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Northwest Tennessee - May 2015 Health & Wellness 3

Park Terrace Assisted Living Can Help Loved Ones Suffering with Osteoporosis What Is Osteoporosis? According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, Osteoporosis is a disease in which thc density and quality of bones are reduced. leading to weakncss of the skeleton and increased risk offraeture. particularly of the spine. wriSts. hip, pelvis and upper armS. Osteoporosis and associated fractures are an important cause of mortality and morbidity. In many affectcd prople. bone loss is gradual and without warning signs untilthc disease is advanced.

OStcoporosis is also known as "thc silent crippler" becausc a person usually docsn't know thatlhey have it until it's tOO laic. Unfortunately. in many cases. the fint real "symplom" is a broken bone. Loss of height with gradual curvature of the back (caused by vertebral compression fractures) may be thc only physical sign ofostcoporosis. HO"'cver, below is also a list of conditions that could mean you are at a higher risk for bone loss and could easily fracture:

• High levels of serum calcium or alkaline phosphatase on a blood test

• Vitamin 0 deficiency

• Difficulty gelling up from a chair without using your arms to push

• lQint or muscle aches

• A resting pulse greater than SO beats per minute

• Height loss

• Increasing stooping (curvature of the spine)

• BMD results of -2.5 or less

Thcse symptoms can indicate Qtherhcaith problems as well, SO it's important to talk 10 your doctor about them to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

How II OsteoporosllTreatedl Treatment for ostooporosis includes:

• A balanced diet rich in caleium and vitamin D

• An exercise plan

• A heahhy lifestyle

• Medications. ifnceded

This is where Park Terrace Assisted Living can help! For only S2.575 per month. you leave the worryins to us. We work with a nutritionist to make Sure you have at least 3 balanced meals each day consisting of the rel:Qmmended vitamins and minerals nceded. We have a lovely walking path around a beautifully landseaped pond. which makes excrcising fun. especially if you have a friend 13g along with you. lastly. we have a nurse On stafT that is ready. able and willing to help monitor any medication needs.

At Park Terrace Assisted Living. we take all the StrcSS ofT of you. helping you Or your loved ones getthrQugh the day with case so that quality of life can be the focus'

If you would like more information about how Park Terrace Assisted Living can help you or your loved Qnes. please feci free to Stop by or cal! 731-479·1321 to schedule a personal appoinunent and tOur with Our administrator. Another opportunity to experience our community is by joining uS for lunch. Vic would like to invite you to COme sce why Our residents arc SO happy here at The Park Terrace Assisted Living!

712 Broadway Street. South Fulton. TN 3S257

73 1·479·1 32 1

________________________ www.tnhe~lth .. ndwe _______________________ _

(731) 884-0600

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Show Off Your Legs Again ,.

___________________ www . tnhe ~ l th~ndwe l l n e __________________ _

nt nt May 2015 18 Respite Care for Caregiver.>

3 Park Te-rrace Assisted Living 19 Inflammalory Bowel Disease Can Help Loved Ones Suffering with Osteoporosis 20 Better Hearing & SpeeCh Month

6 Lasting Rel ief for Daily Back Pain "Your Child Is Deaf "

7 21 Terrell Clinic & Aesthetics May is American Stroke Month: Presents the Latest in Complete Leam from a Survivor Acne Treatment Programs!

8 Balance-Boosting Footwear 23 Should Wisdom Teeth be Tips for Older People Removed Before They Become

9 a Prob~?

Vaccines and Stem Cells: Weapons Against lung Disease 24 Motorcyde Accidents

10 (What To Do?)

Listen Up! 25 Why is ~ Better to Treat Hearing Indoor Air Quality and Allergies

Loss Sooner Rather than Later? 26 "Mom, Dad, .. You're Gonna

12 You Don't Have to Live wrth Be ... Grandparents! " Varicose Veinsl

27 HCMC Crusading for

13 Kayion Bataman Jo<ns Human Hea~hy Sleep Technology, Inc, Prosthetics

30 and Orthotics When You Want to Do Gt-eat

15 Kir'.<.~nd Cancer Center Offers Things for God ... and He Asks You to Keep on Being a Morn

Complimentary Services 31 Spiritual Wallness:

16 Be Red Cross Ready Perseverance. Character: Tornado Safety Checklist and Char.\Cler. Hope,

North_I t T."""I._ HN Ith & w.lln . .. MOl/nino ean be- lOUr>d in huMre<I' of NO<tIIwfil Ten<oeuee medical l a<::iIities. i"chllling: IlOSpilaIS. _·s. ChifOpfaclOO" , ar>d denli,rs office •. Find a copy 01 your FREE Hunh & Wellne$S Magazine in Madison. Dye" Gi~son. Henderson. CarrOl. Ohion. Weakley aM Henry C<)<Inlies.

To get your article publi shed and for ad rates, call 731.335.2536

[email protected]

oeq. .. .G". NORT_EST TE ~NESSEE HE. LTH , wELLNESS M.g ... '''' 2(>'5. AM ''G"'' .. _ . My ... ,"' ... _ .... -'"" .. _"' .. ..., ____ .. .._. _ ... __ ..... _ ...... ___ ... _ '" OfOATlfW£ST TENNESSEE HEN.THIWHU£SS_. OfOATlfW£STT"ENESSEEHEN.rnlWEUJ.lESS __ ",

----Kid-Friendly HawaIIan Chicken Kabobs with Brown Rice

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...,. .. _ ... _ "' ... _"'" __ .. __ "",""""",ST TENNESSEE HEN.rn & jl:~~~~~~~_~~~_~_~;.~~;_;~~~~.~' ~'~.~-;;.~.~-~~-;';-~~ WEUNESS_ ...... __ ...... 1_' ............ _"'_" .. _ ThO ... , ..... __ , ... ___ -'''' ........ __

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www . tnhe~lth~ndwe l lness .com

6 Health & Wellness May 2:015 - Northwest Tennessee

Lasting Relief for Daily Back Pain By Comprehensive Pain Specialists

Nearly 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, defined as pain that lasts longer than six months. Chronic pain can

be mild or excruciating, episodic or conlinuous. merely inconvenient or totally incapacilating. With chronic pain. signals of pain remain active in lhe nervOus system for months Or even years. This can takc both a physical and cmotional toll on a person. Radiofrequency nerve ablation is one pro­cedure that can be used to help people with chronic pain from arthritis. degenerative changes or from an injury.

About Radlofrequency Nerve Ablation RadiofreQuency Nerve AblaTion (RFA) is the process by which the nerveS can be destroyed through the usc of heat gcnerated from a radiofn::­

Quency generator and a special RF needle thaI is nOI insulated at its tip. The energy from a RF gen­erator heats the tissues around the needle tip to a Temperature that desTroyS the nerve. This is carried OUT for 90 sC{:onds or I 'h minUTes per nerve. The nerves will grow bac\;. in 6- 12 months and the procedure Can be repeated if indicated due

Nerve -


Face! join! ----1!

Applying radiofrequency energy to the facet join! nerve involves placing an insulaled wire near the nerve tissue.

10 recurrence of pain. Full effttt oflhe trealment usually OCCurS in approximately Ihree weeks. Conservative Treallnem is the key.

Conditions Treated with Radlofr~uency Ablation RFA can be uscd to help patients with chronic low-back and nttk pain and pain related 10 Ihe degeneration of joints from anhritis.

Benefits of Radlofrequency Ablation Include:

• Minimally invasive procedure

• Pain relief for up to 2 yem

• Significant and longer lasting pain relief compared to s!eroid injCCTions

• Low complication and morbidity raTes

Fast and Effective Procedure lime is 20-30 minUTes with 10-20 minutes in reco~ery before discharge home. Post procedure Care usually involves ice packs to the procedure area for 1·2 days. Hopefully. paTienTS will experience pain relief thereafter with this minimally invasive procedure.

Appreciable Pain Relief Compared to Surgery

• Nearly half of back pain sufferers are nOI helped by surgery

• Greater range of motion

• Improved Quality of life

• Shon recovcry Time

Dedicated 10 Pain Management From All Sources At Comprehensive Pain Specialists, we an:: dedi­cated TO reducing Or eliminating pain from several different sources. nOT just spine pain. Our paTienTS benelit from the input of our Board Certified Phy­sicians specializing in pain management and are able to make a Truly infonned dccision regarding their individualized Ircatment plan. With o~er 60 locations throughout the Soulheast, find out why Comprehensive Pain Specialists is best suited for all of your pain management needs.

FRANK E. JORDAN, M.D. Dr. Jordan graduated from the University of Ten_ ness<:<: School of Medicine in Memphis. He also completed Residency t .... ining in Internal Medi­cine and Anesthesiology at the University ofTen_ nessee. Dr. Jordan obtained Board Ccrtilicalion in both Internal Medicine and Anesthesiology and was appointed a clinical s .... ff position at the Uni_ v.,.,ity of Tennessee School of Medicine.

Dr. JoTdan wenl imo private pracTice in Ancslhe­siology. but became int01"e5ted in Pain and pursued additional training in Pain fellowship at Baylor School of Medicine, Center for Pain in Houston. Dr. Jordan then obtained Board Certi­fication in Pain Mc<licinc.

Dr. Jordan returned to Tennessee and es .... blished the firs! full time pain practice in rural We't Ten­nessee. Dr. Jordan bas practiced pain manage_ ment in Jackson for the past 2~ yean.



855-615-PAJN {7246l

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Northwest Tennessee - May 2015 Health & Wellness 7

May is American Stroke Month : Learn from a survivor.

Arthur, ~nown as "Sbp" to all of his friends, could tell a stroke was com,ng on: he had

experienced one 1 0 ye~r5 e"rlier. Th,s time. however. his conditoon w"s much more critivll.

His w'fe. Tin". 'mmedi.ltely u lled gIl. "nd he Wi1'5 t"ken to the closest hasp,t,,1. In " t'me th"t was twenty minutes faster than the natoonal standard. S~,p was transferred from a local hosp.tal to Jochon-Madi~ County Gener~1 HOSp,yl. wh'ch is Jomt Comm,ssoon cert ,/ied as an

Advanced Pr imary Strol<e Center "They ~re ready for him and tool< h,m immediately." Tina remembers. "The Intervent,onal r~d ,oIog,st had a room fu ll of Ihe most talented team."

An EKG. a CT scan and a rIOI1 invaSllle a"9iogram:;hawed Sk,p was experoenc'''9 an ocute basilar ~rtery occlusion--a large blood clot was bloc~,ng blood flow to a ma,n artery thaI supploes blood to the bra in. Survival rates fO( th,s type of stro~e are less than 10 percent. It was

one of the largest clots the ,nterventoonal on call had ever seen. He told Tina that S~'p w<os expe"encing the "VVOr5t of the


Wh,le strol<e os the No. 5 cause 0/ dealh and the lead,ng cause of diXlb.t ~y in the U.S .. many Americans do not thm~ of a stro~e <OS a

major health concern. A strol<e causes a loss 01 1.9 million neurons f!Very minute, so timely treatment is crucial. Skip re<:eived clot·busting

med.cine through an IV to slow down the damage wh,1e be,"9 prep~red for a mechanicallhrombectomy. a newly ava .table procedure to remove the clot using a stent-like df!Vice. This dot removal procedure is only available at majOr medical Ia<:ilit,es such as West Tennessee Heart and Vascular Center at Ja<: kson-Mad,~ County General Hosp,tal.

Throughout the surgery, the strol<e coordinator brought updates w T,na ~nd the" f"ends ,n the nearby wa.t,ng room.

When Sk.p fir5t vvo~e up after the surgery he could only f'rICM! h,s head, but in less than ~ weeI\, he had reg<>med all of the movement in

nos limbs

Today h,s memory is ,ntact, he can tal~ clearly and he walks a mile by h,mself each day, with the aSSistance 01 a walker lor added stability.

The Amerivln Heart ksociaHOrVAmerican Stroke ksociat ion's Together to End Strol<e , .. in il'atlve gains "l1ent,on during May every year

when West Tennessee Heart and Vascular Center and the nat,on hoghhght stro~e preventoon. treatment and effects.

Use Ihe a<:rOI1ym F.A.S.T. 10 help people recognize a stro~e and ~now what to do if one occur5;


HEART & VASCULAR - -- ---- -- - -- CENTER

620 Sk~lin~ On.., Jackson, TN 38301 1·855 ·730·8284 5.I·C~r~

wthvc.or(\ At jackson_Madison County G~n~ral Hospital

________________________ www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l _____________ ~~~~: _____ _

8 Health & Wellness May 2015 - Northwest Tennessee

Balance-Boosting Footwear Tips for Older People Compliments of Raine's Foot Clinic

B alance in all aspeclSoflife is a good thing_ We work hard but make time for fun. love our children while setting boundaries. and cat healthy to enjoy a sundae On Friday night.lJut mental equilibrium

isn't the only kind of balance that's imponam in life. Good physical balance can help older people avoid the debilitating and potentially life-threatening complicalions ofa fall.

Falls are the leading cause offatal and non-fatal injuries among older people. according to the Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevenlion (CDC) . In 2010. 2.3 million fall injuries sent older fol ks to emergency rooms; 662.000 required hospitalizations: and falls cost S30 billion in direct medical costs. the CDC says.

"Preventing falls among older Americans is a lOp health priority. and improVed balance can help reduce the risk of a fall." says Dr. Mauhew Garoufalis. a podiatrist and president of APMA. "Proper footwear can help improve balance. especially in older people who may wugglc with mobility and balance issues."

Guidelines for Selecting Shoes When selecting a shoe 10 improve balance. keep these guidelines in mind:

Put shoes to the 1-2·3 test.

Step 1: Press on both sidcH.f the heel area to ensure the heel is stiff and won't collapse.

Step 2: Bend the shoe to check for toe ncxibility_ The shoe shouldn't bend tOO much in the toe box area. but it shouldn't be too stiff and innex­ible either.

Step 3; Try twisting the shoe; il shouldn't twist in the middle.

lIave your feel pmfessionally measured every time you shoe shop_ Naturnl aging and health changes can cause the size of your feet 10 change. Measure both feet- late in the dar-nd shop for the larger foot.

Bring the type of socks you plan to wear with the shoes and walk around the store in the shoes before you purchase them.

If you don't feel comfonable or steady in the store, don't buy them. Shoes should feel comfortable and supportive right away; if they don't feel good right away, breaking them in won't improve things_

If you bave specific health challenges or foot issues, talk 10 a podiatrist about the best footwear for your needs_ If your podiatrist has prescribed orthotics-biomcchanieal inserts that go imo your shocs-take them with you when you shop and try them Out in the shoes you're considering.

APMA Seal of Acceptance Q uality shoes can be an investment. Before you buy. check to see if the brand and style you're considering have earned the APMA Scal of Acceptance_ APMA grants the seals to products found to promOte good foot health.

Raines Foot Clinic can help you with this and any other podiatric needs_ For an appointment or consultation. call 731-885-0 220 in Union City or 731-286-2139 ;n Dyersburg.

MedICoi and SUgicoi Treatment of !he Foot and AnIOO

Paul Hutchison, DPM· Todd Divan, DPM • Daniel M. Parise, DPM

UNION CITY Call for an DYERSBURG 1415 E Reelfoot Ave. Appointment. 1901 Cook Street

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Northwest Tennessee· April lOI S Health & Wellness 9

Vaccines and Stem Cells: WEAPONS AGAINST LUNG DISEASE By Oavid Ebner, Stall Writer

Every fall, the billboards and television commercials u.ging yoo to get a flu shot start to creep into the national narra­

tive. Many people have reservations about the flu vaccine; some state it uuses headaches and even engages flu-like symptoms. However, the statistics strongly support the flu vaccination over trying to tough it out. especially for the elderly. The COC estimates that, in people over SO, there is a 77 percent reduction in hospitali;ta· tion for flu symptoms when vaccinated.

Why not give yourself the best possible chance to be healthy] During flu season, most people agree with thiS logic and get a flu Shot. The benefits a.e even more compelling for those suf· fering from a lung disease like COPD. The coughing, shortness of b<eath and fatigue that come along with the flu are everyday symptoms forthosewith lung disease, and tl>e possibility of contraCling the flu un turn these al ready harsh symptoms into something potentially fatal like pneumonia or respiratory fa ilure. That's why the COC recommends that people with these CO<ldi· tions get the flu shol yearly.

Most pulmonologists will also urge their patients with lung disease to get a flu shot, but this has led patients to ask about other options to protect and improve their lung function. If a shot un vaccinate them from tl>e fl u, what un be done about lung disease? New options are emerging, and some have discovered stem cells as the answer. Just like the flu vaccine, stem cell therapy offers the possibility of imPloving lives through effective management and treatment of debili· tating cond itions.

A clinic called the lung Inst~ute (

is working to change this. They treat lung diseases with stem cells from the patient's own body. In essence, they extract the celis through a minimally invasive procedure, clean them and then reintroduce them to the lungs after giving the patient natural growth factors that promote cell replication. This quickens healing by direct· ing the celis- and their healing properties­toward the diseased area. The result is healthier tissue growing in place of damaged tissue, and although this doesn't cure the disease, it acu

like the annual flu vaccine by slowing further degeneration and bringing a normal tife back within reach.

We are in the midst of a fight to eradicate the flu just like the measles and polk> of yesteryear. In the past when the medical field banded together to tackle these diseases head-on, they were able to develop a vaccine. With the advancements in medical research today, the question of whether this can be done for lung disease is forthcoming, and by the looks of it stem cells could playa starring role.

If you Or a loved one suffers from a chronic lung disease, the specialists at the Lung Institute may be ab le 10 help. You can contact the Lung Institute at (855) 914-3212 Or visit to find out if these new treatments are right fOf you.

Stem cells have be<ome a buuword in the news over the past few years. However, mUCh of the ta lk is about fetal stem cells; few people are ta lking about adult, autologous stem cells that are present in all of our bodies. As our body's repair system, these cells live in blood, bone marrow and fat tissue. They naturally respond to injury or illness; however, stem cells don't move quickly, hence our bodies don't instantly heal when we get sick. Autologous stem cell therapy

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10 Health & Wellness May ZO 15 Northwest Tennessee

• Why is it better to treat hearing loss sooner rather than later?

Identifying and addrnsing hearing loss early bring' many benefits. from enhancing your quality of life, to helping

protect apinst scvcral health Conscqu.cncCll linked to u~ ~aring loss, the case for early treatTmnt is 5tI'QRg,

Perhaps t~ most compelling reason to ncver put off a hearing test and treatment, howcver, is simply this: We "hear" with our brain, not with our caJ$, When wc have a hearing loss, the connections in the brain thnt 'Clipond to wund become reorganized.

fonunately, for many people, hearinll aids can provide the sound stimulation needed for the brain to restore the normal organization of connections to its "sound center" so it ean more readily react to the sounds that it had been missing and cogniti~ely procns them.

In fact, the vast majority of people with hearing los$ can ~~fit from ~arinll aids. And dramatic ~w technological advano;ClI havc completely transformed heating aids in recenl years, making Ihcm more effec­tive, comfonable, and euy to usc. So the sooner you identify hearins loss and stan using profCllsionally fined heannS lids, if recommended by a hearing healthc~ pr0-

fessional. the sooner you'll bcJin to reap !he rewards of betlo:r hearinS.

The benefits of early treatment on quality of life and health f or many years, experu have known thc positive impacl that addressinll hearing loss has on quality of life, Research shows that many people with hearing loss who usc hearing aids see an improvement in their ability to hear in many scuings: and many sce an improvement in their relationships al home and at work. in theirsociallivcs, and in their ability to communicate effectively in most situations. Many even say they feci bellcr about themsclvcs and life ovcralL





More recently, however. researehCTS are discov­ering a signifi~ant link between hearing loss and other health issues, such as ~ognition, dementia, depression. falling, hospitalization. mortality, and overall physical and mental health.

To get a fuller sense of why it's so imponantto treat hearing loss sooner rather than later, just consider the latest researeh on hearing loss and these seVen health issues:

1. Cognition: Specifically, untreated hearing loss interferes with the listener's ability to accu­rately process the auditory information and make sense of it. You have to put in w much effon JUSt to perceive and understand what is being said that you diven resomces away from storing what you have heard into your memoT)'.

2. Risk of dementia: A study by researehers at Johns Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging found that seniors with hearing loss are significantly more likely to develop dementia Over time than those who retain their hearing.

3. Brain Shrinkage: Results of a study by researchers from Johns Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging found that although the brain becomes smaller with age, the shrinkage scems to be fast-tracked in older adults with hearing loss.

4. Risk of falling: A Johns Hopkins study showed that people in middle age (40-69) with even just mild hearing loss were nearly three times more likely to have a history of falling. The intensive listening effon demanded by unaddressed hearing loss may take cognitive rewurees away from what is needed for balance and gait. expens have suggested.

5. In(reand hospit.llutlons: A Johns ~Iop­kins study found that older adults with hearing loss were 32% more likely to have been admitted to a hospital than their pecrs with nonnal hearing and they were 36% more likely to have prolonged stretches of illness Or injury.

6. Deopresslon: Several studies have found a link between depression and hearing loss. A Johns Hopkins study found thai older adults with hearing loss were 57% more likely to have deep episodes ofstrcss. depression or bad mood than their peers wilh nonnal hearing.

Northwest Tennessee - May 201 S Health & Wellness 11 LEVELS OF NOISE in dedbeis (dB)



Dangerous over 30 s€'Coods


140 . Fireworks , Gun shots · Custom car stereos (at full volume)

130 . J ackhammers · Ambulances

120 . J et planes (dUring take off)

· Concerts (any genre of musIc) 110 . Car horns

· Sponlng events

100 . Snowmobiles , MP3 players (at ful l volume)

90 ' Lawnmowers · Power toolS · Blen<lers , Half dryers

Over as dB for e~tended penods can cause permanent hea nng loss





80 . Alarm clocks

60 . Normal conversatIon · Dishwashers

50 . Moderate rainfall

40 ' QUIet hbrary

30 ' WhIsper

20 . Leaves rustling

May Is Better Hearing Month. Take action now and get the help you need, If you or a loved one are experiencing signs of hearing loss, DO NOT WAIT. Call The Jackson Hearing Center TODAY at 731-660-5511 to schedule a FREE HEARING SCREENING. CO~le~1S of rhis article "'"ro reprinted ... ilh l!ermission from The Beller Hearing ItUlil~le ... hich "'os fo~nded in 197) 10 conduct research and engage in hearing heallh eduearion ",ilh Ihe goal of helping people ",ilh hearing loss to lH-nefitfrom proper trealment.

_____________________ www.tnhe~tth~ndwe l ____________________ _

Northwest Tennessee - May 2015 Health & Wel lness 13

Kaylon Bateman Joins Human Technology, Inc. Prosthetics and Orthotics

Human Technology, In<;. Prq.;;theties and Onhotits, one of west Tennesscc's leading providers of upper and lower extremity pros, thetit and onhotit rehabilitation services, announces the addition of

Kaylon Bateman, Licensed Pro~thetist and Onhoti~t, to their clinkal team.

Mr. Bateman brings over 15 years of experience in the Onhotic & Prosthetic industry as he begins his new role in patient care and marketing with lIuman Technology, Inc. He staned in the field as a technician and progressed to one of the most advanced supervisory produetion managers in the field for the Memphis operation ofa large manufacturer known as Boston Brace.

Mr. Bateman furthered his education and became a PM>SthetistiOnhotist. "My passion is making a difference in the patient's mobility and changing their lives by continuing to SCC'o'e the patients with the highest technology avail_ able," stated Kay ton Bateman. li e embraces new innovative designs and ideas and now uses his extraordinary skills and ux:hniques for improving ambula. tion and quality of life for patients.

"Mr, Bateman's numcrQlI'i years of orthotic and prosthetic experience make him a real asset to our clinical tcam," said Ramesh Dubey, CPO, President of Human Technology.

About Human Technology, Inc, Prosthetics and Orthotics Human Technology, Inc, began a practice in Paris, TN, known as Hi-Tech Prosthetics and Onhot­ics In 2CXl9, Since then, numerOuS locations have been added to meet the demand of service for referral SOurceS and

patient care. Additional offices and clinics are in Jackson, Bartleu, Gennan­town, Memphis - Central, Murfrees­boro, Union City, Columbia, Savannah and Southaven, MS, Home visits can be done if necessary to accommodate those unable to travel to one of the offices for mOre invoh'ed cases.

lIuman Technology wams to .----------------..., provide quality care to the patients and help them attain the highest possible level of comfon, independence and activity. The prattitioners are dedicated to bringing the late~t technology, experience and unparailc!ed service to the communities served. Each office specializes in providing proper patient follow up care, statc-of-the­an, lightweight, durable ani­flciallimbs, custom orthotics and onhopcdid diabetic ~h"", along with complimentary assessments and evaluations. Human Technology sponsors an amputee patiem advocate program to assist in ques_ tions and answers for new amputees. I._ ... ..;~_"~

An education department has been fonned to provide continuing education credits for medical professionals . Courses arc provided throughout the year in different localions, A free four hour course on Stance Control is scheduled for

May 15 at Stonecrest Hospital in Smyrna. Physical and Occupational Thera_

pists and other medical professionals interested can contact Tcresa Caruso at 731 -645- 1735.

Solutions for Life, Technology for Living



Full Prostl>etic Care for Amputef!S - Cus tom Orthopedic

Devk:es for a ll Medical Conditions Custom and Diabetic

ShoeslOrthotics and SupportS

ServIcing Middle. west Tennessee, MissIssippI, Arkansas.nd Kentucky

------------------------www.tnhe~ lth ~ndwe l _______________________ _

Come Early I=or I=ree I-leart I-lealth Screenings & Interactive Heart Disease Prevention Education,

--== == - -- ---- -- -



At lackson~M.d;son County C.,Mral Hosp;tal

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___________________ www.t nhe~lth .. nd~w~.~,:'":.7,,~.:":m::::::~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~

Northwest Tennessee· May 2015 Kealth & Wel lness 15


F resh ideas and stress relieving services now nicely compliment the leading edge comprehensive care and on-site Conve­

niences already offered al the Kirkland C~ Cenler. It ,,'asn't a far cry for the Center to begin offering such services, since their goals of care are all palient-centril: _ "We oonstantly look for ways we can mect our patients' needs as weil as compli­ment their lifestyles." says Susan Harker, Social Worker and Support Services Manager_ Some of the new services offcred at the Kirkland Cancer Center as a courtesy to their patients and caregiv­ers are' Live music by The Jackson Symphony, Massage Therapy, and Yoga and Meditation. Expressive Art will soon join these services.

live Music by The JKkson Symphony Patients are in awe of the Im'c!Y music played weekly by select musidans with "The Jackson Symphony. It enhances the beautiful spa-likeenvi­ronrnent and affords patients and visi\Or"S an oppor­tunity 10 enjoy something they might not have had aI1 opportunity 10 experience . Violinist. Tricia WilbWTI, who also ser."eS as Director ofCommu­nity Engagement for the Symphony. bcoomes tearful as she describes how she fcels while playing music for cancer patients. "Music is healing. therapeutic and allows patients to rela;< SO their medicines eal1 work better:' says Wilburn. She recounts a recent Story about a gentleman who thanked her because this was the ('rsttime his wife had smiled and relaxed whiic rocciving her chemo.

Yoga and Meditation "The yoga and meditation scrvices are being offered by a certified and registered yoga thera, pisltwiee a week. This is a very patient-friendly yoga and Can easilybe done in achair. The thera­pist will focus mainly on the rcla;<ation and breathing aspects of this discipline - with minimal body movements. Studies indicatc the holistic benefitS of yoga and meditation . "This discipline has ehal1ged my life and hclped me to be a more positive person." says LIFT yoga therapist, Peggy Bogard_ The American Cancer Society sites the following. "According to a report by the National Institutes of Health, there is somc evidence to suggest yoga may be helpful when used with conventional medical treatment to help relieve some of the symptoms linked to cancer, asthma. diabetes. drug addiction. high blood pressure. heart disease and migraine head­aches." Yoga therapist. Andrea Hazlehurst says. "Panicipation in yoga and meditation is for everyone. It is not a competition between OthCTS - it is about you! It is about what you Can do today and listening to your body."

73 ] .54] .956] kirk]andcanc<

MasUlge Therapy Dorene Avritt, Licensed Massage Therapist with Spons Plus Aquathempics, will round out these complimentary scrvices by offering massages on a weekly basis, while taking into account any poten­tial contmindications to massage or the need to modify her touch. Whether she is working with hands. feet Or shouldeTs. it Can be beneficial to ones' health. "The Arnerical1 CaI1cer Society says that massage can be used to relieve pain and stiffness. increase mobility. rehabilitate injured muscles. and reduce the pain ofhcadaches and backacbcs.

Although the yoga and massage services arc gentle. patient_friendly versions, patients with concerns are always encouraged to tal k with their doctor before starting any type of exercise that involves movements of joints and musclcs. All of the complimentary services arc offered as a courtesy only. They arc optional and not part of patients' clinical treatment plan.

For questions. please contact Susan Barker at 541-6388 or Carrie Knox at 541_1818.

Kirkland Cancer Center Complimentary Services

Weekly Schedule MONDAY,

Mauage TIt~,.py- Do ...... e Amn, LPN, LMT with SporU P11II Aqu.otberapies

TIJESDAY, Y",<I" Meditatio" - Peggy Bogard, RN,

CYT, RYT-SOO Yoga Inslnlctor at The LIFT

WEDNESDAY, yo, ... Meilih>tioll - Andrea Huleh ursl, RN ,

CYT, RYT-200

THURSDAY, Li"" ","sU: from The Jackson Sympbony ­

Select musiciaru

h t fRIDAY, (Monthly) Exp,ess;"" Art grollp - Deborah

Tay]oe, BSA. Visual Artist/Poet. Creator & DireclOr of Community Art Program

at Union Univer1ity

_____________________ www.tnhe~ lth .. ndwe ____________________ _

16 Keatth & Wellness Mav 2015 • Northwest Tennessee

Be Red Cross Ready Tornaao Safety Cliecklist

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the ground. Tornado intensities are classified on the Fujita Seale with ratings between 1'0 (weakest) to F5 (strongest). They are capable of completely destroying well­made structures, uprooting trees and hurling objects through the air like deadly missiles. Although severe toruadoes are more common in the Plains States, tornadoes have been reported in every state.

now (he Difference

nrnadn \\ at 'h Tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area. Review and discuss your emergency plans. and checlt supplies and your safe room. Be ready to act quickly if a warning is issued or you suspect a tornado is approaching. Acting early helps to save lives!

nrnadn \\ a mn A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. Tornado warnings indicate imminent danger to life and property. Go immediately underground to a basement, stonn eel1ar or an interior room (closet. hallway or bathroom).

Let Your Family Know You're Safe If your community experieooeIa tornado, or any disuter. repter on the American Red Cross Safe and well website.mIabletlm:lu&h K I( , to let your family and friends know about yowMlflre. Uyou don't hive Internet.' • CIII h

( I l toregisteryounelfandyourfunily.

+ American Red Cross For more information on disaster and emergency preparedness, visit

Copyright Q 2009 by lI>e American NatOonai Red Closs I Stock No. 6M592 ___________________ www.tnhe~lth~ndwe l __________________ _

"Vhat s hould I do to pre pare fo r a tornado?

o During any storm, listen to local news or a NOAA Weather Radio to stay informed about watches and warnings.

o Know your community's ""ming system. Communities have different ways of warning residents about tornados, with many having sirens intended for outdoor warning purposes.

o Pick a safe room in your home where household members and pets may gather during a tornado. This should be a basement, storm C(:llaror an interior room on the 10"'est floor with no windows.

o Pract ie(: periodic tornado drills so that everyone knows what to do if a tornado is approaching.

o Consider having your safe room reinforced. Plans for reinforcing an interior room to provide better protection can be found on the FEMA Web site at hllp://www.fe pla n/ p revcll t/ rms/rlus p453·shtm .

o Prepare for high winds by removing diseased and damaged limbs from trees.

o Move or secure lawn furniture, trash cans, hanging plants or anything else that can be picked up by the wind and become a projectile.

o Watch for tornado danger signs;

· Dark, often greenish clouds-a phenomenon caused by hail

• Wall cloud- an isolated lowering of the base of a thunderstorm

• Cloud of debris • Large ha il • Funnel cloud- a visible rotating

extension of the cloud base • Roaring noise

Northwest Tennessee· May 2015 Kealth & Wet lness 17 \ Vha t should I do if It torna do

is threatening?

o The safest plae(: to be is an underground shelter, basement or safe room.

o If no underground shelter or safe room is available, a small, windowless interior room or hall""y on the lowest level of a sturdy bnilding is the safest alternative.

• Mobile homes are not safe during tornadoes or other severe winds.

• Do not seek shelter in a hallway or bathroom of a mobile home.

• If you have access to a sturdy shelter Or a vehicle, abandon your mobile home immediately.

• Go to the nearest sturdy build ing or shelter immediately, using your seat belt if driving.

• Do not wait until you see the tornado.

o If you are caught outdoors, seek shelter in a basement, shelter or sturdy building. If you can not quickly walk to a shelter:

• Immediately get into a vehicle, bnckle your seat belt and try to drive to the closest sturdy shelter.

• If flying debris occurs while you are dri\~ng, pull over and park. Now you have the following options as a last resort:

• Stay in the car with the seat belt on. Put your head down below the windows, C(wering with your hands and a blanket if possible.

• If you can safely get notie(:ably lower than the level of the roadway, exit your car and lie in that area, covering your head ,,~th your hands.

• Your choice should be drinm by your specific circumstances.

What do I do afte r a tornado?

o Continue listening to local news or a NOAA Weather Radio for updated infonnation and instructions.

o If you are away from home, return only when authorities say it is safe to do so.

o Wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and sturdy shoes when examining your walls, doors, staircases and windows for damage.

o Watch ou t for fallen power lines or broken gas lines and report them to the II t ility company immediately.

o Stay out of damaged buildings.

o Use battery-powered flashlights when examining buildings-do NOT use candles.

o Ifrou smell gas or hear a blowing or hissing noise, open a window and get evel)'One out of the building quickly and call the gas company or fire department.

o Take pictures of damage, both of the building and its oontents, for insurance claims.

o Use the telephone only for emergency calls.

o Keep all of )'Olir animals under your direct control.

o Clean up spilled medicat ions, bleaches, gasoline or other flammable liquids that could become a fire hazard.

o Cheek for injuries. If you are trained, pro\~de first aid to persons in need until emergency responders arrive.

+ American Red Cross

_____________________ www.tnhe ~lth~ndwe l ____________________ _

18 Health & Wellness May 2015 - Northwest Tennessee

Respite Care for Caregivers M any families have taken on the responsibility (and great joy) of

providing care for a loved one so they can remain at home rather than be in long term Care. It is a sacrifice of love and

respc<;t for our elder population_ There are. however. conscqlll'Tl\:CS that the caregiver may face including an crno1ional, physical, and financial load, Respite care provides suJlPOrt to these caregivers hy offering a sbort-tcrm, tcmpornry break so thatlhcsc individuals can re-fucl and dc-strcss This time can be used for resting and rejuvenation which will also provc bcncficialto the health and wellbeing of the person receiving the care.

Manin Hcalthcare offers respite services for just this type of situation, If you are in need of personal time to recuperate, rest, take care of personal responsibilities. or lake a vacation. please consider us when choosing a facility, You are welcome to visit any time and speak to our nursing, dietary, Or activities staffabout what serviees we have to offer. We encOur­age you to include your loved one in the decision making as well Let them offer their input and judgment when choosing a facility.

If you or a family member should need assistance with respite care. Manin Healthcare is here to help. To !earn more, call us at 73 1-5&7-0503 or visit us online at www,manin-bcallbeare.eom.

158 Mount Pelia Road

Martin, Tennessee 38231 ~.Martln-Healthcar1l,com

Phone: (731) 587-0503 Call ']0 Schedule a Visit

Imp",,,, rwry lift UK (bUr" ' l'r-ovw ,xupriOluliiNalllK-a" '

Northwest Tennessee· May 2015 Kealth & Wel lness 19

~n!!~,,"m!!latory Bowel Disease D o you or someone you know sutTer from

inflammatory bowd disease'! [nflamma· (ocy bowel disease involves cllmnic inflam·

mation of all or part of your digestive tract Crohn's disease and ulcerative coli(is an: the two main types of inflammatory bowel disease. People that sutTer from bowel di""ase can have debilitating symptoms and sometimes [ife--tlireatening complications.

The symp(oms of inflamma(ory bowel disease may vary from mild to severe. These symptoms may occur suddenly then resolve, but return over and over again. Possible symP(OmS (ha( you may experience include diarrhea bloody bowel move· ments, bleeding from the re<:tum, mucOuS from the rectum, stomach cramping, fever, and uninten­

tional " 'eight loss.

Tests to Diagnose There are tests used to diagnose inflammalory bowel disease. Your doctor will order a colonos­copy (0 funherevaluate your symp(oms. Your phy_ sician will put athin tube in your rectum and thread it up inlo your eolon. This (ube has a Camera anached to it tha( allows your doc(or (0 e~amine your colon. The doc(or will (ake (issue samples of your colon. These tissue samples will be reviewed by a pathologist and delennine the (ype of bowel disease you may have. You may also need labora­tory tests and x_rays to funher evaluate your symptoms. Your treallnent options will vary depending on (he severity of your disease .

Crohn's Disuse Crohn's disease is a condition the can involve the whole digesti"e tract. The cause of this disease is not known. If you have family members with Crohn's disease, this may increase your risk of having this disease. In individuals with Crohn's disease, the immune sys(em recognizes the lining of Ihe diges­tive trac( as foreign and anacks it. This response causes inflammation and ulceration to the lining of the digestive tract. This di""ase usually affects the colon and las( part of small intes(ine (ileum).

Ulcerative colitis is a condition that is very similar to Crohn's disease. This condition only atTec(s the colon (large inleS(ine) by causing intlamma(ion

and ulceration.

Most Common Symptoms ofCrohn's Disease The mos( common symp(oms of Crohn's disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss. Mouth sores may also develop during flarcs ofCrohn's. Eye intlammMion has also been found in S % of individuals affected with Crohn's disease. Anal problems may also occur with Crohn's disease. The mos( common problems with the anuS include fissure Or tears of (he anus, ulcers, and fistulas (a tunnel between the intestine and othcrorgans).

Tl"flItment Options There are multiple medications used to trea( Crohn's disease and ulcerative coli(is. The S amioo­salicylates (5 ASA's) an: a group ofmeds (hat an: used to decrease intlammation in the digestive tract

Sh:roids may be given for a short period of time 10 get the inflammation under control if you do not respond (0 5 ASAs. [mmunQmodu­lators an: another group of medications used to reduce inflammation. These may be pre­scribed if you have severe sy"'ptoms or do not

improve with s(eroids. Biologic modifiers (Humira, Rcmicade) are medications that work by preventing inflammation. Thesc drugs are resctVed for people wilh severe disease. These mcds arc expensive and can have serious side effects. [fyou do not respond to the medications given for intlammatory bowel disease, you may require surgery to

n.:move the diseased part of your intestine.

Having intlammatory bowel disease increases your risk of colon cancer. Your risk will depend upon how long you have had (Ill: disease and how well your disease is cOn­trolled. At Advanced Gastroenterology, we specialize in the diagnosis and (reaUnen( of intlammatory bowel disease. For mon.: infor­mation about bowel disease or to schedule an appointment, plcase call 731·884-0600 or visit uS online at www.u<:gaslro.COm.

20 Health &. WeIIl'lI!SS "':lY 201 S Northwest Tennenee


"YOUR CHILD IS DEAF:' The day Songs for Sound began. By Jaime Vernon. FoonderIDireclor. Songs for Sound

~M,. linle gi,I ..... ,,1y U /fIoII/1IS oId-iJ OEA,.·­Jaime. and hn" husband Kevin lhoo&hl. AU those tima she .... ouldn·t Slop Cl')illg .",hen I .... hispered "sit. sh. d. sit" as I rocked her block and forth. Or when / CRIED bc<;aus<: she wouldn't put her head on my shoulder "'hell / slmg 10 It~r.


I asked our amazing Audiologist. Dr. Cathrine Hayes, -How do we fix this? Sign language, special schools. what do you need meto dor

1·lonestly. I never e~pcctcd the answer thaI followed. "There Is a device Iltflt Call brillK oock soulld 10 Ihe deul " COCHLEAR IMPLANT. f.ul C"" lil'e " very II"",",,/Iife full of sound. "

I SOf Ih"rr "lid " dmt Im<Jg" jll Illy ",ind of !sol,,­II()II fiN Illy doughfe, lOW sudde,,1y "ru.ur/ ami fumed jll'o HOPE!

Four monlhslatcr, Lexi was implanted by our HEARO. Dr. David Ilaynes. at Vanderbilt Dill Wilkerson Cenlcr. Two w«u laler. 00

Julyll. 2009. she was ~KtiVlted" and I ,"'atc~ her HEAR for thc= .. 'cry firs t time.

Not only did I witness Lcxi hcaring hcr daddy's voice for the first time. her brother 's giggle, hearing mc !l.y "I/o,,, } .... ;" but on the VERY fiRST DAY, I also watched Lexi point to a bird chirping! She is DEAf. but e.., m~AR a bird chirping?! Within her fir$l two months of I>caring. it happened: "Ma Ma.-

A milestone for many was a miracle to us. Unfonuftlltcly. our hcalthcarcjoumcy was mam:d .... ith CfTOI'5 thaI left my ~hild undcrsc:r\"ro for lhe fim ~ar ofher life. Criticallanguagc is gained in those early yean. but she: didn't get that chance ~ early u she should have.


~( Sau,"!AST ~ f,NANC'Al

@: 't' '" ' .. '

• Thc hospital didn't administer the newborn hearing sc=ning

• He"';ng tc$1S at I O-,,'ccks ".~ ineonclu§i .. ·e and " 'c '""tie advi~ 10 Mfollow UpM

• On Lc.r.i '$ 1st binhoiay, $Iill no MA MA, DA DA

or even' babble.

• At 13 months. revisit to the fonner pediatrician Sl1lting "she needs the follow up appointment to lesl her hearing··.- .the respOnse was:

"I Ilr/llk shes fille. She IrerJrrI 'h'" IIoise III 1M 1ul1l,,"{Jy. Some eltildrrll doll ~ ,olk ulllil Iitey QI'l'

18_,1u ofagt:. LET'S WAIT. ··

Shan "'enion, I said. "No ..... 'C will NOT ..... ail. Gi,'C me the refenal. M

Enler: SONGS fOR SOUND, • SOlel, non­profit charity to RESTORE SOUN[)and HOPE to those who sufTcr from hearing loss and deafness. And our method is ... MUSIC. Soogwritcr rounds, pcrformartC0:5 and more turned into AWARENESS and FUNDRAISING C"\'C1ItS with songwritt:n and C1Ila1airom Sllth as Gary Lc'-.bll - lead singer of Rascal flailS- and. ironically. Lc.r.i·s UNCLE; J<:rrOd Niemann. Friends of l.o1a. Neil Thrasher. WC1lde1i Mobley, Jason Sellen. Riven Rutherford. Jay Clementi. Kelley Lovclll<.:e. HillaI)' Lind!'Cy. Brctl James. Natalie Hemby and so many more have JAMMED for this cauiSl:, WilY? BccauiSl: ..... hat would Nashville be WITHOUT MUSIC.>

.... ~ .... "OUId your life be ..... ithout it? Imagine life without)'OD" ,,~smg or 105in&. parmt and oot being tIbk t(ldri .. 'C for miles and aank up the radioto ESCAPE or throw yourself into the PAIN. What about ~pcricn<;ing ehurch without Hr:.ARING THE GLORIOUS I'RAISES in WORSH II'?

What would it be like if you WALKED THE STREETS OF BROAD· WAY and MUSIC ROW .. ,and could never HEAR THE MUSIC?

for 360 M/LUON PEOPLE WORLDWIDE .... ho have a DISAIlLING HEAR ING LOSS. it's an every day rcality.

• In rural communities. 50% o f children who fail • newborn hearing iSI:=ing do not return for lICTVitcs.

• 40% of pediatric: hearing lost: is Ktually PRO­GRf.5SIVE and not caughl with. ne .... ixxn bearing scl"CClling. They may lose: their bearing within tbeir firstt""O years,

• On average, chi ldren with no hearing aids or cochlear implanlS and usc sign language cannot Icarn to read past the third grade: level; I statistic that hasn't changed in 10 yea".

• DYK? A beari .... aid AMPLIFIES I m;Id·1O rno::odtTatc-loIa. A cochlear implant ItESTORES sound for I 1C\"CTe-lO-profound loss. If your

HEARING AIDS """" <loins !be trick ... ~. you ~Id consult " 'ith In El'n' or OtoIo&ist.

• 1.5 million, post 911. suffer from hearing loss and tinnitus

• We I re only treating 5% ofthosc who could benefit from a cochlear implant

, We ".;: only manufacturing approximately 10% ofthc global ntt<I of hearina: aids.

VISIT: for mono iaformatioa. ____ _________________ www.tnhealthandwellneu.eom ________ -------------

Northwest Tennessee - May 20 IS Health & Wellness 21

Terrell Clinic B Presents the IJ\TEST in Complete Acne Treatment Programs! Whal ls a Colla, en P.I.N.? Collagen P I.N. (Percutanoous Induction Needling, also referred to as PCIT. Percutaneous Collagen Induction Therapy) is a method of inducing a COn­trolled injury into the skin '5 dermal and epidermal junction which induces growth factors, new collagen. and elastin . This process causes much less damage t'1 the epidCTTlli5 than dennal rolling, lasers or any other ablative treatment. Thus. pro­te<:ting the skin 's cell growth making for quicker healing and higher rates '1f success

Terrell Clinic & Aesthetics. in conjunction with Clinidan Tracy Alford. R.N, now offers a complete acne trealment program. This package includes treatment for acTive acne breakouts and f'1llows through with acne scar revision with Collagen P.I.N. Mieronecdling.

Complimentary Consultations During the month of May. Terrell Clinic & Aes­Thetics is offering complimentary consults for this Complete Acne Treatment Program' Call to make your appointment with Tracy today for your per­sonalized treatment prognm!

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Woodmen of the World has more in store. Woocmen of the World has en~ into ~ nwI<etong reIat>ons/'I<ps WI\!> ~ other r"labOnalty recogrozed ons..rance Compan>es to expand OU" product otrenngs.· Some of these addiIIONI products iflcWe:

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_____________________ Www.tnhe~ lt h~nd~W~.~'~'"~.~,:,~,~O:m;::====================~

Norttlwest Tennessee May 201 S Healttl &- We llness 23 Should Wisdom Teeth be Removed Before They Become a Problem? By 01'. Randall LeOuke. DOS

W isdom tee~h a~ Ilw lhird ~ of moI.w ~eeth thit USUioIIy mMure .. 00 enJtX intO ~he mouth sometime .round "Ie.oo­

koscence to e"rIy adulthood. Pro«tive removal of Msdom teeth from !he mo.nhs 01 young people twos been a SOt! of -r~e of PlSsage- 10 ldulthood for ~. Kids get to , ce<Uoin "9f .00 Ihe<I it"s t rme 10 twove their wisdom tew. out. But the nsu~1on Itwol all wi<dom teeth should be reroiOli«t "a tOpic of controveny toct.y.

When wisdom teeth are c .. uslng pain from inle<;­tion, when dK.y is In"'*"ed, Of wilen cysl form.­tion around the wisdom tooth thrUlens the bone of tile Jaw tllen. obviously. removal of the teeth i, the w~y to go.

There are lhose wt.o claim 100 many p@ffe<[lyhealth)' wisdom ~eelh are IOIItinely re<l"lOVl!d by greedy dentistS and or,,1 .u~ spec"'lIst5, subjecting young people 10 needless post·surgical pain and risk of complication. 1Js~11y these opinions are offe<ed by insurance ~ who hIove" ~~nc""lnlerest in IIm~ing 0< postponIng tre.atmenu. "- proce­d",... per/onned In9n !ewe< cllims pard and incrN!iI!d JlfOfiu; for the insurer. Spokespersons Ihit represent public he6lth dentinry Of9lInWrllons also howe been ~I in their critldsms oIIOIIIH'II! removaoi of Msdom tHlh. A9il,," thew .... ·funded 9'OOP'I wo<Ic with Wtnited resoun:et and h.we In «Or """* Interest in restricting p<Oadures.

ldoagreewiththosoe whootlfKt to thelllllliv-.l 01 wMom teeth. WIsdom \ftdI WI erupt 0'It0 IMfut. paoo free funruon. Me oYity frft, n h.we hNIthy attached gum tissue_wI dono!: reqtJft eruxtion and .tIauId be ~ int«t. I believe r- de<>tists 0< oral surgeons woukIlIrgUf with that .... toemen(.

Chan9lng the way the -...orid __ )'0\1

one I1IIIlIWbbIe amite .... time!

Most Wisdom THlh Beco .... Impacted 11o" .. er, ~ an' a lew inI:fM:tw,Is...nose wMom teeth l!lq)elioNu wiI frt the allow ~ In most rnooths, ~ is ~ ..:h length to acc0mmo­

date. third oe(oI molars. ~0Ithis., the~t'''''og wftdom teeth tend 10 ~ uappm behind the "ICJOnd moLars and becorlre~1n otI>e< ..ords.. t!wy do ncl erupI into fun<:tion. t!wy often erNIe ~ cIvorOaIy Inflamed Of infected gum 0...... et ..... oner ",and often ~ deary 0< lead 10 deary ... adjacent teem ~ they an'so<lifficult 10 keep cIeivI.

Compleled Growth Around 1 S to 18 YNrs of Aglt Wisdom teeth are appro;>ehing root malur~y ~nd the Jaw I:Jones have vinwlly completed growth at ~round 15 ~o 18 years 01 iIge. A full. mouth X·ray made at that "9" can ..... 'ily demonstrate whether functlornol eruption of the third molars might be possible. If things look favorable. we would recommend a plan of Iong·lerm moniloring. observing the e<uption oIlhe wisdom teeth imo useful hnlth)' se<vic:e. If, on the other hand. the X"'ay demonstrates wisdom teeth that are bound 10 re<nain impacted under ~he second molars and duonically problematic throughout the patient's future life. urly removJl is the obvious choice.

Elrly Remov.,1 is Surgk.lly E.,sllt. Impacled leeth should be trealed IS soon IS it " If'Plrenl that they will not proper1y erupt inlO the o<aoi cavity. All impacted wisdom potl!fltiMl)r pathologic and. if lett in the jaws. ~ is hoghly probable that they will COIUI(' trooJbIe sometime in the future n will require removal. Early remov.1 oIthe i",om­~tety de<tloped wisdom teeth is surg;cally usier with Io-s. post-operillive complic.ations and qUICker huling. Wa~ing 10 ~ the teeth um~ acute PfObIetros develop arries an incrNsed rill< of post.

oper.tive pmbIems, • longer recove<y period and a mo<e costly interkrence in daily activities n re-<pon,;bilities for the adult pa~ie<rl.

Early ,urgic., ~ITIOY.I of wi<dom ~ee~h, like all su'ge<ies, must be dKided upon !>;I!iI!d on careful conlidera~ion of ~he risks ~nd be.-.eli~s of the procedure. Your dentis~ i, your belt "",rce for adlllce In dKiding whether your child"s wisdom ~eeth ,hould be removed".n early age Of allowed to

0,. Rondoll '""Outre " a graduate of ~IIe Unlvenity of Memphlt and the Univer· slty ofTe<uw!ssee ColI<!ge of Oe!1t1S1ry. He II a I><'lt p....,i· dent of ~he TN Academy of

GenrnI~~N:Do<j. and has achieved AGO MaSter sta!ul, one of only 48 AGO Mallcr d entists In Tennessee.

Dr. ltOu ke holds his permit 10 administe< Umited Conscious Sedatior\ having received training In this area through lhe Denlill Organi­z.ation for ConSCious Sedation. C<wnetir:: Den­tistry Is a pflsion for Dr. t.eOuke. He is a I I reo I be< 01 !he TI!flnessee Academy 01 C<wnetir:: Den­tistry.nd serves on its Board of DirectoB.

Plr!aw visit OUr ~ite Smile Gallery at for someeo:amples of our WOI"k. Most denUoI 1I!fVIc ... an be acc: ... !iI!d within our ol'fice. eliminating the need for out of town referrals. Our patients appreciatc Dr. ltOuke's depth of experience and advanr:«tlf,ining through rears 01 ton­

tino.rl"9 denlal education.

For fIlOI'e Information or " contf.llUtion appointment with Dr. LeOuke, pleaw all:

731-885-0497 214 West Chu..:h

Union City, TN 38261

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24 Health & Wellness to! a y Z 0 1 S Northwest Tennessee


(WHAT TO DO?) By David E. High, Anomey-Al·lIIw

A CCidents between lDOIor<:ycks .00 un ?'". Ir\OI;U <;an callK devastating pcnonal lnJUOCS 10 liK: moIOR:ycle rider. If you an:

injun:d in I molQn;yde accident, ;1 is imprnnive thaI you Sttk immediate medical trc:atment. 11 is best to be examined at t~ KC1lC and 10 obtain tlnClllcncy treatment as soon as possible. If you are unable 10 do $I), have someone take phoco­graphs of the vehicles. debris. skid marks and other evidence al the scene, before the vehicles are ml.>vcd. This is very imponanl evidence . Obtain

the contact infannation for any witnesses. If it is nOI possible 10 gCI photographs of Ihe vehicles a1 Ihe scene. photographs !ihould be taken IS soon as possible of the vehicles an.d the II(:cidcnl Kene. Promptly have pholograptu taken of all of your visible injuries.

PERSONAL INJURY MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENTS In an injury accident. I qualified individul should obtain crash and crush data from the vchid<:s and «amine ~hc sernc for evidenc<:, including mam, gouge maries and lkbris for future ~iOCnI rtWnstruclion, II is important to promplly employ • qualified pn$On&l injl,U)' attorney $0 lhat this evidcnc:e , an be preserved and witnesses can be interviewed while the accident is fresh in lheir minds, Also, uperts an: .v.ilable lhal ean download EI«lronic Conlrol Module ([CM) informalion which can proyide dal., including vehicle speed, braking, Illrotlle, crash impacI and olher important dala, If )'OIl llOail 100 long, Ihis dala will be lost,

NOTIFY YOUR MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE CARRIER PROMPTLY You should promplly nmify your moto«:ycie in:;unnce o;arriC1' even if lhe accidenl "'as nol your fault. You likely have benefits sueh as medical payment coverage and undcrinsuredl uninsured motorisl ccweragc undcT your own moton::yde policy thaI needs to be utilim!. Medical paymenl COI'mlgc pays your medical bills up to a set amount regardlc$s of fault. If you _Iso haYe' major !Mdical coverage you should require that all heahheare providc:T$ fint bill your major medical coverage. Tllercafter, you can use your medical payments co\'erage under your motorcycle poli\:)' to pay any deductibl<:s. co-pays or uncovered medical expenses.

HIRE AN EXPERIENCED PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY In accidents in'1)lving pcnona.l injurio:-s. you $I\ould prOmptly hire an anomey eXpcr1CTlCed in mOlorcyde . " idenls. You sllould act promplly so Ih.I your anOl'MY can examine. pllotograph and preserve the eyidence and inlerview all wil ' nesses. Do nOl give any stalements 10 Ihe Olher sidc's insurance company or representalive. Only di seuss Ihe case wilh your anorncy. Employ an experienced anomey wilh a provcn Irack r«ord of obtaining significanl settlemenls and verdicts in motorcycle accidents. At High Law Office, I'LLC. representation can be obtained on a contingent fcc basis so that you pay only if you win your claim. No Rccol·cry. No Fe<:. Schedule a fltt consultation wilh High Law Office. PLLC, at 61 S-2S6- ]000. or visit uS online at

David E_ 81,11., Anonlfy_At_Law Da,id E. llig" gl'(J(/u(Jled 01 ,"e lOp of "i3 closs al Nas",m .. School of Uro.. ill 1980, gl'(J(/u(Jled "i," Hig" H()n()t3 from ,he Ulli­'''I3'i l')' of Ti.'lI1IUSn. Kno:nille. and has 0-0...,.. J")'eOn oflrial Dpnimcc. If .. i3 a "' ..... ber oflM Mulri",i1/ion Dollar AtA'QC(Jle.s F",...m

and has bull included in 11Ie Besl Ll1wyen in Americafor O-O"r 10 )'ftll3'. Mid-Soul" &per LD-..}...n. and 1M BDr Regi3ler of Pm'milU!'" Uro..,.UJ. Mr. llig" "ill J1l\iew your pUMHral injury case -..;Ihe"" charge and handl .. your Ctue 011 Q "No Re:co\"ry. Na F~" btui3.

.If • • ~._." , ..... , ~

Aller you obtain your e",~rgency medical lreal­ment. il is imponanl that you be secn by a quali­fied specialist. Treatment should be coordinated through a qualified medical doclor, generally an onhopaedic surgcon or neurosurgeon. IJ~ compli. ant wilh all trealment rt(:ommendations. Prompl treatment, including physical therapy, can speed the T«overy proc/:$s and minimiu the permanenl Best Lawye~ ,

:ffi:,,:,:,~r"'::m~'":'~i:"~':"~. ____________________ ~=.=.=.=.~.:.:':'~'~"~'~'~'~"~'~'~" ~'~

I'\IuJoIO 00t.J.Ni~ ~ I"IuI.n-MIwoN 00t.J.Ni f<:oIuo ,... t .. t .... ~ .. _ ..

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Northwest Tennessee· May 2015 Kealth & Wellness 25

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26 Kealth & Wellness May 2015 - Northwest Tennessee

/IMaM, DAD ... YOU'RE GONNA BE ... GRANDPARENTS!" By Scott S adler, MD

y ou may think congralulations are in order, unless your child is $Iill in high school. May is Nati(lnal Teen J>r<:gnancy Preven­

tion Monlh, so ['d like to tell you how NOT to hear those words - until you're a [inle more ready for them. Sure, abstinence is great birth control, and it's also a great way to avoid se~ually transmincd infec­tions. If it works for your tccn, then my hal is off to you a[1. But if it worked all the time, this article wouldn 't be necessary. Definitely be involved in your teen's life and tell tbem what you hope they will do; ern::ournge their dreams of the future. Remind them that their future dreams depend on making good choices today. But what can you do if you 're a tCCll and you know that abstinence is soon to be over. or has already passed you by?

Always feel free 10 talk 10 your doctor. [n most states, tcens can get tCS(ing for pregnancy or diseases, or get hirth control without a parent's consent required. We evcn have a vaccine against HPV (Human Papilloma Virus),a virus which could givc you genital warts and irn::rease your nsk of cervical cancer. Yes, we have a vaccine that helps prevent CANCER! It's most effCClive when given to teens, before they've had sex. and can be given to both girls and boys. l)octOfS can also provide birth control in a wide variety of melhods. For the boys, .... -ell ... tbere's condoms. And, girls. you nced to demand the condoms to protcct yourself against a world of diseases out there.

Options to Prevent Pregnancy But to prevent pregnancy, there are several other methods available for the ladies: birth control pills. inje<:tions, implantable birth control. The pill can help make your cycle regular, help de-

crease acne. and is quite effe<:tive binh


control. as long as you remember to take it evcry day. But if you


The F~ URE of Health Care Toda)" • "'-ao',1IaIto ioo<WioJ Ildioori<o _ NMoto Cot< ' ............... ,<.Wda~tWdICot< ' Goriotria' _;..a_ear. 'G,at ...... ,c-~~ ,~IoIon~'"'"

294 Summar Dr, . Jackson. TN 731.423,1932 I 800,640.7589

have trouble remem­bering to take your pill evcry day, perhaps a shot every 3 months would be bel1cr for you. Or, if you know you don't want to be pn:gnant for 3 10 5 years.

perhaps an implantable device either placed inside the uteruS Or under the skin of the upper arm might be a good choice. There is also a nexible nng that relca!iCS binh control hormones that a wOman can place inside hcr Own vagina (li ke a tampon), that only has to be placed about once a month.

&> talk to your doctor about it, or see your Heallh Depanment. or come sce ME to tal k about ways to prevent pregnancy. You have to plan ahead and take responsibility for your own body. Don't forget the condoms, too. But if you're afraid of the conversation you'll have if your parents find your birth control pills, I have only onc question to ask you. Would you rather have the ··Yes, those are my birth control pills. I'm protecting myse[f." talk, or would you rather say, "You're gonna be grandparents?"'

Scott Sadler, MO Dr. Sudler i.l· an A.'-si.llUnt Prof~~'sor of Family .\kdicine al til .. Ullj,· .." of T"lIIr .. n .... f-amif)" Pracliu C,,"ler ill

Jack.mll, TN, "'lIeu Ill' leac/res re.,ident phy.<idall.. alld .<ee.' palient<. in Ihe C~n1~'" lie is a(.'o Oil/he medical "/Q/f al JQckson-.\fQdi.I·OIl Count)" (;~IIerQI

1I0.'pilaf. 11 .. s .... s pali""I., of all aK".\', alld II" can perform or prescribe mufliple meall' of birlh cOIIITOI, Q.' d".<cribed ill I/Ii., articl~_

Tbe Univers ity of Teonessee Family Medicine Cenler

294 Summar Drive, Jackson, TN 3g301

731-423-1932 www.uthsc.edulutfamjac

~:::~~~~::::::::::::::w~w::w.tnhe~tth~ndwe l ____________________ _

Northwest Tennessee - May 2015 Kealth & Wel lness 27

HCMC Crusading for Healthy Sleep The Healthy Sleep Crusade is an initiative

to drive urgency, awareness and action around sleep apnea, a disorder affecting

ncarly onc in five people_ Henry CounTy Medical Centcrcncoumges everyone to join in the Healthy Sleep Campaign during May, Better Sleep Month.

Doctors are increasingly convinced that restful and regular sleep is juSt as important to their patients' heahh as exercise and a balanced diet_

Benefits for Overall Health and Quality of life Overcoming a sleep disorder and gening a good night's rest has many benefits for ovemll health and quality of life. Sleep is important for learning and forming memories_ Getting a good nighl's sleep can give you more energy, and can increase your productivity and safety throughout the day. Perhaps, most importantly, healthy sleep can greatly reduce the risk of serious health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, hcart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and depression

Although sleep is critical to good health, many people do not get enough qualiTy sle<:p_ For some prople, this lack of sleep is by choice. For Other people. the lack of sleep may be from:

• A changc in the body's natuml clock. Shift work andjet lag are examples of things that can lead to this kind of sleep loss.

• Taking certain substances, li ke drugs or alcohol, that can make sleep less restful.

• Trying to sleep in a place that is not relaxing (tOO hot, tOO noisy).

• A sleep disorder, like sleep apnea.

"How well yQU sle<:p impacts every aspect Qf your life, including your ability 10 ward off sickness. weight gain and attitude," said Tory Daughrity,

Director of Marketing & Public Relations at Henry Coumy Medical Center. "O ur goal is to reach families through­out our community to encoumge bener sleep and to keep us all healthier and happier."

According tQ the National Institute of Health, SO to 70 million Americans are affected by chronic sleep disor­ders and intermittent sleep problems that can significantly diminish health, alc"ness and safety. Untreated sleep disorders have been linked to hype"ensiQn.

hea" disease. stroke. depression, diabetes and other chrQnic diseases.

"As wOmen juggle the needs of their families as well as careers, they often negleet themselves,» said Daughrity. "We need wQmen tQ knQW that

by taking care Qf themselves, they are taking care of their families - and gening a good night's sle<:p is critical for all family members,"

What is SlHp Apnl!il? Sleep apnea is a partial or complete collapse of upper airway in which a person Stops breathing repeatedly during their sleep, sometimes hundreds Qftimes during the night and Qften fQr a

minute or longer Up to 20% of adult Americans have sleep apnea. but as many as 90"10 ofthe-m are


The lack of restful sleep Can affe.:1 your ability to concentrate and may keep you from being able to perfQrm daily tasks. There are treat ­ments fQr mQst sleep disorders . If YQU think you have a sleep disorder, tal k to YQur health_ care provider to discuss being evaluated and referred for a sleep disorders test at our newly

expanded Sleep Disorders Cenler.

Newly Expllndtd Sleep DIs.orders Center HCMC expanded its Sleep Disorders Center to four beds, open five days a week to meet our patients' needs, AlI patients need is a referral from their physician. Theprocess is easy. To view what you will experience at HCMC's Sleep Dis­Qrders Center, go to our YouTube channel and watch the short video about it. HCMC Sleep Dis­Qrders Center now also Qffers portal in home teSllng 100.

Additionally, HCMC Qffers an Qnline test that YQU can print and go Qver with your physician to see if you could use a referral. For more information or tQ access the Qnline test, gQ tQ http://www.hcmc­tn.orgISer.·ireslSleep-Disordet".Q:ntcr/Defaultaspx.





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~­" . ,-<> ,'-In Your Inbo~ --­_ .\O'>o.p_

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30 Hearth & Wellness May 2015 • Northwest Tennessee

When you want to do great things for God

And He asks you to keep on being a mom

j~."',," I tJukttuHW,","',,"

Ma)'1I<' )"o ~ r girlhood drums I"<'S<'mblcd min • ...

Rescue orphans li ke Amy CaTmichaei Lead a jungle tribe 10 ChriS! like El isabeth Ell iot

AdopI founcen gi rls in Uganda like Katie Davis

Or maybe ),our dreams ha,". Just 1ff."U)' dc ... loped ...

Reach WOmen with the written word Fight 10 end human U3fficking Start a non_profi t

Go into full-time ministry

God 's planu:d within you and me this desire 10 do

something oold. something beautiful and purposefuL Someth ing great

We have these gifts we know are from Him, these passions, Ihis fire in uS thaI wants 10 change the world.

But, here \',., are ... The "Ref' for another si bling

squabble. The chauffeur. The maid. The teacher. The cook. And dC<'p down inside, even though we know the good ian girl answer, we wonder ira 101 of the real "us" isn't being wasted .

We li"e through days of drudgery. Where our brnins. our skill s, and our God'givC1I ralcnts arc set aside for things li ke mopping a gallon of milk off the floor. And wc're just no! convirn:ed this is "it.··

But my sister, I 'm beginning to get someth ing •..

I forget ffnluently. but day by day. yearby year. it's coming into dearer focus . ['m praying for the

ability to fully grasp it and I pray that)'Qu will too:

I bave beell cre. ted, gified, 8..IId lrIlined specifi_

cally for these children, loday. I am Iheir mother, for "such 8 lime as this" (Esther4:14) .

No. you and [ arcn't ill the times of Queen Esther,

and our roles fcd much less glamorous than hers. but Can we stop for a moment and try to grasp the

times in which we live?

Never before has the family been so brutally aHac ked by wcstem eui1 ure. Never before have godly men and women been so few ... so ridi­

culed . . and. around the globe, so perse<:uted.

We mothers arc the k«pers of our homes. And while ""e may long for SOme noble calling that others will applaud on Facebook or in an audito­rium. the ban[e is raging in Our family room.

We're noI JUSt soccer moms. homeschoo[ momS or working moms.

We' re called to be warrior morn s.. We're ca[[ed to usc OIIr gi fts, ta[ems. passions. and time to save our marriages, to saVe our kids. which can in tum sa'"e our churches. OUr countries, and our world.

Your day will come, as mille ,"elllly bu, wbell yoo SN your childrell's despenlle Ileed for JellJS. When i, bilS you like ' !igb/elling bolt: Nothing ill the world could be more importall' ,b"" tbis job I 8..111 doing /O<1I:y.

Yes. V.'e long to do greater things tMn making another dinner. But OUt of obedience. we serve . We

are here. We are present. And when our kids' bearts break, wben the moment COmeS that they're rudy for His Spirit to work, We will gasp ill wonder. We'lI fall onto Our kDees witb the beavy knowledge that God prepared aDd equipped US

for such a time as tbis. This calling iI worth it all.

Prc .. on today, mother-friend. Your role is no acddent And it is great .

Blessings, Jennifer

Jennifer Ebenhac k Jennifer's eight eventful years in H ~iti produced • gift of brokenness through w hich she h. s dis,

covere d the depths of God's healing gr.ce . She passes that grace on to others through he r blog,

life coaching, and her ebook Ta ke Choosing f.ith on my journey of fear. She is cur' rent ly writing a memoir of her famil y'. nine­

year adoption process a nd gripping experiences

in Haiti.

________________________ w ww.tnhea tt hil nd we ltness .com _______________________ _

Northwest Tennessee - May 20 IS Health & Wellness 31


All enlfepreneu" who stand on a mountain of success can also sha re about the even larger valleys of failures where they nearly

th rew In the towel Of lost it all.

Whether you 're an entrepreneur. a physician, house­wife, husband, cash~r, mechanic. or a CEO .. ,you can relate. Ufe is tough. We accept unfathomable chal-1",,9"s to help Othel's w~h the beSt 01 intentions; yet oft"" fall short of the goal. We seek to create jobs, heal the sick, raise loving, respectful children, serve O1he" sacrifidally, Or fix a single mom's car SO she can gel to work.

I spend a lot oftime in the valley running my charity; Songs for Sound, Songs for Sound began with a mission to RESTORE SOUND & HOPE to 360 MILLION people worldwide suffering lrom a disabling heating loss through MUSIC. Honorable rightl AIJso. lutely. Seeing someone hear for the ~"ttime is both a personal and professional goal. My daughter is deaf and her cochlear Implant surgery at 18 months of age has now turned into a 7-year-01d linle girl at CPA with perfect speech, an amazing studen!.. Incred ible athlete and a TYl'ICAL linle girl . .. who lOVES &HEARS music.

Howeve<; rhe BEAUTY of gill!ng the Ii"r sound to a deaf child in a tiny village in Jamaica didn't come

withour pain, hardships and an occasionat exasperating:"1 GIVE UP."

In our 1st and 2nd year, things _nt SO well. We raised a great amount of donations, were relei!sing large grants and hosling Incred ible AWARENESS events for programs across the country. Then, year th ree hit. The "rough patch." The economy tanked and I had some bUSiness relationships Ihal were Just lough, Alii wanted to do WaS help the deaf receive their hearing miracle.

WHY GOD, WHY would you call me to thl', and then leave me l

What would I do? Would I give up? Would I rely on God's slrangth and have FAITH 10 endu re bolh His good times, but also those times where He WaS HONING me? God doesn~ CAUSE these tough times. He is GOO. He Is LOVE. He is HOPE. He "JOY. However, deep down. we KNOW we need to be developed and

taken from places of pain, strife and resentment. We need to be healed from the hurts 01 Our past or handle a busir>ess deal better than we dkl before. We know _ need to ,tay focused on lOVE and when Our low wheels are imbalanced., God permits a t ime in our life that will REALIGN our hearlS, minds and eyes to rema in focused on HIM.

Sowhe n the tough tlmou In lifa hit, whatdowed07

SEEK LOVE fiRST. • Is your hun focused on the well being of your team?

• Are you focused on Ihe department meetings or a healing for the child?

• Are you worried about the bon om line or have you sat the employee down and asked if there's anything you can do to gel them through thiS rough month and gel their numbers back up?

• Kave you asked you r child il anything is go;ng on al school or are you focused on that F on Iheir progress repan?

• Last, but not leas!.. HAVE YOU PRAYED FOR THE M?

1. Sun your day In God's Word.

2. Pray.

3, Be open a nd honest; u k for HELP from family, lum member$,'$..

4. Approach a vary probla m prudanlly. Think of OTHERS fi .. t and be SERVANT·MINDED,

I STAYED THE COURSE. Songs for Sound is THRIVlNG. We are preparing to launch a massive tOur with II mobile heallh vehicle 10 serve communities. As Joyce Meyer puts it however, "r>ew level, new devil." PREPARE YOURSELF.

BECAUSE OF MY TllIALS, I can say, with confidence;

• My will" stronger.

• My understarn:i ing of the model Is better, my business practices, time mar.agemenl and com­munications style s have developed immensely,


1. READGalatlans5:1-12

What Is GRACE? It Is God's UNM ERITED FAVOR; God loving uS Just bec~use He loves us. Not because we "earned" it. Where am I in my undemanding of God', g.ace lor me l 00 I bel>eve itl 00 I receive it l

What Is clKumdslonl (It represents the "law" thilt Jesus dil'd to abolish,) The Old Testament is full of the "blood sacrifice' for sins. God realized the · Iaw" and this sacrifice wasn't wor~lng. which Is the enl ire point of why He sent His son to die for us. He knew _ needed more. We needed to live by LOVE, In G~I~t"'ns, 'circumcision' """esenlS Ihe LAW,

Am I running a good ract ? Wha! it ktep lng me from .unnlng a good 'Oct, serving and loving others? Do I Undf rslOnd the differf ncf bfrw«n normal "tough doyt" and when God i, trying to ttter me owoyfrom somelhlngl

2, READ Galatians 5:13-26

When life !J"'I' imbalanced, move tow~,d a loving, compassionale heart for God and fo. others; tranS· formation and total rel",nce will follow. You won't w~nt to seek any other form of wisdom ,

About Songs for Sound Song, for Sound " a non·profit Of9<Iniz.ation. inaugu­rated by and Jaime Vefnon. P'''''''ts of toddler and cochlea r Implant recipjent "\.eX1· Ale>cis Vernon.

The focus of the organization is to promote Cochlear Implant Aware"",., We will find Ihe children who are not being given thiS miracle and help them seek a mainstream Hfe! We also financially support cochlear implanl prog rams, pediatric patients and Ih,..r famil~s, telilhe world about cochlei! r implants, how cochlear implants work, how bilateral implanta · lion has changl'd ou r lives, and how cochlear implants can change the lives of thousand, of deal indMduals. Vis~ _w.songsfo .. ound,com to learn more.

________________________ www. tnhea lth a ndwe _______________________ _

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