
Goodbye Aspens!

October 2016

From the President- Tom Wells….. Hi Everyone, fall is here! The beautiful golden aspens have lost their leaves and we woke up to a skiff of white the other day, so it is time to winterize. This means for those folks with campers on their lots, time to get them to the RV storage area. For those with summer homes, get the pipes drained and don’t forget to make sure the power to the well pump has been shut off, as we don’t like the looks of homes with frozen waterfalls down their fronts (as we have seen a time or two in the past.)

A few things have been happening over the summer and into the fall. Most folks are aware of the new cellphone tower on the Ranch. Thanks to Ron Rose for all of his efforts and support while that process was taking place.

On a different note, many of you are aware that a company called PM et al, LLC has applied for a permit from Park County to grow and process marijuana at a location about three miles east of the lower end of the Ranch. I attended the Commissioner’s meeting for public comment and presented the concerns of the members of our association, based upon input I had received:

Lighting: The primary concern was about the lighting and the effect that might have on our night sky. The

Commissioners stated that this issue was being addressed and that they were comfortable that the county regulations

would protect us.

Traffic: Another concern was about the traffic impacts; the Commissioners again suggested that we should not be


Attracting undesirable people: Since this operation is being permitted to grow marijuana, extract products and

manufacture edibles, but not to conduct retail sales, there should not be an impact.

The Commissioners will make their decision at their public meeting Thursday, October 20th, 2016. There is never a dull moment, and I look forward to another awesome autumn.

From your Member-at-Large Ed Hart . . . . . . .

Nancy and I purchased our first home in the Ranch of the Rockies in October 2012 and quickly determined that we had made a great decision. This is a true community. If you need help you will get it at the Ranch. We found that folks look out for each other on the Ranch and there are quality resources right here: neighbors who build homes, make custom cabinetry, do commercial painting, excavation work of all kinds, masonry work, and handyman work. We even have realtors who promote the Ranch.

Previously we have lived in four communities where there was a home owners’ association, and I have been a board member in all four. My hat goes off to the previous boards members of The Ranch of the Rockies because this is the most financially sound association I have ever be associated with and, to the best of my knowledge, the soundest one in this area. I am committed to helping it stay that way.

We are blessed to have a Ranch Manager that does an excellent job of prompting community involvement and activity, which is difficult to do when you have a community as spread out as ours.

For all the reasons above, we purchased our latest home on the Ranch, which we intend to occupy until the Dear Lord calls us home. God Bless our community and God Bless America.

The ROTR Hikers have finished their sixth year of great hikes in our nearby Pike and San Isabel National Forests. As with our past seasons, this season the hikers experienced many great picturesque adventures, sometimes reaching high mountain elevations of over 13,000 feet!

This year the hikers enjoyed a number of new hikes as we sought out trails north of the Ranch rather than experience the frustrations of the traffic delays caused by road construction going down to Buena Vista.

As in past years Bob Hickey and Harry Konen led most of the hikes but other ROTR hikers also led a few. In all, the group did over twenty hikes this summer and they may well have a final hike in early November, if the weather cooperates.

In mid-October, the hikers got together for their season-ending potluck dinner, this year hosted by Steve and Mary Plumb.

2017 will see the ROTR Hikers start their seventh season sometime in late May. The group has over ninety Ranch residents on our email list, although most hikes draw about 15 hikers. If you would like to participate next season please email Harry Konen at: [email protected]


This past summer, the ROTR Bikers group was formed and the riders completed thirteen rides, mostly down in the Buena Vista area. This is a social bike riding group, not the diehard kind of riders best known in Colorado for climbing numerous mountain a single day!

The rides were generally in the 10 to 12-mile range in the BV area, where everything is mostly flat. Speaking of Buena Vista, the town has been busy this past summer paving a number of new bike lanes along their back streets. All of the BV rides incorporated coffee stops about mid-way thru the rides. The highlight of the season was the group’s ride down Vail Pass to Frisco.

The ROTR Bikers meet at the Top of Trout Creek Pass and then haul their bikes to BV, usually meeting at 8AM. If you're interested in joining the group for next season please email Jack Armstrong at [email protected]

From Your Vice-President, Jeff Deardorff……

More New Street Signs on the Way…

For the past 18 months your Board of Directors has been implementing a plan to replace the many unreadable and missing street signs in the Ranch. We believe this poses a serious health and safety issue for fire and health emergency vehicles who respond to calls on the Ranch. For years the board has been told by Park County that there is a huge backlog (over 5,000 are in need of replacement) and there is not enough money in the budget to deal with all of them. Our signs conditions were so bad that

we agreed to pay for the fabrication of the signs if the County would re-install them. We spent approximately $800 last year for the first set of signs. Note that this is an informal agreement, but so far it has been working really well.

I’m sure many of you have seen the results of this effort to date. The new signs are much larger and more easily readable at night. Approximately 30 signs (there are 2 sign blades at each intersection) have been replaced so far and these were chosen on a “worst first” basis. So if bad or missing street signs in your vicinity have not been replaced, take heart. Another set of 36 signs have been ordered by Park County, and I’m told that these will be installed before the end of the year, when available County personnel are pulled off all the road improvements that have been underway this summer. Heaven knows how exasperated Ranch residents have been with all the traffic delays, no matter which direction you travel!

Our Ranch Manager John Adams announced and posted a list of this year’s sign replacements at the Annual Meeting, and asked those with a sign request to contact either him or me. We did not get any additions from that request. If you feel a sign needs to be replaced, contact one of us. At the end of this process, our street signs in the Ranch will be in good condition for many years to come.

Winter Safety

With winter coming, we all know the roads get messy and dangerous, so please slow down when you are driving. Winter here on the Ranch is a little different. Here we have wind that likes to pile the snow across the road and up against the buildings and vehicles. Have you had your vehicle winterized? How about your cabins and campers? Check your emergency pack in your vehicles and homes. If you have a wood-burning stove, have you had your chimneys cleaned? Please check your smoke detector batteries. You may also check the batteries in the thermostat; many of the new types take batteries as well.

Ranch Life

Things are slow up here in the winter but we do get a lot of folks coming up to enjoy the winter activities like skiing, snowboarding, tubing and snow shoeing. There are many great places in Colorado to enjoy during the winter months and lots of sights to see. I have information on a few of them. If you are interested, stop by the office Wednesday thru Sunday 8-12:00

As a reminder: Most all the common areas here on the Ranch are closed for the winter. Please note: There is NO ICE FISHING at Buffalo Creek Reservoir.

Have fun and have a safe winter here at the Ranch or wherever you may be spending it.

The New and Improved Annual Meeting/Picnic. . . . . . . .

The annual meeting and picnic has always been a great place to gather and catch up with your neighbors, and find out pertinent information on activities affecting the Ranch. This year, it

will be a happening, not just Saturday but a weekend happening. We are expanding the weekend to include Friday activities and enhancing Saturday.

Friday proposed events: Ice cream social, fishing tournament, hike

So how do you get a piece of this action and help plan it? Glad you asked! If you like to plan parties, have fun, and get involved, please join us at the RORA Annual Picnic committee meetings. They are held the Monday before each board meeting at 5:30pm in the Ranch office (light refreshments will be provided). If you can’t be here physically, join us by phone or web; there’s room for you even if you’re not at the Ranch all year around! Note: Meeting information and/or changes will be posted on the web in the RORA Forum, picnic in the topic.

Here are some committees that need help or a champion:

Overall Event Chair


Grilling / Cooking


Beverages / Plates / Service

Vendors / Prizes

Sound / Music

Setup / Cleanup

Ice Cream Social (New Activity)

Fishing tourney (New Activity)

Hike (New Activity)

Questions or additional information please contact Niki Griffin at (316) 312-5766 or [email protected]

But before the new and improved annual picnic, we have . . . . . .

The Ranch Christmas party!!

It all started with a shelf full of wood and an idea to build a sturdy, waterproof book exchange for the Ranch of the Rockies neighborhood. Across the country, people are sharing their best reads with other readers in their area. We thought we could have that opportunity here, too.

And so the RWRB Library was created. Built by Joana Gorby and Trish Chambers, it also features a beautiful metal roof generously provided by Roger Hilding. Called the RWRB because it is made from Recycled Wood to hold Recycled Books, the RWRB Library, resembling a small cabin with a green roof and door, is located on the north corner of the ranch office (near the compactor area).

Here’s how it works: You bring a book or two that you’ve enjoyed and leave it for others. Then search the available books for a couple you’d

like to read. When you’re finished reading, share the book(s) with a friend or return the books to the RWRB Library and select again. Please tell your ranch friends about the library. The more people who use it, the better the book selections!

*Note: Please leave only books, no magazines, etc.

Winter 2009





Ranch of the Rockies Assoc. 492 Ranch Road

Hartsel, CO 80449-8502


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