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•LAND transports

Transport usualy have wheels.They travel by road or rail.We can travel short distances (bike) or long distances (cars and buses).They can cause noise pollution and air pollution.Air pollution: the smoke of engines is very dangerous because it pollutes a lot.Noise pollution: engines can cause very higt noises that are harmful for our ears.

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•Air and Sea transport

Planes and helicopters are forms of air transport. We use planes when we want to travel long distances and visit other countries. A helicopter can land in difficult places. Ferries, ocean liners and cargo ships are forms of sea transport. Ferries and ocean liners carry people, and cargo ships carry goods.

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•Private and public transport

We can also classify forms of transport into private transport and public transport. Private transport means that we can travel where and we want. Buses, trains and taxis are forms of public transport. If we use public transport we can reduce air pollution.

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•Computers and the Internet

•A computer is a complex machine that stores , retrives and processes information.We use computers to search for and send information , to do our homework,to play games and to do our shoping. The internet is a global network of computers. We use a search engine to look for information on the internet. A browser allows us to visit a website. A websiteis a place on the internet that give us information

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• Personal communication

Personal comunication is when we comunicate whith another person.

We use personal comunicación to:

•Make friends

•Share ideas and feelings.

•Send informacion.

•Learn things.

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The most important forms of mass communication are newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and the internet. These forms of m.c. are used to send information to lots of people.

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•All forns of mass comunication have advertisments. Advertisments give information aboout products we can buy.

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