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Good Morning

Good Morning

Presented by -Ummey Habiba Head teacherMirpur Govt. Primary SchoolGaibandha SadarClass-FourSub-English06/04/201350 minutes

A Family Tree[ Jamil Ahmed------------Go to school.]Learning Outcomes-

Students will be able toRead the text with proper stress,intonation and correct pronunciation.Write sentences with proper spelling and punctua tion .Teachers readingVocabulary ItemBusinessman



Word MeaningBusinessman-------Work ----------------House-------------------Jamil Ahmed is from Bogra.

He is a businessman.

He lives in a nice house with his family.

In the picture you can see his family members.

Students readingSilently (IW)

Page No-6Group work -[A.B.C.D] Who is Jamil Ahmed? What does Mr.Ahmed,s wife do? What does Abeer study? Who is Farzana?Task Write 5 sentences about your own family.

Thank you
