Page 1: Google Advertising Fully Solved Test

1. Where is “Automatic Placement “option shown on network toolbar.

Listing of Domains (if any)

2. Role of Negative keyword on Google display network?

Negative keywords prevent your ads from appearing whenever a user includes a certain term in his or her search query

3. To prevent ads on displaying on social network and gaming sites.

Site & Category Exclusion

4. Benefits the ads using managed placement.

Ability to raise or lower your bid when keyword matching puts your ad on one of those placements.

5. Best practice for setting up a placement-targeted campaign?

6. Correct steps for setting up a campaign that will run on automatic placement only?

Select to target “Relevant pages across the entire network” then select the placement where the ads will appear.

7. Which best describes the way keywords & placement work together in an ad group to determine where ads are shown?

Placements will only display ads if keywords are added.

8. Site & Category exclusion tool is used to exclude sites:-

On the google display and search network

9. Advertiser wants to display “Chocolate”

10. Adwords advertising policies are designed to :

Ensure users see ads that are relevant to the given search query.

11. Changing the match type of group of keywords from broad to exact match will likely

Decrease impression

12. Two ways to identify the keyword’s quality score are to view the quality score column & to:

Enter the keyword into the Traffic Estimator tool.

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13. Keyword tool is used to :

Find new keywords

14. Grouping similar keyword together in an ad group will:-

Allow an advertiser to create ads relevant to those keywords.

15. If advertiser uses phrase match keyword “Cheap hotel”, the ad show on google:

Cheap hotel deals

16. An advertiser is focused on direct response. Advertisers delete keywords from a search campaign and generate:

Ans:- a) generate many impressions and very few conversions.b) Generate many clicks and conversions.

17. Phrase match triggers an ad to appear when a search query:

Include keywords exact

18. In order to contextually target ads to pages on the google Display network, the adwords (When contextually targeting ads to pages on the Google Display Network, the Adwords system helps you target)

Placement selected by advertiser

19. Advertiser ads negative keywords to ad group. This means that ad will not show:(When an advertiser adds negative keywords to an ad group the ad will not show

Appear in a user’s search query

20. A keyword with a very low clickthrough rate(CTR) will usually receive:A low quality score on google search

21. Susan has added only these keywords to her ad group: "wedding dress", [designer wedding dress], -[cheap wedding]. Which search queries could potentially trigger her ads?

Wedding designer dress

22. Negative keywords can help advertiser target their ads to potential customer and increase:

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23. One common reason an advertiser may optimize a campaign to:

Improve ROI of the campaign

24. Advertiser wants to improve ROI. Keywords and ad text are same. Which is the best option:

Evaluate current landing page to determine is it relevant

25. Advertiser should use google website optimizer when:

Website not generating result

26. Advertiser increases CTR. Eliminate irrelevant impression.

Add relevant keywords.

27. Where Adword advertiser find automated ideas that are customized to an account

28. Adding placement to an ad group:

Improves the quality score for google

29. Primary function of google website optimizer.

Test version of a website’s content & layout.

30. Impact of poor landing page Quality on ad group?Ad disapproved due to low quality score

31. Quality score on google search is evaluated query:

Time a keyword receives a clicks.

32. Ad has been disapproved. Cause?

Ad does not follow policy of advertising.

33. Benefits of google Adwords Image ads.

Can appear next to related content on a website

34. Which best describe the “optimize” ad rotation setting in adwords?

Automatically shows best performing ads.

35. How is managed placement defined?

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Advertisers manually select the desired sites on which their ads may appear.

36. How does contextual targeting work?

Websites outside of the google display network are selected for keyword- matchedplacements.

37. What does the “Devices” targeting setting allows advertiser to do?

Select the mobile service providers on which users may see ads

38. On which devices are mobiles ads eligible to appear?

iPhone's and similar mobile devices

39. Advertiser creates a new ad group in campaign that is set to run on all relevant sites across the google display network. If both keywords and placements are added in ad group , they would work together to:

Ans:- determine the target ROI

40. Placement targeted and contextually targeted ads complete for placement on pages across the google display network based on:-Keyword match type

41. Which adwords setting are specified at account level?

Unique email address, password and billing information

42. Co-worker needs to log into someone else’s Adwords account?


43. Benefits of My Client Center (MCC) is:

bSummaries of statistics for all client accounts.

44. By monitoring ad campaign performance, an advertiser may obtain the information needed to:

Determine if campaigns are meeting overall marketing and conversion goal.

45. Which formula Google use to rank keyword- targeted ads on Google search.

Maximum CPC bid*Quality score

46. Benefit of locating targeting is that advertiser can:

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Target any countries

47. Benefit of Search advertising with Google Adwords?

Extended reach to search partners

48. Which best describes contextual targeting?

Themes of keywords are matched to relevant content on websites.

49. A “first page bid estimate” is based on QS and the:

Past average first page bid estimate

50. Online retail company wants to promote their ad in Spanish language:

Language targeting

51. Which are the methods recommended for the advertiser who wants to increase the QS of low-performing keyword?

Modify the ad associated with keyword.

52. Benefit of online advertising with Google Awords:

Ads are displays to users

53. How often does the Adwords system run an action to decide which ads to show on the google search page:

Every time a user enter the search query

54. To diagnose the issue of no impression on a keyword?

Raise the keyword’s maximum CPC bid.

55. What an advertiser used to organized ad groups?

Common themes

56. Is it beneficial to create multiple ad groups in order to:

57. Which can controlled at ad group level of an ad words account.


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58. Ad rotation setting ”optimize” means that multiple ads within the same ad group will rotate evenly:

Until the ad with the better CTR starts to show more frequently.

59. Required components of an ad group running:

Text ad, keywords, default bid

60. Advertise create ads for diamond necklaces.

Pearl and diamond necklaces

61. Best practice for optimizing a display ad campaign

Create multiple display ads with different colors and fonts.

62. Which ad text disapproved on Google:

63. Best way to monitor the performance of newly created video ad?

Interaction rate

64. Best practice for creating effective ad text?

deliver key message early

65. Ad using Click-to-play:Ans:- deliver key message early

66. Negative affect the performance ad a video ad on Google display network?

Ans:- Content with a non-commercial look and feel

67. Allowable in an Adwords image ad?

Use of Phrase like “Hurry”

68. Display ad builder reduces the need for image editing software by allowing advertiser to:

Customize template

69. What happens if advertiser sets a daily budget lower than the recommended amount using “Standard” delivery method?

Ads will not show every time a user searches.

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70. Which budget delivery option appropriate throughout the day?


71. Which are the methods Google uses to calculate a search campaign recommend daily budget?


72. What happens as a result of a search campaign consistently meeting its daily budget?

Missed potential ad Impressions

73. One characteristics of the “Accelerated” delivery method?

Shows your ads as often as possible until your budget runs out

74. Advertiser using Standard delivery notices at around 4 pm that the daily budget for one campaign has been reached. Ads have stopped servicing but other campaign is still running.Cause:

Ans:- Campaign accrued more clicks

75. Which is a factor that Google uses to target ads to users based on physical location?

76. Tool used for ad to see how ads are shown in different geographic location?

Ad Preview tool

77. Someone using Google Russian search domain changes the language to English:

English speaks Russian

78. To determine which ad language to target the use, the adwords system refers to that user’s?


79. Bilingual user searches on and set Spanish as preferred language. In order to target this particular user which campaign language setting should an advertiser use?


80. Ads often show a Google with a fifth line of ad text. Reason:-

Search query included to name of city

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81. Advertiser who decides to edit the location Targeting.

Campaign level

82. One Reason an Active, eligible keyword may not receive many impression is because the keywords:Has its own destination URL overrides.

83. QS is calculated as measure of:

Relevance to user’s search

84. If Advertiser improves the QS of keyword , this keyword may:

Earn the ad a higher average position.

85. Highest level of ace access in Adwords.


86. Click like to see clicks & Impression is:

Read only

87. An advertiser wants top position in Paid SERP. Which Recommendations would improve this

Improve QS and increase CPC

88. Advertiser prominently in natural search result should consider also running paid Google Search ads:

Ensure the site frequently

89. Advertiser on Google search accrue cost in Adwords when:

Users click on their ads.

90. A client with flower delivery business servicing only one state is intimated. Uses:

Daily budget, Location targeting

91. Seasonal Adwords campaign would be helpful for:-

Farce to sell skis and snowboards

92. Advertiser wants to allocate additional budget to advertising a new product line. In order to accomplish this goal the advertise should create:

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A campaign with daily budget

93. During campaign creation, advertiser can choose to place their ads on: Search and Display network

94. CPM option not available for campaign the most likely reason is that the campaign:

Is only opted into Google Search and the search network

95. Main goal of Automatic CPC bidding into:

Generate as many clicks as possible within an advertiser budget

96. One reason to set a CPC bid limit when using automatic bidding is to ensure that

Adword system does not bid more than advertiser.

97. Advertiser using manual CPC bidding. Which factors important when keywords bids are decided.

Cost of bid

98. CPC and CPM complete on GDN, the Adwords system, converts the CPC ad’s bid to:

an effective CPM

99. An advertiser what to do for a new website

Manual CPC

100. Maximum CPC bid is:

Most an advertiser willing to pay for a click on his add

101. Formula how Ad Rank is determined on Google search

Maximum CPC multiplied by QS

102. In order to see what ads have on GDN:

Ans: - Run on Google DN

103. Benefit of Adwords for search marketing? Acquire potential qualified customers

104. Important to identify special offers:

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Create compelling test

Show rich media & display ads alongside the Google SR

106. Why is it Important that Adwords ads relevant to a :

Adwords ads will appear with every relevant search query

107. Google Adwords system Rewards good QS by:

Placing the associated ad in a higher position

108. E.g. of establishing Adverting goals:

Target market

109. When resetting a password in Adwords. What should a user keep in mind?

110. Benefit of MCC is that it allows:

Management of Multiple Adword account

111. Advertiser displays wide variety of books.

Ans:- A page listing gardening book offering

112. How closely-related keyword list express:

Ads placed on relevant sites

113. Best practice for optimizing ad text is to:

Include keywords from landing page meta tags.
