste good. It is totally possible to worship God over your breakfast and coffee or tea.


As you head out of the door, you are now engaging the world that needs Jesus. Be ready to share Christ’s love with those you encounter on your commute. You can add value to your commute when you use it to read edifying Christian books or articles. You can use the audio Bible on your commute. Some may choose to use their commute to begin to be productive through emails and other tasks. The things to avoid are ignoring the world around you and engaging in an excess of mind-numbing activities on your phone. You’ve allowed the gospel to shape your morning. Even if it doesn’t start right, remember that God can redeem bad mornings. Things happen that we can’t predict. We get sick, an appliance breaks, or our kids need something. Some days, we simply fail. Even if the day does not go as planned, God’s grace is enough to make it a great day for his glory.Jesus died for sins and rose to life on a Sunday morning. Let every morning remind you of the resurrection morning. Remember that one day will be the last day. Jesus will return and make everything new.

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1. 今日、感謝な事はなんですか?

2. あなたは普段何時に起き、朝食は何を食べますか?一週間のルーティーンの中に運動をする事は入っていますか?

3. 朝に聖書を読む時間を取っていますか?今はどこを読んでいますか?もし聖書を読むための計画がない場合は、ぜひ今計画を立てましょう。明日の朝にはどこを読みますか?

4. 神のことばをどれくらい知っていますか?聖書を読み始めたばかりですか?聖書を通読した事はありますか?何回読んだ事がありますか?脚注にある10の聖書の書物(手紙や福音書など)を読んだ事はありますか?

5. 日々祈る時間はありますか?どれくらいの時間ですか?祈りのリストはありますか?もしなければ、ぜひ今作りましょう。

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Tomorrow you will start another day for God’s glory. It is another day for following Jesus. It is another day to walk in a way shaped by the gospel of Jesus.

Pray Psalm 143:8.

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.


1. What’s something you’re thankful for today?

2. What time do you wake up? What do you eat for breakfast? Do you exercise in your weekly routine?

3. Does your morning include a Bible reading time? What are you currently reading? If you do not have a Bible reading plan, make one right now. What will you read tomorrow morning?

4. How familiar are you with God’s Word? Are you new to the Bible? Have you read the whole Bible? How many times? Have you read the 10 Bible books mentioned in the footnote?

5. Do you have a daily prayer time? How long is it? Do you have a prayer list? If not, make a prayer list right now.

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第二章 日中 朝になって目が覚めて、神に感謝をして、聖書を読み、お祈りをしました。ここまでの時間は霊的な時間で、あとの職場での時間は霊的ではなく、忙しく過ごすものと勘違いしてしまうかもしれません。下の図をご覧下さい。私達は毎週の灰色の部分は霊的あるいは礼拝の時間と考えがちです。「日曜日とスモールグループがある水曜日の夜と、あと朝の時間-これらが私のクリスチャンの時間。白い部分は働く時間。黒の部分は『自分の時間』」と思ってしまうのです。しかしこれは、福音道の生き方ではありません。福音道は生活の全ての時間を霊的とします。空いた時間さえも礼拝なのです。働く際にもクリスチャンとして生きる事ができるのです。




෭ Sunday Monday ᅉ Tuesday Wednesday ๙ Thursday ᰂ Friday Saturday

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2. Daytime So, you woke up and thanked God for the day, your read the Bible, and you prayed in the morning. We can wrongly think of that as our spiritual time and the rest of the day at work as unspiritual busyness. Look at the chart below. We tend to think of the gray times in our weeks as the spiritual times or worship. We think, “Sundays and Wednesday nights with my small group, and my mornings—those are my Christian times. The white is when I work. The black is my ‘me time.’” But this is not living the Gospel Way. The Gospel Way views all of life as spiritual. Even our free time is worship. When you go to work, you can live as a Christian.

What’s a Christian? A Christian is someone who follows Jesus in faith. In Luke 9:23, Jesus said this to anyone who wants to follow him in any time or place.

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”


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1. 日々自らを捨てるか、自らに仕えるか-私達は生涯の中心を自分や自分の願望とする事もできますし、生涯を神と人のために用いていく事もできます。

2. 日々自分の十字架を負い自己犠牲を選ぶか、保身の陰に隠れるか-私達は人々に-自分を嫌っている人々にさえも-仕える事ができます。人に仕えて生きるその只中でも、神は私達を支え、慰めを下さる方だと信頼する事もできます。あるいは、リスクを避け、自らを一人の時間が必要で、常に休み、守られる必要がある存在だと見なす事もできます。

3. 日々、イエスを主として従って生きるか、他の主に従って生きるか-私達はイエスのために生きているでしょうか?あるいは、他の何かに従って生きているでしょうか?人を自らの主とする人もいますし、金銭、罪、快適さ、性欲、名声を自らの主としている人もいます。クリスチャン生活、つまり「福音道」とはイエス以外の主を否定し、自らを捨て、十字架を背負い、イエスに従っていく事です。

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Notice the word, “daily.” Jesus was speaking about a life of denying self, sacrificing for God's will, and imitating Jesus on a daily basis. We should not think about taking days off from being a Christian. Our whole lives are now lived for God.

Anyone who removes Jesus’ call to follow him from the Gospel message, shrinks the gospel. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-10). Faith will result in changed actions and works for Jesus (James 2:17). Faith in Jesus will result in living his way and walking the road he calls us to walk. And that road involves a daily cross.

In this statement from Jesus, we see that we have three choices:

1. Either daily deny ourselves or serve ourselves. We can make life about us and our wants or we can use our lives for God and others.

2. Either daily pick up a cross and embrace self-sacrifice or hide in self-protection. We can serve others—even people who dislike us—trusting God to sustain us and comfort us in the middle of service. Or, we can avoid risk and view ourselves as always needing a break and always needing rest and protection.

3. Either daily follow Jesus as Lord or follow another lord. Are we living for Jesus or following something else? Some people make other people their lords. Some make money, sin, comfort, sex, or their reputation into their personal lords. The Christian life, “the Gospel Way” is saying “no” to other lords, denying yourself, picking up a cross, and following Jesus.

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イエスは、私達がいのちを救う唯一の方法はそれを神に捧げる事だとご存知です。多くの人が、満たす事ができないものに目的や幸福を見出そうとしています。しかし、私達が、永遠の創造主であり、万物を保っておられるイエス(コロサイ1:15-20)にいのちを捧げる事で、永遠の命を得る事ができるのです。 これこそが良い知らせです!日々十字架を負い、イエスに従って生きる人生は、真に最善の地上生涯と後に新しくされる世界で神と過ごす永遠のいのち(黙示録21:1-6)をもたらします。キリストの十字架を背負う事がいのちへと続く事を念頭に置いて、私達はどのように日中を過ごすべきでしょうか?

私達の日中の殆どは(ユニークな状況でない限り)仕事に費やされます。家で家事をしたり、幼い子供を養う事が仕事だという人もいるでしょう。日中の殆どを働く事に費す私達は仕事についてきちんと考え、理解する必要があります。以下がクリスチャンが仕事と向き合うべき姿勢です: 仕事中にも主イエスキリストに仕えているからこそ、最善を尽くし、喜びをもって、一所懸命働く事ができる。この概念はコロサイ3:23-24から来ています。


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Someone might ask, “How is this good news? Daily carrying a cross sounds awful!” Read what Jesus said after he called us to pick up a cross in Luke 9:24-25.

And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it. For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses or forfeits himself?

Jesus knows that the only way to save your life is to give it up for God. Many people are searching for purpose and happiness in things that do not satisfy. But when we give our lives over to Jesus—the eternal creator and sustainer of all there is (Colossians 1:15-20)—we actually gain eternal life.

This is good news! Picking up a cross and following Jesus daily brings the truest and best life now and eternal life with God in a renewed world later (Revelation 21:1-6). Knowing that carrying the cross of Christ leads to life, how should we live our days?

For most of us (unless because of a unique situation) our days will consist of work. Some of us work inside the home caring for a household or for small children. Because our days consist of work, we need to understand how to think of work. Here’s how Christians should approach their work day: We can work hard with excellence and joy because we are serving the Lord Jesus Christ when we work. This concept comes from Colossians 3:23-24.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

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第一章では、神に感謝を捧げ、聖書を通して神に思いを向け、神に祈って一日を始める事が好ましいと話しました。職場に到着してからの福音を信じている人の働き方は、イエスへの信仰をもっていない人のそれとどう異なるのでしょうか? 仕事場が通りを挟んで向かい合っている二人の自動車整備士がいたとします。一人はイエスを信じていて、もう一人は信じていません。彼らの車の修理の仕方には違いはあるでしょうか?一人はイエス・キリストの栄光のために車を修理し、もう一人は何か他の理由で車を修理するという事がコロサイ3章からわかります。あなたは明日も仕事をするでしょう。仕事中はクリスチャンである事を休むわけではありません-あなたはイエスに仕えるために働くのです。






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In chapter 1, we said that it’s good to start your day with thanksgiving to God, setting your mind on God through scripture, and praying to God. Once you’ve arrived at work, how is the work life of someone who believes the gospel any different from the work life of someone without faith in Jesus?

Imagine there are two auto mechanics working across the street from one another. One has faith in Jesus and one does not. Do they fix cars any differently from one another? Colossians 3 tells us that one of them is fixing a car to glorify Jesus Christ and one is fixing the car for some other reason. As you go to work tomorrow, you are not taking a break from being a Christian while you do your job—you are working to serve Jesus.

Let’s be clear: you are not working to be saved. Jesus did the work of saving us when he died on the cross for our sins and rose to life. If you’re not yet a Christian, this is the gospel we are calling you to believe. If you already believe this (if you are a Christian) we are asking, “how does the salvation you received by grace through faith affect your work life?”


This is the Gospel Way to think about work but let’s look at four wrong ways to think about work.

1) “Work is something to be escaped.”

If you ask some people, “What would you do if you won the lottery” many will say that they would stop working. They might say, “I’d invest the money or build an apartment building and live off the rent from the tenants and stop working.” Why is this a bad way to think? Because, we were created to work for God’s glory.

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ご理解いただきたいのは、「働く事」と「職業」が同じだとは言っていないと言う事です。 神はご自身のために勤勉に働くようにと、私達を造られました。その手段の一つとしての職業としての就労があるのですが、就職、会社勤め、自営業、家庭を守る事が大切なのではなく、神の栄光のために勤勉に働き、生産的である事が大切なのです。


2:15 神である主は人を連れて来て、エデンの園に置き、そこを耕させ、また守らせた。

1:31 神はご自分が造ったすべてのものを見られた。見よ、それは非常に良かった。

神は人を創造し、賜物として、エデンの園での役割を与えました。この働く事が含まれた、創造まもない世界を神が「良し」とされたのです。神の元々の創造の御業には職業やお金はまだありませんでしたが、働く事は存在していて、それは良いものでした。 神の創造の全体が「良い」ままだった訳ではありません。創世記の3章で人類は罪を犯し、神の完璧な世界に神の設計への反抗を招き入れました。これが「堕落」です。この時点で、創世記3:17-19に書かれているように、働く事は大変で辛いものとなりました。今、私達は堕落した世界に住んでいます。そのため、私達は時に仕事が退屈で、無意味で、ストレスの溜まる、困難なもののように感じるのです。 しかし、元々の神の世界の設計においては、達成する喜びを感じる機会という祝福をもたらすので、仕事は喜びでした。働く事は人々や世界を大事にする事であり、神に栄光を捧げる事なのです。

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Please understand, I’m not saying that “work” and “jobs” are the same meaning. God created us to work and be industrious for him. One way to do that is to work a job. But the important thing is not that you have a job, work at a company, are self-employed, or a homemaker, the important thing is working, being industrious, being productive for God’s glory.

To explain, let’s go back to the beginning of the Bible. Look at Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

2:15: The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.

1:31: And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.

God created people and gave humans work to do in the Garden of Eden as a gift. This newly-created world that included work, God called “good.” In God’s original design, jobs and money did not yet exist but work existed and work was good.

Everything in God’s creation did not stay good. In Genesis chapter 3, people sinned and introduced into God’s perfect world rebellion against God’s design. This is “the Fall.” From that point on, Genesis 3:17-19 tells us that work became toilsome and hard. Right now, we live in a fallen world. Therefore, sometimes we will feel work is boring, insignificant, stressful, or difficult.

But in God’s design for the world, work was a joy because it blesses people with the opportunity to have the joy of accomplishment. Work is a way for us to care for others and the world. Work is a way to glorify God.

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聖書は、イエスがやがて地上に戻り、ご自身を信じる人々のために堕落した被造物を新しくする、と教えています(黙示録21:3-5)。エデンの園は、やがて新しくされる天の御国の予告版でした。新しい天と地では、エデンの園でアダムに与えられていたような、やりがいのある働きが私達にも与えられるのです。そこには私達が今住んでいる堕落した世界で存在するようになった職業としての仕事や給料、所得税はありませんが、建設や芸術、音楽やデザイン、養育やその他私達の想像を超えた、大きな報いのある仕事はあります。簡単に言うと天国には神の栄光のための達成感ある仕事があります。 私達は今すでに、イエスを通して神の仕事への意図の美しさを部分的に回復させる事ができますし、天国での純粋で、達成感があり、美しい仕事を楽しみに生きる事ができるのです。 あなたが早期定年退職するという特権に預かった数少ない人々の一人だったとしても、余生が快楽と怠惰で埋め尽くされていいという意味ではありません。(箴言6:6、第一テサロニケ4:11、 5:14)。あなたの人生は神からの贈り物であり、あなたには残された日々を神の栄光のために管理すると言う責任が与えられています。神と人に仕える新しい方法を見つけるために自分の人生を費やしましょう。空いた時間をボランティアや貧しい人に仕える事、新しいミニストリーを始めたり、公義のための戦いや教会での奉仕のために用いるのもいいでしょう。 もしかするとあなたはフルタイムで働く必要がないかもしれません。それはさらにゲーム、Netflix、趣味に時間を費やせるという事でしょうか?そうではありません。神の栄光のために勤勉に、生産的に生活する方法を見つけましょう。それはお金が必要ないのに別の仕事をすると言う事ではありません。むしろ、ボランティアを必要としている児童施設を探したり(ヤコブ1:27)、里親になる決心をする事かもしれません(イザヤ1:17)。空いた時間を使って教会の仲間に仕えたり(第一ペテロ4:10)、人々に福音を語る事もできるでしょう。シングルマザーに、「週に一回家の掃除に行くよ。あなたがリラックスできるように週に一回子供を見てるよ。」と言う事もできるでしょう。

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The Bible teaches that in the future Jesus will return to earth and renew the fallen creation for people who believe in him (Revelation 21:3-5). The Garden of Eden was a preview of the future renewed heavenly world. In that renewed heaven and earth, we will have fulfilling work to accomplish just like Adam had in the Garden of Eden. We won’t have jobs or salaries or income tax because those things came in the fallen world in which we now live. But we will have the rewarding work of building, art, music, design, nurture and other things we can’t even imagine. To say it simply, heaven will include fulfilling work for God’s glory.

Through Jesus, we can recover some of the beauty of God’s design for work right now. And, we can look forward to the pure, fulfilling, beautiful work we’ll have in heaven.

So, imagine you are some of the few people who receive the privilege of retiring from a job early. That does not mean that the rest of your life should be filled with pleasure and laziness (Proverbs 6:6; 1 Thessalonians 4:11; 5:14). Your life is a gift from God and you are in charge of stewarding your days for God’s glory. Use your life to find a new way to serve God and others. Perhaps you should use your extra time to volunteer, or serve the poor, or start a new ministry, or fight injustice, or serve your church.

Perhaps you are someone who doesn’t have to work full-time. Does that mean you have extra time for video games, Netflix and hobbies? No, find a way to glorify God by being industrious or productive. It doesn’t mean you need to find a second job if you don’t need more money. Perhaps you find an orphanage that needs volunteers (James 1:27). Perhaps you decide to be a foster parent (Isaiah 1:17). Perhaps you use your extra time to serve your fellow church members (1 Peter 4:10) or share the gospel with people. Perhaps you find a single mom and say, “I will come to your house once a week and clean your house. I’ll babysit your kids once a week to give you some rest.”

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これはありがちな勘違いです。働く事は真の主人である神に仕えるための手段であって働く事自体は主人ではありません。 私はこれまで沢山の20代の人や60代の人がイエスを信じて洗礼を受けるのを見てきました。しかし、30代、40代、50代の人は自分のキャリアにすごく集中しているので、神について考える時間がないように思えます。自分の霊、死後の世界、自分がどこから来て、人生の目的が何なのか、加えて、神について考える時間などないと思っているようです。しかし65歳まで生きられる保証が与えられている人は空いません。神を求める時は、常に「今」なのです。

中には勤務時間が長くて自分の家族との時間もなかなか持てない人もいます。彼らは「残業や同僚や得意先と飲みに行く事は自分の義務だ」と感じているようです。しかし殆どの場合、それは真実ではありません。実際に夜遅くまで飲みに行かなければ仕事で不利になるという特別な職に就いていて、子供がいるなら転職した方がいいかもしれません。「今より給料の低い仕事では今の生活水準が維持できない」と思うかもしれません。それでいいのです-子供との時間を増やすために今より小さい家に引っ越し、今より安い車に乗り換え、旅行の回数も減らしましょう。 人生は一度きりで、あなたの子供があなたと過ごす子供の時間も一度きりで、やり直しは利きません。子供に必要なのは大きな家でも、ディズニーランドへの旅行でも、高級な服でもありません-子供に必要なのは母親と父親が一緒にいてくれる事なのです。

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Work is not something from which to escape. Work is a way to steward your life for God and glorify God. Here’s the second wrong idea about work.

2) “Work is a master more important than God and family.”

This is a common mistake. Working is a way to serve the true Master, God. Work is not the master.

I’ve come to see that many men come to faith in Jesus and are baptized in either their 20s or their 60s. But, in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, they are so focused on their careers that they feel they have no time to think about God. They think they have no time to think about their soul, the afterlife, where they came from, life’s purpose, or God. But nobody is guaranteed to live until they are 65-years-old. The time to seek God is always now.

Some are working jobs that require them to work so many hours that they do not get to see their families. They feel, “It is required for me to work late and go drinking with co-workers.” In very rare cases that is actually true. If you are one of the unique people who would actually be disadvantaged at work for not going out late to drink, then you might need to switch jobs if you have children. You might say, “If I had a less well-paying job, I couldn’t afford my current lifestyle.” That’s fine—get a smaller house, a cheaper car, and travel less in order to give time to your children. You have one life and your children have one childhood with you. You don’t get to try again. Your kids don’t need a big house, trips to Disneyland, or fancy clothes—they need a mother and father who are present.

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仕事を、成果をあげる事によって人からの評価を得る手段と見なす人もいれば、興味深い人々のいる社会的な輪の内側に入るための手段と見なす人もいます。お金と、お金で買える物を手に入れるために働いていると感じる人もいるでしょう。お金が安定をもたらすと信じ込んでいる人もいますが、本当の意味で安定しているものなどありません。(ルカ12:13-21)。お金を通して手に入る快楽や快適さを崇拝している人もいます。「あの服、あの車、あの最新機種を手に入れたなら、人々は自分を高く評価してくれるはずだ」と考える人もいます。これらの物は永遠には残りません。お金を永遠に意味のあるものとする唯一の方法はそれを神の栄光のために用いる事です(マタイ6:19-21, 24)。

「いい仕事に就いたら、ついに人々からの尊敬が手に入るだろう」と考える人もいます。福音は「神はすでにあなたの事を愛し、受け入れておられる。神の愛を得るために働く必要はない。神への愛の応答として一所懸命働くのだ」と言います。 欲しい何かを手に入れるために働いているのではない事を思い起こす事は、特に家と子供の世話をしている母親にとって大切でしょう。子供の世話をしても給料は出ません。赤ちゃんのオムツを変えたり、子供が散らかした後片付けをしても、子供は「ありがとう。昇級です。」とは言ってくれません。幼い子供の親が、自分が子育てを通して神に仕えている事を理解していないなら、彼らはすぐに燃え尽き、失望してしまうでしょう。仕事は私達が欲しい何かを手に入れるためにあるのではなく、神の栄光のためにあるのです。

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You might say, “You don’t understand my company’s way.” This is not a book about your company’s way, it’s about the Gospel Way. Let your faith in Jesus shape the way you structure your work and family life. Work is not your master, God is. If you put God and family over work, it will benefit you and your kids, and their kids, and their kids and so on and so forth. I pray for bold Christians who will say, “The pattern of every generation in my family sacrificing family for work stops with me.”

3) “I work to get what I want.”

Some people see work as a way to get praise from people for their accomplishments. Others see work as a way to get on the inside social circle with people who seem interesting. Some feel they work in order to get money and many other things through money. Some are deceived into thinking that money will bring them security but nothing is ever truly secure (Luke 12:13-21). Some people worship the pleasure or comfort money can bring. Someone is thinking, “Once I have these clothes, this car, or that gadget, people will really think highly of me.” None of those things last forever. The only way to make money eternally significant is to use it for God’s glory (Matthew 6:19-24; 1 Timothy 6:17-19).

Others think, “When I do a good job, I will finally get the respect I want.” The Gospel says, “God already loves and accepts you. You don’t have to work to earn God’s love. You work hard to return love back to God.”

It might be especially good for mothers who work by caring for a home and children to remember that you do not work to get something that you want. When you are caring for children, there is no salary. Also, after you change a baby’s diaper or clean up a toddler’s mess, they don’t say “thank you, here’s a promotion.” If parents of small kids don’t understand that they are serving God through the work of parenting, they will get burned out and frustrated very quickly. Work is not about getting what you want, it’s about glorifying God.

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働く事は無意味で退屈だという観点を払拭するためには、神が働く事自体に与えた尊厳を思い起こす必要があります。神は私達をご自身のかたちとして造られ、地上を管理するために人類を創造しました(創世記1:26-28)。神はあなたを通してこの地上に心を配っておられるのです。だからこそ私達は人々から受け取る物についても神に感謝するのです。 例えば、座って食事をする際、食べ物について神に感謝します。なぜ農場や食品会社からスーパーマーケットに運ばれてきた食べ物の事で神に感謝するのでしょうか?神が創造主であり、全ての源であり、私達が食べる物も創造された方だからです。神は食品会社やお店、周りの人々を用いてあなたに食事を与えているのです。神はこれらの全てを通して糧を与えて下さったのです。あなたが食品関連の仕事をしているなら、神はあなたを通して、世の人々に食事を与えているのです。(ティム・ケラー参照)


イエスの福音を信じる人の一日をまとめると: 朝起きて神に感謝をし、神のことばで思いを満たし、神に祈り、仕事に行き、家、あるいは外での仕事を通してイエスに仕える一日と言えます。

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4) “Work is pointless monotony.”

Others know that work and the things money can buy will not bring happiness and fulfillment. You see that money, success and the praise of people is not the point of life. So you can’t see any purpose in work. You wake up, work, eat, sleep, and then repeat and you don’t know why. But, our outlook changes when we realize that we are serving Jesus with our work regardless of how exciting it is.

To combat this idea of work as pointless monotony, we have to remember the dignity that God gave work. God created us in his image and made humans to care for his earth (Genesis 1:26-28). God is caring for the earth through you. This is why we thank God for things that come from people.

For instance, when we sit down to eat, we thank God for the food. Why do we thank God for the food when it came from a supermarket which bought it from a farmer or food company? Because God is the creator and the ultimate source and creator of the food we eat. God uses food companies, stores, and other people to feed you. God fed you through them. So, if you work in the food industry, God is feeding the world through you (ref. Tim Keller).

God is housing people through construction workers and realtors. God is healing people through doctors. God is raising and teaching the young through parents. God is ordering the world through janitors, accountants, and managers. When you work, God is using you to care for his creation. It is a great honor to be the instrument through which God cares for his world. What you do in work is not pointless. When done well, work blesses people and glorifies God.

To summarize our day as someone who believes the Gospel of Jesus: You woke up and thanked God, you filled your mind with God’s word and prayed to God. You worked and served Jesus through your work inside or outside of the home.

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56 第⼆章 ⽇中

昼食の時間の会話に役立つ質問: 1. 家族は元気ですか? 2. 現在人生で何が一番楽しみにしている事はですか? 3. 10年後には何をしていたいですか? 4. 先週末何をしましたか?(相手が同じ質問をしてきたら、教会に行った事を話して福音に繋がる会話を始めましょう)

5. 今までに自分の意見を変えた事はありますか?

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There are several ways to make your lunchtime eternally meaningful. If you are eating with your kids, it is a time to engage them and teach them. If you can eat lunch with friends or coworkers, make sure to fill your conversation with substance and not just small talk (Colossians 4:6). Or, use your lunch to read or listen to a book, a sermon, or the Bible. After a good day of work in this fallen world before heaven, you will feel tired.

The Bible tells us that after Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, that work became toilsome and hard. Throughout your work day, temptations towards gossip, anger, unfairness, or selfish gain will come. You will battle these and confess and repent when you fall short and trust in God’s grace to forgive you and sanctify you. Even with the most Biblical view of work, there will be days when you just want to give up.

There will be days when the cross you are carrying behind Jesus looks too heavy. We have to remember that Jesus carried his cross to death but was then raised to life. Your daily death to self will have a final resurrection. Remember Colossians 3:23-24.

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

Daytime 57

Here are some conversation questions to use during lunch:• How is your family?• What are you most looking forward to in life right now?• What do you hope to be doing in 10 years?• What did you do last weekend? (If they ask you the same question, you

can tell them you went to church and begin a gospel conversation.)• Have you ever changed your mind regarding an opinion?

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1. あなたはどこで働いていますか?どんな仕事をしていますか?

2. 毎日仕事に行く事は10段階で言うとどれほど楽しみですか?

3. 四つの誤った仕事観の中であなたが騙されやすいのはどれですか?

4. 自分の仕事を通して、どう神に栄光を捧げる事ができますか?

5. 昼食の時間をどのように過ごしていますか?

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After telling us to work hard in order to serve Jesus, Paul reminds us that in the end we will receive the inheritance as a reward (Acts 20:32; Colossians 1:12). This inheritance is the eternal salvation we will receive as God’s people. This salvation was purchased when Jesus died on the cross to forgive the sins of those who follow Jesus in faith. This inheritance will be better than any salary, work benefit, bonus, or earthly reward. We will be raised to eternal life with all of God’s people (1 Corinthians 15:21-24; 51-55). As Jesus’ death led to his resurrection, in the same way, our daily death with Jesus leads to our resurrection from the dead (Philippians 3:10-11). One day all the stress and fatigue of work will come to a close. We will know only joy because of God’s grace to save us to eternal life with himself. Let’s walk our days in the Gospel Way with that gospel hope.


1. Where do you work? What do you do?

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you look forward to going to work every day?

3. Of the four wrong ways to think about work, which ones are you tempted to believe?

4. How can you glorify God through your work?

5. How do you spend your lunch time?

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第三章 夕方と夜 西暦57年、使徒パウロはローマにいるクリスチャンたちに手紙を書き、最初の11章で福音について壮大に、力強く書きつづりました。11章分かけて神がどのようにして私達を救われたのかを明記してから、パウロは重要な単語-「ですから」を使いました。新約聖書にあるローマ人への手紙はこう言います。「神はあなたを救われた。ですから...」











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3. Evening and Night

In 57 AD the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to Christians in Rome and explained the Gospel in the first 11 majestic, powerful chapters. After articulating how God saved us for 11 chapters, Paul wrote an important word; “Therefore.” The New Testament book of Romans says, “God has saved you, THEREFORE…

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1 NIV)

Paul says, “God saved you, therefore offer your life to him as worship.” The way we live for God is a sacrifice given to God as worship. Our whole lives are worship. The Gospel of Jesus Christ saving us is our motivation for everything we do. Someone could ask, “Hey Christian, why do you go to church every Sunday?”

We answer, “Jesus saved me.”

“Christian, why do you tell others about Jesus?”

“Jesus saved me.”

“Why do you read the Bible and pray?”

“Jesus saved me.”

“Why do you steward your money and resources for God?”

“Jesus saved me.”


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“Why do you work your days for the glory of God?”

“Jesus saved me.”

The gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ alone is our motivation for the way we live. How does faith in Jesus shape the way we live from the time we finish work until the time we go to sleep? A Gospel Way evening will be filled with service, refreshment, and trust.


You just worked hard all day at work and now we are tempted to think, “Ah, now it’s time to relax and have some ‘me time’. I deserve a break! I’m entitled to ease and pleasure.” But after a long day of serving at work, the evening then contains more service to other people.

In fact, assuming that we deserve ease and pleasure in our days can lead to a lot of frustration. My wife, Caitlin, and I had to learn this difficult lesson several years ago. We were very busy planting a church and raising two kids. Then, when we had a third baby, all free time vanished. We noticed that the more we felt we deserved free time and expected life to be easy, the more frustrated we would be. At that time, God gave us some words of Jesus in the Gospel According to Luke that changed our lives.

“Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come at once and recline at table’? Will he not rather say to him, ‘Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink’? Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.’ ” (Luke 17:7-10)

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では私達は何を受けるべき存在で、自らの行いで何を得たのでしょう?聖書は私達は死と地獄に値すると教えます。私の好きなクリスチャンアーティストは「私達が自分の権利を主張するなら、今晩にでも地獄に行くだろう。」と歌っています。1 感謝な事に、イエスは私達の罪の罰を代わりにその身に受け、救いをもたらして下いました。

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1 Lecrae, Rehab. Reach Records. 2010.

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In this passage, we are the servants. Paul frequently called himself a servant or “slave” of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:1). Jesus said that he came to the world not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45). If Jesus, our Lord and God, humbled himself to serve, shouldn’t we also see ourselves as servants (John 13:12-17; Philippians 2:5-11)?

In Jesus’ teaching, the servants did not deserve a break after working hard throughout the day. The point of the little story Jesus told was not, “Don’t say thank you to people who serve.” The point of the story is in verse 10. All of us should say, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.”

The gospel of Jesus says that we do not earn our salvation through our works. Ephesians 2:8-9 says,

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own— doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

If our actions do not earn salvation, what did our actions earn? Our sinful actions of sin earned death. Romans 6:23 says,

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What do we actually deserve? What did we earn with our actions? The Bible says we deserve death and hell. One of my favorite Christian musicians says, “If we fought for our rights, we’d be in hell tonight.”1 The good news is that Jesus took the punishment for our sins in our place and earned our salvation for us.

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1 Lecrae, Rehab. Reach Records. 2010.

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With that understanding of what we deserve, we can see that we are not worthy of a bunch of ‘me time.’ If we receive any time to relax, it is a gift from God. We should thank God for the gift of time to relax rather than think that we deserve it. At the end of a day at work, we should think, “It’s time to continue to serve.” We should say, “We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.”

When this verse impacted Caitlin and I nearly six years ago, it changed us. We began to see all of our lives as service to God and others. Rather than just hoping to get to the destination, we started to enjoy the journey. Rather than trying to escape the work of caring for kids or the church, we were able to savor the time of service, enjoy it, and even get energy from it. We became more content the more we saw ourselves as servants. Caitlin felt a change in her heart from “I need me time” to “I am a servant” was a supernatural work of God that resulted in her contentment.

In fact, we became so content with our lives of service we felt we had the energy to adopt a fourth child. The transition to four children was remarkably smooth and joy-filled. God gave us peace in the midst of service.

Understand, I’m not advocating neglecting sleep—we are about to talk about the need for sleep in this chapter. I’m not talking about not resting or not taking a sabbath—we will talk about rest in your weekly rhythm next chapter. I’m saying this: Stop thinking, “I deserve” and start thinking, “I’m an unworthy servant.” Not only is this our reality according to the gospel of grace, this is also a path to deeper joy.

How will an evening of service look in your daily life? There are three kinds of people to serve and love and the evening hours will be a good time of day to do it.

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3) ノンクリスチャンに仕える


2) クリスチャンのコミュニティに仕える



1) 家族に仕える


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3) Serve non-Christians

We should have a desire to tell others about Jesus. Telling people the gospel message over a meal is a great way to serve them. You will probably not do this every night, but it’s very possible to use an evening a week to reach out to those who do net yet believe the gospel. We know we need to evangelize (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). The evenings are when people are usually available for a time to speak the gospel to them.

2) Serve the Christian Community

Love the church (John 13:34-35). Have dinner with a few Christians and encourage each other in your walk with Jesus. Once again, you might not do this every night if you have a family, but you might be able to use a night a week to fellowship with other Christians (Acts 2:46).

You might have a small group meeting in the evening. When you come to small group, come with an attitude of service. Do not come to small group thinking, “Ok, everyone, make me feel good.” Arrive at your small group with a hope to encourage and pray for others. If everyone does this, we will be able to carry each other’s burdens when things get difficult.

1) Serve Your Family

Check on your spouse when you finish work. Find out about their day and their heart. If you have kids, it’s time to serve your kids. Older kids need to be engaged and talked with even if they don’t appear to want to talk to you. Younger children receive love in the form of play. Get on the floor and play in order to communicate love to them.

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This is the time for housework which serves your family. If one spouse works and one does not, during the day one spouse does 100% of the housework and the other does 0%. But, in the evening after work when both spouses are home, the housework is split 50% and 50%.

Another way to serve your children is by helping them to know God’s truth. Teach the gospel to the next generation (Psalm 78:4-8). The evenings are great times to read the Bible or a Christian children’s book with your kids. Do the catechism with your kids found on the MSCC homepage. Pray with them, sing a song, or act out a Bible story with your kids.


Now, the housework is done and you’ve shown love to different people in your life. Now, at last it’s time for some refreshment in your day. Sit down and have a time to reflect on the day and relax.

If you have time left in the day, this is the time for hobbies and entertainment. Read a fun book. It is not sinful or bad at all to use social media. But using social media for an hour is probably a waste of time and more and more studies are showing a connection between social media usage and depression. It’s not bad to watch TV shows. But watching 8 episodes in one night so that you are too tired to wake up and read the Bible the next day—that is a bad use of time. It’s not bad to watch movies. But a movie every night is probably poor stewardship of your time. It’s not wrong to play a video game. However, a four-hour session of video games is most likely a waste of time and will cut into your sleeping time.

So, get some refreshment and entertainment in moderation. Be wise. Steward the time and life God has given to you.

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この章の内容を適用するためには子供とは別の夫婦の寝室を確保する必要のある人もいるかもしれません。この点で格闘している夫婦もいると思うので、慎重にこの件に触れたいと思います。カウンセリングは恐いと感じるかもしれませんが、大事で良い一歩です。結婚についての良書を一緒に読みましょう。1 再度言いますが、鍵となるのは仕える事です。セックスを自分の願望を満たすためではなく、結婚相手に仕える手段と見なしましょう。2




72 第三章 夕⽅と夜

1 ティム・ケラー著「結婚の意味」をお勧めします。 2 セックスについて触れているこの章のタイトルは「夕方、夜」ですが、夫婦が性的に互いに仕える事のできる時間は、当然夜だけではありません。この補足を読んで赤面する人がいるとは思いませんが、触れておく必要がある点だと思います。

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There’s another refreshing activity for married people we need to talk about. A healthy Christian marriage will have a healthy sexual relationship. Sex is a way to serve your spouse. A marriage without regular, mutually-fulfilling sex is not a Biblical marriage (Proverbs 5:18-19). 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 says…

The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.

Some of you might need to apply this chapter by rearranging your house to make sure that you have a bedroom separate from your kids. I want to be sensitive in this topic because some marriages can struggle in this area. Counseling might feel scary but can be a really good step. Read a great book on marriage together.1 The key once again is service. View sex as a way to serve your spouse not to get what you want.2


Finally, at the end of a long day, it’s time to sleep. But I want to call this part of the day, “trust.”

At the end of the day, you might have some sins and failures that happened during the day that are disappointing. It will be important to remember and trust the words of Romans 8:1.

Evening and Night 73

2 Though these words concerning sex are in the chapter entitled, “Evening and Night,” of course evenings are not the only opportune times for a married couple to serve one another sexually. I have no doubt this disclaimer will make someone blush as they read it but it’s a disclaimer worth making.

1 I recommend The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller.

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There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Your day might have had trials and disappointments. Remember and trust Romans 8:28.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

We can trust that God will use even the worst days for our good and his glory.

It’s then time to go to sleep. Studies show that Japan gets less sleep than any country in the world—an average of 6 hours and 20 minutes a night. This has to change for our well-being. Turn off the TV. Put down your phone. Read a paper book instead of a screen with blue light that keeps you awake. Cut off caffeine intake after 2:00 or 3:00 pm. Go to sleep! Some wondered how they would wake up to read the Bible and pray in the morning when we talked about mornings in the first chapter. You need to sleep well to be able to give your morning to God.

We should sleep about 7-8 hours a day which means we will sleep about 1/3 of our existence. When we go to sleep, we hand over control to God. We need sleep and God does not need sleep. God takes care of the world while we go out of consciousness. Psalm 121:2-4 says,

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

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1. なぜ、私達は「私は~に値する」という思考に陥りやすいのでしょう?「私は~に値する」という思考と闘い、自らを謙遜なしもべと見なすにはどうすればいいでしょうか?

2. あなたが仕える事のできるノンクリスチャンは誰ですか?

3. あなたが仕えたいクリスチャンは誰ですか?

4. あなたが家族に仕えるうえで、どんな仕え方がありますか?

5. 普段何時に寝ていますか?平均何時間寝ていますか?

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Because God does not need sleep, going to sleep is one more way we admit that we are not God and trust him. He continues to work while we go to sleep (Mark 4:26-29). Sleep in the Gospel Way mindset is a way to say to God, “I trust you to continue to uphold and sustain me and the world while I rest.”

We will one day sleep the sleep of death (1 Thessalonians 4:15). When we do we are trusting God with our souls. We trust God to sustain us and carry us to eternal life with Jesus. After Jesus closed his eyes in death on the cross, he opened his eyes three days later at the resurrection. In the same way, on a Christian’s last day, our eyes will close in the sleep of death to darkness and then open to the light of Jesus’ face (John 11:25-26). You can trust God in the very last sleep of your life and you can trust God with every sleep until then.


1. Why do you think an “I deserve” mentality is so common? How can we fight an "I deserve” mentality and think of ourselves as humble servants?

2. Who are some non-Christians you can serve?

3. Who are some Christians you want to serve?

4. In what ways can you serve your family?

5. What time do you get to sleep? How many hours do you sleep on average?

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第四章 週間 このように、あなたがたは主キリスト・イエスを受け入れたのですから、キリストにあって歩みなさい。(コロサイ2:6)



この箇所には被造物全体のために神が定めた、六日間働き、一日休むというパターンが見受けられます。神は私達がご自身の栄光のために一週間を献げるために、働いて休むという一週間のリズムを私達に下さいました。健全な一週間のリズムは健全なクリスチャンの生活につながります。 では一週間のリズムには何が含まれるべきでしょうか?

1. 仕事日(すでに1-3章で触れました)

2. 共同の礼拝集会

3. 休息


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4. WEEK Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him. (Colossians 2:6)

God established a weekly rhythm for life at creation in Genesis 1-2—the very beginning of the Bible.

And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation. (Genesis 1:31-2:3)

We see a pattern of six days of work and then a day of rest that God made in his design for life in his world. God gave us a weekly rhythm of work and rest that we are to give back to him for his glory. Healthy weekly rhythms lead to a healthy Christian life.

What should we include in our weekly rhythms?

1) Work days (which we talked about in chapters 1-3).

2) Communal worship gatherings

3) Rest


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MUSTARD SEEDクリスチャン教会では常に交わりのための時間とスペースが確保されていますし、パンを裂いて聖餐式も執り行ないます。私達は礼拝中や、礼拝前にも祈っていますし、賛美の歌もよく歌っている事にお気付きかも知れません。コロサイ人3:16にはその理由が書いてあります。




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We call these “reihai" or “worship services.” The early Christians gathered together on the first day of the week, Sundays, for worship (Acts 20:7). The Jewish day of rest and worship had been Saturday. But, because Jesus rose on a Sunday morning, Christians changed the day of worship and began gathering together on Sundays. What did they do at these gatherings? Acts 2:42 says,

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

We still devote ourselves to these things. Sermons are for devoting ourselves to the Apostle’s teaching found in scripture. We prioritize the Word of God in our gatherings like Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:13.

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation, to teaching.

At Mustard Seed Christian Church we always make time and space for fellowship. We break bread in the Lord’s Supper. We also pray in the service and before the service. You might also notice that we sing. Colossians 3:16 tells us why we sing.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

We sing to worship God. We also sing the truth of the gospel into our hearts. So, as you sing songs with the church, intently focus on the words.

Someone might say, “I don’t need to go to the worship service with the church.” That person must remember Hebrews 10:24-25.

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中には「教会の人達と集わなくても救われる事はできる」と言う人もいるかもしれません。確かにそうですが、それは健全でしょうか?私の友人の牧師が、電動のこぎりで指を切断してしまったある男性の話を通して、教会の一員となる事について最近教えました。指を切断してしまったこの男性を太郎さんと呼んでおきましょう。切断されてしまった太郎さんの指はまだ太郎さんの指でしょうか?そうですが、その指どれくらいの間健全だと言えるでしょうか?キリストの体である教会から離れてしまったクリスチャンは、信仰があるなら、キリストの体の一部と言えるでしょうか?そうですが、その人はキリストの体から離れていながら、どれくらいの間健全なクリスチャンでいられるでしょうか?長くはないでしょう。 地域教会で集う事は信仰の成長に不可欠です。私は、教会を諦めてしまったのに健全なままのクリスチャンを、世界中、また歴史上のどこにも知りません。教会から離れて信仰生活を送る事は文字通り不可能です。聖書には、「互いに愛し合いなさい」とか、「互いに仕え合いなさい」とか「互いに赦し合いなさい」など、「互いに」という言い回しが使われている箇所が59箇所あります。地域教会に属していないまま、これらの聖書の命令のどれか一つにでも従う事は出来ないのです。


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And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Notice that this passage tells us to go to church not only for ourselves but also for others. We need to be encouraged and encourage others. The person who says, “I don’t need church to be saved” is being incredibly self-centered. Perhaps the reason to gather with the church has to do with you loving, serving, and encouraging others!

Someone might say, “I can still be saved without gathering with the church.” True, but, is that healthy? A pastor friend of mine recently taught about being part of the church by sharing this story about a man who had accidentally cut off his own finger with an electric saw. Let’s call the man who cut his finger off “Taro.” When Taro cut his finger off, was it still Taro’s finger? Yes. But, how long will that finger be healthy? If a Christian is separated from the body of Christ, the church, are they still part of the body of Christ if they have faith? Yes. But, how long will that person be a healthy Christian if separated from the body of Christ? Not long.

Gathering with a local church is one of the most important things you can do for the strengthening of your faith. I do not know of a single Christian in any country, in any era across history, who has given up on the church and is thriving. It is literally impossible to live the Christian life apart from the church. The Bible has 59 passages that include the phrase, “one another” like “love one another, serve one another, forgive one another” and so on. You cannot do a single one of these commands from scripture if you are not a part of a local church.

We need to gather with the church in our weekly rhythm to live the Gospel Way. We also need rest in our weekly rhythm.

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1) 私達は神のかたちに創造されているから休む


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God created us to need rest. In fact, he even commanded rest in the Old Testament era. In the Old Testament, God was working through the nation of Israel. He gave them rules to live by in order for them to experience the blessing of being God’s chosen people. In some of the most famous laws God gave to Israel, the Ten Commandments, God gave a command about resting. Read the 4th commandment in Exodus 20:8-11.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

The Jewish Sabbath was our Saturday and a day of holy rest. What is the reason God gives to his people for taking a day of holy rest? Here are three reasons to rest:

1) We rest because we are made in the image of God.

God basically says, “I made the earth in six days, and rested on the seventh so you should too” (Genesis 1:31-2:3). We are created in the image of the God who worked hard and then rested, so we work hard and then rest. God did not rest because he was tired, he rested to enjoy his creation. However, unlike God, we get tired and God made us with a need for rest. We need rest for our bodies, minds and souls. Like all of God’s commands, he gives them for our good.

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2) 神に信頼するために休む




3) 回復するために休む




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2) We rest in order to trust God.

There was a time in the Old Testament when Israel wanted to use their human strength to fight their battles and solve their problems. But God knew they were not strong enough. He asked them to just trust him and let him provide victory. Isaiah 30:15 says,

This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.”

We think we are in control and providing for ourselves. We always think, “If I don’t do ___, it won’t happen.” But we are not nearly as important as we like to think we are. You do not sustain yourself, God sustains you. Rest is a way to express trust in God to provide and not trust in our own strength. Allow God to fight your battles. Allow God to take care of things. Give your burdens to God in prayer and take a day off.

3) We rest for rejuvenation.

The goal of our rest day is being refreshed in God. In Exodus 23:12 it says,

“Six days you shall do your work, but on the seventh day you shall rest; that your ox and your donkey may have rest, and the son of your servant woman, and the alien, may be refreshed.”

Until now, we’ve talked about rest but we have not talked about what kind of rest God wants us to take. God wants us to rest in order to be refreshed not just be lazy or numb our brains with entertainment. You were made to worship God.

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多くの人が休息と思考停止を混同しています。映画、テレビ、SNS、ゲーム-これらは「脳のスイッチを切る」事はできても、休息はもたらす事はできません。これらは罪ではありませんが、休息をもたらす事もできないのです。上記のものを通して思考停止した後のあなたの心はリフレッシュできている訳ではなく、以前と同じ状態なのです。 本当の意味でリフレッシュするためには神に目を注ぎましょう。散歩、祈り、芸術、音楽、聖書、運動、クリスチャンのコミュニティ、本、家族との有意義な時間を通して神に目を注ぎましょう。礼拝を通してあなたの霊は回復するのです。





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Many people confuse numbing with resting. Movies, TV, social media, video games—these things are numbing activities that “switch our brain off” but are not restful activities. These things are not sinful. But they’re not restful. Your heart is not more refreshed after those numbing activities than before those activities.

Focus on God for true refreshment. Focus on God through a walk, prayer, art, music, the Bible, exercise, Christian community, a book, quality time with your family. When you worship, you will find rejuvenation for your soul.

True rest can be a great way to fight depression which is a huge problem in our society. In fact, I put together a list of causes of depression that we can control in appendix 1. There are some causes of depression that are out of our control but some we can actually put effort towards eliminating.

One cause of stress is your smart phone. People are afraid to take a break from their phone. They say, “What if someone tries to contact me while I’m resting from my phone?" Before cell phones, every time someone left their house, people couldn’t contact them. And people were fine. The fact is that constantly looking at these phones is distracting us from the world around us and making it harder to concentrate on what’s most important. Maybe you pick a day, or half a day, or a few hours every day to be phone—off time so you can rest.


As you are living the Gospel Way life, you need to have both weekly and yearly rest. Find a few weeks a year to have a significant break from work to focus on God, family, your soul, and reflecting on your life.

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聖霊の促しに従い、柔軟に歩む 一日、そして一週間を、福音を基として計画するための知恵について話してきましたが、最もキリストの弟子らしく歩むためには計画を破棄し、この本のアドバイスを無視して聖霊の促しに従う必要がある時も来るでしょう。緊急事態が聖書を読んでお祈りする時間を脅かした時はおそらく、出て行って仕える方がいいでしょう。休む予定の時間に未信者に福音を伝える機会が訪れたなら、そのユニークなチャンスを無駄にしないためにも、スケジュールを調整した方がいいでしょう。柔軟に歩んでも良いのです。聖霊なる神は、この本に載っているどの例よりもずっと徹底的な事をあなたに促すでしょう!

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Lastly, rest can remind us of the gospel. God sent his Son, Jesus, to save us from sin which leads to death. Jesus became a man with a need for rest. Jesus died on the cross for our sin on a Friday. He was then buried on Friday and rose back to life on Sunday. Because of Jesus’ resurrection on a Sunday, Christians gather to worship on Sundays instead of the Jewish holy day for Sabbath, Saturday. What did Jesus do on that Saturday, the sabbath? He rested in a tomb.

Jesus’ work was saving us. After Jesus finished his work to save us on the cross, Jesus rested on the seventh day. If we have faith in Jesus, he saves us to a future rest. Revelation 14:13 says,

And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!”

The rest we read about right here, is not the rest of death but the rest of eternal life in heaven with God. God will renew this broken, tiresome world into a perfect world we call heaven. When this broken world we live in wears you out, remember that true, eternal rest and refreshment is coming because of Jesus’ work.


We have discussed wisdom for how to organize a day and a week in light of the gospel but times will come when the most Christian thing to do is to throw out the plans and advice of this book and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. If an emergency threatens your time of reading the Bible and prayer, it’s probably best to go and serve in that emergency. If an opportunity to evangelize an unbeliever comes up during your rest time, you might need to rearrange your schedule in order to take that unique opportunity. It’s ok to improvise! The Holy Spirit will lead you to do things that are far more radical than the examples in this book!

Week 91

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1. 人々が日曜日に教会での礼拝に行かない言い訳にしている事は何でしょうか? これらの言い訳をしている人をどう正す事ができるでしょうか?

2. 次の日曜日の礼拝で他のクリスチャンを励ますために何ができるでしょうか?

3. あなたは何曜日が休みですか?あなたにとって、何が本当の意味で神によるリフレッシュをもたらしますか?

4. 年間の休息はいつですか?

5. スマホでスクリーンタイムのレポートを確認してみましょう。あなたは今の自分のスマホの使い方に満足していますか?変えるべき習慣はありますか?

6. 付録1で、実行する必要がある内容はありますか?

92 第四章 週間

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Someone might ask, “How will I know if it’s a good time to go away from a good gospel-shaped rhythm because of a unique situation?” The answer is, “Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.” Christians are people who live according to the direction of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:3-14). The Holy Spirit will never lead you in a way that is in conflict with the words he inspired in the Bible. Becoming fully submitted to the leading of the Holy Spirit in every moment is one of the goals of the Christian life. When the Holy Spirit leads you to deviate from the plans and patterns discussed in this book because of unique, unforeseen circumstances, set aside your plan and follow the Holy Spirit.


1. What are the main excuses people give for skipping Sunday worship with the church? How could you correct someone who gave those excuses?

2. What’s one way you can encourage a fellow believer at the worship gathering this Sunday?

3. What day is your day off? What kinds of things bring you true refreshment in God?

4. When is your yearly rest?

5. Check your screen time report on your smart phone. Are you satisfied with the way you use your smart phone? Do you feel you need to change any of your habits?

6. Do you need to implement any of the things in Appendix 1?

Week 93

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第五章 年間 私たちは愛しています。神がまず私たちを愛してくださったからです。(第一ヨハネ4:19)






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5. Years and Decades We love because he first loved us. (1 John 4:19)

The way that we live is a response to the Gospel. We do not live in such and such a way to earn God’s love. Our lives as Christians are a response to the amazing, unmerited love of God that he lavished on us. This is backwards from religions and most human ways of thinking. Most religions say “Do good, become moral, become respectable and then you’ll be accepted.” Some relationships work this way. You pay your dues and then you get in. Christianity is the opposite because God loves us first. The same book, 1 John 4:10, the Apostle John wrote,

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Living the Gospel Way is living in response to this love. Because of the love and grace shown to us on the cross of Christ, we now love God with our minutes, hours, days, and weeks. After building this foundation of living for God in our minutes, days, and weeks, we are now ready to talk about living for God with our years and decades.

Some years and decades can zoom past us in a flash. We want to make sure that we are making decisions to build our lives on Christ so that we can look back on years and decades with joy and contentment that comes from knowing that we were pursuing God’s will with our lives. Jesus says that the one who builds his life on him will withstand any storm that life brings. In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus said,


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1) 家庭に関して神を重んじる事を選択をする

96 第五章 年間

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“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Many people will let time slip away and then look back on twenty years and think, “What was I doing? Why did I waste my life?” Regrets like this come to people when they neglect to build their lives on Jesus. In v.24, Jesus tells us how to build our lives on him: Hear his word and do what he says. Brothers and sisters, make sure you are hearing the word of God daily on your own and weekly with the church. Then, take whatever step you need to take in order to obey Jesus.

We could not possibly tell you all of God’s Word in this book—we continually look at God's word throughout our whole lives. But, I do want to discuss 5 life decisions that shape a lot of our lives. These five decisions are opportunities to obey Jesus and build your house on the rock, or to neglect Jesus and build your house on the sand.


1) Decide to honor God in your family life

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98 第五章 年間

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One of the biggest decisions you will make in life is whether or not to get married and whom to marry. The smartest man in the Old Testament, Solomon, ruined his life by marrying women who did not love God (1 Kings 11:4). The strongest man in the Old Testament, Samson, shipwrecked his life by pursuing women who did not love God (Judges 14-16). Who you marry matters. Find someone with the same faith and life direction (1 Corinthians 7:39). Two people with different beliefs, values, and goals will have a difficult marriage.

Someone might say, “What if I already married the wrong person?” You should stay committed for God’s glory until death. Marriage ends in death so you will not be married to them in heaven (Mark 12:25).

Some may decide to not marry. Both Jesus and Paul endorsed singleness for those with the gift of singleness from God (Matthew 19:10-12; 1 Corinthians 7:6-9). Neither married people nor singles are more holy or more loved by God (1 Timothy 4:1-4). But, Paul does say that single people can be more productive for God (1 Corinthians 7:32-35).

Those who are married must decide to honor God with the way they raise the next generation. It is good to remember that the Bible says that children are a blessing not a curse (Psalm 127:3). Christian married couples with or without biological children must consider the reality of orphans in the world who need a good family. Adoption is a beautiful depiction of the gospel. God has adopted us into his family and we can then show that love to others by adopting them into our families (Romans 8:14-17; Ephesians 1:5; 1 John 3:1).

Your family decisions will shape your years in massive ways. When making these decisions, it will be tempting to do what’s easy and comfortable. As you make decisions about marriage and kids, do so in an effort to glorify God and build your life on Jesus.

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2) 居住地に関して神を重んじる事を選択する




3) キャリア選択において神を重んじる選択をする


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2) Decide to honor God with your location

In today’s modern world, we have more control over where we live than ancient societies did. Choose your location based not on your comfort or interest levels but on your mission opportunities. Look at the kind of place where Paul wanted to be in Romans 15:20.

and thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named lest I build on someone else’s foundation

Live in a place with a need for the love of Christ. I’m so thankful for the Christians who resolve to live in Japan because of its need for the gospel. I’ve talked to so many Christians trying to leave Japan who say, “Japan is a hard place to live as a Christian.” That’s the very reason to live here. Don’t give up on Japan. Take hold of a vision to change Japan into a place with a wonderful, thriving Christian community! If you choose to live in a place of ease, decades later, you will look back and wish for greater discomfort, greater challenge, and greater impact. Build your life on Jesus’ command to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).

3) Decide to honor God in your career choice

In chapter 2 we talked about working for the glory of God on a daily basis, but we also need to think about our vocational choices. Some people wrongly think that the only Christian job is ministry—like my job as a pastor. That’s not true! You can honor God in most careers when you work for his glory.

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4) 経済において神を重んじる選択をする


「自分のために、地上に宝を蓄えるのはやめなさい。そこでは虫やさびで傷物になり、盗人が壁に穴を開けて盗みます。自分のために、天に宝を蓄えなさい。そこでは虫やさびで傷物になることはなく、盗人が壁に穴を開けて盗むこともありません。あなたの宝のあるところ、そこにあなたの心もあるのです」… 「だれも二人の主人に仕えることはできません。一方を憎んで他方を愛することになるか、一方を重んじて他方を軽んじることになります。あなたがたは神と富とに仕えることはできません。」


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Your career and your place of work should be something that allows for you to serve God through your work. Don’t choose a career to try to get rich because of a love for money. Don’t choose a career or job that hinders your Christian life. If you find yourself having to compromise ethically in your work, you might need to choose a different job or even a different career. Choose to build your vocational life on Jesus.

4) Decide to honor God with your finances

Jesus talked about money almost more than any other topic. Jesus talked about money because he knew that how we use our money reveals the condition of our hearts. In Matthew 6:19-21, 24, Jesus said,

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” …

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

If someone didn’t know anything about you but looked at your spending record, would they be able to tell that God is your number one priority? Would someone look at your financial record and see, “God is this person’s master.”? Or, would they think vacations, entertainment, or fashion are your masters? Would they see that fear is your master because of the amount of savings you have in order to give yourself the illusion of security? How can you structure your spending to invest in eternity?

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5) 常に悔い改める事を選択する







104 第五章 年間

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5) Decide to regularly repent

Christian growth comes through repentance. You cannot grow without repentance. Repentance is a 180 degree turn away from sin and towards God. Repentance was the message Jesus preached. Matthew 4:17 says…

From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

Our first repentance is when we turn to Jesus in faith and decide to follow him as our Lord. However, this should not be the last time we repent. In the protestant reformation 500 years ago, Martin Luther said, “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said ‘Repent,’ he intended that the entire life of believers should be repentance.”

As you look back over your years, you should see times when you turned from sin and turned toward God. Our years should be marked by regular repentance. God the Holy Spirit will use scripture, sermons, and fellow Christians to show you your wrong and bring you to repentance. If we have humble hearts, we will embrace these opportunities to change (Proverbs 9:8).


For each of these major areas of our lives, we need to have a God-glorifying, biblical vision that can stir our passions. Take the time today to write out your vision for your these five areas in Appendix 2.

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子育てに関する明確なビジョンを持っているならば、子育てに退屈する事はないでしょう。 子供の成長を促すためにできる事は常にあります。子供の失敗すらも彼らが成長する機会と思えるようになり、自分たちのビジョンに従って様々な選択をする事ができるようになります。 上記の人生の5つの領域それぞれにおいて、良いビジョンを考え、書き留めてみて下さい。これらのビジョンはあなたの今後の人生の軌道に変化をもたらし、今後何十年と福音道を歩んでいる自分に気づかせてくれるでしょう。



1. 付録2にある、人生の五つの選択に関するビジョンを分かち合いましょう

2. これらのビジョンの中で、今の生活において一番大きな変化が必要なのはどの領域ですか?

106 第五章 年間

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Without vision, we become stagnant, robotic, or frustratingly aimless in life. For instance, when parents do not have a vision for family, they just try to keep their kids alive and then get frustrated when their kids steal their freedom. But what if parents have a compelling vision for parenting? For example: Our vision for parenting is to raise children who will know the joy of Christ and impact the world with the love of Christ.

If you have a clear vision for parenting, you will not get bored in parenting. You will always have a way to help your children grow. Your children’s failures will become opportunities to help them grow. You will be able to make decisions guided by your vision statement.

I challenge all of you to come up with a clear, compelling vision for these five areas and write them down. It will change the trajectory of your years and you will find yourself living the Gospel Way over decades.

We will love God with our years and decades because he first loved us. God’s grace and love shown on the cross change a life over the long haul.


1. Go to Appendix 2 and share your five vision statements for these major life decisions.

2. Which one of these vision statements will require the most change in your current life?

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結論: 堅忍 クリスチャンの人生は短距離走ではなく、マラソンであり、途中で辞める事のできないレースです。私達は最後まで耐え忍ばなければなりません。コロサイ1:21-23で、パウロは福音を再度要約し、耐え忍ぶ事の必要性について書いています。

あなたがたも、かつては神から離れ、敵意を抱き、悪い行いの中にありましたが、 今は、神が御子の肉のからだにおいて、その死によって、あなたがたをご自分と和解させてくださいました。あなたがたを聖なる者、傷のない者、責められるところのない者として御前に立たせるためです。ただし、あなたがたは信仰に土台を据え、堅く立ち、聞いている福音の望みから外れることなく、信仰にとどまらなければなりません。この福音は、天の下のすべての造られたものに宣べ伝えられており、私パウロはそれに仕える者となりました。


「しかし、最後まで耐え忍ぶ人は救われます。」 私達が一番最後まで信仰にとどまらなければならないという教理は、確かに聖書の中に確立されています(マタイ24:13、24:36-25:13、ヨハネ15:1-11、ローマ11:20、ヘブル10:36)。つまずき、イエスに従って生きる事を諦めてしまった人は、そもそも最初から救われておらず、新生していなかったと信じるクリスチャンもいれば、救われた人が、イエスに従い生きる事を諦める事で救いを失う事が可能だと信じているクリスチャンもいます。しかしながら、最後まで信仰にとどまる必要があり、神の力によって耐え忍ぶ事ができるという点においては全てのクリスチャンが一致しています。(第一テサロニケ5:23-24、第二テサロニケ2:2、ヘブル3:6、ユダ24)。


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Conclusion: Perseverance The Christian life is not a short sprint, it’s a marathon. It’s a race which we cannot quit midway. We must persevere to the very end. In Colossians 1:21-23 Paul once again summarizes the gospel and speaks to the necessity of perseverance.

And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.

In v.23 it says that we are saved, “if we continue in the faith.” In Matthew 10:22 Jesus said,

“But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”

This idea that we must continue in the faith to the very end is a well-established doctrine in the Bible (Matthew 24:13; 24:36-25:13; John 15:1-11; Romans 11:20; Hebrews 10:36). Some Christians believe that anyone who falls away and gives up on following Jesus was never really saved and never really born again. Other Christians believe that it is possible for someone to be saved and then lose their salvation by giving up on faith in Jesus. However, all Christians agree that we must persevere in faith to the end and that we persevere by God’s power (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; Hebrews 3:6; Jude 24).


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110 結論: 堅忍

1 Mehn, John Wm. Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2017.


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Therefore, the situation in Japan is very troubling. Many Christians in Japan do not persevere to the end. “Researchers report that ‘probably 1-2% of the Japanese population has ‘graduated from Christianity.’" One researcher believes that “80% of those baptized disappear within a decade.”1

If someone completely gives up on the Christian life and ceases to walk Jesus’ way, they should not assume that they are saved. As Jesus said in John 15, we must abide in Christ.

What kind of things has God given to us to help us abide in Christ? Everything we’ve talked about in this book. Gather with a local church. Read the Bible. Pray. Serve others. Work for God’s glory. Consistently make decisions based on the truth of the Gospel. Take some time and go to Appendix 3 and make a plan to live the gospel way.

God has given us so much grace. He sent his Son to die for us. He gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us and empower us. He made us part of his global family, the church. He has given us everything we need to live for him (2 Peter 1:3). Brothers and sisters, you can persevere to the end—to either your death or the return of Christ.

Hebrews 11 gives us some good news that many have gone before us and finished well. The author of Hebrews lists heroes of the faith throughout history who persevered and made it to our eternal home with God. Hebrews 12:1-2 then calls those of the faith who went before us “a great cloud of witnesses.”

Conclusion 111

1 Mehn, John Wm. Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2017.


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112 結論: 堅忍

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These are your ancestors! Not all of my fleshly ancestors were saved. But those of faith are our ancestors, our family of faith, who are now included of the great cloud of witnesses. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Moses, Rahab, and David are your ancestors in the faith. Peter, Priscilla, Paul, Augustine, Frances Xavier, Martin Luther, Ayako Miura and Billy Graham are your spiritual ancestors, church! They ran the race. How should we now run?

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

We run as Jesus ran. He endured the shame of the cross to die for our sins in our place. He knew the joy that came on the other side of the cross. He rose to life three days later. He is seated at the right hand of God. Christian, He will one day look at you and say, “Well done. Welcome home.”

Set your eyes on Jesus and walk the gospel way all the way to the end.

Conclusion 113

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付録1 鬱と戦う方法


全ての人対象: • ルーティーンをつくる

• 目標設定をする

• 運動する

• 食生活 - 質の良い食べ物を充分な量食べる

• 一日八時間寝る

• 役割を持つ

• 達成した事を認識する

• 他の人を助ける

• 疲れている時には意思決定、口論、深く考える事を避ける

• する事リストをつくり、しっかり管理する

• SNSの時間を減らす

• アルコールを避ける


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Appendix 1: Ways to fight Depression

There are some causes of depression that are out of our control but there are some causes we can actually put effort towards eliminating. 

For all people: 

• Have a routine

• Set goals

• Exercise

• Diet - eat good food and good portions

• Sleep 8 hours a night

• Have responsibilities

• Recognize accomplishments

• Help other people

• When you are tired, avoid decisions, arguments, and thinking deeply

• Make to do lists and stay organized with your tasks

• Cut down on social media

• Avoid alcohol


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• 悲観的な考えに対して福音で対処する

• 恥を福音と信仰告白告白によって殺す

• 神を礼拝する

• 神のことばの真実で頭を満たす

• 祈りによってで心配事を神にゆだねる

116 付録1

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For those who believe the gospel of Jesus Christ:

• Address negative thoughts with the Gospel

• Kill shame with the gospel and Christian confession

• Worship God

• Fill your mind with the truth of God’s Word

• Give your worries to God in prayer

Appendix 1 117

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付録2 人生のビジョン







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Appendix 2: Life Vision Statements

My vision for my family:

My vision for my location:

My vision for my career:

My vision for my finances:

My vision for repentance and growth:


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付録3 福音道の計画 日中


• 感謝

• 聖書 - 聖書を読む計画を書きましょう _________________________________

• 祈り - 祈りのリストを書きましょう

__________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________

日中:神の栄光のために働く - 質問




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Appendix 3: Gospel Way Plan



• Thankfulness

• Bible - Write your daily Bible reading plan.


• Prayer - Write a prayer list.

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Day: Work for God’s glory - Question




Page 122: gospel way bilingual 2020 3 9...informed by scripture and the truth of the gospel. As we will say in the Introduction, this book aims to answer the question, “If I believe the gospel


• 仕える - 夕方・夜に仕えるべき人は誰ですか?

__________ __________ __________

__________ __________ __________

• リフレッシュ - 日々どのようにリフレッシュをしていますか?

• 信頼 - 毎晩何時に寝ていますか?__________


• 休みの日はいつですか?__________

• その日はどのように休んでいますか?__________

• どの地域教会の礼拝に参加していますか?________

122 付録3

Page 123: gospel way bilingual 2020 3 9...informed by scripture and the truth of the gospel. As we will say in the Introduction, this book aims to answer the question, “If I believe the gospel


• Service - Who do you need to serve in the evening?

_________________ _________________ _________________

_________________ _________________ _________________

• Refreshment - How do you get refreshment daily?

• Trust - What time will you go to sleep? ___________________________

WEEK: Rest and corporate worship

• What is your day off for rest? ___________________________________

• How do you rest on that day?


• With what local church do you gather for worship?


Appendix 3 123
